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Mudcat Tavern #16

20 Oct 99 - 09:22 AM (#125843)
Subject: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: alison

Thought it was time for another move... it was getting very steamy out on that porch.... (not to mention taking a long time to download). Anyone game to investigate the basement and see what Uilleand has been brewing?????..... Not you Mick you're plenty frisky enough after all those oysters..........

20 Oct 99 - 09:34 AM (#125849)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

In case you can't find it amongst the profusion of doors...after all, by my count we now have the main entrance, the back door to the BBQ/picnic area and little possum's room, the north porch, the south porch, "the door", and the stairway up to the reading room; the men's and ladies "restrooms";not to mention the door out into the kitchen and the one into the back storeroom; the doorway to the cellar stairs is the one marked with the "MacIntyre Memorial Stairway" plaque.

It's about time someone came up with a map of this building. It's beginning (beginning? hmmmph!) to get confusing!

20 Oct 99 - 09:48 AM (#125855)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Uilleand

Don't forget the jello pit and the hot tub.

20 Oct 99 - 10:04 AM (#125863)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Okay, I guess Uilleand remembers more of what happened (or didn't happen) on the porch than I thought. So I suppose I should be grateful that my reputation remains intact. Being thought of as a "gentleman" has its good points, but... M-m-m-m-maybe I should reconsider my thinking about that brew!

20 Oct 99 - 10:12 AM (#125866)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

Allan, I think I know what you mean. I seriously considered taking umbrage the other night when people were talking about a road trip and the fact that I spent the whole trip as the sole male in a carload of women. the comment "We were safe, it was MMario" - didn't exactly boost my ego.

20 Oct 99 - 10:53 AM (#125874)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Roger the skiffler

Don't take all the umbrage, MMario, I'll have a little to go with my 3-star.
I'm worn out, each move seems to take the Tavern further from the Neil Young Center.
Look at what they've done to all our Elvis wands, made them into a mobile. Could win the Turner Prize though.

20 Oct 99 - 10:57 AM (#125878)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

Rts - just use "the door" to come and go! that way you can set it to be right next to the center! *eg* Just hope you don't try to use it while 'Spaw is using it...

20 Oct 99 - 01:35 PM (#125952)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Lonesome EJ

I was reading "Tavern and Oyster bar" yesterday after having skipped lunch, and I'll tell you it was absolutely brutal. If Mick is half the seafood cook he sounds like, he would definitel give Paul Prudhomme a run for his money! That thread sure filled out in a hurry, which I believe is a testament to one thing- We Mudcatters are damned hungry!

Now, pass those conch fritters, and yes, I will have another Carlsberg.

20 Oct 99 - 07:41 PM (#126141)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: annamill

Mick, if you come to the gathering, I'll buy the seafood. You just tell me what we need and I'll get it. We have a seafood coop right near here and one of my neighbors is a clammer/fisherman. What say, Big Boy? You would be able to sing to your heart's content. We have many neighbors who love the Irish music. It's not so far and you can bring whomever you like and stay as long as you like. As can anyone.

20 Oct 99 - 10:23 PM (#126198)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Big Mick

First off, Conch boy, you haven't eaten, till you have eaten The Big Mick's seafood...........and Prudhomme ain't bad for a French kid, I wouldn't mind giving him a few tips......LOL.

Annap, I love you, dear woman. And I think your honey is pretty sharp, and I hope he understands what a special catch he has. But for him to come to a gathering of folkies, when he is a rock n' roller, well, he knows what he's got, and appreciates her. Good for him, but I digress. I would love to cook for one of your gatherings, but unfortuately I won't be able to come to this one. We are heading into another of those cycles at work that make the Ole Mick disappear for a bit, and by the time I get back, we will be heading into the ultra busy time for the band. But we will do this thing at some point. I would love to cook for the 'Catters.

All the best,


21 Oct 99 - 01:42 AM (#126244)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Lonesome EJ

Whatever you say. You de de boss! Think I'll pass on the Au Gratin Potatoes, though, Spudmeister.

22 Oct 99 - 01:37 PM (#126829)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

I, for one, am virtually stuffed on all this wonderful seafood Mick has prepared. I have a deep and abiding love for seafood (well, hell - any food!) and Mick has made it more delicious than I have ever experienced.

