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BS: General David Petraeus Resigns

10 Nov 12 - 09:12 AM (#3434124)
Subject: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

By now the news of General David Petraeus's resignation as CIA Director because of an extramarital affair has spread from coast to coast. His biography appropriately titled All In by his ex-lover will now no doubt become a best-seller. It is a sad end to an impressive military career.

Any coherent thoughts?

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 09:14 AM (#3434125)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

I can't resist getting the ball rolling with this observation:

If you leave a trail of over a 1000 e-mails to your lover for the FBI to sift through, you're not being covert, discrete, or even average smart. General Eisenhower was more successful about concealing his extra-marital affairs, not a single e-mail!!!

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 09:20 AM (#3434127)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: pdq

General Eisenhower's wife Mamie was the one suggested he find a nice lady for companionship since he was going to be away for a matters of years.

10 Nov 12 - 09:35 AM (#3434132)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,Peter Laban

From a distance, one wonders why an extra-marital affair would force a career ending resignation.

10 Nov 12 - 09:36 AM (#3434134)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: sciencegeek

Charlie! Shakespearian anachronisms ??? LOL

I don't that IBM was up to task of the worldwide web back then.

10 Nov 12 - 09:40 AM (#3434137)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Nancy King

Guest Peter -- it probably wouldn't, in many if not most careers, but head of the CIA? That's a different situation, rife with the potential for security breaches.

10 Nov 12 - 09:42 AM (#3434138)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: sciencegeek

From a distance, one wonders why an extra-marital affair would force a career ending resignation.

an interview with a vice-admiral in the intelligence community - I know, that oxymoron military intelligence- explained it as part of the military culture of accepting responsibility as part of leadership. earning and deserving the trust of your troops that you put in harms way

as an officer and a gentleman, he owned up to his indiscretion - though not clear how it was uncovered- and what is the honorable course of action for a military leader... oh if only Newt had as much class as that.

10 Nov 12 - 09:50 AM (#3434141)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

Not to mention leaving the Director of the CIA vulnerable to blackmail or even breaches of security. I don't mean to further impugn Mrs. Paula Broadwell; I have no reason to believe she was passing state secrets to unfriendly governments but she certainly was in position to.

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 10:00 AM (#3434144)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

Here's one hint from Al Jazeera of how the FBI got involved:

NBC News reported on its website on Friday, quoting US law-enforcement officials, that (Paula) Broadwell was under FBI investigation for improperly trying to access Petraeus' email and possibly gaining access to classified information. Broadwell had extensive access to Petraeus in Afghanistan and has given numerous television interviews speaking about him, the report said.

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 10:16 AM (#3434151)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: meself

I heard a pontificator pontificating this morning to the effect that the resignation had more to do with a code among commanding officers of the military, which Petraeus still adheres to, than with security or broader morality issues.

Is this necessarily an "end" to his career?

10 Nov 12 - 10:23 AM (#3434154)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: sciencegeek

his role as a leader has ended... but he is still a smart & knowledgeble resource that should be consulted by the new leadership. whether he rises from the ashes can only be answered in time.

10 Nov 12 - 10:37 AM (#3434159)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: pdq

David Patraeus, Allen West and Stanley McChrystal are all career military men and were very highly respected in the chosen field.

What they do after they retire does not alter their standing as military heros one bit.

10 Nov 12 - 11:02 AM (#3434175)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Bobert

The other woman is thought to be Paula Broadwell, 40, who lives with her radiologist husband and two young kids here in Charlotte, NC... She is also the author of a biography of the general and spend months away from her family in the war zone... She is also a Lt. Col in the army reserves and, like Petraeus, a West Point graduate...

And between you and me, she is a looker... Not that that justifies anything they did...


10 Nov 12 - 11:14 AM (#3434184)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stilly River Sage

I agree with the commentators on The News Hour last night - for those of us taking a rather French view of the whole thing, resignation isn't necessary. But as CIA chief it might have been a hard fought battle to stay in office if some pundits caught wind of this. And I suppose part of this has to do with what his family (spouse) response will be - if his wife is pissed and speaks publicly, it wouldn't bode well for his life in office.


10 Nov 12 - 11:45 AM (#3434207)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

From General David Petraeus's "Rules for Living":

5. We all will make mistakes. The key is to recognize them and admit them, to learn from them, and to take off the rear­ view mirrors—drive on and avoid making them again.


Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 11:48 AM (#3434208)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Rapparee

Adultery, while not a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, would almost certainly be considered "conduct unbecoming" and it could be punished under this provision:

Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

Petraeus did the right thing as an officer, if he still is in the military.

10 Nov 12 - 11:54 AM (#3434214)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: sciencegeek

Petraeus is retired... but having lived by those rules for his entire adult life, he did what he felt he had to.

note that Obama took an entire day before accepting his resignation... and his sorrow for Petraeus was evident during the announcement.

10 Nov 12 - 12:44 PM (#3434242)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Bobert

I heard on NPR yesterday that he told the president it was a matter of "honor" that he resign...


