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BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

31 Aug 12 - 12:50 AM (#3397929)
Subject: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bev and Jerry

Clint Eastwood was the "surprise" speaker at the GOP convention tonight. The only people surprised by his speech were the convention organizers. It was absolutely despicable. To make matters worse, the broadcast networks only covered one hour of the convention tonight and it included the Eastwood speech followed by Marco Rubio's introduction (which was excellent) and Romney's speech (also excellent). By the time Romney was done, the RNC was making excuses for Eastwood and disowning his speech. Here it is in all of its two and a half minute glory.

Bev and Jerry

31 Aug 12 - 03:08 AM (#3397943)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bugsy

I found the whole speech quite embarrasing.

I watched Mitt Romney's speech after Mr Eastwood's rant and as an observer from across the great divide (Aussie) I found the delivery of the speech to be well sugar coated. I said to my wife, "This guy's had acting lessons", but the more I listened to him the more I thought he'd been getting lessons from Red Sovine.

It all rang a little hollow to me.

If you know what I mean.



31 Aug 12 - 03:54 AM (#3397953)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Big Al Whittle

Very James Stewart....Eastwood doesn't usually do all that muttering and apparent searching for words. All we nneded was the the lights to come on the Christmas tree and him to say ...its wonderful world.

What's very weird is that Americans genuinely believe they are fighting these wars unilaterally. Holding the banner of freedom on their lonesome. They have many allies who comitted forces to the struggle in support of them after 9/11.

It would be just a bit rich if America brought the troops home tomorrow. An admission that maybe we were invading the wrong bloody places in the first instance. Still was a a Republican President who initiated these wars - a real masterstroke. Probably the to pay for the favour of to all the armaments manufacturers who pay for Republican election campaigns.

After all Osama wasn't from Iraq or Afghanistan - and it wasn't either of those countries that was harbouring him.

31 Aug 12 - 04:42 AM (#3397973)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Absolutely brillant piece.

Talking to an empty chair...great comedy and devilery.

You need to watch the entire five minutes...not the edited slop of a network that Bev and Jerry tried to pass off as "the real tbing."

Clint still has all his charm and wit. No teleprompter required. Great timing and sence of humor.



31 Aug 12 - 06:40 AM (#3398000)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Stu

Eastwood was beaten in a debate by a wooden chair.

31 Aug 12 - 06:53 AM (#3398005)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: kendall

Was he drunk, or has he been sniffing methane gas from his horse?

31 Aug 12 - 07:11 AM (#3398013)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jack Campin

He has a degenerative brain disease (MS or Parkinson's, I forget which).

Not that showing unmistakable signs of dementia was ever much of a hindrance in Republican politics.

31 Aug 12 - 07:22 AM (#3398021)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Not bad for 82. Got a few chuckles.

Saw some of Rubio's introduction. Good speker. Watched some of Mitt's talk and felt a bit sick from the sugar, put it on tape and went to bed.

One comment... the crowd chanting USA minded me of a bunch of teenagers at a high school pep rally and I felt embarrassed for the good old USA. Surely they knew it would televised around the world?

I hope this thread remains about the convention and the speeches and doesn't degrade into a rehash of all the poloitical threads to date.

31 Aug 12 - 07:58 AM (#3398034)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

Couldn't watch it. So awkward it made me uncomfortable. Sad really.

31 Aug 12 - 08:25 AM (#3398042)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: catspaw49

He's 82, Cut him some slack.   He's the old Uncle who farts during the Thanksgiving dinner prayer. The fault here lies with the producers of the convention. In a convention where you really need to humanize Mitt, its building nicely but then all the momentum froma pretty fair run-up and a decent video is trampled by the farting uncle and a midget egotist (Rubio) so that what was probably the best Mitt ever did is lost.

What they wanted was a lot of talk of the new Mitt today and what they are getting is Eastwood jokes.



31 Aug 12 - 08:26 AM (#3398043)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Henry Krinkle

Sick. Absolutely sick.
(:-( P)=

31 Aug 12 - 08:43 AM (#3398048)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ed T

""Do you feel lucky, punk?""

""...shoulda armed himself if he was going to decorate his saloon with my friend.""

31 Aug 12 - 09:30 AM (#3398058)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

How do you spell "Alzheimer Moment"???


31 Aug 12 - 09:32 AM (#3398059)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Greg F.

Looks like Clint has become one of the characters he portrays in the movies. But hell, it worked for Ronnie Reagan............

31 Aug 12 - 10:03 AM (#3398074)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,999

That felt like listening to the ghost of Ronald Reagan.

IMO, he shoulda taken Eli Wallach's advice to the guy he'd just killed in the bath scene of TG, TB and TU: "If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk1!"

31 Aug 12 - 10:05 AM (#3398075)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Amos

"Referring all questions on this to Salvador Dali."

—Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt, on Clint Eastwood's convention speech

31 Aug 12 - 10:36 AM (#3398099)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jeri

I watched it on YouTube. He talked slow, no problem. One thing I caught was that get a few barbs in there aimed at Republicans which were almost immediately diffused by jokes about Democrats.

About President Obama not being OK with the war in Afghanistan, but not the one in Iraq... and who started BOTH?.

About flying around in a "gas guzzling" plane... So Romney wouldn't use Air Force One?

It was a speech that might make some people a little uncomfortable if they thought about it. So... they'll probably be fine with it except they'll think Eastwood was a bit slow.

31 Aug 12 - 10:53 AM (#3398108)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,olddude

I like Clint but I agree with Spaw, why the heck would they take away from Mitts speech with that. Instead of discussing him everyone is talking about Clint. Strange

All of these speeches like last night are all based on mom's apple pie and the girl next door. Problem is, no body ever tells us how exactly they plan on doing it.

right now, I am no fan of Mitt, I am no fan of obama ..
I am writing in Spaw's name when I vote

31 Aug 12 - 11:11 AM (#3398114)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,olddude

Did anyone else notice, I counted two minority people in the whole building. It looked like it was "whites only" 1920 again.   just an observation but a disturbing one. A political party is suppose to represent all people. kinda bothers me and I am not saying anything wrong. Just bugs me

31 Aug 12 - 11:15 AM (#3398115)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, there were some interesting little veiled shafts going both ways in that speech. But I find American tribal politics so depressing and downright scary (specially at the party conventions) that I bailed out by halfway through it.

