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BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters

22 Mar 12 - 12:06 PM (#3327099)
Subject: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Little Hawk

This message today from Dennis Kucinich:

Dear Friend,

Thank you. Thank you for support throughout the primary election and the redistricting period which preceded it. Thanks to each and every one of you for your assistance in the campaign, your contributions, your endorsements, your volunteer work, your sacrifices, your advice, for strengthening not just our campaign, but for encouraging me personally. I would particularly like to thank those of you who contributed even though you are yourself experiencing hard times.

I went back to work in Congress the day after the primary, completed voting in Washington, DC and then Elizabeth and I took a week to rest, to reflect and to renew. I returned to Congress this week to continue my duties and to plan my work for the remainder of the term.

I could not let another day to go by without sharing with you my deep gratitude and my awareness of your role throughout my public service. I am especially grateful to the people of the greater Cleveland area who have been exceptionally supportive of me through the years. In this past primary election I achieved close to three out of every four votes from that part of my old district which was included in the new district. I am sure this was a resounding note of appreciation for the constituent service performed by my staff over the past sixteen years. I am also aware that I have I connected with the hearts of millions whose concerns transcend district lines.

It is important to put a political defeat into perspective, so may I share some thoughts? Since the March 6 Primary Election results, I have thought about others who have suffered real loss, people who have lost their homes, lost their jobs, lost their investments, lost their health care coverage, lost their educational opportunities, lost their retirement security, lost a loved one to the violence of war abroad or conflict domestically. Put alongside the struggle of so many people just to survive, the loss I experienced is much less consequential.

Redistricting? Political defeat? Indeed, but it is OK. I have not a shred of regret for the campaign we ran, a campaign of integrity standing up for progressive values and truth. I accept the outcome with equanimity but have concern for the direction of our Congress and our country. As for the methods used to win the election? Well, Spring has just begun. Life is bursting forth and cherry blossoms crown Washington, DC. Truth telling will have its season. Tomorrow's victories will be built from the embers of defeat. Of this I have no doubt.

How do I know this? I started my career in 1967 and since then, I have lost a total of eight times. Indeed, when I was elected to Congress in 1996, it was on my FIFTH try. When I was first sworn in January 3, 1997, it was the culmination of a campaign for Congress which started in December of 1971. Today I have had the honor of sixteen years of service in the United States House of Representatives. I tell you that our victory is inevitable. As it is for anyone who ceaselessly strives to make this a better world. This is not simply about elections. This is about how we stand up for humanity and our world by speaking and acting for the truth.

My education in losing and then winning has empowered me never to fear defeat, instead to cast votes and to take strong positions without regard as to how I may be affected politically. For me, truth is the highest consequence and I am committed to defend the cause of peace, economic and social justice. So, today I feel lighter, joyful, liberated by a familiar sense of onrushing possibilities as embodied in these lines from one of Elizabeth's and my favorite films, lines that Elizabeth spoke as vows to me when we married almost seven years ago:

"Knowing love, I will allow all things to come and go. To be as supple as the wind, and take everything that comes with great courage. My heart is as open as the sky. Life is right in any case."

With love and appreciation,


22 Mar 12 - 12:12 PM (#3327102)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: katlaughing

Ah, you beat me to it, LH. As always I find myself wishing they could all be like him.

22 Mar 12 - 01:28 PM (#3327131)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: gnu

Me too, kat.

22 Mar 12 - 01:31 PM (#3327134)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: GUEST,999

Good letter from a great man.

22 Mar 12 - 03:00 PM (#3327198)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Richard Bridge

He does come across as a good guy. How about him ruling the USA and Tony Benn the UK?

22 Mar 12 - 05:31 PM (#3327299)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Little Hawk

A nice idea...but I can't see any likelihood of it happening.

In any case, democracies are not "ruled" by one man. They are ruled by an assembly of elected representatives who should have equal voices in determining policy. A president should not be seen as a "ruler", he should be seen as an elected representative who works in consultation with many other elected representatives. If he thinks he's the "ruler" of the nation, then there's a serious problem with his whole psychological understanding of his position. He's supposed to be a public servant, not an overseer or an emperor.

Hitler was a ruler. "Ein folk, Ein Reich, Ein Feuhrer!" Mussolini was a ruler. Stalin was a ruler. Mao was a ruler. We don't need any more rulers. We need honest public servants.

22 Mar 12 - 07:19 PM (#3327350)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Stilly River Sage

He can be the "Good Example in Chief" from wherever he's working, I suspect. :)


23 Mar 12 - 11:38 PM (#3328004)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: michaelr

DK is a great man. It's too bad he couldn't come in a more presidential-looking package.

24 Mar 12 - 12:52 AM (#3328014)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: katlaughing

I like that, SRS. I am sure he will be, too.

Speaking of "rulers" some people here are so ignorant which my Rog says is just their way of stating they don't want a "n*&^#*" in the White House. We recently saw a bumper sticker which said "He's not MY doctor!" (Presumably in response to Obama's Healthcare plan.) It's such a ludicrous statement. Then we saw a church marquee which said "Take back America." I was wondering where it went. That's when Rog, always so calm and quiet, spewed about their racist ways. They all seem to think he is a supreme god/ruler, whatever. I hope DK keeps working towards peace, etc. We need it!

24 Mar 12 - 01:45 AM (#3328022)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Little Hawk


24 Mar 12 - 12:30 PM (#3328174)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: akenaton

People like Kucinich will NEVER get elected while you all keep voting for people like Obama.

Sometimes you gotta just bite the bullet?

Mrs Palin is actually closer to Kucinich than Obama!
I'm afraid we in the West need a good dose of radicalism; and that means kicking away from the soft cosy "liberal" centre.

Better a radicalism of the people than the Facism which looms on the horizon.

24 Mar 12 - 12:35 PM (#3328179)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: number 6

ake ... "Better a radicalism of the people than the Facism which looms on the horizon."

I fully agree with that.


24 Mar 12 - 01:39 PM (#3328209)
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich thanks his supporters
From: Little Hawk

I think that the ruling powers that be, which are the corporate-owned mass media, the corporates themselves, and the banks, will make quite sure that people like Dennis Kucinich do not get elected to lead countries, but that people like Obama and Romney and Blair and Cameron and Sarkozy and Stephen Harper and (Boris) Yeltsin get elected instead.

Business as usual.

It would require the radicalization of hundreds of millions of ordinary people to bring down those powers that be and change the basic system. Our rulers (or our owners?) would not go down without causing massive bloodshed and destruction, in my opinion. They would provoke dire crises, wars, and financial disasters to maintain their power.

However, a radicalization of the general public appears to be the only hope we have...short of the planet itself doing something that brings down the ruling system. And that something would also cause massive destruction, in all probability.

It is indeed Fascism which looms on the horizon. It becomes more obvious every day.