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BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight

01 Jul 12 - 10:00 PM (#3370506)
Subject: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

About 6:00 tonight we had about the same thing that happened 2 days ago up north come thru southern NC and neighbors say that Hugo didn't do what this this has done...

We have ten major trees down... Our few neighbors and I cut up the ones blocking the road out but when people use the term "War Zone" they aren't exaggerating...

I am running on my backup generator for now... Going to give it another half an hour and then shut it down and let the generator run the freezer and fridge for the night...

I been around a long time but this is as bad as I have seen it...

BTW, two of the trees were just snapped like tooth picks and they were about 2 feet in diameter... Yeah, you can bet that the P-Vine and I were in the bathtub...

Sheet fire... What a mess... This will take weeks to clean up...


01 Jul 12 - 10:08 PM (#3370509)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Amos

Was this a hurricane, Bobert? Or what?

01 Jul 12 - 10:16 PM (#3370511)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

Little to say except........ as long as you both are ok, I am sure this can be overcome.

Right now, it seems like Ma Nature is out to remind us all who is in charge.

(We lost power for 'only' 22 hours. There are enough trees down in the neighborhood that I can barely believe we got 'lucky')\

Take care, Bobert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

01 Jul 12 - 10:22 PM (#3370514)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

For what it's worth, Desert Dancer posted the answer in the wildfires thread: It WAS the land based equivalent of a hurricane...only with little warning.

"Somewhat of an aside, the damaging (and in several cases fatal) winds that hit back East as a result of the heat are officially a land-based hurricane, or "derecho". More is expected there, too."

01 Jul 12 - 10:26 PM (#3370516)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Rapparee

You folks back East keep safe, ya hear?

01 Jul 12 - 10:35 PM (#3370521)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: katlaughing

I posted about Spaw in the other thread,too. They've been without power for days with no end in sight. Coping with trips to friends who have power. That's exactly how he described it...80mph wind, thunderstorm and trees breaking everywhere. They lost some tree limbs; House is okay, but there's supposed to be another on the way.

Anyone heard from Hollowfox?

01 Jul 12 - 10:51 PM (#3370524)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: frogprince

Whe-eww! May everyone at least make it thru this without bodily harm!

01 Jul 12 - 10:58 PM (#3370529)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: katlaughing

Janie, Dani..who else is down there?

Bobert, take it slow and easy and stay safe!

01 Jul 12 - 11:18 PM (#3370535)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert


I can't believe it but we have "line" electricity... It came back just after I had rounded up up safe extension cords and had the fridge and freezer runnin' on the generator...

I have spent the last several hours riggin' up this and that with the generator... TV to see the latest radar... Computer for the same... Pulling trees with my truck...

I wasn't expecting the "juice" to be here this quick but glad it is...

Here's how much force the wind had... We had a 100 pound glider picked up and deposited in our swimming poll... It's now in 10 feet of water...

But, hey, given what others have gone thru, we'll get this thing cleaned up... No visitor for the next month, por favor, unless they bring work clothes...


02 Jul 12 - 12:01 AM (#3370546)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Just finished re-pluggin' stuff in where it was 'sposed of be and pushin' fridge and freezer back into their places... I can't believe that we have electricity when I look outside... This is one hell of a mess... Never seen anything like it...


02 Jul 12 - 12:16 AM (#3370551)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Little Hawk

That's good that the power came on again. Well, now you know that there ARE worse things than having Chongo as a house guest, Bobert.

02 Jul 12 - 12:37 AM (#3370555)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Stilly River Sage

A derecho (the type of storm) passed over the Carbondale, IL area a few years ago and my friend who was hit by it said their property looked like it has been logged in a few moments. 15-20 acres suddenly blown down. Bobert, I'm glad you and P-Vine were safe in the house and the tub.

I'm not going to compare last year and this, that is pointless, but I will say that I have my fingers crossed that the trauma of the weather misses us this year.


02 Jul 12 - 02:06 AM (#3370565)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Jack the Sailor

We had a short windstorm here. my beer blew off a table. but all the trees stayed up. but we have mostly pecans which bend rather than break. they were bending severely.

02 Jul 12 - 02:13 AM (#3370567)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Ebbie

Wow. Just, wow.

