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Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath

02 Oct 99 - 12:25 PM (#120076)
Subject: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Peter T.

02 Oct 99 - 12:49 PM (#120080)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Big Mick

The door flies open and Big Mick comes strolling across the floor....mumbling, sputtering......and wearing a slinky dress and blonde wig..................HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU........the f888ing things I do for this place, he mumbles, if any of my buddies hear about this I am done......HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MUDCAT, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.........Hey, what the hell happened to this place? Bejazus, but it looks like a bomb................YOU THERE, CLEIGH, GET OUT OF THAT GUYS POCKETS......Shit, it's Leej........Give the money back, possum, our I will make a fockin' handwarmer out of ye............WHO'S THERE.........Oh, hi Alice, obviously you weren't drinkin'.........I'm not sure but ole Bert over there may not come out of this.......DAMMIT CLEIGH, PUT THAT STUFF BACK IN THE PURSE.......What, Alice?.....Thanks, it is a nice dress. But do me a favor and don't tell anyone you saw it.......What's that noise.......NO, NO, DON'T DO IT 'SPAW, YOU SUMMBITCH....TAKE THAT PICTURE AND YOU WILL NEVER COME OUT OF THE WOODS IN VIRGINIA......SHIT, he took it.........I'm going to skin him, shit, lookit that boy run...........If the boy shows that picture to THE FAIR ONE I am done for.........What Alice?...........Hell no I don't want to borrow a pushup bra. Damn, Now even Alice is starting on this shit.........................

02 Oct 99 - 12:57 PM (#120081)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Peter T.

Mick, you look lovely. If only JFK were alive to see you! yours, Peter T.

Leftover flyer:
Mudcat Tavern -- October 2 --
Patrons at the infamous Mudcat Tavern have added to their reputation as the Internet version of the Japanese nuclear industry by sponsoring a "Freedom of, Like, Mumble" Exhibition to celebrate their survival after a 3rd Birthday Celebration.
Witnesses to the Celebration said that it was like outtakes from "Volcano" mingled with a dress rehearsal for "Opossum! : The Musical" designed by LEJ Fellini (first cousin to the legendary director). On sale to support open mumbling was a dress once worn by Marilyn Monroe and destroyed by a labor organizer, the empty bankbook of the jerk who dumped Wyowoman, a wiring diagram for the underside of the car of the jerk who dumped Alice, and a velvet painting of a nubile visionary holding a Kalashnikov rifle in a very spiritual manner over the dead bodies of a significant portion of the Taliban "Freedom Fighters". Protests against the portrayal of the Afghanistan leadership were sweetly responded to by the woman portrayed in the painting, a Ms. Katlaughing of Wyoming, in a phrase that sounded like "bottom feeding scum suckers".
Central to the exhibition is a second painting of a Possum dressed up to look like St. Francis of Assisi. Entitled "For The Birds", and thematically related to ecological concerns for planetary survival, the painting portrays the struggle of the animal kingdom to get its point across. Elephant Dung and Bird Poop are spread ingeniously across the painting surface, reminding patrons to look carefully, especially when wearing dress shoes and formal wear at the circus or on shipboard.
The Mayor of Mudcat Village, Completely Unscrupulos, a former Greek shipping magnate, has condemned the exhibition unequivocally. "I condemn this exhibition un -- un -- whatever that guy said in the last sentence!!!". The exhibition is currently sold out through the duration of its run. Tickets are available everywhere:
for further information: www. mudcat. org.

02 Oct 99 - 01:52 PM (#120089)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing


"Down with the bottom of the pissbin, scumbag, sapsucking, lizard livered cowardly oppressors! Ahahahahah!" she laughed maniacally, waving the spiritual Kalishnikov wildly in the air. "By all the gawds and gawddesses of the far & wide True Realms of the higher consciousness of all oneness with the Creator, I swear I won't rest 'til Afghani woman are FREEEEEEE!!!!! 'Spaw, call the faeries from the litterbox garden. We're gonna RIde! Umm, Mick, darlin', want to come a long? Ya might wanna change out of the slinky number, tho' it does look FINE on you, sweetie! Don't want any of those Taliban mixing up your, um...gender! Ta Ra and Away........!

02 Oct 99 - 01:58 PM (#120090)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Alice

whewww that was a birthday party I will always remember... hey, I didn't get Marilyn's ..I mean Mick's autograph while he was still in that white-sequined number!! Oh, well, I'm sure he'll be back, riding in victoriously with THE FAIR ONE on the saddle right behind him.

