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BS: Things a redneck would never say.....

23 Nov 11 - 08:10 PM (#3262398)
Subject: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,Wesley S

A friend of mine from New York City just sent this to me:

The top 40 things a redneck would never say:

40. Oh I just couldn't, heck, she's only sixteen.
39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex.
38. Duct tape won't fix that.
37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Michael.
36. Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineken.
35. We don't keep firearms in this house.
34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer?
33. You can't feed that to the dog.
32. I thought Graceland was tacky.
31. No kids in the back of the pickup. It's just not safe.
30. Wrasslin's fake.
29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace?
28. We're vegetarians.
27. Do you think my gut is too big?
26. I'll have grapefruit & grapes instead of biscuits & gravy.
25. Honey, we don't need another dog.
24. Who's Richard Petty?
23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds.
22. Too many deer heads detract from the decor.
21. Spittin'is such a nasty habit.
20. I just couldn't find a thing at Wal-Mart today.
19. Trim the fat off that steak.
18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.
17. The tires on that truck are too big.
16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad.
15. I've got it all on the C drive.
14. Unsweetened tea tastes better.
13. Would you like your fish poached or broiled?
12. My fiancee, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany's.
11. I've got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl.
10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat grams.
9. Checkmate!
8. She's too young to be wearing a bikini.
7. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts?
6. Hey, here's an episode of "Hee Haw" that we haven't seen.
5. I don't have a favorite college team.
4. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side.
3. I believe you cooked those green beans too long.
2. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla.
1. Nope, no more for me. I'm drivin' tonight.

23 Nov 11 - 08:30 PM (#3262408)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: gnu

Go ahead. If you make it, I'll follow.

23 Nov 11 - 08:32 PM (#3262409)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Little Hawk

Number 9 was the best. I burst out laughing when I read it. It's like they say, brevity is the soul of wit.

23 Nov 11 - 08:39 PM (#3262412)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,999

Levity is a bowl of grits.

23 Nov 11 - 08:55 PM (#3262416)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,Wesley S

I'd also heard that commonly - a rednecks last words were often:

"Hey guys - watch this!".

23 Nov 11 - 08:58 PM (#3262418)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

I been around so many rednecks that I never worry too much about what they ain't gonna say... I'm always amazed at just what they will say...


23 Nov 11 - 09:13 PM (#3262429)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,999

I too have been around rednecks. I like 'em. A good guy can always talk sense with them. Something ya can never do with Republicans.

23 Nov 11 - 09:14 PM (#3262430)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Little Hawk

Chongo would get along well with those guys...if they could only adjust to the idea of a talking chimp in a suit and hat with a M1911 pistol tucked in his vest pocket.

23 Nov 11 - 09:16 PM (#3262431)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: catspaw49

Dale Earnhardt wasn't worth a damn.
I'm really looking forward to Rosh Hashanah!
Gimmee a couple of eggs over easy and hold the grits.
I don't have a favorite place to eat barbecue/ribs.


23 Nov 11 - 09:20 PM (#3262434)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....

I'm a redneck
I'm a redneck
Tell me I don't eat grits
Tell me I don't like Spitz
I'm a redneck
I'm a redneck
I'm a redneck baby
Whao, I'm a redneck it's true
I'm a redneck
Giggles and shits for youuuuuuuuuuuuuu,

23 Nov 11 - 09:31 PM (#3262441)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Don Firth

"Got any yogurt?"

Don Firth

23 Nov 11 - 09:56 PM (#3262446)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Ed T

"I'll pass on the beans, oligosaccherides give me gas"

23 Nov 11 - 10:14 PM (#3262453)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Richard Bridge

I love the Toyota Prius

23 Nov 11 - 10:17 PM (#3262454)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

OKay, I got my red-negative-neck on so here's what they ain't ever gonna say:

50. That Obama guy ain't all that bad...
49. Restrictor plates rule...
48. Ya know, I used to be a hippie...
47. Toyotas rock...
46. Ya' know, I like that hip-hop shit...
45. "Sleepless in Seattle" was a great movie...
44. Big Trucks suck...
43. Who is Travis Tritt???
42. Save the redwoods...
41. I like broccoli...
40. Hey, ya' gonna be at the church picnic???
39. I'd like to go to Europe someday...
38. I like gardening...
37. I heard that McDonald's food is bad for you...
36. Bob Dylan rocks...
35. I really don't like shine...
34. Hey, Bubba, it ain't "nigger", it's black...
33. Tattoos suck...
32. Glad they're paying attention to concussions in football..
31. You need some tires, Bubba, thems is bald...
30. Fords Suck: 50% if Redneck Nation...
29. Chevys Suck: the other 50% of Redneck nation...
28. I think that Van Gogh's "Stary Night" is the shits...
27. The government is doing a good job...
26. I'm a Miller's Beer man...
25. Them folks up north are sho nuff some fine people...
24. Man never went to the moon... It was all fake...
23. Richard Petty was a punk...
22. My son just got accepted to M.I.T....
21. I voted for a Democrat...
20. Guess I musta just missed that 10 pointer...
19. Ya know, Bubba, there are three branches of government...