02 Jul 12 - 04:56 AM (#3370610)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Weird weather in the US, weird weather in the UK too. Here's a quote from Miles King, of the UK Grasslands Trust:

"What an increasingly bizarre year we are having with the weather – well bizarre is one word, awful is another. The first quarter of the year was exceptionally dry with only 116mm [of rain] - remember the drought? This has been followed by an amazing 191.75mm in April, an average May with 49.5mm, and this drenching June. The total so far for the second quarter is 397.5mm. That's nearly 4 times as much as in the first quarter. Let's hope the third quarter doesn't follow the same pattern."

Well, the third quarter did follow the same pattern - and we've had rain on the first two days of July too.

02 Jul 12 - 05:09 AM (#3370613)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Janie

I'm fine, Kat. The storms passed a mile or so north of me. Could see and hear them, but only a little wind and no rain from where I sat. I think Dani is probably fine also as I've seen no reports of damage from her neck of the woods.

02 Jul 12 - 08:31 AM (#3370677)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Bobert, you and P-vine have my sympathy. How sad it must be to have beautiful trees destroyed. I'm glad you have power back.

A few years ago, Kansas City went without power for several winter days. It gets miserable fast.

I had never heard of a derecho before. Here's a page that explains about them:

Clearly, the terrible effects people describe are not those of the storm itself - they are caused by downbursts and microbursts inside the storm system.

02 Jul 12 - 10:28 AM (#3370719)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

12 large oaks (18-24" trunks), 2 hickory, one of the hickories has a root 12 feet in diameter... I gotta anew pond...

My 1953 Spartan trailer has an oak on it and sustained some damage...

Toughest thing is that just two days ago I was down in the woods with my Kabota tractor tryin' to wrestle out another stump and popped a hydraulic line so I had to leave it it there... Now there's a large oak fallen across it... It fell perfectly but I'm going to have to cut the oak off of it to fix the line and wiggle tarctor our...

More later...


02 Jul 12 - 10:35 AM (#3370723)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: katlaughing

How devastating and sad, Bobert.

02 Jul 12 - 10:37 AM (#3370724)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Murphy's Law at work, surely. Why else would the oak fall in the worst place and the tractor break a line just when the worst storm in years is on the way?

I hope the tractor is basically okay.

02 Jul 12 - 12:03 PM (#3370764)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Nancy King

I got back last night from several weeks in Maine to find the power had been out for about 48 hours, and it's still out. I should have stayed in Maine. (I couldn't, of course, because I had renters coming in to my cottage on Saturday afternoon). My house in Maryland is about 85 degrees at this point. I'm at the library now. The power company says everyone should have power by Friday (!!!) evening. Sheesh. None of the neighborhood stores have any ice, of course, so I'm not sure what I'll do about food. What a treat. No real damage at my house -- just lots of small branches down in the yard -- but it's damned uncomfortable. And really BORING. The phone is down too -- my cellphone works, but I can't leave it on because the only way to charge it up is driving around in the car. Maybe I'll go visit Bill and Rita...

02 Jul 12 - 01:44 PM (#3370813)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

Glad there were no injuries. I saw that sucker on the US Hurricane Center with a low ( <30% ) chance of developing into a cyclone but I figured that since at least half of it was on land it wouldn't do what it did. There are none shown at present... thank goodness.

02 Jul 12 - 05:05 PM (#3370948)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Wish I could have stayed here all day to clean up but I had a doctors appointment in Charlotte which blew the day up fairly well...

Upon careful inspection I've discovered a rather large limb on a section of roof... Not sure of damage but I'm leaving it there and have a roofer look at it to see if it's something that my home owners insurance will cover should there be damage... I could fix it myself but I've got weeks of clean-up lookin' me in the face... Plus, I've never made a claim on any home owner's insurance that I've ever had...

Have surveyed the tractor with a neighbor and we both are of the opion that that:

a. the tractor did not sustain ant damage and...

b. it's going to be a complete slobber-knocker getting it out as...

there's 3 trees down and it's the middle one that has it captured... But one look at the poor thing and anyone would know that it has been in some other difficult positions... Once broke a hose 3 miles back in the mountain... Had to walk the heck out and walk the heck back up 3 days later with tools and a new hose... Slobber-knocker...

We have gotten everything but the Loch Ness monster hisself outta the pool... The pile of debris would fill a standard sized pick-up truck bed...

Weird thing is that you drive a half a mile and no damage???


02 Jul 12 - 05:42 PM (#3370962)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: McGrath of Harlow

Upon careful inspection I've discovered a rather large limb on a section of roof...

I hope that was off a tree!

02 Jul 12 - 09:25 PM (#3371047)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

"Maybe I'll go visit Bill and Rita..."