When a crowd chants "USA! USA! USA!" it sounds a lot like "Sigg Heil!" to me.

31 Aug 12 - 12:19 PM (#3398154)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,999

Most interesting and instructive were Eastwood's references to Mr Obama, not President Obama.

That aside, and Eastwood's speech to an empty chair aside, the Republicans have damaged their reputations irreparably over the past eleven years or so. The Coulters, Palins, Limbaughs and Gingrichs have made a mockery of the Republican Party and subsequently all its candidates. Obama has wisely said zip about the fiasco. Eight years of Bush followed by three years of stupid talk from Republicans has ensured that they will not be taken seriously by voters, and now they have relegated themselves to third-party status, thus ensuring a Democratic victory. My best guess--as I stated on another thread: Democrats will win in the EC, and the popular vote will go 53% Obama, 46% Romney.

31 Aug 12 - 12:21 PM (#3398157)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: saulgoldie

White? Really? I had never noticed. ;-)

Yeah, I am always surprised to see people of color within the party. and women, too. The GOP really only wants women in the kitchen preparing meals or in the bedroom preparing babies...when HE chooses. The only place they want people of color is *standing* at the table (not sitting at it, for goshsakes!) with a towel over their arm asking "May I take that plate away, sir?"

They will NEVER get over the heartbreak of having to live with a black president. Never. When you drill down through all their arguments, that is where you end up.

Uh-oh. Thread drift. Sorree. Yes, Clint...


31 Aug 12 - 12:36 PM (#3398168)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Little Hawk

They will NEVER get over the heartbreak of simply losing an election, saul...regardless of the many other excuses. Nor will the Democrats. For both of them that is the Holy of Holies: just WIN the damned election and thereby SAVE the country! (Ha! Ha!)

And they really believe it too.

Yeah, sure, having a black man as president bugs them. No doubt about that. But they really wouldn't mind all that much if he was...Colin Powell? And they wouldn't mind a woman in the White House either as long as she was a Republican.

I had a (Republican) friend from Georgia...he was up visiting in Canada a few years back...and Democrats were all enemies of society as far as he was concerned...all "socialists", tree-hugging whiners, etc...

We got along fine as long as we didn't discuss politics! ;-) We had some other stuff in common, but we were living on utterly different worlds when it came to politics.

Anyway, what I'm getting to here is...his favorite pick for president at the time was...

wait for it....

Condoleeza Rice!

Yup, that's right. He wanted a black woman for president. He liked and trusted her far more than he did John McCain or any other Republican name you could advance at the time. He had confidence in her. This just goes to show that in tribal politics (meaning partisan politics)...the one thing that really, finally, absolutely matters is this: Is that person of OUR tribe????? Do they utter OUR rhetoric? If so, anything or anyone can be made acceptable in the partisan mind. And anything can be damned out of hand.

31 Aug 12 - 01:01 PM (#3398177)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,Goodnight Grace


Someone afterwards said that Cint Eastwood is now backstage talking to a vending machine.

31 Aug 12 - 02:32 PM (#3398210)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Why pay attention to any of the Hollywood celebs?

Neither candidate should try to use them as attention-getters.

31 Aug 12 - 02:50 PM (#3398219)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Dan... "Instead of discussing him everyone is talking about Clint. Strange"

Strange? Really? I think it's a VERY clever play by Mitt's handlers. When a candidate has as much baggage and so little to say as Mitt does, it's best to steer conversation away from the candidate.

Will "Make My Day" become the slogan? It could. Depends on the handlers.

LH... the chant... yeah, I suppose that could be added to what I said as it equates the lack of intelligence I alluded to above.

31 Aug 12 - 03:34 PM (#3398238)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bill D

I Just found out what part of Clint's dialogue with the chair consisted of...*talking to the chair*
"So anyway, we're going to have -- we're going to have to have a little chat about that. And then, I just wondered, all these promises -- I wondered about when the -- what do you want me to tell Romney? I can't tell him to do that. I can't tell him to do that to himself."

31 Aug 12 - 03:53 PM (#3398249)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

I can't say that it "made my day. . . ."

Don Firth

31 Aug 12 - 04:15 PM (#3398255)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

What I thought very interesting, and clever, was that Clint Eastwood's delivery was mostly all 'ad-lib' to the empty chair which had a Teleprompter set up facing the chair!!

There was a LOT of very, small innuendos and details in his shtick, very, very well done, and effective, as well.

I can imagine that the nastier the comments from the Obama supporters about his routine, the more effective it was

And for someone who mentioned it earlier, Clint has Parkinsons Disease, like Michael J. Fox.

As for the Saulgoldie's surprise about seeing so many coloureds, and women there, maybe you should pay less attention to the Democratic Party's erroneous rhetoric, and pay more attention to facts. And By the way, there are more Hispanics that hold office in the Republican Party, than in the Democratic Party!

Susana Martinez's (Governor of N.M speech, was also pretty good, and effective as well, as was Condoleeza Rice's Actually a lot better, and factual that most of Obama's smooth talking sales pitches!

31 Aug 12 - 04:36 PM (#3398262)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ed T

Why would we expect an entertainer (like Clint Eastwood) to have a more enlightening view on politics than a person from any other very unrelated profession? IMO, this is not logical. I see it as no more logical than expecting a plumbers views to be "so enlightened" on political issues. Well, on second thought - Maybe a plumber would have more quality time to follow up on issues?

In todays society, many folks do give more weight to entertainers views, and just assume they follow issues closely - and are aware of perspectives. But, it was not always that way - as the attached link on Elvis Prestly indicates.