Now, if someone will hand me a draft - no, no! Not any of that stuff you can see through! There... that's the ticket. Now, if anyone wants to find me (and I hope they don't come looking) I'll be in the basement checking out the contents of a certain cauldron.

22 Oct 99 - 01:45 PM (#126834)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Uilleand

Well, TGIF! I'm sorely in need of some sustenance. And what better place to find it than at the tavern. Hey, Allan, when you get done inspecting the 'brew', pick up that guitar and sing us a song.

22 Oct 99 - 04:11 PM (#126922)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Well, wouldn't you know it, Uilleand came up the back stairs just as I was headed down! Okay, I'll sing if you guys will help. I have been really wanting to sing "Molly Malone".

22 Oct 99 - 04:22 PM (#126926)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert

Must be nearly happy hour. Set me up a boilermaker. That's an English boilermaker not an American one!

OK. Alan We'll all join in

...She wheels her wheelbarrow through Wembley and Harrow....

22 Oct 99 - 04:37 PM (#126932)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Dave Swan

O.K. Bert,

What's an English boilermaker?


22 Oct 99 - 04:42 PM (#126933)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Davey

Creeeeaaakkk... pushing the door open, trying to sneak in for a pint after work.... Oh, hi folks, I didn't realize there would be so many here at this early hour.. And a guitar, too.... Just love guitar music and singing along with a good chorus. HEY bartender, a pint of something dark and cold, no not THAT dark, I like to drink my beer, not chew it. And put a slice of lime in it, will ya? Thanks, Ahhh! That's refreshing after a hard week at work.

Nice place you have here, and what a wonderful fragrance drifting from the kitchen !!

22 Oct 99 - 04:51 PM (#126938)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

"wembley and Harrow?" Streets broad and NARROW!! *urp*! 'scuse please, shouldn't have had that third helping of possum stew....and gotta remember to send the possumbarbecuetwosteprag off before I lose the file...

long week, long weekend to come, pour me a beer!

22 Oct 99 - 04:54 PM (#126939)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Uilleand

Well, then let's sing 'The Blue Clicky Thing' instead. What a neat song.

22 Oct 99 - 04:58 PM (#126940)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert

An English boilermaker is a 'stout and mild'

22 Oct 99 - 05:05 PM (#126944)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Okay, Bert. It is your turn. Could you please sing the one about the ukelele? What a cool song!

22 Oct 99 - 05:07 PM (#126945)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

Gotta laugh! Gotta Sing! Got a drink?

Anyone want to do the grocery shopping for me? Seriously non-motivated tonight. I'd MUCH rather just sit back here in the tavern and try to learn "The Blue Clicky Thing" or 4 versions of "GoodNight and god be with you"....which reminds me, godda...ahem...goodzda...(cough)... got to (that's better!) get out onto BruceO's site and grab a fresh copy of his "rare songs"....

so much to do, so little time. Now if I could just win the lotto this weekend...25 mill. I could manage. It would be tough, but I could manage....


22 Oct 99 - 05:12 PM (#126947)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Yeah, if I won that much I could pay off all my debts and probably have enough left over for a week's groceries!

22 Oct 99 - 05:13 PM (#126948)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert

Alan, which sing about 'the ukelele'?

22 Oct 99 - 05:16 PM (#126951)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

The one that was sat upon.

22 Oct 99 - 05:18 PM (#126953)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert


22 Oct 99 - 06:06 PM (#126957)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Big Mick

The door flies open and the biggest Mick in the village comes striding across the floor carrying several plates of Mushrooms marinated in red wine, honey and herbs balanced precariously on a pot of Carrot-Cilantro soup.............Allright yiz bunch of layabouts, throw a piece of plywood over the pool table and cover it with a cloth. You may have moved out of the Oyster bar, but ole Mick has brought over some happy hour vittles.........what Rick?'s Carrot-Cilantro Soup?......huh?.....bite me, dammit. Some of youse don't want to eat it if it doesn't come out of a can.......Dive in, folks.......damn it Clete, I didn't mean that literally.......friggin varmints, I am going to come up with a couple of 'possum recipes..........Go ahead and enjoy while I go in the kitchen and sautee up these Prawns and make the Garlic-Basil Cream..........and if you are all nice folks I will haul the Tart Lemon Custard out of the refrigerator this afternoon.............Hey, git those damn animals out of that corner.....I intend to set a table up over there and cook an intimate meal for THE FAIR ONE a little later.......By Jove, good cooking and love songs ought to do the trick.......Shut up 'Spaw.......

