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Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats

26 Oct 99 - 11:24 AM (#128181)
Subject: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

PeterT's thought for today, prompted me to post this which I've been thinking about.

The Northeast Women's Musical Retreat had an endowment, money left to them in the will of a wealthy member. That money was to be used to purchase land for a permanent site for the festival. I don't know if they ever did or not becasue I lost contact.

The other night I was thinking about how much I would like to live in a community of like minded people, with some differences, but some commonalities which would make it possible for us all to live on a big piece of land, yet separately. I've a few friends who've talked about this over the years, bt we've never done anything about it. I was also thinking about getting older and who I really would want to be around to stave off the loneliness which can come with such phases.

I decided it would be great if there could be a communal piece of land somewhere where older Mudcatters, or those who are retired or want a retreat, could go to, build their own home and live, with perhaps a large "messhall" for meals and concerts.

I know it is a pipedream right now, and I know we do really well as a cyber community. I also know there would be those who would never want to leave where they are or who could not, but I am wondering if it might be possible for those who can and would want to. Isn't this the stuff that dreams are made of? If we build it would *they* come?*G*

What do you think?

26 Oct 99 - 11:27 AM (#128183)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Fortunato

I'd rather be sent to live in a community of old folkies than in a old folks community.

26 Oct 99 - 11:33 AM (#128185)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing


26 Oct 99 - 11:35 AM (#128187)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Gint

Ah what dreams are made of.

Sounds great, just one thought though I have been recorded snoring in excess of 55db so I would have to be a distance from people who want to sleep.

26 Oct 99 - 11:37 AM (#128188)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Fortunato

That's what the canes are for, to whack the nose kazooers.

26 Oct 99 - 11:45 AM (#128190)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Allan C.

Rats! I KNOW we had a thread about this sort of thing last year but I just can't find it. I truly like the idea. I can't imagine that any one location would suit everyone because of the problem of logistics for visiting relatives. So we might need quite a few sites in different parts of some of the larger countries, such as the USA. But, in this virtual world, (where the idea currently resides,) money is no object!

26 Oct 99 - 12:07 PM (#128199)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: MMario

As long as it isn't JUST older, retired, or whatever...I cannot imagine myself ever getting to the point I don't want children around SOME of the time. Perhaps not in my immediate household, but at least in the neighborhood.


26 Oct 99 - 12:25 PM (#128204)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: DougR

MMario: You are so right! I worked for a few months at the Sundome (a performing facility) in Sun City, Arizona. No kids, no young people, now weeds in yards. I wouldn't want to live in a place like that either.

Kat, somewhere in Montana would be nice for the summer and you can't beat Arizona in the winter.


26 Oct 99 - 12:40 PM (#128208)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Rick Fielding

Holy Cow, Kat. I dunno. I'm picturing this longgggg row of motel-like domiciles with assorted mudcatters in residence. Kinda like the old TV show that had contestants trying to guess what was behind doors number 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Scene from the play "Golden Gaffers With Guitars" by R.Fielding. From the original first draft by K. Laughing.

Rick:(to Peter T.)
"Well, old timer, whaddya wanna do today?
Peter T.
"Well, I've still got to do some work on that double thumb roll, Rick. You did promise I'd be able to play "Eve of Destruction" before I died - and I'm almost 87, so time's running out. We could go for a visit down the street though. Hold on while I get my walker.
"If you'd taken my advice and bought that Furannablaster -28, with the 25 1/2" scale and 2 3/4" width fingerboard, you'd have learned it 31 years ago, but don't worry, there's still time, and I don't wanna put pressure on you. How 'bout we drop in on Catspaw 91?
"They hobble down the street".
"Hey Paw, are you up yet? Put your teeth in, we're here for a visit."
Catspaw:(from behind door)
"Fawkin' eh! Damn possum asses! (cough, hack) Get offa my property, or I'll sic my imaginary brothers on ya! Now git!"
Peter T: "Poor ol fart, hasn't had a good night's sleep since '98. Hey, let's visit old Mick."
"they knock on Mick's door"
Rapidly Shrinking Mick:
"Faith and Begorrah! Is that you Ulstermen at my door? I'll mop the floor with yez, I'll hit yez on the head with my box of Wolftones records! Jayzus, you've got my blood boilin' now...Arghhhhh!"
"Oops, now we've done it! He's had another coronary. I think that's number 23. We better ring old Father Offer to give him the last rites again. I think he's still sitting in that abandoned 56 Chevy, down by the lighthouse looking for Russian subs."
Peter T:,
"This is getting depressing. I was at AnnaP's gathering last week, and all she served was mush. After dinner, everyone fell asleep while Sandy was singing "Tam Lin", and he'd only gotten to the 82nd verse! Even 'ol Max was startin' all his blues songs off with "Woke up this Afternoon..."
"I know, let's go see 'ol Aunt Katlaughing. She's always got a positive outlook on life!"
They knock on a gaily painted door festooned with astrological signs and uplifting "thoughts for the day"
"C'mon in boys, there's a big pot of Camomile, Exlax, and Viagara tea waitin' for you! Find a place to set a spell. You'll have to move a few of the cats first. Saffo just had kittens, so that makes 265 of the little cuties now!" ends abruptly as Duckboots yells: "Richard put that garbage out!!"

26 Oct 99 - 12:46 PM (#128210)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Barbara Shaw

I found the previous thread:

Old Folkies' Home/Retirement Village.

26 Oct 99 - 12:47 PM (#128211)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Roger the skiffler

..nose-kazoos! Now I know what I've been doing wrong...Put those canes down!
That pesky young Richard needs to get a new amplifier, can't hear him play these were much louder in my day....

26 Oct 99 - 12:55 PM (#128213)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: annamill

Rick, that was fantastic! LMAO!!

Allen, I remember that one too. It was about a dream venue. Like a big coffee house or something like that.