10 Nov 12 - 03:06 PM (#3434325)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

By resigning now General Petraeus has beaten the media to another salacious story. The media will still wallow in it for a while but the General is on his own road to recovery. I'm sure he will find some way to make good use of the rest of his life, or at least I hope so. I wish him well.

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 03:34 PM (#3434346)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: saulgoldie

Curiously enough, Paula Broadwell was interviewed some time back on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart promoting her book. Things sure is curious.


10 Nov 12 - 03:42 PM (#3434351)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Rapparee

My cousin was a general, but I didn't write a book about it. Of course, I barely knew him.

Whatever happened to discretion? Does everyone who has had an affair have to write a book about it? I can see it now:

"Bobert: The Truth Behind The Legend"

"My Time With Amos: The Sordid, Boring Truth"

"Behind the Myth of Kendall Morse"

"Sinful SINSULL"

"Olddude or Oddude?"

"Rapparee: Scraping the Bottom"

10 Nov 12 - 04:32 PM (#3434377)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

"Charley Noble: His Ignoble Memoirs"

Charley Noble

10 Nov 12 - 05:44 PM (#3434408)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Bat Goddess

As for myself, I'm writing a fictional autobiography. What makes it fictional, you may well ask? In the book, I have a flamethrower.

Sorry for the thread creep.

General Petraeus is a most intelligent and insightful man. I can see his sense of honor and possible consequences depending on the media, his wife, his lover, etcet etcet.

I'm sorry the affair has caused his resiganation but I hope it won't keep his experience and intelligence out of positions where it could well be used.


11 Nov 12 - 10:13 PM (#3435004)
Subject: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Bobert

Ain't like Wilt Chamberlain but...

...seems that the good General has been a busy man...

First, the foxy Paula Broadwell...

Now it's the foxy Jill Kelly...

Talk about a mid-life crisis... He should have just bought a Porsche... Was gonna get screwed either way...


11 Nov 12 - 10:18 PM (#3435009)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Beer

Thought you were referring to that golfer guy. What's his name??? it escapes me.

11 Nov 12 - 10:32 PM (#3435015)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Rapparee

Reminds me of the story about the general who found his old batman on the street, out of work. Offered him a position as his valet, and the batman asked, "What would my duties be, sir?"

The general replied, "Why, the same as they were in the service!"

Fella takes the job and on the first morning brings coffee into the general's bedroom, slaps the general's wife on the butt and says, "All right now, girlie! Back to the village!"

11 Nov 12 - 10:35 PM (#3435018)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Songwronger

I hope he's forced to testify about Benghazi. That seems to be why he resigned. He's either at fault, or Obama is and forced him to resign. Either way, I hope he's made to testify. He and Obama are both supremely dangerous individuals, and the testimony would destroy one of them.

11 Nov 12 - 10:38 PM (#3435020)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Rapparee

If you say so, dear.

11 Nov 12 - 10:43 PM (#3435023)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Ron Davies

Wronger, there's a bright future for you.   You need to start a business:   "Hyperbole R Us".

Or perhaps pulp fiction--you have a wonderfully fertile imagination.

11 Nov 12 - 11:20 PM (#3435032)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: MarkS

I don't know whatall his bedroom athletics may have to do with testimony about Benghazi - seems like they were not related at all.

Unless he ignored the alarms because he was busy with .......

12 Nov 12 - 01:26 AM (#3435051)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: GUEST,999

There hasn't been a single fuck-up in thirty years that hasn't been somehow connected with the CIA. Anyone else notice that?

12 Nov 12 - 08:40 AM (#3435152)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Bobert

I half agree with the wronger...

If there is anything that Petraeus knows about Benghazi that *no one* else knows in the CIA, then yes, he should be the one to testify... But I find that doubtful...


12 Nov 12 - 10:03 AM (#3435205)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Arkie

I agree that if there was something amiss in the intelligence community in Benghazi we should look into it. But wonder where Wrongie and all the righteous repubs were when the twin powers were hit. Probably discussing who to invade and which oil field to liberate. On this occasion they were voting against approving funds for diplomatic secruity. What did they know?

12 Nov 12 - 10:36 AM (#3435223)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

The timing of the Petraeus resignation does raise questions about the relationship between the FBI Director, the Chair of the Security Council, and the President.

I suppose if there was no evidence of a national security breach, then the whole affair could be considered more of a personal embarrassment to be settled when it was convenient to settle it, such as after the General Election. But Petraeus was the Director of the CIA and I certainly think the FBI should have alerted the White House of its investigations some time sooner, given that it started its investigation in the summer.

Oh, well, all the sordid and mundane details will be laid out at length soon. And I'm sure the CIA is not missing a step in its business of policing the world and exterminating terrorists, alleged or otherwise.

Charley Noble

12 Nov 12 - 12:26 PM (#3435290)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Wesley S

According to Glenn Beck the President must have known about the affair for a long time and chose now to "out" Petraeus to that he wouldn't spill the beans to congress and tell what he knows about the 9/11 attacks in Libya.

