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New Catters in the last 2 months?

26 Oct 99 - 07:19 PM (#128364)
Subject: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Rick Fielding

I've noticed (to my great enjoyment) a number of new names popping up over the last couple of months, and I just want to say welcome. I don't think many new people like to drop in and say "Here I am, and this is "who" I am. Kinda pushy, what? However if anyone would LIKE to announce their presence and let us know a bit about yourself, here's your chance.
Enjoy the Mudcat..but watch out for it's addiction qualities.


26 Oct 99 - 08:13 PM (#128377)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: MTM

OK, I'm game. My name's Mike Murray and I'm the music director for a cabaret theatre based in Indianapolis with franchises in Montana, Florida, and soon some other spots around the country. About half of my job consists of researching tunes and their cultural contexts for inclusion in original concept cabarets. I also write tunes for the shows on occasion, and perform in them as well. I've used the Digitrad database for a while and kind of happened upon the discussion forum, which is quite a neat little collection of musical hermeticists. I'm still curious about it's musical parameters--I love folk and blues but I work with a lot of other styles too, and I'm a bit afraid of asking the wrong question of y'all pundit types. Thats all. Seems like a nice bunch of cats to rap with.

26 Oct 99 - 08:13 PM (#128378)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Melbert

Hi! I'm Mel. I'm based in Cheshire (North West of England). I play guitar (badly) and collect comic songs.

I'm 48 years old, have been happily married for eight years (but married in total for 27) and have three sons (26,23 &19) and two fine grandsons.

I'm a sales engineer with a large international engineering company and drive up to 1000 miles a week on business. The up-side is that I get to go to Ireland maybe eight-ten times a year where I have enjoyed some great music sessions, particularly in Cork and Kerry.

If I'm missing for a few nights here and there, that's why.

26 Oct 99 - 08:29 PM (#128386)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?

Hi, I'm Shauneen Ward/aka Hummingbird, I'm 35, Live in Northern Vermont. I've been married for 13 years, have 3 children, 3 dogs (English Springer Spaniels), I guess that makes six children actually!! I'm a secretary for a physical therapist. I"ve been playing the guitar for about two years now, and am totally addicted to it. Well not totally, I have the three kids to take care of too. *S* I've learned much here at the MudCat, and am very appreciative of all the help I've received from all of you. I will continue to prowl the forum frequently!!! Best Wishes, Hummer.

26 Oct 99 - 08:37 PM (#128389)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Ed Pellow

I guess I'm new - I've 'lurked' on and off for a while but have only just realized that it's not so cliquy as i expected - hi Mel, I'm in Manchester

26 Oct 99 - 08:44 PM (#128392)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Gint

Ok Ill admit it after sitting on the side lines watching, reading I have one major bitch complaint I'm hooked, I had to look in on the mudcat and what did I find, like minded people (you are people aren't you).

I gave up piano at 12yrs old because my teacher wanted to teach me Mendleson, Bach, beetoven and I at 12 wanted joplin, swing, blues (very radical for Yorkshire)

By trade I am a retail manager:- Tandy, Virgin, WHS, after which I ran a Role-playing, wargaming, card gaming shop / store (ok...ok... I am the fat guy how sells comics in the simpsons, possibly crossed with Barny).

I now work on runnung shows, both medieval and RPG based


At the tender age of 42 I have agian taken up the guitar

Curse and damn you all

26 Oct 99 - 08:49 PM (#128396)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jon Freeman

I think I've been around consistantly for nearer 3 months than 2. I live in Llandudno North Wales, I am 39, single, no kids, no pets and have been mostly unemployed for the last 12 years since a psychiatrist decided that I am schizophrenic.


26 Oct 99 - 09:14 PM (#128400)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: kendall

I've been around for a couple of months, shooting my mouth off at the least provocation. I live in South Portland Maine, divorced, retired federal conservation officer. Humorist and folksinger, I travel doing just that. So far from here to Texas to Scotland, and a hundred places in between. I have four recordings, two on Folk Legacy, one on Outer Green and one on North Country Audio. I read my book onto a tape. The book is a collection of Maine humor. Without question, Mudcat is my favorite spot on the web. Oh, and I'm 65, and not yet discouraged.

26 Oct 99 - 09:15 PM (#128401)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: DonMeixner

I am surprised that so many of you are stating that you are surprised at having become re-interested in playing an instrument again. Don't be surprised. It was bound to happen, like learning that you prefer Sapphire to Tangurey, Deli style rye to original flavor, reaquainting with a previous love.

By the way Gint, I'm looking for a copy of Xenozoic Tales #7 in NM/M and any original Eclipse AIRBOY art pages.

Welcome to the Cat.


26 Oct 99 - 09:21 PM (#128403)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: TheMuse

Well, this thread is right up my alley tonite since I just entered my membership. I have indulged for about a month and posted a few comments but decided I may as well take the plunge and become official. SO, HI!

I was introduced to this wonderful (but VERY addicting place) by another member who has referred to me as his "Muse", hence, my nickname.

It seems that a lot of people have "lurked" and decided to come forward recently. Looking for a sensible bunch to enter the new Millenium with? ("Sensible" being open to interpretation of course.)

Briefly, I live in Central New York State, work in a bank and play the piano badly for my own enjoyment. Am approaching the big 50 and have decided to act like I am 18 again. It's a super tonic - trust me.

Thanks to all for making this place so inviting!

26 Oct 99 - 09:23 PM (#128406)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Zeno

Hi, I'm Zeno, an ancient philosopher born in 488 BCE (cept I didn't know it was BC at the time) in Velia, Italy. When I was 40, me and my pal Parmenides went to Athens to see what kind of trouble we could get into. We heard there was a pretty good folk scene there, but found none of it. I worked as a philosopher for a while, but it didn't pay very well and everything I said turned out to be bullshit, so I packed up my lute and lyre and hit the road. Some said I died in a fight for freedom against tyrants, but I was just asleep.

26 Oct 99 - 09:43 PM (#128412)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Little Neophyte

Oy, I'm so nervous

Well, lets see.............
I am a nutritionist specialized in vegetarian and natural foods.
You guys all get free counseling
I also work in a kidney dialysis unit as a renal dietitian.

During my summers I like to guide wilderness canoe trips. Very much interested in wilderness survival, edible & medicinal plants.

I wish I had a dog.

I've always wanted to play the banjo. Some how I found Rick which was my saving grace because I had no clue what folk music was and when he asked me what I wanted to learn how to play I said "Sweet City Woman".
Rick Fielding is a miracle worker.

So that's me.
And you guys are the best!
Sincerely Bonnie

26 Oct 99 - 10:34 PM (#128423)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Clifton

Howdy folks. I'm probably the only guy born and raised in New Jersey who says the word howdy. My real name is Dan and my wife of twenty years and I have two kids, a girl 18 and a boy 16. I've been playing guitar and singing variuos types of music for almost thirty years, although I haven't played for an audience in quite a while. I'm mainly into Irish and American folk, and many modern singer songwriters. I've been checking out the Mudcat for a few months, posted some nonsense and pretty much just trying to keep up with the sheer volume of material. I'd love to get back into music, but raising a family combined with shift work usually finds me playing solo.

It's nice to be a part of this.

26 Oct 99 - 11:10 PM (#128434)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Don from Georgia

Hi, I guess I don't really fit in here. You guys are way out of my league but I do hope you will let me continue to watch in on you. I am seventy-one years old,nearly seventy-two and don't play anything but solitaire. However, I have a passionate love for music and dance; all music and dance. I guess my favorites are Irish and American folk songs and dances. My blood speeds up and I break into a senile grin whenever I am fortunate enough to see and hear those beautiful dances and songs.

I was born in Indiana and raised during the depression.My father could play any instrument made and he used to play his guitar and sing songs to his four children each night after work. They were songs like "The Letter Edged in Black" and "Cowboy Jack", and "The Last Roundup" and others that today would not be politically correct but at that time were sung without malice toward anyone.

Just before I turned sixteen I went to sea in the Merchant Marine because I was afraid that the war would end before I could get into it. I was on a Liberty ship in the Phillipines when I turned seventeen and when we got back home I enlisted in the Navy where I stayed for twenty years. I became a Hospital Corpsman and served in ships and hospitals and with the Marine Corps in the Korean War. I retired from the Navy as a Chief in ninteen sixty four and worked as a Medical Technologist until I retired again from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta in eighty five.

As I say, I am out of my league with you guys but I have already come to look for certain names in the forum and I like to read every thread. I'll just be in the background and will try not to get in the way. Don Personette Conyers, Georgia

26 Oct 99 - 11:17 PM (#128441)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Hutzul

I'm a recent inductee and I am hooked! I'm older than I look (I hope), have a husband and a cat, and I hope they never fall out of a rowboat together, because they'd both drown while I was trying to decide who to save first.

I've long been a collector of folk lyrics (a broad definition I make up as I go along). I play button-box (or chromatic) accordion. I learned by ear as a little girl (at first I only played when my father was not home, because I was not allowed to touch Dad's squeezebox. "It's not a toy" Pretty sneaky on his part, but he knew me well because I quit formal piano lessons after 2 years. I also torture two dulcimers, hammered and mountain.

I am of Ukrainian ancestry and in fact my grandmother's 7 brothers escaped Eastern Europe by forming a dance band and inching their way west. We did lots of singing and music playing in our family. Dad on accordion and harmonica; my brother can play anything with strings and my Mom is a great yodeller. Her thing was always cowboy music.

I find my self checking in to this site daily, and always find at least one thread of great interest. The first couple of weeks I thought you were all a clickly little bunch, but now I find myself right at home. (But I always thought "mudcats" were crawdads. Keep on the Sunny Side, everyone.

26 Oct 99 - 11:20 PM (#128444)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: WyoWoman

Aw, heck, Don. No one's in the way on the 'Cat, as long as they be relatively nice with others. It's a comfortable place with plenty of room for people to just be themselves -- or who they wish they were!

WElcome to all you newcomers. (I only met up with the Mudcat in May or so, so it doesn't take long to become part of the furniture around here. And yes, I started playing guitar since I started posting as well. I'm not much better than the day I started, but at least I'm giving it the good ol' Mudcat try.)

I'll look forward to getting to know each of you better -- and thanks, Rick, for starting this thread.


