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BS: Halloween costume?

03 Oct 99 - 11:09 PM (#120365)
Subject: Halloween costume?
From: Cara

My sister and I are going to a big Halloween party, and we want to have awesome costumes. We'd sort of like to play off of each other, but are open to suggestion.

Anybody got any ideas? What's the best costume you've ever seen?

03 Oct 99 - 11:16 PM (#120368)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: DonMeixner

My Dad always wanted to go out with no clothes on and a raisin on his naval. He was going to tell everone he was a sugar cookie.


03 Oct 99 - 11:26 PM (#120374)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

You can never go wrong with bubble wrap, a glue gun and double-sided tape. And lots of sparkly accoutrement from the fabric store.


03 Oct 99 - 11:31 PM (#120376)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Cara

So would I then be a sort of naked person in disguise?

03 Oct 99 - 11:41 PM (#120380)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Barry Finn

Go as folksingers no one will 'think twice it'll be alright'. Barry

03 Oct 99 - 11:44 PM (#120381)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Cara -- When I made my last bubblewrap extravaganza, I wore pink long underwear tops n' bottoms under it. Another year, I wore navy blue long 'wear underneath, in keeping with the color scheme. I, personally, wouldn't go naked under it, but then I live in a cold climate and anyway, don't much like the feeling of plastic up next to my skin.

But I don't know what kind of party you'll be attending. Maybe naked underneath bubble wrap would be just the thing...Only you can be the judge of that.


03 Oct 99 - 11:50 PM (#120383)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: DonMeixner


It was the Great Holmes himself who said, "Naked is the Best disguise"


04 Oct 99 - 02:43 AM (#120400)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: emily rain

on eof the contestants on a halloween episode of "win ben stein's money" was dressed as an unemployed jester. she was nobody's fool.


04 Oct 99 - 05:43 AM (#120425)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: campfire

WyoWoman - I don't get it either...What exactly ARE you when wrapped in bubble wrap?


04 Oct 99 - 07:08 AM (#120428)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: catspaw49

A perverse bunch aren't we? Start out asking about Halloween costumes and right off we all get naked.......

Best thing I ever went as was at a party in YOUR hometown Cara.....Went as a "Flasher"..........Black socks, klunky shoes, hat, knee length raincoat buttoned only at the neck...............I got the idea from an old Lenny Bruce bit so I had a bouquet of flowers that I had glued to the front of an old bathing suit. The girl who was with me dressed as Bo Peep...We were a big hit!


04 Oct 99 - 07:16 AM (#120430)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: catspaw49

A perverse bunch aren't we? Start out asking about Halloween costumes and right off we all get naked.......

Best thing I ever went as was at a party in YOUR hometown Cara.....Went as a "Flasher"..........Black socks, klunky shoes, hat, knee length raincoat buttoned only at the neck...............I got the idea from an old Lenny Bruce bit so I had a bouquet of flowers that I had glued to the front of an old bathing suit. The girl who was with me dressed as Bo Peep...We were a big hit!


04 Oct 99 - 08:09 AM (#120437)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Little Neophyte

Catspaw, I'm very honored to chat with you, I've read so much about you. Were the flowers wilted or in full bloom.

the curious little one

04 Oct 99 - 08:23 AM (#120442)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: catspaw49

Hi Phyte......Why you'd be honored, I have no idea.....but gawd knows I like to talk and we're always glad to have more folks here!!!

The "flowers"(chrysanthemums)were of the Bobbitt variety--freshly cut. They didn't wilt til after we got home.


04 Oct 99 - 09:48 AM (#120456)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Cara

Good suggestions! Keep'em coming.

The best costume I ever saw was a woman wearing a black negligee thingy with words painted all over it, i.e. id, ego, oedipal complex, superego, etc., in all different colors. She was a Freudian slip. I would do that myself but it's already been seen by the people who will be at this party unfortunately.

04 Oct 99 - 10:24 AM (#120465)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Allan C.

Here are some I have used in past year:

I wore complete chef's outfit with a devil's mask and fork. I was (and am) a hell of a good cook.

The next year I put on Western boots and cowboy hat and a black shirt with stars and planets spray glued to it. "Some people call me a Space Cowboy..." - I thought about going as the Gangster of Love the following year but didn't.