In the Glenn Beck universe Barack Obama = Professor Moriarty

12 Nov 12 - 01:58 PM (#3435365)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

So Glenn Beck will be called by the House Republican investigating committee to testify as an expert witness?

Charley Noble

12 Nov 12 - 02:35 PM (#3435398)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

I am skeptical that his career was that great. He urged the surge in Iraq and was a hawk beyond reason. I think that his affair should be held against him since I believe that public officials who do that can't be trusted.

This is redolent of John Edwards in that the ego becomes large enough to cause a downfall and a small character emerges.

I had reservations about Bill Clinton too. Even Eisenhower and Roosevelt had affairs.
Eleanor was hurt badly by the Warm Springs affair with Lucy by FDR. He died in another woman's arms.

Kennedy was known as "Jack the Zipper".

You can separate actions from the person but still I think this stuff matters regardless of how important that person becomes.

12 Nov 12 - 04:49 PM (#3435454)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: gnu

You can separate church and state but not dick and state.

12 Nov 12 - 10:20 PM (#3435601)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


I think Petraeus was the best general we've had in the last 10 years or so. Now the war in Iraq itself should never have been started, and GWB and his neocons were totally responsible for orchestrating it. Petraeus did the messy job of extracting us from Iraq while providing necessary training for the new Iraqi government. He was indeed a hawk, but one who followed orders; he was no Patton or MacArthur. Unfortunately, like so many others you've mentioned, he failed with regard to personal morality and that does matter.

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 08:54 AM (#3435754)
Subject: RE: ITs a Jerry Springer world afterall.
From: Donuel

There is a tremendous number of jobs opening to investigate the sexual misbehavior of Americans who happen to have a trace of fame. This is now the leading economic indicator of how well the Stimlus package has helped create many new jobs.

The sheer number of targets for this pink journalism has gone from the supermarket rag sheets to the big time. Never mind the fiscal cliff, what the world needs to know is who touched a broad's dirty parts and who kissed who's dingle whompous, or in most cases, a dinky whimpus.

If you want a job in this expanding career I suggest you start in your neighborhood and then expand to work, goverment and the military.
The floodgates are open now that priests and coaches are not automatically guaranteed imunity from prosecution. In this emerging police state rife with cameras and mega google quantum computers recording every email twit and phone call, the number of lives ruined is limitless.

The old phrase, 'if your not guilty you don't have anything to worry about when it comes to the total elimination of privacy.


Current sex scandals in the global news market: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gen. Adams
BBC president resigns over announcer's sex history/
Friend of general's, mistresss to the wife of her friends lover
Jerry Sandusky has affair in prison without condom or lube
Elmo's handler investigated for having a teenage friend.
Washingtom accused of snuggling at Valley Forge
Jefferson investigated for having sex with his wife's half sister.
Bill CLinton, the Ohio carpenter, not the President.
Rapperee investigated for misconduct with a goat's head?
Bobert investigated for switch hitting auto erotica by using non dominant hand.
Amos: the investgation has taken a turn that con not ever be discussed on mudcat.

The sex reporting crowd win whether they get a story or not much the same as a Wall St. broker can win for losing.
IF someone is not having sex, WHY NOT and Whats up with that?

Oh Bobert you are right about a Benghazi connection only its not what people thought.

On the night in question Petraus' personal calander said he was to be at a screening of the new Hanks film and was seen there...prior to slipping out when the lights went down. He was unreachable for two hours when he finally leaned that every resuce team was 4 hours away from getting a response team to the Libyan consulate (its not an embassy folks) The real delay came from a middle amnager who held back the available response team because only 3 guys were available and they were waiting for another 8. By the book a partial team is not authorized to go. Did Bhengazi get attacked because PEtraus went to a video but snuck out and got his dingus gulped? Congressman KIng wants to know. oh oh he needs to know soooo bad ooo.

But anyway, the careers opening up in sex investigation are good for the economy but takes a person with balls willing to go All In and plunge in head first to get the truth to come forth.

Ways to get the detailed story for novices... Organize wife pity parties. They will get together and spread some REALLY good dirt.

Go to chat rooms and fish for who also had sex with X (X can be any innocent person chosen at random.

Ask Spaw.

13 Nov 12 - 09:25 AM (#3435768)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

Now the media focus has shifted to the other other woman, Jill Kelly, the one who got anonymous harassing e-mails from Broadwell (if anyone has lost count). Kelly is alleged to have had a relationship with our current commanding general in Afghanistan (ABC News):

Gen. John Allen, commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with Jill Kelley, the woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom former CIA Director David Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

The FBI has uncovered "potentially inappropriate" emails between Allen and Kelly, according to a senior U.S. defense official who is traveling with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. The department is reviewing between 20,000 and 30,000 documents connected to this matter, the official said. The email exchanges between Kelley and Allen took place from 2010 to 2012.

How in hell is a general supposed to conduct a war these days with all this media scrutiny!!! Did potentially "inappropriate communications" include erotic photos or what? Maybe they included a link to Mudcat BS or clips from the Jon Daily Show?