Montana and Arizona wouldn't do for me as beautiful as they are. I need, not want mind you, need to be near the Ocean. Glenn too. I know! We can have several all over the country and we can pick a residence, and go visit.

I'm ready to retire right now!

Love, annap

26 Oct 99 - 01:11 PM (#128220)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Sir Fielding, you have outdone yourself! I haven't laughed aloud, so hard, in ages! My animals are looking at me as though I've gone round the bend! BRAVO!!! Tell Duckboots to let you come back for another installment of How The Phoaks Turn!

Please be assured, I am NOT interested in a sterile community of all of you fogies and no kids or other phoaks!**BG** Actually I was trying to avoid using that commie word, "commune" but what the hell. I know there si a more up to date word but can't think of it. As far as I am concerned, I would like to live in something like this RIGHT NOW, with all the kids, critters, spouses, foibles, instruments, etc. Cooperative! Nah, that's not it either, but I like it.

An', ya can fergitaboutda little row of motorcourt rooms, Rick! You think we'd get any sleep with those kazoos going all night if we were on top of each other that way???

(To the nose kazooers: I, too, used to do that. Get your oxygen levels checked. It's really easy; they just clamp a little lead line on your finger & the pulse oxymeter tells them what percentage of O2 you are taking in. Not trying to scare you, but it is worth the checking. Since I've been tethered to the O2 line, I've not snored a bit. Sometimes snoring is a sign of something that needs to be treated. Then, again, it oculd just be all those cat hairs clogging up your passages:-)

Okay then, houseabout we call it a neighbourhood/community? Have open song circles, workshops (self-sustaining idea, there). We could be like the MacDowell Colony of phoak or some such. A working place 'cause actually I don't see ay of us really slowing down on this stuff until they spread our ashes over the sea.

BTW, where is Father Joebro? Anybody heard from him or seen him in the threads? Missing you, Joe!

MT in the summer and AZ in the winter? Oh that's so sunbirdish!**BG** Might have to be a bit more central, although I could see several of these springing up; then we could have travelling caravans to each one; visiting one another, etc.

C'mon, Rick, MORE! MORE!


26 Oct 99 - 03:27 PM (#128286)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Peter T.

Totally hilarious, but, Oahhh, Rick (it is Rick, isn't it), you forget that the revolution came in 2 ought ought-6, when Britney Spears became President, and all the folkies finally went into guerilla warfare, and brought down the whole capitalist globalized system after the market crashed on speculation that Mudcat Enterprises was going to nationalize Canada to recycle the money it had made after absorbing Microsoft. We set up the alternative government when you hit 75, and after Joe Offer retired, you were President, and ordered everyone on earth to pretend that I had learned the double thumb roll, which was easier than me learning it. How could you forget (now where were my teeth?)
"You donnn't believve we'rree on the Eve of Destrucccshhhhhunnnn."
yours, Peter T.

26 Oct 99 - 03:41 PM (#128292)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

WAR, HUH! Good gawd ya'll what is it good for!? LOL, Peter!

Barbara, sorry, I forgot to say thanks for the link. I'll take a look at it this evening.


26 Oct 99 - 03:53 PM (#128298)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Allan C.

Kat, first you take a wad of biscuit dough...

26 Oct 99 - 04:15 PM (#128303)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Gint

I have been on O2 for some time.

I can see it now, a wooded copse, a waterfall, rolling hills, and

CPAP machines wheezing through the night, (hopefully in the same key)

26 Oct 99 - 04:58 PM (#128315)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Oh, Gint, you, too? I have a concentrator at home, which doesn't wheeze as much as hum like a piece of industrial machinery. The cats love to snugle upnext to it whenthe weather is cold because it puts out so much heat. In the summertime, we put it outside in the garage, otherwise we'd roast!:-)

26 Oct 99 - 05:23 PM (#128329)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: lamarca

Let's think about this, folks - right now we get to visit with each other, gossip on-line, get together occasionally for a weekend, laugh at each other's quirks and enjoy each other's company when we want to! Every time someone suggests setting up an "Old Folkie's Home" or commune or whatever, I start imagining what it would be like to live next door to some of my "Festival Friends" for the rest of my life...

Having lived in goldfish-bowl graduate housing, where everyone knew what everyone else was doing, when you were fighting with your spouse, what you were cooking for dinner, who's car was in your driveway, etc, I can't think of anything that has more potential for ruining friendships than having said friends all living together in a closed community.

We have a group of friends who all live in the same neighborhood in our area, but we don't live next door to one another, and there are plenty of other neighbors who have different interests around. I think that that kind of diversity is necessary to make for a thriving community; the chance for solitude and privacy is just as important as the feeling of community to me. Much as I love my folkie friends, I wouldn't want to live with most of them! (And I'm sure they probably feel the same about grumpy Italian-Polish Americans...)

26 Oct 99 - 05:23 PM (#128330)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: catspaw49

Just FANDAMTASTIC RICK......LMAOWROTF.....Funniest thing up in a coon's age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


26 Oct 99 - 05:28 PM (#128332)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Mudjack

I like it but my plans is to put my wife and I in a retirement Motor home for two years and travel throughout the US and Canada. On the GO is my idea of retiring. Of course good health and finances willing.The game plan is to take in every music festival I can squeeze in doing volunteer chores to pay our way. Oh might this include rallying and spending time meeting and sharing time with all my mudcat pals??? YOU BET, I'm not sure we want to commit to being fulltime RVers for the rest of our lives but 2 years might stretch into 5 years. Mrs. MJ is not addicted to the music world as I am but enjoys listening to live music as I do. When the touring comes to a slow down and settling down to a place to call retirement village for Mudcatter's, My dream side says YES, but reality barks out at me saying, "Do you really want to be that far away from your kids and family?"

26 Oct 99 - 05:34 PM (#128333)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Corwyn

There is a current plan that I know of to buy land for a permanent Scottish Festival site somewhere near Kansas City (or there abouts), to eventually include a old style town. Beacuse of funding problems, it has a current 5 year inception date, but there does seem to be interest in the project. That be a solution.