Ya'll c'mon over

02 Jul 12 - 09:58 PM (#3371059)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: ChanteyLass

It sounds awful, but I'm glad you are okay. You too, Nancy.

02 Jul 12 - 10:15 PM (#3371064)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

We have at least another 7 days of the kind of weather conditions that brought us this "bomb"...

Fun, fun, fun...

Free fire wood... U-Cut, U-Haul...


03 Jul 12 - 02:09 AM (#3371118)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

go half a mile and there's no damage?

Sounds like your property was hit by a downburst or microburst.

03 Jul 12 - 11:56 AM (#3371320)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Nancy King

Actually, the weather word of the week is "derecho," defined as a "fast-moving, long-lived, large, violent thunderstorm complex. By definition," says the Washington Post, "it creates wind damage along a swath of more than 240 miles and produces wind gusts of at least 58 miles per hour." Winds got a lot higher than that here, and did a lot of damage.

I consider myself lucky -- no real property damage (except to the contents of my refrigerator...), but the power outage has been a real drag. Power came back on this morning for about 25 minutes, then went back out for an hour or so, and is now back on, though some of the lights are noticeably dim. To say I don't trust it is an understatment. But at least for the moment, the AC is doing its best to render the place reasonably comfortable.

Bill and Rita, thanks for the offer of hospitality, but at this point I think I'm OK. Keeping my fingers crossed...

03 Jul 12 - 11:57 AM (#3371321)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,Goodnight Grace

Hi Nancy:

Sorry you had to come back to this. Everyone in the Silver Spring hood have no power. Last night we got cold cold beer and ready cooked food from Wholly Foods which helped.

Keep cool.

Grace Kraemer

03 Jul 12 - 02:02 PM (#3371370)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

3 killed

03 Jul 12 - 02:28 PM (#3371389)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Well, whatever it was it was very violent... I thought it was a tornado when it was happening...

Had to come in from the heat... I'll cool down for 20 or so miniutes and then back into the woods where I am slowly but hopefully surely extricating my tractor from the tree that fell on it... I've gotten the root side cut and it fell purdy much back into the giant hole that was left when the sumabich came down on my poor ol' tractor... I did get the hose on the tractor and next I'm going to try to move the tractor back an inch or so so if the other side twists when I cut it that it won't bend or break my exhaust stack-pipe...

Need the tractor bad to rake up all the debris and start to cut up these trees...


03 Jul 12 - 03:47 PM (#3371450)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

Good luck, Bobert.

03 Jul 12 - 04:00 PM (#3371458)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Jack the Sailor

One of the neighbors said we had a microburst.

I'll report, you decide.

Sky got very dark starting in the west and approaching us then 40-50 mph gusts. Then sustained wind toppling moderately heavy objects, coolers, chairs, potted plants etc. Blew my half empty beer across the table as if it was weightless. Dust blown in our eyes. Pecan trees swaying very fast! like riverdance! 15-20 feet at the tops. Then the wind died down somewhat.

Then about 5 minutes of heavy rain, then no rain. Then back to strong gusts for hours afterwards taping off to nearly nothing by 10 PM. no circular motion, all from west to east.

Tornado warning in the region.

03 Jul 12 - 04:00 PM (#3371459)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Got it!!!

That was the slobber-knocker of all slobber-knockers... Had th bring out out of the woods with 6 feet of log lashed down to the arms for the front loader because there was no room to push it off anywhere down in the hell hole of war zone/jungle...

Glad to have Mr. Kabota home where it belongs...

Tomorrow, I'll start the clean-up...

Right now??? I'm beat... The heat index is over 100... Glad to be inside...


03 Jul 12 - 06:12 PM (#3371540)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Take her easy, Bobert. You don't have to do it all at once. 100 degrees can kill you.

Jack, the pecan trees swaying like Riverdance sounds like it could have been a downburst or a microburst. That seems more violent than high, straightline winds.

03 Jul 12 - 06:22 PM (#3371544)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

"Blew my half empty beer across the table as if it was weightless."

Did any spill? DETAILS MAN DETAILS! Was is it Black 'oarse ere a Blue Star? Or maybe sommat not from The Granit Planet? Tsk tsk.

03 Jul 12 - 08:58 PM (#3371626)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Rounded up the last of the leaves outta the pool tonight and the water is getting clearer and clearer...

Now that I have the tractor back I can turn my attention to coming up with a plan for clearing the debris... We have one tree down over a major planting bed so that will get priority...

