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annap's gathering 1/14/2000

19 Oct 99 - 05:54 PM (#125667)
Subject: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hi Everyone, Here we go again!!

I know this is way early, but Bill just told me he was coming and asked me to hold the gathering from January 14th til January 17th. So there we are... you can at least start planning. I hope a lot of you decide to come. We'll have a fireplace, and Chai Tea (with rum opt), and hot chocolate ( rum opt), hot buttered rum (rum mandatory), lots of food, etc. You know the schpeeel... I'm going to make as much room as possible in my home for sleeping, playing, talking... no lime jello though. Well, I don't think so anyway, you never know!! It's going to be fun. I'll only bring it up once a week til January, then I'll go every day. We're offf...

Love, annap

19 Oct 99 - 06:01 PM (#125670)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Max

I get the hammock. All i need is an extension cord for my electric blanket.

19 Oct 99 - 07:59 PM (#125711)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bill\sables

It will be good to see you again Max. Bring your wet suit this time if you want to go canoeing. Or will it be skating? Cheers Bill

19 Oct 99 - 09:16 PM (#125731)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

annap ... is that a holiday weekend of some sort? I'm too envious of those who went to the various gatherings last summer, so I gotta be there (unless something untoward happens)! ... moonchild

20 Oct 99 - 08:37 AM (#125831)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

Yes, it is a holiday! January 14th through the 17th is known by many as The Festival of Annap. Although there are groups who celebrate this event in the months of July and again in August, sources indicate that the main feast is the one in January. The Festival of Annap is one of much music and song. It is also observed by the ingestion of copious amounts of food and beverage. Some of the more avid pilgrims have been known to travel many long miles to attend.

20 Oct 99 - 09:53 AM (#125857)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Easy Rider

Yes, folks have been gathering, to celebrate the festival of Anna-P, since the dawn of time, even before Annap was a twinkle in anybody's eye. It is told about, in song and story, around campfires as far away as OZ. What do you think the song, "Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight" is really about?

We'll try to make this one, to atone for missing the celebration last Summer.


20 Oct 99 - 11:30 AM (#125893)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

As one who never passes up the chance to celebrate a holiday ... or anything to which the word "copious" is attached ... moonchild

20 Oct 99 - 11:43 AM (#125901)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Matthew B.

Well, I am so sick and tired and totally fed up with missing annap's getherings, that I am gonna jump through hoops if necessary to make it to this one.

20 Oct 99 - 11:43 AM (#125902)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Pete Peterson

this sounds like fun! would I be welcome? WHERE, roughly, are you? (email me privately if this would be better) thanks in advance, Pete Peterson

20 Oct 99 - 12:17 PM (#125917)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hi Pete, Everyones invited. I live in Sea Bright, New Jersey. Sea Bright is a little peninsula between a river and The Atlantic Ocean. There is about 1/4 mile between the two. I live right on The Shrewsbury River at the foot of The Navasink River and across the street from the ocean. Search the forum for other threads about our gatherings under annap since June.

Max, I hope it doesn't snow! and kayaking is at your own risk, but I wouldn't recommend it. That water gets pretty cold in the winter.

Moonchild, we'll make it a holiday! EZR, you know you and your wife are welcome.

I wonder how deep you can stack people before it gets uncomfortable.

James, my son, should be at school (Culinary Institute of America) in Jan. so we can use his room upstairs. Just bring a lotta warm stuff for bed.

I think this is going to be goooood!

Love, annap

20 Oct 99 - 12:33 PM (#125927)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: KathWestra

Hi Annap -- Barring a blizzard, I'll plan to be there. Sounds just great! Kath

20 Oct 99 - 12:51 PM (#125933)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: folk1234

Where the Shrewsbury runs down to the star-lit Sea Bright bar,
There lives a lady, Annap is her name.
The matron of fine music, folk come from near and far
To celebrate in song at this lovely house of fame.

Could someone put line breaks in the above verse. Please add to it. It will be our January song. [done, S of DT]

I'll do everything I can to make it. Any 'catters twix OK and NJ who care to put up a lonesome traveler & his guitar on pilgrimage to the gazebo on the river?

20 Oct 99 - 01:08 PM (#125937)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

Where the Shrewsbury runs down to the star-lit Sea Bright bar,
There lives a lady, Annap is her name.
The matron of fine music, folk come from near and far
To celebrate in song at this lovely house of fame.

The water it shone brightly on that lovely July day
When the first big bunch of Mudcatters did gather there they say.
They talked and laughed and sang until they just could sing no more.
Then they gathered up their things and headed homeward from that shore.

20 Oct 99 - 01:12 PM (#125940)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Fortunato


Do we get to pick who we're stacked near?

Can I be next to that huggable Westra gal?

20 Oct 99 - 01:42 PM (#125956)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: dick greenhaus

Planning on it. Eagerly! Keep on truckin'

20 Oct 99 - 01:55 PM (#125958)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Now I'm humbled!!

Love, annap

20 Oct 99 - 09:32 PM (#126174)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Susan of DT

Actually it IS a holiday weekend, for those who get Martin Luther King Day off on Monday. If too many people want to stay at Annap's, I may be able to provide additional crashing space. I am an hour away. My house is bigger than Annap's, but not nearly as well located. Preferably for people I have met... we can work it out later.

20 Oct 99 - 09:42 PM (#126177)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: kendall

nearby motels?