26 Oct 99 - 06:51 PM (#128353)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Roger in Baltimore

I'm for Lamarca's idea. I don't want to live in some communal array. It might be cool to have a number of 'Cstters move to the same general area.

Marge and I have been looking into the Northern Neck of Virginia for the past six months. It's that piece of land that lies between the Potomac and Rappahanock Rivers. It isn't on the way to anywhere, it's out of the way. Land is cheap and available. Economy is depressed because there no industry wants to move into the isolated area. Only about 40,000 people live there (I know that's crowded by Montana standards). But it is surrounded on three sides by water so there the opportunity for water sports (no 'Spaw, not those water sports!) is plentiful.

Yet Richmond is only 90 minutes away and DC is only two hours away (too far for the commuters).

I suspect we have such diverse interests that there would have to be a few enclaves, but this might make a good one for the East Coasters. It ain't quite the ocean Anna, but the Bay is awfully big.

Roger in Baltimore

26 Oct 99 - 08:22 PM (#128382)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Gint


After two or three nights of absolute terror the cat returned to it customery sleeping place, taking 3/4's of the bed, It now can live with "the damnd machine".

When I recieved the machine the nurse said

"this mask is not going to do anything for your sex life"

My only reply was

"well strange snoring @ 55db hasn't don me any favours"

Try as I might I'll be damnd if I can get a tune out of this thing.

26 Oct 99 - 08:25 PM (#128383)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Tony Burns

Great idea! I vote for a nice piece of land in the Canadian Rockies. I'd like enough land for 3 small buildings (quarters for my wife and I) a building for music and crafts and one more as a bunk house for visitors.

As far as attending festivals is concerned I think we should get a Mudcat bus and travel as a group.

26 Oct 99 - 08:26 PM (#128384)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: MMario

MudJack - my parents are on the road 9 months of the year (approx) at the ages of ...uhmmmmm.....79 and 82. They are currently on their way across the continent to Washington from Massachusetts -- will wander down the left coast and "do" Christmas as part of a "fantasy caravan" in Mexico. (that two weeks bracketing Christmas will be the only time they are part of a caravan)- we expect to see them home sometime in Feb or March, and they will probably take off againfor SOMEWHERE a couple weeks after arriving home. last year they got back from their "summer trip" late July, were gone again to Norway and the fjords for september, were home for two weeks and took off on their current trip.

26 Oct 99 - 08:56 PM (#128399)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Gint

The rockies are a good idea, but how aboout somewhere where 'catters can rest their old bones in the sun.

But only three buildings , one for you and your kin, one for music (you can have it in your house, It's not a crime) and one for guests.

Make the third one verrrrrrrrry large as it'll proberably be full of old creaking 'catters trying to twang the odd chord and twiddle with the od tune, incessantly invading your two buildings asking for cups of sugar, borrowing your L,P's, jumping on your couch, sorry, sorry...

Can we visit... please, please please, please please, please please, please please, please please, please

We can baby sit for you...... pleeeeaaase

26 Oct 99 - 09:16 PM (#128402)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Gint, only 3/4ths of the bed!**BG** I use a canula, not a mask, but you sure made me chuckle! When I first got mine, I went through several 50 ft tubes. One cat in particular just couldn't help himself. He'd go nuts in the night and attack it, either chewing it in half and/or making little holes of bitemarks all up and down it. I'd wake up without air, Rog would get up, in the buff, pick up the line, walking along its length, and hold it close to his face to feel where the little holes were by the escaping air! It was hilarious the first couple of times. Now, it no longer interests him, except when he lays on my chest, front paws sor tof embacing my neck, face right in mine. Then I ask him if he wants a "whiff". He closes his eyes, I take the canula out, hold it up to his nose and I swear he breathes deeply! Weird cat...he's the one on my head in my picture here.

Okay, here's what I am thinking: a core group who knows they could stand to live on a LARGE piece of land, with SEPARATE housing AWAY from each other, fences, privacy the whole bit, could be steady residents. Anyone who doesn't want to be that all-time cozy can come for retreat, to regroup , or whatever. I am serious about this, phoaks. As I said I have about 3 other friends with whom I've discussed this at length over the years. None of us really wants to be alone when we are old and we don't want to wind up in some "home" where we know noone, so we create our own community with the thought in mind that it will serve us even in later years. I think it could happen on an individual basis of those who are intertested. Sure figuring out where will be tough, but I can already think of at least handful or two of Mudcatters I could stand being that close to with respect for each other's privacy, etc. And, this doesn't have to be far way from any regular community which could be our guests and vice versa.

"Some people say I'm dreamer, but I know I'm not the only one."


Canadian Rockies sounds really good to me, Tony, but it might be a little cold in the winter; also, not excatly centrally located or a lot of Mudcatters. I love the idea of a Magical Mystery Tour Bus.*g*

26 Oct 99 - 09:54 PM (#128415)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Roger in Baltimore

Gint and Katlaughing,

I got me one of those dandy Nasal CPAP devices. Always nice to know I'm not the only one. I had gotten so sleep deprived, I was pulled over for a possible DWI because I was swerving in the road.

Doc says if I lose 50 pounds I might free myself of the device. He might have said, if you swim the Pacific you can get off of it.

Roger in Baltimore

26 Oct 99 - 10:05 PM (#128417)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Pete Peterson

I have been thinking about this a while myself and not coming up with any good answers. I would love to live very near many of my Mudcat friends and many of my old-time friends who I haven't yet been able to convince to check this as well as The problem that I see is that most of us are in the age 40-60 age bracket. (*Look around you at Old Songs, at Clifftop, or Pinewoods and see if this estimate is accurate) Demographically, this is not a good mix-- we would all be trying to care for each other as we're all falling apart. So the question I ask is how can we attract younger people to this music in sufficient numbers that they would be willing to live fulltime amoung the Catters & care for us when we soon reach senility, and lose the ability? you could HIRE such a thing, but most of us aren't rich, maybe if we all pooled our resources . . . I agree with the January thread. I would like to make this a reality some time in the next ten years, and would devote at least some of my life, my6 fortune and my sacred honor (stop laughing) to making it happen. Hope someone has better ideas than I have yet come up with.