BTW, I see that Elvis gave a very appropriate response to a reporters questions on political issues of the time - saying that he was "just an entertainer", nothing more (just ignore the honey):

""On June 9, 1972, Elvis was asked a question on the Vietnam War at the press conference preceding his famous Madison Square Garden concerts.

Question: "You were in the Army and were drafted. What is your opinion of war protesters? And would you today refuse to be drafted?"

Elvis: "Honey, I'd just soon to keep my own personal opinions about that to myself? Cause I'm just an entertainer and I'd rather not say.""

Where Elvis stood on issues

31 Aug 12 - 05:15 PM (#3398283)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

"As for the Saulgoldie's surprise about seeing so many coloureds, and women there, maybe you should pay less attention to the Democratic Party's erroneous rhetoric, and pay more attention to facts." GfS

I do believe you misunderstood Saul's post. That is a tremendous surprise to me.

31 Aug 12 - 05:15 PM (#3398284)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Charley Noble

I found the speech a little rambling. At the age of 82 Eastwood is not his own best spokesman but he's one of the few Hollywood celebs that Republicans can count on. So they signed him up.

"Clint has Parkinsons Disease"

I didn't realize that but I still wouldn't cut him any slack for that.

Charley Noble

31 Aug 12 - 05:18 PM (#3398286)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Sorry I didn't catch the GFS, part, nor did I misunderstand Mr. Goldie's text.

31 Aug 12 - 05:21 PM (#3398289)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Big Al Whittle

Just occurred to me.

perhaps Osama was never in the foothills of Afghanistan or Iraq - like the WMD's weren't there. Why did we invade those places?

If the person who said the WMD's and Osama was there, perhaps we ought to be tracking him down and slinging him in prison for costing us a lot of money and killing a lot of people.

at least we ought to know at what level this dishonesty was initiated.

31 Aug 12 - 05:30 PM (#3398293)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

In the boardroom of BP.

31 Aug 12 - 05:33 PM (#3398296)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

I got it.
The stuck comma key has been catching my eye (here and elsewhere).
Could be coincidence?

31 Aug 12 - 05:34 PM (#3398297)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Big Al Whittle, I sincerely hope that these incidents are not the first times, that it should occur to you, that our governments have lied to us! as well as your Congresspersons and Senators, claimed that they 'didn't know that the reports were false' and were ONLY going by the intelligence reports!
Did you ever believe ANY of that poppycock? Ever???
It was contrived from the very beginning!
This, by now, should be obvious!

31 Aug 12 - 05:36 PM (#3398298)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bee-dubya-ell

How much ya wanna bet more people cast write-in ballots for "The Chair" than vote for whoever the Greens and the Libertarians cough up combined?

31 Aug 12 - 05:43 PM (#3398302)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: pdq

Perhaps the correct write-in vote will be for Empty Chair.

31 Aug 12 - 05:45 PM (#3398303)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

I'll bet ya a beer. If yer ever down this way I'll set ya up with a couple a beers. Interest, eh?

31 Aug 12 - 05:49 PM (#3398307)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bill D

"Why would we expect an entertainer (like Clint Eastwood) to have a more enlightening view on politics than a person from any other very unrelated profession?"

Well... *grin*.. Ronnie Reagan made it work. But he specialized in 'communication, whereas Clint made a profession of short, pithy remarks. In 10 minutes he managed one or two.

(and, as Michael J. Fox might explain, Parkinsons affects the body, not the mind. Clint's 'speech' showed which one he has the most trouble with.)

31 Aug 12 - 07:46 PM (#3398367)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Big Al Whittle

To be honest, I refused to believe Tony Blair (someone who purportedly believed in his immortal soul ) would be guilty of such villainy initially. But when all my friends were proved correct, and that there were no WMD's in Iraq - then I realised I'd been a gullible fool.

The proposition that Osama wasn't EVER in Afghanistan - despite all these films of him in a cave. The possibility that he was in some upmarket hotel in Saudi or Pakistan, or London even.....all the time.

Hmmmmm! well I can't remember anyone else suggesting it.

31 Aug 12 - 07:49 PM (#3398371)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

"there were no WMD's in Iraq"

Hell, no. Not after the Yanks arrived. That woulda been stunned as me arse.

31 Aug 12 - 07:57 PM (#3398376)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jack Campin

Parkinsons affects the body, not the mind

Parkinsons dementia

Carer information leaflet

31 Aug 12 - 08:13 PM (#3398383)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Bill D... "...Parkinsons affects the body, not the mind..."

Bill, Bill, Bill... not being able to pee properly at 5AM affects the mind. Seriously, when I get back into bed and wanna go RIGHT BACK AND PEE AGAIN it real fucking affects my demeanour.... ALL DAMN DAY.

What's that? You're sorry about yer big ass blocking the grocery store isle? NO you are NOT. Yer fookin stunned as a FOOKIN BAT YOU....

Now, is that senile or do I just need a piss? Maybe Clint just needed to pee? I mean, besides maybe having Parkinson's disease... which might impact having a pee, mind you. Hey... LAUNDRY AGAIN? THAT PISSES ME OFF!

31 Aug 12 - 10:56 PM (#3398455)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Just watched the balance of Romney's address. He's charming. But such sugary bullshit is appalling to me. If he knows how to create 24M jobs and he loves the USA, why hasn't he done it? He doesn't have to be Pres... he just has to care enough to get it done. Not hold it out as a carrot in some wild west ultimatum. Not say it'll cost you an election... trust me... trust me... I will deliver 24M jobs and tell Putin to go fuck himself. Tall order for a man that hasn't bothered to help America in jobs creation because he isn't Pres. Kinda selfish, innit?

31 Aug 12 - 11:02 PM (#3398458)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: LadyJean

People have been pressuring the press to point out some of the untruths in Ryan's and Romney's speeches. Which could be embarrassing if it lead. So they had Clint Eastwood on, knowing how much the press loves celebrities, especially when they behave badly.

