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Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio

05 Oct 11 - 11:47 PM (#3234669)
Subject: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Some of us are starting to process and post photos, audio clips, and photos from the 2011 Getaway so I thought I'd start a thread for that.   It's much easier to find them this way than when they are buried in the general discussion thread.

Here's a first installment:

The Bear Sisters (ClaireBear & Frieda R.) - The Nightingale Song at Getaway concert 2011

I have also started a Getaway 2011 photo album on my facebook page. I think you can find it via this link if you're one of my Facebook friends. (If you're not, just ask, and I'll add you.)

Jeanene's Facebook Getaway 2011 Photo album

06 Oct 11 - 08:18 AM (#3234774)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Charley Noble

Works for me.

Charley Noble

06 Oct 11 - 08:30 AM (#3234778)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Leadfingers

Thanks Genie ! Just makes me wish even more that I HAD made it

08 Oct 11 - 04:59 PM (#3235918)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

I'm in the process of adding more photos to my Facebook Getaway album. It is viewable only by my "Mudcat friends," "Getaway friends," and "folkie friends" as well as to a few of my close friends and family.   Of course, if anyone wants to copy any of these screen caps, it's up to you where and with whom to share them.

The only video I've posted on YouTube so far is ClaireBear and Frieda's. I will need to finish processing them (including some sound tweaking via Garage Band to clarify the sound in some cases, e.g., where it wasn't loud enough) and then get permissions before putting the clips on YouTube.

If anyone who performed in the Getaway concerts wants to give me the OK ahead of time, I will post their video(s) on YouTube as soon as I get them processed, and I will post the links here.   For other people, I can post the videos on MediaFire so you can see and hear them before you decide whether you want them shared.


08 Oct 11 - 07:34 PM (#3235964)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Facebook says I can "share" this album with the "public" via this link. DK if that means you don't have to be a Facebooker to see it or just that you don't have to be one of my "friends," but here it is:

and here's my Facebook page, in case you want to add me as a friend and I haven't found you on FB yet:

08 Oct 11 - 10:43 PM (#3236017)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

Link works.... (I guess most of those were frame captures from video?)

I will post my 20 or so pics as soon as I get past this cold someone gifted me with... **snifffff**

08 Oct 11 - 11:08 PM (#3236021)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Janie

did you hug darlin' Dani?

09 Oct 11 - 03:01 AM (#3236072)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Joe Offer

I got a cold while I was flying home, Bill. Did I give the cold to you, or vice versa?

I hugged Dani, Janie. I rather enjoyed it, too. You got a problem with that? ;-)


09 Oct 11 - 05:05 AM (#3236086)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Sandra in Sydney

thank for the pics, Genie - are you able to post captions?

The only faces I recognised were Kendall & Jacqui

sandra (not on facebook)

09 Oct 11 - 11:45 AM (#3236223)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

I hugged darlin' Dani when I arrived (and sent one home with her for you)...and 23 others. Darriel came home with a cold also....

Joe...I think germs vacation at West River, knowing there will be lots of opportunities to multiply!

09 Oct 11 - 12:08 PM (#3236239)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Janie

And I'm waiting for Dani to get over her cold before I collect said hugs and pick up my cd set!

Ya'll had way too much fun without me. It is wonderful to see the pictures, etc.

09 Oct 11 - 12:34 PM (#3236259)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: GUEST,Dani

Shoot, I don't know whether to apologize or blame. Mine's a NASTY cold-turned-fever, maybe just now on the wane. Thought Sunday was just rough from staying up too late, but I guess we all swapped germs pretty freely all weekend : )


09 Oct 11 - 01:01 PM (#3236270)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

So... I managed (I think) to upload the few pics I took. (My 11 year old digital camera is not communicating with its battery and was telling me good batteries were NOT good. I gave up after a few views of the Friday sing and the Sat. concert)

some Getaway 2011 photos

I began labeling 'some' of them, but I take many general views of rooms to show the setup. Others specialize in closeups of individuals, and I assume those will appear later.

This is an 'open' album, and anyone can add comments or ID people.