21 Oct 99 - 10:11 AM (#126334)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

We have a small motel right on the strip near my house that charges too much in the summer, but in the winter they're a lot more reasonable. I am hoping to get a group deal from them, but first I need to get an idea how many are coming. I'll let you all know the details when I get them. It shouldn't cost much in the winter.

Thanks Susan. That's really nice of you to offer. It'll make it easier to have more people.

Love annap

23 Oct 99 - 12:58 AM (#127100)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: DonMeixner


I'm a Motel 6 kinda guy myself. Seabright is famous for a particulat type of fishing boat. The Seabright Skiff. I don't suppose you have a spare? I owned one years ago and would like another.

New Jersey, ist it true that New Jersey is the only parking lot so far to gain statehood :-))) ?


23 Oct 99 - 06:19 PM (#127286)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Don, I always thought the song "Ticky Tacky" by Pete Seeger was about Jersey. I was very surprised to find it was about Cali.

As for the skiff, I don't have one, but I'm sure you could get one here. I do, however, have a kayak called a "Sea Bright Skimmer" made right here too.

Seeya soon. Love, annap

23 Oct 99 - 07:40 PM (#127324)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Jeri

Annap, are you starting to get the feeling you're gonna need to put an addition on your house? I plan on being there, circumstances permitting.

23 Oct 99 - 08:03 PM (#127330)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore


Here's a New Jersey Song out of the DT.

Big RiB

23 Oct 99 - 08:07 PM (#127333)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

Jeri ... bunkbeds and stadium seating!!! moonchild

24 Oct 99 - 08:22 AM (#127449)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Jeri, You're always welcome. Can't wait to see you again. RiB..Oh yeah! ;-) I hope you and your wonderful wife can make it. (we won't tell her you have to do the food song)

I haven't had the opporunity to check the local motel yet for special rates. I need an idea of how many first.

Love, annap

25 Oct 99 - 07:21 AM (#127722)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

Anna, if the creek don't rise too awful much, I plan to be there.

25 Oct 99 - 09:49 AM (#127746)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

What was it Allan? The hot tub? I will love to have you here again. What about David?

Love, annap

25 Oct 99 - 11:00 AM (#127767)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: dick greenhaus

C'mon Roger-- YOu're being excessively limited. There are a couple of dozen songs in the DT that at least mention New Jersey.

25 Oct 99 - 03:41 PM (#127860)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: karen k


Been out of commission for a while so I missed this thread until now. As long as the weather cooperates I'd love to come. Will probably motel it so please post the name, phone # and cost as soon as yu can. Looking forward to it. Nice to see you at the Getaway.

karen k

25 Oct 99 - 04:09 PM (#127868)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

It will be wonderful to have you here Karen. maybe we ll finally have some time to sit and talk. We have met twice, but just haven't had the time to talk. Maybe in January. I'll post those motel rates and info asap.

Love, annap

25 Oct 99 - 07:23 PM (#127931)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore

Gee, Dick,

I just picked out the one that I knew that put New Jersey in a fair light.

Big RiB

01 Nov 99 - 01:59 PM (#130507)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello my friends,

I know it's been a while since I've delved into or little community, but I have been so busy. Glenn's band "The Jettyrats" played a Holloween gig Saturday so all day we were busy gathering costumes. I saw some fascinating stuff. Humans conjure up the strangest images. It's constantly amazing to me.

Sunday I couldn't move...just layed on my couch all day.

Today I'm busy with preparing to leave here. I've been here 4 years and there's a lotta things I have to pass on to others.

I just spoke to my Honey at home and he just came back from kayaking the river. He said the water was so clear, you could see down 12 feet. I'm sooo jealous!!

Tomorrow we sign the lease on a store in Sea Bright, where I live, and we're going to open a combo video, music CD store. The start of my retirement from the programming, NY community. We're excited. It will be called "Moondog's Video and Music". Glenn nickname is Moondog from his surfin' days. The whole area know him as Moondog.

This is to remind everyone of the gathering being held at our place from January 14th to January 17th. Music, music, talk, music, drink, music, food....

I haven't hed time to speak to the local motel yet. I do that tomorrow.

HAWD, Love, annap

01 Nov 99 - 03:32 PM (#130533)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: folk1234

Will you have a back room(s); perhaps some chairs, tables, and love seats; maybe a small stage in the corner; a few drinking glassses and cups; some designer coffees and teas; and of course a few kegs. BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME!! Need I say more?

01 Nov 99 - 03:40 PM (#130536)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Bert

Just take a look at the Mudcat photo from the Getaway and imagine all those people on the pier. I have visions of the pierhead slowly sinking into the river.

01 Nov 99 - 04:02 PM (#130545)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

Imagine all those people on the pier flapping about like a bunch of semi-frozen seagulls!

01 Nov 99 - 04:10 PM (#130550)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

WHAT IS THIS?? NEGATIVE THOUGHTS FROM TWO OF MY FAVORITE MUDCATTERS/MUDCATEERS?? I'll have none of it, I say!! First, I doubt that we'll be out on the gazebo in the middle of January, second, that gazebo is strong enough to hold all the mudcatters. It has six big, strong pileons to hold us!!

We might go out there, but there will be no way you'll be able to play any instrument. It's cold out there, Baby!! We're gonna be INSIDE by the fireplace, warm and comfy.

Love, annap

01 Nov 99 - 04:21 PM (#130555)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Bert

Not negative, just teasing about the number of people you are going to find on your doorstep.

