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04 Nov 11 - 03:07 PM (#3250355)
Subject: Paranoia
From: Johnny J

Hey, I'm glad we're back in business. I was getting "paranoid".


04 Nov 11 - 03:14 PM (#3250356)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

not pleasant is it?

04 Nov 11 - 03:15 PM (#3250357)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

Just because nobody's getting at you, doesn't mean you can't feel paranoid ;-)

04 Nov 11 - 03:28 PM (#3250365)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

Uhhhh... I don't understand. Did I say something wrong?

04 Nov 11 - 03:32 PM (#3250368)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

Nah, not you my friend.
Mind you, be careful whom you ask that question!

04 Nov 11 - 03:33 PM (#3250369)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Stilly River Sage

I just had the strangest dream . . .

04 Nov 11 - 03:36 PM (#3250370)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

The world had all agreed to put an end to war?

04 Nov 11 - 03:44 PM (#3250374)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Stilly River Sage

Something like that. An end to BS, at any rate!

04 Nov 11 - 04:41 PM (#3250398)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

I fail to see what would be strange about that.

04 Nov 11 - 04:53 PM (#3250405)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Little Hawk

AAARGH!!!!! (paranoid reaction)

04 Nov 11 - 05:00 PM (#3250408)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Paul Burke

A paranoid, a paranoid,
A most ingenious paranoid,
A paranoid!

(Gilbert and that other feller behind him)

04 Nov 11 - 05:10 PM (#3250410)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Dave the Gnome

I took a girlfriend to a rugby match in my younger days. She had to leave because she thought the scrum were talking about her. Come to think of it there are a few here...

Oh, oh! Better not go there or they may come to get me!

:D tG

04 Nov 11 - 05:20 PM (#3250414)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

I am the very model of a general who is paranoid
Visions of a world with only me and and handy humanoids
ICBM missiles and adrenocorticosteroids
What a way to say goodbye and disappear into the void

04 Nov 11 - 05:28 PM (#3250421)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

Paranoia I did not understand... worse yet... WTF was the cheese about?

Perhaps This post may be seen as being weening but that's not the way I see it. I see it as WTF happened? and why?... I am lost.

04 Nov 11 - 05:32 PM (#3250423)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

What cheese?

04 Nov 11 - 05:34 PM (#3250428)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: bobad

Are you thinking that everyone knows something that you don't?

Are you wondering why?

04 Nov 11 - 05:35 PM (#3250429)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

The first redirect when the Cat went down today was a link to a pic with a button that had the caption "Press for cheese". That was my first clue. Then it was a pic with "paranoia". WTF?

04 Nov 11 - 05:37 PM (#3250431)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

My mama would say if you're not paranoid, you are not trying hard enough. ssssplains alot.

04 Nov 11 - 05:50 PM (#3250440)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

nice special effect an "E' for effort...but paranoid LOL LOL

04 Nov 11 - 05:53 PM (#3250441)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

gnu, Simple answer is mudcat was getting a colonic when a 12 year old error page from our psychedelic phase surfaced from the grave. Ripping her up roots and all mudcat 2.0 keeps not a single line of code. But every time we do try to implement a change, a riot breaks out in cell-block BS and delays our bold play.

04 Nov 11 - 05:56 PM (#3250446)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

You should have said BS was closed sine die, then you would have seen real panic Maxie.

04 Nov 11 - 05:57 PM (#3250449)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

Cool Max. As always, I am just a clam that is happy to be here.

04 Nov 11 - 06:06 PM (#3250452)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

The very last thing I want to see here John. Shall be the death of me. That's why never again.

04 Nov 11 - 06:17 PM (#3250461)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Dave the Gnome

Max - Just go for it! I learned long ago that you can never please users. Bugger ITIL and Prince - Gnome development = Give them what they need. Not what they ask for :-)


04 Nov 11 - 06:25 PM (#3250465)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

Last time I have lysergic acid diethylamide for breakfast.

04 Nov 11 - 06:28 PM (#3250471)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: MartinRyan

LSD? Ssssshhh... You'll only start our British friends' paranoia off again!



04 Nov 11 - 06:30 PM (#3250472)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Dave the Gnome

We don't use LSD any mnore - Just pounds and pence. Stop being so paranormal, er paragliding, er parachute er... Oh WTF!

04 Nov 11 - 06:33 PM (#3250474)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

weren't the main experiments with LSD done in the jolly old U.S.A.....?

