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BS: Obama does it again

02 Sep 11 - 05:02 PM (#3217255)
Subject: BS: Obama does it again
From: michaelr

AP - "President Barack Obama on Friday scrapped his administration's controversial plans to tighten smog rules, bowing to the demands of congressional Republicans and some business leaders.

Obama overruled the Environmental Protection Agency — and the unanimous opinion of its independent panel of scientific advisers — and directed administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the proposed regulation to reduce concentrations of ground-level ozone, smog's main ingredient.

The withdrawal of the proposed regulation marks the latest in a string of retreats by Obama in the face of Republican opposition. Last December, he shelved, at least until the end of 2012, his insistence that Bush-era tax cuts should no longer apply to the wealthy. Earlier this year he avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to Republican demands for budget cuts. And this summer he acceded to more than a $1 trillion in spending reductions, with more to come, as the price for an agreement to raise the nation's debt ceiling."

What is it with this spineless jerk? He does not deserve to be re-elected, having betrayed just about all of his campaign promises.

02 Sep 11 - 05:13 PM (#3217261)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Dorothy Parshall

And you think he is not being "threatened" in some way to force him to comply?

02 Sep 11 - 06:09 PM (#3217289)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Greg F.

Like 'Spaw said elsewhere: Obama has balls. One's the size of a pea & the other is real tiny.

Pretty damn discouraging. I never thought the guy was "The Great Black Hope", but I expected better things.

02 Sep 11 - 06:51 PM (#3217313)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Richard Bridge

What do tehy say? "Politics is the art of the possible".

But it is disappointing even in the face of coercion.

02 Sep 11 - 06:57 PM (#3217322)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

When Republicans took the House, Obama's programs came to an end.

02 Sep 11 - 07:26 PM (#3217340)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

I am rather tired of the rhetoric being applied to Obama for not beating his head on the wall and, like King Canute, trying sweep the waves away from the beach!

Barack Obama is not dumb. He KNOWS what is going on, and he knows what can be done with a minority House and less than 60 votes in the Senate. How soon folks forget how much he did in the 1st 2 years, when he DID have some votes to work with.
"Yeah...but what have you done for us lately?"
The answer should be: "Well, I made proposal after proposal and had them voted down, even when they were almost identical to what various Republicans had suggested!"

I have not read the details of the 'smog rules' decision yet, but I doubt that he entered "spineless jerk" mode to do it. If *I* were in the White House and privy to all the discussions about all the issues, I might disagree with how he decided various things, but I also remember his basic positions on things, and I sure don't see any Republicans on the horizon that I think would cope with it all!

02 Sep 11 - 07:34 PM (#3217349)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: michaelr

What good is it to have "positions" if over and over you "bow to the demands of Republicans"?

GWB/Cheney were able to ram through their policies whenever they chose without giving a shit about Democrat's objections. Why can't Obama get anything done?

02 Sep 11 - 07:35 PM (#3217350)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

Face it!!! The right wing owns the media and is pumping out propaganda at an alarming rate... The country is headed right at break neck speed because people are no longer informed... They are brainwashed and the media plans on keeping them that way...

Yeah, sure, the truth is out there but Joe Sixpack doesn't have time so he assumes what he hears on the evening news is news... Hahahahaha... It ain't even close to fair and balanced... It is worse than any time in my life... So Obama has to deal not only with the right wing but the dumbed down American electorate, as well...

In other words, he's in a pickle...

The corporations want to go back to "no rules"... If they want to pollute our air, fine... Poison our water, fine... Don't pay taxes, fine... Everything we are being fed by the mainstream right wing media is all about what the corporations want...

And that's the way it is... Don't blame Obama... He's just trying to re-elected so he can pull off that suit and become "SuperPrez" and bust some balls... A 2nd term Obama will be a much different one than what we are seein' now...

Take it to the bank...


02 Sep 11 - 07:55 PM (#3217357)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

"What good is it to have "positions" if over and over you "bow to the demands of Republicans"?"

You ever see a bull fight? The bull thinks he is chasing that little guy with the sword...until...