01 Nov 99 - 04:22 PM (#130556)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

Sounds wonderful! But ya gotta admit, both of those other visions were pretty funny (well, I thought so anyway!). For those who haven't been there, Anna has a couch the size of Baltimore in the room where the fireplace is. So there will be room for a whole mess of people. (Pssst. Anna! We could make even more room if we put your dining room furniture on the ceiling...I just don't know how I manage come up with these great ideas!).

01 Nov 99 - 04:28 PM (#130558)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Rick Fielding

As usual I'll be out trodding the boards, singin' songs and tryin' to promote the new album, but I'll be there in spirit. Have a wonderful time. Hope I can make it in person some time next year.


01 Nov 99 - 04:46 PM (#130569)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

I can't believe you guys (and gals) are complaining about a little cold weather!! Remember, I'm from Fairbanks AK and unless it's 60 below, it ain't cold. I'm looking forward to wearing some cold weather gear. Don't have much of an opportunity to wear it in Tallahassee. And just think ... all bundled up in the gazebo, warming our cockles with hot buttered rums, etc. oooooooo ... moonchild

01 Nov 99 - 04:54 PM (#130575)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Bert, I hope you and Theresa will be there! Folk1234, are you bringing the dutch oven (she said hopefully)? We will need some of that delicious Beer Stew to warm those cockles moonchild is talking about, along with the hot buttered rum.

Love, annap

01 Nov 99 - 05:47 PM (#130598)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Bert

I don't think Tree will be there but I've already bought the meat for those 9 pies you ordered.

01 Nov 99 - 09:37 PM (#130695)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

Ok, I get it! Admission is based on your prowess in the kitchen. Well! Can I oblige? CAN - I - OBLIGE? How's about my FAMOUS Beer Cheese Soup and a couple of Nut Cakes ... moonchild

01 Nov 99 - 09:47 PM (#130698)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: catspaw49

Oh I think the "Nutcakes" will be in abundance from reading the names of those who seem to be attending!!!

Luvya' annap...and one of these days...............


02 Nov 99 - 06:41 AM (#130803)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

I am only too aware of the way the stuff of the real world can get in the way of personal pleasures. But I decided sometime ago to cast aside worldly worries wherever possible and to make TODAY "one of these days". Life is just too damned short.

I hope that any of you who are "riding the fence" about whether to come to this or any other such gathering will JUST DO IT! I know that there are many, many obstacles to what I am advocating. But I truly hope that they will prove to be not insurmountable.

Remember what the doormouse said...

02 Nov 99 - 07:24 AM (#130809)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: catspaw49

Geez Allan, I can barely remember what I said. And now you're asking me to memorize the utterances of a rat? C'mon here.......gimmee a break. The next thing you know I'll have to recite all 163 verses of "Zen and the Clay Possum." I just can't do it anymore...........


02 Nov 99 - 09:24 AM (#130856)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Jeri

No, Spaw - just get your ass in the van and go to New Jersey in January. Maybe you could drag Big Mick with you. I'd like to see him when he isn't a slick, sick Mick.

Or have one of these gatherings at your place. It'd be just like Paw, Cletus and the Reg boys showing up at your door, only bigger. And we won't try to pee up slack ropes in your front yard - at least not in the winter.

02 Nov 99 - 12:16 PM (#130908)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Bert, if those are the same pies you brought last time, I can't wait, those were great. If not, I can't wait to try the new ones. I really sorry Tree cannot make it. I would love to see her again.

I absolutely concur with Jeri. Get yourself in a van, and come to Jersey. We'll make you welcome. You can even bring Cleigh. And by all means, drag Mick.

Moonchild, 'spaw's right. We'll have plenty of Nutcakes, but you're more than welcom to bring more ;-) That soup sounds wonderful.

Allan, you're right. I've been living my life like that since I can remember. "Keep it stimulating". BTW, I can't remember what the dormouse said either. Was it "keep partying"?

02 Nov 99 - 01:18 PM (#130922)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

"Feed your head."

02 Nov 99 - 02:33 PM (#130947)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore


Thread Creep

Since you mentioned it Allan, I assume you are referencing the Jefferson Airplane's "Go Ask Alice". The song makes several references to Alice and Her Adventures in Wonderland. I cannot recall the Dormouse uttering those words. Can anyone help me here?

Roger in Baltimore

02 Nov 99 - 02:52 PM (#130954)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Peter T.

What kind of help do you need, Roger? pharmaceutical?
yours, Peter

02 Nov 99 - 03:22 PM (#130961)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

I have just re-read the entire Tea Party chapter and have found no such line uttered by the Doormouse. I even went back further to the mouse's tale in which there was no such line. The Doormouse was not included among the characters in Alice's Adventures Underground and I did not see it in Through the Looking Glass. So I am very much at a loss to figure where the Jefferson Airplane song got the notion that the Doormouse said such a thing. Actually, it always sounded to me more like something the Caterpillar might have said. Alas! It was such a good line; one would think it must have come from somewhere.

02 Nov 99 - 04:32 PM (#130989)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

Frankly ... I don't think the Jefferson Airplane had to get the notion from anywhere ... they were just feeding their heads ... moonchild

08 Nov 99 - 08:49 PM (#133476)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello my friends, it's that time again.

I started my new job today. I read a lot and they don't know where to put me yet. My new boss says she has work for me tomorrow. Thank Goodness! I learned everything I need to know about the American Stock Exchange today ;-)

Saturday we signed the lease of the Video store. Now I'm getting nervous. So much responsibility. Honey and I were sitting in the car and he simply said "We just signed a 5 year lease, Sh*t, FIVE YEARS". .............