02 Oct 99 - 02:44 PM (#120095)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: catspaw49

Geezus what a mess......I gotta go through this junk.....Nice press release Peter..(where the hell is that copy of "What the Fock:A Plain English Translation to the Writings of Peter T.")....Looks like the Waylon Heron and Cleigh are both a little worse for wear..sacked out together with that lizard dressed up as Willie Nelson name "Mex" I think........Anybody seen Cletus......I think the dumbass is in love with that Christie loser on the Etiquette telling what he'll do..........If the photo lab calls here, tell them I need 200 copies of that photo and a dozen 18x25 prints..............I'll come back later and get some more of this stuff.........Geezus what a mess..........


02 Oct 99 - 04:52 PM (#120111)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

I would like to take just a minute to let everyone know that the Mudcat Tavern is serving as the official Headquarters of the Committee to Draft Offer for President. We feel that the many contributions that Joe had made to this Forum, his proven leadership abilities, and his common sense approach to problem-solving make him immenantly suitable for the position of the Mudcat Party Candidate for President of these United States! So line up here to get your Honor! and Offer! , An Offer You Can't Refuse of Offer Good Until 2008! buttons and bumper stickers.

02 Oct 99 - 05:29 PM (#120117)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: skarpi

Hallo all, what did you all drink, not Icelandic Brennivín that is a very strong one. What happend anyway, Who got drunk???? . Who did go with ..........???? just grin. Hope you are all well, Happy birthday to all Mudcatters. skarpi Iceland.

02 Oct 99 - 07:01 PM (#120138)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: WyoWoman

Yes, Yes, Skarpi. A deep dish of Icelandic Brennivin was the only way we could get Big Mick to wear that dress and wig. Only we TOLD him it was a draught of Guinness, and we put a little coffee in it for coloring. Welcome back to you, by the way. Haven't seen you in these parts for a while. Is Iceland cold and dark by now? Can you see the Aurora Borealis from your part of the world?

'Spaw -- You are onto something there, buddy. Get OFF, Get OFFF, dammit... I didn't mean THAT, JAYzuz. I meant with your "What the Fock: " book. You know that entire series of "...for Dummies" books -- "Computers for Dummies" or "Auto Repair for Dummies," "Sex for Dummies," "Masturbation for REAL Dummies," -- all that stuff? I think you could do an entire series of "What tha' Fock:" books, translating so much of contemporary life that so few of us actually understand.

I'll edit. And I'll be Joe's press-but-nothing-comes-out specialist in his presidential campaign. I could use some public relations.


02 Oct 99 - 07:21 PM (#120149)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: catspaw49

Hey WW........and since I don't understand most of it, I'd be the perfect choice to write an explanation.


02 Oct 99 - 07:42 PM (#120153)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: sophocleese


Honor! and Offer!

She offered her honor, I honored her offer, I was on her and off her all night.

Something like that, Its been years since I had to wash out a men's room.

02 Oct 99 - 07:51 PM (#120154)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: WyoWoman

'spaw -- preCISEly.

Like, "What tha' Fock: The Social Policies of Jesse Ventura," or "What tha' Fock: The Wit and Wisdom of Madeleine Albright" -- you know, stuff like that.


02 Oct 99 - 08:31 PM (#120158)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Alice

Ok, brain storm session over here for Spaw's book series
-What tha' ----:
...90's Speak, Like, Mumble
...The Gawddess Cults
...Road-kill Cuisine

03 Oct 99 - 01:54 AM (#120229)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: alison

er...... I just woke up...... think I had a really bad dream.... that wasn't really Mick in a white frock was it????... did I miss much??..... did I enjoy it???....

03 Oct 99 - 02:07 AM (#120231)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: WyoWoman

You certainly SOUNDED like you enjoyed it. I can't remember all that well myself, but it seemed like a lot of "Oooh, Baby, ooooh, baby, I've been so bad. Punish me with your great shileleigh..." Something like that.


03 Oct 99 - 02:10 AM (#120233)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: alison

LOL...... sounds like someone strayed into the etiquette #2 thread.... hahahaha..... that would explain all these weird aches and pains.........

03 Oct 99 - 02:38 AM (#120239)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: catspaw49

....probably alison.....I know Mick enjoyed the white frock.....and,uh...well.........You might check your underwear drawer to see if anything's missing if you get my know, like especially if he left a thong and spud in place of a pair...well..................WW and Alice, maybe this is a good entire WTF series huh? seem to have some winners there, gotta' be some more......lessee'.................

"WTF: An American Guide to Cricket"
"WTF: Pat & Bay Buchanan;Incest or What?"
"WTF: Has Leej Lost His Mind?"
"WTF: The Symbolism of 'MacArthur Park'"

........I dunno, those would be awful short.....let's think this through a little more.............