22 Oct 99 - 10:49 PM (#127042)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow

A hairy gentleman of uncertain age sways to his feet: "Give us a pinta Guinness and some black puddin and I'll sing the < href= Blue Clicky Thing/>clicky blue thing for you."

But with a smile and a wave he passes out on the floor for the night.

22 Oct 99 - 10:53 PM (#127045)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow

He wakes up momentarily. "Sorry lads, that should have been< href= Blue Clicky Thing/>clicky blue thing"

He slumbers once more, noisily.

22 Oct 99 - 10:54 PM (#127046)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Jeri

Mick, have you considered auctioning off some of your recipes here? I don't know about anyone else around here, but you're driving me absolutely batshit! (drool, drool)

22 Oct 99 - 10:56 PM (#127047)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow

Again he stirs: "Sod this for a game of soldiers. Third time pays for all." href= Blue Clicky Thing/>clicky blue thing

22 Oct 99 - 10:58 PM (#127049)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow

a href= Blue Clicky Thing/>clicky blue thing

22 Oct 99 - 11:01 PM (#127053)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow


22 Oct 99 - 11:03 PM (#127054)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: McGrath of Harlow

"I've done it" he croaks feebly. And is ejected onto the pavement by the unruly regulars.

22 Oct 99 - 11:07 PM (#127056)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

*dusts of the man of Harlow and helps him back into the bar*

"Never say die" must be the motto of yer family, no? But never think we ejected you from this the most friendly of taverns, you merley tripped over one of Lamarca's flamingos...amazing how THAT pink a bird can blend right into the wodwork, isn't it? You wouldn't want to leave before Mick finishes cooking, now, someone might get offended. Koko gets VERY upset if she thinks someone is slighting Big Mick. And NONE of us want Koko offended....


22 Oct 99 - 11:21 PM (#127060)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Susan A-R

Say Mick, how would some nice pumpkin pie with real whipped cream go with all of the good stuff you've just made? Also, there are some nifty sweet potato fritters in the skillet in the kitchen. I'd think they'd be great with the carrot cilantro soup. Now, need any prep help? Just give me a mug of the black vile stuff and a chef's knife and I'm happy.

22 Oct 99 - 11:55 PM (#127081)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: katlaughing

Mmmm, Susan, pumpkin pie, just about the only kind I eat! Sounds great. Mick, Jeri is right, only you need to put together a Mudcat Cookbook, with your recies, 'Spaw's and several others who would like to contrinute and just have it be a regular feature for sale here. Wouldn't have to print them, just get them together in a file to download.

I am only doing fresh fruits and veggies for the weekend, so, how about something strong with a little juice mixed in with it and a few cherries on top?

McGrath, how many sheets to the wind?? You'll be awright, lad, just sit here by me for a few minutes; tuck into some of Mick's good cooking and you'll be right as rain.

Another song, someone? Rick, how about your version of In My Life, off the new cd? Lovely..I like it better than original Beatle's version!

23 Oct 99 - 01:06 AM (#127101)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: WyoWoman

Aw, Rick. "In My Life" is on your CD? Now I will go buy it this very second. (Where?) That song makes me melt.

McGrath, thanks for the Blue Clicky Song. I don't know the tune, but the words are simply swell.

It's been one o' those weeks, boyzngrrls. I'll have a splash o' Mr. Jameson's finest and a soft place to curl up for a few minutes while I gather myself back together.

What? Hmmm? Who is that over in the corner, offering a soft place to curl up .... I can't see you in this dim light....

And I think a Mudcat cookbook is simply a splendid idea. I'll help. It'll have to have *some* spice in it...


23 Oct 99 - 05:18 PM (#127259)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: jon a

A large, long-haired, bearded individual staggers out of a dark corner; he drags a shotgun behind him and makes his way to the Bar. " the Mudcat Birthday party must have been some bash, I only just made it back and didn't even get to fire the salute I had planned!" he drops two blank cartridges on the bar," A large grapefruit juice please my friend and I will sit here and try to piece together the missing bits."


23 Oct 99 - 05:37 PM (#127266)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Jeri

We started the recipes in another thread - cross-cultural something-or-other. Maybe we should use those and start a new one just for favorite recipes. We can get somebody to put them together and make them look nice, and Max could hawk 'em. Max, you wanna? 'Course, I have no idea how much it would cost to print and bind them, and nobody probably has the up-front bucks to do it. How much would these babies cost to make?