18 - 1 later...


23 Nov 11 - 10:23 PM (#3262456)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

I like LL Bean better than Carhartt

23 Nov 11 - 10:24 PM (#3262457)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

I get my mistletoe at Krogers

23 Nov 11 - 10:27 PM (#3262461)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

Behave, Jack...


23 Nov 11 - 10:32 PM (#3262466)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Janie

Weeellll - I gotta confess I think this kind of stereotyping kinda stoopid.

23 Nov 11 - 10:35 PM (#3262468)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

LOL, Janie... You are loving it...

Hey, it's clean fun and not much going on here anyway...


23 Nov 11 - 10:40 PM (#3262470)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

I'm just saying. A redneck might buy his mistletoe retail, but a real redneck would never admit it. I think a real redneck would go through quite a few cartons of shells before he would ask how it was done.

24 Nov 11 - 12:20 AM (#3262498)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Janie

No. I don't love it. I don't like anything that fosters or promotes stereotypes. Part of that is the way it promotes the devaluing of others. More importantly, stereotyping give the "other" an excuse to ignore or discount the views of the person or group who is stereotyped.

24 Nov 11 - 09:25 AM (#3262660)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Will Fly

Randy Newman used the stereotyping to good effect in "Rednecks" - showing up liberal hypocrisy in passing. A clever song.

24 Nov 11 - 09:50 AM (#3262681)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bill D

Don't tell Jeff Foxworthy that stereotyping is bad... it's his whole income. ....and the rednecks LOVE him.

24 Nov 11 - 10:13 AM (#3262694)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: catspaw49

I dunno' Janie..........How about when the stereotype aggressively "promotes" (read: trashes) himself?

Michelle Obama was at the final NASCAR race in Miami last Sunday in support of returning soldier's families. She and a group of soldier's kids gave the command to start engines. When introduced there was some booing from the crowd. It made the news of course and then got even worse as even Rush Limbaugh praised the assholes and then called the First Lady "uppity." See a short version here

NASCAR and racing in general have a bad enough reputation and I get tired of defending why I love it. As long as I can remember I have loved racing and have been involved with it on varying levels my entire life. I am all too well aware of the reputation of NASCAR fans but sometimes they seem to take great joy in perpetuating the image. Then when an asshole like Limbaugh backs the image up...........just pisses me off that we have seem to need a "Promote Your Negative Stereotype Week."


24 Nov 11 - 01:06 PM (#3262768)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Lonesome EJ

"Lets have another round of Raspberry Martinis!"

24 Nov 11 - 01:18 PM (#3262776)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

Well, I see it this way... Like Spawzer, I used to race (mini-stocks) and so there is a little redneck in me to go along with hillbilly and lotta other things... The way I see it is that if ya' gotta a little redneck in ya' than it's okay to make a few jokes now and then... BTW, the rednecks I know love to talk about the rednecks...

Jus' MO, of course...


24 Nov 11 - 01:37 PM (#3262788)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: frogprince

I don't really get Bobert's # 40. A lotta the rednecks I know wouldn't miss a Baptist church picnic. Unless the point is, ya don't have to ask, they'll be there.

24 Nov 11 - 01:53 PM (#3262797)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

a glorious lack of sophistication

That's what Foxworthy thinks about when composing a redneck joke. Foxworthy's fan base is composed almost entirely of self-described rednecks.

Janie, when the "other" is proudly defining itself, can it be all bad. In Canada Newfoundlanders are the butt of very similar jokes. they are called "Newfie" jokes. I proudly call myself a Newfie because it is short for Newfoundlander and I am very proud of what distinguishes me from the Ontarians and Albertans and other Upper Canadians who would tell such jokes.

On the other hand.

Some of the Jokes in the list of 40 are a bit offensive and overly stereotypical. For instance number 40; most people who consider themselves as rednecks are as against statutory rape as anyone else.

24 Nov 11 - 02:33 PM (#3262813)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: JohnInKansas

a rednecks last words were often:

The currently more popular quote is:

"Hey Bubba, hold my beer!"

which conveys about the same meaning(?).


24 Nov 11 - 03:07 PM (#3262834)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

As a "Newfie" joke it is "Hold my beer and watch this!"