We'll do great!!

It's finally getting cold here and the leaves are finally starting to fall. 'bout time. We had a crisp, beautiful fall day. You could see til tomorrow, and the river was as clear as Aruba. Time for winter fluke. mmmm..

Everyones invited from January 14th til January 17th when Bill/Sables and Honey come to see what the Colonies are like in the winter. Brrrr... Too late. They've already sold the cottage.

Can't wait. Love, annap

14 Nov 99 - 09:33 PM (#136120)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello, my friends (especially Art!). I have to write now because I don't have Internet access yet at my new job. I talked to the local motel and the price he came to was this arrangement he came to was this:

If we come up with 10 rooms he'll gave us all the rooms at $45 per night. I told him 3 nights. This is actully a good price because he usually charges $59.00 per night. He is the only motel on my peninsula, but there are others off the peninsula that I will call to see if I can find lower prices. If this price is good for anyone let me know and I'll post the name and phone.

The weather has been unusually warm so far. We had a couple of cold days, but not many. As far as I'm concerned it can stay warm.

I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

Love, annap

15 Nov 99 - 01:05 AM (#136223)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000

$45 is a good price. What's the name and # to the motel so we can start booking the rooms. Thanks.

15 Nov 99 - 06:07 AM (#136252)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

3 nights? I would imagine that many might spend two nights - Friday and Saturday; but the third would, I suppose, indicate a Sunday night stay. That might be good for some, but I would bet that most of us would have to be back on the job Monday and so would be needing to leave sometime Sunday rather than spending the night. Just asking. Perhaps someone else can offer some input here.

15 Nov 99 - 09:49 PM (#136615)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: TheMuse

Allan, That weekend for most, I think, is a holiday weekend. Monday off for Martin Luther King's birthday. At least for me, but I work for a bank and you know how they are about holidays. Just curious, but do most people get that day off or not? The Muse

16 Nov 99 - 09:06 AM (#136764)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

MLK's birthday and about four other holidays are not "off" days for the bunch (Virginia Community College System)I work for. Instead, they lump the time into an extended holiday during the Christmas/New Year season. Actually I can't think of any place around here other than banks, federal offices, and some school systems which shut down for that holiday. Such disparity of holidays always makes life interesting for those who have school-age children. The kids are out of school, but the parent(s) must work.

18 Nov 99 - 04:48 AM (#137810)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000

Hey, Annap,

How about the name and phone # for the motel. Please!


18 Nov 99 - 08:28 PM (#138144)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

I'll post it tomorrow. I promise. Sorry. I left the data at work. I'm a little absent minded these days. (Be quiet, GG!). I'm so glad so many are interested as will be the motel owner. ;-)

Love, annap

19 Nov 99 - 08:39 PM (#138548)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello Everyone,

I'm a little tired (a little) so I'm going to post the info on the motel, go have a glass of Mondavi, and relax.

Here we go. This is a small, inexpensive motel that's way over priced in the summer, but reasonable in the winter. His prices normally are a little higher than he gave us, but he's cutting us a deal cause we expect a few rooms to be rented. The rooms are clean, have cable and a little fridge (I love those things), telephone, some have ocean or river views.

Fairbanks Motel & Marina 344 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright, N.J., 07760 (732) 842-8450 Fax- (732) 842-5744

The prices he quoted me were:

$40 per night for a room with one double bed. 50 per night for a room with two double beds.

He expects the booking to be for min. of 2 nights.

Just tell him it's for annap's gathering. If there is any problem, just post here and I'll talk to him. It's a friendly place.

There is still room at my place and if you're comfortable, you're more than welcome to stay here. Moonchild will be staying, I believe, and of course, Bill and the Mrs. Max and Bert will be here. I think Jeri will be staying. That leaves room for a couple more. Let me know and we'll do what we can. Email me if you like at

Good night. Love, annap

23 Nov 99 - 11:45 PM (#140182)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hi Guys!

I hope you're thinking about being here! The music will be good, the friendship will be good, the food will be good, the peacefulness will be's going to be good. Everyone is welcome. Three (or more) unparelled days of goodness. (ooofff..I dont know if I can take all that goodness) Barbara (bbc), I haven't heard fron you guys yet! Aren't ya'all gonna be here?

SANDY, CAROLINE!!! We need your sweet voices! We'll talk business so you can write it off. I'm going to have a good folk section in the store.

I need some sleep.

Love, annap

01 Dec 99 - 08:10 PM (#143424)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello Everyone,

I've missed you all terribly! I've been busy creating, designing, investigating, researching. I'm having a ball. I think that building a new venture is much more fun than just buying one. My store will be all mine and Honeys.

Well, Jan. 14th is getting closer.. I hope you that are not staying at our house have been making reservations at the motel mentioned above!! The rates are depending on a number of people being there. It's going to be great. I cannot wait to hear some wonderful music again. My whole everything desperately needs it.

Good night.


01 Dec 99 - 08:42 PM (#143436)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Have I done something wrong? You all haven't lost interest have you? Or am I just tired and paranoid?

Love, annap

01 Dec 99 - 10:37 PM (#143489)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Jeri

I vote tired and paranoid. (With a grin and a comforting pat on the back.) I'm still comin'. I'm assuming you still have a place somewhere in your house for me. I'll actually bring the stuff for the margaritas this time.