Food on the brain - I better go get something to eat. Mick keeps making me drool, and I don't know how much more this keyboard can take!

23 Oct 99 - 06:04 PM (#127279)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: katlaughing

Jeri, wouldn't have to print and bind. Everyone can just download and print, put them in their own binders, after giving their credit card number of course.**BG** Just need someone to coordinate and assemble in some order. Mmmm, time on my hands, but I'm trying to find paying jobs, so, I'll have to think about it. In the meantime, I'll at least start a thread for them.

23 Oct 99 - 07:46 PM (#127327)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Jeri

I just volunteered to compile - oh, what have I done? What about folks who don't have plastic?

We really need Max's approval and input if this is gonna be a Mudcat thing.

23 Oct 99 - 09:49 PM (#127357)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Lonesome EJ

Damn but I have had a full two days of wheelin, dealin, and makin money! I think all 63 of the folks that live within a 200 mile radius of my store came in and spent their paychecks! Let's pop a bottle of White Star Brut and celebrate! And give me two plates of the MickSeafood Special of the Day!

23 Oct 99 - 10:37 PM (#127364)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Big Mick

I t'ink we start with some seafood today, but move to something else. How about we warm up with some Roast Scallops with mixed peppers? I love these things, that I always have to buy extras cause I munch the hell out of them. Then we move on to Watercress soup with Smoked Chicken. Great smell, eh folks. Wait till I start the main dish. We will have some Calf's Liver with Onion Confit and Balsamic Vinegar. This is basically Calf's Liver sliced and sautee'd in butter very lightly then mix in the vinegar and saute a bit more. Then serve it with the, taste bud overload. Then a little desert, say some Vanilla ice cream with warm plums in mulled wine.........Hot damn.

I am going to have to get away from this stuff while we all have waistlines left........naaaaahhhh. Eat up and enjoy, Leej. We'll do some of the country stuff next week.


23 Oct 99 - 10:39 PM (#127366)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Jeri

Get thee to the recipe thread, man!!!!

23 Oct 99 - 11:00 PM (#127374)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bill Cameron

I'll have the fish and chips. And a very cold Double Diamond.

(In my dreams. Had my last pint one year ago this week. Right after I saw the Tannahill Weavers in a club in Ottawa--didn't really sober up till Christmas actually.)

Older. No wiser. But better off.

p.s. Nice ta see youse all.

24 Oct 99 - 01:30 PM (#127506)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: WyoWoman

Hey, kids. Look what I just found! A big box of maracas/shakers shaped like fruit and veggies. Fruit shakes! The only way I can preserve my waistline after being so delightfully nourished by the Big Mick is to dance it off. So would someone please start us a song that could use a good rhythm section (Maybe "Alabama John Cherokee?") and let's shake these things.

Hey, Mick, I notice you were the first to grab the big banana... oh. sorry. I thought that was a fruit shaker...


24 Oct 99 - 01:38 PM (#127508)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Big Mick

I am not going to respond, but WW, if you could read my mind just now I would be in BIG trouble........LOL.

Big Mick

24 Oct 99 - 01:44 PM (#127515)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: WyoWoman

You just did and I just did.


24 Oct 99 - 09:44 PM (#127641)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: annamill

Hello Everyone, I just stopped in for a malted. Please "MAKE ME A MALTED" (Lenny Bruce)

I have some good news. Friday, I handed in my resignation to Bank of New York where I have been an employee for 4 years. I have accepted a position as a consultant for the company that does all the automation for the NY Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange. SIAC. It's a good change. I'm very excited. It's almost double my salary which was considerable. I'm not bragging. I'm just thankful. Maybe I'll get a hot tub for the house. That could be exciting in January. Tee Hee! I start Nov. 8th.

Sometimes.... life is good. To heck with the malted, Tanquerey and Tonic, no lime please? Is anyone tending? I used to be a pretty good tenderess, shall I get it myself? Would anyone else like something? We need to celebrate.

