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BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!

31 Dec 11 - 09:56 AM (#3282400)
Subject: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Will Fly

The sloe gin I made just before Christmas 2010 has been strained and decanted this afternoon. I shall be tasting later. I changed the recipe last year and went 'traditional' - i.e. used sugar - which I don't normally do. I usually let the sloes and gin marinate for 3 years and then drink.

The comparison will be interesting - and I may be some time...

Have a good New Year's Eve.

31 Dec 11 - 10:05 AM (#3282404)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Newport Boy

My grandfather had a different way with sloe gin - he wasn't concerned with decanting or maturity.

Take 1 bottle of gin & 1 empty gin bottle
Divide the gin between the 2 bottles
Fill bottles with sloes, and sugar to taste

New Year's Eve
Start drinking from bottle 1

Continue bottle 1 until almost empty
Refill bottle 1 with gin
Start on bottle 2

February - April
Repeat as necessary

May - December
Drink elderberry or parsnip wine.

It worked for him - and I was allowed a glass at New Year (aged 9)


31 Dec 11 - 10:05 AM (#3282405)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: John MacKenzie

Made sloe gin, and sloe vodka this year, but I only leave it for 3 months. It's turned out nice again ;-)

31 Dec 11 - 10:26 AM (#3282417)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: greg stephens

I always start drinking all fruit gins the Christmas/New Year after they are made. It's like drinking your diary for the previous year, and promotes reflections on the coming one.

31 Dec 11 - 12:36 PM (#3282497)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Max Johnson

I can't find any sloes, so I make Damson Gin and Damson Vodka. Slightly different flavour from Sloes, and you use more sugar to make Damson liqueurs, I believe.
I've decanted half of it after 4 months (it's delicious) and I'll leave the rest for 12 months this time, to see what happens. If anyone's interested, here's the method, which is the same for both Damsons and Sloes, although Sloes use less sugar, I think. Can anyone confirm, or refute that?

The ratios I use are:
1 lb Damsons.
6 oz sugar.
1 Litre reasonable quality Gin or Vodka.

Prick the Damsons or Sloes well, with a fork, and put them in a sterilised, sealable jar (eg, Kilner jar). Add the Sugar. Add the alcohol. Keep tipping the jar around for a few days until all the sugar is dissolved and distributed.
After 3 or 4 months, decat and strain, preferably through muslin.

You can bake with the boozy, remaining fruit.

31 Dec 11 - 01:20 PM (#3282519)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: John MacKenzie

I use the jutg and filter funnel of an old filtered coffee machine, after the muslin. I also reccommend dark bottles, as sitting in the light in clear bottles can cause a sort of sedimentation.

31 Dec 11 - 02:10 PM (#3282544)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: gnu

I find gin makes me sedimentary so I avoid it.

31 Dec 11 - 06:58 PM (#3282673)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: JennieG

You know, my brain keeps reading "soles" for "sloes"....I am wondering why anyone would chop up their old shoes to sock in alcohol?

Must have been caused by the bubbly Himself and I welcomed in the new year with, last night.

Cheers (hic)

31 Dec 11 - 08:54 PM (#3282705)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Cats

I leave my sloe gin for at least a year but this summer made summer fruit vodka which only needs 3 months. Try it..

01 Jan 12 - 07:54 AM (#3282913)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Max Johnson

John - gravity filter thing is a good idea - I've got an old one somewhere and I'll try that.

I keep my jars in brown paper bags to keep the light out while they're stashed.

Must find some sloes...

01 Jan 12 - 08:07 AM (#3282916)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Richard Bridge

Since the major expense in Sloe Gin is the gin, and since Sloe Gin us usually only about 22% and since you can get to about 22% by fermentation and freeze-distilling, I wonder if a creative person would like to try making a sloe wine and concentrating it by freezing, and report back.

01 Jan 12 - 12:52 PM (#3282995)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: Bat Goddess

The recipe I have for lemon gin requires the bottles be wrapped in bubble wrap, stored in the boot of your car, and to drive the car hard for 3 years.

As with crock pickles, I'm sure I'd be tempted to sample for quality much sooner than that -- sort of like pulling plants up by the roots to see how they're doing...


01 Jan 12 - 01:06 PM (#3283002)
Subject: RE: BS: Last year's sloe gin decanted!
From: John MacKenzie

I made lemon vodka a few years back. I just used the zest off a couple of lemons, and about 4 oz sugar, to a bottle of vodka. Left it for about 3 months, shaking it occasionally. It was very nice when it was strained and bottled.