26 Oct 99 - 11:17 PM (#128443)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

I think by being very active in an adjacent community/ies, we might be able to do so, Pete. I know it sounds a little ambitious. It would have to be close to a fairly good sized metropolitan area to draw from. We could have in-school presentations and/or visits from schoolchildren and their parents. If we got into it, we could have living history demonstrations; those always birng in the schools bigtime, esp. if we covered aspects of music throughout history, i.e. Civil War, railroad bldg; days of Robin Hood; cowboys, etc.

Sturbridge Village, a llving history working village with farms, cooper, glassblowers, etc. has gotten kind of touristy and I wouldn't want to have anything like that, at all, those people work hard everyday to present a fantastic and authentic experience of 1830's village life, but anyway, they attract tons of schools and others who pay pretty fair amts to tour for the day, ride on the wagons, watch teh sawmill, groom the oxen, etc.

Myabe, musically, we could do something like that, on a smaller scale? I dunno, that doesn't sound like much of a retreat, though, does it? I don't really feel like catering to a bunch of outsiders, personally.

Hey, BigRib, would you or Gint refresh my memory? What does CPAP stand for; cardiopulmonary what? I am not on this for my lungs and my machine is called a concentrator, plus I carry a small oxygen bottle attached to my face(:-) when I go out. Listen, take heart, literally. I had to lose weight because my leaky heart was starting to enlarge. I have lost 45 lbs in 7 months and my echocardiogram was much better this year than last. I am doing my own vegetarian modifications of Dr. Atkins low carb/hi protein diet and so far it has worked well for me. And, sometimes when I go out, depending on stress, I am able to go without the O2 for short periods of time. When I first went on it, I had to sleep in an old comfy rocking chair because I had no breath lying down. Just losing the first 8-10 lbs cured me of that and I've been sleeping much better with each pound I lose, so it is worth the effort.

Sure would be nice to figure this out.


26 Oct 99 - 11:34 PM (#128448)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman




Light is streaming in one of the large, picture windows showing the handsome countryside that surrounds the retirement villa. The mountains rise behind the main lodge, and the ocean pounds wildly against the perfect beach below.

In the DAY ROOM, WYOWOMAN sits on a sofa, her brow furrowed in concentration as she works once more on getting that *#&%ed B chord on the guitar she cradles in her lap.

OVER, we hear the sound of slippers shuffling across linoleum. It is CATSPAW, slowly making his way to stand beside WYOWOMAN.

CATSPAW Bet you can't tell how old I am, WyoWoman.

WYO Yes, I can.

CATSPAW Bet you can't, you miserable b...

WYO (interrupting) Of course I can. Pull down your britches.


WYO You heard me. Drop 'em.

CATSPAW Uh, well, ok.

WYO fumbles around for a minute or two with Mr. Spaw's delicates. Carefully, methodically. Then:

WYO OK, put yer knickers back on. Go on. You heard me. Buckle up. You're 81 years old. No doubt about it. 81.


WYO Yup. 81 years old.

CATSPAW Tha...that's simply amazing WyoWoman. You could tell that just from, um, feeling...

WYO Nah, ya old coot. You told me yesterday...


27 Oct 99 - 12:13 AM (#128465)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Escamillo

Great thread! I'd never laughed so loudly as when reading Rick's future story. Please make reservations for me and my wife. Your will surely notice which is my door because you'll always see a very ancient bull lying down in front of it, and I'll be glad to wear my torero suit, fight the poor thing with my walker, and sing (coff) my aria for you all, when you come for a visit. And we'll drink manzanilla. :)

Yours, Andrés Magré

27 Oct 99 - 12:19 AM (#128467)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Rick Fielding

Wyo, you 'lil devil!

Old Rick

27 Oct 99 - 12:27 AM (#128469)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

I know. I try to be good. I really do...I just can't help myself....

27 Oct 99 - 01:23 AM (#128483)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Lonesome EJ

Well count me in if you guys are looking at something tropical and seaside (other than Clearwater/St Pete- too much like the Elephant Graveyard- sorry Banjer). I'm thinking the South Pacific or maybe Belize, cheap land and housing, coconuts, grouper. We could import the necessities like Depends, Guinness and frozen White Castle Hamburgers. How about running a tropical BnB for Folkies and normal people?

27 Oct 99 - 02:23 AM (#128490)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: alison

If I remember rightly.. didn't someone have a boat in one of the earlier threads and they were going to take us cruising picking us up a different destinations on the way????

i'm still in favour of that one....... and can we make Mick the chef???



27 Oct 99 - 06:45 AM (#128511)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

What will my job be?
Puree your food?
Opening your canned liquid nutrient supplements?
Make sure everyone is having regular bowel movements?

Little Neo

27 Oct 99 - 08:22 AM (#128522)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Roger the skiffler

Locate it in the Cook Islands (lovely people, lovely climate, hardly any hurricanes, lovely food, great traditional music and a blues club) and I'm your man.
I can picture the over-eighties nudist beach volleyball now!

27 Oct 99 - 09:13 AM (#128529)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Tony Burns

Gint, I guess my posting was a little misleading. I was thinking of a lot of land in the Canadian Rockies. Enough for all the Mudders that want to participate. I just want enough for my 3 little buildings.

Kat, once we all live there it will be as central as it is possible to be.


27 Oct 99 - 10:51 AM (#128562)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

If we decide on ocean-going, I'll await you all dockside. I tend to spit up on watercraft.