02 Dec 99 - 05:05 AM (#143577)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bill\sables

We are still looking foreward to it very much I will bring some Yorkshire Tea. Cheers Bill

02 Dec 99 - 08:04 AM (#143603)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Pete Peterson

I'll be there, Annap dear, I'll be there
Where the fragrance of the ocan fills the air
(apologies to Charlie Poole and Goodbye Mary Dear) and I am very much looking forward to meeting you & everybody. I count 44 days away. Does that sound enthused enough?

02 Dec 99 - 02:37 PM (#143724)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Thank you all... I was getting nervous. 44 whole days, geez. That's forever. Just can't wait. Has anyone made reservations at the motel yet?

PS: I'm on the net at work again. Yeaa!

Love, annap

03 Dec 99 - 10:09 AM (#144110)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

annap ... I've made my airline reservations and pick-up my tickets today. I'll message you with flight #'s, times, etc. Now, it feels "real." I'm going to have to think of a way to top Jeri's margarita mix. Perhaps, Hot Spice Pecans! (My father owns a pecan farm.) moonchild

03 Dec 99 - 11:11 AM (#144151)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Easy Rider

Hi, AnnaP:

My wife and I would love to be there, but there are a few problems. The biggest is that my wife has to run the Sunday School, Sunday Morning. Is there regular train or bus service between Seabright and NYC?

I have off that Monday, so I could stay all weekend, if you wouldn't get sick of me playing "Payday", the one and only song that I can play, in open D, with my injured Left index finger, over and over and over again. Even if the bandage comes off by then, I will probably be so rusty that I will stumble a lot on my old repertoir. Maybe I'll leave my guitar home and just bring "Rise Up Singing" and hum along.

There are a lot of people coming whom I really want to meet. What should I do? Is the motel filling up? Is there still room at your house for one night or two?

03 Dec 99 - 12:05 PM (#144176)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

By all means, be there, ER. Push comes to shove, we could always round up a tambourine for you to play. (Evil Grin) But seriously, I urge everyone to make the extra effort to go. I have every confidence that it will be well worth it - even if you have to let somebody else do the playing for you. (I did that at the Getaway and it worked out pretty well!)

03 Dec 99 - 01:23 PM (#144215)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Pecan's and margaritas! Jeri, you had better bring lot's of Margarita stuff. Hot pecans will make us all very thirsty. There will be plenty else to drink though!!

EZR, I'm sure we can make room and I'm sure the motel isn't booked up yet. I haven't spoken to them recently, but they have lot's of rooms. I'm looking forward to hearing you play again. (I hope you can) Leaving your guitar at home won't help. There is always MINE! ;-)

We have excellent bus service right from corner to Port Authority. It takes about 2 hours and on Sunday they have service juat about every 2 hours starting at about 5:30 AM I think. I can find out for sure, but thats pretty much it.

Pete, I so glad you're still coming. Are you staying at my house or at the motel? Just counting heads.

'1234, are you going to make it, Babe? We need your stew to keep us warm.

This is going to be sooo good!

Love, annap

03 Dec 99 - 08:26 PM (#144400)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Big Mick

Just popped in to try and get caught up on the Mudcat. Anna, my love, I am positively green with envy. I wish I could be there to sing a few songs and share some seafood with you all. Tip a jar for Big Mick, willya?

03 Dec 99 - 08:59 PM (#144409)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: folk1234

Dear Anna:
Thanks for thinking of me. The camp dutch oven is ready for stew, or something. I hope I can make it. Had a great time in August. However, I'm begining to be concerned about the long and lonely drive from OK. I enjoyed it in the summer time, as I made many stops, but it may be a challenge in Jan. Maybe I'll look into flying. I'd hate to miss the good time. I'll keep you posted.

03 Dec 99 - 09:07 PM (#144416)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

If you would like to fly, Folk1234, we'll be more than happy to meet you at Newark Airport. Just let us know.

Mick, what can we do to convince you...I'll buy the seafood. We have a wonderful seamans co-op here.

I just cannot wait!!

Love, Annap

05 Dec 99 - 05:10 PM (#145098)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore

Ok guys and gals. I have reserved a room at the motel for Saturday and Sunday nights. Marge and I will be there!

Roger in Baltimore

05 Dec 99 - 05:32 PM (#145101)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Jeri

Alright Rog! We need to work on Barry. Mick, think "airplane." Think "music, food, friends, and a flowing bowl." Convince yourself you need a mini-vacation. (Is any of this working?) Think about how guilty you feel for forgetting my...nah, not fair.

Anyone else need help deciding? :-)))

05 Dec 99 - 05:34 PM (#145102)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

Jeri ... re the "flowing bowl." Are you talking about the plumbing because of all who will be in attendance? moonchile

05 Dec 99 - 08:33 PM (#145174)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Roger, that is soo great. Did you have any trouble with the rates? They were suppose to be $40 per night for a double bed, $50 for 2 double beds.

Moonchile, we have good plumbing. Not to worry.

Love, annap

05 Dec 99 - 08:46 PM (#145182)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore


The guy I spoke to did not know about Anna P's gathering, but he promised to have the top dog call me in the AM.