I tried the next year to go as something really scary. I was very well dressed but had a small venetian blind hung around my neck with a page from a calendar (one Friday was circled with a magic marker) glued to the slats (sliced at the openings so that the blinds looked proper). Give up? I was a blind date.

Another year I wore a "sandwich" sign which featured a huge "F" on one side and an equally large "G" on the other. I had a hangman's noose around my neck. I was hung in effigy.

04 Oct 99 - 10:55 AM (#120477)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Well, one year in the bubble wrap, I was the Wish Fairy. I made a sort of cape/jacket of the bubble wrap, with a lovely standup collar, and attached silver stars for the "buttons," and made myself a wand out of a dowel rod and another silver star, with colored ribbons wound around it and sparkle glued on everywhere I could get it to stick.

And people would pop my bubbles and get a wish. I have a photo of that somewhere -- if I had a scanner I'd put it up on my homepage if I had a homepage, so y'all could see it. It's pretty hard to describe, but was a great costume. Not nekkid, by the way. See through, yes, but I was completely clothed underneath.


04 Oct 99 - 11:21 AM (#120484)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: catspaw49

I think its finally beginning to dawn on me. Ya' know WW, you're pretty bizarre..........I like that......but that only proves you are!


04 Oct 99 - 11:52 AM (#120502)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Rick Fielding

If someone wanted to send a message to McKnees in Scotland, it might be worth while. She knows quite a lot about Halloween costumes (I've got the pics to prove it). Since she's my sister-in -law, and I don't know how public she is about these dress-ups, I'll leave it to you.

Personally my costume is always that of a rumpled musician who refused to grow up.


04 Oct 99 - 12:15 PM (#120510)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Margo

I went to a party where two girlfriends dressed in garbage bags. One girl was a skinny little thing, and the other girl was not fat, but certainly a bigger girl. Their signs read "Wimpy" and "Hefty", respectively. That's one way of playing off of each other.


04 Oct 99 - 12:28 PM (#120515)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: annamill

Hi Cara,

I once went as a full dressed Catholic nun with a slit up the side of my habit with a black garter belt.

I was a big hit ;-)

Love, annap

04 Oct 99 - 12:40 PM (#120523)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Matthew B.

Couples' costumes can be quite a challenge.

My wife and I went as Bluto and Olive Oyl (we hardly had to use costumes!)

The most gruesome "couple's" costume I ever saw was JFK and Jackie - him with a bullet hole in his head and her with blood all over her. I wasn't amused at all, but they were a big hit. Hey, we're becoming a desensitized society; last year I saw a kid go as the chalk outline! (a very urban theme)

I saw one couple go as the ultimate interfaith marriage: he was an old Hasidic Jew with a long beard; she was a nun (that wasn't you, was it, annap?) It was all the more enjoyable because he was very thin and she was, well, ample in her proportions. I also saw a hubby and wife who went as a pair of breasts.

Hope this helps.

04 Oct 99 - 01:26 PM (#120547)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Catspaw! At last, my identity revealed. La Femme Bizarro.

It's absolutely true. But I'm closet bizarre. You'd never guess it to meet me...I look so normal, don't I, Kat?

This year I think I'll dress as a gargoyle and just carry a flamethrower....

04 Oct 99 - 01:46 PM (#120562)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Allan C.

This year I plan to attach a bunch of underwear to my upper torso and go as a chest-of-drawers.

04 Oct 99 - 02:46 PM (#120584)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?

one year my husband and I dressed up in yellow and black stripes with huge sombreros w/ antennae attached to them, we also had big handlebar mustaches, criss-crossing ammunition belts and toy rifles. We were south american killer bees!

04 Oct 99 - 03:10 PM (#120598)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: ursa

one year my husband and I went in yellow and balck stipes, criss-crossing ammunition belts, handlebar mustaches, and sombreros with antannae attached to them. We were South American killer bees.

04 Oct 99 - 04:57 PM (#120658)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: katlaughing

I have a wonderful black *circle* skirt, peasant blouse, scads of scarves, jewels, rings, bells on an ankle bracelet, and dangly earrings, with a scarf around my head...always go as a gypsy.