24 Oct 99 - 09:53 PM (#127645)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Big Mick

Congratulations, dear one. I am so happy for you. Obviously there are companies out there who recognize talent. I am cooking, Anna, name your meal.............LEEJ,.....GET THE FARM ANIMALS OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND CLEAN IT UP.......WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A PARTY TO CELEBRATE ANNAP'S SUCCESSYou might want to go out and jog a bit, folks...this is going to be fattening...........Annap, pull me a vile, dark one.............FAIR ONE, would you be so kind as to join me? I just want to gaze on ye, to inspire the cooking..........but no griddles, OK?????..........

24 Oct 99 - 10:12 PM (#127648)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Caitrin

A New Person walks through the door... Greetings. I came to look for lyrics, and you folk seemed so interesting while reading the threads, I thought I'd stop in and say hello. :)

24 Oct 99 - 11:30 PM (#127668)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: TheMuse

Annap, I've eyed this tavern from afar wondering if I dare . . . then I heard the celebration for resigning from a BANK and I just had to join in. Congrats on the new job. I've worked for the same bank forever but have had about 5 different owners - you know how that goes in the banking industry these days. The most recent owners are pretty arrogant and us old timers would love to create a little havoc in our investment area. Think you could manage to pull a few plugs in the "automated" stock exchange? I would be eternally grateful and may even contribute some "bubbly" for your new hot tub at your January bash. Now then, has anyone got any ideas on how to spruce up a ginger ale?

24 Oct 99 - 11:48 PM (#127676)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Alan of Australia

An Old Person walks through the door (well not too old as I keep telling THE FAIR ONE - sorry Mick, copyright infringement). Just keeping an eye on Big Mick. He's eaten with THE FAIR ONE, chased her through the surf, looked worn out afterwards (can't run fast enough). But he'd better not try to SING with her. Believe me Mick, the lagerphone is much more painful coming out than going in.


25 Oct 99 - 12:27 AM (#127688)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: katlaughing

Ouch! Alan!

Caitrin, Welcome, Welcome to the Mudcat Tavern! Nice of you to join us, all you need is a virtual appetite, thirst of a desert rat, and a good sense of humour. Feel free to partake and share a song or two.

Anna, CONGRATULATIONS! Whoo-Hoo!!! Sounds BIG TIME to me! Do you commute or is this something you can do from a home office? sounds wonderful and important! Whatcha gonna fill the hot tub with? Please give Caitrin whatever she wants on me and I'd like an amaretto sour, please.

Ah, cooking sure smells good, Mick. Ya lost me for awhile there with the (eww!) calves liver stuff. Does that come in tofu?:-) Have a seat Caitrin, put your feet and set a spell.

25 Oct 99 - 12:40 AM (#127690)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: surfer

A player for the digital traditionMudcat is famous.

25 Oct 99 - 01:06 AM (#127693)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bill Cameron

MAde it just close to closing time, I guess. Didn't get a raise (congrats Annap)--need a job, actually, and I'd probably be a lot closer to getting one if I wasn't so damn busy checking out my old Net haunts, and trying to put on a little concert series. Just had the first concert tonight, in fact, it was an artistic triumph that lost a bit of money, so I'm happy. Pour me a stiff ginger ale! MAke it a double! On second thought, I guess I can have a Guinness here, if nowhere else.

Mmmmmm. Chewy.

25 Oct 99 - 09:47 AM (#127745)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: annamill

Thanks Everyone. I'm very happy. We can bring everything to the hot tub but red wine. I was sitting in a jacuzzi with a friend. Warm Zeppelin on the stereo, small candles all around, and a bottle of red from his own vineyard. Perfect! Moved my arm, tipped the glass, all of a sudden we were sitting in a messy red jacuzzi. How to ruin a perfect evening! His housekeeper wasn't too happy either.

Oh well, if they let me get a hot tub, we can always have white wine ;-)

I can't wait for that masterpiece, Mick! I'm starvin', Babe. Alison, go keep an eye on our darling. I'll draw some good stuff.

25 Oct 99 - 04:13 PM (#127871)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

I am here as a former poor, tortured soul who has at last, (thanks to Uilleand,) untangled the philosopher's knot of the egg and the pippin. But, alas, "the love that has no end" may still be hidden in the shadows - perhaps here at the tavern. I could use a taste of George's finest 12-year-old stuff and a bit of counseling - or so I've been told...