04 Nov 11 - 06:33 PM (#3250476)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Arthur_itus

I very rarely post on BS anymore, since i fell out with Max and joe. May i say that I don't miss BS. It causes so many issues, it detracts from the music side.
I am much happier just staying in the music section, like a lot of other mudcatters I know.
Would not worry me one iota if Max stopped BS completly.

04 Nov 11 - 06:35 PM (#3250479)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Dave the Gnome

Arthur - No one fell out with you. You are just being paranoid...


04 Nov 11 - 06:37 PM (#3250480)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

"Would not worry me one iota if Max stopped BS completly. "

ahh all very well and good, BUT you'd have all the lefties screaming censorship *LOL*

04 Nov 11 - 06:39 PM (#3250481)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Arthur_itus

LOL Do I care anymore :-)I am happy with music. Mudcat is best for that. BS gives Mudcat a bad name, through no fault of Max's.

04 Nov 11 - 06:41 PM (#3250484)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Arthur_itus

Well they would just bugger off BTNG :-)

Music is my passion.

04 Nov 11 - 06:45 PM (#3250486)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Crowhugger

I'm with DtG: I figure Max can and should just do what he's gotta do and the members and public will adapt. It's not like Max cut off our food and water, for crying out loud. More like he said, "no dessert for the coming week."

To which I expected adults to sigh and then go talk about music for the duration. Or groan mildly and then go talk about music for the week. I surely did not expect a community temper tantrum. It's not as if music chat is a terminal illness.

Good grrrrief.

04 Nov 11 - 06:46 PM (#3250487)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

I like BS it keeps them all in one place. I pondered today to make another level of BS, PolitiBS section to focus them some more, continue till eventually its just two guys fighting it out and we let them.

DtG, I have 16 years experience not pleasing you people I am a mother fucking expert. My plan ahead is the grandest yet to not please more.

04 Nov 11 - 06:46 PM (#3250490)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

Music is my real passion...apart from...well never mind THAT, that's a story for another day....anyway, yes, music, I find the more interesting and constructive threads "above the line".

04 Nov 11 - 06:47 PM (#3250491)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: MartinRyan

At this stage, it seems to me that the logical solution may be to switch the labels...


04 Nov 11 - 06:54 PM (#3250494)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

"weren't the main experiments with LSD done in the jolly old U.S.A.....? "

"Experiments?" Nope... in Quebec... on Canuck patients in "mental facilities"... by the CIA. Google it. Ya probably won't find anything. If ya do, it's because a Canuck MP's wife was subject to same. But I doubt if you will find anything of substance.

04 Nov 11 - 06:56 PM (#3250496)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Janie

Reading thread. Scratching head. Clueless.

Should I be paranoid?

04 Nov 11 - 06:56 PM (#3250498)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

"weren't the main experiments with LSD done in the jolly old U.S.A.....?"

You might not want to say that near the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal.

04 Nov 11 - 06:57 PM (#3250499)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

Took a lot of acid when we designed this place that ain't no lie. The problems started when we stopped.

04 Nov 11 - 07:09 PM (#3250514)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

as a friend said when he took a look at Mudcat.. "this looks like the flash backs to drugs I never took" *LOL*

Keep up the good work Max!!!

04 Nov 11 - 07:10 PM (#3250517)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

9... maybe the story about the LSD experiments by the CIA and the like in Canuck hospitals never made it outside Canada? BIG news here in Canada for a while.

04 Nov 11 - 07:12 PM (#3250519)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: bobad

Did you say Flashback?

04 Nov 11 - 07:31 PM (#3250526)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Crowhugger

Max, a separate BS area for politics would mean more decisions for you and the mods, e.g. whether threads put there should stay there and whether threads put elsewhere should be moved there. Still, if it solves more problems than it creates, you've hit on a winning idea!

04 Nov 11 - 07:36 PM (#3250528)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

Ban political threads. This is after all, mainly a music site.

04 Nov 11 - 07:56 PM (#3250536)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Bobert

It ain't paranoia if they are out to get you...


04 Nov 11 - 08:08 PM (#3250545)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu

I dunno if I should but WTF eh?

Max has never banned anything, except ONE thing. That's the beauty of this site. Max allows total freedom of speech except that ONE thing. That dedication to free speech allows interaction on ALL thought and that very interaction may lead to the next greatest piece of music or prose or poetry or discussion that humankind has ever known.

I say Max has done the right thing over the past ten plus years by banning only one thing. Only one.

Sorry, Giok, but, although I consider you a friend and a mentor, you are wrong to suggest a ban on anything except the one thing Max has always banned while allowing all other and allowing this ragtag community to sort things out among themselves... with a guiding hand when necessary.