We shall see. *I* think Obama is too smart to just be shrugging and surrendering.

02 Sep 11 - 08:01 PM (#3217360)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

GWB had a majority in Congress the first four years. He could ram things through.
A GOP majority in the House from 2001-2006.
The Dems had a slim (one-vote?) Senate majority from 2001 (part)-2003. GOP had a two-vote majority in the Senate from 2003-2005, then a 10 vote majority in the Senate through 2007.
The GOP controlled both houses for four years- the first four, the most important. The rest held up because they could go into a holding action.

Not much Obama can do unless he can rustle the hosses in the next election.

02 Sep 11 - 08:10 PM (#3217361)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

Exactly, Q... I mean, Obama ain't no dummie... He understands the math...


02 Sep 11 - 09:12 PM (#3217373)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: kendall

With unemployment at 9% he will not be elected. No other president has when it was that high.

02 Sep 11 - 10:23 PM (#3217392)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Amos

It will unfold. He keeps on adding bricks to his pile of things well done. The bricks are small, but the wall is high.


02 Sep 11 - 10:37 PM (#3217395)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

Wanta bet yer Chevy on that, Capt'n???

Obama is going to turn the unemployment 100% on the Repubs...

Sit back and watch...


02 Sep 11 - 10:47 PM (#3217398)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Songwronger

Obama's delivering exactly what he promised, austerity. He promised to end the wars too, but that's another story. He promised us austerity and times are getting pretty austere.

What amazes me is how people fall for the "Republicans made him do it" argument. Both parties belong to the same team. They serve the banking elite. Obama promises austerity, then the Tea Party comes along and he pretends to cave in to them. The end result is austerity, exactly what he promised.

Obama and the reactionary right both want to gut the social system in the U.S., and they're doing it with sleight of hand.

02 Sep 11 - 10:50 PM (#3217400)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

"No other president has when it was that high."

tsk...FDR was. He used "look who GOT us into this mess" as a campaign line.

03 Sep 11 - 12:26 AM (#3217416)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: michaelr

Amos - bricks in the wall? I would suggest you re-think that metaphor ;-)

Songwronger, that's my suspicion, as well. He's looking more and more like a ringer.

My fellow progressives who want so badly to believe that Obama has something up his sleeve that will turn it all around are in for a serious disappointment.

03 Sep 11 - 12:30 AM (#3217418)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: katlaughing

I think BillD has it correct..Obama is much cannier than I thik anyone really understands. I hope he's just giving them enough rope to hang in the next election and then, yes! Watch him go into action.

03 Sep 11 - 01:27 AM (#3217432)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: michaelr

What powers will he have then, you think, that he doesn't have now?

03 Sep 11 - 02:44 AM (#3217447)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: akenaton

If you want change, you will have to go the long way around.
America is a naturally conservative nation.

As I said years ago, Mr Obama is a creature of the system.

03 Sep 11 - 09:52 AM (#3217560)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: catspaw49

I truly hope those who have faith in Obama making a comeback are right. I will vote for him again as the alternatives are too hideous to think about. His intelligence and compassion are beyond question as is his desire. I felt the same way and perhaps even more so about Jimmy Carter.

What I don't believe and hope to be shown incorrect is that we are currently going through the early stages of some grand plan which will allow him to emerge with his previously stated goals, at least to some degree, accomplished. At this point I haven't seen any of the traits that others have shown to be present but believe me, and considering the Repubs running for prez, I am all for him and behind him.

Other presidents in recent history would have chewed the Congress up for breakfast and snacked the rest of the day on the entrails. FDR, Harry Truman, LBJ, Reagan, Clinton............Can you imagine LBJ being told he'd have to reschedule an address to Congress?

I wait with hope for change.


03 Sep 11 - 12:11 PM (#3217600)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

One thing I have yet to understand is why he has not slammed a few of the bastards who are doing everything they can to stop him with their BS and bags of dirty tricks. If it were me--which it isn't--I'd have a few agencies with initials strangle a few of the fucks with their own intestines, pour encourager les autres. Time for the big O to play hardball. And one rule when you're forced into that position: make sure you are the pitcher. These people (Republicans, Teas Baggers and some Democrats) are doing their best to allow BIG money to take over, call the shots. Time for that shit to come to a screeching halt. Destroy a few and the others will see the light as it were. There are NO rules in a knife fight.