I'm not sure my inquiring mind wants to know.

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 10:04 AM (#3435795)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

Apparently many of "you" feel that a coherent comment regarding the Petraeus resignation involves the details of who did what, touched what, emailed what and when did they do it, are all the important relevant issues to be disected and understood.

For me the issue of what is important and what is privacy are the actual concepts to be learned and understood.

Anything else is just gossip sheet worship unworthy of what inquiring minds need or want to know.
Charley knows that, do "you".

13 Nov 12 - 10:22 AM (#3435810)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

Satire alert

Become a sex scandal investigator TODAY
DON"T WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF, 'if you're not guilty you don't have anything to worry about when it comes to the total elimination of privacy today.
There are a tremendous number of jobs opening to investigate the sexual misbehavior of Americans who happen to have a trace of fame. This is now the leading economic indicator of how well the Stimulus package has helped create many new jobs.

The sheer number of targets for this pink journalism has gone from the supermarket rag sheets to the big time. Never mind the fiscal cliff, what the world needs to know is who touched a broad's dirty parts and who kissed who's dingle whompous, or in most cases, a dinky whimpus.

If you want a job in this expanding career I suggest you start in your neighborhood and then expand to work, government and the military.
The floodgates are open now that priests and coaches are not automatically guaranteed imunity from prosecution. In this emerging police state rife with cameras and mega google quantum computers recording every email twit and phone call, the number of lives ruined is limitless. Learn new ways to get the detailed story for novices... Organize wife pity parties. They will get together and spread some REALLY good dirt. Go to chat rooms and fish for who also had sex with X (X can be any innocent person chosen at random. Ask Spaw, he is bound to know.
The sex scandal business is limitless!


Current sex scandals in the global news market: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gen. Adams
BBC president resigns over announcer's sex history/
Friend of general's, mistress to the wife of her friends lover
Jerry Sandusky has affair in prison without condom or lube
Elmo's handler investigated for having a teenage friend.
Washington accused of snuggling at Valley Forge
Jefferson investigated for having sex with his wife's half sister.
Bill Clinton, the Ohio carpenter, not the President.
Rapperee investigated for misconduct with a goat's head?
Bobert investigated for switch hitting auto erotica by using non dominant hand.
Amos: the investigation has taken a turn that con not ever be discussed on mudcat.

The sex reporting crowd win whether they get a story or not much the same as a Wall St. broker can win for losing.
IF someone is not having sex, WHY NOT and Whats up with that?

Oh Bobert you are right about a Benghazi connection only its not what people thought.

On the night in question Petraus' personal calendar said he was to be at a screening of the new Hanks film and was seen there...prior to slipping out when the lights went down. He was unreachable for two hours when he finally learned that every resuce team was 4 hours away from getting a response team to the Libyan consulate (it's not an embassy folks) The real delay came from a middle manager who held back the available response team because only 3 guys were available and they were waiting for another 8. By the book a partial team is not authorized to go. Did Bhengazi get attacked because Gen. Petraeus went to a video but snuck out and got his dingus gulped? Congressman KIng wants to know. oh oh he needs to know soooo bad ooo.

….. anyway, the careers' opening up in sex investigation are good for the economy but takes a person with balls willing to go All In and plunge in head first to get the truth to come forth.

13 Nov 12 - 10:26 AM (#3435814)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Stringsinger

It seems the General is 007. He's getting pussy galore.

13 Nov 12 - 10:33 AM (#3435822)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Donuel

He's in, All In

a new meaning to "counter" insurgency?

Under the desk over the rainbow

Like CLinton's investigation it is time to get pictures of the General's dick and descriptions (for decorum's sake) of her twat.


13 Nov 12 - 10:38 AM (#3435826)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


Thanks so much for your appreciation of my last post.

And your new list has exhausted what little energy I have left to pursue the relevant prurient stories to their inevitable climax...

Beside I have to read my newly acquired book All In, the new edition with the fold-out glossy photo.

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 10:41 AM (#3435828)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

Petaeus was responsible for the escalation in Iraq; that is provable.
He does not deserve the accolades he is given.

13 Nov 12 - 10:42 AM (#3435829)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

This just in

Rush LImbaugh just fucked himself. He has now joined the ranks of people such as Pee Wee Hermanm, General George Patton and Dick Army.

13 Nov 12 - 10:42 AM (#3435830)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Stringsinger

It's amazing how much "national security" information can be divulged in bed.

13 Nov 12 - 10:47 AM (#3435833)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: olddude

I love ya but I disagree completely, that is really between he and his wife and completely personal. I don't care at all and don't look at others bedrooms. Now he resigned, I think America lost one of the best military minds since Ike in WWII or Monty.

We are not safer losing him for sure.

13 Nov 12 - 10:51 AM (#3435838)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

I can't resist posting this update with regard to the original FBI agent contacted by Jill Kelley about harassing e-mails:

Meanwhile, the FBI investigation itself has come under scrutiny.