Roger in Baltimore

05 Dec 99 - 09:53 PM (#145220)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: bbelle

RiB ... maybe you should have said "annap" as in the first two syllables of "Annapolis." moonchild

05 Dec 99 - 10:24 PM (#145230)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Barry Finn

Hi Annap, been reading this & just turning greener by the minute. I just finished put up the roof joists & now the addition is all framed in. I got work on the roof & then close in the walls before the snow (HA, HA, HA). The long weekends for some time will be my best shot at getting done so I'll be missing all of you again. We are thinking of throwing a musical pig roast when it's over hopefully we can bring you all up here (when it's warmer). Have a great time. Barry

06 Dec 99 - 09:16 AM (#145387)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Allan C.

I don't know about the musical pig thing, Barry. You know the old saying: Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time and it only frustrates the pig.

06 Dec 99 - 06:45 PM (#145682)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Barry Finn

Hi Allen, we've done the musical pig thing before & it's always been well done, but it's been quite awhile. We usually get somewhere around 50 musicians/singers & everyone starts in on the music. The pigs all run in a circle round the chairs, to the music. There's always one chair less than pigs & when the music stops the pigs are so tired they need to sit & the fatest one never gets a chair so we cook em. In the neighborhood we we're know among the younger generation as the family who killed the 3 little pigs. So the music keeps going till the pig's dressed, cooked, eaten & it's bones have gone home to the great pigdone in the sty. Barry

06 Dec 99 - 07:27 PM (#145711)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Whoa Barry! Shades of "Lord of the Flies"! Sounds powerful fun! Can't wait. Glenn will love it. He has discovered Sea Shanties and he loves work songs.

Soon everyone.

Love, annap

07 Dec 99 - 08:17 AM (#145947)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Big Mick

Folks, as much as I would love to come to this gathering, it is just not in the cards. I have this little problem called making a living, and the damn thing keeps getting in the way of my music. I am going to have to do something about that one of these days. Shit, Big Rog is going to be there, Kath, Jeri, Folk1234,Pete, EZR, Allan C,.............damn. Maybe I can make Barry's, if he will allow a union guy that is............LOL.


07 Dec 99 - 08:43 AM (#145956)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Dani

Sigh. I'm finding it harder and harder to ignore this thread. How'm I gonna make this happen? If my mother finds out I'm going to NJ but not to see HER?

...I'll see what I can do...


07 Dec 99 - 09:13 AM (#145965)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Dani, We won't squeal. Promise. Mick, you work on weekends?

Love, annap

13 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#148813)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello my friends. It's that time again. To remind you that is. It's getting colder here. The leaves have finally departed from our trees and I can see my rivers clear as day. Everything is so beautiful and still except the damned duck hunters that sit across from me on a tiny island in their stupid blinds. I wake on Sat. and Sun. to boom, boom, boom!! Grrr...

I DO love to eat duck though. Aren't I a hipocrite? Oh well.

When the hunters have left, I walk out onto my gazebo and glory in the beauty of our cold winter world.

I lit my fireplace for the first time Sunday. I had a bottle of Mondavi Cabernet, a candle, soft gentle music and a wonderful book called "King Soloman's Ring" by Konrad Lorenz. What a way to idle away an afternoon.

Well, you know the shpeel(?) Everyone is welcome. Jan. 14th through Jan 17th. Music, friendship, music, food, music, drink, etc. Just let me know you'd like to be there and I'll send you directions. My e-mail is in bbc's resources.

Love, annap

14 Dec 99 - 10:37 AM (#149277)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Pete Peterson

31 days and COUNTING. Greatly looking forward. I may bring a sleeping bag and ask "can I sleep in your barn tonight Ms.?" or, as you have offered, somewhere under a table. . . but I just don't know yet. I DO intend to be there and thanks in advance PETE

14 Dec 99 - 10:59 AM (#149289)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: InOBU

If you all like Uilleann pipes and north Irish and Scotish ballads, Ill propose it to the wife that we drop in, there is a motel near by? We arent too far away in NYC, however, a motel makes it better to appreciate the hours that music is at its best during most gatherings. If you would like to send information, please feel free to e-mail Larry and Genie Otway at InOBU@AOL.COM,
Seasons wishes
Larry Otway

14 Dec 99 - 02:56 PM (#149384)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: KathWestra

Annap-- I'm making my motel reservation today. Won't be able to get there until sometime Saturday afternoon, since I'll be on a business trip to Tucson all week, flying back into Baltimore VERY late Friday night. But I'll plan to stay until Monday. Can't wait to see your place and all my Mudcat buddies. Jeri, be sure they don't drink all your margaritas before I get there! Oh, and be sure to save some songs for Saturday too. Mick -- there are very cheap flights into Baltimore from G.R. or Detroit. Between the previous offers of seafood, margaritas, and now an offer of a cute chauffeur from Baltimore to SeaBright, couldn't you reconsider???? Kath

14 Dec 99 - 04:48 PM (#149427)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: KathWestra

Yikes, Anna! Just called the motel and got a guy who didn't know anything about our special rate of $40/single. He quoted me $59.95 for Saturday night and $$49.95 for Sunday. Who should I ask for when I call again???? Kath

14 Dec 99 - 04:59 PM (#149442)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Marymac90

Dear Annap, Hi! My name is Mary McCaffrey. I've only been hanging around Mudcat for a week or so, and this is the first I've heard of your gathering. I would love to come! I can bring a sleeping bag. I'd prefer to sleep on a bed or couch in a private home, either yours or Susan's-she knows me from WAY back. Others may know me from Getaways I attended in the mid-90's. They've been the best folk weekends I've attended, and I hope to get to the next one. I LOVE the singing there-someone starts a song in the dining hall, and the whole place just joins in! I'll bring a couple bottles of white wine, and diet coke, for those of us with that weird addiction. Is there something to eat that I can bring, or make there? I will need you to email me with directions, please. I'm at Thanks for hosting this! Hoping to hear from you soon. Mary PS, Forgive me, I don't want to sound nit-picky, but I think Ticky-Tacky, which you ascribed to Pete Seeger, is Malvina Reynolds' Little Boxes.