26 Oct 99 - 11:20 PM (#128446)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Cricket in Canyon Lake, TX

I am probably the most recent addition though I would not presume to say that I added anything with my arrival. I was looking for songs/chords for my friend Roy who was flooded out last year. His whole collection of John Denver, James Taylor, John Prine, everything. I am trying to relace words and chords and will start a new thread called Roy"s Flood Project or some such. I agree with all of you that this is addictive. Wow! What a way to get hooked. I found Mudcat by chance.

26 Oct 99 - 11:47 PM (#128452)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: JedMarum

Two months? That's about how long I've been participating in the forum, although I have used the database from time-to-time for the last year.

I have really enjoyed reading this thread; so many good stories.

I am a long time singer/songwriter. I live in Dallas with my wife and kids. We have two Whippets (crazy little greyhound looking dogs with springs in their legs). I love music, and play regularly at the Dallas area clubs. I played all around the Boston area, as well, when we lived there. I play all kinds of music, but I am a folky at heart and always seem to return to that style - but I've played blues, rock, blue grass and country as well.

The Mudcat's been a lot of fun. I came here for music but seem to get hooked by the political and social discussions as well.

27 Oct 99 - 12:16 AM (#128466)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Rick Fielding

Wow! This is fantastic. I went down to my friend Norm Hacking's open stage at the Tranzac tonight (in Toronto) and had a wonderful time, but coming back and meeting the "new folks" here is one hell of a treat. Trust me folks, it ain't a clique! I know cliques and I avoid them like the plague. Some of us are just REALLY hooked so you see our names up a lot. It's hard to believe that we really do have ACTUAL LIVES, but we do! I gave up my hour of TV every day, and I haven't missed it a bit. I hardly even think of Kendall, Jon, or Liam as "newbies, just more recent Mudcat friends. Thanks folks and keep 'em comin'


27 Oct 99 - 12:44 AM (#128475)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jon Freeman

Rick, although I am obviously aware that I have only been here a short time, Mudcat seems to be one of those welcoming places where you feel at home straight away.

I must admit that I hadn't realised that Kendall and Liam were also "newbies".


27 Oct 99 - 02:22 AM (#128489)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: John C

´Evening, all. Greetings from the bowels of Europe. Please allow me to introduce myself. Im a man with very little of either. Actually, Im an exiled Scot who´s been living in Austria for the last 22 years. Slowly getting used to it. 3 big, expensive, but very cool (so they say) kids. During the the day Im a carer for mentally-handicapped adults but in the evenings I play guitar in a couple of bands. Mainly traditional or traditionally-inspired stuff. Even do the odd (very odd) solo gig. Mudcap is marvellous - hasnt helped to keep my telephone bill down though. Incidentally, I definatly think my cold could almost be getting a little bit better.(maybe). Thanks to all who helped. What a kindhearted bunch you all are. And what a wonderful, warmhearted, gentle, caring, etc, etc person Gargoyle must be. Lang may HIS lum reek. Aw ra best, John.

27 Oct 99 - 03:15 AM (#128492)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: roopoo

I think my qualification for this ran out yesterday! I joined at the end of September, having previously looked in a couple of times for information. Bill Sables kept dropping heavy hints so I signed up just in time for the group photo at Windy Bottom. I am nearly 48, married to Ian, a mining engineer for 23 years. 3 kids, 20, 18 and 13, of whom the older two are now at university. I have been assocoated with the Morris for the last 17 years, and have badly played the melodeon for about 8. I have also been trying to learn the piano for about 4 years and my youngest is better than me! I have lived in Yorkshire for the last 12 years after various other locations including 2 years in S.Africa and an overland journey home.I outed myself on the "what do you miss.." thread: I'm actually an Andrea! Mouldy is what I get called as I make salt dough models under the name of "Mouldy Old Dough".


27 Oct 99 - 03:20 AM (#128493)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Owlkat

Hi, it's me, Owlkat.

New catters, is it? Alrighty then...

Actually my name is Martin. I've been listening to, and playing folk stuff for most of my life, having found a ukelele my folks stashed in the cedar closet and an honest to goodness Arthur Godfrey book of songs and chords, when I was about seven. I taught myself to play and have been trying to have a life ever since. I guess I've always been a folkie, even in my Led Zep, Rolling Stones, and Guess Who years. I've never really played well with others so I never got into the band thing. Something about the look people get on their faces and the way they tend to cast nervous glances at the door when I say, "Well, that wasn't bad, buuuuut, I HAVE AN IDEA".

I was the musical director for a production of Ten Lost Years in my theatre school in my home town of Montreal, and since we needed a banjo for the show, I ordered a Stew Mac kit, built it, learned how to play it, thanks to Pete's book, and so it came to pass that I became a banjo player. And verily, there did cometh to paff a great commotion and much flailing of handf.

I've done my share of touring, recording, and gigging in Canada, the USA, and England. I've been writing for some time, and the songs are getting to be actually not half bad. I'm making the final cuts for the next album at the moment. Oh god, please let them not all show up at the used cd store all at once.

Recently I've been doing more building and repairing of stringed instruments, and being the only person in Whitehorse, in the Yukon, who does that kind of stuff, I've been getting busier. I'm even teaching myself to fix accordions. But then again, how can you tell if they're broken!!! Oh man, sometimes I just crack myself up.

I've completed three banjoes, two basses, two electric guitars, an OM 18 replica, and I'm working on an original design mandola. I plan to finish it sometime in the next millenium.

When I'm not playing music, annoying the neighbours, fixing bikes, writing plays, riding my motorsickle, acting, or wondering just what the hell I'm doing up here in the far north, I play fiddle, trombone, tuba, plectrum banjo, and dance, sing, tell very silly jokes, and wear strange clothing, in a vaudeville revue, here in Whitehorse. And yes, I get paid for doing it.

I'm 43, sorta jewish, born on the cusp of Gemini and Taurus, and just one heckuva swell guy.

I'm really glad to have found this place. I love to drop in every night before I attempt to pummel myself to sleep. It's always worth the trip. You people are crazy!!!


Can I have my jello now?

Oooooh. More cool whip. MORE!! I'm still not satisfied!


Mart. ;-)

27 Oct 99 - 05:20 AM (#128503)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Micca

Hi, newbies and others. I am a Celt (Scots+Irish) 54yo been listening to Folk, Blues, and music that doesn't need an expensive electronic setup to playall my life, it was a family tradition on my mothers side. Since the early 60s I've been around the Folk music scene sporadically. I do not play and instrument but do sing a bit(very badly.) I was introduced To Mudcat by my niece as a source of song lyrics as i occassionally write parodies, and enjoy the "one song to the tune of another"game (try Oh my Darling Clementine "to the Tune of "Bread of Heaven") I have only been posting a short time and have found you all afriendly bunch with alot of compassion and humour(NB you will get English spellings in my work) I like it here. I am based in London, England where I have lived since 1960, except for 3 years in the Merchant Navy, I am a professional Scientist on the Technical support side and a Pagan.

27 Oct 99 - 05:51 AM (#128504)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Banjer

I think Owlkat (Mart) sums it all up in just 4 words when he said, "You people are crazy". I for one resemble that remark. I take this opportunity to welcome all who admitted to being hooked on this wonderful cybervillage we ahve here...

27 Oct 99 - 06:07 AM (#128506)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Patrish(inactive)

Hi, here goes.... born in Africa of scottish parents, brought up in scotland and NE England. Now live in West Yorkshire. Married 24 years to same chap. 5 kids ages from 22 to 8 - boys 2 girls 3. Used to morris dance with Heartshead. Sometimes play melodeon for Slubbing Billies. I can only access mudcat at work as I am not conected at home yet. So many of my additions are a bit hurried as I dont want my boss to catch me. It is addictive and I better get myself connected at home or I may end up without a job... I love traditional folk music, I love being with people like me.

kindest regards


27 Oct 99 - 06:24 AM (#128507)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Little Neophyte

Hey Owlkat
Does Whitehorse still have that amazing whole grain bakery, and Mexican restaurant? I wanted to move there a few years ago but I wasn't sure I could handle the dark winters. Is that why you call yourself Owlkat?
Little Neo

27 Oct 99 - 07:19 AM (#128513)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: catspaw49

I was anxious to see how this thread went and its great!!! The funny thing is that so many at this point, I don't consider newbies at all. If I haven't said it to all though, welcome and we're all glad you're here. Best place on the net.


27 Oct 99 - 07:22 AM (#128516)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Davey

Wow, there have sure been a lot of posts to this thread since Rick started it last evening. I'm Dave and I've been lurking for a few months and posting occasionally (I even started the now infamous Tipple, Tiple Ti Play or whatever thread)...

I've been a Rick Fielding follower since I first heard him play at the Trojan Horse coffee house (now defunct) about 16 or 17 years ago. Even learned a song he wrote back then, and still haven't sung it for my relatives in Sudbury (Pit Man Blues).

In my other life I'm a network support analyst for a major Canadian bank, and counting down the next 5 years to retirement. I got into acoustic music at the height of the folk boom in the early 60's and was influenced by Baez, Dylan, PP&M, and Gordon Lightfoot. Along the way I've picked up 6 & 12 -string guitar, bouzouki, mandolin, tenor banjo and harmonica, and recently a mandocello.

I sing alone or with a group called Folkal point (about 2-3 gigs a year) and am a confirmed folkie who has become addicted to the Mudcat....

Yer all crazy.... DON'T CHANGE !!

Davey.... (:>)

27 Oct 99 - 07:59 AM (#128519)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Bill in Alabama

Now this is a fine thread! What a pleasure it is to get to know all you new folks. While I'm sure that the 'cat seems a bit cliquish at times, trust me--it ain't. We old-timers look forward to hearing more from you.