According to the Wall Street Journal, supervisors pulled the whistleblower FBI agent off the case after he became "obsessed" with the matter and was caught sending Kelley shirtless photos of himself.

The Jon Daily Show and Colbert Report will have a field day with this "news."

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 10:51 AM (#3435839)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Donuel

IS there a single social scientist who has proven that an orgasm compels anyone to give up the nuclear security codes of the USA or any other country?

Usually the conversation moves to 'connect the moles' or birth marks that look like states.

13 Nov 12 - 10:56 AM (#3435845)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

Thats my crack sex scandal staff hard at work Charley.
Tommorrow we Investigate the investigator who is investigating the investigator who investigated Ms. Broadwell.

Hey Jon Stweart, this thread has your show tonight already written word for word.    Tonight's show... OVer the sexual Cliff

13 Nov 12 - 11:11 AM (#3435858)
Subject: RE: BS: Gen. Petraeus Very Busy Man...
From: Donuel

Yes old dude it is time for Americans not to assume that even the basest religious puritan base in this country gives a crap about shit like an affair to remember, let alone the progressives attitudes on sex. I thought Clinton proved that already.

Even their own right wing preachers like Swaggert are allowed to not resign, unless they are gay.

Liberty procedes by inches.
Its Time to rethink the concept of sex scandal.

Re elect Weiner, he didn't even have sex.

13 Nov 12 - 11:36 AM (#3435874)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

You have heard of 6 degrees of seperation.
Through AIDS campaigns you heard how if you had sex with one person , you had sex with every person that person had sex with.
Some sports figures claim 30,000 sex partners or more.
It is also known that more people are alive today (7.2 billion) than have ever existed at one time in history.

By mathmatically connecting these concepts with the world wide census and rendered by the Magnatar Super Computer in Wall St it has been determined...
that General Scott Allen is the first person in history to have had sex with every single person of legal F-able age on the planet Earth today.          (along with 4.378532299 billion other people)

What an F'n slut!

General where is your resignation?

13 Nov 12 - 11:42 AM (#3435880)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

could not agree more with you. If he said that's what he needed to stay on another 10 years. I would have taken up a collection for him. What differences he and his wife have, don't care what does that have to do with his job. Nothing. The guy is a military genius. I know lots of people who served directly with him. We lost a great warrior. In this troubled times, we need him.

If they want pure, you ain't going to find it in the military. By its very concept it is a profession of death. Sadly this world, we need those guys, I wish we didn't need any guns or any army but that does not exist and never will

13 Nov 12 - 11:50 AM (#3435889)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

I would venture to say he was even better then Ike as a military leader. In WWII the bad guys all had uniforms and organized armies. Petaeus had to fight guys that were all civilian dressed. Well all the pictures of the "ladies" everywhere on the news, they are smiling so maybe he has other stuff he is good at also ...

We lost a great military mind over nonsense

13 Nov 12 - 12:06 PM (#3435899)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

To me, the whole affair was a private matter, between Petraeus, his wife, and his biographer. Nobody's business but their own.

I agree, the whole blowup is nonsense.

FBI investigating CIA and military correspondence? Is this a case of jealousy among the government departments?

This silliness on the part of Americans is deplorable.

13 Nov 12 - 12:16 PM (#3435904)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

The affair should be a private matter, between Petraeus, his wife and his biographer.
Nobody's business but their own.

The silliness of American's in matters of peoples sex lives is deplorable.

I agree, all the blowup of the matter is nonsense.

Now it looks like another top military man may be trashed.

The FBI examining and publicizing personal matters in other departments of the government- a case of intergovernmental jealousy?

13 Nov 12 - 12:20 PM (#3435906)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Sorry for the double post.
The first one wasn't entering on submit, so I hit escape and closed Mudcat. I re-opened and posted my opinion again.

13 Nov 12 - 12:20 PM (#3435908)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: olddude

Boy are you right Q
a guy like him that could have said "I will be a business man" would probably be multimillionaires. Instead they work for peanuts, give their lives literally and figuratively to defend the Constitution of the US and its people. To think that he would talk about sensitive matters of military because of getting laid is insane. Maybe some did in the distant past and time but it ain't happening now. So let them dig, they will find that he like her in lace and other such matters but they ain't going to find military info.

He could have stuck his willy in a light socket if that is what gets him off but we need his skill more today then ever. Now we lose. Our thinking is nuts, "gays bashing in the service" another insane thing. To think that a gay guy would not fight and lay down his life for his country because he is gay .. nuts .. slowly we are moving out of that thinking .. now this thinking still continues. When bullets are flying nobody gives a shit who you slept with or what faith or what sex preference ... To serve this nation is a gift to every person enjoying their freedom cause it ain't free

13 Nov 12 - 12:24 PM (#3435910)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

I have not even mentioned the word wife until now.
It is their private contract that is not my business.
Still on some level even she does not own contractually own a body part of a soverign human being (husband or not) unless it is her own body.

