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Maybe I'm being paranoid...

16 Oct 99 - 11:20 PM (#124736)
Subject: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: John of the Hill

Is it just me or have there been a lot of lyric requests by first time posters lately?

16 Oct 99 - 11:30 PM (#124738)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Alice

John, I am laughing because I thought EXACTLY the same thing and thought of starting a thread with this title! I felt like we were being baited, but didn't know if it was just paranoia striking deep.

16 Oct 99 - 11:32 PM (#124740)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Joe Offer

Well, John, I think people get enthusiastic when they find this place, and tend to put in three or four requests for songs they been seeking for years. What I hate is when they put all their requests in one thread. You'll note that today's requesters are doing exactly what they're supposed to do - one song request per thread, and the songs they're requesting are mostly ones that aren't in the database. I'd say they're doing a good job.
And yeah, you're being paranoid.
Take two of these little sparkly green pills and call me in the morning.....
-Joe Offer-

17 Oct 99 - 12:33 AM (#124749)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: katlaughing

Now that you mention it, there does seem to be a slew of requests.

17 Oct 99 - 02:55 AM (#124763)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: paddymac

Joe - what's with the "sparkly green pills"? I'm not a pill kinda guy, legal or otherwise, so my "prescription" would be for a shot or two of your favorite Irish Whiskey (after all, it is triple distilled!) followed by a pint or two of the black stuff (it's laden with bioflavinoids - i.e., it really is good for you!). Slan!

17 Oct 99 - 03:18 AM (#124765)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Joe Offer

Well, Paddymac, I was just trying to see if I could get our paranoid brothers and sisters worried about side effects. Actually, the green pills are just Life Savers, Wint-O-Green flavor. If you bite 'em just right when it's dark, they're supposed to make sparks. Bioluminescence, or something like that. I've never seen it work, so I'm a Wint-O-Green agnostic, I guess.
I think your remedy sounds much better. Pour me a pint, please.
-Joe Offer-

17 Oct 99 - 06:51 AM (#124783)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: bob schwarer

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Bob S.

17 Oct 99 - 07:15 AM (#124784)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Little Neophyte

Does this mean I can't post my lyric request for the Oscar Meyer's Wiener song?
Little Neo

17 Oct 99 - 09:38 AM (#124804)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Roger in Baltimore

John and Alice,

At one point yesterday, I logged on and all the BS threads were at the bottom, the top was just filled with music related threads. Made me wonder, too. However, Saturday in the USA is typically a slow day for the "regulars" on the 'Cat who seem to be the prime BS'ers.

And if we have sinned, we have been sinning for sometime so whatever happens today or tomorrow will not exacerbate the troubles or help anyone firm up a case.

Max said to keep on truckin' like nothin' was goin' on. That is my intent until instructed otherwise.

Roger in Baltimore

17 Oct 99 - 09:59 AM (#124813)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Barbara

Y'know, I think maybe y'all need to send Max a fax or a snailmail thing saying what you said above, since it's possible to sign on under other people's names. NOI, your hearts are in the right place, but I don't think email constitutes "written verification".

17 Oct 99 - 08:07 PM (#124974)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: John of the Hill

Joe Offer, I am not paranoid and I would appreciate it if you would quit sending those messages through my fillings. John

17 Oct 99 - 08:33 PM (#124984)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Jeri

This is the squirrel from Jeri's attic. Yup, got her password and I'm goin' to town. Either she gets those moth balls outta there, or I'm posting the lyrics to a song she wrote when she was 14.

17 Oct 99 - 09:27 PM (#124995)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: _gargoyle

Be Afraid...Be Very Afraid

You folks are too much....very amusing.

17 Oct 99 - 10:47 PM (#125014)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Max

Keep on posting folks, if we're gonna fight a battle, might as well be about what we do everyday. Just remember, what we are doing is right, and I'm stickin to it.