25 Oct 99 - 08:09 PM (#127941)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: DougR

Annap: Congratlations! There is nothing worse than hating to go to a job in the morning. It appears to me you will be looking forward to going to the new one. The whole banking industry appears to be in a shambles! In fact, I'll drink to that! But then I'll drink to most anything. I'll just help myself to a bit of vodka on the rocks with a small splash of water. That should do it. Mick, I hope we some of your grand recepies on that thread soon. They sound delish. DougR

25 Oct 99 - 09:47 PM (#127970)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Caitrin

Thanks so much for the welcome, kat. I have a fabulous appetite, both real and virtual, having been raised in the most food-centered household in all of North Carolina. Thirst for drink, life, and music I have as well. :) And Humor has always been a favorite of mine. I think I'll have a seat.

25 Oct 99 - 09:54 PM (#127972)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: annamill

Caitrin, welcome! I was born in NC, but I don't remember. I was young then. What a wonderful name. From whence doth it come!

Love, Annap

26 Oct 99 - 12:58 AM (#128055)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: katlaughing

Surfer, that's really interesting. Thanks for letting us know about it.

26 Oct 99 - 01:21 AM (#128066)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: alison

Isn't Caitrin an Irish form of Kathryn? Getting very popular again along wtih Caitlin, (isn't a week goes by we don't deliver a Caitlin or Jack in work)....

hey Mick, ignore the man with the lagerphone... where's this meal you promised me???

26 Oct 99 - 01:28 AM (#128071)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: alison

(any of you still recovering from the hamsters should ignore this..... but it's a beauty).....

anyone feel the need to work off some of this food....

Let's mambo

26 Oct 99 - 07:32 AM (#128107)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: katlaughing

Whooo, Alison! You did give fair warning, but man! I don't know if I'll ever recover from that!**BG**

26 Oct 99 - 08:10 AM (#128114)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Davey

Great stuff Alison! LOL..

I thought I'd just sit in the corner and sip my beer, but all that noise and rowdiness and great food smells has piqued my interest. I can contribute some dessert to this fine meal... I have some fruit compote (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe slices, apple slices, all steeping in rum since June)... I was going to save it for Christmas, but it would sure go well with all that seafood.

26 Oct 99 - 08:55 AM (#128133)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

How 'bout some home-made ice cream to put that compote over on top of? Hmmmmmm????? I just chucked a couple gallons into the freezer to stay cold while we chow down on the entree's.

Found some "new" possum songs out on the web. One is called "possum and Taters...." Sounds like a recipe...

26 Oct 99 - 09:43 AM (#128142)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert

Annap, congratulations on your new job.

Loved your red wine story. Reminds me of the time I was on a British Airways flight and the attendant spilled red wine on my lap. She was most concerned 'cos I had white pants on. One of the other passengers said "Club soda will get the stain out"
The attendant says "We've got some of that" off she goes, comes back with a can, pops the top and pours it all over the stain (on my lap, remember). It was straight out if the freezer.

26 Oct 99 - 10:42 AM (#128159)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Size doesn't matter...

26 Oct 99 - 10:51 AM (#128164)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: alison

... it matters to me

(good song Bert.....)

26 Oct 99 - 10:57 AM (#128165)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: WyoWoman

Dozens of Mudcateers form a single line and shake their money-makers as they mambo through the labyrinthine doorways and passages of the Tavern...

Appetites will be sharp tonight, whetted by exercise and the promise of whatever those wonderful aromas are wafting now from the kitchen....

Maybe I'll break down and have a fruity drink, since we're sort of in an Island mode. Where are the little umbrellas? Please don't tell anyone I know that I'm actually drinking a sweet drink. I pride myself on being the kind of woman Hemingway could love ...


26 Oct 99 - 11:08 AM (#128169)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Allan C.

Hemmingway wasted so much energy on trying to be "a man's man" that I'm not sure he had any energy left to be a decent lover. But I have no problem at all with women who drink like a man - whatever that may mean. But, then, I have no problem with those who prefer umbrellas and swizzle sticks with poofy stuff on the ends either.

26 Oct 99 - 11:54 AM (#128194)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Roger the skiffler

(voice offstage)"At the Neil Young Center we've been trying out the Mudcat recipes so I can't get through the door any more. If I don't get slimmer in time I'll pop along to the campfire for Nov 5th ( bet they won't let us have fireworks and matches). Hallowe'en doesn't look scary any more once you've been to the Center. Pass a bottle or two out here in a brown bag." PS (or BS) Is it really legal to drink outdoors in the US if the bottle is thus "hidden", but not otherwise??