To discuss this further is to be mired in a swamp of how far capitalism and slavery go.
For example it is illegal to own organs today but your own DNA is private property for those who patent it to buy and sell it on the open market. We are in an infancy of coherent privacy and self ownership laws. Sometimes I think our legacy of slavery has influenced the ethics of self ownership. It is certainly at the heart of women's health.

13 Nov 12 - 12:29 PM (#3435912)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

Ethics may defend or attack on many different fronts.
But in real life it can simply break your heart and hurt terribly even if you are the world's formost ethicist.
Freedom has a price.
Ethical Rationalism has its price too.

13 Nov 12 - 12:30 PM (#3435913)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Is it time to go back to 'snail-mail' since private emails are no longer private?

I refuse to join facebook and the like since nothing there is private?
Easy to hack, it is a joke among computer whizes.

Now it looks like email must be avoided when personal and private matters are involved.

13 Nov 12 - 12:43 PM (#3435927)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

Clinton survived his philandering, but not by much. And is now, year later, accepted as rehabilitated.

Petraeus as Director of the CIA was in a worse position than a President: a potential embarrassment to his Commander in Chief and the one man most responsible for our nation's international security.

I would think that people would appreciate that on this forum.

He had only himself to blame, ultimately, and he stood up and accepted personal responsibility. I give Petraeus credit for that.

The rest of the cast merits less credit.

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 12:43 PM (#3435928)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: olddude

Point well taken. And the contract between he and his wife is just that for sure. But one who give his entire life to serve his country, taken away because he slept with another consenting adult or adults ... insane. Take it away if you suck at your job or If he assaulted or harassed but none of that occurred. He did something against his wife and family, they can or cannot handle it but it is their actions to take not ours, or the press or the military

13 Nov 12 - 12:47 PM (#3435935)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,999

Ditto what Dan said.

13 Nov 12 - 12:52 PM (#3435939)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: McGrath of Harlow

Another of these "only in America" things.

The bizarre thing is that from reports such as this story, there appears to be no particular problem in getting away with genuinely abusive stuff.

13 Nov 12 - 12:53 PM (#3435940)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: olddude

unlike guys like Rap, I never had the honor of wearing the uniform. My skills were used to keep those guys safe in other ways. Now as much as I respected General Thomas . He wasn't Petaeus, that guy is in another class of military leader we lost in this whole stinking mess

13 Nov 12 - 01:39 PM (#3435969)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

Make love not war it seems is not acceptable for a general today.
Maybe tomorrow.

Obama still could have refused his resignation. Either way it would be politicized by extremists.

Some are shocked that a CIA director used g mail for an affair.
Well what if he had used CIA quantum encrypted spymail? If caught he would have really been toasted.

Some have blamed the long deployment times apart for military marriage difficulties. They say authority and power may have made him feel immune to rules. I say time and location is no hindrance even for teenagers.

I married late so for me never cheating during our 25 year marriage may have been easier than for folks who married young. I'm almost bragging but I know everyone's situation and rationale is different.
Is Edwards different than Petraus? Of course. Am I different than Hugh Hefner? Wellllll perhaps rationally no, probably regrettably yes... but only in my heart. President Carter said he may have cheated only in his heart. Some said that is the worst kind. People who said that were probably the most unfaithful of the faith based hypocritical community thumping it up naked like Thumper the bible bunny on Saturday night and being forgiven Sunday morning in their Sunday best.

The choice isn't a Quantity or Quality thing, its what makes you happy. Guys say it happened so quick I didn't have time to think. Truth is, you have already chosen your path and had plenty of time to know what doesn't help you in the long run vs the short run, the ins and outs, the fun vs. repercussions. If not, just admit you are a moron and abdicate all responsibility for your life and others.

Civil rights can be as simple as live and let live, or in this case, live and let work

13 Nov 12 - 01:47 PM (#3435974)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

yes I am aware that writing beyond four lines here is likely to not never being read by anyone 99% of time. I have hidden many truths from prying eyes that way')

13 Nov 12 - 02:34 PM (#3436005)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,999

"yes I am aware that writing beyond four lines here is likely to not never being read by anyone 99% of time"

Ain't that the truth.

13 Nov 12 - 02:38 PM (#3436010)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

doubly so.

13 Nov 12 - 03:12 PM (#3436022)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

MCGrath, the "Puritan ethic" is still strong in North America, unfortunately. Their progeny went on to make fortunes in business, and set a pattern that lives on in spite of immigrant infusions from all over, including many from UK, from other backgrounds.

13 Nov 12 - 03:48 PM (#3436049)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

If the media had had the guts to focus on the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, he would have been forced to resign. He was a prime example of someone in the public trust who abused his power for political gain and personal amusement. What a nut case!

Petraeus is a sadder case. I continue to think of him as the good and capable soldier whose human frailties would have ended up the subject of a court martial if he had still been in the armed services but because he was a civilian in charge of the CIA could not be tolerated by his Commander in Chief (alert: run-on sentence!).


So what do you think the Commander in Chief should have done with the offer of resignation, knowing what he knew at the time, or knowing what you know now?