27 Oct 99 - 11:06 AM (#128573)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Pete Peterson

Kat (and everybody) thanks for taking me seriously. This is something that I think would be worth working on. Selfishly for me-- and bricks and mortar to leave behind for others once we are done using them! How can we make this happen? and how to get a large enough endowment that there's enough cash to keep the supplies coming in? Do we hire doctors or grow our own? (Self-medication can be the most intelligent thing to do-- up to a point)

27 Oct 99 - 11:11 AM (#128579)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

I think we put our brilliant, wizened heads together, write some of this silliness up in a telescript, sell it to TV producers, become wildly successful, go into syndication, have the money go into a trust for precisely this purpose and become comfortable and even more sassy in our declining years.

That's what *I* think.


27 Oct 99 - 11:48 AM (#128607)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

WW, I seriously think that is a fantastic and NOT unrealistic idea! We certainly have enough creative writers and at least two seasoned actors among us.

As for doctors, all we have to do is get Mark to leave Hawaii and I think it's BJ? in England and we'll have our own Mudcatter docs. Plus, I know we have several massage therapists and others into the alternative practices I favour.

Pete, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thanks for taking me seriously, too.

'Spaw....uh, have you checked yer drawers lately?**BG**

Tony, that is what I was thinking. LOTS, AND LOTS OF LAND! And, you're right, with us there, it is central!

To all you tropics lovers and ocean goers (keep the good earth under MY feet!) my son-in-law, theorectically could get land for free on his native island, Antigua! But, I don't think it would be a very large maybe it could be an offshoot for those who need the sun and surf once in awhile.

For some intersting perusing of potential sites in the UK (I know we haven't talked about that, yet) please click here AND for some REALLY GOOD PRICES ON LARGE PIECES OF LAND in Den's neck of the woods, Nova Scotia, click here.

My place is going to be cozy with fireplaces, dried herbs and flowers hanging from the rafters, lots of windows and a deep porch with rocking chairs for everyone, as well as a big kitchen and old farm table to gather round. There will always be a faint secnt of catnip drying on the air, as well as Tibetan incense and a few cats and at least one dog in residence. And, Rick is right, there will be mystical, metaphysical symbols all over, just as there are now in my house, from windchimes to stained glass pieces, to wall hangings.

Out back, Rog will have a little building full of all of his electronic gear, including the infernal television. There will probably be a satellite dish and antenna or two. Hell, if he gets it together we might even have to pay some of you to assemble parts and ship them out! Course, he'll have comfy recliners and a beer fridge or even a tap out there for everyone who can't miss their baseball games or BBC dramas.

When we're feeling frisky, we'll wander over to Escamillo's and listen to him serenade and drink manzanilla with him. And, we'll feed the old bull which has become kind and gentle as Escamillo. Heck, we'll even put garlands of flowers on his horns on Mayday.

One night of the week, everyone who wants to can come join me in a circle of meditation, healing, and giving thanks. And, on the full moons, we'll meet out back in the grove circle, with a campfire, songs, and meditations/prayers. Once a month, I'll host an automatic writing circle. The person who wants a question answered will sit in the north, while the rest of us sit in a circle with them. They will write out their question and send it to us by thought only. While we sit there with quiet music on, candles and incense burning, we will write down the impressions we get, or draw the pictures we see in our mind's eye which might give the person an answer to what is troubling them. (This works, I used to do this back East.) Some of us may find ourselves writing a poem which sounds cryptic, but when read to the questioner, makes perfect sense. Others may sketch out a beautiful scene, while others of us will write first impressions down in a kind of stacatto frenzy. All will come together in a Cosmic message of what the questioner is looking for help on.

We will always close the circle by singing Stand on the Shore, reworded slightly from Libana's version, which they titled "Sisters Now Our Meeting Is Over":

Friends now our meeting is over
Friends we must part
And, if I never see you anymore
I will love you in my heart
Yes, we'll land on the shore
Yes, we'll land on the shore
Yes, we'll land on the shore
And, be safe forevermore

Blessed Be,


27 Oct 99 - 01:25 PM (#128639)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Mudjack

Thanks MMario, good thoughts, I will likey be ready to move on after visiting the son or daughter. More like they'll be ready for us to move on.

27 Oct 99 - 06:20 PM (#128767)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Peter T.

WW, I note that catspaw has been reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyy quiet since your little playlet. I think you finally got him. Congratulations. (I laughed till it hurt too bad to continue).
yours, Peter T>

27 Oct 99 - 07:13 PM (#128786)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Nope Peter T. Catspaw is just being responsible. There are little ones around here you know; like me. I think he is trying to discourage X rated postings.
Right Catspaw?
Little Neo

27 Oct 99 - 07:28 PM (#128790)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Lonesome EJ

Catspaw!!? Discourage X-Rated postings!? Have him sing his dirty version of Oklahoma for you sometime, LilNeo..

27 Oct 99 - 07:42 PM (#128795)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: McGrath of Harlow

I had a friend who started playing a jig at a blue-grass session... Folkies are not all as tolerant of diversity as catters seem to be.

Most times you get a bunch of musicians together for any length of time they'll find something to quarrel about.

It's not wholly a bad thing either - groups split, and you end up with more groups. People get on each others nerves at a session, and you get them going off and colonising some other pub for a new session.

Getting older doesn't mean getting more tolerant and mellow, not for many of us.

So you get a bunch of aging musicians living in each others pockets all the year round, there'll be murder. Which has its up side - there is nothing like a good feud to keep you young at heart.

What I can envisage isn't a comfy respectable seaside village, with golf and crochet in between the sedate musical get togethers.

It's more of a mountainy set up, with little settlements of feuding neighbours plotting vengeance in the kitchen, and playing good music on the front porch, and acting civilised at the dances that get set up by the nice people who are trying to get us to get along with each other.

And we'd have some great wakes.

A slightly less urban version of Desolation Row, maybe.