24 Nov 11 - 03:10 PM (#3262836)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,mg

It is sad to read this on Thanksgiving Day, knowing that many of the so(offensively)-called "rednecks" don't even have enough to eat, very poor employment prospects, etc. etc. mg

24 Nov 11 - 03:13 PM (#3262838)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Janie

Well I guess my view is shaped both by my work and by my personal experience.

I've worked my entire adult life with poor or working class West Virginians and North Carolinians - people who the larger and more prosperous society see through the erroneous lenses of multiple stereotypes. Nigger. White Trash. Red Neck. Low life. Hillbilly. Southerner. In reality they are just people, like everyone else, but the perceptions and stereotypes applied to them impact nearly every aspect of their lives and make their hard lives even harder. Because stereotypes are so pervasive and largely unquestioned in society, for many it has really negatively impacted the way they view themselves, and lowered their expectations, hopes and dreams.

Born and raised a West Virginian, I have also spent a good part of my life dealing with prevalent stereotypes of "those poor, ignorant, incestuous hillbillies." Don't get me wrong. I am a hillbilly, and proud of it. I can laugh at myself and crack jokes about being a hillbilly. I can make fun of hillbillies. But only to other hillbillies. Because other hillbillies know what we have in common but also know the stereotype is a significant distortion. I understand the basis of the stereotype and can see elements of the stereotype within myself. But I know I am not the stereotype and do not mistake the stereotype for who I am. Others, however, have mistaken me for the stereotype, and I have suffered because of it.

The power of stereotypes to wound really hit home for me about 20 years ago. Was in a team meeting and told a WV hillbilly joke, i.e. the definition of a Logan County virgin is any 12 year old who can outrun her big brother. As soon as the words were out of my mouth I realized how NOT laughable this was to one of our team members - a colleague - not a hillbilly - who had confided to me that she had been a childhood victim of incest. At the end of the meeting I went to her office and apologized. See, there is some element of truth to the notion of inbreeding that is part of the Hillbilly stereotype. Isolated, stagnant populations living up remote hollers where nearly everybody is related somehow or other, lots of double first cousins, marry your 3rd cousin who is related to different degrees on both sides of the family. But inbreeding is not synonymous with incest. Think of the royal families of western Europe. The stereotype, however, doesn't distinguish.

24 Nov 11 - 03:28 PM (#3262846)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: akenaton

I think I like you Janie.

24 Nov 11 - 03:29 PM (#3262847)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

Janie, all you say is true. I don't think Wesley meant any harm and there are no incest jokes on his list. I know a bunch of computer professional happy to call themselves Rednecks who would use at least 30 items on that list to describe themselves.

Have you seen the movie, The Shipping News? read the book? It totally exploits and reinforces every bad stereotype about my people.

I don't really know why I am saying all this except to say that I know how you feel.

With Newfie Jokes, I repeat the ones that make us look good and ignore the ones that make us look bad. That is also what my redneck friends do with the jokes about them. It is human nature to be tribal and to stereotype, for me it is easier to go with the flow and every now and then try to steer the flow a little.

24 Nov 11 - 03:54 PM (#3262868)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: VirginiaTam

I say old chap, have you any Grey Poupon? I simply cannot abide rack of opossom without Grey Poupon.

24 Nov 11 - 06:39 PM (#3262968)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Stringsinger

Levity is pulling up a pair of Levis.

One thing they wouldn't say. How about that passage from Das Kapital?

Another is "youse guys". Everyone down here knows it "Y'awl". Or describing
present company at a different time to present company in the present it's
"How 'bout when it was y'awl, y'awl."

That's all y'all.

(I've been living in the South too long).

24 Nov 11 - 06:53 PM (#3262975)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Stringsinger

I know it's not PC but Larry the Cable Guy cracks me up. He is the embarrassing family member or uncle no one wants to admit they have but whom everyone knows very well.

Sometimes he goes over the top in some right-wing stuff but he and Jerry Clower are the great Southern clowns. I like 'em both and laugh at their shtick.

That's another thing. There are no "shticks" in Southern humor. No Jackie Masons
below the Mason Dixon.

Mark Twain and William Faulkner would have to be classified as"redneck".
How dumb is that?

24 Nov 11 - 07:35 PM (#3262999)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

You don't think Foxworthy's Redneck schtick is schtick?

24 Nov 11 - 08:22 PM (#3263020)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: gnu

No thanks, I had enough.

24 Nov 11 - 10:30 PM (#3263061)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Janie

VT, that reminds me of a story my grandmother used to tell. She had an uncle who eschewed eating groundhog if he knew it was groundhog. One Sunday dinner when he was going to be there groundhog was the meat du jour. Her mother cautioned them before the uncle arrived, telling them that if they wanted a second helping they should say "please pass the meat," vs "please pass the groundhog." Her brother did want a second helping. He remembered he wasn't supposed to ask for more groundhog, but the substitution "meat" escaped him. He stumbled and bumbled a bit, and finally said, "please pass the body."