14 Dec 99 - 10:34 PM (#149639)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Barry Finn

Hi Mick, if there's a bash at my place it'll be an open house with a specially warm welcome to union reps. who stand up to be counted on. I would've been proud to have fought by your side & even prouder to have you by my side fighting with me. Barry

15 Dec 99 - 10:31 AM (#149813)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

InOBU, you and your wife are very welcome. Ths motel info is right here in this thread.

I've spoken to the motel and gotten everything straightened out. There was a new man there that didn't even speak English very well and had no idea what I was talking about. The motel rates are as I quoted. $40 per night for a double bed and $50 a night for two double beds. This motel is within walking distance to my house.

I'll get back to those who want directions tonight at home. I'm at work now and cannot spend much time here.

This is going to be so exciting. Pete, we'll make room.

Love, annap

15 Dec 99 - 10:39 AM (#149819)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: InOBU

Dear Annap and all:
Spoke to Genie, she loves the idea, so I believe we will see you all soon. Looking forward to it.
Larry and Genie

15 Dec 99 - 11:55 AM (#149838)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Big Mick

As I said before...............I am absolutely green with envy and desire to join you all. Shit.........a ride from our Kath........but it just isn't in the cards. I will be with you in spirit though.........but the aul Mick will be in a hotel in the middle of a program. And just 5 days after me birthday......As I said before, tip a few for me.

Barry, I knew that already. As I read your story in the other thread, I decided not to respond to it, because I didn't want to take away from its poigniancy. I know these things exist, and have seen some of these bastards. But I need to tell you, the overwhelming majority of those of us who trod the path, attempting to bring social justice to the workplace are driven by our morals and our sense of honor. By every measuring stick available, no matter who does the study, the bulk of Organized labor is clean and free of influence of the stinking mob. Please believe that from a man who has been doing this for 23 years now.

Enough of the thread creep. I hope you all enjoy your party......and my darling Anna, your hospitality is legendary and only exceeded by the size of your heart. Maybe we can do something if THE FAIR ONE makes it into the country in early October.

Love to you and Glen,

Big Mick

15 Dec 99 - 01:49 PM (#149884)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Mick, I'd like to feel generous and legendary (I like that), but the truth is, I do it for totally selfish reasons. LOOK WHO I GET TO HANG OUT WITH!! I have my own concerts going on. I may actually learn to play the guitar! I'm meeting all the wonderful people I talk to on Mudcat. This is the only way to live, there is no other for Glenn and I. We both enjoy music, we enjoy people. We rented this house with the express purpose of having jam sessions and band practices. We're livin' large. Mudcat is one of those large things in our life. (Mine more Honey's, though he is getting into the work and prison songs. We have a tape of Sea Shanties that MatthewB made for me and he has it in the car and listens to it all the time). The only thing is, NO DRUMS. To those of you who don't know Glenns rathers, he is a John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) wantta be. A real rock 'n roll musician.

Point is, the more the merrier. (literally)

VERY those who will be staying at the motel, they will hold the rooms until the end of this month. He does need a volume of people to keep the $40 per night rate. Please book early!

Soon. Love, annap

15 Dec 99 - 09:14 PM (#150114)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hi. Me again. KathWestra was having a problem booking her room at the Fairbanks, so I went down and spoke to the owner and everything is good. Please book as soon as you can and be sure to mention "anna's gathering" to get the discount. Thank you.

Love, annap

21 Dec 99 - 01:42 PM (#152494)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hi Friends. I haven't been able to spend much time here and I really miss the 'cat ;-( I've been able to sneak in here and there but it's hard...and I miss so much! Like our 'spaw being away. Here he is back, and I didn't even know he was gone. I'm glad all is ok again for you, 'spaw.

Three days til Christmas! I have sooo much to do and no time to do it. Starting a business is so complicated. Permits, licenses, contracters, security, taxes (local, state and federal)... I'm tired. I cannot wait til January 14th. I need to take my mind away from business. I almost said that I need to take that time to relax, but those of you who have been to a gathering know that ain't possible.

Those of you who are planning to stay at the Fairbanks, please book before the end of December if you can, if not that's ok. I think he'll give the discount anyway.

Only a few more weeks to go. I'm very excited.

Soon. Love, annap

21 Dec 99 - 02:23 PM (#152507)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: InOBU

Just a note of confirmation, Genie and I are booked for the night of the 15th, at the Fairbanks - so we ll see you all the 15 and sixteenth.
Looking forward to seeing all
Larry and Genie

21 Dec 99 - 04:10 PM (#152554)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Marymac90

Dear Annap,

I was quite relieved to see your post about your gathering again. I hadn't seen any mention of it since I said I'd like to come, so I was thinking.... you know.... maybe I wasn't on the "approved guest list" or something. Now I see it's just 'cause you've been so busy. Whew!!!

As I wrote before, I would like to come, and stay at either your home or Susan's, (she knows me) if that's possible. I will need directions. You can email them to me at Let me know what food it would be useful to bring. If anybody comes into the PHluffia airport, I could pick them up, although I think Bawlamer has the better deals. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Thanks for hosting this!