Charley Noble

13 Nov 12 - 04:00 PM (#3436059)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Donuel

As I said Obama was damned if he accepted the resignation and damned if he didn't, by extremeists that is.

Funny, Obama usually governs to the exact middle.
It seems like the middle has old dude's sentiments in their hearts nowadays.

14 Nov 12 - 10:21 AM (#3436446)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

here is the deal, we don't know , maybe Obama really tried to talk him out of it. He resigned and if he said no I have to step down that is that. I blame no one other than our constant need in the country to peer into other people's bedroom. What he did was a family issue for the family to resolve. But in our voyeur culture this is what we get ... we loose

14 Nov 12 - 10:27 AM (#3436449)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: greg stephens

Emma Hamilton

14 Nov 12 - 10:38 AM (#3436457)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Bobert

Yeah, it is a shame that we have become such an intolerant nation because it is costing us dearly... I mean, ya' spend a million or so $$$ on a guy training him up to be the very best of the best and then roll him under the bus for having sex with someone who ain't his wife???

Big f'n (pun intended) deal...

Wonder what would happen if we applied these standards to everyone...

"Sorry Dr. Smith, we realize you are the best brain surgeon in the world but yer fired because you had sex with yer next door neighbor."

"Sorry Dr. Jones, we realize that you are the foremost authority on nuclear centra-fuses but yef fired for having sex with yer assistant. Maybe you can find work in Iran."

"Sorry Reverend Thomas but you can't preach anymore or minister the sick because you've been seeing the widow lady on the side."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Here's what's sorry... Sex ain't a f'n crime as long as minors ain't involved with adults... Get over it...


14 Nov 12 - 10:48 AM (#3436464)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

Charley Noble, I disagree with your assessment. Patraeus was responsible for the military murder of Shi'ites and Sunnis in that country by:
1. Escalating the war through the so-called "surge". Bush took orders from him because like so many in this country, military leaders are glorified even when they do immoral
2. He also supported the drone strikes that have taken place.
3. Sex is not the real reason he should have resigned. Being a bloodthirsty general
is reason enough.

His affairs are trivial compared to the monstrous military actions that he supported in Iraq and Bush patted him on the back for it.

His deception was indicative on a political level reflected in his personal life.

14 Nov 12 - 11:05 AM (#3436469)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

"Funny, Obama usually governs to the exact middle."

No he governs pretty much like George W. Bush. He refuses to acknowledge torture taking place by the military, the persecution of Brad Manning, the vendetta against Asange,
the droning of Pakistan, Yemen and possibly Afghanistan, the lack of concern for
veterans who are returning from tours of duty with blood lust, PTSD or injuries.
Here, he talks a good game. The proof is how vets are being treated.

14 Nov 12 - 11:58 AM (#3436491)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

monstrous things do happen in war strings, no doubt my friend you are correct that shameful things went on. They do on all sides in a war and there is no excuse for it. But the commanding general isn't on the field, he leaves the field command to his officers in charge. What I saw was his swift reaction when he found our horrible stuff like the prison thing.

Water boarding and such was not his fault I think. The CIO conducted those interrogations with outside contractors to keep their hands clean. All was a disgrace but I don't blame Petraeous for it. He is not political, he is a military leader nothing more. For me, it was all Cheney

14 Nov 12 - 12:06 PM (#3436492)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

One thing we never learned, ever since man crawled out of the ocean we been killing each other .. There is always more hate to go around and a heck of a lot less love. I could only wish for a world when no military leaders were ever needed. That would be my I have a dream speech, I will never see that day, nor will our grand kids and theirs and theirs and so on

14 Nov 12 - 12:41 PM (#3436503)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

This is a much better debate than trying to score whatever Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley were trying to rack up.

Evidently Petraeus will be testifying with regard to what he knew about the Libyan Consulate attack at the upcoming hearing in DC. But if he wants access to his "archives" he'll have to contact the FBI who just removed them from Broadwell's tender care.

Charley Noble

14 Nov 12 - 01:04 PM (#3436517)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Just a friendly reminder.............

Subject: RE: porn+FL Rev koran burner=ambassador killed
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 13 Sep 12 - 09:17 AM

The film was a cover-up of the REAL reasons for the uprisings.
This will come out even more than it has'll see!


14 Nov 12 - 07:49 PM (#3436723)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Ron Davies

And if it does not, you'll allege a coverup.

The best things in life don't change--like Mudcatters' addiction to conspiracy theories.

14 Nov 12 - 08:11 PM (#3436732)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Bobert

What other theories are there, Ron??? I mean, the truth just ain't as sexy as conspiracy theories...

I'm gonna enjoy the next couple of months with John "Washrag Crybaby" McCain trying to stir up trouble... Talk about sorry losers???


15 Nov 12 - 01:54 AM (#3436805)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Ron Davies: "And if it does not, you'll allege a coverup."

Have you ever wondered WHO gave U.N. Ambassador Rice the 'intel', when she lied to the U.N. and 5 media outlets?
Next question, of course, would be 'Why'?