For the last few - not so few - years I've been going to a round of festivals - Sidmnouth, Fylde, Whitby. See the same people, all getting a bit older, shrugging tolerantly or dismissively at the young sharp toothed musicians who play everything too fast ( and pointing out to our neighbours that it's a lot harder to pay slow).

I'm always quite glad to get home, and off to the pub to play with a few mates.

But I'd certainly like to pay a visit to the Mudcat Reservation.

But it'd be better to do it over in Europe, where there's better free health care and fewer nuts with guns, and I could come and visit.

27 Oct 99 - 08:10 PM (#128804)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: DougR

Little Neo: You get to guess the ages of all the men in the Village using WyoWoman's method of determing age.


27 Oct 99 - 08:34 PM (#128811)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

That's disgusting Douglas!

27 Oct 99 - 09:03 PM (#128820)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Den

Retirement village...what about a retirement planet for mudcatters. The year is 2000andsomethinglikethat. The shuttle sits on the launch pad ready to blast the intrepid mudcat pioneers into space. Extensive research by NASA scientists has concluded that the only way to populate outer space with humanity so that, in the long run everyone gets along is to do it with me out here Peter T. Den

27 Oct 99 - 11:52 PM (#128859)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Escamillo

Kat, I was saying how loudly I laughed with Rick's story, now I have to accept that your last posting awakened my deepest emotions. Surely this is one of the reasons for which we keep reading and posting in this place. People here are not only intelligent and sensitive, but are mainly authentic.
Yours sincerely,
Andrés Magré

28 Oct 99 - 07:00 AM (#128916)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Mama KatSageWalker, maybe there should be an investigation of other retirement/retreat communities. Look at communities that are successful to learn how they have been able to sustain themselves.

While on a kayak trip in the Queen Charlottes BC, I once stayed overnight at a commune that had been successful in the 80s. All that remained were 3 families of which 2 were not speaking to each other.

Little Neo

28 Oct 99 - 07:32 AM (#128919)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Patrish(inactive)

In my dreams....

A retirement home for old folkies run by young folkies who would look on mudcatters as a valuable resource. These home could be scarttered all over the world and we could have exchange trips. Old folkies from America spending a summer in UK and vice versa. And when we got really mature and started forgetting the words of songs the young folkies could remind us...


28 Oct 99 - 07:57 AM (#128925)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Patrish, how about calling it 'Folk Elders'

28 Oct 99 - 08:04 AM (#128928)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: catspaw49

My ISP moved and has been having problems getting anything working again. So now that I have read this, anyone who believes that I git got on that thing.......


Spaw: Oh......Well in that case, ask me again tomorrow.

WW: Ask you what?

Spaw: Ask me how old I am.

WW: Geeziz Spaw....Don't you remember a thing? I can tell just by feeling your balls.

Spaw: Ya' can? (drops pants) Okay, go ahead.


28 Oct 99 - 08:40 AM (#128939)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Allan C.

I agree with Little Neo about checking out what works. Here is a site with some descriptions of some of the Intentional Communities. Many more can be found in the descriptions listed in the Communities Directory which is mentioned in the first paragraph on that page.

I am well acquainted with one of the oldest communities in the eastern U.S., Twin Oaks. It is a clear example of the fact that such communities CAN work, CAN survive, and can be very pleasant places in which to live.

There are many, many options as to how to make a community viable. Another community near where I live, called Shannon Farm, is set up so that the people who live there can work regular jobs, "off campus" so to speak. It sounds much like what Kat describes.

In short, there is a lot of information out there. One need not re-invent the wheel. The Communities Directory is filled with samples of workable ideas.

28 Oct 99 - 09:39 AM (#128952)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Thank you, Allan. I will look into that site.

Den, another planet? Aren't we already from another planet and just colonising this one?*BG*

'Spaw, so glad to see you're still *in form*! Curses on moving ISPs!

Escamillo, what can I say, darlin'? Your words touch my heart and inspire me. Thank you, my friend.

luvya'll kat

28 Oct 99 - 10:55 AM (#128983)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

I sort of like McGrath's ideas on the subject. Then we can all write "folksongs" about the revolutions and counter-revolutions and feuds and blood revenge and future generations can pass on the stories of our great comings together and rending asunders.

And Spaw, that 'comings together' part had nothing to do with you...


28 Oct 99 - 11:12 AM (#128992)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Bert

But if we were all together we wouldn't have the fun of visiting Mudcat.

28 Oct 99 - 11:22 AM (#129001)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Allan C.

We have met the Mudcat and he is us!

28 Oct 99 - 12:58 PM (#129069)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: catspaw49

Well then WW, maybe you could just render yer asunder mine and we could get on with some serios disrespectin'.

Spaw - (best I could do since you took the other line)

28 Oct 99 - 12:59 PM (#129070)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: DougR

Little Neo: You are right. I apologize.


28 Oct 99 - 03:31 PM (#129133)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

Oh, puhleez. We aren't going to start censoring ourselves, are we?

28 Oct 99 - 03:36 PM (#129138)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: MMario

I don't see that as censorship, I see that for "oops! I went a little too far"

28 Oct 99 - 03:48 PM (#129142)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing


Is not self-censorship the best a humane citizenship can hope for? Should we not strive to harm none through the spoken or written word and our actions? And, yea, though we may think someone the south end of a northward trekking horse, is it not better to tell them how nicely they are looking these days, telling a small lie, rather than call them the former? Is it not said in the good book of Pooh, that one should always share the honey pot, deferring to their guests rather than exercising their ownership in a selfish display of gluttony? Do not the elders say we must always give and let our attackers help themselves on into the brick wall, rather than stand in their way, resisting and being crashed into and harmed, thus causing harm? And, in one's intimate moments, is it control we seek or utter and compleat surrender. To feel or not to feel is not necessarily the definitive question; rather ask the motivation of the suggestor and the reply of the suggestee. Is it not important to delve into the cheek, determining placement of the tongue in such statements, thus discerning the motivation? Is it not wonderful to ponder these and other questions of the Universe in this, the Center of the Web; weaving our thoughts into the minds of humankind, thus spreading the Gospel of Phoak, expounding and expanding the parameters of the mind, heart, and soul while also expanding the pervasiveness of The Tao of Phoak? Join us, now, brothers and sisters, for 'tis a noble endeavour we seek to accomplish and other intangible rewards await the eager participant.*

*Show this monograph at your first meeting and receive 5,000 free Karmic Brownie Points.