Reality has set in that this is going to become "How I spent the summer"...


03 Jul 12 - 09:24 PM (#3371632)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...

Is the glider still in the pool?
So sorry guys.
Scary stuff if you haave to hide in the bathtub.

03 Jul 12 - 09:38 PM (#3371640)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

No, Sins, the glider is outta the pool... Actually, when we we all running chainsaws getting the trees outta the road a neighbor boy and his buddy went into the pool and the 2 of them got it out... I was busy on the end of a chainsaw but the P-Vine said that they struggled to bring it out as it was in the deep end (10 feet down) with large pieces of trees in there with it...

Never been thru anything like it... Glad to have the house still standing and other than a large piece of a tree on one section of the roof and the crap blown and now stuck and dried on the siding like Jackson Pollock painting, the house if fine...

The other 5 acres??? Not so...


03 Jul 12 - 11:07 PM (#3371666)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Jack the Sailor

Maybe so Leena, what you say makes sense, come to think of it but it was all in the same direction on the ground.

Canadian Gnu, no black horse down here and the Moosehead is usually skunky. (durned green bottles!) Saved most of it. And had more in reserve.

Glad you got your Tractor Bob.

04 Jul 12 - 01:54 AM (#3371694)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: catspaw49

Got our power back about an hour ago thanks to a crew from Miami, Florida.   This storm that came through on Friday was much more like a hurricane then any of the norms of the midwest.   66 out of 88 counties in Ohio have had enough damage to be declared disaster status. You knew it was likely bad when the power went out fully 15 minutes before any wind or storm arrived.

On the porch, Karen said, "What is that roar?" Around here you think tornado but this was different.   The wind strength gusted over 90 and had sustained speeds of 80. Trees simply snapped taking out homes and cars. The large trees on our block all had damage and two went down. I would expect this on the Gulf coast but Ohio?

We're just happy to get power back ahead of time and this area in general needs to feel incredibly lucky there was no loss of life.


04 Jul 12 - 11:01 AM (#3371882)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

Welcome back, Pat! It was quite a Mighty Wind you sent us!

I didn't realize it was that windy... even after we lost power- but there were limbs & trees down all around us.... blocked a major street just few blocks away. We were lucky to have only one day 'without'.

04 Jul 12 - 02:13 PM (#3371971)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

We've finally cleaned up around the house... Now for the gardens and woods and pond areas...

I pushed up a pile of debris about the size of a 1 1/2 car garage with the tractor so far...

My pride and joy Spartanette trailer sustained a couple ugly dents in the roof but I don't see any holes or busted stuff inside...


04 Jul 12 - 03:51 PM (#3372024)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Gnu, you are so funny...

I'm glad to hear no one was hurt. Spaw, I read your post aloud to the DH. It was very informative.

Bobert says it is a priority to get the tree off the flowerbed. There's the difference between me and him. He does it right. I would just leave the tree there and put up a little sign that says "Ground-dwelling Woodpecker Habitat."

Bobert, maybe you can make some money selling firewood.   

By pure luck, we planted a crab-apple tree in our yard 35 years ago. It turns out that the oak and the crab-apple are the strongest trees. We have had storms where huge trees come crashing down, occasionally killing people. All the crab-apple does is shed a few dry twigs.

However, we have to have it sprayed against cedar-apple rust to the tune of $175 a year.

04 Jul 12 - 06:29 PM (#3372073)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

$175 a year? Bobert has a chainsaw.

04 Jul 12 - 06:36 PM (#3372076)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: katlaughing

Glad you got your power back, Spaw. Sorry about my stupid phone this morning.:-)

04 Jul 12 - 07:10 PM (#3372086)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

I am lookin' for folks who need wood and willin' to come and take it...


04 Jul 12 - 09:04 PM (#3372109)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: ranger1

Gee Bobert, I wish I lived closer. I'd come over with my Husky with the 20" bar and help.

04 Jul 12 - 10:05 PM (#3372130)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Rapparee

Hey, why don't you send me a cord or so? Just mail it a pieces at a time. Now I don't want a "face cord" or any of your other tricks -- well stacked, 4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet, in 2 foot lengths. Split and air dried, too. Hickory, ash or oak preferred. (Good shine will come back to you in payment.)

04 Jul 12 - 10:09 PM (#3372132)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

No problem, Rap...

Get the shine here and we'll talk...


