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Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????

22 Mar 12 - 11:29 AM (#3327073)
Subject: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: GUEST,An Average Mudcat Husband

How long will this guy survive before his brain melts down and he distractedly rear ends a car in front at very high speed...???

22 Mar 12 - 11:41 AM (#3327076)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Bernard

She's a complete air-head... people have a right to be stupid, but she abuses the privilege!!

Why was she wittering about how fast she walks? Such a straightforward question... I hesitate to suggest that she was over-thinking it!!

22 Mar 12 - 12:09 PM (#3327100)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: frogprince

Had she been a brunette, millions of people would be hopelessly confused. : )

But answer me this; where was the video camera, and who was operating it??

22 Mar 12 - 12:15 PM (#3327105)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????

Illegal use of camera phone in one hand while steering ?
Any cops watching YouTube ?

22 Mar 12 - 12:48 PM (#3327116)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Bernard

"where was the video camera, and who was operating it??"

Hmmm... the mind boggles!! ;o>

22 Mar 12 - 01:25 PM (#3327130)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: GUEST,999

How can they be going 80 MPH if they've only been driving for 23 minutes? (Thanks to the 'Herman' cartoon for that one.)

22 Mar 12 - 01:42 PM (#3327149)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk


Am I ever glad I didn't marry her. Sheesh.

22 Mar 12 - 02:10 PM (#3327170)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: gnu

About an hour and 15 minutes if there are any cops around. Maybe longer depending on how many cops there are. And, if they smelled the weed she was smokin, maybe days.

22 Mar 12 - 02:49 PM (#3327192)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Rapparee

How good are the tires on the car? Are they properly inflated? Are the wheel bearings "up to snuff"? What about the road surface? How about the aerodynamics of the vehicle?

80 mph is a figure supplied by the vehicle -- is the speedometer acccurate? The US government allows a variance of up to 10%.

In brief, there's not enough information to give an accurate answer.

22 Mar 12 - 05:05 PM (#3327286)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk

For some people, there is never enough information. ;-)

22 Mar 12 - 05:17 PM (#3327291)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Bobert


I would loved to have been a fly on the wall when this guy proposed to her...


22 Mar 12 - 05:40 PM (#3327304)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk

She probably needed a lengthy explanation of just what he was getting at... ;-)

22 Mar 12 - 07:05 PM (#3327337)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: katlaughing

Did any of you think maybe she was in on it and the whole thing is a joke? I'm not surprised the "Average Mudcat Husband" signed in as a Guest. Hope his wife doesn't find out about this thread!:-)

BTW, if it is for real, that guy is a disrespectful bastard. How could he really love her if he is able to pull such a stunt and then put it up for all the world to see, esp. with that smarmy look-at-me-making-fun-of-my-wife smile?

22 Mar 12 - 07:11 PM (#3327342)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: gnu

kat... I am sure everyone thought of that right away. I did and only watched a small bit of the vid. If it is a put-on, I hope it's an audition for an acting career because, from the little bit I watched, she's good.

22 Mar 12 - 09:15 PM (#3327418)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Rapparee

Besides, is the 80 miles along the curvature of the earth, or "as the mole burrows"? It makes a difference because the influence of gravity will vary.

(Try this with my wife: a math major and a physics minor. Be sure to leave the contact information for your next of kin.)

22 Mar 12 - 11:11 PM (#3327457)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk

It may well be a put-on. If so, she played her part to a "T", and it has garnered the intended response. Youtube is all about getting the maximum number of hits, after all, isn't it?

22 Mar 12 - 11:21 PM (#3327465)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: number 6

Good grief .... I can't believe I watched over 1 minute of that moronic video .... why the Hell am I even writing a post to this schtooopid thread.


22 Mar 12 - 11:33 PM (#3327470)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk

Too much time on your hands? ;-)

23 Mar 12 - 12:09 AM (#3327487)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: katlaughing

LOL, biLL, do you need your wife to explain it to you?**bg**

23 Mar 12 - 02:23 AM (#3327508)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: YorkshireYankee

I agree with those asking how a guy who really loves his wife could happily subject her to such public humiliation. But even so, my mind boggles.

Then there's this response, by a woman who tells folks to lay off making fun of this poor woman, and explains why it wasn't fair to expect her to be able to answer this question. Again, my mind boggles...

23 Mar 12 - 04:56 AM (#3327529)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Manitas_at_home

At first she was trying to over-analyse the problem but I can't believe how long she overlooked the obvious. She's not stupid or lacking in basic maths - she just has a mental block. The response video really IS stupid.

23 Mar 12 - 05:00 AM (#3327530)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: GUEST,PeterC

I would guess that he had stitched her up to try and work out the time for an odometer reading of 80mph and then cut the video so that it looked as if she was trying to work out the time for an acutal 80mph.

23 Mar 12 - 05:10 AM (#3327536)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????

Agree with Manitas, I doubt it was a 'blonde' inability to comprehend something extremely obvious, but a mental block moment. I've done it myself!

