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BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?

29 Oct 99 - 07:15 AM (#129358)
Subject: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Little Neophyte

Besides wanting to be a folk legendary musician, if you could do anything, what would you do? Imagine nothing standing in your way. What kind of work would fulfill your dreams.

29 Oct 99 - 07:29 AM (#129360)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: AndyG

Producing full multimedia presentations of great folk music (songs & tunes).

recordings of live performances (different interpretations), animation, interviews, geographic and historic references, discography, score and lyrics, technical commentaries from performers (instrumentation etc). Subjective stuff about the particular appeal of the work, etc, etc. etc.

Andy "in my dreams" G

29 Oct 99 - 07:49 AM (#129367)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: catspaw49

I was kinda' thinkin' "sane" would be good but that's pretty much beyond the realm of possibility

I want to work toward world peace and love. I know that as Miss America I will fulfill my duties to bring international goodwill to all.......uh, wait a minute.....I was nodding off there.........


29 Oct 99 - 08:29 AM (#129377)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Roger the skiffler

when I was younger I wanted to be towel boy at the Playboy mansion. Now I'm old, I can't remember why!

29 Oct 99 - 08:34 AM (#129380)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Neil Lowe

....a permanent questions like, "did you ever eat a worm?" would not be considered suspect and grounds for commitment to an asylum.

29 Oct 99 - 08:57 AM (#129389)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MudGuard

a professional (very well-paid) tourist!

29 Oct 99 - 08:57 AM (#129390)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: JedMarum

if I wasn't a musician, and I could start again, I'd study archeology

29 Oct 99 - 09:42 AM (#129407)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Davey

A young fellow said to his mother, "I want to be a musician when I grow up." to which she replied, "You can't do both, dear."

I don't want to grow up, it's never too late to have a happy childhood..

Good thread, Neo... I'd like to work toward world peace, in whatever way that could be accomplished. At the same time I'd like to work toward a global cleanup of our environment and find ways to protect this fragile planet of ours.

Davey... (:>)

29 Oct 99 - 09:45 AM (#129408)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Bert


When I grow up (retire) I plan to build a boat or two and some musical instruments and grow some apples and write a book and paint some pictures and...and...

29 Oct 99 - 09:46 AM (#129409)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Patrish(inactive)

I wanna be six foot tall, sing like June Tabor, have a nose that doesn't turn up, hair like rapunzel, and owner of aladdins lamp.

But seriously folks, I'm quite happy being as grown up as I am going to get.



29 Oct 99 - 10:05 AM (#129416)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Steve Latimer

Little Neo, you've caught me. Forty years and nobody has ever asked me that. I guess I had better start giving it some thought.

29 Oct 99 - 10:14 AM (#129421)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MMario

I'm not gonna grow up. Not me. now way. uh-uh, not gonna happen. growing up makes you OLD! besides which, I can't grow up until my Dad does. and he doesn't show many signs of doing it yet.


29 Oct 99 - 10:19 AM (#129424)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Peter T.

An adult. I have only met about 3 adults in my life, in spite of all the grownups around me, including myself.
yours, Peter T.

29 Oct 99 - 10:41 AM (#129438)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Frank in the swamps

Cowboy, as in western Romance, not real life. Of course, this precludes growing up.

Frank, on the looone wet prairieeee....

29 Oct 99 - 11:31 AM (#129450)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: katlaughing

HEY! Frankits! Where've ya been!? Nice to see ya around, again! Yippee, YeeHaw!

When I am very, very old, I want to have the grace and love of life that some of the old crones/wisewomen I've either known or heard of, have. They laugh at life; their feathers are never ruffled; their eyes shine with a depth of wisdom that can only come from those many years of life experience. They are not shocked by anything and accept a person for who they are.

BUT, that won't be for a long time. yet. Until then I will proudly continue to never lose the wonder I've always had, taking time to spend with good friends; notice the sunset; smell a flower; pet an animal; feed the birds; write a poem; sing a song; and point out those natural beauties that light up my spirit, to others who may be too busy to see, until they are gently reminded.

Grow up, nope,not me. I am having too much fun!


29 Oct 99 - 12:37 PM (#129481)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Rick Fielding

Anything but an adult! Right now I do what makes me very content (and sadly to some) highly unambitious. I just wish I'd stopped playing for drunks when I was 20 instead of 40!
At various times I've wanted to be:
A lighthouse keeper (with very few duties)
A therapist
A professional baseball player
An editorial cartoonist
A crusading reporter
A vet
John Beresford Tipton


29 Oct 99 - 02:47 PM (#129554)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Little Neophyte


29 Oct 99 - 02:50 PM (#129557)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MMario

*guffaw* I heard that 'phyte!

29 Oct 99 - 03:02 PM (#129562)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Cara

I want to be a writer who gets to travel and has a big fat expense account . Freelance would be great but Lord knows how I would screw up my taxes...

What I really really want is to be independently comfortable so that money wasn't what I worried about every minute of the day. I'd like to have my degree completed and be debt free. I'd like to be entirely fluent in at least one language, ideally in 2 or 3. I'd like to be able to spend my time doing what I want instead of what I must. I used to work in a headstart program for homeless children and I loved it but found that I can't live without a liveable wage, or the promise of one at least. So I guess it's either independent wealth or disavowing consumer culture...but I can't figure out how to swing either.

29 Oct 99 - 03:26 PM (#129573)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Áine

When I grow up I want to:

(1) have a rich husband; (2) have a maid; (3) have a cook; (4) have a chauffeur; (5) have a nanny for the kids -----

Oops! Just passed the mirror on the wall and realized I have #2-#5 and they're ME! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to put up with that hunk with the great sense of humour I got stuck with instead of #1 (hee, hee).

29 Oct 99 - 03:28 PM (#129574)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Cap't Bob

I want to be a fireman (hopefully on a ladder truck.

29 Oct 99 - 04:06 PM (#129581)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Peter T.

Gee, Rick, and you were on the verge of edging onto my adult list!
John Beresford Tipton -- God, I wish I had thought of that. Totally hilarious. (Can I be your secretary? --

DOWN AND OUT BUM: "But who wants to give me a million dollars, tax free?"

SECRETARY: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you, he has his reasons, and if you ever found out who your patron was, we would have to come and take the money back again!"

DOWN AND OUT BUM: " Is it that John Tipton character you see on TV?"

SECRETARY: "Give me that cheque back you bum!" (They fight on the street corner over the wadded piece of paper. Police arrive.)

DOWN AND OUT BUM: "Officers, this guy was giving me a million dollars tax free from his secretive boss, John Tipton, and I was not allowed to guess who he was, and that is why we were fighting."

POLICEMAN: "Well of course John Beresford Tipton doesn't want anyone to find out, he hasn't been paying taxes on anything for the past 10 years. Haven't you read the morning paper? Tax-free, yeah, right -- the Tax people took him away in a van last night. I bet this secretary has a few things tucked away in that briefcase of his too. Come on buddy.........."

yours, Peter T.

29 Oct 99 - 04:16 PM (#129584)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Lonesome EJ

I would like to grow uo to be either 1) a Fireman, like my Hero, Uncle Dave Swann, or 2) a general F*ck-off, like my other Hero, Uncle Catspaw

29 Oct 99 - 04:35 PM (#129596)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: lamarca

A singing naturalist (and I don't mean nudist). I would like to be like Gerrald Durrell, travelling the world to exotic and uncomfortable places, photographing, catching and studying strange beasties, and travelling to exotic and beautiful places (like Scotland or Ireland or Toronto)to listen to and sing with strange fellow musicians. As this is a childhood wish/dream, I guess it doesn't really count as "growing up", though...

29 Oct 99 - 06:25 PM (#129629)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: sophocleese



29 Oct 99 - 06:37 PM (#129635)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Rick Fielding

C'mon Peter, one person's adult is another's irresponsible dork. LaMarca, Toronto would be made more exotic by your presence, and of course anytime you want to visit, there's a bed for you at 1235 Kingston rd. By the way I HAVE been a "singing nudist" but that's another story. I have the pictures to prove it!


29 Oct 99 - 07:55 PM (#129662)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Come on. I was only born in 1938. Give me another 30 years or so and I might be able to answer the question.

29 Oct 99 - 09:43 PM (#129694)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Mudjack

GROW UP???? WHY????

29 Oct 99 - 10:04 PM (#129700)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: DonMeixner

All I ever wanted to do was build boats. I built a lot of boats and now I can't. I make good solid jewelry instead. The only thing I'd do diferent is to remake a decision I made wrong about 28 years ago. But grow up along way. Not me.


29 Oct 99 - 10:15 PM (#129704)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Áine

I'm with you, Don! Forget the Alamo -- Remember La Bamba!!


29 Oct 99 - 10:24 PM (#129709)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Malcolm Douglas

When I grow up? probably.

Which ought to give me a good long life.


29 Oct 99 - 10:27 PM (#129710)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Jack (Who is called Jack)


29 Oct 99 - 11:47 PM (#129740)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Anthing but old!

29 Oct 99 - 11:48 PM (#129741)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well, maybe a better proofreader, at any rate.

30 Oct 99 - 12:00 AM (#129747)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Barry Finn

A fish.

30 Oct 99 - 12:49 AM (#129754)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MandolinPaul

A kid.

30 Oct 99 - 01:02 AM (#129759)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: thosp

ahhhhhhh roger the skif --- as i understand it --you can't remember why your old ---hmmmmm ----- i getting to feel like that myself --- anyway i want to be a folk singer -- but lil neo says i can't be that ---so i suppose a rap singer (thosp ducks)

30 Oct 99 - 01:06 AM (#129760)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: sophocleese

What kind of breed are thosp ducks? I've heard of mallards and teals but not thosps. Do they come to Ontario?

30 Oct 99 - 03:25 AM (#129769)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: roopoo

Like Liam I would like to study archaeology. I was aiming to do so once, until I got chucked out of History O-level (Victorian politics gave me a mental block) and I'd even forced myself to do Latin as well. So I went to art college instead! I also wouldn't mind my husband's job: he actually DOES get to go to faraway places and be paid for it! Problem: he gets no choice either and is at present working in Siberia! Imagine the poor beer-drinking man's feelings the time he was forced to work for 18 months in Iran! He's home for a week right now and then he's going to Kyrghyzstan for a week to appear on TV before going back to Siberia until Christmas. Oh to hell with all that! I want to be Charlie Dimmock!


30 Oct 99 - 04:31 AM (#129772)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Llanfair

Patrish......I AM 6 foot tall and nearly sing like June Tabor, and my nose doesn't turnup at the end, but I want to be little
And thin
And have pre-raphaelite hair.
I want to travel the country in a Volkswagen bus, singing for my supper.
AAAH that's better!!!!!! Hwyl, Bron.

30 Oct 99 - 04:39 AM (#129773)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: wildlone

I grew up once did'nt like it, I just want to be me.
For those that do'nt know Charlie Dimmock is a woman on Brit TV who does garden makeovers.I do'nt want to be crude but Cletus would love her.Big girl, no bra.

30 Oct 99 - 09:02 AM (#129791)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Patrish

llandfair, I cant wait to meet you..........

30 Oct 99 - 01:03 PM (#129841)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Banjer

I refuse to grow up....I've seen what most grownups are like and I don't want any part of it!!

30 Oct 99 - 01:15 PM (#129849)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Rick Fielding

I'm with you banjer!

30 Oct 99 - 03:30 PM (#129888)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: thosp

sopho---- lol---- well it's been about 20 yrs since a (thosp ducks) has been seen in canada --

30 Oct 99 - 03:32 PM (#129890)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: kendall

I want to be the male counterpart of Carrie Nation, and, go around smashing electric guitars.

30 Oct 99 - 08:49 PM (#129934)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Gint


30 Oct 99 - 09:01 PM (#129936)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: catspaw49

Gint, I gotta' disagree with you....When I grow up, I want to be younger. Youth, as they say, is wasted on the young.


30 Oct 99 - 09:16 PM (#129941)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MMario

'spaw: aint THAT the truth!

30 Oct 99 - 10:32 PM (#129953)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Helen

If I knew what I want to be when I grow up it would be the first time in 44 years. I'm still searching. I've got the Gemini curse - I get interested in too many things, with no single, abiding passion for any one thing. It's got benefits but it doesn't help when I'm looking for sources of income because I'm Jill of all trades and .....hmm, what's the PC version of that saying? I refuse to buy into the "mistress" label.


30 Oct 99 - 10:43 PM (#129956)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: catspaw49

Helen dear, why did I know you were a Gemini? I don't buy off on astrology, but I too share those traits with you. You get to live a lot of lives though!!!!

But listen if you DO want to go that Mistress thing, we could work something out. Have to talk to Bruce and Karen though.......


31 Oct 99 - 04:12 PM (#130121)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Eric the Viking

When I grow up I want to be 16 with the knowedge and skills I have now. As I am growing backwards in time I only have 34 years to go. I want to be 16 because you can be rebellious without responsibility, think you know it all without having knowedge and the world is just opening up for you in all sorts of ways. If not and I live to get older I'll just be an 18 year old crossed with a 7 year old as I am now. Eric.

31 Oct 99 - 05:44 PM (#130151)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Bluesy

A Liontamer, well I've got the hat.

31 Oct 99 - 06:22 PM (#130167)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Magpie


Rich enough to do all the courses at university that I want to do, without having to worry about getting meself a job afterwards. Rich enough to be able to go to the sessions whenever I want to, or stay in bed all day when I feel like it, or spend more time with my son, or to work as a brickie with Davy just for the fun of it,without him having to worry about paying me.


01 Nov 99 - 08:51 AM (#130367)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: kendall

hey Bluesy... dont start with the Monty Python stuff.. we could really drive Gargoyle out of his tree.

01 Nov 99 - 09:10 AM (#130374)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Davey

I'm also with Banjer, and Magpie... And Magpie, do you know how you can make a million dollars in folk music? Start with two million.. (Heard that from Utah Phillips)..

Davey... (:>)

01 Nov 99 - 08:00 PM (#130662)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Helen


You're *encouragable*, no, that should read incorrigible. No, wait - I think I mean both of those.



01 Nov 99 - 08:08 PM (#130666)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Paul G.

A photographer of lighthouses and old barns tilting in the mist.

01 Nov 99 - 10:28 PM (#130709)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: harpgirl mother's been telling me I was "born old" since I was a wee one...but I want to own and run my own radio station...from a house on a mountain in Arkansas...harpgirl

01 Nov 99 - 11:34 PM (#130738)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: TheMuse

Forever young and retired with my Sweetie in our dream house built on a lake where we can watch sunsets while we rock in our rockers and hold hands.

02 Nov 99 - 12:07 AM (#130749)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Lonesome EJ

Or I could be a Haberdasher. Like,"may I help you?" or "what size? Yes, I believe we have that..."

02 Nov 99 - 05:46 AM (#130798)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Oh, thank you Davey!

I'll keep that in mind.

But how the F*** do I go about making those two mill??

I just remebered this story. An ex boyfriend of mine told me this story about his little nephew, 4 years old. When an uncle once asked him what he wanted to become when he grew up, he promptly answered: Well, I sure as hell aint gonna be no horse's ass!


02 Nov 99 - 09:10 AM (#130848)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Davey

Magpie, I can think of a couple of ways. Play the stock market (buy low, sell high)..*Grin*

Get an inheritance (if you don't have wealthy relatives, particularly older ones, marry one)*Grin again*

Keep buying those lottery tickets..

Best of Luck... Davey... (:>)

02 Nov 99 - 07:28 PM (#131074)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Magpie

Well, Davey, looks like it'll be marriage for me. No rich relatives.

Anyone interested??


02 Nov 99 - 10:56 PM (#131150)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: BK

It's great - if predictable here - to see I'm not the only who doubts the wisdom fo "growing up" - assuming you can define it. I kinda like some of what Heinlen used to say abt getting rejuvinated to physiological age 19, look abt 30+ to ?? (whatever you want) & not really grow up in the usual ways, & put off growing too old for a while... then be - of course, a folksinger.. 'n a pilot, 'n a cowboy, 'n a space-ship captain, 'n an archeologist, 'n an explorer, 'n a deep-sea diver, 'n an inventer & scientist... not sure abt doctor... but I'd like to cure AIDS, CF, a host of degenerative diseases, etc, etc.. get back to the joy & delight in science, but not "grow up."

Cheers, BK.

03 Nov 99 - 12:14 AM (#131170)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: WyoWoman

Well, I'm really lucky because I have a career that keeps me learning something new all the time, which keeps one young, and it's one that's completely compatible with my spirit and passions. I would, however, like to have more time for music, and I'd like to be a well-respected but rarely recognized author of historical novels and novels for young people.

If I get to come back in another human form, however, I want to be a big, beautiful blues singer who fronts a band so powerfully and has such an amazing voice she just makes people speechless and then joyous.


03 Nov 99 - 08:12 PM (#131495)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Liz the Squeak

Patronizing aunt to little boy: 'And what are you going to do when you get as big as your daddy, little man?' Little boy: 'Go on a diet!'

Seriously, I always wanted a big truck.... When I was four I used to play at being the coalman - can't be done now because a)I'm not a man, and b)there isn't any coal.

Actually there is still one pit working, but it is only a matter of time. And for those of you too young to have heard about it, coal is a black, shiny, fossil based rock that burns well for a long time. It was dug out of big holes in the ground by 'naked, sweating men', transported up and down (mostly down) the country by canal boats and later by rail, and was bagged up and delivered to houses that still had coal fires. I wanted to be the man who drives the truck and got to be dirty all day.

If I ever grow up, I'll let you know. I'm into my 30's, like riding on trolleys at the supermarket (you know, push off down the aisle and take your feet off the ground), I kick through piles of leaves, much to the delight of my daughter, and disgust of the roadsweeper, and I skip down roads when I'm happy.... Had to do the responsibility thing rather early in life, due to mother in ill health, so I'm making up for it now!

Liz the Squeak

03 Nov 99 - 11:33 PM (#131551)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: northfolk/al cholger

I confess to not having read all the posts...just got my monitor out of the repair shop...Wanna be a banjo player...hope I'm mature enough to withstand the derision.

04 Nov 99 - 10:30 AM (#131683)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Steve Latimer

I'd like to be the leader of the Judean Peoples' Front, or is it the People's Front of Judea?

04 Nov 99 - 11:15 AM (#131702)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: sophocleese


04 Nov 99 - 03:35 PM (#131788)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Eric the Viking

To Steve- "Shut up big nose!" From Eric the Viking-Not Woderick the wapist!

04 Nov 99 - 03:51 PM (#131798)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Steve Latimer


How'd you know about my nose?

I was thinking, how about a favourite Python line thread where we can all get it out of our systems.


04 Nov 99 - 04:09 PM (#131805)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: WyoWoman

Steve -- braggart!

(How would you spell the Knights Who Say Neeep?)


04 Nov 99 - 04:17 PM (#131810)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Eric the Viking

Wyo- I fart in your general direction- Merde!! Eric the gumbie!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the Haddock! or 1/2 1/2 bee!

04 Nov 99 - 04:18 PM (#131811)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Steve Latimer


Or Silly English K-nigit.

04 Nov 99 - 04:28 PM (#131821)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah. All I can add to this is: pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cos there's bugger all down here on earth!!

Must go and do domestic things now or else, come and see the violence inherant in the system, help, help, I'm being repressed!

LTS From the village of Wainscotting in Dorset.

04 Nov 99 - 04:30 PM (#131822)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Liz the Squeak

And he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!!!


04 Nov 99 - 04:34 PM (#131828)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Steve Latimer

This thread continues to creep, so Eric The Viking started "This Parrot's Dead" thread. Let's continue there.

04 Nov 99 - 04:43 PM (#131835)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: MMario

04 Nov 99 - 07:29 PM (#131911)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Ely

[Crawling back to the original topic]

I'm trying to get to forensic anthropology. A friend of mine emailed me during mid-sems week and suggested we both quit right then and go to New Mexico to start a goat farm and I was so tired I almost decided that that was close enough.

04 Nov 99 - 08:50 PM (#131939)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: WyoWoman

I'll come be your milkmaid and sing goatherd songs.

Anyone know any goatherd songs?


04 Nov 99 - 09:20 PM (#131946)
Subject: RE: BS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
From: Bill D

late reading this, since I have up to my ears in my 'new' line of work, making stuff out of wood...I wish I had found this when I was 20...Iwould like to just stay at home..filling the shelves with fascinating items of turned wood and have the public beat down my door to buy them from me!~