04 Jul 12 - 10:14 PM (#3372133)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Jack the Sailor

Sending shine to North Carolina? Know anyone in Newcastle looking for coal? :-)

05 Jul 12 - 06:44 PM (#3372582)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: ChanteyLass

Bill D. and Spaw, too? That wind really did woosh.

05 Jul 12 - 07:13 PM (#3372597)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Jack the Sailor

More than 600 miles from my house to Spaw's.

05 Jul 12 - 07:57 PM (#3372624)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

If you saw the video of the radar track of that storm, it was really scary-awesome watching it sweep across the country from Indiana/Ohio to W. Virgina and Maryland and on to N.Carolina.
I have a weather program that shows 'current' radar, but having little warning, I wasn't watching 'live'. We knew nothing until sudden sheet-lightning & thunder were upon us... then *ZAP*.. no lights.

Here are several photos of The main street paralleling us (Connecticut Ave.)3 days after the storm. This kept our HMO dark and made it a 40 minute drive to get a prescription ...instead of 3 minutes.

Today, many places are still without kind of a patchy way. One side of the street may be fine, and the other dark. One friend had a tree take out the wires to the house- which means they are WAY down the list for service...after work is done to major feeder lines. The are staying with family.

Ain't Nature....ummmm... fickle?

05 Jul 12 - 08:30 PM (#3372630)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Ebbie

"Ain't Nature....ummmm... fickle?"

Yeh. Fickled some people plumb to death.

05 Jul 12 - 09:07 PM (#3372641)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Rapparee

Wood, Bill. You got wood. Free for the taking.

05 Jul 12 - 10:35 PM (#3372662)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bill D

I am up to my clavicle in wood...

05 Jul 12 - 11:19 PM (#3372673)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Little Hawk

If it had happened in Chongo's home back in "the old country", you'd be up to your neck in mangos.

05 Jul 12 - 11:26 PM (#3372674)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Bobert, the DH had a great idea about that tree that fell in the flower bed. Carve a seat out of it and leave it as a place to sit and admire the flowers. It's not as effortless as my sign that says Ground-dwelling Woodpecker Habitat, but then he works with engineers, and engineers always have to do it right.

Gnu, when we see the crab-apple tree covered with thousands of pink buds and then white blooms, and when we sit at our table and watch the cardinals and blue jays outside the window, it's worth the $175.

06 Jul 12 - 08:57 AM (#3372797)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Pete Jennings

Glad you're okay Bobs. Can you reach the mistletoe now? (!).

06 Jul 12 - 02:23 PM (#3372892)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Well, this morning was the moment of truth... Mr. Chainsaw and I ventured into the main planting bed where the top 30 feet of a 100 foot oak was resting over an area 30 X 20... All I could see were oak leaves and limbs and one or two of the P-Vine's rare azaleas... I worked like a surgeon for 2 hours in there and was amazed over and over at how that tree fell so that almost everything was safe under that mass... It now all cleaned and raked out and out of the 25 or so plants the P-Vine had under that mess all but two came out of the deal with little or no damage... The two that sustained heavy damage (one oak leaf hydrangea and my favorite azalea) will live but are now half the size they were prior to the event...

That's the latest chapter of "How I Spent the Summer"...


16 Jul 12 - 02:40 PM (#3377158)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Finally got everything cleaned up in the yard... Cut the tops outta the trees that fell in the woods and will wait 'til Fall to cut them up...

Latest count: 19 oaks, 4 hickory...

Might have the hickories sold to Big Bob of Big Bob's BBQ... Reckon there's about 4 cord and he pays $200 a cord cut into 24" logs and split... I can do that... 4 X $200 = $800 - $50 for log splitter and $200 to neighbor's kid to help = $550 net... Hmmmmmm???

Lotta work so far but to drive up to the house you wouldn't know anything happened...


16 Jul 12 - 03:37 PM (#3377188)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: gnu

Atr least some sunshine after the storm.

16 Jul 12 - 03:40 PM (#3377189)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: katlaughing

That's so sad, Bobert. I love trees, esp. the old oaks of back East. I hope you still have plenty of them standing.

16 Jul 12 - 06:42 PM (#3377291)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: ChanteyLass

You've been busy, Bobert.

16 Jul 12 - 06:52 PM (#3377298)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: Bobert

Yup, I was just thinking that I'm working harder now than at any time in my life... I'm beat...


17 Jul 12 - 11:59 AM (#3377748)
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
From: GUEST,leeneia

Take it easy, drink a bunch of water. I'm glad you didn't get heat stroke.