Bill Foster

27 Oct 99 - 08:32 AM (#128524)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Freddie Fox

I've already had a wonderful welcome through a different thread, but I joined a week or so ago because I was linked here in a search for elusive lyrics [sound familiar?] I'm 39, married with three kids, and I run the house, my husbands and my own businesses and used to play in and run a folk rock band. I'm therefore at home alone most of the time, and it's very nice to have a few people non-business-wise to talk to every now and then. I'm also a Christian and heavily involved in our local Church, but that's mostly evenings and weekends. I love reading and music, hate ironing and spiders [and no, I can do without comments about ironing spiders], and I play the piano, clarinet, guitar and folk flute - only the last with any degree of competence. Hi to all

27 Oct 99 - 08:47 AM (#128527)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mbo

Hello, I'm Mbo. My real name is Matthew and I am 20 years old (soon to be 21!) As a former military brat (my father retired from the Marines Corps in May) I have been many places, and therefor technically have no "home." I was born in Albany, Georgia, and have lived in Georgia twice, California twice, Okinawa, Japan once, and North Carolina twice, which is where I live now. But, since both of my parents were born and raised in Philadelphia, PA before they joined the Marines AND 97% of their families live their, I consider Philadelphia "home." Right now (on weekends & holidays) I live with my parents in "the great metropolis" of Hubert, NC, about halfway between Jacksonville and Swansboro (the great metropolis consists of a post office, a barber shop, and a bingo parlor.) During the week I live here in Greenville, NC (about 85 miles from Hubert)in an apartment with my sister as we attend East Carolina University (GO PIRATES!)I am majoring in Communication Arts (or commercial art as it is sometimes called.) I love music--I've been known to listen intently to music on commercials, and even made a tape of my favorite computer game music. As for instruments, I play guitar and fiddle. I have had a classical background in both of these instruments, the guitar more so than the violin, and if it weren't for the size of my college major, I would be minoring in classical guitar performance (Villa-Lobos rules!) I've always been interested in Celtic music--when I was four, my mother asked me if there was a musical instrument that I would like to play, I said "Bagpipes!"(being of mostly Italian & German heritage it is strange that the perhaps 1/15 of my that MIGHT be of Celtic extraction has come to the forefront.) The total Celtic boom happened when in Fall of 1997, my NPR station replaced Weekend Radio with The Thistle & Shamrock. Thus began the downward spiral in Celtic music--and here I am today, playing Celtic music, singing Celtic music (even in public!) and writing Celtic music (I think my last composition was listing #54 on the Mbo celtic music tally.) I love being on Mudcat because there are so many people here that know things that a young fella like me can glean--from music to philosophy to politics. It is also a great place to get INTELLIGENT and in-depht conversations about folk & traditional music, which is (sadly) not one of the things you can talk to anyone on campus about. But I love Rock & Celtic & Classical & Opera & Jazz & world folk & yes, even some musicals (gasp!) "Praise be to 'Catters of the world, triumphant is their sword, allegiance is their word..."


27 Oct 99 - 09:14 AM (#128530)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Andy McD


New? I guess so. I only discovered this place last week. Wish I could remember how - but, hey, that's the story of my life!! I'm almost 31 now and have never felt so old as just now when I typed it. Scottish, single, pretty new - and naive - to folk music but hoping to get turned on to a few new things here. Into Dylan, The Band, Neil Young, Wilco and that kind of thing but I wouldn't rule anything out. I don't play any instruments or sing but I do indulge in a lot of wishful thinking about it. One of these days I may even get around to doing something about it....

I also like sports. I have a season ticket for my local soccer team (Motherwell). They're not very good. I also love gridiron - the Washington Redskins are my faves. The past few years they've not been very good. As far as baseball goes I choose to follow the fortunes of the Seattle Mariners. Yup, they're not very good. Little wonder my hair is going grey....

Anyway, that's me. Looking forward to finding out about this thing called folk from you 'catters!



27 Oct 99 - 09:37 AM (#128536)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Blackcat2

Greetings all

I'm Blackcat2 but my real name is Tom Cook. I got blackcat from the fact that I help run a coffee house at my Unitarian church which we hold on the 2nd Friday each month - the first oe was on a Friday the 13th - hence the name. I work in data management school textbook pubilsher's Harcourt Inc. in Orlando, FL. I try to avoid the theme parks, though I do enjoy that I can look out from my 4th floor ofice and watch dolphins cavorting at Sea World.

Musically, I'm a member of the Folk Music Ensemble at my church and I'm a "hardcore" Celtic singer who kinda wishes his last name was Clancy. But no matter - i perform mostly a'cappela as I don't play guitar - I do play the spoons and jews harp and am currently learning the bohdran. I occasionally play with a good friend who can do anything with a 12-string and we have a ot of fun lettig people get us drunk and have their way with us in the local pub (musically speaking that is!

I'm single, 33, born in S. California but have lived the last 20 years in Florida, am an lay minister, and have a whole bunch of friends who love me bu tell me I know way too much stuff.

Pax yall

27 Oct 99 - 09:42 AM (#128538)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Bert

Wow, what a great crowd of new friends we have here. I don't have time to respond to you individually but, like Banjer, I'm going to steal a quote from Owlcat who claims to be "just one heckuva swell guy". Well I gonna say that applies to all of you "swell guys and gals" Welcome aboard.


27 Oct 99 - 10:12 AM (#128548)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Tootsie

Mai name is Toosie, I'm shy. I live in California and Seattle and everywhere all at the same time, I can do handstands and wiggle my toes, is that folk? Love the thread creep, reminds me of uraveling spaghetti. The best thing about folk music is that ther are so many kinds. My idol is Lonesome Larry and the Utility Co. I absolutely hate bag pipes, otherwise I am normal.

27 Oct 99 - 10:32 AM (#128554)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Rick Fielding

Blackcat2, your a minister? Whew, finally some help for Joe Offer. We're an urully bunch at times. Now if I could only find a Mudcatter who lives in Toronto and fixes cars!


27 Oct 99 - 10:42 AM (#128560)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Ely

(Another newcomer). My real name is Alethea. I'm not originally from anywhere; I was born in New Jersey and lived in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Colorado before landing in Spring, Texas (a suburb of Houston--Lyle Lovett country). I am a senior at a small college in Iowa and recently switched from a biology to a history major, which was probably one of the craziest things I've ever done. I'm 22, no SO, have a younger brother, an elderly calico cat, and an American Eskimo dog mix (recently acquired from an animal shelter, but that's another story altogether).

I took piano lessons when I was a [younger] kid, have messed around on pennywhistle and hammered dulcimer (which was a bit of a failure since I used to wear bifocals). I played with a square dance band here at school for a couple of years, which forced me to become a better, if still mediocre, back-up guitar player. My main instrument is the mountain dulcimer, although I admit my playing style has become somewhat distorted since I've spent the last 4 years trying to make myself acceptable to fiddles and mandolins ("Why, yes--that is a capo. Let's play a jig in E minor.").

I like old-time and bluegrass music, some C&W, Celtic, ragtime (hmm, I should probably start working on that piano again), acoustic blues . . . My parents didn't grow up with folk music themselves but always had it on hand when I was little.

Other than that, I'm into history (especially the American West & Civil War) and horses, and have a number of "lesser" interests involving old cars, architecture, Volkswagens, and folk art (graphic, that is).

27 Oct 99 - 11:15 AM (#128583)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Blackcat2

hey all

well, Rick, I am a lay minister with my church - fairly unofficial, but I lead a fair amount of services in my church and others around Florida, and I'm in charge of adult religious education as well. I cannot promise to be an expert, but if there's ever any theological folk msic questions out there, I'll be happy to put in my $.02

By the way, I know someone in Toronto who used to BUILD cars - Buicks, I beleive. Probably not much help. But check out the Car Talk web pages (from public radio in the States) at - there might be some reccomended mechanics up your way.


27 Oct 99 - 11:17 AM (#128585)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: catspaw49

Damn Fielding...this is getting better and better. Remember how long it took to get this kind of openess from folks a year ago? (Think about the "boilerplate" threads and how guarded everyone was).....Must be something right about the joint if all these great folks can be this trusting.

Bill in Alabama--Glad to see you back up and running. Musta' got the problem fixed. Was it server?

My server is about to cut off to move their equipment today, so I'll cut this short. But....

ANDY McD -- We here at the 'Cat operate (in conjunction with the CIA) the "Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed" out in Montana. You'll find some of our folks checking in there on a regular basis. The CIA uses the place to train crazed tiple bands for the overthrow of various governments or to advance their caause in one way or another. A new wing was recently opened there and Bert was one of its first occupants, the "James Taylor Rehab Center for Catatonically Bland." He's out now, but still undergoing treatment on an outpatient basis.

Once again, WELCOME ALL !!!!!!!!

Spaw - along with Cletus,Paw,Buford,the Reg boys,and the Cleigh O'Possum

27 Oct 99 - 11:24 AM (#128591)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Bert

Ah! we don't all possess your eloquent turn of phrase 'Spaw.

27 Oct 99 - 12:25 PM (#128618)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Loretta Grace

Well, I'm 21, I live in Manhattan NY (and love it to peices). I'm an English major (can't spell) and I hang out with these trad Irish bands WAAAAY too much which is why I'm here. BTW, any fans of a capella here? Loretta

27 Oct 99 - 12:36 PM (#128624)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Ma-K

I'm here after a couple of months of afraid to jump in. We live in southeast Iowa. I came here from the upper Big Horn Basin, near Yellowstone Park in 1960.

27 Oct 99 - 12:48 PM (#128628)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Ma-K

Sorry I hit the wrong button. I enjoy playing my lap dulcimer on the porch of our Log Village, Stage Coach stop-Inn.

27 Oct 99 - 12:50 PM (#128629)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jigger

I'm Jigger, known in the real world as Sarah. I'm 24 and find myself thoroughly enmeshed in the non-profit museum world in Boston.

Folk music came to me in the guise of a lovely young man whose sister played in the Nashville folk band "Bards of a Feather." This young man courted me with folk music, and we ended up dating for several years. He broke my heart to go to grad school in Minnesota, and I broke his by staying in the east. I still can't hear the Danny Carnahan "True Thomas" without dissolving into tears.

After leaving college, I found myself missing folk music and the camaraderie of singing or playing with a group (lots of choirs and orchestras in college). I settled in Boston last year, and have just recently been learning tin whistle. I sing a bit and am enjoying getting my ear back.

You'll find me lurking around Mudcat occasionally. I'm always good for a sardonic comment or bizarre medieval fact.


27 Oct 99 - 01:01 PM (#128631)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Peter T.

I have long felt that being able to do handstands and wiggle your toes is essential to folk music, which is why I do not consider myself a folkie. I have been trying to do handstands all my life, and failing (sob.). Toes I can do. yours, Peter T.