26 Oct 99 - 07:13 PM (#128362)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: TheMuse

Oh, man, alison! Just checked out the Mambo - even more than ROFL - more like howling! I'm new so missed the hamsters you mentioned. Was it If so, I loved that too. Got anymore?

26 Oct 99 - 08:20 PM (#128381)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

Someone hand theMuse another drink. I don't know whether too much or not enough is the cause of the problem, but LIKE the hamsterdance!?! *scream* *shudder*


26 Oct 99 - 09:22 PM (#128405)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: DonMeixner

I think its gonna take more that another one, MMario. It'll take at least a bottle of Bali Hai. Maybe some Night Train with a Ripple chaser. I suspect that she is easily a-MUSE-d.

Oh, did I just pun? Imagine that.


26 Oct 99 - 09:46 PM (#128414)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: TheMuse

Hey! Mr Meixner, did you just call me easy?? Let's take this outside, we don't want any trouble here, or embarassment for these nice folks. Oh, wait, let me just grab this bottle of ready mixed screwdrivers. . . .

26 Oct 99 - 11:13 PM (#128436)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MAG (inactive)

For those of us who are mambo challenged, how 'bout a conga line? Here's a samba whistle ...

26 Oct 99 - 11:38 PM (#128449)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Susan A-R

Now this is a PARTY!! Dancin' and all. Now which is my left foot?? Guess I'll have some black vile stuff and it'l all sort itself out. Smells great Mick, want any cutting and chopping help? Good thing I don't have any where near as much trouble ooordinating my hands as I do my feet) And let's get some good cooking shanties going.

Oh Congrats Anap. Any song/drink/food requests? It's your day girl!!

27 Oct 99 - 09:10 PM (#128822)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Caitrin

Annap: According to my mother, Caitrin's the Welsh translation of Kathryn. But it could be Irish, too.

I can mambo or samba!:)

I seem to get the impression that y'all are food any of you have a good pesto recipe?

27 Oct 99 - 11:01 PM (#128854)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Susan A-R

combine and mince in a food processor 3 cups basil, 6 cloves garlic 1/2 c pine nuts or walnuts or almonds depending on your budget then add and mix in 1/2 c olive oil 1/2 c parmesan cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Now, can I have a beer please, I'm trying to ignore the World Series and it isn't working. God, the Braves versus the Yankees, a Red Sox fan's version of hell, I'm sure.

29 Oct 99 - 12:34 PM (#129479)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

Or for varieties sake, take Susan A-R's recipe and substitute......

try mustard greens, watercress, alfalfa sprouts, alone, in combination or with dried herbs

try a different grating cheese

or use walnut oil, or a touch of toasted sesame oil

use just about any kind of nuts....brazil nuts do need to be pre-cut though

and some people add onion.(or chives, or shallot, or NO garlic)

and a little lemon or lime juice sometimes "makes" it

29 Oct 99 - 01:56 PM (#129530)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

soemone said the Tavern sounded like an "upscale place" and wanted to know if we had a dress code. What should we answer?

29 Oct 99 - 02:18 PM (#129543)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Bert

yes, you must wear a dress

29 Oct 99 - 03:38 PM (#129575)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Mían

Re: dress code, see the mambo site link above for acceptable samples.

01 Nov 99 - 10:31 AM (#130409)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Roger the skiffler

Haven't been around for a few days, there are so many new 'Catters coming on that we've been flat out at the Neil Young Center, putting trolleys (gurneys) in the corridors ready for the expected rush of new admissions.
However, I had to come in to get all the regulars to raise a glass (of the vile black stuff or your drink of choice) to Mick's speedy return to the tavern
Slainte, Ya Mas, L'chaim, Mud in yer eye, Prost, etc.

01 Nov 99 - 10:45 AM (#130414)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

I could use a few days at the NYCFTTS. I wonder if my medical plan would cover it?

02 Nov 99 - 09:37 PM (#131107)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MAG (inactive)

I had a beer last Friday (a nice, dark Californian oatmeal stout, actually) and the next day my blood sugar was doing its thing. Virtual stout from now on. I'll gladly hoist one for Mick!