04 Nov 11 - 08:10 PM (#3250546)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Joe_F

The symptoms of paranoia are identical to those of actually being the only one who is right.

04 Nov 11 - 08:36 PM (#3250557)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

Yeah, unfortunately (as uninteresting I personally find it) politics does not remove itself neatly from Folk. So I tried to remove people from politics but was scoffed at and insulted and disregarded and ridiculed by people that I thought were my friends. I can't imagine why anyone would care let alone be adamant about anything about politics, but hey, you can believe that ice-cream sandwiches were your God and Spaw was King of the World and I'll help you fight anyone that tries taking that away from you. I'm sure you're all agreeing with me right now but...

That also means you can believe in fascism or communism or sadomasochism or that chocolate ice cream is inferior to vanilla, none of my business and I will support your right to believe whatever you want. Now I've lost some of you. As an American, I don't understand how one can get lost there but some do. Boggles me, you do. More confusing than LSD but you do think that YOUR ideology is reality.

What I'm talking about is freedom and I don't care what you're talking about. I tried to even save that ONE thing, cuz in my research found the subject to be rich and diverse, tragic and ancient. I also found that around the time mudcat was being born that if we perhaps had a better understanding of the ONE thing, we may have been able to influence or prevent 50,000 needless deaths in the mid 90s. If anyone wants to engage me offline I'd be delighted to share some heavy, tragic, and fascinating things. And to be honest, while I've given up on the the players that render it impossible, I haven't given up on even that ONE thing and am still hurting from my decision.

Could not find a single ethnomusicologist, btw, who has ever supported the right to believe in fascism. So I might be the first. Let me know if you find otherwise or call the library of congress and tell em you found some history.

My goals are always less work for the vols, and the data is all just a bucket under my desk and these designations are merely filters on. The data filters an infinite number of ways, and I'm about to turn filtering over to you. Mudcat.2 will allow you to create as many sections as you want, its always and is always one bucket of data.

Seeing where this goes? That a conservative and a liberal can be in the same place without ever seeing each other. Interacting with the data from their perspective without being bothered by the opposition's perspective. The choice of perspective will be returned to you. How about a 1930 to 1940 country and Piedmont blues from North Carolina section? Minstrel Banjo section. People of color section, violent political debate section, won't be able to stumble into that by accident, but you will be able to by design. (which if you build and or choose, we're not going to come in and save your butts from your own bad behavior). You make your own each visit, keep them, trash them share them, ask to be a part of other's share yours. I'm handing over control of the filters to all of you.

*Less work* for the VOLS, more *safety* and like-minded relationships without arguing with other-minded so its *more personal* experience because you have *more control* of it. So you won't be able to *blame me* anymore for your sociopathy. And so it'll be just like life, you will have no one to blame, but yourself.

And the world will be right.

04 Nov 11 - 08:58 PM (#3250567)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Jeri

Oh, you're still gonna get blamed.
On the internet, logic is a goldfish.

04 Nov 11 - 09:03 PM (#3250569)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

and on the internet non one knows you're a dog...

04 Nov 11 - 09:26 PM (#3250576)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu


I think.

I hope.

I have faith.

We'll see, eh?

04 Nov 11 - 09:29 PM (#3250578)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

Ahhh yes, but this time they won't be able to find me.

(megalomania filter)

04 Nov 11 - 09:35 PM (#3250581)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: gnu


Hehehehehehee. Sorry... I had to!

04 Nov 11 - 09:40 PM (#3250583)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Donuel

Imagine the paranoia of a German Jew in 1934.
The mood is omninous but still attributable to silly paranoia.

Gradually it feels more real until overnight on Krystalnacht there is longer room for doubt for victims and perpetraors alike.

Year seven of the Bush administration felt similar to 1936 Germany;

caged pens for free speech, homeland security researching the books people checked out of my local library, warrantless wiretaps, secret break ins to homes, personal firebombs found in yard, sick and evil rumor campaigns, patriotic war cries ad absurdum. with us or against us, tip lines, focused hate campaigns on the radio 24/7, no travel bans, push for national IDs and birth certifide passports to visit Canada, jailing people without rule of law but by Presidential order, TORTURE...

Yeah it was getting hairy here. Then they took all the money supply away and gave it to the Uber rich.

Suddenly the super patriot saw himself as a target and victim of der leader and wised up at least to the point of suspicion. Then he lost his job, his house, his [ension, unemployment insurance, food stamps, and all the talk radio shock troops had a different ring to it. Mr uber patriot was mad but twisted into a neurotic pretzel.
At least his guns and Bible remained unchanged. But then a BLACK man is President? This was the fault of those socialist intellectuals for sure. Then a rumor that Obama would take away the ammunition led to an all time hoarding and mass sales of bullets the country has ever seen. Now the former Bush patriot had all the guns and ammunition but not their kids, they still went to war. Some did not return. All the Hope and all the change did not bring jobs back to Bush patriots again.

If the economic collapse did not occure until after the election, McCain and Palin would in fact be in office and corporate fascism would have devoured even more to the point of 50% unemployment, no auro companies left and no means to counter actual stark starvation in America. Believe me, the current Depression could have been much worse. The form of fascist corporate dictatorship during the Bush years would have evolved into something similar to 1938 Germany.

We are not out of the Bush woods yet. Today America has more factory prisons than Germany.

Thank God OWS has spread. If it had waited another year, the crack down by authority would possibly be similar to Syria.

04 Nov 11 - 09:44 PM (#3250584)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

This isn't the internet, this is the mudcat.

04 Nov 11 - 09:49 PM (#3250588)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

Dark stuff Donuel, what a buzz-kill, cheer up. :)

05 Nov 11 - 05:09 AM (#3250655)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Dave the Gnome

Max - You are a genius!

My plan ahead is the grandest yet to not please more.

I'm going to make it my mission statement

:D tG

05 Nov 11 - 10:15 AM (#3250793)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: VirginiaTam

my Google Chrome home page with the recently visited pages screen shots still shows the paranoia eyes for Mudcat. How do I get rid of it?

05 Nov 11 - 12:45 PM (#3250871)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Bill D

I'm with Janie...scratching my head.
I'm not paranoid, 'cause I KNOW what I say makes little difference in the long run.

I'm not sure how *I* would handle it if I had created and had to maintain something that does make a difference.

I do know I just spent a delightful 20 minutes reading a thread on "Ricky-do-dum day" and playing videos posted.

(I can't say that I ever a serious problem in my 16 years here with anything Max 'inflicted' on me....including self-referential commentaries that read like M.C. Escher doing Emily Dickenson on LSD.... what ever THAT means.)

May I have some more, please?

05 Nov 11 - 01:19 PM (#3250883)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Richard Bridge

No, this has to be a trap, you see, because right above this section it says that this section is closed. It's a variant of the logic-game "Ignore this instruction". Those who enter this section and follow the rules will enter oscillatory feedback.

Well I think it's funny.

But in other areas of life negative feedback is performing its desired role of reducing undesirable manifestations.

05 Nov 11 - 01:33 PM (#3250887)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

Well, that's the last time I have a psilocybin-mushroom omelet for breakfast.

05 Nov 11 - 01:53 PM (#3250900)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: BTNG

"undesirable manifestations."

Oh...? is that what it is? and here's me thinking I was having flashbacks caused by drugs I didn't take...Whew!!

05 Nov 11 - 02:16 PM (#3250915)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Bill D

"oscillatory feedback" Is that like kissing a mirror?

05 Nov 11 - 03:29 PM (#3250945)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: GUEST,999

"A two transistor CMOS inverter has the two transistor gates coupled together by a coupling capacitor. D-C gate bias is supplied to each transistor through high value resistors. The P-channel transistor is biased one threshold below V.sub.DD and the N-channel transistor is biased one threshold above ground. The biasing voltages are developed through the use of a current mirror so that the biasing is independent of processing variables and temperature. This form of biasing renders the circuit class B regardless of the source to drain voltage and ensures low current operation. A crystal oscillator created using such an inverter and biasing will operate at voltages substantially below sum of P and N thresholds and at a current level about one-fifth of that of a conventional CMOS oscillator.

Inventor: Rapp; A. Karl (Los Gatos, CA)"

Looks like it, Bill. Rapp uses the term mirror in his abstract; however, he don't say nothin' 'bout no kissin'!

05 Nov 11 - 03:35 PM (#3250950)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

Nice backhand Richard. Sharp.

05 Nov 11 - 03:44 PM (#3250953)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Bill D

♫ "As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there
And that sign said - no tress passin'
But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!"♫

05 Nov 11 - 05:24 PM (#3251001)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Arthur_itus

Can that be sung to the tune of The Deserter?

05 Nov 11 - 05:28 PM (#3251005)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: John MacKenzie

Trespassers W

05 Nov 11 - 07:57 PM (#3251055)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Richard Bridge

MAXimum respect!

06 Nov 11 - 05:57 AM (#3251235)
Subject: RE: Paranoia
From: Max

"This is a mournful discovery.
1)Those who agree with you are insane
2)Those who do not agree with you are in power."
― Philip K. Dick, Valis