25 Nov 11 - 07:05 AM (#3263176)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,Patsy

'Oooooch! I have gone and broken a nail now!

25 Nov 11 - 08:47 AM (#3263229)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Wesley S

Janie - FYI I've lived the majority of my life in the South { currently rural Georgia } and I can count rednecks as some of my best friends. Trust me that they do know how to laugh at each other and do so on a regular basis. As for jokes that marginalize a group of people or promote stereotypes? Well sometimes chicks just don't understand them and they have to be explained a second time.

You DO know I'm kidding don't you?

25 Nov 11 - 08:51 AM (#3263231)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bobert

You got ball, that much is fir sure, Wesley... Janie already put the Georgia in the GPS and gonna bring new meaning to Black Friday for ya, buddy...


25 Nov 11 - 11:39 AM (#3263340)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: dick greenhaus

The redneck is not typically from Appalachia---and redneck jokes, unlike Jewish jokes, Black humor etc. are about a cultural mindset, rather than any racial identity. Stereotypes exist because there's a basis of truth in them. Jokes exist because they're funny and reflect on actual attitudes and situations.

25 Nov 11 - 12:20 PM (#3263372)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Ed T

""How stereotypes are born
If national stereotypes aren't rooted in real experiences, then where do they come from?

One possibility is that they reflect national values, which may emerge from historical events. For example, many historians have argued that the spirit of American individualism has its origins in the experiences of the pioneers in the Old West.

Social scientists such as psychologist Richard Robins have proposed several other possible explanations for stereotypes and why they may be inaccurate. In a commentary that accompanies the Science study, Robins notes that some stereotypes may have been accurate at one point in history and then persisted while the culture changed. Or they may have grown out of historical conflicts between cultural groups.

Yet another possibility is that some very specific components of a stereotype may be accurate — for example, Italians may gesture with their hands a lot — but that they don't necessarily tell us anything more generally about personality.

We may be "hard-wired," to some extent, to maintain inaccurate stereotypes, since we are less likely to notice and remember information that violates our stereotypes. Generally, according to Robins, when we encounter people who contradict prevailing generalizations, we perceive them as unique individuals rather than representatives of their national or cultural groups.""

Taken from Study shows that real personalities don't match national stereotypes

25 Nov 11 - 04:55 PM (#3263499)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: gnu

No thanks, I gotta get up early.

25 Nov 11 - 06:11 PM (#3263525)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

"'Oooooch! I have gone and broken a nail now!"

A lady redneck will say that. Before she "presses on" another.

25 Nov 11 - 06:20 PM (#3263531)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Bee-dubya-ell

"Why would I want a 30-round clip for my semi-automatic rifle? Ten rounds is plenty."

25 Nov 11 - 06:33 PM (#3263541)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

A free John Deere cap? No thanks.

25 Nov 11 - 07:24 PM (#3263568)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Ed T

Test drive your new 4 by 4 in that mud hole, hell no.

25 Nov 11 - 07:37 PM (#3263575)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: GUEST,Wesley S

No thanks - Ketchup would ruin the taste.

25 Nov 11 - 09:04 PM (#3263604)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: pdq

The simple fact is that rednecks, hillbillies and trailer trash are all distinct groups of White folks found in America.

All these groups have a sense of humor and most of their comics poke fun at themselves.

25 Nov 11 - 10:11 PM (#3263620)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jack the Sailor

hmmmm, I can only speak from experience. I knew some people who easily would fit the definition of trailer trash in Columbus GA. The trailer park was dirty and dismal and if they had the means they would not live there. They would not describe themselves that way. They would take offense and they identified with no trailer trash comedians.

Several of them were proud to call themselves rednecks.

25 Nov 11 - 10:22 PM (#3263623)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Jim Dixon

40 Things You Just Won't Hear a Southern Boy Say posted here September, 2000.

26 Nov 11 - 04:58 PM (#3263919)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: Mysha


Stereotyping in the sense of attributing weaknesses to a distinct group, the theory went a number of years ago, comes from the need not to feel inferior. Where no significant differences exist between groups in constant contact, both will create a stereotype of the other group by exaggerating in the negative whatever insignificant differences exist.

The jokes are about bubbas, aren't they, rather than rednecks.


26 Nov 11 - 05:05 PM (#3263925)
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
From: gnu

Stereotyping in the sense of attributing weaknesses to a distinct group, the theory went a number of years ago, comes from the need not to feel inferior. Where no significant differences exist between groups in constant contact, both will create a stereotype of the other group by exaggerating in the negative whatever insignificant differences exist.