27 Oct 99 - 01:14 PM (#128634)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mudjack


Our community is growing and with so many new Catter's, Thank you Rick for the good sense to start this great thread.

27 Oct 99 - 01:17 PM (#128636)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Blackcat2

Hey Loretta

Do you mean a'cappella Irish/Celtic singing? if yes - that's primarly what I do. Old style to modern.

Do you sing?

27 Oct 99 - 01:27 PM (#128640)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: sophocleese

Well I've been here about 2 months now, where has my life gone? no wonder my living room's NEVER tidy. I sing quite well, play recorder less well and commit atrocities on guitar and bodhran. Another guy in our local song circle and I are getting together to do occasional local gigs (shameless plug - Corner Coffeehouse in Newmarket, Ontario on Dec. 10 - shameless plug over). I'd been checking out the place for lyrics for awhile before I accidentally clicked on a thread. Before I got together with the other guy I mostly sang a cappella traditional English and Scottish tunes.

27 Oct 99 - 01:47 PM (#128649)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Micca

Query, is a capella what we Old worlders call "unaccompanied" or is it a more specific unaccompanied singing. I ask as previously it seemed to refer to Jazz or otherwise more improvisational singing. We are indeed "divided by a common language"

27 Oct 99 - 01:47 PM (#128650)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Magpie

I've been around for a bit more than two months, but what the heck!

My name is Christine, and I live in Oslo, Norway. By profession I'm a teacher (English and arts&crafts/ woodwork). I'm 34 years old, I've never managed to get married, but I did manage to produce a son, who's eight. I play and sing Irish folk/rock in a band(where I also found myself a gem of a boyfriend), and I do more trad stuff at sessions at "my" pub, The Dubliner Folk Pub here in Oslo. I've always been interested in music, according to my mother, all it took was to put me on my rocking horse, and I'd sing all the Christmas carols in the book. At the tender age of six, I watched a Dubliners show on TV, and was hooked for life. I now have to live with another addiction, namely the Mudcat. I curse you all every morning, when I have to get up, after having spent half the night on the'Cat.

I love it here, and I've learned so much!! Thank you!


27 Oct 99 - 02:01 PM (#128663)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Corwyn

Ok, Hello everyone. Everyone calls me Corwyn. I'm 27, origionally from New Jersey, now living in Kansas. I'm a first tenor, opera trained, but my love is Celtic music. Primarily Scottish, with the rest coming in at a close second. I have one albumn out already, (which I'm sure none of you have heard of) teamed up with a gentleman who plays the Celtic Harp (4'), and I'm working on my second, while trying to find people to play with. I've done Faire circuts and the SCA and even the rare paying gig. I'm single, never been married, with no kids.

27 Oct 99 - 02:06 PM (#128666)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Corwyn

Answer to Micca: "a cappella" means literally :for the chapel. It was meant to denote liturgical music, which was done without intrumental accompanment. It has come to mean "without intrumental backup" or "voice only". Hope that helps.

27 Oct 99 - 02:07 PM (#128669)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Fortunato

I've just arrived. Thanks, MudCat Cafe for being. Thanks to Max et al for making it so. Greetings to you all. I'll borrow a line from Ian Tyson's "These Friends of Mine":

"I'm a better man for knowing all of you".

Virtual hugs and/or handshakes for all. (Take your pick) I'll be around. Know me by what I contribute.


27 Oct 99 - 02:16 PM (#128673)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: MMario

Corwyn - What's the album? you'd be surprised what 'Catters know, and about whom....*evil laugh*

Has it been more then two months? I feel like I JUST discovered this place, and at the same time I feel like I've been here forever....according to the search thingy I've been posting since Septemble of '98 -- but that's when I registered. I'd lurked for a while before, I think. I guess that's more then two months....

"a cappella" singing is what those of us who don't play instruments are forced to do unless you can find a partner.

27 Oct 99 - 02:46 PM (#128685)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Corwyn

MMario - The Albumn name is "Down From the Highlands" under the group name Da' Albannaich (Strachiele ann Ailichean). Heard of it?

Here, here on your definition of "a cappella"

27 Oct 99 - 03:19 PM (#128696)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Joan

Right. This is a neat site which I've visited in the past just to check out song lyrics--had no idea people were talking to each other! Then come to find there are people talking that I know, plus a bunch of interesting ones that I don't, yet! I'm mainly traditionally oriented (American native and naturalized songs), but write the occasional song. Had a couple of albums on Folk-Leg and have a CD of one of them, but do less performing for money and more singing for fun nowadays. Having said that, I have had a couple of tours in Scotland and England recently which takes care of plane fare and visits to good pals across the water. Will be on staff at Pinewoods Camp Folk Music Week. Pleased to know you're here--keep talking! j

27 Oct 99 - 03:40 PM (#128700)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Durham Lad

Late as ever! My name is John Milburn and live in the English Lake District. Originally from Durham and still proud of my roots. I'm 46 and played in "PRO" bands in the seventies. I'm starting again after a lay off of about fifteen years and putting songs together to play for at my local clubs for fun.

27 Oct 99 - 03:41 PM (#128701)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Nancy-Jean

I've been here a little over two months. I grew up in Vermont. My family sang all the time--folk to oratorio--and had great singing parties. And so, "I cannot keep from singing." I have a degree in French, know an irregular verb or two and collect chansons folkoriques. I am a "recovering soprano". By day, I "office work" in the nation's capital; by night I take notes for a book-in-progress about ballad collector, Helen Hartness Flanders.

That's all the mud that's fit to print, from Nancy-Jean

27 Oct 99 - 04:08 PM (#128709)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Caindawg

OK I guess I'm under 2 months and I'm finally feeling confident in how this whole thing works. I stumbled upon it while searching for lyrics, Blind Willie Johnson I believe. Caindawg is my Bluesman alter-ego stage personality, Rick to my wife. I have been playing acoustic country blues for 30 yrs or so, own PA, many guitars,perform regulary. 47, 2 kids and living on N Vancouver Island. Prof purchasing supvr with large forestry Co. about to be swallowed up by even larger US forestry Co. (Shades of Star Wars!) Big time back country snowboarder and I come here everyday at lunch time.

An' I can't stop ;-> CD

27 Oct 99 - 04:09 PM (#128710)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Caindawg

OK I guess I'm under 2 months and I'm finally feeling confident in how this whole thing works. I stumbled upon it while searching for lyrics, Blind Willie Johnson I believe. Caindawg is my Bluesman alter-ego stage personality, Rick to my wife. I have been playing acoustic country blues for 30 yrs or so, own PA, many guitars,perform regulary. 47, 2 kids and living on N Vancouver Island. Prof purchasing supvr with large forestry Co. about to be swallowed up by even larger US forestry Co. (Shades of Star Wars!) Big time back country snowboarder and I come here everyday at lunch time.

An' I can't stop ;-> CD

27 Oct 99 - 04:28 PM (#128716)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Alice

Wow. So many new names - welcome aboard. There is so much that has been discussed and shared on the Mudcat in the last few years, that it would be overwhelming to try to go back through our previous introductions. Here is a link to some memorable threads Why We Sing and Where is Spancil Hill (no need to add to them).
By the way, I recently ordered and received Robbie McMahon of Spancilhill's tape "The Black Sheep". It is absolutely delightful. He sings Spancilhill, as well as The Fleadh Down in Ennis, and the song he wrote about himself called "My House On The Hill". Great stuff. If you want a very good tape of Irish sean-nos (old style a cappella), then I highly recommend Robbie's tape. It has humor, warmth, and championship style, 19 songs in all.
Alice Flynn in Montana

27 Oct 99 - 04:38 PM (#128720)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: skarpi

Hallo all new mudcatters, Welcome to this big FAMILY. All the best to you all . skarpi Iceland.

27 Oct 99 - 04:39 PM (#128721)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, and there was I thinking all these people were veterans, and half of them are on this owning up session.

I've been using Digital Tradition for a couple of years, but only discovered the rest of it a couple of weeks ago, when my eye flashed on something saying "Mudcat under threat" and I thought I'd investigate.

Noiw I'm hooked, I can't see myself getting detached. (Fortunately now now have an Internet connection with a free phone number)

The first time I sang in public was on an Aldermaston march against the bomb. After a few year singing and playing a lot I took a long long break, just listening. Then in 1992 I got back into it pretty heavily. Now its several sessions most weeks, and I've written about 200 songs.

And I have a website with information about what is happening in my corner of the world and nearby, and with a good few songs. Come and visit

So thanks for the welcome, those of you who've been here before, and who have made this such a good place to come.Since being here I've written two new Mudcat related songs (The Blue Clicky Thing and the Mudcat came Back - they are both somewhere on my website), and it was months since I'd written anything new.

And as for the other newcomers, get your photos into Barbara's rogues gallery.

Happy Halloween.


27 Oct 99 - 04:49 PM (#128723)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

No, that link to my site was wrong. Here goes again:Welcome

(Just in case that goes wrong again,the URL is http://www.bigfoot,com/~kevin.mcgrath.I might be able to write songs about blue clicky things, but I can't control them too well.)


27 Oct 99 - 04:57 PM (#128730)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Bert

That should be .com McGrath.

BTW, I love your Marmite song but you're right it won't travel. I'll take a look at the rest of them soon.

Also, seeing as you're in the folk business in Essex, you don't happen to know a Morris Dancer named Peter Oakley who lives in South Ockendon, do you?

27 Oct 99 - 05:02 PM (#128737)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Did you spot the deliberate mistake. I stuck a comma where I should have stuck a full stop. Pernickety little monster isn't?

So what I should have put is this:

Or in blue clickese that becomes


Fingers crossed...(You can see why I've never been able to master a musical keyboard either?)


27 Oct 99 - 05:04 PM (#128739)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jon Freeman

I'd just been over looking at Kevin's site having found it from the first link (with a little guesswork). As it looks as if the second link has doesn't look like it will work either try this:


27 Oct 99 - 05:23 PM (#128749)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I don't think I do Bert, but you can bnever tell with Morris dancers - particularly the ones who paint themselves funny colours.

But I could probably trace him through the Morris network, if he dances locally.