03 Sep 11 - 12:20 PM (#3217603)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Jeri

Huntsman is starting to look good, and I haven't voted for a Republican in a looooong time.

Obama doesn't trust his constituency to back him up --you know, the people who wanted CHANGE-- and if he doesn't find his spine soon, he'll lose even the "give him more time-- he'll come through" folks. It's not the middle of the road folks he'll lose, it's his base.

03 Sep 11 - 01:50 PM (#3217637)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Rapparee

The former(?) CEO of Fox News nailed it when he said, "The people don't want to BE informed, they want to THINK they are informed."

Obama pushed back a major position speech to "accommodate" the Republican "debates". Smart move -- he'll know what they are going to do and say and he can then use it to push them into a corner.

Obama's been on the job two and half years. GWB took eight years to screw things up, and you don't unscrew anything that's been screwed that long overnight.

Austerity? This isn't austerity. Austerity is breadlines, not knowing where your next meal is coming from, patching your kid's pants, "making do or doing without."

03 Sep 11 - 02:02 PM (#3217643)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

His stand regarding science is ok, but that's only one issue before the American voters. And for all the wind various TBs and Repubs make about it, not really THAT important to most voters. Initially, I'd thought TBs were a grassroots movement. They ain't. They've been bought and paid for. I hope they make more noise because they are causing moderate Republicans to wonder wtf they have been in bed with. And there will be the difference in the next election. I do however think O has to take a few of them, rip 'em to shreds and stop being so damned nice and 'honourable'. However . . .

03 Sep 11 - 02:03 PM (#3217644)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: catspaw49

Well Rap, I agree with you on the austerity but he could have been a bit more along the "hope and change" track if he wouldn't start negotiating from the middle.

As far as knowing the Republican candidates and their plans and positions, he won't know diddlyshit more after their debates then he does now. Frankly though, he should have picked a different date anyway rather than lose a pissin' contest. Sadly, right now the entire government is a series of pissin' contests and the American public is weary and very wet.


03 Sep 11 - 02:08 PM (#3217649)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

One problem is 'short memories' for voters. People seem to respond to what they hear and feel in the last week. If Obama says clever stuff right now, the Republicans get a year to attack it.
   Given the weird Republican field right now, and very little idea who they will nominate, and the uncertainty of everything else, I **suspect** that the Democrats & Obama are watching & planning. I can't predict how that strategy will work.

03 Sep 11 - 02:17 PM (#3217653)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: catspaw49

I'm with you there Bill but I would hope he might listen to some of Clinton's guys who seem to be offering help. Right now he could use a triple shot of James Carville.


03 Sep 11 - 02:39 PM (#3217663)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Carville was one of the brightest guys I ever heard on TV.

Carville- "The last thing that the White House needed was to appear to cave in to the speaker (Boehner) and that's what happened."
The whole affair made Washington seem "fundamentally dysfunctional and broken."
Carville dismissed the possibility of Obama's proposals being enacted, reasoning instead that the president's policy ideas would help with his 2012 re-election bid.
"This Congress is not going to pass anything that the president proposes."

The Daily Caller,

03 Sep 11 - 02:42 PM (#3217667)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Amos

Well the metaphor can go suck wind, but the point is that he does things, one after another, that tend to make things better, and lets the howls and hijinks stay in the zoo where they come from. Sure, he would do better copping the heroic stance, and maybe he will at some point when the critical decision window comes a little closer. Timing is everything. But if he does not, he is betting on the deeper inner sensibility of the American majority, whether wisely or not I can't predict.


03 Sep 11 - 04:00 PM (#3217691)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Greg F.

[the tea potty] are causing moderate Republicans to wonder wtf they have been in bed with.


There is no such thing as a "moderate Republican". They disappeared off the face of the earth a dozen or more years ago. Dead as the proverbial dodo.

