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BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?

19 Nov 12 - 10:17 PM (#3439003)
Subject: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Songwronger

You can go to and start a petition for anything. Once your petition has garnered 25,000 signatures, it will be responded to by the white house.

As you may know, there are now secession petitions for all 50 U.S. states at the site. You can go there, find the one of your state and sign in favor of secession.

Or, you can sign this one. It's long title is, "Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America". It's short title is, "Get the Fuck out if You Don't Like it Here."

I mean, who do these secessionists think they are? President Obama has gone out of his way to make this society a cohesive one. He never invokes the name of Lincoln and all that Civil War, racial stuff. Never. He's above all that. Yet here are these ingrates who don't appreciate how hard it is to turn a nation into a smooth-running National Socialist machine. So fuck 'em. Ship them out. The petition's just shy of the 25k needed for a white house response, so push it over the top.

19 Nov 12 - 10:48 PM (#3439022)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: GUEST,999

Just out of curiosity, deported to where?

19 Nov 12 - 10:55 PM (#3439025)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

Canada wants us.
=(:-( ))

19 Nov 12 - 10:57 PM (#3439027)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I believe the question of secession was settled 150 years ago +/-. You're in; you're not getting out. Let them have their little will keep them doing anything that could really harm the country.

19 Nov 12 - 11:03 PM (#3439029)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

Time for change we can believe in.
=(:-( ))

19 Nov 12 - 11:21 PM (#3439032)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: EBarnacle

My neice signed a petition to have Austin secede from Texas if Texas secedes from the union. She's on the right track. There are crazies everywhere.

19 Nov 12 - 11:46 PM (#3439039)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Songwronger

Well, Obama now claims the National Defense Authorization Act gives him the authority to kill anyone on earth, so I think he should just kill the Secessionists. It's what Lincoln did, and the media has built Obama up as the New Lincoln. So just drone bomb them. Get their addresses off the petitions and stimulate the economy by building tens of thousands of drones to take the bastards out. Maybe I should start a petition for that--"We the Peons Humbly Beseech Der Obama to Bomb Amerika's Secessionists."

20 Nov 12 - 12:19 AM (#3439046)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

=(:-( D)

20 Nov 12 - 09:29 AM (#3439223)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: GUEST,999

When you figure that near half to popular vote went to Romney, is it any wonder the US has a share of the world's idiots? They love to win and rub victory in the faces of the poor, but when they get beaten they do tend to whine lots, and that's what I think the secessionist petitions are all about. Playground stuff: it was a fair ball and if you don't like it I'm taking my bat and glove and going home, so THERE!

20 Nov 12 - 09:52 AM (#3439233)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Elmore

How about letting the 10 states which receive the most federal aid secede? That might help decrease the national debt.

20 Nov 12 - 10:11 AM (#3439242)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bobert

I think we should just let a couple states secede and then let these WCs (washrag crybabies) self-deport themselves there... I'd give 'um Alabama for the warm loving WCs and maybe North Dakota for the ones who like it nippy...


20 Nov 12 - 10:59 AM (#3439273)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Little Hawk

Ah, well...the old 2-party "divide and conquer" method has so bitterly divided the USA by now that it's not surprising some people talk about seceding when their party loses the great electoral game. I've heard people on the Democratic side of the equation talk about moving to Canada if Romney had won...someone spoke about Maine joining Canada if Romney won. What's the difference, really? The one that loses see it as an overwhelming disaster, an utter betrayal of all that the country stands for, 4 years of stark insanity ahead...etc. That IS the nature of the political divide in the USA...both sides see the other as out of touch with reality.

I'll tell you what Americans could do that would give the rest of the world some relief for a bit...have ALL the people who voted for Obama move to the "blue" states from the last election and ALL the people who voted for Romney move to the "red" states from the last election...simply deport them to the nearest state that matches their political choice. As for those who didn't vote...well, they're suspicious intern them in concentration camps. Then separate into two hostile nations, erect fortified borders between the Big Red and Big Blue, and then have another Civil War.

This would greatly relieve the pressure on various small nations around the world that the USA has been invading and occupying and otherwise fucking around in for decades now, because the American troops would all have to come home and fight each other for a change. They could bomb American infrastructure, invade American cities, sack American towns....and think what a relief this would be for Afghans, Yemenis, Iraqis, Central Americans....basically just about everybody...specially those who have large amounts of oil.

The new American Civil War would probably last for at least a few years. Fox News would become the official organ of Big Red, CNN and a couple of others could handle the propaganda for Big Blue, Obama could be the new Lincoln, maybe have Romney or Gingrich as the new Jefferson Davis...and you'd all get to take out your frustrations on the "bad" people in your ex-country....that is, the ones you don't agree with.

Some of you would have to move, of course. But you could look forward to the Final Victory when the "bad guys" finally get their comeuppance and PAY for their evil ways! And then Reconstruction could begin. Jobs for everyone!

20 Nov 12 - 11:07 AM (#3439277)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Greg F.

Hey, ShitWringer: Blow me. One more time.

20 Nov 12 - 11:14 AM (#3439289)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Little Hawk

Face it, Greg....he's just not interested. What you could do, though, is try a certain establishment in Soho. They'll blow anyone, I've heard...and for a modest price. Only a few quid. Talk to "Betty"...or "Quentin"...whichever suits your fancy.

20 Nov 12 - 11:19 AM (#3439294)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bobert

The "new civil war" has lasted 150 years and still going strong...


20 Nov 12 - 11:22 AM (#3439297)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

=(:-( D)

20 Nov 12 - 11:30 AM (#3439304)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, Bobert, it has indeed. Seems to me like it's been getting steadily worse for some time now.

20 Nov 12 - 11:34 AM (#3439306)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bobert

Yes, LH, it has... It is more like a low grade revolution being waged by the rich using ignorant people as their pawns than a civil war...


20 Nov 12 - 11:54 AM (#3439317)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Little Hawk

Yep. I think it was Boss Tweed in Tammany Hall who said, "You can always get one half of the poor to kill the other half for you..."

I'd say that the original Civil War too was basically started by 2 sets of wealthy elites who couldn't agree with each other about social and economic policy, and they got the ordinary people to go out and kill each other over it. You had the rich industrialists in the Northeast versus the rich cotton plantation aristocracy in the South...and the prize was who would run the country to their own best financial benefit. The Southerners eventually lost the battle for the controlling numbers in Washington DC, so they got mad and seceded.

The South naturally lost. The North had most of the military industry, most of the heavy industry, almost the entire Navy, and a considerably larger population to recruit from. That made a southern defeat inevitable in a long war....providing the North was willing to fight on to final victory, despite terrible losses. The South could only have won if they'd scored a shockingly dramatic victory very early...and had occupied Washington. They could probably have done that right after the First Battle of Bull Run...if they'd been bold enough to...but it doesn't seem to have even occurred to the southern commanders at the time.

If they had won such a victory, though, I think it would only have been a temporary victory. Another war would have been virtually inevitable, within a few years...and the North would have probably won anyway in the long run.

20 Nov 12 - 12:10 PM (#3439329)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: GUEST,gillymor

How about "self-deportation"? They can strap their dogs to the top of their cars and move to Romneyland.

20 Nov 12 - 12:33 PM (#3439338)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bobert

1st Manassas was purdy shocking, LH... All the DC socialites dressed up and packed picnic baskets to watch and ended up in a hasty retreat when the Southerners kicked some serious butt on the Union boys who ended up running literally for their lives along with the DC socialites...

Had Gen. Johnston and then Col. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson continued the battle by trying to run down the Union boys it is conceivable that the South could have won the war that day by pushing into the Capitol and taking it... They had the troops to do it and they knew the terrain well...


20 Nov 12 - 12:39 PM (#3439341)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: GUEST,999

He wasn't called "Stonewall" until after that battle, fyi.

20 Nov 12 - 12:56 PM (#3439355)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

Damn yankees!
=(:-( 0)

20 Nov 12 - 01:01 PM (#3439360)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: pdq

"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half" credited to Jay Gould, 1986

But if you change it back to "I can convince one half of the working class to kill the other half" it is pure Karl Marx, circa 1844.

20 Nov 12 - 01:03 PM (#3439362)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Greg F.

Thomas J. Jackson was also a fundagelical "Christian"[sic] lunatic whose visions made William Blake look like a piker and Oliver Cromwell look like an atheist.

Yet another nutter re-made into some sort of Lost Cause "hero".

20 Nov 12 - 06:14 PM (#3439505)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Songwronger

Dear Moderator:

Greg F' persistent requests for a blowjob are beginning to worry me. I'm not sure what to do with a case of gay stalking except to bring it to your attention. Could you please give him his damn blowjob so he'll stop his homosexual fantisization?


20 Nov 12 - 06:19 PM (#3439507)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Greg F.

Yo, ShitWringer: Get a life, will ya? Or at least get the frick outa here and take your garbage with ya??

20 Nov 12 - 06:30 PM (#3439512)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Ed T

""Canada wants us""

No we don't.
I suggest they be deported to Louisana. It worked in 1755 for the British (with their then loyal New Englanders) who kicked the Acadians out of "the great white north" to spicy and swampy Cajunland.

20 Nov 12 - 06:36 PM (#3439515)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Jeri

Not Louisiana. We'd need passports to visit the Big Easy. I say let them have Odessa, TX.

20 Nov 12 - 06:50 PM (#3439522)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

Greg needs to behave himself. Mr. Grabby Hands. Naughty boy.
=(:-( o)

20 Nov 12 - 07:48 PM (#3439552)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think it's high time we seceded from the United States over here in Europe...

20 Nov 12 - 07:55 PM (#3439555)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

I agree. I'm tired. Being responsible for your lazy ass. Have a boo boo? Uncle Sam will kiss it and make it all better.
=(:-( x)

20 Nov 12 - 09:45 PM (#3439610)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Secessionists are really quite remarkable people. It's not everyone who can bend over far enough to blow smoke up their own asses.

20 Nov 12 - 09:48 PM (#3439612)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Bobert

It called the perpetual motion machine, beeze... Needs no new fuel... The old fuel gets recycled and recycled...


20 Nov 12 - 10:03 PM (#3439614)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Songwronger

Mr. F -- I read somewhere that homosexuals give their boyfriends pet names with anal connotations. I guess I should be flattered that you call me ShitWringer, but really, I'm not interested in your amorous advances. Perhaps you should go have sex with yourself.

21 Nov 12 - 12:01 AM (#3439644)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Little Hawk

Bee-Dub, Nadia Comenici could (bend over far enough to blow smoke up her own ass), but she was smart enough not to smoke in the first place! ;-)


Greg seems to have an obsession about soliciting blowjobs from other Mudcatters, Songwronger. It's really quite odd. I think Spaw got him started on that. I've told him he can get that sort of satisfaction in Soho for just a small fee. Only a few quid...and much more practical than propositioning uninterested people who are 4000 to 6000 miles west of where he lives...and who wouldn't touch his lonely little willie with a 10 foot pole!

He also says "yo" to people all the time now when addressing them by name. Very odd! I thought that only Sylvester Stallone and a few dumb inner city American street gangs and moronic rappers (both black and white) used that expression.

Again, Spaw is probably the one to blame for influencing poor Greg in this manner. Shocking! I hate to think of a respectable citizen of the British Isles descending into what is equivalent to a cultural black hole of Hip-Hop inspired L.A. depravity. What could it mean for the future of good British institutions such as Eaton, Cambridge, Westminster, and Harrow?

21 Nov 12 - 05:18 AM (#3439715)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?

"Get the Fuck out if You Don't Like it Here."
What about the people who where there first? Maybe you should get the fuck out of their land.

21 Nov 12 - 07:32 AM (#3439755)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Ed T

Maybe they have taken the Malcolm X chronicles too seriously?
I am not even sure Malcolm believed himself near the end?

21 Nov 12 - 10:55 AM (#3439845)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I've heard people on the Democratic side of the equation talk about moving to Canada if Romney had won...""

If Romney had won, the moon wouldn't be far enough. And not just for Americans.

Don T.

21 Nov 12 - 10:58 AM (#3439848)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Greg, there's no point in your requests toShitwringer.

He is the kind that rolls his own.

Don T.

21 Nov 12 - 11:16 AM (#3439860)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

When ya start arguin' over who was in livin' some place first the argument can go on forever, and it don't prove nothin'. People been migratin' all over this world since before the dawn of history. The point is, who is livin' there now. Anyone who is born on a piece of land belongs there...plain and simple. It don't belong to some bunch of dead people from thousands of years belongs to everyone who is born there NOW or is normally livin' there NOW, regardless of which cultural group, ethnic group, religious group or species they belong to...and they all oughta be willin' to respect each other, get along together, and share the land they are livin' on in equality and in peace.

The people who don't got normal rights there are people who come in with force of military violence and invade the place...NOW...not several hundred or several thousand years ago.

Main point: you can't use dead people outta the past to claim a piece of land now and you shouldn't punish present day people for the sins of people that are long dead.

- Chongo

21 Nov 12 - 12:20 PM (#3439897)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: EBarnacle

Enough with the ad hominem bullshit. How about discussing the subject?

21 Nov 12 - 12:26 PM (#3439902)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Henry Krinkle

True. Now, who's going to have a dalliance with Greg?
=(:-( D)

21 Nov 12 - 01:06 PM (#3439933)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: Greg F.

More importantly, who's going to have a dalliance with intelligence & intelligent life?

21 Nov 12 - 01:14 PM (#3439939)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: ollaimh

no kringle, canada does not want racists like you

21 Nov 12 - 01:25 PM (#3439943)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
From: ollaimh

in fact it would be nice of the unites states would judst get out of north america, and maybe we cold have a democracy.

hoiwever to call obama anational socialist is again extremism bordering on and likely active racism. there is no similarity between obama and national socalism. he's not even a liberal--i wish he was. he's an eisenhower republican as was clinton. however ignorance is so wide spread in the united hates that rational discussion is almost impossible.

hey ed don't joke about the ethnic cleansing of the acadiens. i am one by the way, a direct descendant of charles laverdure who founded the melanscon settlement. this was genocidal ethnic cleansing of a people who were the only white immigrants to actually live with and get along with the natives.le grand derangement was the seminal event in acadien consciousness, and acadien society is still shaped by the experience.

as to stone wall jackson, robert e lee and jefferson davis. they were all religious fanatics who supported the execution of black prisoners of war captured in uniform.   they were war criminals. untill the south admits these"heros" were war criminals they will not enter the civilized world