"Then there's this response, by a woman who tells folks to lay off making fun of this poor woman, and explains why it wasn't fair to expect her to be able to answer this question"

YouTubers seem to have missed that she's playing up a stereotype, very well too. I expect she gets a laugh from the volume of genuinely stupid feedback 'ridiculing' her.

23 Mar 12 - 10:39 AM (#3327660)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: saulgoldie

If it is for real, I would guess that there are some other wonderful things about her other than her intelligence that attracts the guy. Otherwise, it must be a put on. Or he is an idiot. And a mean un, too.


23 Mar 12 - 10:47 AM (#3327661)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????

She's his "beautiful wife" - that's his emphasis in the video introduction.

23 Mar 12 - 10:56 AM (#3327664)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????

Heaven help the future prospects of America's intelligensia elite ?
and pray NASA and the CIA are not recruiting from this academic gene pool...

23 Mar 12 - 08:27 PM (#3327961)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: YorkshireYankee

"The couple, who are both students at Utah State University in Logan, got married in August and the math problem brain freeze happened just before Christmas. He posted the video on YouTube back in December to share with their family and friends. The video had been sitting there, undiscovered for months, and neither one of them expected it to go viral.** [italics mine]

""I honestly had no clue what to think," she said about finding out millions had watched her video. "At first I was shocked and then really mad. … Definitely, it was a roller coaster for a while. My emotions were pretty intense."

"What YouTubers didn't see, they say, is that Chelsea had been up all night studying for finals the night before and that her brain was completely fried. Plus, they had no radio on the boring car ride to visit her family in Boise and had to keep one another entertained."

Excerpt above is from this article

More excerpts:

Travis Chambers told "Good Morning America" he made with video with no mal intent and that it was nothing more than "affectionate teasing."

"I asked the question and she started answering and I said, 'I have to film this. Her family is going to think this is so funny,'" he explained today. "It was just so funny to me. We were just kind of goofing off, driving home. I think it looks a little worse than it was. …We tease and joke a lot.

Along with millions of views, the video has racked up a lot of comments, with many wondering whether the husband is in hot water with his spouse.

"I was like, 'How could you do this to me?' I was pretty upset, but I realize that our marriage is deeper than that. I can't let this little thing affect how I feel about my husband," she said. "I love him and our relationship has just kind of grown from this."

Her husband does apologize though for any hurt he might have caused his spouse.

"I definitely do apologize to Chelsea for teasing a little bit," he said today. "I'm sorry for the emotional roller coaster it's put you through. I am glad that you are understanding and such a sweet wife and that we are doing well."

**Explanation for its sudden popularity here:
"Even though the video was posted three months ago, "The Real Meaning of MPH" has seen a spike in traffic over the last three days since it was posted on the Tosh.0 blog, which is an Internet companion to comedian Daniel Tosh's Comedy Central show, Tosh.0."

There is also now a comment (from the clip's uploader) under the YouTube clip (BTW, further comment has been disabled) that was not there yesterday:
"Thank you for those of you that have been understanding, positive and supportive through the experience of the unplanned, unintended, and unsought public attention we've received for the viral YouTube video. For those of you that have misinterpreted the context of the video and commented negatively, not having the background story, we sympathize with you, we aren't angry and hope you'll reconsider your feelings. Our relationship has been strengthened by this experience and we encourage anyone with questions to view Good Morning America and our future posts. We're not exactly sure where we will go with the public attention yet but we welcome suggestions. We certainly never wanted to become notorious but when life gives you rotten cabbage sometimes you just might be able to make lemonade :) We have created a Page on Facebook, 'Travis and Chelsea Chambers' Much love, Travis and Chelsea"

Methinks this all explains a LOT!
For one thing, it sounds to me like she was already aware of the clip -- and OK with it (but not expecting others besides family & friends to see it).

Actually, I'm impressed. They seem like a pretty solid couple to me, and to have reacted pretty well to what must have been a bewildering, meteoric journey to sudden fame/criticism/humiliation. Although I still think he owes her... bigtime! [g]

25 Mar 12 - 02:36 PM (#3328716)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: YorkshireYankee

So have I killed this thread?

25 Mar 12 - 02:49 PM (#3328722)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: GUEST,999

Pretty much, Yorkshire Yankee. You introduce facts and the whole thing goes to hell in a New York minute.

25 Mar 12 - 07:35 PM (#3328854)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I'm rather disappointed that she didn't follow up on his "explanation" with one of her own about how all that mental effort is going to give her headaches at bedtime for the next six months.

It would be no more than the smug, superior bastard deserves.

If I had ever done anything like that to my wife she'd have cut off me options.

Don T.

25 Mar 12 - 08:38 PM (#3328879)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: GUEST,999

"she'd have cut off me options"

Never heard them called that before, Don.

25 Mar 12 - 09:01 PM (#3328887)
Subject: RE: Explaining 80 mph to Wife !!!!????
From: Little Hawk

All in all, I think it's a rather heartwarming story. ;-) Seriously. I think they've handled it quite well.