27 Oct 99 - 04:54 PM (#128729) Subject: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: MMario Just wondering if MudCat radio rides again tonight? |
27 Oct 99 - 04:58 PM (#128731) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Bert If you can think of a name for episode 9 |
27 Oct 99 - 05:02 PM (#128736) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: MMario well - "are we on?" comes to mind.... "The Full Moon Follies" - might be closer to the truth or if you use the "new mudcatters" thread...."The welcome mat's out" might be appropriate.... |
27 Oct 99 - 06:03 PM (#128761) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Max We're on. Chat should be working by then too. Don't forget to call in. 1-888-488-9050 and 610-738-9050. |
27 Oct 99 - 06:23 PM (#128769) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Jeri "Plan 9 From Outer..." nah, already taken. Well, it's only a few days until Halloween, and you guys probably won't even wear your costumes. "Get Your Kicks From Episode Ix?" Bad "Mudcat Rides Again" is good. "Full Moon Follies" is real good. "Mudcat IX - Is This Thing On," "Episode IX - The Mudcat's Revenge," "Tales From Mudcat," "Night of the Living Mudcat," er.."The Ninth Life"...aaAcCK...somebody please call the Insanovac for me... |
27 Oct 99 - 06:59 PM (#128782) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: katlaughing Getting On |
27 Oct 99 - 07:08 PM (#128783) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Jeri click here for live show |
27 Oct 99 - 08:33 PM (#128810) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Max Damn, we lost the first half hour of the show from a crash half way through the show. Sorry all. So we missed a call from Spaw, and a bunch of great witty stuff from Bert and I, but what can you do? We have the last 36 minutes in the archive, so check that out, it is still good. It's available in the archive now. Someday we'll get this down, but as long as we have to use Microsoft products, we will never meet perfection. Thanks a lot Mr. Gates, you asshole, look what you did... |
27 Oct 99 - 08:59 PM (#128816) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: katlaughing Yea, I know, Max. My computer, which is not even two years old, had a SENIOR MOMENT and the NET NEEDS A DECONGESTANT! I heard the part you lost; sounded really, really good! I gotta redo that song. It's too slow. Thanks for indulging me, though. luvyaKat |
27 Oct 99 - 10:36 PM (#128850) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Áine Max -- FANTASTIC Show!! Even with the crash!! And you're exactly right about Mr. Gates -- Will there be no saviour to save us all from the depths of 'MS' hell??? And dearest Kat -- If you do a 'remix' of the Mudcat themesong -- why not use a penny whistle in the background? Just a thought... GREAT JOB GUYS!!! LOVED IT!! -Áine |
27 Oct 99 - 11:14 PM (#128855) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: katlaughing Aine, if I had a pennywhistle and if I could play one, I might. Also, I have no way of laying down separate tracks. I have a mixer, but it all has to happen at once, no separate channels, else I'd lay down a fiddle track to go with it, after a LOT of practise. Nope, I am strictly amateur when it comes to folk. Now, if Max or Bert had the time and wanted to mix in a little backup **BG**, that'd be fine with me! Maybe I could work it out on the baritone uke, but I'd have to practise that a LOT, too! Good suggestion, though, it would be beautiful with a pennywhistle. Mainly I just need to warm my voice up more and up the tempo a little. I think it is too slow for a closing song. Thanks, kat |
27 Oct 99 - 11:56 PM (#128860) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Bill D look out, Bill Gates...Linux is coming!!.In 8-10 years!....*sigh*...but by then Bill will OWN Linux, and arrange it so Linux will only run on Amigas & TRS-80s |
28 Oct 99 - 12:21 AM (#128866) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: j0_77 Kat you have a computer and a any old tape recorder. Put the first track on the tape then feed that into the puter, make a WAV file for track 2, now feed that out to a new tape! Track 3 and so on untill it is all done, OR just get a mixer software pack which allows you to do it all on the computer, |
28 Oct 99 - 09:39 AM (#128951) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: Bert Bill D, Linux running on an Amiga or TRS-80 would still be faster than NT. |
28 Oct 99 - 10:08 AM (#128961) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: katlaughing Thanks, jO77, I will try that. Just realised in your name, that the j is not capitalised so that the 007 stands out; are really James Bond, then?**BG** luvyaKat |
28 Oct 99 - 02:11 PM (#129102) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: MMario FYI - no that wasn't me playing "Possum and 'Taters" -- in fact ....NO ONE was playing it. That was transcribed from the score and "played" by the 'puter. Untouched by human hands. MMario isn't it wonderful what you can do counting lines and spaces? |
28 Oct 99 - 02:34 PM (#129107) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: JedMarum I listend to what was left of the show this morning, at work. Great show. |
28 Oct 99 - 03:31 PM (#129134) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: katlaughing Ah, MMario, you've just reminded me that I DO have noteworthy composer and could also do back up that way, I guess. Thanks, kat |
28 Oct 99 - 03:34 PM (#129136) Subject: RE: Radio: MudCat IX -Are we 'On'? From: MMario Kat - that's how I learn most new songs these days....enter the music into Noteworthy and play it over and over until I can't get it out of my head, then I mangle it.... MMario |