To add to my previous posting, I think what is special about the Mudcat is that the folk stuff and the hippy stuff balance out and keep the whole thing balanced and funny and comfortable.

Is this thread drift creeping in? Is talking about Mudcat and what it is we like about it a justifiable drift from talking about who we are?

27 Oct 99 - 05:23 PM (#128750)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I don't think I do Bert, but you can bnever tell with Morris dancers - particularly the ones who paint themselves funny colours.

But I could probably trace him through the Morris network, if he dances locally.

To add to my previous posting, I think what is special about the Mudcat is that the folk stuff and the hippy stuff balance out and keep the whole thing balanced and funny and comfortable.

Is this thread drift creeping in? Is talking about Mudcat and what it is we like about it a justifiable drift from talking about who we are?

27 Oct 99 - 05:36 PM (#128754)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Judy Cook

Hi. I'm new here, too. I live in Maryland, nourished regularly by the wonderful folks of the F.S.G.W.

I love singing unaccompanied, and hearing others sing. Singing parties & song swaps are my idea of a really good time. I sing mostly traditional American & British songs and ballads (many of which I learn from books), though I do slip in more contemporary ones. I have sung all my life, but about a year and a half ago I started touring and find that I love it! Since 6/98 I've done three in midwest US and two to UK. My next UK tour is May/June 2000.

27 Oct 99 - 05:38 PM (#128755)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bbc

Well, McGrath was referring to me, I guess. Hi, my name is Barbara or bbc on Mudcat. I have appointed myself as a kind of unofficial housemother to the group. My son & I maintain a free, voluntary (unadvertised) resources site for Mudcat folks. It currently contains an email list, birthday list (both by month & by Mudcat name), photo pages, & profile pages (mini web pages). If you haven't toddled by already (as some of you have), please drop by to see who we are & send me the information so that I can add you to our merry group. To get to the site, go to Quick Links at the top right of the Mudcat Discussion Forum page & select "bbc's Mudcat Resources" or click here. I'm glad to meet all of you & look forward to seeing what you have to say.


bbc (Barbara in NY)

27 Oct 99 - 05:54 PM (#128759)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bbc

Sorry, folks. Usually, I get my "click here's" right. Let's try that one more click here



P.S.--Hi, Judy! Welcome! :)

27 Oct 99 - 06:15 PM (#128765)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Art Thieme

Wow, friends-----hearing about all you grand folks is like having the doc tell me that I've had a rather large, beautiful, completely benign (except for great sounds emanating from same) thingie lurking/residing in my chest cavity in close proximity to my heart---and I never knew it was there. What a lovely surprise, and what a lovely thread. Welcome to you ALL.

Joan, I do know you, don't I? (Sorry if I sprung that on you when you weren't ready.) ;-)

Art Thieme

27 Oct 99 - 06:37 PM (#128775)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McKnees

Hi Some of you will have gathered that I am Duckboots sister and Ricks dreaded sister in law, My real name is Linda and I am in law, I'm a "polis" as they say in Glasgow. That's where I live but I work in the court in Hamilton, that's where Duckboots and I come from. I love listening to lots of music, from classical, I've got tickets to see the Marriage of Figaro, to going to the local Box and Fiddle clubs dotted about Lanarkshire. My only attempts of anything musical is plonking away, in private on my casio keyboard. Definately not for public consumption. I love visiting the cafe . McKnees

27 Oct 99 - 07:10 PM (#128784)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mían

Mían here, hullo. I found MudCat whilst looking for Irish language lyrics and had the fortune of meeting Phillipa and Áine and the rest of you fine, fine folk folks. I am a scribe and create calligraphed and illustrated thises and thats, primarily hand drawn. I futz around on computer but mostly for other scribely duties like word processing (the "don't quit yer day job" job). I love most forms of music and folk songs from all around the world - in particular sean nos. Love them medieval and renaissance themes. Been involved in theatre arts onstage and backstage but, except for piano concerts when young, have not performed musically. Have recently been interested in translating, calligraphing, memorizing and singing Irish language songs. I think the vile black stuff is one of the vital forces of life.

27 Oct 99 - 09:22 PM (#128824)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Clifton53

Is that the great dog they call Master McGrath????

27 Oct 99 - 10:03 PM (#128842)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: katlaughing

WOW! Rick, great thread and great idea!!

Welcome all!

It is amazing to see so many newbies. It's just wonedful to see you all here! Don't be shy; there are so many levels of knowledge and abilities here and the best thing of all is nobody has a superiority complex about any of it.

Also, don't be afraid to ask ANY question, either in a thread or to one of us through private message, which you can do from your Personal PAge.

Whoo-Hoo! This is wunnerfull, wunnerfull!


28 Oct 99 - 12:40 PM (#129064)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Llanfair

I'm delighted that so many newcomers are British, it means that next year;s get-togethers should be well attended.
Ed, is that the real Manchester, or one of the American ones?., and Mel, you're not far away, which part of Cheshire? Hwyl, Bron.

28 Oct 99 - 01:34 PM (#129091)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Fortunato

Now, Art, That "haven't we met somewhere before?" line is a mite moldy. But I know how you feel. Not only do I think I know folks here at the cafe, but I often have the experience of thinking: "That's just what I would have said if I'd been online then". So very familiar, "It's like deja vu all over again"(Yogi)

28 Oct 99 - 02:04 PM (#129100)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Melbert

For Llanfair - I'm in Great Sutton, near Ellesmere Port.

28 Oct 99 - 05:09 PM (#129162)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Melodeon

it is time to make a confession. Melodeon is actually two people. The original is Roger, he is the musical one of the partnership. He is 54 and an engineer but music is his first love. He has been singing since he was eight years old and discovered folk in the early sixties. He plays melodeon(what else) in an English ceilidh band called Grand Union and has recently started singing again after a 19 year break. I am the non musical half. I am Viv, Roger's partner of 22 years, I am a nurse and I gave up smoking 28 days ago. We live in Gloucester now but I am originally from a place called Oswestry up in the Welsh borders near where Llanfair is now, Roger is from St Albans. From now on I will sign myself Viv in order to avoid confusion. Are there any other split personalities out there?


28 Oct 99 - 05:20 PM (#129169)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Joan

Hello, Art...yep, we know each other. I used to be Joan Sprung when we met, which was a while back. Strangely, I still am! Nice to read your frequent wisdoms on these threads.

28 Oct 99 - 05:56 PM (#129174)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: lamarca

Do I count as a newbie since I just came back recently? I'm a singer, rabid songbook collector and molecular biologist who lives and sings with my beloved Luddite husband (who thinks I spend entirely too much time on the computer) and our 18 year old Siamese cat, Val (yes, she sings, too - you don't want to hear it, though...).

I like ballads about dysfunctional families and transvestites, depressing songs by Richard Thompson, operas about dysfunctional people and gods, and lots of other kinds of music. I have more hobbies than I have lifetimes to enjoy them in: music, natural history, ethnic cooking, reading fantasy and mystery novels, macro photography and flamingos. I live in the folk shtetl of Silver Spring, Maryland, participate in clan get-togethers of the East Coast Folk Mafia and work stage crew for folk festivals produced by the National Council for the Traditional Arts.

Oh, and I think the people I've met and argued with on Mudcat are really the greatest bunch I've ever associated with in 40-odd years or so...

28 Oct 99 - 07:49 PM (#129199)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Gorgeous Gary

I'm in Rockville, MD and hang out with the rest of the FSGW folks here, who do their best to keep me behaving and out of musical trouble. Luckily, their efforts are not quite enough to keep me from mischief!! 8-)

My main reputation is as a filker; I ply the SF conventions up and down the East Coast, plus a few other places. (For example, I'm headed to the Ohio Valley Filk Fest in Columbus this weekend). I'm working on a CD of my songs and was one of the guests at a convention out in California earlier this year. I have a bunch of my songs on my web site at

As I've already mentioned, I also hang around FSGW, usually at the Open Sings, Getaways, and the Washington Folk Fest. With a little help from the locals and the database I get more traditional by the month!

I'm a structural engineer by profession, working for a small firm in Rockville. I received my professional license a little over a year ago.

I had lots of fun meeting the Mudcatters at this year's Getaway, which is what finally dragged me out of deep lurkerhood.

28 Oct 99 - 09:30 PM (#129245)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Tom on Comfort

Well hello, I've been attending this site for a while now, but this is a wonderful opportunity to introduce myself (Thanks, Rick--great idea for a thread). I'm Tom, I live in St. Louis (on Comfort Avenue, you might have guessed). I play guitar & autoharp, and penny-whistle & (for the past year or so) melodeon (for our local Morris dance group).

Yes I've been sorta quiet--a lurker, or maybe just the wallflower type--but I must say I enjoy this site. I am soooooooooo glad you all are "out there," makes the world seem like a much friendlier place.

Perhaps I'll be less wallflowerish & get in & dance more often. How about a waltz? Thank you, one & all.


28 Oct 99 - 10:51 PM (#129269)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Malcolm Douglas

I've been posting for about three months, with a bit of lurking before that. I'd have been here sooner, but only got my first computer last Easter. (It was supposed to be for work...) -I'm glad to have the opportunity to introduce myself properly; like a lot of others, I felt a bit shy to begin with. I'm 45 (can pass for 38 in favourable light) single, Anglo-Scots, living in Sheffield (UK). I work as a freelance illustrator, mostly cartoon strips. My background includes linguistic, folklore and folklife studies, which is why I come over a bit academic sometimes. I play fiddle, mandolin and cittern, with various local bands...mostly in pubs. Together with a bunch of like-minded people, I'm helping to run the South Riding Folk Network; a local organisation dedicated to promoting the Folk Arts in this part of the world. Have a look at: if you're so inclined. That's my first attempt at a "blue clicky thing"; I do hope it works!

What I like most about Mudcat is the sharing thing; you can come here and learn from others, and pass on what you know yourself. Knowledge is wasted unless it's shared. Oh, and do have a look at the "U.K. folk collection needs help" thread, if you haven't already; "Doc" Rowe is the SRFN's honourary vice-president, and a folklorist of comparable importance with Alan Lomax. His work really does deserve our support.