Years ago, another stadard which I won champagne for, was black leotard, black tights, you get the Kat. There's something to be said for old standards.

One year in windy Wyoming, back in the lates 50's, my mom suspended hula hoops, with wires, from my sisters' shoulders, who are twins With the hoops hanging aorudn their waists, she then attached orange crepe papers in strips, made them some caps with stems and they went as pumpkins, only the wind destroyed them, very quickly and it snowed!

04 Oct 99 - 11:10 PM (#120800)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Tom on Comfort

Couple of years ago, I tie-dyed a sheet and went as the ghost of Jerry Garcia...

04 Oct 99 - 11:13 PM (#120805)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: sophocleese

I once dressed in rags, spread white glue on my face and hands and let it dry and peel. I wandered around rining a small bell and calling "Unclean, unclean". I was a leper of course.

04 Oct 99 - 11:56 PM (#120821)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: campfire

I saw a woman at a costume party wearing (over regular clothes) a blanket with all kinds of odds and ends (old plates, baby clothes, used books...) fastened on it. She was a rummage sale.

A girl I went to school with filled a clear plastic bag (Very large) with multi-colored balloons, somehow got inside it and managed to keep it in some sort of shape, and was a bag of jellybeans.

Of course, in college my (then) boyfriend and I tried very hard to be a sperm (him) and an egg, but nobody who saw us working on the costumes could figure out what we were. So with the help of a lot of cardboard, he became a Trojan packet (most popular brand around our parts at the time - ask Art) and I went as a packet of BC pills.


05 Oct 99 - 03:25 AM (#120866)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: roopoo

Winner at a local Star Trek fancy dress was the one who wore a brown/green abstract print t-shirt and a lot of branches: Captain's Log...(groan!) I once won a beachwear prize out of sympathy: I sat all night in a hot pub wearing an old-fashioned rubber wetsuit. At the last hallowe'en I went to I went as the Witchfinder General. mouldy

05 Oct 99 - 10:13 AM (#120910)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Anika

This may be somewhat "tasteless" to some but I thought of it as a good play on words. How about dressing yourselves in dark brown, crinkled up gargage bags,a pair of sunglasses each and a white stick.Voila,a pair of blind dates!

05 Oct 99 - 11:57 AM (#120942)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Easy Rider

I have this UGLY, medievil mask, with a really long, beaklike nose, like one of the bird characters on the Muppets. I wear a hooded cowle over it.

Halloween is on Sunday, so I think I'll go to Church in it this year. I'll bring my guitar and sing "Death Come Creeping".


05 Oct 99 - 09:32 PM (#121124)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Little Neophyte

I once saw a guy dressed as a gypsy with a small round table build around him that draped a long table cloth so you couldn't see his legs. A tiffany lamp hooked up to the table that worked. He would walk up to people at the party, sit down in front of them and start reading their fortune cards. It was hysterical! Neo

05 Oct 99 - 11:51 PM (#121186)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: GutBucketeer

Let me see....

One time I went as a traffic jam dressed in black with stripes down the middle and a working traffic light on my head (it took a while to make but it was fun changing it from stop to go while talking to someone).

I also went as a Nuclear Plant worker that glowed in the dark, sort of the Japan theme of the week.

The best costume for two women I ever saw was when I was living in Arlington Texas and we went to a costume party in a bar. Two girls showed up wearing these pink silk tear drop things with a great big red dot in the middle. No one knew what they were until they hugged. Then all of a sudden a pair of huge boobs was looking right at you. They won the contest!


06 Oct 99 - 10:31 PM (#121536)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: northfolk/al cholger

One year I went as Leon Redbone, but soon grew weary of the "Dr. Livingston, I presume" queries.... This year I may follow up on my(old line) threat for my wife to go as a horses head...and I'll go as myself!

06 Oct 99 - 10:50 PM (#121541)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: emily rain

i've now assembled this year's costume: i'm attending a "sex drugs and rock and roll" theme party (eww, i know; got high school?), and i'm wearing red silk balloon pants, a long white silk blouse, black felt vest, and red pillbox-type cap. and a leash.

i'm the monkey on your back.

07 Oct 99 - 07:05 PM (#121856)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Bill D

There was a young woman named Moll,
With humor exceedingly droll
At a masquerade ball,
Dressed in nothing at all,
She backed in as a Parkerhouse roll

08 Oct 99 - 12:29 AM (#121955)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Oh, I forgot. Last year I just dipped my lip in a mixture of sour cream/milk and went as one of the "Milk mustache" ads. An amazingly simply costume and it got lots of laughs. I had to carry a cup of sour cream with me because the stuff kept drying.

I've had my bubblewrap photo scanned and am going to try to figure out a way to post it so you can see what I'm talking about. It was pretty cool. But I can't figure out how to get the photo from a disc to somewhere on the email or internet. This technology is so cool once you get it figured out, but the learning curve is daunting.


28 Oct 99 - 07:46 AM (#128921)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Allan C.

Mick, listen up! You'll love this! I just learned of someone who purchased one of those fake birds at a craft store. Then he tore a wing off and attached it to the upper arm part of his left sleeve. Next he wired a huge potato to his zipper. He was a left-wing dictator!

28 Oct 99 - 10:57 AM (#128985)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Allan, that's good enough to steal...

28 Oct 99 - 10:58 AM (#128986)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

Oh. I guess I couldn't, though, could I? Wouldn't quite work...

28 Oct 99 - 11:12 AM (#128991)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Allan C.

Maybe you could switch sleeves and replace the potato with a whisk. Then you could be a right-wing agitator.

28 Oct 99 - 05:52 PM (#129173)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Cara

oh my that is just beautiful. i wish i'd thought of it.

admiringly, cara (who still has no costume for sure)

28 Oct 99 - 07:12 PM (#129191)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

In just twelve hours I have to have a costume suitable to be worn in the presence of children- and you aren't helping at all- tho the bubble wrap fairy gives me ideas, Wyo!

28 Oct 99 - 07:25 PM (#129197)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Micca

Cara, a friend of mine went Guising, which is a sort of Fancy dress but more intentional concealment of identity. thst later after export to the Colonies became Trick or Treat, got a blank face shaped mask but with no features and wore a suit and tie, bowlerhat (Am. Derby)briefcase and rolled umbrella and was the Faceless Bureaucrat.

28 Oct 99 - 07:56 PM (#129201)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Cricket In Canyon Lake, TX

The easiest costume I've ever done was to take a syrophome cup and cut it down to fit your nose and then draw two dots on the bottom. You then drape a blanket over your shoulders and go as a "pig in a blanket." It was a cheap date and fun.

28 Oct 99 - 07:57 PM (#129202)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?

28 Oct 99 - 08:05 PM (#129206)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I once crashed what turned out to be a tramps costume party, and they gave me a prize.

That's one thing I like about folk festivals - you stand in a queue with all these people painted funny colours or wearing horses heads, and jangling with bells and all, and it's not fancy dress costume, it's their working gear.

28 Oct 99 - 08:06 PM (#129208)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Lonesome EJ

One Halloween my wife and I were invited to two consecutive Halloween parties, one on Friday and one on Saturday Nights. I was Batman and she was Robin the first night, but the second night I didn't want to be Batman again, so I put on a suit and tie backwards, wore a mask on the back of my head, and we went as Back-man and Robin.

28 Oct 99 - 08:11 PM (#129210)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?

My personal favorite is the old Pregnant Nun- not sure what to recommend for your friend however along the same theme (also may be offensive to some)

A bald man with a wooden leg was invited to a halloween party and went to the local costume shop to get his costume. The attendant said, "I know exactly what you need!" and returned shortly with a pirates costume. He told the gentleman, "With your wooden leg, this would be perfect". The man blew up, "How can you even suggest such a thing- I am very self conscious about my wooden leg- take that back and get me something else at once!"

The attendant came back shortly with a monk's costume- he told the man, "The long robe will cover up your wooden leg and this will really take advantage of your shiny pate". The man was really incensed now- he told the attendant what he could do with the monk's costume and told him to get him a different costume.

A while later, the attendant came back with a can of red spray paint and a bag of caramels. He told the man, "Paint yourself red, while you are drying, melt the caramels in a pan. Pour the caramels over your little bald head, stick your wooden leg up your *ss and go as a Caramel Apple!"

DISCLAIMER- this post is not designed to offend catholics, pirates, monks, people who are tress challenged or those with wooden legs- no flames please! Laura

29 Oct 99 - 07:55 AM (#129370)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Allan C.

The party I had been planning for has been canceled. Damn! I had abandoned a previous costume idea (posted above) and had decided to be scary instead. I had planned to dress quite simply in the same sort of clothes I normally wear, i.e., jeans and a black tee shirt. And on it was to be printed the word, "Commitment". Scary, huh?

29 Oct 99 - 08:00 AM (#129373)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: catspaw49

Damn Allan.....peolple would flee the room creating a panic as bodies piled up at the door...1913 Massacree all over again!


29 Oct 99 - 09:50 AM (#129412)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Patrish(inactive)

Ok.... here goes....

Pink leotard, paint top of head black, fill mouth to the brim with custard. puff cheeks out, slap them hard...........yes a blackhead

29 Oct 99 - 03:13 PM (#129569)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: danielriverwind

Last year I got a haircut, and nobody could tell who I was. It might work for you??

29 Oct 99 - 04:35 PM (#129597)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Lonesome EJ

Or stick your foot in your mouth and go as a gargoyle.


29 Oct 99 - 05:51 PM (#129621)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Loretta Grace

I had a friend once who just hung a sign around his neck that said "Your Number One Fan" and went as such. "What are you?" "I'm Your Number One Fan." Pretty cool... I myself am going as a sexy angel this year. I'm pretty happy about it. It's just an excuse to wear a halo and wings...

29 Oct 99 - 08:50 PM (#129681)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: McKnees

How about 3 pairs of black tights/pantyhose. Stuff the legs of the tights and pin them on the back of a T shirt. Wear with back trousers/pants, draw two eyes on your farhead and go as the Millenium bug. Mcknees (I've just finished my Mummy costume, complete with scarab beetles climbing up it.

30 Oct 99 - 05:08 PM (#129898)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: jtt

I once went to a party in a big hairy coat and jumped up and down a lot screaming, and had a tall calm friend with me in a three-piece suit: we were Id and Superego

30 Oct 99 - 08:43 PM (#129931)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Ma-K

Grandson dressed all in black, had a yellow strip from chin down. unstuff an old toy. glued it to his black suit, said it was road kill. his name for all this was "country roads" dedicated it to Johm Denver

31 Oct 99 - 08:29 PM (#130192)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Pelrad

Campfire, my then-boyfriend and I successfully went to a party one year as a sperm and an egg. I had a giant pink bow in my hair and a huge white trash bag around my torso with shredded paper inside. He wore a diver's suit and mask, flippers, a tail, and a tshirt reading "Fallopian Swim Team."

Nowadays we are older, wiser, and parents. :-)

31 Oct 99 - 10:06 PM (#130221)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: Rick Fielding

McKnees, what happened to your Star Trek outfit?


01 Nov 99 - 11:00 PM (#130723)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

A guy in Santa Fe, from which I've just returned, had a tee shirt that said, "Feminist Chicks Dig Me."

I think that is one of the funniest things i've seen...


01 Nov 99 - 11:04 PM (#130728)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: sophocleese

Wyo Woman Ilike it! My brother used to belong to Pseudo Blacks of Ontario; Striving to be Laid Back.

02 Nov 99 - 12:27 AM (#130755)
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
From: WyoWoman

That's GREAT!

I was riding down the street in Santa Fe (tourist mecca, groovey place where a good contingent of the beautiful people hang out) and ended up behind this guy who was rollerblading down the middle of the street. He was wearing the perfect rollerblader's outfit -- dayglo shorts, elbow and wrist pads, helmet, etc. -- and just groovin' along looking at the scenery, bein' Joe Cool, completely oblivious to the ever-lengthening line of cars now behind him. So I, being the first car behind him, thought I should just give the horn a wee toot to draw his attention to the parade he was leading.

I tootled very gently on the horn, one short little "beep," and that was it. He instantly turned around, flipped me off and absolutely SCREAMED: "CHILL THE F**K OUT, you ASSHOLE!!!"

Certainly a living, breathing advertisement for the mellow life, that one.