May be redeemed only upon completion of complete training program and one year service in the wild outbacks. Call now to sign up. Have your credit card ready! Program is only $1,599! Easy monthly installments available!

28 Oct 99 - 04:36 PM (#129151)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Mama KatSageWalker, I have to go to the bathroom.

28 Oct 99 - 08:48 PM (#129230)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Phine, LilNeo, you are excused.

Several hours go by and nary a bite. Thought sure the Free Karmic Brownie Points would lure them in. Must rethink ad campaign! Drat!!

28 Oct 99 - 09:14 PM (#129242)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Mama Kat, I think it's the competition. The brownies are selling like hot cakes on the 'Explain The BS Rules' Thread.
Little Neo

29 Oct 99 - 12:01 AM (#129297)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Thanks, LilNeo

29 Oct 99 - 07:58 PM (#129664)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

rise up

29 Oct 99 - 08:52 PM (#129683)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Mama Kats, I hate to be the one to tell you this but.............You and I are the only ones in this auditorium

30 Oct 99 - 10:46 AM (#129805)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Ferret

Kat With all that oxygen about we better not have any Mudcat campfires near by or well all go up like a torch.

All the best ferret

30 Oct 99 - 11:27 AM (#129811)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

LOL....Naw, Ferret, 'sokay. I've been camping with my O2 on. Course ya hafta be careful, but they tell me it's not flammable itself, it just accelerates a fire, so we'll just have to be careful not to aim our cannulas at the fire or let our tanks get too close. Actually, Rog has adapted my concentrator, so that we can take it in the car, van or travel trailer, so no O2 tanks; it just pulls the oxygen outta the air and I breath! Oh....I 'spose it wouldn't hurt to have a fire extinguisher nearby. Maybe El Swanno will retire a truck at the same time he retires and bring it with him, then we can have it at the ready.:-) Oh,and he could still drive it in parades,a s we oculd have a MayDay one every year!

Thankya, Ferret.


30 Oct 99 - 12:06 PM (#129824)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: catspaw49

Hmmmm..........OK, as a pontificatin' old poop, I'd really like to get in on the ground floor Kat, but the installment plan seems a bit out of my bracket and I sure as hell ain't got the cash. See, after expenses and all, I find I can only afford about a buck and a half a month, requiring me to live to an age of 130 to pay it my question is.....Am I covered as long as I don't get behind on the payments and can I get some Brownies instead of brownie points? If I have to go to 130, I want to feel good while I'm doing it.


30 Oct 99 - 02:24 PM (#129867)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Sure, 'Spaw, hell if ya want you can sign over your first born (possum, that is) and owe NOTHING! As long as you want undoctored brownies i don't think there should be a problem, but ya know the whole program was designed with your immortal soul in mind. I understand your wanting to feel good, esp. for a life of such longevity, but remember the rewards we wait for are sometimes the greatest of all, so just think what you might expect at 130 with all those Karmic Brownie Points instead of the kind that can become so evident in a physical way, if ya know what I mean.


22 Jun 00 - 11:17 PM (#246261)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing


22 Jun 00 - 11:36 PM (#246267)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Since I will die a violent death when I'm 93 (shot in the back of the head by a jealous husband) I shall decline residence. Yours, Aye. Dave

23 Jun 00 - 01:48 AM (#246349)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Sorcha

Great idea, and I am all for it, but just a few dumb questions.
1. Who cleans the toilets?
2. Who mows the grass?
3. Who gets up in the middle of the night to make sure spaw hits the whiz-bowl without falling down?
4. How much will the "home owners fees" be?
5. Will there be covenants, and about what?
And, if we have the Tour Bus/Caravan Idea, we must have 2--smoking, and non smoking.

23 Jun 00 - 07:44 AM (#246429)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats

I volunteer to mow the grass if someone volunteers to bring me a glass of lemonade occasionally...I do my best thinking when pushing a lawnmower around and around in a square. A man and his machine....

23 Jun 00 - 11:18 AM (#246535)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: WyoWoman

And we'll just wrestle Catspaw to the ground each night in the Jello pit and plaster a pair of Depends on 'im so he doesn't have to worry about the whiz-bowl. He'll forget about the diapers and just remember the wrasslin,' and he'll always think he WON...

And yes, Dave, I'll die in a fiery motorcycle crash at the age of 106 when my much younger boyfriend (say, 80) tries to feel me up as we're speeding up a winding mountain road. There will be much teeth-gnashing -- okay, gum-gnashing -- and general lamentation, but everyone will agree that it was a great way to go...


23 Jun 00 - 11:35 AM (#246545)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Mbo

Reminds me of this guy one time, said "I want to die when I'm 98 years old--being shot by a jealous husband..."

24 Jun 00 - 07:45 AM (#246925)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Little Neophyte

Guest, I'll bring you the lemonade. How about we get you a seated lawnmower. I hear that is a retired man's dream.
Relatively, I guess I'd be one of the 'spring chickens' around the community. So I don't mind offering up my dietetic services as Meal's On Wheel. I'll drive a golf cart around delivery prepared foods to your door. Puree, low sodium, diabetic (they get delivered first), whatever.
For those who are going to be shot in the head by a raging husband, you can order whatever you want off the menu.

Bonnie RD

24 Jun 00 - 10:34 AM (#246952)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Mooh

...I'll do the toilets...