18 Oct 99 - 12:22 AM (#125048)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Chris Seymour

I'm a sporadic 'catter and most often log on, I'll admit, when I want to plumb the deep well of this online community's folkloric knowledge. As in, I'm trying to find something out about a song. I do always check the DT, though I seem to sometimes do it incorrectly, since Jeri recently (without chastisement) pointed me to the database for something I was looking for. (When I'm on, I also scan requests to see if I know anything helpful -- usually someone's beat me to it, though I did add some info about the song Aragaon Mill just now to the thread on historical ballads.)

All of this is to ask: what are the written and unwritten principles, ettiquette points, etc., I ought to be aware of in making these requests? Thanks for gentle guidance.

18 Oct 99 - 12:33 AM (#125050)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: bbelle

Chris ... there really aren't any ... just ask. I remember when I was new and was afraid to post anything for fear one of the regulars would think me stupid. I even got hot under the collar early on about the term "lurker," which now I know is just a term ... moonchild

18 Oct 99 - 12:40 AM (#125052)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Rick Fielding

Chris, there ain't no rules. A simple "please and thank you", and out comes the Welcome Wagon. We're all a trifle edgy at the moment.


18 Oct 99 - 08:51 AM (#125108)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Jeri

Chris, you probably already know this. If you're looking for a song, or info on a song, it's best to start a separate thread with the song title (or something close to it) in the title.

I'm glad I sounded non-chastising. Nobody made me feel dumb when I first signed on, and folks went out of their way to make me feel welcome. I think most of us try to pass that on. If someone says something and you wonder whether they said it with a smile and a pat on the back or an evil laugh and a rude gesture, pick the smile.

18 Oct 99 - 10:12 AM (#125136)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: MMario

of course, occasionally you will get a sh*t-eatin' grin AND a rude gesture, but friendly-like, y'know what I mean?

18 Oct 99 - 12:03 PM (#125174)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Art Thieme

If it wasn't for green pills (legal) I wouldn't be here. But I don't drink now. We do take our drugs of choice, don't we?

And I've decided recently that it was best not to post certain songs I really wanted to show you good folks. I've found a slew of 'em over the years and it was a mission of mine to go through my collections and post 'em for all who cared to hear/see 'em. But the killjoys, like the Nazgul, are abroad in the world--------even if they do look more like Gargoyles...


18 Oct 99 - 02:58 PM (#125260)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Joe Offer

I suppose this will all come to some sort of confrontation someday. I had hoped that the closure of the International Lyrics Server would have brought the issue to resolution and ended the attempts at suppression, but I guess the folks with the money won that battle. Sooner or later, the copyright cops will find out they're shooting themselves in the foot, and all this will stop. I think it's important for us not to allow them to scare us into submission. I suppose the issue will finally be resolved in court - and I think some wise judge will find in our favor. Soon after that, the copyright holders will figure out they won't lose a penny from the posting of lyrics on the Internet.
-Joe Offer-

18 Oct 99 - 03:38 PM (#125270)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Uilleand

The wintergreen life savers really work, Joe! But you have to be a girl scout in a dark tent with a bunch of other girl scouts.

18 Oct 99 - 04:54 PM (#125306)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Charlie Baum

Not true Uilleand--Susan Stamberg once did the Wintergreen Life Saver thing in a dark closet on "All Things Considered" on NPR many, many years ago. It was such a weird thing to do that it keeps getting remembered at every retrospective anniversary.

--Charlie Baum

18 Oct 99 - 05:14 PM (#125316)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Uilleand

Well, in that case I have to try it again. It certainly was one of the things that I was in complete awe of, when I first visited the US in '81. I just thought it was only a girl scout thing, not a national past time.

19 Oct 99 - 02:12 AM (#125448)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Andrea

The word you're looking for on the Wint-O-Green Life Savers® thing is triboluminescence. (Bioluminescence refers to the cold light given off by some living organisms, such as the critters that glow in the nighttime wake of a moving vessel. It's also what makes fireflies and glowworms glow.)You can read a great explanation of it at

O.K. - encyclopædia mode off.

19 Oct 99 - 02:18 AM (#125449)
Subject: RE: Maybe I'm being paranoid...
From: Dale Rose

But make sure you don't copy the period at the end of the url, or you will get a dreaded 404.