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BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?

22 Sep 11 - 12:59 PM (#3227235)
Subject: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Of course this is not getting coverage on Fox "News." But the rest of them???


22 Sep 11 - 02:44 PM (#3227284)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Wesley S

I'll bet if some of the women took off their shirts it would suddenly become "news". Or if some heads got busted open. Sad isn't it?

22 Sep 11 - 03:05 PM (#3227291)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: dick greenhaus

I haven't come across any mention of the Michigan Governor disenfranchising the city's voers, except on Maddow's show.

22 Sep 11 - 03:08 PM (#3227293)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Greg F.

Yeah, just another example of that "Left Wing Bias" Doug R & the boobocracy prate on about.....

22 Sep 11 - 03:14 PM (#3227297)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Lighter

CNN covered it, if somewhat light-heartedly:

Fox News gave blog coverage only:

Both outlets mentioned the phrase "Arab Spring."

22 Sep 11 - 03:25 PM (#3227302)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Bobert

This has been one of my pet peeves going back for years now... The Republican dominated Federal Communication Commission has been changing the rules over the last 30 years and what we have is a lot of media consolidation and these outlets are now 100% corporate and are doing the bidding of the corporations... So, what we are getting is corporate (primarily Republican) propaganda...

Ask yourselves how many times Big Media has gone to a "liberal" for a comment??? When was the last time that Dennis Kucinich was on ABC, CBS or NBC??? Bernie Sanders... Sherrod Brown???

Face it, liberals have been and continue to be blackballed from Big Media...

But the right will continue with their "liberal media" mantra, not because there is any truth it it, but because it does work in keeping Big Media afraid of them...


22 Sep 11 - 03:50 PM (#3227320)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Lighter

As somebody once said, the media are as liberal as the billionaires who own the stations want them to be.

Which is more liberal than Fox News, IMO.

22 Sep 11 - 04:56 PM (#3227344)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Amos

THe problemisn't the media. Steven Colbert explained it in front of appointee Bush at the Press Corps dinner:

REALITY has a well-known liberal bias.


22 Sep 11 - 05:06 PM (#3227347)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Lighter

Yes, but the cosmos contains many realities. Are all tilted to the left?

If so, Who is responsible?

22 Sep 11 - 05:38 PM (#3227362)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: gnu

John Stewart for pres and Colbert for VP with the likes of Bill Maher for secretary positions. It would be a hoot and probably far more sane governorship than has been seen in a long while.

I'd say Maher for pres but he'd get killed after the first sitting. he almost did the last time he "spoke up" and told the "unspeakable truth."

22 Sep 11 - 08:04 PM (#3227447)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Richard Bridge

These facts agree with my perception of US media.

22 Sep 11 - 09:35 PM (#3227478)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Rapparee

People don't want to be informed; they only want the illusion of being informed.

--Roger Ailes (Chairman of Fox News, former executive producer of Rush Limbaugh's TV talk show, one-time imagemaker and political consultant to Reagan, Bush, Nixon and Rudy Giuliani) in "New York" magazine, 1997.

In America there is not one single element of civilization that is not made to depend, in the end, upon public opinion.

--Henry Ward Beecher, "Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit".

22 Sep 11 - 10:00 PM (#3227488)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Bobert

Roger Ailes learned that from Hitler, Rap, who said that people will always believe the "BIG LIE"...


22 Sep 11 - 10:09 PM (#3227491)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Rapparee

No, that wasn't Hitler. Goebbels said that.

22 Sep 11 - 10:16 PM (#3227493)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Bobert

Splitting hairs there, Rap...


22 Sep 11 - 10:26 PM (#3227496)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: Lighter

Hitler allegedly said, "To win the sympathy of the broad masses, you
must tell them the crudest and most stupid things."

Truth or falsity would seem not to matter, as long as you keep it crude and stupid.

For related fun, see my 7:23 post to the "Class Warfare" thread.

23 Sep 11 - 03:19 AM (#3227555)
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
From: GUEST,Ebbie

For the first time in several years I have television. I'm watching a lot of interviews and quite a bit of the US Congress and US Senate.

I listened to Dennis Kucinich this morning- I had heard him only in snatches of time before and had thought him fairly lifeless in his speech. This morning I found him forthright and punching in his views.

Yesterday I was very taken by the views of Alcee Hastings, US Representative from Florida. Wow. I'm going to keep an eye out for him.