15 Mar 01 - 11:55 PM (#418814)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing


16 Mar 01 - 03:04 AM (#418883)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Chip2447

Gypsy Mudcatters hitting the open road in aging minivans, travelling between Mudcat retreats across the globe. Staying as long as they desired, before moving on to another retreat. A Mudcat timeshare type of thing... HMMMMMMMM.....While I'm not quite an old fart just yet, Methinks this could be signing up for...

16 Mar 01 - 11:54 AM (#419117)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

I like it!! SIgn up now! **BG**

16 Mar 01 - 06:11 PM (#419469)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Helen

Just in case you haven't seen this thread which I started back in Jan 99 about my idea for an Old Folkies' Home - other people don't come to us to perform, we go out and perform for them, jam sessions in the hallways, singing sessions in the tv room, etc
Old Folkies' Home/Retirement Village


16 Mar 01 - 07:03 PM (#419510)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

Helen, I had just refreshed it, along with this one, yesterday. In fact several people have posted to it.

02 Aug 02 - 02:55 AM (#758556)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Genie

I think it was "60 Minutes" that ran a story a few years back about a retirement home in Italy for opera singers. These folks spent most of their day singing, sounding better than most folks ever do--and making cracks about each other being lousy singers!

Can you imagine an old Mudcatters' home with similar dynamics? Sounds like a riot!


¤;- )

27 Oct 03 - 10:13 AM (#1042541)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

refresh just for fun...esp. Rick Fielding's first posting.**bg**

27 Oct 03 - 11:12 AM (#1042572)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Dave Bryant

I know of a retirement town for old folkies - it's called Walton-on-the-Naze in Essex.

Old folkies never die - they just forget the words
- Ask Pete Chopping !

27 Oct 03 - 11:25 AM (#1042593)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Bill D

well, after meeting all the Shellbacks last week, I sure would like it if everyone I cared about were 'handy'...not right next door, but within an hours drive..*grin*. If I win the lottery, (gotta remember to buy a TICKET someday!), I will build a library, auditorium, jello pit, and all related folkie needs in a central location, and we can meet as needed for music, scholarship, and licentious cavorting.

Where? ahhh..there's the issue, mountains? seashore? which side of the world?

I guess the true joy is in the dreaming and occasional meetings....

27 Oct 03 - 12:45 PM (#1042659)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: wysiwyg

In the Mudcat Attic Dorm, of course, right here at our house. We'll have to put in a lift!

We had a Mudcatter here for several months in "retreat" mode. Hardi and I have conducted several kinds of retreats. We'd love to have people come.


27 Oct 03 - 01:22 PM (#1042680)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: open mike

i DO live in an intentional community
and there are 80 acres right next to us
which may go on the market soon!!
meadows, woods, a stream, and I would
be very interested in helping people
establish a community there....
we have 50 acres with 8 partners
and some mud catters have ssen the
neighborn=hood when they cam to the camp out
i hosted in june....come on down!!
there is a turn of the centruy house
but most of the place is un developed.
check out these resources for more info
on Intrentional Community:
Fellowship for Intentional community
(publishers of Commuinities magazine)
global eco-village
the community in Virginia which we used
to help publish communities magazine
when i lived at Limesaddle Community:
I plan to write an article about the
Llano de Rios and New LLano communities
soon and here is some info on them:
So -- UTOPIA is possible!!
Let's do this!!
25+ year long resident of a community

18 Feb 08 - 08:42 PM (#2265834)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Lonesome EJ

OK, I'm just about ready now. Where do I sign up?

Seriously, this is worth reading just for Rick Fielding's send up of ancient Big Mick, Spaw, Katlaughing, and Old Father Joe. Read it and weep?

18 Feb 08 - 09:03 PM (#2265845)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Charley Noble

"In the Mudcat Attic Dorm, of course, right here at our house. We'll have to put in a lift!"

Reminds me of a conversation we were having one year at Rivendell Housing Co-op where I resided for years in Lansing, Michigan. We were talking about how to retrofit the house for we elders and one of our members suggested a lift, a large basket with a block an' tackle to run it up, powered with appropriate shanties. Well, the discussion soon degenerated into the specifics of the "basket case" or "basket cases" that would be hauled up. Most of the older residents subsequently moved out and the last Thanksmas card I received evidenced that there were actually parents with children living there now. I do send them periodic CD's and hope that they are appropriately amused.

If you're in Lansing, for a good time stop at 731 W. Genesee St. and then send a full report.

Charley Noble

18 Feb 08 - 10:17 PM (#2265886)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: katlaughing

There are those of us who still talk about this. Trouble is agreeing on where to do it.:-) Lot of fun to reread this!

Peter was a little off, might've been better is this were true: you forget that the revolution came in 2 ought ought-6, when Britney Spears became President, and all the folkies finally went into guerilla warfare, and brought down the whole capitalist globalized system after the market crashed on speculation that Mudcat Enterprises was going to nationalize Canada to recycle the money it had made after absorbing Microsoft.

18 Feb 08 - 11:04 PM (#2265908)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats

Very funny thread. I didn't see at first it was so old but it makes it even better.

18 Feb 08 - 11:47 PM (#2265923)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Joybell

George Coppin ("Father of Australian Theatre" -- but actually more active in promoting touring entertainers) set up a retirement home for old entertainers. Not quite the same idea -- but worth mentioning. It still exists as far as I know -- in Melbourne.

There's often whole towns going up for sale, in Australia, in the bush. We've often talked of how great it would be for a bunch of old Folkies to collectively buy a town.
Cheers, Joy

18 Feb 08 - 11:50 PM (#2265926)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: Joybell

I just love the ads that turn up here. They're offering me a luxury retirement home with a golf-club frontage.

19 Feb 08 - 05:37 AM (#2266032)
Subject: RE: Retirement/Retreat Community for M'cats
From: John MacKenzie

Age merely shows what children we remain.

All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.

Doubt grows with knowledge.

Few people have the imagination for reality.

There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight.

We know accurately only when we know little, with knowledge doubt increases.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe