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BS: Bah, Humbug

25 Dec 11 - 03:18 AM (#3279622)
Subject: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

Count your blessings? Let's see,
My wife left me
My dog died
the fridge quit with a small fortune in food
It's cold as a dead man's tongue
It's 3 am and I can't sleep.

There has to be a country song in there somewhere.

25 Dec 11 - 03:26 AM (#3279625)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Jack the Sailor

Merry Christmas!

25 Dec 11 - 03:26 AM (#3279626)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

Oh yes, the blessings

I'm in great shape for a man twice my age.
My kids and grand kids are coming for dinner, and I have plenty of Scotch. Thanks, Mary.
My wife is coming back (As far as I know)
Dani says my dog is waiting in heaven.
That new furnace keeps the place comfortable.

Come to think of it, I have more going for me than I thought.
1. My eye sight,
2 My hearing
3 My inhibitions.

Oh well, Merry Christmas.

25 Dec 11 - 03:28 AM (#3279628)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall


25 Dec 11 - 05:05 AM (#3279641)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Sandra in Sydney

& Merry Christmas to you & yours, Kendall

25 Dec 11 - 06:03 AM (#3279654)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Big Al Whittle

Merry Christmas.

Olde Englishe Humbugs

Big stripey sweets individually wrapped in clear paper. Kept in a jar on the highest shelf of the sweetshop. Sometimes the sweetshop man let you sniff the jar, bacause it had an exquisite minty smell.

Its years since I saw real humbugs - just a taste of mint, but after a while it turned into a sweet mint flavoured cement in your mouth. No good for your teeth - but it stopped you coughing if you had a cold. It kept your throat moist. Sometimes just long enough to get to sleep.

25 Dec 11 - 06:18 AM (#3279659)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

Big Al,
       Ah, for those rows of big glass sweet jars.
       Takes me back!!

25 Dec 11 - 06:28 AM (#3279665)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: jacqui.c

Gawd - I can't leave him alone for five minutes...........

Yes, you wife IS coming back, in time to celebrate the New Year.

Now go have a good Christmas Day with your kida nad grandkids you auld curmudgeon.

BTW - I started playing that YouTube video. Luckily 11 year old ears were not in hearing range at the time.



25 Dec 11 - 07:10 AM (#3279673)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: gnu

Ho... ho... ho...

It will be all over by mid afternoon for me... thank goodness... for this year anyway.

Big bahhhhh.

25 Dec 11 - 08:26 AM (#3279688)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Big Al Whittle

And sold by the quarter pound to your Grandma in paper bag that went wrinkly in her big black handbag!

That's what I call a humbug!

25 Dec 11 - 08:29 AM (#3279689)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

If he hasn't heard that word by now,. he is too sheltered.

25 Dec 11 - 09:47 AM (#3279703)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Micca

Kendall, Thats a 5$ fine!!!!

25 Dec 11 - 10:35 AM (#3279719)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

For what? I didn't whine.

25 Dec 11 - 10:39 AM (#3279723)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

Jacqui says she will be home on Wednesday. That makes me remember an old song that Caryl P. Weiss used to sing:

There'll be a hot time in Lakehurst New Jersey when the Hindenburg lands today.

25 Dec 11 - 10:49 AM (#3279729)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Little Hawk

Maybe Chongo can call up a few of his primate buddies to come over and keep you company, Kendall. More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Or...well, kinda the same, actually.

25 Dec 11 - 11:04 AM (#3279732)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: ranger1

Isn't there a llama to keep you company?

Running like hell for the door now...

25 Dec 11 - 12:45 PM (#3279783)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug

He has four turkeys, a fox, a groundhog and assorted other wildlife to keep him company not to mention a houseful of plants screaming for attention. Bah Humbug, indeed!
Merry Christmas, Captain.

25 Dec 11 - 01:02 PM (#3279788)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: goatfell

Merry Christmas to all

25 Dec 11 - 01:08 PM (#3279790)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Maryrrf

Merry Christmas, Kendall!

25 Dec 11 - 01:44 PM (#3279807)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

No Groundhog, just a Possum.

If you want to see something funny, read my Humor in grand children thread.

25 Dec 11 - 02:23 PM (#3279829)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: gnu

It's over. It wasn't toooo bad. Mum put the pepper to a couple of them in a very nice way and stopped the crap before it could multiply. 85 and losing it but she still has those people skills that only come from age and thereby wisdom. And a cane.

Oh my... even a Zantac 150 can't overcome the turnip (see the dinner thread). I just don't feel good.

25 Dec 11 - 03:20 PM (#3279853)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Big Al Whittle

Kendal - no man is an island. But sometimes you're better off with your memories and a bag of humbugs and a frozen pizza.

have you thought of becoming a fugitive? you may regret it - the one Christmas I tried it - terrible things happened.

However - at least i experienced life outside the compound.

25 Dec 11 - 05:28 PM (#3279903)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Life outside the compound is essential if ya ask me. Any caged ape, human or monkey will back me up on that.

- Chongo

25 Dec 11 - 05:31 PM (#3279905)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: gnu

When did YOU get out?

25 Dec 11 - 05:35 PM (#3279908)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: catspaw49

He also has the llama but it too is wanting Jacqui to get home so the poor thing can rest. I had a good Christmas Kendall.....If you missed it, let me explain....................

Many of you are familiar with what my son Michael went through starting about age 13 with depression and the resultant RAD with cutting and even attempted suicide. After 3 hospitalizations and time in a treatment center along with a load of drugs and counseling, he began making a comeback in late 2007, age 16. He still struggled with school and the schools were struggling with him. After a year of home school we tried public school again and then gave up and just went for the home school route permanently.

Socially and emotionally he was making progress and last year when I spent two months in the hospital he stepped up to the plate and really grew up. One of the great joys of my life has been to see the truly wonderful relationship he now has with his Mom. When I hear them laughing together in the kitchen it is hard to believe that just a few years back he screamed at Karen, "You stupid fuckin' bitch."

Mike is now off all meds and all counseling and really doing well but I still worried about school and getting his GED. A few months ago he just finally said, "Dad.....that's enough. Let me take the test and then we'll see what I have to do next." I agreed. I hoped he would pass a portion of it and then he would have a better feeling about what else we might need to work on and any special accommodations we might want to apply for. So he turned 19 on 11/25 and he took the GED on the 16th. Yesterday we got the results via computer at sister Connie's prior to our Christmas Eve supper.

And he passed. He passed them all. He passed them all with some fine scores and on the first sitting and without special accommodations. I cannot tell you how proud of him we are. If he was graduating from Harvard with a PhD I could not be happier.

I suppose most parents find that moment, that epiphany, with their children and even though we had it with Tris and could see a future for him, I feared Mike would never pull it together but he has..........and somehow in that moment yesterday my view of him changed completely. Now he is an adult...and he at least has a shot.

Thank all of you who have been supportive of us and thanks for reading. I may stick this post on a couple of threads so if you find it have pity on this happy Dad and don't bitch!


25 Dec 11 - 05:48 PM (#3279913)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: gnu

I'll do the same, Spaw... tears again re-reading your post. Tears of joy. How wonderful.

25 Dec 11 - 06:31 PM (#3279927)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Amergin

Here's a happy song for ya....

25 Dec 11 - 08:42 PM (#3279958)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: kendall

Spaw, thats some of the best news I've ever heard.

25 Dec 11 - 09:06 PM (#3279967)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: freda underhill

Thanks for the laughs, Kendall - Kevin Bloody Wilson strikes again (trust an Aussie to be so crass!)

and Spaw - what fantastic news, the good came through. I'm happy for all of you!

x freda

26 Dec 11 - 06:10 AM (#3280070)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: jacqui.c

Wonderful news Spaw. You and Karen have done a first class job raising those boys.

I spoke to Kendall and family last night - dinner went well - he cooked the turkey to perfection, I am told. From the noise in the background it seemed that every one was having a good time.

I'm heading off down south today, staying with my son in preparation for my flight on Wednesday. Not long now Kendall, so get that llama out the house and back in the garage where it belongs!