Mary McCaffrey

21 Dec 99 - 04:22 PM (#152562)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Marymac90, you're more than welcome. The more we have the more wonderful it will be. You are welcome to stay at my home if you like, but we might have to put you on the dining table ;-) Every one, except Bill and Lorna, of course, should bring sheets, pillows, blankets, teddy bears, Margaritas, hot pecans, whatever they think they might need. Where the heck is PHluffia airport and Bawlamer ??? Where are you coming from, Mary? I'll e-mail directions as soon as I can. If anyone else needs directions, please let me know. I'm at (That's my Honey)

Love, annap

21 Dec 99 - 04:24 PM (#152563)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Whoops! InOBU, welcome!


22 Dec 99 - 10:33 AM (#152882)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Pete Peterson

23 days and counting! Mary McCaffrey is giving you phonetic Philadelphiaspeak for Phila. and Batimore, respectively (you didn't really need me to tell you this, did you?) I am looking forward to meeting you and LOTS of other people. I plan to bring a guitar and banjo.

22 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#152940)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Well, now in retrospect, I GUESS it's obvious. I don't spend much time in Philly. You have to remember that I live in Joisey. 23 days, wow, I'd better clean my house...

Love, annap

27 Dec 99 - 12:50 PM (#154511)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Hello Everyone! Guess what? Honey has asked me to marry him. I think he was very hesitant, because he know I'm a free person and resent being tied down. He was afraid I'd say no. I didn't. We would like to be married in the summer on the beach. I hope it's feasable. What he doesn't realize is, I've never felt so free as when I'm with him. My son, James, had a very funny comment to make as usual. Glenn's name is Glenn Hamill and James said now I'm going to be Ann Hamill (Animal). Hey, I won't be annap any more. I'll change my moniker to Annamill. I love it!

January 14th to January 17th. My house. Bring warm bed clothes. It's cold out there!

Love annap (for now)

27 Dec 99 - 12:56 PM (#154514)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)

Good wishes to you both, Anna!

I doubt I can make it to your party, on that day I'll check the Mudcat frequently. I hope folk will take time from the jammin' to post updates now and again.


27 Dec 99 - 01:14 PM (#154524)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Easy Rider

Wow! Getting Married? Then, when you are an "Annamill" in bed, it will be legal.

All the best. Will you have another Mudcat gathering, to celebrate the wedding? Is there a preacher in the Mudcat?

The bandage came off my finger yesterday. the cut is healed, but the nail has a ways to go to grow back, and the skin is very soft and tender, with no callous, so I still can't play guitar with it for awhile. I may only bring my kazoo to the gathering.

27 Dec 99 - 01:26 PM (#154531)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Easy, according to Seed, I'm just being creative... that's legal, ain't it? I hope you can play, but if not, I have a penny whistle you can use, and some spoons, and Glenn has a new set of Congas. You can be creative too...

How many more days Pete?

Love, annap

27 Dec 99 - 07:12 PM (#154654)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: McGrath of Harlow

Just skimmed through this thread - this is the downside of Mudcat being a global community. Have a good time over there...

27 Dec 99 - 08:55 PM (#154666)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Big Mick

Well, good for you. It seems that Glenn is a smart man..........and with excellent taste in a woman...........I am so happy for you. Congratulations.

And we ought to make this a Mudcat wedding.........hahahahaha


27 Dec 99 - 09:02 PM (#154669)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Susan of DT

I went thru and counted the people who said they were coming - 20 and some are probably couples. It's going to be quite cozy in there.

27 Dec 99 - 09:49 PM (#154673)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: momnopp

So how many people are bringing kids (as in the 7-14 year-old variety)?

I'd like to come join the hootenany, but I might have to rent a spare kid to bring with me if there won't be many there. . .(Dylan is 10 years old).


27 Dec 99 - 10:40 PM (#154697)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

JudyO, I'm not sure how to react to the idea of bringing children... Are you daytripping? We're on (I mean ON) a river and you would have to keep close watch. Actually, bringing children could start a whole new facet to our gatherings. Dylan is 10 and is able to fend for himself for food and drinks. I don't see why not.

Susan of DT, Honey you said a mouthful. It's going to be an adventure, and hopefully full of wonderful happenings. I wish bbc's David was going to be here to take pictures. I'm afraid they won't be able to come. ;-(

Thank you all for all your wishes. I'M the lucky one. Men like Glenn are hard to find.

Love, annap

28 Dec 99 - 03:46 AM (#154746)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: Roger in Baltimore

When threads get this long, they tend to overload some computers (especially the ones that are powered by hamsters in a spinning wheel).

I have taken the liberty of starting Annap's gathering, 01/14/00 Part II.


Roger in Baltimore

05 Jan 00 - 10:12 AM (#158338)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000

Hi Annap, I'm a fiddler from northern NJ. Does anyone from your group like old time fiddle tunes? I might be able to come by for part of sunday or friday evening. It's only an hour drive for me. I'd like to know your address, directions & phone #. My friend Pete told me about this. It sounds like fun Nancy

05 Jan 00 - 10:24 AM (#158342)
Subject: RE: annap's gathering 1/14/2000
From: annamill

Old time fiddler tunes would fit right in Nancy. I'll e-mail you the direction now. I'm presuming (I never ASSUME) that your mudcat name is also your e-mail address. You'll be very welcome. BTW, a new thread has been started because this one is too big. Just look for "same name II" Gads! This is getting big.

Love annap