02 Nov 99 - 10:09 PM (#131122)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Susan A-R

Yes, a stout would be nice here too. The wind doth howl and the rain doth pour and it's gettin' to be really November out there. I'm snug at my computer though, so I'm happy. Anyone else for a plate of shrimp nachos with mild cheese and guacamole? Had that one this weekend at a party and it was great!! didn't look too complicated either. I beieve those are the only ingredients.

Now about that dress code? Seems to me there's been anything from thongs to well, um, what else. I don't know of anyone who has come in in formal attire, but that could change.

I go for the sweat suit look myself (unless I come straight from work, in which case it's T and Jeans. I hope that fits in with the code. I'd look pretty shocking in a thong

02 Nov 99 - 10:18 PM (#131130)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MAG (inactive)

Wrinkled cottons. When they came in, I knew I had found my look, for life. Now that leotards don't do a thing for me anymore.

02 Nov 99 - 11:06 PM (#131155)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: catspaw49

Aw just a quickie tonight.......Haven't been in the joint for awhile, had a bad attack of iodine poisoning......not to mention the last time I was here Kat beat the crap out of me...........Had to sleep in the garden with her Garden Faeries......What night that was..............Say, I see The Muse is into dancing.....Seems like I remember a good dance that I saw in the Virtual Door...Hey, is that damn thing boarded over??? Aw, man....Gimmee a hammer here Skiff, surprised they let you have these at the Young Center.....Lemmee just rip these boards down.....So whaddaya do with 'em at the Center, breakup accordions and banjos?........(umph)THERE WE GO.....The good old Virtual Door......OK Muse.....Ya wanna' see some dancin'?........Oh Great Virtual Door, Pray, give me DANCE...(FLING!!)Oh Lordy-That's DANCING.........Cool out tonite, give me a shot of Jack straight up......Is that thunder outside? Damn odd weather for lightning too.......Well, See y'all later............BTW folks, the Big Mick and I are gettin' together in Cincinnati tomorrow....Tell you about it later....................


03 Nov 99 - 04:19 AM (#131229)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Roger the skiffler

..Aw. 'Spaw, now they know I've got a hammer, I'll be on tiple duty for a week! I'll join you on the dance floor, though my cross to bear is two left feet.
Is that "Turkey in the straw" they're playing?
No, it's "Possum int he shrimp" Never heard that one before!

03 Nov 99 - 10:55 AM (#131287)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

I'm just sittin' in the corner
munchin' on these brownies...
strange taste....
and I'm giggling at the suggestions
and the humour of the 'cat
oh,god, I'm giggling
there are 'possums in the shrimp
and gargoyles in the corner
My dog is a Pointer, -lookin' for a cat. There are elves on the radio
and doppelgangers in the chat
Am I singing flat?
When the threads is all a-tangle
and tempers running hot
they'll be 'possums in the shrimp
and the Tavern is OUR spot!

03 Nov 99 - 06:44 PM (#131470)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: DonMeixner


Normally I reserve the right to pick on The Muse but what the hell, go ahead, you do oit so well. I'll let you pick on Kat, Alison, and Barbara too.

Dancing with The lord of the Dance even.


03 Nov 99 - 09:15 PM (#131512)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Caitrin

Susan, thanks so much for the pesto recipe. It was lovely! I haven't gotten a chance to try yours yet, MMario, but I will soon. ~Caitrin

04 Nov 99 - 05:18 PM (#131857)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: MMario

y'know, if people are gonna parade their dogs and cats around here the least they can do is clean up after themselves....The back yard looks like someone held a mass orgy, and this room isn't much better!!!

Scared Dido half out of her wits...and Cleigh was babbling something about never wanting to see another wieneriemer in his life....

04 Nov 99 - 10:44 PM (#131983)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: Susan A-R

I'm up for a bit of smoked mullett and avocado and beer. Say MMario, where DID those brownies come from? Not the back yard I hope.

S'paw's at the door again,
Yeah, THAT door
Cleigh's cleaned the shrimp up
and he's whistling for more
Roger's smashing tiples
(What's a hammer for??)
And it's Thursday at the Mudcat Tavern

Mick's in the kitchen
cooking something great
MMario's looking baffled
at the brownies he just ate
THE FAIR ONE's in the jello pit
(Mick starts to salivate)
and it's Friday in the Mudcat Tavern

Your turn.

Anyone want to write the verses for the rest of the week?

05 Nov 99 - 02:29 AM (#132031)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
From: alison

Good idea Susan but this thread is getting long.. let's move it to Mudcat Tavern #17