If any have indeed escaped this mass extinction, the few survivors have been struck dead and dumb or we'd have heard from them by now about the collection of radical, brain-dead, right-wing lunatics that their party has become.

03 Sep 11 - 04:44 PM (#3217714)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Paul G.

I have wished for Hillary Clinton to stand up and make a go of it in 2012. She will not, of course, take on a standing President of her own party -- too bad as she is a leader who appears to me to be unafraid to lead. Retreat to the center is no solution to the current American political morass. Change occurs at the margins -- and this shit needs to change.

03 Sep 11 - 04:53 PM (#3217718)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I agree, Hillary would have been a good president, much better than Obama. In a class with Merkel of Germany.

03 Sep 11 - 07:18 PM (#3217774)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

The most serious breach is the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline from Alberta to Oklahoma and Texas. The water aquifers will be contaminated and drinking
water will be also. The oil companies have won again.

This might be the turning point in Obama's re-election.

It may be that Obama wants to be a one term president. The pressure must
be fierce. The racism in this country in 2011 is unbelievable!

Hillary would not have been a good president in my opinion because she is too much of a hawk.

If you do some research of Hillary, you will find that she befriended Sam Brownback at the meetings held on C Street in Washington with a religious group called "The Family",a weird offshoot of a fundamentalist Christian orientation. Jeff Sharlet has written extensively about this inside group also known as the Brotherhood for Atlantic Magazine.

The Family and Hillary Clinton

03 Sep 11 - 07:24 PM (#3217776)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

Obama must have an FDR moment to succeed. The idea that he has to rely on Republican votes for EPA or environmental protection (the Keystone XL) is not true; these decisions are the province of the Executive Branch.

He can summon the will to stand up for the environment and jobs without the Republicans having to approve of what he is doing. He may not get passage in the House but at least he would be re-elected.

Wall Street already has tossed its money to Republicans, this time around.
Obama has to go to bat if he wants a home run.

03 Sep 11 - 07:45 PM (#3217784)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

Do you who think Obama is just being too timid have any notion WHY he is not 'taking on the Republicans head on' and acting like FDR or LBJ?

SURELY Obama reads what we read and hears the TV pundits going *tsk, tsk* at his non-confrontational techniques. He MUST have mulled over the options in his head a hundred times. There are dozens of elements in any equation about dueling with this rabid bunch of far right-wing idiots....and I repeat, Obama is not dumb!

I have several ideas about what he is dealing with...both behind the scenes and what we can see. I just have a notion that he has plans. We shall see, hmmm? I certainly don't think that having MSNBC nudge him everyday is going to make him call them and explain his strategy.

03 Sep 11 - 08:02 PM (#3217791)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

But keep in mind that strategy is what generals win wars with, and also lose wars with.

03 Sep 11 - 08:26 PM (#3217802)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Jeri

Bill, the Obama administration has been so in sync with the plot development of The West Wing, that I can only wonder if his next step is to make the no-compromise Republicans look snotty and selfish at some crucial point in time involving reporters, in such a way that it will be plainly, un-spinnably clear to EVERYONE that their priorities are NOT the people who voted for them.

He did say a while back that he'll stand up to them over the right issue at the right time. I'm not sure that will happen, but I'd welcome it.

03 Sep 11 - 08:28 PM (#3217804)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: robomatic

I still like Obama and think he is trying to distinguish between what can be done without sacrificing his chances for the election, which right now are good, but...

The main negative for Obama is the huge amount of plain antagonistic and irrimitable hatred on the part of his detractors, not based on anything he has done but based on who he is. I've never seen people so willing to lie and repeat the lies of others about him.

I think he also is an intellectual thinker, which is not common among recent Presidents. Americans almost always interpret that as 'weak'.

On the other hand, the willingness that Obama and the current administration show to maintain or conform to the actions and policies laid down by the previous administration have given me pause, but the political jokes running as real men for the Reps gives me far greater pause. There are only two reasonable folks on the Right, Romney and Huntsman, and they are not high in the Rep polls.