03 Oct 99 - 02:32 PM (#120253)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Dave Swan

Hey Mick, I just received a pretty bitchy note from KoKo regarding you. Seems someone has supplied her with a photo of " mY dere MIckeyyyy" in the frock and wig. As best I can understand her meaning(she hasn't sharpened the crayon lately), she thinks the next time you dress in drag you should take the time to shave or apply some Nair or something. Now we all know about your troubles with KoKo and how hard it can be to explain an old girlfriend (especially of another species), but she might have a point. I mean, the girl does know about hairy. And who gave her my address? The same skunk who sent the the photo? Anyhow, in my opinion you've never been lovlier. Right down to the size 15 stiletto heels. Maybe you can get a spot in a Christmas panto. E.S.

03 Oct 99 - 04:07 PM (#120271)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: skarpi

Good for you, I mean about the brennivín. Aurora Borealis?????? Is that the North lights you are talking about?, yes I can see them we had a beautiful day today no wind clear sky, and now in darkness of Iceland wá. Bless you all skarpi Iceland.

03 Oct 99 - 08:27 PM (#120322)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

Oh my. I came through (without leaving any tracks, just like Mom taught me) at the beginning of the party, when Catspaw's list came up.

Actually, I left no tracks because I just needed cheering up, and couldn't think what to say. My Dad died last Sunday (a week ago this morning, in fact) and it has been a very emotional week. He was in a lot of pain, and that is over, but I miss him a LOT. I'm his youngest daughter you see, and he was a grand person. The night he died, I was at the family cabin (a glorious place) singing with friends. Our last song of the night was "Angels are Hovering 'Round." The song will never be the same, but what a perfect farewell. I'm glad to be back. This is a grand place from which to smile and regroup.

03 Oct 99 - 08:33 PM (#120325)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Big Mick

Susan, come sit here beside the old Big Mick and get a hug. We will all tend to this task at some point. The message that comes through this monitor is of a woman who loved her Da very much, misses him fiercely already, but who understands the nature of it all and accepts it. I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like a life well lived...........Leej, get the woman what she wants, and let us all toast the man who gave us our Susan. God be good to him..........

03 Oct 99 - 08:36 PM (#120326)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: bbc

Oh, Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm thankful, though, that you had a good relationship w/ him & will have good memories to sustain you. Sounds like you got some closure from that evening of song, as well.

Thinking of you & sending a cyber-hug from New York,

bbc Barbara

03 Oct 99 - 09:20 PM (#120334)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Alice

Susan A-R, I send you my sympathy in your loss. There is an old saying, when we lose our father, we become our own father. It is hard. You will always miss him. I lost my parents in 1979 when a speeding driver hit their car. Your life changes forever when your parents die. Come here for company and cheer, you know we'll provide. - alice flynn

03 Oct 99 - 10:30 PM (#120350)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Ferret

Susan My deepest sympathy at your loss all our harts and hug go out to you.

Mick Do boot's really go with that white dress?

Spaw Put the pix of Mick in the E-Muzine and let the whole world have a giggle.

Kat Afghani women are not free but very reasonable. [Only joking ducks under table to avoid feminist backlash]

How about some rock n roll, heavy metal or the 1812 for all those sore heads? No, no sympathy with you it a self inflicted wound [giggle]

All best ferret.

03 Oct 99 - 10:56 PM (#120357)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: catspaw49

Ahh dear Susan......Somehow we all seemed to know and I think Kat asked and wondered aloud. None of us here are without the knowledge of the feelings you had for your Dad and your pain in watching the end come. No words..... but only the honest emotions they portray...Our love and friendship, our compassion, empathy, and humor, are always you are always one of us.

When you're done with Mick, come over here and get another hug from Spaw.

03 Oct 99 - 11:20 PM (#120369)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Susan, I am glad to see you back here. I'd just repeat my earlier message to you and tell you to know you are cared for here and we will all try our best to cheer your spirits, lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on, and offer our sympathy. I am my father's youngest and I have a very difficult time imagining what life will be like when he is no longer in this realm; I am so proud of him and love him so much.

Have a cuppa and take a deep breath, let Mick and 'Spaw and the rest of us envelop you in a big ole' bear hug of love. luvyaKat

Ferret: I'd lie low if I was you.**G**

04 Oct 99 - 04:27 AM (#120414)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: alison

Sorry to hear about your Dad Susan, (I went through the same thing with my mum 6 years ago).... I take comfort in the belief that she is in a better place now... "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning, or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Rev 21:4)

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.... and have another big hug all the way from Oz.



04 Oct 99 - 08:51 AM (#120445)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

Susan - my thoughts are with you. My family has recently realized how lucky we are that my parents at 80 and 83 are still active and healthy. I know it has made me, not only thankful for their health, but more aware that even in this day and age, not everyone is that lucky.

04 Oct 99 - 11:09 AM (#120480)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Peter T.

Yes, Susan, we were concerned about your absence, and I want to extend my sympathies to you and your family as well.
yours, Peter T.