26 Dec 11 - 07:04 AM (#3280083)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Andrez

Spaw, I wasnt aware of any of your story with your children but as a social worker it isnt too hard for me to read between the few lines above to have a sense of what you have been through with Mike and the joy you are experiencing now. You are absolutely right "at least he has a shot" and thats what its all about!

We had no such dramas with our daughter but at the end of high school this year and while still waiting for her results we find ourselves content with the knowledge that she got through, sometimes despite her teachers, and is in a position to "have a shot" as well. We have no idea what the future holds and cant protect her from any of that but we know that at least she had a go and we were able to go along for the ride and help out as best we could. It kinda makes it all worthwhile when you see the smiles.

Its funny though, I've also been thinking about BigBallad Singer, another 'catter who featured in a couple of threads of his own earlier this year where he was looking at selling his instruments to make ends meet. He needed a real job at the time to help make ends meet for his family. I haven't noticed anything about him or from him for a while but I was touched by his story and hope that things have turned out better for him over the past few months.

Merry Christmas to 'catters everywhere!



27 Dec 11 - 05:42 AM (#3280439)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Micca

Spaw, my congratulations to you and Karen, But especially to Mike, from the "other" Mike Patterson!!!!

27 Dec 11 - 03:54 PM (#3280667)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: fat B****rd

Spaw, that's lovely to read. I'm really pleased for you and yours.

27 Dec 11 - 04:33 PM (#3280686)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Georgiansilver

The weather outside is freezin'
The poor dog died and I'm sneezin'
My wife decided to go!
Let it snow, ;let it snow, let it snow.
It's 3am and I'm awake now,
How much more can I take now.
It's as cold as a dead mans tongue,
And I've broken my iron lung!
No presents under my tree now,
Nothing to live for no-how,
It's time for me to go....
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

27 Dec 11 - 06:08 PM (#3280738)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: gnu

Count Your Blessings

My wife left me, but she's comin back.

My dog died, but he's in my memories.

The fridge quit with a small fortune in food but the rum and whiskey won't spoil.

It's cold as a dead man's tongue but spring will come.

It's 3 am and I can't sleep. But I think of petting my dog, and the wife and I have rum and whiskey.


There is a song... ya just gotta find it.

27 Dec 11 - 06:48 PM (#3280760)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug

Scary Knight
It was a dark and stormy Knight

There was little light, a stormy knight,
The weather was bad also.
A terrible night with a terrible knight,
At the chamber door, a crow.

A fireside dog and a fireside log,
I pondered by my weary brain
   I tossed in my dog instead of the log
His howling nearly drove me insane.

The error of my ways, I could not stave
So I pulled the poor beast out.
He was singed to the skin and his eyes were dim
But his loyalty was never in doubt.

To amend my ways, to this very day
I call him Sir Lancelot
And he sleeps in my bed where I once laid my head
Like a King on his Royal Yacht.

Cap't Bob

27 Dec 11 - 08:45 PM (#3280816)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: GUEST,jaze

I'm happy for you, Spaw. I've been through a similar thing. My son has slowly settled down and is maturing as people said he would, but I had a hard time believing it. Thank God and Merry christmas!

27 Dec 11 - 09:01 PM (#3280819)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Bobert

Yo, Capt'n...

I'd suggest that you return the sex-toys back to the zoo ***before*** jacqui gets home...

I mean, gawd, my man... Get 'um out 'er you might find yerself out...


28 Dec 11 - 07:22 AM (#3280957)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: GUEST,kendall

What for? Jacqui left them for me! She's more broad minded than I am, and I have them on my mind all the time.

I saw a dog chasing a car; suddenly it stopped and the dog just stood there thinking, "Now what"?

28 Dec 11 - 07:54 AM (#3280965)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: Nigel Parsons

Bah Humbug Christmas ale. (Also available as a tee-shirt)

28 Dec 11 - 06:49 PM (#3281245)
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for taking the time to post your wonderful post, Spaw.

Good job! For all three of you.