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BS: Some gun-law facts

29 Jul 12 - 01:40 PM (#3383254)
Subject: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,Lighter

I've tried unsuccessfully numerous times to post this to the "wacked-out guy with a gun" thread, so I'm starting a fact-based new one.

This map shows the relative gun-homicide rates for the fifty states:

And this list ranks the states according to the stringency of their gun laws:

As the Atlantic article suggests, there's a fair correlation between lower rates and tougher laws.

Correlation is not proof of cause and effect, but when it matches what
"common sense" would expect, it's certainly evidence in that direction. Namely, that tougher gun laws can lower gun-death rates.

But draw your own conclusions. No ad-hominems, please.

29 Jul 12 - 01:52 PM (#3383259)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Nigel Parsons

Is there any chance that those figures merely show that those states with tougher laws are exporting their problems?
i.e. Criminals with guns migrate to the states with the softer laws.
If that is the case then a good argument could be made for harmonising the laws (and the penalties) across all 50 states.

29 Jul 12 - 01:54 PM (#3383260)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,999

"No ad-hominems, please."

Many folks here find ad-hominems contrary to The Scriptures, but at least they can now marry in some states.

29 Jul 12 - 02:00 PM (#3383263)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Bobert

Hmmmm??? The map kinda resembles the electoral college map???

Never mind...


29 Jul 12 - 02:07 PM (#3383267)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,999

Basically, the only correlation that could be established is that when someone is shot and killed by a bullet, most often a gun was involved.

29 Jul 12 - 02:17 PM (#3383276)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: gnu

What about ad infinitums? I mean, besides a new thread.

29 Jul 12 - 03:50 PM (#3383327)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Greg F.

Now, what about reductio ad absurdums? They don't get no respect aside from being contrary to Scripture.

29 Jul 12 - 04:35 PM (#3383342)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler (Well-known pedant)

"Guns don't kill people - people kill people." No, you moron PEOPLE USING GUNS KILL PEOPLE!

29 Jul 12 - 05:09 PM (#3383354)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: dick greenhaus

...including themselves, in many cases.

29 Jul 12 - 05:49 PM (#3383380)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: ollaimh

so stay away from the deep south, louisanna, arkansas,mississippi and alabama , as well as arizona and nevada.

well i've only been to one of them, and no plans to return.

29 Jul 12 - 07:07 PM (#3383409)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I think I'll just steer clear of the whole USA.

Here in the UK my chances of getting shot are roughly equivalent to the chance of being struck by lightning,,,,,,,FIVE times!

Unless of course I take up drug dealing as a career.

Don T.

29 Jul 12 - 07:18 PM (#3383413)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Since the time just before the end of the war in Japan, when my father parked his Lee Enfield .303 (unloaded) in the corner of the living room, I have never seen a gun other than in the hands of a soldier, or latterly a fully trained armed response policeman, except on the telly.

Dad's gun, incidentally is one of my earliest memories, because the bloody thing fell on my head when I reached out to grab it. I was four at the time, and it probably explains why I have always hated the bloody things.

Facing a burglar, I would be inclined to let him take what he wants. I don't own anything that I would die for, except my family, and them I would kill for gun or no gun.

Don T.

30 Jul 12 - 12:40 PM (#3383694)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: Midchuck

I was confused by the map at first reading, because it indicated Vermont had a higher rate of gun deaths than New York, MA, or CT; and I had seen several statistical charts indicating that VT had a lower rate of violent crime than any state except the two Dakotas.

The answer is that, as the site takes pains to point out, the map shows rates for all gun deaths - homicides, suicides, and accidents. Vermont does have a low homicide rate. But we have long, cold, dark winters, without much to do except ski, snowshoe, snowmobile, and drink. And a lot of people don't do any of the first three. Good for getting in the right mood for suicide. AND we have a lot of people who live for deer season. But Vermont woods are mostly second-growth, with lots of underbrush and short visibility. So a lot of hunters feel the only way to get their deer is to shoot at anything that moves. That's an overstatement, but not as much of a one as it should be. We get a lot of accidental shootings in November.


30 Jul 12 - 12:50 PM (#3383696)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts

It surprises many people that the United states does not have a national data base of guns and their owners.

Instead there are several paper base ware houses that would challenge Skully and Maulder to scour and come up with a successful match.

Even the FBI does not have a national data base. They do however have a good ballistic lab that can match a bullet to a particular gun.

30 Jul 12 - 12:51 PM (#3383697)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,donuel

aka guest

31 Jul 12 - 07:29 AM (#3384022)
Subject: RE: BS: Some gun-law facts
From: GUEST,kendall

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, with guns, knives, cars, bombs baseball bats and hired killers.