No conspiracy theory at all. All anybody wants is the truth....from THIS Administration??...that's a fucking joke!


15 Nov 12 - 08:49 AM (#3436868)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


"Have you ever wondered WHO gave U.N. Ambassador Rice the 'intel', when she lied to the U.N. and 5 media outlets?"

That should be an easy question to answer but will you be satisfied with the answer?

Perhaps, General Petraeus will answer that tomorrow at the hearing, or Paula Broadwell if he can't remember since she keeps his archives (except that the FBI hauled them away yesterday).

Charley Noble

15 Nov 12 - 08:51 AM (#3436870)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: greg stephens

As someone from the eastern shores of the Atlantic, I have to say it is great how entertaining other people's sex scandals are.

15 Nov 12 - 09:45 AM (#3436885)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,999

Nothing tops the ineptitude of the carpenter Christine Keeler. One screw and the whole cabinet fell apart.

15 Nov 12 - 05:17 PM (#3437086)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


Love it!

Or leave it!

Charley Noble

16 Nov 12 - 01:18 PM (#3437458)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well, well well...reports in that Gen. Petraeus testified, and in his report he says it was a terrorist attack, and named the group....however, the report's points were changed....and given then to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.
So I reiterate my former question: ""Have you ever wondered WHO gave U.N. Ambassador Rice the 'intel', when she lied to the U.N. and 5 media outlets?"

So, Charley asked me this; "That should be an easy question to answer but will you be satisfied with the answer?"

Now the question is being asked to you, in return!!!


16 Nov 12 - 03:42 PM (#3437513)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

Only prove one thing, its better to be the bang-ee I guess then the bang-er

Seems like the banger always gets the trouble

16 Nov 12 - 03:48 PM (#3437514)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,olddude

well, all of these thing play out like this. He leaves broken and disgraced over a personal issue, the ladies move on to talk shows and a zillion dollars from playboy to show their bits ...

always the same ... but I will venture to guess the ladies also knew exactly what they were doing when they took their unders off

such is the state of this talk show news that we have anymore here

16 Nov 12 - 04:45 PM (#3437542)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


I think I'll wait for more feedback from the hearing before deciding but thanks for the heads up.

Charley Noble

16 Nov 12 - 04:50 PM (#3437544)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns

How does anyone know what was said in a *closed hearing*!

Maybe you can parrot what Fox News says was said.

But you don't *know* shit.

16 Nov 12 - 04:53 PM (#3437546)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble


Just as I thought. You like to manipulate the feedback:

Testifying out of sight, ex-CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress Friday that classified intelligence showed the deadly raid on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was a terrorist attack but the administration withheld the suspected role of al-Qaida affiliates to avoid tipping them off.
The recently resigned spy chief explained that references to terrorist groups suspected of carrying out the violence were removed from the public explanation of what caused the attack so as not to alert them that U.S. intelligence was on their trail, according to lawmakers who attended Petraeus' private briefings.

He also said it initially was unclear whether the militants had infiltrated a demonstration to cover their attack.

Really cute!

Charley Noble

17 Nov 12 - 10:36 AM (#3437807)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

General Betrayus knew there was a CIA plant nearby the Consulate.
Betrayus girl friend, Paula Broadwell was working with the Israeli Irgun maybe as an
Israeli spy.
McCain and Lieberman are running guns in Syria.

17 Nov 12 - 10:42 AM (#3437808)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Stringsinger

Representative Cantor went behind Obama's back to keep his promise to Netanyahu,
believing that Obama didn't go far enough in supporting Israel. Was this a reason
that Petraeus was trashed by the "honey pot"?

The plot sickens.

17 Nov 12 - 01:00 PM (#3437855)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: GUEST,999


You having a few grey moments?

17 Nov 12 - 09:55 PM (#3438022)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: Charley Noble

Actually I'm having so much trouble keeping up with the Petraeus soap opera that I tend to forget that real shit came down in Benghazi. I don't buy the Republican take on Benghazi but I do regret that our Consulate was so poorly prepared for a terrorist attack. Frankly I'm surprised that the CIA team a mile away was able to get there in time to extract the vast majority of the Consulate staff. I still feel badly about the loss of Ambassador Chris Stevens. I didn't know him in the Peace Corps but he was a familiar type, one of the good ones.

Charley Noble

18 Nov 12 - 11:17 AM (#3438201)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: olddude

American's seem to care more about the sex lives of our General's then the lives of our guys dying .. One person on TV said everyone knows the name Broadwell but cannot name one of the 50 soldiers who were killed last week. Bigger question is why the hell we are still there fighting and for what but that is another thread entirely.

18 Nov 12 - 11:25 AM (#3438204)
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From: olddude

by the way you have to take things as a grain of salt when you hear classified information. Every damn thing in the military and especially CIA is classified down to how much toilet paper we used last month. It is done on purpose so they have a reason to get ya if you screw up. There is classified National security eyes only and classified stuff that is we bought 20 gallons of gas at 7-11. All fucked up actually