03 Sep 11 - 08:35 PM (#3217806)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

Racism is a powerful factor here. When you look at his position you can see a black man against a ruthless white establishment. To discount this is to ignore history.

It will take a courageous Obama to overcome the obvious antipathy of the Republican Party having a black man as president. They were able to dismiss
Cain from being a front runner. Do you honestly think Rick Perry is pro African-American? Or Romney? Or Ron Paul?

There is Limbaugh, Buchanan, and others behind the scenes who have made racist remarks.

I don't blame Obama for being a little afraid, and don't tell me that this country is past racism.

03 Sep 11 - 10:09 PM (#3217828)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

Everyone just chill...

Obama picks the battles he can win... Stay tuned... He's abvout to win some... I predict that in 60 days his approval rating will be 10 points higher than it is today... I'd bet on it...

The next battle, jobs, is one where he can and will win... He puts out his plan... The Repubs put out theirs which is Reganomics on crack cocaine and Obama counters, "That's what got us into this mess" and the Repubs have no answer...

So, chill...


03 Sep 11 - 10:31 PM (#3217834)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Paul G.

He has to win the jobs "battle" -- and in a pretty big way. Historically the only way we've worked ourselves out of recessions this deep and long has been war -- ye old military-industrial complex writ large. Any big federal spending plan (stimulus part III) is DOA in the House... One can only hope that these mysterious "plans" for turning this around that others here have alluded to are legitimate, safe, effective and passable...

03 Sep 11 - 10:55 PM (#3217836)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

Don't bet against a stimulus packaged as investments...

The voters want a fix and this is the only real fix in the bag...


03 Sep 11 - 11:12 PM (#3217844)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Paul G.

I don't dismiss it (stim III) s a major piece of the President's proposals, I do doubt that it can be passed through the House. Not to mention that there has to be sufficient revenue to cover the cost. I would not count printing monopoly money as "revenue"...

04 Sep 11 - 10:33 AM (#3218011)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""There is Limbaugh, Buchanan, and others behind the scenes who have made racist remarks.

I don't blame Obama for being a little afraid, and don't tell me that this country is past racism.

Nor is it past assassination IMHO!! There must be half a million closet Klansmen who would pay for the chance to waste "an uppity n****r" (NB. Their description, not mine, just to forestall misunderstanding)

Obama would be wise to double his protection if the Repubs get the idea he's likely to win in 2012.

Don T.

04 Sep 11 - 12:04 PM (#3218049)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

He has to go WPA or NRA (National Recovery Act). He has to get corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. He may have to go CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps).

Anything less than this will finish his re-election campaign.

He also has to stop the Tar Sands Keystone XL pipeline. Otherwise, environmentalists are just going to stay home.

"Audacity of hope" is being eroded every day and much of this is due to his compromises.

He better go big on Thursday otherwise people will yawn and stay home.

04 Sep 11 - 12:22 PM (#3218059)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Paul G.

I agree Stringsinger -- but it has to be a realizable program, NOT political theater designed to make the other party appear responsible if it fails to obtain sufficient bi-partisan support to pass. This will be his ultimate leadership test, and will certainly make or break his chances for re-election (IMO). Regardless of the covert or overt racism (which I agree exists) -- the man is the President of the United States of America. He needs to cut the puppet strings, stand up, and lead -- or his opportunity to do so will end in 14 months.

04 Sep 11 - 12:37 PM (#3218064)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

I don't think WPA or CCC are realistic... The "Infrastructure Bank" is, however, and he can go BIG here...

The difference is that with an Infrastructure Bank one is in a public/private partnership as opposed to adding government employees... It's is more salable...

Bottom line, Obama needs to be in the $1.3T range... That's what it will take... Minimum...


04 Sep 11 - 01:24 PM (#3218088)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

Define 'public', Bobert. If by public it becomes a situation wherein government appoints the representatives, that's one step forward and two steps back. The problems is the way banks are operated. Don't put money in the damned things.

04 Sep 11 - 04:13 PM (#3218177)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

The bank is just a concept, brucie... It's just a fancy term for "spending"...


04 Sep 11 - 05:00 PM (#3218197)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

It is now. Hell, I understand banks and the concept. I like neither.

04 Sep 11 - 06:26 PM (#3218230)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Justa Picker

04 Sep 11 - 06:28 PM (#3218231)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bobert

It's not going to be a back, brucie... Go drenk a beer... It's all okay... Obama will call it a bank but the money ain't going into no bank... It's going into a government account like any expenditure and will be dolled out to various construction firms to build and /or rebuild this and that...

Me??? I'm for high speed rail... I think that will make *US* more competitive... I mean, just think about it, brucie... You could be sitting around wondering what to do one night and think "Hey, I'll go see Bobert" and then get on a high speed train and be here faster that if you had taken a plane... Serious business... When you figure the fact that ya' gotta be at the airport, what??? Two hours before your flight to get yer junk photographed and all that stuff and wait for on the taxi-way another 1/2 hour and then wait a half an hour to get your bags (that is if they were on the same plane), heck, you'd be here by high speed rail sucking down a chilly one and tellin' lies before the plane even unloads at Charlotte International SlowPort...


04 Sep 11 - 07:09 PM (#3218248)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

lol, good one.

04 Sep 11 - 11:00 PM (#3218295)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Paul G.

High speed rail -- there's a dream -- my governor recently turned down 450 million billion trillion dollars from the feds for high speed rail between Orlando and Tampa. We grow our idiot politicians bigger than out mosquitos down here...

04 Sep 11 - 11:35 PM (#3218306)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

I'll say. Sheesh, ya know?

05 Sep 11 - 10:59 AM (#3218493)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,Jim Knowledge

I `ad that michaelr in my cab the other day.
`e said, "Morning Jim, whaddya reckon on that then?"
I said, "Morning Mike, whaddoo I reckon on what?"
`e said, " That Obama, `es gone and done it again"
I said, "`as `e? I wonder what it will be in nine months time. A soldier or a Red Cross nurse!!"

Whaddam I like??

05 Sep 11 - 12:33 PM (#3218542)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: michaelr


05 Sep 11 - 12:42 PM (#3218546)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

It seems ol' Jim exists only here at Mudcat

He's wearing a little thin.... even good comedians need a new routine now & then.

05 Sep 11 - 12:51 PM (#3218550)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Puzzled. Didn't get it.

05 Sep 11 - 10:43 PM (#3218814)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

Nothing to 'get'... it's like the polar bear 'jokes'.

06 Sep 11 - 02:35 AM (#3218849)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: akenaton

I always get Jim's jokes. I search for them.....but its Pythonesque, one needs a modicum of imagination and Jim's humour is very British.

Best poster on mudcat*

06 Sep 11 - 11:08 AM (#3219004)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Donuel

The Tar Sands Keystone XL pipeline is probably just a scam to out wit current water disputes.

Once built President Perry might just stick one end in Lake Superior and send water down to Texas, until the Lake dries up.

06 Sep 11 - 12:36 PM (#3219038)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Sawzaw

Washington Post-ABC News Poll

This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone August 29-September 1 2011, among a random national sample of 1,001 adults, including users of both conventional and cellular phones. The results from the full survey have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York.

*= less than 0.5 percent

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?

             -------- Approve --------   ------- Disapprove ------    No   
             NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Somewhat   Strongly   opinion
9/1/11       43       21         22      53       16         38         3

06 Sep 11 - 01:01 PM (#3219049)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Amos

YEah, Sawz, but you gotta admit, an awful lot of folks don't even know what he has done or is doing, being as he is not the hot-air merchant his predecessor was.


06 Sep 11 - 01:18 PM (#3219059)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Sawzaw

And you are among them. Is Guantanamo closed or was that hot air?

06 Sep 11 - 01:36 PM (#3219066)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Greg F.

Yeah, Sawz, but a significant number that disapprove are to the left of the Prez. Don't mean that they approve of the TeaPotty imbecoiles or would vote Repulsican.

06 Sep 11 - 01:59 PM (#3219077)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Sawzaw

Which means what Greg?

I thought this thread was about the job Obama is doing and not the characteristics of the people who approve or disapprove of the job he is doing.

Does it mean Obama is doing a good job or a lousy job?

Does it mean he is an effective leader?

Does it mean he is naive about what he thought he could do?

Does it mean you approve?

06 Sep 11 - 02:06 PM (#3219083)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

For an educated reference point for this debate, please read the following:

What Happened to Obama, Drew Westen

Then read the rebuttals offered by some pundits such as Zakarisa, and other Obama defenders.

06 Sep 11 - 02:07 PM (#3219084)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

That's Zakaria.

06 Sep 11 - 02:30 PM (#3219103)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Richard Bridge

Look, it's very simple. If you don't get Obama, you get something far far worse.

06 Sep 11 - 02:44 PM (#3219109)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

Obama promised to close Gitmo January of 2010. It ain't closed.

Harper promised to have our troops OUT of Afghanistan in 2011. That's been 'revised upward' to 2014. The troops ain't out.

OK, so Obama is a Democrat and Harper is a Conservative, but party lines aside, what the hell IS it with Americans? You think your leaders are better than ours?


06 Sep 11 - 05:35 PM (#3219195)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

"Does it mean he is an effective leader?"

I'm sure the rats and kids thought the Pied Piper was an "effective leader".

The trouble with most polls is that they ask such simplistic questions! Asking whether you approve of the way Obama is doing his job has only minimal bearing on whether you think anyone else trying to GET the job could do better! Disapproval usually means just "I am not happy & comfortable!"... and there is a LOT of that around.

Why is it so damned hard for people to see & remember what led up the current social & financial situation? Obama **inherited** more problems on Day 1 than ANY president should have to cope with! GHW Bush left him with 2 wars and the Enron/Wall Street debacle, and within months Repubs were chanting "Don't you have any ideas on how to fix it?!" And to ANY idea he presented, they said "We don't like it, 'cause it's yours!"

They are worse than 12 year olds bickering on the playground and calling names!

I can't name **any** Republicans in the current spotlight, running or not, who I think are both competent and reasonable about the issues. I can name 10-12 Democrats that I would trust.

06 Sep 11 - 05:44 PM (#3219201)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

( I mean the fallout from Enron,,,which Bush did almost nothing to cope with)

06 Sep 11 - 05:56 PM (#3219207)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: saulgoldie

"Look, it's very simple. If you don't get Obama, you get something far far worse."

I am sure that is what "O" is counting on. Unfortunately, a "lover" analogy is imperfect. Would you stay with a partner who beat you sometimes, but kissed you ohso sweetly other times?

No, the situation would be that you MUST choose one lover. So you'd naturally choose the one who beat you less often and less severely. You don't have to have a lover; you DO have to have a president.



13 Nov 11 - 09:01 AM (#3256128)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Sawzaw

"Does it mean he is an effective leader?"

President Obama Job Approval

                              Approve         Disapprove
RCP Average        10/31 - 11/11       44.8        50.3

13 Nov 11 - 09:14 AM (#3256136)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Sawzaw

Obama was supposed to fix things regardless of them being inherited or not.

What has he "fixed?"

How may of his campaign promises has he fulfilled?

Obama supporters must refer to other people to justify their support for Obama.

It could have been worse is not a logical justification. It could have been better also.

Obama was elected because of "hope and change"

Where is the change?

13 Nov 11 - 10:03 AM (#3256161)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Rapparee

Don't feed the trolls.

But I do suggest that you look it up for yourself. The Truth is out there and I've retired from looking it up for other people.

13 Nov 11 - 03:19 PM (#3256353)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Stringsinger

Stop leaning on your leaders and join the leaderless OWS. The leaders have made themselves irrelevant so you have to step up to the plate and be a leader yourself.

Obama is not going to help you. The Republican candidates are all clowns.

The Democratic Party has not supported OWS very much.

The Audacity of Hoax will only blow more smoke in your face as did Cain's manager.

You are the change you are waiting for, someone once said.

Obama is beholden to the corporate interests that finance his re-election.
Occupy something and maybe you can move him an inch.

13 Nov 11 - 03:24 PM (#3256357)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: BTNG

"Face it!!! The right wing owns the media"

and for years the right wing have been say thing exactly the same thing about the left; I wonder who REALLY owns the media....not matter where it is?

13 Nov 11 - 03:43 PM (#3256370)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: artbrooks

Just because some people can't be bothered to do their own research:

The Obameter Scorecard, according to

    Promise Kept    156

    Compromise       49

    Promise Broken   53

    Stalled                67

    In the Works    181

    Not yet rated    2

13 Nov 11 - 06:27 PM (#3256451)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Greg F.

Jeezis, Art. Facts? What the frick good are FACTS??

13 Nov 11 - 06:38 PM (#3256454)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

Damn: y'all gonna intraduse facts it'll get warm in here.

I think Obama misunderstood the power of the presidency when he ran for it, got elected and became president. I think most other people did (and do), too.

13 Nov 11 - 08:03 PM (#3256491)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

NO one quite comprehends the power...or the hassles.. of being president until they've had the job for a few days, and the CIA starts waking you up early...and at other odd times... to explain the latest crisis. Then EVERYONE starts asking "When are you gonna do X, Y and Z?"

It is a job beyond comprehension for most people: and of the current Republican crop, only Newt has any real idea of what it might entail... and he is a loose cannon with all the moral character of a tom cat.

Obama is doing BETTER than anyone could hope with the Republican anchor chains around his ankles. "Compromise" they say.... meaning, "Give us everything WE want, or we won't vote for anything relevant!" Crap... the Republicans would howl to the stars if they had a Democratic house treating a Republican president like this.

In my opinion, they KNOW how good Obama is, and are scared shitless of letting him get much credit for anything.

13 Nov 11 - 08:52 PM (#3256520)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,999

Could be so, Bill, but Obama better start letting people know how good he is or he may not get elected!

13 Nov 11 - 10:29 PM (#3256550)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Bill D

He has been issuing executive orders to create some progress where there was little chance of Congress doing it. He couldn't have started with 'signing statements' immediately, or they would easily been able to assert that he wasn't even trying for bipartisan progress. He HAD to give the Republicans enough rope to hang themselves.

In this stupid game, timing is important. People's memories can be short. It's "what have you done for me lately?" Neither can he beat his brains out combating every accusation and insinuation by either the Republicans OR the mass media. He needs to save ammo for the actual campaign...once he knows which cretin ..umm..opponent he will face.

14 Nov 11 - 04:30 PM (#3257022)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Little Hawk

If the Corporatocracy is happy enough with Mr Obama in place to do their bidding, Bill, I expect they WILL arrange for a suitably cretinous enough Republican who is such an idiot that he or she can't possibly win the election! ;-)

That would be a handy way of continuing business as usual, while persuading people once again that they still have a real democracy.

Or...they could just as easily replace Obama with a Republican stooge, if they find the right one.

Either way, I think they'll be quite pleased with the final result, and they'll get what they want, regardless.

It's really a One-Party system, you know. It's like a two-headed dragon. You vote for one head or the other. Either way, you get the dragon when the voting is done. And the two heads just keep snarling at each other constantly to keep you distracted.

15 Nov 11 - 07:43 PM (#3257785)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: pdq

"...The Obameter Scorecard, according to ..." ~ Brooks Brother

Politifact seems to exist primarily to whitewash all the affairs that Democrats get themselves into.

15 Nov 11 - 08:03 PM (#3257793)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: BTNG

wishful thinking there eh, pdq? LOL

16 Nov 11 - 01:24 AM (#3257883)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: Jack the Sailor

Yes, Little Hawk, "the Corporatocracy" is pulling all the strings, and even though Romney is a capable, very well connected exec with other things to do, he spends millions of his own money and most of his time to campaign for president, just to make Obama look good.

Lh your insightfulness is soooooo valuable. Your insights truly make you homo superiorous.

16 Nov 11 - 03:17 AM (#3257908)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama does it again
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

How things don't seem to 'Change'