31 Aug 12 - 11:12 PM (#3398463)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Beer


01 Sep 12 - 06:35 AM (#3398530)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: kendall

Corporate profits are at an all time high, yet unemployment is twice what it should be. So much for low taxes creating jobs.

01 Sep 12 - 07:38 AM (#3398546)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

I'd like to throw something out there for consideration and comment.
I realize this is thread drift but I see it as a germain discussion after hearing Mitt's oration on jobs, jobs, jobs...

Is it possible that corporate America is squeezing the populace with inflated(ing) prices, especially on food!!!, simply to get people to vote for Mitt? Or is that an obvious observation/question?

01 Sep 12 - 07:54 AM (#3398553)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Greg F.

"Squeezing the Populace? Of course not, Gnu - Corporations are the solution, not the problem.

Just ask Ida Tarbell and Sinclair Lewis.

01 Sep 12 - 08:36 AM (#3398569)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: bobad

Jon Stewart on Eastwood's performance: watch

01 Sep 12 - 09:21 AM (#3398587)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Charley Noble

Yes, Jon Stewart does seem to have a clear memory of what the Republicans were doing these last four years to derail Obama's recovery program, compared with Romney's script.

Charley Noble

01 Sep 12 - 10:51 AM (#3398610)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jeri

Here is the entire Friday's episode of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. This is the same video that part of is embedded in bobad's link, but it's the whole show. Just for giggles...

01 Sep 12 - 11:17 AM (#3398621)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Sawzaw

Bobert's empty chair talking to him in a senior moment:

"Oh, but Bobert, then you are going to take capital away from the rich and then they won't have the $$$ to build factories to hire everyone else?"

01 Sep 12 - 11:47 AM (#3398627)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Little Hawk

Chongo LOVES this idea of debating with an empty chair! He is going to start "Eastwooding" all his political opponents in just the same fashion. He'll glare at the chair and say things like, "If my mama heard you usin' language like that, she'd rip yer damn face off!" or he'll scornfully remark..."Oh, just have a banana and shut up for half a minute, why don'cha?"

01 Sep 12 - 11:56 AM (#3398632)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: dick greenhaus

Based on the convention, the GOP should pick a new animal to replace the elephant. I suggest a marsupial: The Muck-filled Platitude

01 Sep 12 - 12:20 PM (#3398642)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

"The Old Man and the Seat"
"There is a President Obama that only Republicans can see."

Great lines.

01 Sep 12 - 01:12 PM (#3398661)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Bill Maher... no time to make a clicky...

01 Sep 12 - 04:09 PM (#3398720)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Bill Maher on NRC

01 Sep 12 - 05:34 PM (#3398756)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

sheeeesh Guest at 12:20 was me. I am finding that I tossed my cookies longer ago than I thought.

01 Sep 12 - 06:06 PM (#3398769)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

I take away two things from the Democratic response:

1. They criticise Mr.Eastwood's delivery, when they know his health is challenged(how compassionate).

2. And the fact that the Republicans, should hire an accomplished actor/director/musician to speak at the convention, so what do the Democrats do? They hire Eva Longoria, more of a sex symbol than either an actress, non-director, or non-musician!

They must have a insatiable taste for that sexy 'Charm', Ebbie was so much in demand of having!!

That certainly doesn't speak very highly of the Democratic response, AGAIN!

Are the Democrats against raising the bar when it comes to an intellectual dialogue? THIS is what is needed, and to back off the 'emotional' levels of debate! This makes them look weak, needy and impotent, for which they are vulnerable to be attacked, and lose.

I think if the people of either party would be a little more critical of their nonsensical positions, only then could some constructive dialogue begin! As it is now, it is only a satire, and parody of the ridiculousness of the parties they say they are!

01 Sep 12 - 06:16 PM (#3398773)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

The Republican convention was intellectual dialog?

Coulda fooled me!! All I heard was a lot of self-congratulatory puffery, salted with snarky but unsubstantial comments about the current administration, and attempts to blame Obama for inaction, when it was their OWN bullheaded refusal to allow him to do much of anything he tried to do.

Don Firth

01 Sep 12 - 06:47 PM (#3398784)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Mr. Firth, Being from the U.K., I cannot find it within myself to commend the Republican Convention, nor denigrate it.My observation is this: Mr. Romney and Mr. Rand failed to lay out a fiscal plan, which may seem like a disappointment to many, myself included, however, I think this may have been a 'strategic move' rather than an omission.

I say this because. I believe they wish to save it till after the Democratic Convention, and unleash it in the debates. When the Obama machine has been, and is churning out accusations and worthless mudslinging rhetoric, and devoting their time and energies to that, I believe that the Republicans, will be holding back, readying themselves to unleash a barrage of economic and fiscal facts and solutions, on your President Obama during the debates, to make him look flustered, and ill prepared.

If the Democrats wish to succeed, they must back off the nasty rhetoric, and begin and intellectual and workable discussion of solutions, dealing with economics, rather than the emotional highs of a utopian American/Marxist Dream,

Now let's stop the hype! After all, that's what it is.

01 Sep 12 - 07:11 PM (#3398798)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

GUEST, Nobody in particular, being across the pond, you have apparently missed a lot of the "accusations and worthless mudslinging rhetoric" from the Republicans--including such assininities as trying to claim that Obama launched a weather modification program (cloud seeding and such) to create hurricane Isaac for the purpose of disrupting the Republican convention. Or ceaselessly blaming Obama for the sins and transgressions of the BUSH administration, which Obama has had the task of to trying to clean up after.

If you are going to comment of American politics, then DO try to keep up.

Don Firth

01 Sep 12 - 07:32 PM (#3398806)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

"Being from the U.K."

You know what? I don't believe you. Not even for one moment. There could not be TWO such.