29 Oct 99 - 02:05 AM (#129326)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: DanielRiverwind

I hang around here from time to time. I don't post much. Nothing to say I guess. I'm not a member. I saw the membership form and I'm not sure what the red asterisks mean, and I like to remain fairly anonymos. I've played folk music since I was 14. I've played various instruments, but guitar suits me fine. At one time I had a list of 2 or 3 hundred songs that I could play all the way from traditional folk to pop music, and classic music. I came from a long line of classic stringed intrument artists, so the only was I could get a guitar was if I trained in classic music, so I would pack up my guitar and find a place where I could play what I liked, but the training proved to be an asset when it came to breaking the monotony of a long song with what a lot of my friends referred to as a guitar break. You know...there have been a lot of really fine songs written in the last 30 years, but my favorites still stand. "The Whistlin'Gypsy", "Four Strong Winds", "Scarlett Ribbons", and my newest favorite, perhaps a little bit out of place, "The Rose". During the past ten years I've watched my guitars age, sitting idle in my study, and my voice grow a little hoarse from too many cigarettes, but once in a while I still pull my guitar out and play a couple of studies by Fernando Sor, and sing a couple of my favorite folksongs. To make up for what I have missed in the last few years, I come to this website and read some of the posts, and remember what it was like to hear laughter at something I said, or applause for a song or piece I did particularly well. So I would like to thank this bunch of like-minded artists who have reminded me that the art of folk music is not dead, and that there are still a few people left to pass on this legacy of story-telling and music on to the next generation.

29 Oct 99 - 03:56 AM (#129340)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Owlkat

Hey There, Little Neophyte, In answer to your queries, yes, and yes.

Sam and Andy's (or Salmonella's as some of the local yokels refer to it, myself included) is still there, but the original owner sold it. The food is not quite as good as it used to be, but the portions are still bigh enough that you can eat until you should really stop, for not a lot of dough.

The Alpine Bakery is very much still there. Their bread is very very tasty, and their fruitcake won an international award on the internet earlier this year. Which is nice, I suppose, if you like fruitcake. I've always found fruitcake a bizzare concept, but then,I play bass, accordion, and banjo, so what do I know?

It does get dark here, but when the sun shines, it really is bright outside. We have a street festival called The Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous in february to get folks back on their feet, and to beat back the effect of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. We also have the acclaimed Frostbite Music Festival, aaaaaand we have one of the toughest dog sled races in the world around the same time of year. The trail goes 1000 miles from Whithehorse to Fairbanks, which is fine if that's what you want to do with your life. I'm a kat person, anyway. To quote Fritz Weaver,"Of course, cats are smarter than dogs. Just try to get six cats to pull a sled through the snow."

I dunno. I just thought up Owlkat out of the blue. Mostly because I'm a veteran insmomniac, and I think kats are the most highly evolved life form on the planet. Well, yes, they do reproduce in large enough numbers to rival the fecundity of homo sapiens, but anything with fur that soft, and blessed with the ability to purr can't be totally evil. Unless of course, you're a sparrow, a mouse, or a gold fish.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. Bed-time! (Yeah. Right.) Night all. Plant you now, dig you later. ;-) Mart.

29 Oct 99 - 04:13 AM (#129341)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: alison

Welcome to everyone..... has anybody warned you yet how addictive this place is???? OOPS... looks like I'm too late.......

I only dropped in to find an obscure lyric for a friend... and that was 3 years ago!!!



29 Oct 99 - 08:39 AM (#129381)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Rana

Welcome, one and all!

This thread has been entertaining - it's been interesting seeing all the Toronto references, and wondering whether I can identify any of them from their log on names (Hi Davey, will be in England over the New Year and so will miss Fokal Point at the Mariposa at the Cloud night which I believe is happening on Jan 2 at the TRANZAC - see you at a Cloud concert sometime before then I'm sure).

As people have said, it does become addictive - I check about 3 times a day.

I've been on longer than 2 months - so I'll just refer people to bbc's profile page.

See you on some other thread sometime.


29 Oct 99 - 09:34 AM (#129405)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Davey

Too bad, Rana, we've got some new things planned (sure, we just heard about it ourselves this week *Grin* and Les Barker won't be a surprise guest this year)... I'm sure I'll see you sometime before then.. Have a good trip..

Any of you other 'Catters from Toronto, be sure to come out on Jan 2nd, and bring an instrument or two for the singaround...

Shameless promotion, tsk. tsk..

Davey ... (:>)

29 Oct 99 - 10:34 AM (#129432)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Melbert

Hi, I've been posting for a few days now using the nickname "Mel" (In fact I posted earlier to this thread). I've just discovered that there's an existing 'catter who'se made occasional contributions using the same nickname. So to avoid confusion I've changed mine. If I've stepped on anyone's toes or put anyone's nose out of joint then I'm sorry. I just hope there's not already another Melbert.......

I'm the one based in Cheshire UK

29 Oct 99 - 01:08 PM (#129508)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Max

All right, looks like we're finally getting some young ladies around here. Careful going into the tavern girls, gets kinda rough in there, but hang with kat and alison, they know how to handle these guys. So... are ya single?

New blood and some young blood, I like it. That should keep this party goin. Welcome all to my humble little experiment gone MAD MAD MAD.

29 Oct 99 - 05:25 PM (#129617)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bobby's girl

Hi - I'm also fairly new. My name is Stella, known here as bobby's girl. I was introduced to the Mudcat by Graham Pirt at Whitby this year, and have scarcely missed a day since - whoever said this place is addictive is right. I'm from Portland in Dorset - the original one which all the others were named after. I am a morris dancer and I also play guitar.

29 Oct 99 - 05:57 PM (#129622)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: KathWestra

Humble little experiment?????
The Mudcat's the best thing to happen to me, and I reckon to a bunch more of us, in a long time!

I'm Kathy Westra, Kath to my friends (that's you guys!), and I live in Silver Spring, Md., about a block away from LaMarca, her husband, and her singing cat. (Trust her, you don't want to hear Val sing!)

I've been hanging around this place about three months now, egged on by Sandy Paton, Rick Fielding, and other addicts. In 1971, I discovered folk music when I met Sandy and Caroline in Grand Rapids, Michigan, my hometown. They rescued me from the Calvinists in 1974 (another long story), and since then I've lived on the east coast.

I sing and play guitar, mountain dulcimer, and cello. (Once in a long-ago life I was a cello major in school and played in a symphony orchestra. It wasn't nearly as fun as folk music.) I've played "folk" cello on recordings by Archie Fisher and Helen Schneyer, and done a nationally broadcast public radio show of holiday songs with my former husband, Joe Hickerson. I'm an unabashed romantic, partial to traditional lyric songs from England and Ireland. Musically, there's nothing I like more than a room vibrating with a chorus of voices in many-layered harmony. The song can be old or new, obscure or well-known. What's important is that there are people REALLY singing. I also love to dance (contras, English, and waltz -- more about that in another thread).

I'm honored to be a part of this terrific community.

29 Oct 99 - 07:30 PM (#129656)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Roger in Baltimore


The little red asterisks indicate the blocks that must be filled in to register as a member. The other blocks are optional.

I understand your being wary. Keep hanging around and make that decision later.

Roger in Baltimore

30 Oct 99 - 09:15 AM (#129792)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mississipi John Cleaner

Good thing this box is little cause my life ain't much to tell.

I see there are a lot of mudcat johns. Down the Mississippi they call me John. They don't call me much though - mostly just yell. So I rock and sing my made up blues:

It's hard for a fat little old white guy to exploit the blues It's hard for a fat little old white guy to exploit the blues Singing all day don't buy you a half a pair of shoes

But you mudcat women respect men who sing and clean toilets. I sing the blues and clean toilets so you can call me Mississipi John Cleaner.

I may rock my chair on delta porches these days but you ain't raised much money for that old folk music manglers home yet, now have ya? I been in the industry. Back in 42, maybe the year that Bill Lowndes disappeared, walked off into the mountains with a flask of Slippery Shenandoah and never returned, well back then I was told by Mississouri Tarpaper Roll Thomas to 'get into the industry man, take a janitorial job, take anything, just get in man.'

So I got me a job as janitor at Moon Studio. Moon started me off cleaning toilets - I had no janitorial senority ya know. I cleaned well. The bowls were so shinny you could eat out of em. Maybe I cleaned too well. No one signed me a recording contract and a lot of clubs wouldn't let me sing.

Started having trouble with women back then. They were ok until I sang, then they grew cold and distant, very distant. I would find myself with only toilet bowls to sing to. Each day I would make up new blues songs, like Leadbelly's, and sing to my toilets about the women I lost:

you never like the brush I use to brush you hair you never like the brush I use to brush you hair but the toilet she don't even care if the brush I use on her bowl has a bit of your brunette hair

Sometimes a tear would splash into the bowl. But don't you be sad for me. I did ok. I had my art, my songs, my blues. You be surprised how wonderful a big old sparkling toilet can sound. Better than Carnegie Hall. Try those big ol toilet with seats built for comfort, not those tiny new ones. Sometimes the toilets sang back or at least hummed harmonies. They sounded so sweet that I would often throw my arms around their smooth white basins and give them big long hugs. And sometimes the toilet seats would tape me on the head to let me know they enjoyed my songs.

Before long I was the best toilet bowl cleaner in the record industry. Has its rewards. Like the time I looked up Josephine Baker's dess until she took off all her clothes and ruined it. But you probably want to hear about folk music. Besides Josephine was getting old when she came back across the Atlantic for that tour. And I can't write everything in this one little web box.

Paul Simon was just a kid when I first cleaned his antique toilet - a pudgy young songwriter with talent and energy and that other felow with Einstein's hair. Paul burst in while I was cleaning his tank - he couldn't hold it any longer. I told Paul, I said, 'Paul, leave the top off the tank, let the morning sun shine through the window on the red rubber ball that floats on the water in the tank. This toilet's a genuine work of art.' He beamed and said, 'Great idea. Thanks man.'

As he left the room doing up his fly I started singing a new blues: Let the morning sun come shining on you red rubber ball. Let the morning sun come shining on you red rubber ball. After all it a great toilet Paul.'