This is hosted at, which is NOT restricted to users of the Opera browser. I find it as easy to use as any photo site I know.

At my site there are photos from several previous Getaways, plus other stuff.....

Let me know if anything needs updating or explanation.

09 Oct 11 - 01:45 PM (#3236288)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Jeri

Bill, I get "502 Bad Gateway".

09 Oct 11 - 01:48 PM (#3236291)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

Hmm..still working for me, although it seems to be running very slowly

09 Oct 11 - 01:52 PM (#3236292)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

whoops... now I see what you mean Jeri...if I click on my 2nd link, I go to my opening page and the 1st image from various folders...but can't open individual albums.

Maybe later

09 Oct 11 - 01:58 PM (#3236294)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

This time it worked when I clicked directly on the 1st link....must be heavy traffic or something.

09 Oct 11 - 03:30 PM (#3236336)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Amos

Dani, I am sorry you are suffering from a cold. We have an abundance of bright sunshine and good health here in Southern California, so I am sending you a cargo-load thereof by fast-flying dreamboat. Back to full strength, muy rapido, amorcita!!


09 Oct 11 - 05:21 PM (#3236378)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Rapparee

When did THAT happen?

09 Oct 11 - 08:09 PM (#3236434)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Dan Schatz

Jeri, better a bad Gateway than bad Getaway. Not that there is such a thing.


09 Oct 11 - 08:22 PM (#3236443)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for the photos, Bill

09 Oct 11 - 08:23 PM (#3236444)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Sandra in Sydney

especially the cartoons

sandra (cartoon collector)

09 Oct 11 - 10:06 PM (#3236484)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Janie, don't blame usn's fer havin' too much fun wit'out yez. Jes' get yer N. Carolina butt (an' yer fine smoky voice) to next year's Getaway, OK?

Sandra in Sydney,
Yes, I can post captions.
I'm in the process of tagging and otherwise naming the culpri.., er, participants in the pictures I'm posting. Some are on Facebook, others are posted in the Yahoo groups page that Sandra set up.

(I have some really incriminating pictures of some of you guys, so you best be nice to me.)


09 Oct 11 - 10:12 PM (#3236486)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bobert

What, Amos??? You send Dani a dream boat of sunshine but wib't walk down to yer corner pot store and send yer ol' hillbilly buddy a little bag of weed???


09 Oct 11 - 10:21 PM (#3236492)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

Sanda... I collect cartoons also. That is a small part. I may add to them, and will PM you if I do.

Glad the pics are working now.

09 Oct 11 - 10:36 PM (#3236505)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Sandra in Sydney

Bill - I've only put 1 cartoon on my site, but have hundreds I've collected since 1969. Many are in 2 scrapbooking albums, lots are in a plastic folder awaiting addition to the books & even more are .jpgs that need printing out.


photo website

09 Oct 11 - 10:46 PM (#3236511)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: freda underhill


I worked as a cartoonist for a few years, + somewhere I have a folder full of them. If you pm me your email address, I'll send you an image I have of one. Sandra, I'll copy you in as well.

09 Oct 11 - 10:52 PM (#3236512)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

Thanks, Sandra! Good pics, and some good Mudcat friends there. Carole & Andrew have stayed at my place, and "Freda" is still a fresh memory.

I have many, many "Meaning of Life" cartoons I have collected since about 1965. Maybe I'll scan the album.

09 Oct 11 - 10:57 PM (#3236515)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Celtaddict

Back from cartoons to Getaway: Don't forget to join the Yahoo Getaway group! Sandrolin has all the scoop.
I will get a handful of photos underway when I can.

09 Oct 11 - 11:08 PM (#3236520)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: JedMarum

Thanks for the vid and pics! Wish I could have made it this year!

10 Oct 11 - 12:24 AM (#3236531)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: ClaireBear

We missed you, Jed. Next year for sure, OK?

10 Oct 11 - 02:02 PM (#3236858)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

On the Yahoo Groups FSGW Getaway albums we can not only add captions, but we can move photos from one album to another. A lot of the pics now are in the wrong album (e.g., a pic from the Peace Cabin late night jam or a workshop in the Nature Center may be in the Saturday night Concert album so far) but it's pretty easy to move them into an existing album or start a new album.

YouTube videos are starting to be posted (with permission of the performers). Lisa Null's "Going Home To Georgia" song is ready to be shared as soon as Lisa checks it out and gives the OK. (David Scheim has already said it's OK to share his videos.)

And I've redone ClaireBear and Frieda's (The Bear Sisters') "The Troubadour Song" video to correct the song title.   Here's the link to that one:

"The Troubadour Song" sung by The Bear Sisters

10 Oct 11 - 02:51 PM (#3236891)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: GUEST,now where were we..

oy vay Genie...(lol) ...

thnx for being on top of things per wrong folder...
after marathoning music and now marathoning film i'm getting bleary eyed... exporting and moving images...
My dear better half keeps pointing out to me that time is of the essence to get things up and as i'm lugging mugs from on device to the other in my half sleep....occasionally forgetting where I am and where I'm going...
it's all getting to be one huge blurr.. sortta like if I remember where I was I wasn't really there... was I?

thnx I can use all the help I can get..if your eagle eyes spy a peace cabin moment in a concert hall pocket then you've caught me in a nod- out...

and they keep coming.....
elfing the nights and daze away..:-) yers S.

10 Oct 11 - 04:42 PM (#3236957)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Amos

YEah, well, Bobez, ya see, loving is still legal--at least in California.


10 Oct 11 - 07:17 PM (#3237018)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Well, "Guest, now where were we," (I'm guessing you sometimes go by the name of Sandrolin - or is it Gene?), there are lots of folks posting pics in the Yahoo albums, so who knows how the pics end up mis-identified as to where they're from? I've probably posted some in the wrong place too.

Yeah, time's of the essence, but sometimes "real life" takes priority, especially after several days in Brigadoon.

Anyway, here's another installment from the concert videos:

John Townley: "Pokarekare Ana (Here In My Heart" from the Sunday night concert.

There is a little bit of distortion in the audio (probably because I couldn't reset the sound input level for each new performer and some people stayed closer to their mics than others). I've tweaked it as best I could, and at least you can hear how pretty the song is and enjoy John as a performer.

10 Oct 11 - 08:02 PM (#3237047)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio


My name is Sandrolin. I'm one of the elves.
Gene Rosenthal (aka Gene-Peace is my husband ...another of the elves.
We were delighted to bring one of Gene's talented oldest friends as a guest to the Getaway this year... John Townley. some in the Sea Shanty or folklore community will readily recognize his name and his research.... I dare say he has other interesting background but that's for late night around the campfire,,, next year..

For a little bit of fun ..if you have time ... read something he has written ...


[name changed to astrococKtail -local Mudelf]

11 Oct 11 - 05:23 PM (#3237421)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Sandra, I just wasn't sure whether it was you or Gene who posted that "Guest: now, where were we" post.

Here's a blicky for John's .

11 Oct 11 - 05:44 PM (#3237443)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: freda underhill

Sandra - what a treasure trove of pics - thanks!

11 Oct 11 - 09:23 PM (#3237541)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Amos

Meeting Freda was one of the many great delights of that magic expedition. Thanks for making the trip, Freda!!


11 Oct 11 - 10:15 PM (#3237556)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: ClaireBear

What Amos said. It was delightful to meet the intrepid Freda! I only wish the time hadn't passed so fast...

11 Oct 11 - 10:35 PM (#3237561)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: freda underhill

Thanks guys, for me, it was wonderful to meet you in person. I'd love to be able to have you over here to a session at my place. I think the Getaway is the closest to an international Mudcat singaround as we can get. It has added something to my mudcatting here too, made it all a bit more real. Some catters were very different to how I imagined them, some totally just as they cyber-seem. It was also great to meet people like Rose, Colin and Olivia, and to swap songs with them. Hanging out and harmonising with Mudcatters is a lovely thing to do. Unfortunately I came on the back of a trip to Europe and the UK, and was a bit jetlagged. I didn't see as much as I hoped because of some random snoozing (eg I missed the Sunday night concert!). Severn was incredibly kind and good humoured in looking after me before and after the festival, and we exchanged quite a few CDs. I actually got to see MMario working on some knitting, and to see the amazing shawl he made for Jacqui for her marriage to Kendall. Kendall is the sweetest man you could meet, and Jacqui a perfect match. Performers at Getaway were friendly and interesting. I do hope to come back again, and hope to spend more time in the Peace Cabin.

11 Oct 11 - 11:57 PM (#3237590)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Yeah, Freda. What ClaireBear said.

I know we ended up in a couple of workshops for a short time, but it saddens me that I really didn't get to hear you sing, after having been 'housemates' and carpool mates with you before the Getaway.
I know Oz is bit more than a stone's throw from Maryland, but I do hope you'll be back to Getaway for some future Getaways (and bring some other Aussies - e.g., Allison - with you).   And if -- WHEN -- you do come back, do be sure to hang out in the Peace Cabin sometimes in the wee morning hours.


12 Oct 11 - 12:34 AM (#3237598)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Ron Davies

Wow, these are great.    Already two of my top highlights from the Getaway.    I loved the flirting song by Frieda and her sister---just wonderful stage business especially.   

And the Maori song was just transporting--both in Maori and in English, and so much fun to sing along with.   You could just feel the balmy breezes. That one was way at the top of my picks for the weekend--though it is really hard to choose.

12 Oct 11 - 02:26 AM (#3237611)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Two great picks, Ron. But I'd say your own viola playing and whistling rank right up there too.


12 Oct 11 - 08:22 PM (#3238122)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: freda underhill

Thanks Genie, I enjoyed your company too, and definitely want to come back + spend more time hanging out. Let's hope some money rains down so I can get back next year!!

15 Oct 11 - 10:29 PM (#3239686)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Lisa and David say it's OK to make this public:

Lisa Null - Going Home To Georgia, with David Scheim, at 2011 Getaway concert

You can also download it here: Mediafire - Lisa Null at 2011 Getaway concert: Going Home To Georgia

16 Oct 11 - 10:43 AM (#3239843)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Bill D

Genie... that 1st one is a link to to the Bear Sisters again.

17 Oct 11 - 01:53 AM (#3240055)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

I know, Bill. I caught that error soon on, but I've fixed it now, I think.

Anyway, let's try this again:

Pokarekare Ana - John Townley

Download at Mediafire - Pokarekare Ana Download at Mediafire - Pokarekare Ana

The Troubadour Song - Claire and Frieda

17 Oct 11 - 03:27 PM (#3240389)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Just in case, here is the correct link for Lisa and David doing "I'm Going Home To Georgia"

17 Oct 11 - 04:12 PM (#3240417)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Maybe Joe or a clone will delete my erroneous links for "Home To Georgia" above, so people won't keep being misdirected (and then delete this post)?   Or just put this URL - - in for that song, above, in place of the erroneous one I posted originally.

Here are the correct URLS: Pokarekare Ana - John Townley The Troubadour Song - Claire and Frieda Lisa Null - Going Home To Georgia

If these URLs are the ones used in the blue clickies I posted above, this post can be deleted.


18 Oct 11 - 12:12 AM (#3240601)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

And here is our own KT 'visiting' the Sunday night concert from Alaska via CeltAddict's laptop and Skype:

KT visits Sunday concert via Skype

18 Oct 11 - 12:05 PM (#3240804)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: MMario

Genie - Did you ever get my song from 2010 posted?


18 Oct 11 - 01:36 PM (#3240848)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

We wish you had too, Terry.

I've now (with permission) posted Getaway concert videos for
The Bear Sisters,
John Townley,
Lisa Null, and
KT ('visiting' the concert from Alaska via CeltAddict's laptop).

I've also processed videos for Bob Clayton and Pete Kraemer ("High Sheriff/Dead Or Alive") and for Linda Prager's song at the Sun. night concert but I haven't yet got permissions to share those publicly. Hope to have those up soon.

18 Oct 11 - 01:54 PM (#3240864)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: GUEST,Songbob

I give permission for my Saturday and Sunday performances (all of 'em), and am sure Pete has no problem with his Saturday number being shown. We did the same number a couple of years ago, as I recall, and a partial video (somehow incomplete, I never knew why) was posted then. So if the incomplete one wasn't a problem, neither is the complete one.


19 Oct 11 - 12:29 AM (#3241099)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Well, if you're sure Pete's OK with making the video of "High Sheriff (Dead Or Alive) public, I'll go ahead and make that change.
Meanwhile, here's the link (which, at the moment is unlisted, so no one can find it by doing a "search" at YouTube).


Dead or Alive - Bob Clayton & Pete Kraemer (song only)

Dead or Alive with Jennifer's intro - Bob Clayton and Pete Kraemer

19 Oct 11 - 02:47 PM (#3241453)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

To speed up the process of getting the videos from the 2011 Getaway concerts (and jams) shared, here's a suggestion:

If you have the ability to do audio-video processing on your videos, let me know, and I will send you your raw video (no cropping, captions, sound adjustment, etc.) very shortly, if you send me an e-dress or via Facebook if we're "friends" there.   

Then you can process your own video any way you like and you can decide if, where, and with whom to share it.   If you don't have a way to share it online (e.g. a YouTube channel), you can send your processed video back to me and I'll put it up on YT, either as "unlisted" (only the people who are given the URL can see it) or as "public" (searchable).

Also, Dennis Cook has audio directly from the concert sound system, and he'll send that to me soon. If the audio from my built-in MacBook mic isn't good enough on the video I took, Dennis's audio can be overdubbed. (The synchronization is a bit tricky but doable.)

Anyway, it's likely to take me a while to get all the videos processed because I have to do things like earn a living and make more music, but I will get them all processed in time. Sending the unprocessed 'footage' to people who can do their own processing will mean more videos can be shared sooner.


20 Oct 11 - 12:21 PM (#3241970)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Heeeeere's Abby!

"Lord Abore" - 2011 FSGW Sunday night concert

20 Oct 11 - 05:24 PM (#3242129)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

And here's MMario, from the Sunday night concert too:

"To Absent Friends" - Leo Pola at Getaway concert 10-2-11

20 Oct 11 - 06:22 PM (#3242155)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Janie

Genie, you are an angel!

20 Oct 11 - 07:32 PM (#3242184)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: CET

Now I have what I have been coveting for years - a recording of Lisa singing this song. Now I can learn it for myself.


21 Oct 11 - 09:43 AM (#3242449)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Janie, here's more of what you missed this year:

John Roberts: "Heaven's A Bar"

21 Oct 11 - 01:48 PM (#3242606)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: gnu

John Roberts... nice tune!

21 Oct 11 - 09:21 PM (#3242806)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

And heeeere's Jacqui!
Jacqui Morse sings "Telling The Bees" at Getaway 2011

ClaireBear wrote the lyrics to this song (Jonathan Berger composed the music) and sang it at the 2010 Getaway concert. (The video can be found at YouTube by searching for the title and/or the key words "Mudcatter"* and "FSGW.")

It is also on the new Mudcat CD "This Is Us: Sky" with Claire singing it backed by Jonathan Berger on violin, viola, & mandocello. It's a great song.

22 Oct 11 - 12:26 AM (#3242861)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Ron Davies

"Heaven's a Bar".    Gawd, what a wonderful song. Does he have it on CD anywhere?   Should have asked him.    I'd buy his CD just for that song--and with just him and the concertina. Perfect.

22 Oct 11 - 03:57 AM (#3242898)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

You can contact John here, Ron: There's a link for contacting him and/or Tony.
This is how I reached John for permission to share the video. The website may also tell whether this song is on one of their CDs.

02 Nov 11 - 03:55 AM (#3248953)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2011: photos, videos, audio
From: Genie

Hoping more photos and videos from the 2011 Getaway will be posted soon.