01 Sep 12 - 07:36 PM (#3398808)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

"I believe that the Republicans, will be holding back, readying themselves to unleash a barrage of economic and fiscal facts and solutions, on your President Obama during the debates, to make him look flustered, and ill prepared."

Hahahahaaaaaheeeheheheheee. Good one!

01 Sep 12 - 07:39 PM (#3398809)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

"Nasty0 rhetoric", nobody... Try having lived here in Charlotte, NC for the last 4 months and watch Obama being carpet bombed by Romney's boys night after night on every channel that you can find... Talk about nasty... They have bought up almost all ad spots here and are using them to tell lies, lies and more lies... They don't care if they are lies... They have hogged the advertising and they plan on lying right up to the election...

Some nights they have a 20 to 1 advantage in ads... On a good night it's only 7 to 1... Major secret $$$... These creeps won't even tell us who they are... They hide behind all kinds of flowery sounding organizations that don't exist... Americans for Mom and Apple Pie...

You are misinformed, pal...


01 Sep 12 - 07:39 PM (#3398810)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Ebbie, once again you show your lack of both understanding, and discernment. I am indeed from the U.K. and am now in America, on break from touring.

Mr. Firth, I've been keeping up quite well, thank you. I'm just not deluded by taking one side or the other. You should then find my last comment quite objective. Can you say as much??

01 Sep 12 - 07:52 PM (#3398813)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Sorry, Bobert, I missed your comment typing mine.
May I suggest to you, that if the Democrats used their campaign funds more wisely, as your country's other finances, perhaps the Republicans would not be outspending them by twenty to one, as you say. Did you ever think about that?

gnu, Your comment is very short-sighted! I have never indicated whether I favour one of your parties over the other. I'm just providing an objective view of both. I believe Little Hawk has done you the same service. Perhaps being a bit less of a cynic, may serve you well!

01 Sep 12 - 08:01 PM (#3398817)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

Google "Citizens United", nobody... We are being carpet bombed by cowards who don't have to say who they are... For all we know it could be al qeada... There is no way of knowing how much is being spent and by whom... Obama is in the middle of a gun fight with a knife... That is reality...

Oh, and guess what, nobody... Our Supreme Court's Republican clowns say that we don't have a right to know who is attacking Obama with nightly lies... Fuck!!! The Magna Carta laid out a principle that man got to face his accusers but...

...fuck 900 years of legal principle...


01 Sep 12 - 08:12 PM (#3398819)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

"You should then find my last comment quite objective. Can you say as much??"

GUEST, I keep up on political news and I read BOTH sides of an issue. I get newsletters in my e-mail every morning from such sources as "Bob Livingston's Libert Alerts" (Conservative) and "AlterNet Headlines" (Liberal/Progressive) so I can read arguments from both sides of the issues. And these are only TWO of my sources of information. I also read widely. I am very familiar with the works of Ayn Rand and of George Lakoff. And one of my fields of study in college was ethics and political science.

Can YOU say as much??

Don Firth

01 Sep 12 - 08:21 PM (#3398825)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie


01 Sep 12 - 08:26 PM (#3398826)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Indeed, Ebbie... nobody is quite simply, nobody.

01 Sep 12 - 08:41 PM (#3398833)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

Nobody is also no-nothing...

All mouth and no brain...

Don Firth's farts are better informed than nobody...

Square business...


01 Sep 12 - 10:41 PM (#3398865)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bugsy

"GUEST,nobody in particular",
"Being from the U.K., I cannot find it within myself to commend the Republican Convention, nor denigrate it."

Being from Australia, I had an almost irresistable urge to vomit.

"THIS is what is needed, and to back off the 'emotional' levels of debate!" Give me a break!

As i mentioned in an earlier post, only Red Sovine could have pulled harder on the heartstrings of the punters watching than Mitt Romney,

And the members of the audience wiping tears from their eyes when they saw the cameras pointing at them? Come on! It was laughable.



02 Sep 12 - 12:05 AM (#3398883)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: dick greenhaus

When the rallying cry of the convention--"WE BUILT IT!"--is based on fraudulent editing of an Obama Speech, and the vice-presidential candidate seems to avoid the truth as if it were about to bite him, It's hard for me to lower the bar for intellectual discourse to any noticeable degree.
And I actually enjoyed Mr Eastwood's little act.

02 Sep 12 - 04:40 AM (#3398910)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Richard Bridge

Mr Nobody does not write like an Englishman. His words read more like an American trying to sound English. They appear to accede to Ayn Rand economics (if that is the word) and politics to an extent that is happily rare in the UK. They seek to conflate government and party resources in a way that is either fraudulent or staggeringly ignorant.

In short, I smell a troll, and one with a familiar agenda.

02 Sep 12 - 01:52 PM (#3399052)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

To my pedantic detractors,
If you want to repudiate what I've commented on, then just do so, but your weak assaults on me or my character, speaks to me, that you have no just cause or issue, or argument, other than the same nonsense that your political party is doing to the opposing political party! What a shame, to resort to these assaults, rather than putting forth a reasonable exchange of ideas. Now I'm beginning to wonder, if that is the case, because 'reason' requires a mental exercise, instead of a immature emotional attack.

And Mr. Bridge, You sound like a bit of an imperialist yourself!
You say you doubt if I'm from the U.K., and that I'm 'trying to sound like an Englishman'. Tsk tsk, Not all in the U.K. happen to be 'English', though England would wish differently. You obviously are English. You therefore are by probability, a product of the influence of the Bank of England, and just haven't realised all the damage done to your thinking!!
Get well soon, and have a healthy recovery!!!!

02 Sep 12 - 02:19 PM (#3399063)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu


I don't need any kinda glasses to read your bullshit that I quoted above. I thought you were making a joke but if YOU believe your bullshit, yer full of it. As for commenting, debating, whatever, it's pretty hard to comment on something that you say you think will happen at some point in the future. That is simply inane, as are some of your "arguements"? "statements"? hypotheses?... really, WTF are such inane postings? Trolling?

02 Sep 12 - 02:56 PM (#3399100)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

See? Just more of the same.
Are you trying to convince someone of a new policy or insight or just using the same old non-thinking posturing?

Perhaps learning a new trick may benefit your frozen mind that is suspended in animation.

Try it, you may feel entirely different and fresh. Maybe even a new revelation in life!!! It may cause you to walk out of the 'kingdom of completely boring', and into the 'land of something to say that contributes to the well-being of your fellow man'!!

Because you last post says absolutely nothing, contributes nothing, and is just another lap in walking around in circles while muttering nothing!!

02 Sep 12 - 03:11 PM (#3399110)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,somebody in particular

'nobody' in not in the UK. Unless he/she is using complex routing technology.
He seems to be in both Wisconsin and Colorado.

02 Sep 12 - 03:24 PM (#3399122)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

I can't be absolutely sure, but I have a strong suspicion that somebody who seemed to drop from sight a short time ago is now back, under a slightly different handle.

The aroma is very similar.

Don Firth

02 Sep 12 - 03:30 PM (#3399125)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: pdq

Didn't GUEST,nobody in particular tell us he was a British musician who was on tour in the US?

Why are so many of the Mudcat "usual suspects" unwilling to even be civil to someone who has an original thought?


02 Sep 12 - 03:36 PM (#3399129)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jeri

One thing, and I truly believe this....... the Republican campaign, ever so clumsily, leapt the proverbial Carolus Linnaeus, when Mr Eastwood spoke on behalf of the...bewildered !! I maintain it took a certain finesse to so throroughly, comminute the GOP locomotive......... not so any of the 'true believers' might notice.

and, I forsee an impending meme: 'talk to the chair' !!!

02 Sep 12 - 03:36 PM (#3399130)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu


02 Sep 12 - 03:41 PM (#3399134)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

Not even close. I am indeed from the U.K. but presently in the U.S., as I told you before. You seem slow in comprehension, or retention on what you read. For your information, I've been in both States you cited and more, Canada, Japan, South Africa and other places as well.

May I suggest to you to stop muttering and drooling, walking around in circles. Be mindful not to slip on your own spittle, and try a comment that contributes something of value.

Animosity is the step before violence, which is the last resort, of an non-resourceful person.

02 Sep 12 - 04:41 PM (#3399158)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Big Al Whittle

'May I suggest to you to stop muttering and drooling, walking around in circles. Be mindful not to slip on your own spittle, and try a comment that contributes something of value.'

May I be the first to apologise for the manners of a Brit abroad.

02 Sep 12 - 04:59 PM (#3399170)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

No need to apologize. We from "States you cited and more, Canada, Japan, South Africa and other places as well." understand.

Sorry, but I am kinda taking a wee solace in the troll twisting in the wind. I know I shouldn't but it's kinda (not really, of course) like the days of my youth when some asshole would fuck around at the tavern with his mouth and finally get beaten up and thrown out the door because he just wouldn't stop when warned.

In cyberspace, idiots seem to become emboldened... as if they can't get their asses kicked. Usually, that is what is, in the end, their downfall... they just make an ass of themselves over and over and more and more until they just can't be more pathetic and are completely ignored as totally useless and devoid of any substance or decorum or intelligence.

They just don't seem to understand that they make themselves assholes by their own writing... in writing... on the internut... forEVER.

02 Sep 12 - 05:53 PM (#3399192)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: akenaton

"They just don't seem to understand that they make themselves assholes by their own writing... in writing... on the internut... forEVER."

I'm sure Penny would appreciate the irony contained therein.

02 Sep 12 - 06:26 PM (#3399209)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Nobody" isn't English but from somewhere else in the UK? I somehow think that is even less likely.

02 Sep 12 - 06:34 PM (#3399214)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

ake... who is Penny? Irony? If you mean me, I doubt it near as bad as you have done yourself over your posting career. After all, it's in the written record forever and only needs to be read by the reader. Take cheap shots all you want... anyone can read all of my posts and YOURS.

02 Sep 12 - 06:55 PM (#3399226)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,nobody in particular

It's ironic that you can't think of a country in the U.K. that isn't Britain!
Exemplary of folks with bigger mouths than brains.

As a side note, I have mentioned constructive things that your Democratic Party could do to insure a better standing with American voters, and yet somehow it seems to incur the wrath of Democrats
Tempest in a teapot!

Some of you have an obsession with making sure all Democrats use the exact same nonsense when not taking constructive advice, and think it is a quality of your party!

I certainly hope for all your sakes, and the rest of the world's that you somehow evolve into something of a useful nature, instead of comforting each other with being able to recite mudworks on Mudcat!

It is useless and stupid, and unless the Democratic Party assumes a new tack, you will diminish your chances of winning your elections.

And, that IS a constructive suggestion. Don't make it less, jusr to fit your minds!

02 Sep 12 - 06:57 PM (#3399227)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: McGrath of Harlow

From Northern Ireland? I don't think so.

02 Sep 12 - 08:00 PM (#3399245)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: pdq

"...a country in the U.K. that isn't Britain!"

Let's see...Wales, Scotland, N.I....well, I guess Scotland!

Do you give cash prizes for correct answers?

I'll settle for Green Stamps.

02 Sep 12 - 08:12 PM (#3399247)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,999

Refresher for the UK and GB. The kid did a great job on it.

02 Sep 12 - 08:20 PM (#3399253)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

The more I think about C;lint Eastwood's speech/performance the more I think that it was the dumbest thing that I have even seen at a convention... What next??? Mud wrestling??? Bozo the Clown???


02 Sep 12 - 08:56 PM (#3399263)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Charley Noble

We will meet but we will miss him;
There will be one vacant chair...

Charley Noble

02 Sep 12 - 09:17 PM (#3399272)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

From one of the Channel Islands, perhaps? The Isle of Dork?

Don Firth

02 Sep 12 - 09:23 PM (#3399275)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

100... which beats out the GOP collective IQ by several points...


03 Sep 12 - 06:45 AM (#3399402)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: McGrath of Harlow

Slightly pedantic point - the Channel Islands have never been part of the UK. (Nor of course has the Isle of Man, though that link GUEST 999 gave us does have a map that wrongly implies that it is in the UK.)

03 Sep 12 - 08:35 AM (#3399426)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Big Al Whittle


03 Sep 12 - 04:47 PM (#3399612)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Stringsinger

Clint is a wooden actor in the tradition of Gary Cooper.

As Dorothy Parker said about another actor, "He runs the gamut from A to B."

04 Sep 12 - 06:35 AM (#3399858)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: kendall

That was Katherine Hepburn.

04 Sep 12 - 06:52 AM (#3399865)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: kendall

Did anyone else see that photo on Facebook of Clint and that Orangutan, Clyde? Clint says to Clyde, "That's the last time you write a speech for me." It's a riot.

04 Sep 12 - 07:59 AM (#3399885)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: bobad

"Clint is a wooden actor..."


04 Sep 12 - 08:23 AM (#3399899)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

My guess is that we have seen the last of the phony "nobody" persona.
But the creator of these characters will inevitably return.
Watch for the ubiquitous's a dead giveaway.

04 Sep 12 - 09:41 AM (#3399928)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: pdq

"Katharine Hepburn delivered a striking performance that ran the gamut of emotions, from A to B." ~ Dorothy Parker

04 Sep 12 - 09:49 AM (#3399934)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

So, empty head talks with empty chair and loses to the empty chair...

And the beat goes on...


04 Sep 12 - 10:13 AM (#3399951)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,999

The truly scary aspect of Eastwood's mumblings is that they show American politics have become a weak hybrid of amateur theater and infomercials (a la Don Lapre). Jaysus, you folks are in deep doo-doo, no offense.

04 Sep 12 - 10:58 AM (#3399962)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

We did it our way, 9. We caused it and we could see it coming. No one - no individual, no country - could indefinitely go along the way we have been going and not have the road peter out somewhere. At this point, I doubt there is anyone who knows how to fix us.

04 Sep 12 - 12:28 PM (#3400003)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Greg F.

Yup! Those draconian Republican cuts to education funding from Ronnie Reagan to date are bearing fruit, aren't they Bruce?

The ignorant leading the brain dead.

04 Sep 12 - 12:51 PM (#3400015)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

I know how to fix us, Eb...

Fire Congress and appoint a new one by lottery... Kinda like jury duty...

100 people randomly chosen for 4 year terms would fix this country better than any elected body...

Just another detail on how it would work... One year before the end of a legislative term the next legislature would be appointed so they would have a full year of training in Roberts Rules, budgets, the way the government works and various issues facing the country... This way there would be no lag time between legislatures...

And... single 6 year term for presidents so they don't have to waste their first term doing stuff to get re-elected...

This will fix America...


04 Sep 12 - 01:02 PM (#3400023)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

You got some not bad ideas there, Bobertz. It might not work as well as gettin' ME elected...but I think it would still be an improvement over what we got now.

I been doin' the "empty chair" schtick at all my campaign rallies now, mercillessly Eastwoodin' my political opponents. It's workin' great. The audiences love it. To the right of me is an empty chair symbolizin' Obama. Even farther to the right of me is another empty chair symbolizin' Romney. (Get the joke?) The one with Romney is so far to the right that I gotta YELL REALLY LOUD when I talk to it! ;-D Then slightly to the left I got one of them high chairs they use for little kids at restaurants, and it's there to symbolize.....Bobertz!

I crack wise at all 3 of these chairs, makin' witticisms and pretendin' I hear dumbass replies from them. The crowd eats it up.

I really gotta thank Clint for givin' me this great idea, even if he is backin' the Republicans. We been old buddies goin' way back. We do not agree all that much when it comes to politics, but we do agree on guns, liquor, and women...and that has made the basis for a lastin' friendship.

- Chongo

04 Sep 12 - 04:34 PM (#3400121)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

Bobert at 10:51: "Fire Congress and appoint a new one by lottery... Kinda like jury duty...
100 people randomly chosen for 4 year terms would fix this country better than any elected body...
Just another detail on how it would work... One year before the end of a legislative term the next legislature would be appointed so they would have a full year of training in Roberts Rules, budgets, the way the government works and various issues facing the country... This way there would be no lag time between legislatures... single 6 year term for presidents so they don't have to waste their first term doing stuff to get re-elected...

This will fix America..."

But, see, Beaubear, I am well-and-truly tired of statements like that. They are the kind that Little Hawk makes and ake and god knows who all. I am interested only in what can and may and must happen. Things we may be able to put into practice. And proposals like that are just not going to happen. At least not unless and until a revolution of thought and prospects occurs.

04 Sep 12 - 05:07 PM (#3400142)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

" single 6 year term for presidents so they don't have to waste their first term doing stuff to get re-elected..."

Nope. One term, five years and you get reviewed at the end of it by a jury of 12 citizens selected by lottery... if you fucked up bad, you got to "citizen's jail" : pay back yer salary and do five years of community service.

Yes, it's inane but the details could be worked out. Kinda like a reality TV show. Ya gotta admit, the current reality show reeeelly sucks.

04 Sep 12 - 05:27 PM (#3400151)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,999

In answer to Ebbie, because she's right:

Elect Obama this time and next election elect another party, one that is neither Democrat nor Republican. Those two parties have gutted the USA. Neither deserve your confidence or vote, imo. Start a third and if need be fourth party.

04 Sep 12 - 05:32 PM (#3400154)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

I gotta go with Ebbie on this.

There are a few people on these threads who chronically keep intoning that Americans have got to do this, that, or the other thing, NONE of which is within the realm of reality. Simply ain't gonna happen!!

Also, they love to tell us that "the fix is in" and it doesn't matter who we vote for.

Well--THAT sure helps a lot!

They apparently like to pontificate and puff themselves up with their "above it all" posture, but in reality, they haven't got a clue!!

TRY to do better than that, guys. There are people who post here, often quite long lectures that they've obviously spent a lot of time writing, that I just skip over, because I already know what they're going to say. Because they've said the same thing over and over and over and over...... None of which is usable in the real world.


Don Firth

04 Sep 12 - 05:43 PM (#3400159)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Now... if ya want real drama up to the minute... just ask 9 and Beer what is going on in their neck of the woods at this very moment. Seriously, it could impact everyone in North America.

04 Sep 12 - 05:50 PM (#3400163)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

9? Beer?

04 Sep 12 - 06:20 PM (#3400175)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

La Belle Province is in the very throws of a heated election as I type. It's a three way race and things could "go wrong" which could have far reaching consequences (that FEW Yanks do not understand).

It is a truly heated election... unlike Beer and 9 who haven't had an election in years.

Yeah, do the typo.

04 Sep 12 - 06:38 PM (#3400186)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Ebbie

Typo: throws? :)

04 Sep 12 - 06:39 PM (#3400187)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Jeri

I think some folks take things way too personally.
That Obama doesn't perfectly share their opinions on every issue? If you find someone who does, they're probably going to try to buy your soul. He's not the "lesser of two evils"-- he's not your perfect candidate.

He's gonna be in NH on Friday.

I remember someone criticizing (making fun of) all the starry eyed rock-star worshipers that went 'Obama' last time around. I thought some people were like that, but not that many. It's the ones who were like that here at Mudcat who're now sounding like disillusioned rock star fans. I voted for him, but I never believed he was perfect. I don't think he is now either, but I think his opponent has no business serving the public in any way whatsoever.

My one safe prediction is that Mudcat is going to be one big wad of hatred and scorn up until the election. We just have to figure out how much of that is gonna stick.

04 Sep 12 - 07:02 PM (#3400192)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Bobert

Well, Eb... We are in deep poo... For rigtht now our best chance is to re-elect Obama, hold the Senate and cut way deep into the Republican hold on the House of Reps...

I will be working toward that end real soon... Like knocking on doors...

No easy immediate answers... Just hold off the wackos...

I'm looking way down the road and I think by putting out my ideas it is a way of getting people to really think about long term solutions to a systemically broken government... I mean, my ideas may be extreme but sometimes you have to put out some shock-ideas just to move people toward a little bit of sane government...

I am quite serious and think if more people were to write their newspapers with a similar fix then we might, at the very least, get a Constitutional Amendment overturning "Citizens United" and some sanity in campaign financing...


Yo, Chongz...

I like yer campaign style...


04 Sep 12 - 07:41 PM (#3400200)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: gnu

Ebbie... an embedded ruse. Whilst that typo you cited was an obvious ruse, I was alluding to the fact that Beer and 9 can't get it up anymore.

Although, your question speaks to... oh dear me! Glasses are required.

Does that make any sense? I have been at a wake and the Irish require a reasonable amount of alcohol to be consumed. Makes no matter if you play and sing... you are still required to toast the dead.

Ahhhh, drink to the dead, even if they are being cremated.

Whatever. I'll be fine tomorrow.

05 Sep 12 - 06:00 AM (#3400345)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

The whole convention was a pretty depressing spectacle - white, middle-aged, complacent and completely uninterested in the complexities or nuances of either their own society or the wider world.

Eastwood's appearance was very sad. I can't help thinking he seems to have people around him now who don't seem to have his best interests at heart, whether it's persuading to do this or getting him to appear in a dreadful, unwatchable tv show about his ghastly wife and his appalling stepchildren.

Eastwood was always a filmmaker I admired. Politically he was always considered a Conservative but his films were often more layered and interesting than many of the more 'Liberal' films of the 70s, particularly. 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' is still one of the best films about America from the post-Vietnam period. 'Bronco Billy' was an engaging, affectionate satire about the very America that Romney seeks to address. 'Bird' was a noble attempt to make a new generation aware of Charlie Parker.

His Iwo Jima movies weren't entirely successful in my view but I can't think of any other American filmmaker who would even have attempted anything like them. Of all the directors of his generation, only Woody Allen has maintained the same continued work ethic and consistency - as well as both of their legendary efficiency in bringing films in on time and within budget.

He wasn't a great actor but he wasn't afraid of a challenge and he wasn't afraid of subverting his own image or the image people had of him in 'The Beguiled', 'Tightrope', 'White Hunter, Black Heart' and many other films. But someone really needs to tell actors and celebrities to stay away from doing novelty turns at political rallies.

I don't care about what Eastwood or Jane Fonda or Eva Longoria thinks about President Obama. And there's something very wrong with a country where political managers think people do.

But I grew up with Eastwood's work (although I didn't take my politics from any of it) and I'm pissed off with him for spoiling my memories of that work. Do Americans really think this sort of stupidity is funny?

05 Sep 12 - 09:48 AM (#3400369)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Greg F.

...there's something very wrong with a country where political managers think people do...

What's considerably worse is a country where a substantial segment of the population actually DO care about what Eastwood or Jane Fonda or Eva Longoria think about President Obama.


05 Sep 12 - 02:35 PM (#3400436)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Don Firth

Hmm. . . . .

"Twenty percent of those polled by the Pew Research Center listed Clint Eastwood's ramble as the highlight of the convention: Just 17 percent said it was Romney's speech. Ann Romney came in third at 10 percent, followed by Rep. Paul Ryan at 9 percent."

Once again, "hmm….."

Don Firth

05 Sep 12 - 03:50 PM (#3400468)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech

And now Erick Erickson of CNN has tweeted that the DNC is "the Vagina Monologues".
Why didn't he call the RNC "the Dick Parade"?

05 Sep 12 - 06:00 PM (#3400536)
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
From: Greg F.

Like I said, Don......