I didn't see Paul for many years after that. I cleaned lots of toilets in a lot of different studios. I cleaned toilets for some of the best voices in the music business. One day I was scrubbing away singing, 'What's my line, cleaning toilets,' when Van Morrison runs in holding himself. Those Irish guys know what to with a beer or what to do with cases of beer. The urinal I was working on was almost clean enough to relieve a star of Van's caliber. I kept singing, rushing to finish the job when he yells, 'Get out of the way, I got to piss man.' I was troubled but I kept singing as I moved aside. A moment later he let out a sigh of relief and asked me what tune I was singing. As I replied, 'Cleaning Toilets,' the receptionists pushed open the bathroom door. Van mistook her for a fan, a BB, or a brunette bimbo as we like to say in the recording industry, as opposed to a BB, one of those blond bimbos. Van yells at the receptionist, 'No autographs please! Can't you see I've got something in my hand and I can't write with it.'

Well, the recptionist wasn't looking for him, she had Paul Simon on the phone, for me, after so many years. Paul was worried. The sun looked great on the rubber ball in his antique toilet but the light destroyed the rubber. Antique tiolets parts are hard to find. To calm him, I said in soft singing tones, 'Don't worry Paul. There's fifty way to fix your rubber.' I told him softy, 'Use a rubber band man. Try rubber cemment gent.' After a few more ideas like this, he calmed down, thanked me and hung up. Haven't heard from him lately. Wonder how he's doing with his music.

I could tell you about a Bitish blue singer's toilet - it wasn't exactly Londonderry Air in there ya know. But enough of these toilet tales. If this box keeps expanding it's going to get stretch marks. So let me tell you an old folk remedy - when they start singing, shove nutmeg in your ears - whole nutmegs, unground. And, you with your pot after pot of mint tea, always dirtying toilet bowls, shame, shame, shame, shame of fools.

But I can be adaptable too? You don't want none of this silent scowling stuff over the breakfast bacon. I can come right out and tell you, 'You fat ugly bitch. Why you don't wear the black underwear I bought you for Valentines? Your tits too big? Your ass too big? Do you need a slap on your big ass? Should I call Al Capone? He'll send you a Valentine.'

Is that better, honey? Is that the song you wanted to hear babe? Drop me a line when you got the time.

Rocking on the front porch but don't push me in the river again, Mississipi John Cleaner

30 Oct 99 - 11:23 AM (#129810)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Little Neophyte

Oy Davey, do I really have to bring my instrument to the January 2 event. Somehow I've got to get over being so nervous. When I have a lesson with Rick and I want him to hear something new I've made up, I get so scared that I can only play it if he leaves the room and listens from a distance where I can't see him. I think I need a therapist. Actually, what I need is to start a Thread about fears and anxiety playing music around others.

Rana hopefully we will be meeting one of these day
Max, I went to the bar once, it was an awful experience. If it wasn't for MMario and Catspaw I would have been crushed by the frisky dog, and left to die of hypothermia in the garden where they put me to nap.
Little Neo

30 Oct 99 - 12:05 PM (#129823)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Shimbo Darktree

OK, I'll add my bit to the list.

My name is Ian Clarke. My nick was taken from a book
titled "Isle of the Dead" by Roger Zelazny - the sci-fi
buffs will know it (probably).

I am from Tasmania, Australia, and currently live in Brisbane
Queensland (also Australia).
My second job is as an accountant (that's the one that pays)>
My first job is folk singer (with guitar), and that's the
one that does NOT pay. I started singing folk in the mid
60's (hey, stop calculating my age!), stopped doing it
publicly for around 25 years, and have started again.
This happened because I was listening to a singer at a
resort hotel where I'd gone on business, and he noticed I
was watching his chords (settle down! I mean the ones he
was playing, not wearing). He asked me if I would like to
do a couple of numbers, as he believed it was the easiest
way for him to earn his crust. So I did, and realised how
much I missed the old folk clubs. Well, I have since found
an old-style folk club, and we run each Wednesday night.
Any visitors to Brisbane are welcome (no cover charge!)
and more info can be sourced from (and I'm not going to get
fancy here):
Hope that comes up right!


30 Oct 99 - 12:09 PM (#129825)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Shimbo Darktree

Nope, it didn't come up as a "blue clicky thing" ... b*gg*r.
Never mind, the address is correct.

30 Oct 99 - 12:21 PM (#129828)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Ferret

Hi I've been on the cat for a little while now and have had a lot of help from you all. [That takes a lot of patience]. I think this is a great place to cum and chill out or have a chat and a lark or a drink in the tavern. My name is Graham but ferret to all my friends. I am 42 and I have been a dark age/medieval re-enactor for 27 years all those on dark cold winter mornings it often feels like 127. I am a single parent and I got in to folk song 1972 throw re-enactment with many a night sat round the campfire sing [well that's what we call it. We can murder any song.] I like song with something to say and with gut's not twee songs, song from the people. I live in the Kent U.K. and I am dyslexic so if my spellchecker gets it wrong I probable wont notice so pleas be patience I do try to get it right. I collect folk songs good and bad new and old, and in this the Cat has been very help full. As for big Mike all that black stuff you can keep it the worst thing to cum out of Ireland sins Terry Wogan [those in the US may not now who that is if you lucky] and as far as I am concern I will resave all of the black stuff for you. Give me a good mead any day. Some of the best chats I have been with people that I have not all ways agreed with as it make you rethink your views. As for being addictive I had not noticed [I don't look at my phone bill] tfic. I would send in I pic for the rouges gallery if I can just figure out how. And lastly a big thanks to you all at the Mudcat.

All the best ferret

30 Oct 99 - 12:36 PM (#129831)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: catspaw49

Another note of Welcome to all of you.....C# this time. Very important as you get older.


30 Oct 99 - 01:12 PM (#129847)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Quirk Malarkey

tom curley here. mountain dulcimer player with a minor in bodhran. it all started in a music store in norfolk, virginia back in '73 owned by one bob zentz. he showed me how to play a limber jack to bluegrass banjo and i've loved the music ever since. there is nothing like a parlor pickin' on a hot saturday night to stir me into wild folky abandon. i currently live on o'ahu, hawai'i in the middle of slack key paradise. i down loaded the data base and am determined to sing every last bloody song in it at least once. many happy returns to all of us. --doodlezak

30 Oct 99 - 06:28 PM (#129909)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: DonMeixner

Wow! Shimbo of Darktree Tower, Shrugger of Thunders. A real Pei'an Diety who is also a musician. I'm impressed. I meet Jack of Shadows once but that was years ago at dinner with Larmon Pels and Heidel Von Hymack.

Welcome to the Cat we are a well read and literate group.


30 Oct 99 - 06:47 PM (#129919)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: catspaw49

Yezzir we shur iz az yuh kin tell frum Don's offul gud punkchalizzashun an captalizzashun thair. sumtimes Catspaw lez me use his puter an I wont ta take this heer chanz ta say WELLCUM frum allus whut lives heer withen Catspaw. Weel we all doan rightly liv hith him and Miz Karen so mich az we kinda hang aroun thair house a goodly bit uv the time. catspaw sez we shud say hello now senz its huntin time an me an Paw an Buford iz gonna take the Reg boys deer huntin an in return fer which they gonna take usns Ice fission. Weer gonna be a trine ta git our guide bizness goin this year so we will jez say hi now.


30 Oct 99 - 08:17 PM (#129928)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Mead good. Black bogge beer better.

Daniel/Riverwind. You sound low in spirit. Pick up your axe and walk...

"Ah but when your day's done and your spirits are low
There's pubs and there's clubs, and there's sessions also,
Though the girls might be snooty, and the beer might be dear
If you sing us a song than you'll be welcome here."

31 Oct 99 - 01:06 PM (#130074)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Frankie


I've been stopping in the last couple of weeks and always find something interesting going on here. I currently live in South Florida, am 4 score and 7 and am a musical omnivore who sings and plays the guitar. I never know what kind of tune I"ll fall in love with next, wether it's by O'Carolan or Ray Charles. Gotta' a feeling I'm in the right place.

Best Wishes to All,


31 Oct 99 - 01:38 PM (#130081)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Frankie

Uuuuhhh...... make that 2 score and 7 *blush*. A veritable toddler by SF standards.


31 Oct 99 - 02:10 PM (#130089)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Bugger - I got to Frankie's "four score and seven", and it started me feeling young. "Two score and seven?" Naah, been there, done that.

31 Oct 99 - 02:19 PM (#130091)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: catspaw49

Yeah, I was about to go into all sorts of hip-hoorays myself......But we're glad to have you at 47, and you're welcome to stay til 87.........But then you have to leave.


01 Nov 99 - 01:08 AM (#130294)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Rick Fielding

Nice to see that there's quite a few new young'uns around here.

01 Nov 99 - 01:53 AM (#130311)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Metchosin

Hi from the west coast of Canada. I'm new too. I have been spending a lot of time looking up folksongs here to see if you have all the ones that we know included. Pretty impresive site! Also I have been trying to see where one of my grandfathers learned his banjo and fiddle tunes, to see what part of the USA he spent 15 years of his life in. Could be a dead end, as songs travelled pretty fast even in the early 1900's.

01 Nov 99 - 09:25 AM (#130380)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: ericsymonds

Introducing,real name ,Eric.Great site to be on. Rhythm guitar player for two years with Bill Sables band Shananikins,have had an interest in folk/Irish music for some 37 years,yes I am older than Bill. Bill just looks older.Favourites:- Musician - Sam Pirt Band - Old Rope String Food - Anything Italian. Hope to hear from you all,eventually! Cheers, Gareth.

01 Nov 99 - 11:48 AM (#130441)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: jaguar

All right, I'm new here, I'll bite... my name's Jaguar, Jag for short, and yes that is what most people call me, barring my immediate family and my SO for some odd reason =) I'm a anthropology/history major, second-year in college, and one of the many things I want to end up studying is folk music migration... stemming from a long time ago, when my aunt and uncle and cousin and I used to sit around in their house in NC and sing all night. I play lots of instruments mediocrely =) but both my dad and my uncle play music professionally. Found this site doing a web-search for the lyrics to Mattie Groves and adored it at first site. From DC and WI (lived in the one, go to college in the other), and aspiring to go on a tour of Europe someday and collect songs and stories =)

05 Nov 99 - 10:41 AM (#132163)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Shimbo Darktree

Don, it's great to hear from a SF fan. Zelazny is good...
but Vance is better!