04 Oct 99 - 02:09 PM (#120573)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Bert

Susan, thinking of you.

I'm going along with Big Mick and 'toast the man who gave us our Susan.' And I'll sing a song for you as well.


04 Oct 99 - 07:12 PM (#120714)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

Thank you all. Mick is more right than he knows. Dad used to sing to me instead of telling bedtime stories, and he and I participated in community choruses together fo years. On the night before he ended up unable to walk, and really started failing, we were all up at the family cabin singing, and he was learning rounds along with the best of them, and singing along on the chorus to Henry my Son. I'll miss that great baritone voice as much as anything.

The hugs are much appreciated too.

Now, what's this about a white dress?

04 Oct 99 - 10:42 PM (#120781)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Jeri

Susan, I haven't said anything because I couldn't come up with anything intelligent, and because your loss reminded me so strongly of losing my Mom I couldn't get through a sentence. The memories that are strongest in me now are those of love and laughter. Your dad will live in your memories, and so will his love.

05 Oct 99 - 12:22 AM (#120827)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

Susan... I lost my Father to a heart attack in 1993. We had spent many years in stubborn opposition to each other, but finally reconciled. After that, he became one of my mentors, and I became used to picking up the phone to get his advice on everything from building a deck, to buying a piece of property, to how to handle a disagreement with my mate. I grew to respect his intelligence and insight, and he grew to respect the way I was living my life. There are times when I am puzzled, or angry or just in need of assurance, that I still want to pick up the phone and call him. Now I call upon the part of him that is within me, and in that way he continues to lend his strength to me.

My condolences to you,Susan, and my hope for you that your Dad will continue to lend you his strength.


05 Oct 99 - 12:30 AM (#120828)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

Almost forgot..have a large drink, Susan!And a large hug! On the house.

And now, a bit of a tune...

"On the Fourteenth of May at the dawn of the day
with me gun on me shoulder to the woods I did stray
In search of some game should the weather prove fair
to see could I get a shot at the Bonny Black Hare..."

05 Oct 99 - 02:12 AM (#120855)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Leej, a song about boppin' bunnies (zappin' lapin?) oughta cheer Susan right up. Forget it, Susan, just keep your mind on Mick in white lace over white velvet, pushed up enticingly by his wonderbra. Imagine lifting his veil and planting a sweet kiss on his esquisite Irish face...have I got the bunnies off your mind yet?

And try this song:


"Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free,
'Tis a gift to come down where you want to be,
And when your find yourself in the place just right,
You will be in the garden of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shall not be ashamed,
To turn, to turn will be our delignt,
'Til by turning, turning we come round right

Love is a gift within us all:
We have to learn to answer its call;
Then we can live in harmony and peace once again,
And we'll share our joy and our love with all men.

May your sense of loss be replaced by the joy of having him in your life so long and the knowledge that he is still with you, in you, --seed

05 Oct 99 - 10:19 PM (#121148)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

Thanks for the thoughts. Say, I like some of those hunting the hare songs, good rollicking melodies, and in a lot of them the rabbit gets away. Go for it!! I wonder how it would combine with Simple Gifts . . .?


05 Oct 99 - 10:28 PM (#121152)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

the black hare actually seems to be capable of scanning to "simple gifts" -- eerie.

06 Oct 99 - 02:43 PM (#121378)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: WyoWoman

Hey Catspaw, you should catwalk over to the "Three Chords" thread. I think there's a new book project waiting for you over there:

WTF: 'Spaw 'Splains the Circle of Fifths.


06 Oct 99 - 03:03 PM (#121386)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

The only circle of fifths I have ANY knowledge 'bout is the circle of empty bottle around after the party.

hey! Anyone know "down among the Dead Men?"

06 Oct 99 - 03:23 PM (#121393)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Sheesh! MM! I haven't thought of that in years (how many times has that been said on the Mudcat?)! I'll bet my sister wil remember it. I'll send her an email and ask.

This Tavern seems to be flagging a little. I think we need a new injection of liveliness. How about we stoke up the campfire out back, roast some corn (I know 'Spaw wil come for that!) and everybody bring their instruments and voices out back. We've even got a dance floor laid down out there. One of those portable ones. Maybe we can get Bert to show us some of those steps he knows from his days back home in the UK.

I know some of you will be away,but that justmeans the rst of us will have to carouse, croon, stomp our feet, and "stay a little longer". Now, who wants to go howl at the moon with me?? OOwwwwHooooooo!! We gonna parrrrtay!

06 Oct 99 - 03:42 PM (#121404)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

"well, I spied a young girl with her face like the snow
and her skin was as white as the lilly that grows
I said "look ye fair maiden, why ramble ye so?
Can you tell me where the Bonny Black Hare will go?"

The answer she gave me, her answer was nay
"But it's under me apron they say she will stray
So as your manner is willing and your bullets fly fair
we'll both go together to seek the Bonny Black Hare."

Boppin' Bunnies? LOL!...LEJ

06 Oct 99 - 03:52 PM (#121407)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

KatL! it was a rhetorical question...."Down among the Dead Men" is in the DT....

bar-b-q? *sniff* mmmmmm-mmmmm

06 Oct 99 - 05:25 PM (#121439)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MAG (inactive)

Kat, Do you want to restart the campfire thread, or just go from here? It's about time for campfire October Halloweenies, so here's a good 'un - classic British Music Hall:

Now in the Tow'r of London big as life/ The ghost of Anne Bolyen walks, they declare./ Anne Boleyn was once King 'enry's wife/ until he 'ad the 'eadsman part 'er hair.

Oh yes, he done her wrong long years ago;/ And she returns each night to tell him so - o - o -

With 'er 'ead - tucked - underneath 'er arm/ She walks - the bloody tow'r/ with 'er 'ead - tucked - underneath 'er arm/ In the midnight hour ...

You know the rest; join in and sing!

06 Oct 99 - 05:38 PM (#121442)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Okay, MM, didn't realise. I think the smoke from the fire got me confused. *g*

Ah! MAG, I love that one! I thought we'd just combine the fire outback & still have the Tavern for when folks don't want to see the light o'day or when it gets a bit frosty outside. 'Tis time for some more of the Samhain stuff, though, and I thank ye for reminding us (how could I forget? Halloween is Roger's b-day!)Here's one of my favs,copyrighted by Bonnie Lockhart. My daughters learned it in grade school in Massachusetts, only we always sang it in present tense:


Who were the witches? Where did they come from?
May be your great, great, great grandmother was one
Witches were wise, wise women they say
And there's a little witch in ev'ry women today.

Witches knew all about flowers and weeds
How to use all their roots & their leaves & their seeds
When people grew weary from hardworkin' days
They made them feel better in so many ways

When women had babies the witches were there
To hold them & help them & give them sweet care
Witches knew stories of how life began
Son't you wish you could be on? Well maybe you can

Some people thought that the witches were bad
Some people were scared of the power they had
But power to help & to heal & to care
Isn't something to fear, it's a pleasure to share.

Ghost story! Ghost story! C'mon, who's got a ghost story??

06 Oct 99 - 06:07 PM (#121460)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MAG (inactive)

That Bonnie Lockhart song is on a long OP LP, with Nancy Shimmel and the Plum Pudding Players (including B. Lockhart.)

My ghost stories are too long topost here, but I'm dusting them off for my annual scary stories room at the YMCA.

Janice Del Negro (storyteller) just put out a great, great tape of witchy stuff.

06 Oct 99 - 09:45 PM (#121529)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Bill D

zipping into the tavern in midst of Getaway planning to collect a round of drinks from MMario..*grin*..lawdy, it does a body good when someone GETS a weird, neat pun!...and when TWO of this group acknowlege you....

I'll have a shot of Tullamore Dew, neat!.....what pun you ask? see the 'looking for songbooks' thread...(lamarca called me and performed the exercise in my ear!)

07 Oct 99 - 10:10 AM (#121656)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

lamarca speak Xhosa? Wow!

I was frustrated as heck last night...ran over at work, didn't get home until after the broadcast began, found out I didn't have the right version of RA, tried to download it and couldn't get past 97 percent....(TWICE!!!) - but enjoyed the archive this am...and of course been sending off e-mail to all and sundry to tell them "go listen!"

So I'm gonna just take this lil ol' rum'n'coke and sprawl against a tree out back and enjoy this lovely brisk fall (autumn) day.

07 Oct 99 - 04:36 PM (#121808)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

*wandering back through the Tavern* Just wanted to let y'all know I'm going through "the door" for a 5 day weekend - spending it in days of old when knights were bold, and the women weren't particular....*grin*

See people sometime around wednesday....

07 Oct 99 - 05:23 PM (#121828)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

MMario, shouldn't that be, "When women were bold and knights weren't particular?*G* Have a good time and thanks for letting us know. I really enjoyed your song last night on MCat radio!

I hereby rename this thread "Mudcat Tavern#14a-Second Wind"

C'mon Catters, rousing takes us all! Another amaretto and I'll be singing to m'self! Gawd, where's Koko when ya ened her. She'd get things going, even if Big Mick is gonna be gone for a few days. Let's get the hot tub going with, lets, see hot chocolate, nah, mmmmm, how about mint tea, give you skina tingle and healthy shine; smells good, we can pick our own wild mint out back in the woods, well...anybody have a different idea?? No! No possum droppings in the hot tub, we don't want to fertilise any of the moss that show up in there, take it out back 'Spaw, puhlleeeessse?

Just put new varnish on the tables, fixed some of the nicks. There's hooks from the rafters now if ya want to hang your instrument for a quick game of darts or pool.

If nobody wants to serve, well we'll have open bar, again and I use to tend bar, so I might be able to swizzle something up, as long as nobody asks for a Freddy Fuddpucker.....I can't remember what goes in one of them! sure looks spruced up! Ready for a Second Wind!

07 Oct 99 - 05:30 PM (#121830)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: DougR

Susan A-R:

So sorry to hear about your dad. I guess it's all been said in the messages above, but just wanted you to know that a lot of folks are thinking about you and wish you and your family well.


07 Oct 99 - 05:36 PM (#121834)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario


oh! Hi, Kat? Have you seen a backp....That's it, the one with "I was a teenage MudCat" logo on it. Thanks. Forgot the blasted thing when I went through "the door".

*blush* glad you enjoyed it. It would have been better if I hadn't tried to record it at the end of a 14 hour work day...or had someone to run the tape deck (which was in a different room) while I just sang. or....(just fishing for compliments--jump in any time)

and at faire we usually say "when Scots wore skirts and sheep were nervous" *eg* [NOI!]

I expect the place will have moved when I get back. Somebody leave a trail of bread crumbs, or 'possum droppings or somethin' okay?

07 Oct 99 - 06:37 PM (#121848)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

C'mon Katlaf, grab a stepladder and tape the other end of this orange crepe paper to the wall, while I tape this end to Banjer's banjer. Gotta get all these Halloween decorations up, because we are celebrating all month. Special drink of the month- the Caramel Apple... whiskey, apple cider, touch of caramel syrup. Costume Party the night of the 31st, and I hear Wyo's gonna be naked under the bubble wrap this year, so bring your safety pins!

Kerouac and Cassady are back, and I don't know what happened on the road, but they have been extremely quiet except to say they returned the possum to Spaw after dropping the detective guy at a crossroads down below the border line. Now, Cassady just stares off into space while Kerouac has his nose buried in Angela's Ashes. Kesey said they were upset because somebody said they were obsessed with navel lint. Burroughs says it's no easy transition from iconoclast to icon. I just keep taking them more beer and onion rings. C'est la Vie

Little ditty appropriate to hanging the Halloween decorations. AHEM....

I forbid you maidens all
Who wear gold in your hair
to go by Carter Hall
for young Tam Lin is there..

07 Oct 99 - 07:19 PM (#121858)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Well, LeeJ, there ya go, crepe paper looks nice. I've one fo those ghosts that Wooo-ooo at you when you walk by, shall I hang it on the way to the Loo? Oh, can't think of a better place to bury one's nose than Frank McCourt's book...excelent read, I'm about half way through it.

Where are those vampire teeth I brought? It's so much fun to go around and say, I vant to drink your blooood!" Brought my crystal ball and tarot cards, too, round wimmin's deck and the ole standby. Shall I set up in the corner over there? Fortunes told, scrying, all for the price of a drink!

I love this time of year!

07 Oct 99 - 07:20 PM (#121861)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Well, LeeJ, there ya go, crepe paper looks nice. I've one fo those ghosts that Wooo-ooo at you when you walk by, shall I hang it on the way to the Loo? Oh, can't think of a better place to bury one's nose than Frank McCourt's book...excelent read, I'm about half way through it.

Where are those vampire teeth I brought? It's so much fun to go around and say, I vant to drink your blooood!" Brought my crystal ball and tarot cards, too, round wimmin's deck and the ole standby. Shall I set up in the corner over there? Fortunes told, scrying, all for the price of a drink!

I love this time of year!

07 Oct 99 - 07:25 PM (#121863)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

oops, sorry. Comedy nite-halloween jokes:

One dark night two men were walking home after a party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs. Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.

"Holy cow, Mister," one of them said after catching his breath, "You scared us half to death we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here so late at night?"

"Those fools!" the old man grumbled. "They misspelled my name!"

07 Oct 99 - 08:02 PM (#121879)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

Kat..a wooooo by the Loo sounds like the thing to do! Place is starting to look really creepy- orange n black crepe paper, jack o lanterns, dead beatnicks, gargoyles in the corners... we'll set up the corner for your fortune-telling gig. Can somebody do seances?

And what do yo mean about Kerouac having his nose in a book? He's got his nose in Angela's actual frigging ashes! Apparently McCourt had one too many of the glasses of Black Stuff and left 'em here again.

Janet's tied her kirtle green
A bit above her knee
and she's gone to Carter Hall
as fast as go can she...

07 Oct 99 - 08:59 PM (#121899)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Oh, LeeJ, poor Angela! Hey, seances I can do, course it always helps to have a circle of people who can join hands around a table which is light enough to tap out messages. Did that one time for real. It was pretty eerie; the little table with all of our fingertips resting on, actually danced in the strings attached! I was impressed!

Anybody wanna hear the beginning of one of my spookier stories? This is the original version; it's actually been edited and revised, but oh 'tis:

As she entered the room, a cold crept through her bones, deep into her muscles, tensing them and making her teeth chatter. The walls glistened with slow-dripping moisture, falling onto sideboards, books, and tables scattered around the room. She felt, rather than heard, a faint anguished scream in her mind. Clenching her jaw, with her arms wrapped around her, step by step she returned to the door. Not wanting to turn her back to the room, she watched for a presence of any kind which might be waiting for her to turn and flee. Finally, pulling the door with her, she backed out of the room, praying silently that whatever was in there would not pull the door from her hand, coming after her.
Just as she stepped over the threshold, in a sudden rush of air, the door was slammed shut from her grasp. She felt a flood of relief wash over her to be followed by a bone-chilling cold and uncontrollable shaking, yet, she was dripping with sweat. She was alone. No one to talk to, to confirm her sanity or lack of. Something kept her from closing up the room forever; something kept nagging at her to get to the mystery of the room. With high ceilings, luxurious drapes, and beautiful antiques; mullioned windows and deep windowseats, it really could have been her favorite.

Ah, well, an early effort, but friends have said it spooked them. Anybody know any good ghost stories?

07 Oct 99 - 10:22 PM (#121925)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

Say, do you guys want any of my spider webs?? I just discovered a great big one hanging over the sink, and if I can see 'em they are big enough to sell as commercial halloween decorations.

Can I set up the apple bobbing over here by the back door? My niece isn't allowed to bob at our house any more, since she just sticks her whole head in, drives the apple to the bottom of the canning kettle and BITES. Fierce young woman our Hannah.

She Hadna pu'ed a rose a rose, A rose but barely one When up there started young Tam Lin Sayin' Lady, let alone.

08 Oct 99 - 03:53 AM (#121992)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Roger the skiffler

I see the Tavern is open again, after being closed for family bereavement. Hope things are beginning to get better, Susan.
I'm not big on Halloween but if I come as I am I could pass for a zombie, Hey I could sing "Zombie jamboree"?
Oh, OK I won't. Now let me get my head out of the apple bobbing and breath again. RtS

08 Oct 99 - 04:30 AM (#121994)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: alison

I'm about to be a real party poop.. but in the interest of the Tavern threads not taking even longer to download.. what about sending the spooky stories into their own thread eg "Scary stories corner"...

just a thought.......

now make mine something strong I'm off to our Festival....



10 Oct 99 - 07:46 AM (#122447)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: alison

Oops... I'm sorry... didn't actually intend for you all to go completely silent.....

Is there anyone here?.... if not I'll help myself.. it's been a very busy weekend... I'm tired, I'm sunburnt, I've been eaten by mossies... and I've got sore muscles from dancing in the middle of a shopping centre today... what I really need is one of DougR's massages, .... failing that I'll settle for a nice cup of tea.......

10 Oct 99 - 11:47 AM (#122468)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Alice

alison, meet me at the Mudcat Campfire - 2 thread. I'd love to hear a scary story from Australia. -alice

11 Oct 99 - 02:12 AM (#122641)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: DougR

Alison, one super dooper massage coming up! Just keep an eye out for Big Mick. I don't want to rile him up!


11 Oct 99 - 05:40 AM (#122649)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Roger the skiffler

Quick, a large one, my PC crashed at work on Friday, I'm using a borrowed one while they try to salvage some data. The local network has been flaky all morning, so busy I've hardly time to look at the Mudcat in breaks, so you're spared bad jokes for a while! Quiet around here,everyone at the GETAWATY or campfire.

11 Oct 99 - 01:39 PM (#122709)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Lonesome EJ

" And why come you to Carter Hall, without command from me?"
" I come and go," young Janet said, "and ask no leave of thee."
And Janet's tied her kirtle green, a bit above her knee
and she's gone to her Father as fast as go can she
Up then spake her Father dear, and he spoke meek and mild
" Oh and Alack, Janet," he said," I fear you go with child."

My favorite thing about Tam Lin is the character Janet and her completely independent nature. She's not afraid to tell anyone what she wants, or to do what she thinks is right. Unusual for a song/story that must date back to the middle ages.

Anybody for Bungie-Bobbing? It's a new take on bobbing for apples. Just sit on this rafter, tie this bungie to your ankles, and aim at the washtub full of Grannie Smiths down there. Geronimo!!!

11 Oct 99 - 01:45 PM (#122711)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: katlaughing

Sure, LeeJ, after you show us how it is done! Oh, and how deep is the water we're gonna bob in?*G*

12 Oct 99 - 07:47 PM (#123202)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MAG (inactive)

I need a stiff one, after our fair little city (or at least the City Manager) has decided to balance next year's budget on the back of the Public Library. My very do-able job and the low cost of living is why I'm where I'm at. I'm way up in seniority, but starting January, my job may not have a drop of fun in it.

Let's see, shall I start on the Hennessey, or a T&T?

12 Oct 99 - 09:06 PM (#123226)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

Hmmm, I think that I got a LARGE bobbing bucket, but not THAT large. And granny smiths are HARD. Ouch! I think I'll consider this one a spectator sport.

MAG, have a round on me. My Mom is on the board of the public library in my home town and has been a pretty effective fighter for funding. Does your library have such a board? Wish I could loan her to you because she's quite good at working the community and is avid about the importance of libraries, information, learning, books and anything related. I hope that there is someone fighting for you there.

Oh, Lonesome, I never had heard a melody to Tam Lin, so I made one up. It's fun, but not too singable, so I'll have to check out the database to see what's there. I do like that Janet. She also manages to rescue her lad, and through some pretty harrowing odds, snakes, swords, and other unpleasant things to hang onto, all to get her boy in his birthday suit.

Thanks all for the condolences. I am doing pretty well. It's gonna be a gap in my life for a long time, but I've a lot of strong memories to hang onto, and good friends to share 'em with.

12 Oct 99 - 09:49 PM (#123237)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MAG (inactive)

Frankie Armstrong does a great tune to Tam Lin.

12 Oct 99 - 10:17 PM (#123250)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Jeri

There are 24 versions of Tam Lin and a bunch of tunes at

13 Oct 99 - 10:48 AM (#123396)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

*a weary, travel-stained person in elizabethean peasant garb stumbles through "the door". He crawls to the magical caffiene machine and opens the tap, positioning himself below the faucet*glug!*


14 Oct 99 - 09:12 PM (#124033)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: bbc

Yoo hoo, WyoWoman, are you in here? I'm sorry I missed your birthday yesterday! Hope it was happy! Will it help that I brought in a homemade Hershey Bar Torte to celebrate? Gather 'round, folks. Let's give her a big group hug! BTW, tomorrow (10-15) is Duane's birthday!



14 Oct 99 - 10:06 PM (#124054)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Susan A-R

How Did those Elizabethans manage without chocolate covered espresso beans?

Jeri, there is a Tam Lin Site?? Wow!! Well, at least my tune ain't copywritten. GRRR!!

Oh, can I have some black vile stuff to go with the Hershey cake?? That way I get two of the four basic food groups (coffee, chocolate, garlic and beer. I believe that there is a round about to be written)

YES!! My Red Sox just got a two run homer!!!!!! (Of course all could change, but for now, they are ahead.)

14 Oct 99 - 10:50 PM (#124072)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

"Come, my friends who would be flatter
Life consists of getting fatter!
So grab your forks and pass the platter
While we are together!

Let all our joy be in our food!
Let all our food be served with wine!
We'll show them how it is to dine!
and we'll end each meal with chocolate!

takeoff on "Let Onion be!" to the tune of "Let Union Be"

(somewhere I have another couple verses....


15 Oct 99 - 12:12 AM (#124096)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: DougR

Susan A-R: Feel up to a great WD40 Massage? Nobody is ahead of you so climb up on top of the bar, lay down on your tummy, and I'll go to work if you're want one.


15 Oct 99 - 12:16 AM (#124098)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: MMario

uh-oh! Doug! Alison is waiting for you and the wd-40 in the chat room.

I just signed off, grabbing a virtual pint and heading off to snooze.

15 Oct 99 - 02:01 AM (#124119)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Dave Swan

My hands hurt, my feet are sore, by back is screaming. Doug and his family, Tom, and I just chopped, macerated and pressed enough apples to yield eight gallons of what we hope will be cider once time and the yeast beasties have done their work. In the meantime, may I have pint of Blackthorn please ? And who is the wise guy who put the glow in the dark skeleton in the third stall in the men's room ? I nearly disgraced myself. Somebody needs a remedial session at N. Young's. E.S.

15 Oct 99 - 02:17 AM (#124124)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
From: Big Mick

Dammit Doug, I split for the wilds of Virginia with the wild ones, come back and right away you are chasing THE FAIR ONE with the WD40 again............this fella is quick............Hey beebs, how about a pint of the vile black stuff? And can I get a bucket of oysters on the half shell?..........What?.........waddya mean this ain't a seafood bar???????.............we'll fix that shit......everyone hold on to your stuff..we're moving to...................... Mudcat tavern #15 & oyster bar