And Catspaw49 (I assume that's your age, and that you don't
come from the 49ers ... you old critter you!)
You owe me for a new keyboard ... Aussie dollars, please!
I laughed so much that the tears ran into my keyboard, and
saturated all the electronic doohickeys inside. You are quite
a comic!

05 Nov 99 - 12:46 PM (#132225)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: dollmaker

Yeah, we're new,too. Been doing folk music since the 60's(isn't that when it all started?)Come to Berea sometime and visit.

05 Nov 99 - 07:02 PM (#132371)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: poet

Hi I may have said some of this on another thread, but here goes.
My real name is Graham and I am a Yorkshireman from Rotherham living in Guernsey (UK Channel Islands).I am 59yrs old. I started singing (unnacompanied) in the mid sixties I write poetry and have had four poems published in private collections, I play the Bodhran and sing with three groups The worst show on Earth, Me N im, and Esteves Capper and Drum, I ran the Guernsey Folk Club for 12yrs and a freind and I started the Guernsey International Folk Festival 15yrs ago and i retired from that this year. I love any LIVE music I wouldn't cross the road for a disco or Kareoke. Im easy going and Laid back most of the time but i do have the odd sore spot and speak before engaging Brain. I have found that whatever folk club you may walk into the people are different but the welcome is the same, as it is with the cat.

For those of you who are more recent catters than I welcome. for those ancient ones (regardless of bodily age) thank you for being what you are and letting me in.

Graham (Guernsey)

P.S. I was also a bouncer for 15yrs so if there are any vacancies at the Tavern??

06 Nov 99 - 04:22 PM (#132658)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Liz the Squeak

Well I supose I'd better do this bit, seeing as how I've poked my fourpence worth in everywhere else....

I'm known as Liz the Squeak, I'm about halfway, and live in East London, not too far from Micca. 'Twas he introduced me to this site, along with a lot of other things that are bad for me, so blame him...

I'm loud, Christian (not that you'd notice!), interested in chocolate, reading, singing, beer, chocolate, getting a job and screwing my former employers for everything I can. I'm asthmatic, have a 3 year old daughter who eats cat biscuits and hardly wears clothes (although today she has managed to wear 2 pairs of tights (pantyhose) and get holes in them both, both brand new.....), like chocolate, have done my time on the boards, worked in a military museum, do family history (genealogy, and yes I do know about the Mormon websites) and originally lived in Dorset, not that far from Stella. I have been a morris dancer (til the lungs packed up), still have a lot of connections with morris dancers (shut up Micca) and eat chocolate a lot. Oh, I build and dance with giants. And I'm known as the squeak because I upset passing bats and Les Barker.

Anything else???


06 Nov 99 - 04:36 PM (#132660)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bbc


All jobs in the Tavern are on a volunteer basis. I was a barmaid there for quite awhile. Used to be coffee, cookies, & good conversation. I have to say, the direction seems to have changed a bit since I left. Whatever. You are welcome to become the bouncer, but we don't tend to exclude many. Use discretion or you'll find you've bounced our most upstanding citizens & then, what will become of us?! The pay stinks (I did get a shipment of gold from Donald Trump once!), but, oh, the tips! :)


07 Nov 99 - 01:35 AM (#132777)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mark Roffe

Hey Mississippi John Cleaner, you are quite a writer. Looking for more of that stuff. Thanks, Mark

07 Nov 99 - 09:14 AM (#132826)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Llanfair

Hi, Liz. I'm curious, how did you manage to upset Les Barker?
Welcome to all the new people, I'm an addict now, 'specially as it doesn't cost so much to be on the net. Hwyl, Bron.

07 Nov 99 - 12:36 PM (#132869)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Caitrin

I guess I'm the youngun here, as I'm a senior in high school in eastern North Carolina. I've only been here about a month, and got almost immediately sucked in by the entertaining conversation. THanks to all for making me feel welcome!

07 Nov 99 - 01:33 PM (#132886)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Margaret\W

Hello to all

What can I say without being boring?

I've grown up amidst the music of Northumberland from being a small child, and learned songs that my father's father taught him (and so on) without realising that not everyone has the sort of musical heritage that we have around here. Alongside the songs and dances, I learned to play the Northumbrian smallpipes from the late Joe Hutton - a lovely man and a great musicain with a wealth of tunes in his head - then stumbled into playing the flute and now spend more time than anything playing the fiddle.

I was lucky enough to be able to study music at York University where the staff were far-sighted enough to let me spend most of my final year concentrating on traditional music in my home area - if only I had the time to do that again now! Having decided that I didn't want to follow the classical route seriously, and being desperate to get back to my home patch again, I took up primary school teaching and am now headteacher of a small school in the Cheviot foothills - only 40 pupils aged 4 to 9, and I teach 20 of them full time.

I'm married to Andy who is a champion smallpipes player himself, and as well as doing lots of fiddle/pipes duets, we play in a group called Dishalagie with my dad (still playing the banjo and mandolin at the age of 74, and writing tunes too), a friend who's an expert moothie player with a six-sided mouth organ, and a singer who's just retired from being the last coble fisherman at Beadnell.

Well, I hope that wasn't too boring!

07 Nov 99 - 02:05 PM (#132893)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mbo

Caitrin! Welcome to Mudcat. You say you're a senior at a high school in Eastern North Carolina? What high school, and what city are you from? I'm up in Greenville at ECU, and am excited to have another Eastern North Carolinian on the Mudcat! How did you fare all the flooding? Did you make it through ok? I'm sure you'll enjoy all the musical adventures & highjinks we have here!

--Mbo (from Down East in Pitt County)

07 Nov 99 - 02:08 PM (#132894)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jon Freeman

Yawn - Seriously Maragret/W why should you think that what you had written might be boring. I (and I would guess most others) really are interested in knowing a bit more about other Mudcatters.

I wish I had your musical background.


07 Nov 99 - 06:11 PM (#132960)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Liz the Squeak

Llanfair - how did I upset Les Barker? Let me count the ways....

The clue is in the nickname, and if you want to hear it, beg, borrow or buy a copy of 'A Cardi and Bloke'. I'm the one that sounds like a passing bat having hysterics. The first time I saw him, I laughed so hard I fell off the serving hatch I was sitting on, into the kitchen on the other side.

It has got to the point where I will be offered bribes to stay away from his gigs, and if he sees any of my friends, he will ask them if I'm with them, and runs screaming if they say yes.....

Shame, because I'm really rather fond of him in a way that probably isn't good for either of us.......


07 Nov 99 - 10:55 PM (#133064)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Brendy

How 're ye doin' lads and lassies! I've just registered myself a few minutes ago and thought I would say a general hello to you all. I was born in north County Armagh, lived in basically every other part of Ireland, until, 5 years ago, I moved over to Oslo, Norway. I'm quite fond of putting commas and semi-colons into text things, probably because I don't know what to do with my fingers while trying to find the next key on my keyboard. Punctuation notwithstanding, I manage to to keep a reasonably chaotic life as a full time musician, touring mostly Scandinavia (Norway in particular)on the go. I'm a trad head. Have been all my life. Those who know me will testify that single-handedly I am responsible for the dramatic increase in Norwegian imports of D'Addario guitar strings (they should be sponsoring me really). I play also with an East Clare fiddler, gifted blues guitar player, songwriter, and long time pal of Martin Hayes, Mark Gregory who lives in Trondheim (Mid Norway). We go under the name of "Gobbler's Knob"; rather tounge in cheek, I know, but sure It puts a smile on my face every time I see the poster. Been across to visit our American bretheren once or 2wice: St. Louis and Chicago; my kind of towns!!!! Catch you on the 'Cat Brendan

08 Nov 99 - 12:29 AM (#133097)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Metchosin

Could you enlighten me Brendy, we have a hill just down the road from us, that is also known locally as Gobbler"s Knob and I've always wondered what it meant or do I really want to know?

08 Nov 99 - 11:36 AM (#133223)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bbc


My son, davidmc24, is also a high school senior. We live in New York, about 1 hr North of NY City. He is not too active in the discussion forum & has had a large part in making the resources site available. He's a serious computer guy, but is also dabbling in theatre this year, w/ a role in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum."

08 Nov 99 - 02:00 PM (#133257)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Mbo

Bbc, could that possibly be "A Funny Thing Happened on The Way To The Mudcat Forum?"


08 Nov 99 - 05:28 PM (#133361)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: bbc

Good one, Mbo! You & I are hopping from thread to thread together. We've got to stop meeting like this! BTW, one of our link gurus should start us on part 2; this is getting toooooo long!


08 Nov 99 - 06:28 PM (#133392)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Quirk Malarkey

brendy, i can almost do you post with one breath. almost. --doodlezak

08 Nov 99 - 06:50 PM (#133399)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Jacob Bloom

I connected to Mudcat this morning to look up the words to "The Good Old Way", because I heard it at NOMAD yesterday, and it's been running through my head ever since. I took a look at a few threads while I was here, and couldn't resist adding to the "modern traditional" thread - so I guess I should introduce myself.

I call contra & square dances, tell stories, and lead Klezmer dancing (although no one is quite sure yet what that is.) I also play pennywhistle and bones, and write the occasional song. I have the kind of memory which tends to retain song lyrics for decades after I've learned them - this must have been a very useful skill a few hundred years ago, but it's of limited value in these days of songbooks and sound recordings.

I have a website, which includes various dances and songs I've written. If anyone is interested, it's at


08 Nov 99 - 07:11 PM (#133408)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: Brendy

"Gobbler's Knob" was, or is, the name of the place where poor Bill Murray kept wakening up each morning with a chance to make right the mistakes of the day before, in the film "Groundhog Day". I think it is, according to the film, somewhere in NE USA.

The other connotation is too frightening to contemplate!! Breandán

08 Nov 99 - 07:22 PM (#133414)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: katlaughing

Wow! Hadn't read through this one in a few days! Welcome to you all! Fascinating to hear about you all and where youa re coming from and been. If you have any questions or anything just give one of us a holler and we'll do our best to answer. It is wonderful to see so many "newbies" on here.

bbc - I'll start a new one thread and come back to put the link in.


08 Nov 99 - 07:27 PM (#133417)
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
From: katlaughing

Here's a link to the new continuation thread.