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242 messages cannot afford to continue...

30 Nov 12 - 04:49 PM (#3445002)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: Max

...without your help. (sorry about that {sheepish-shrug} but I needed to get your attention.)

While we are planning a more organized/sophisticated/less-poorly-timed fund raiser in January 2013, we could use some funds now to keep the fires of progress stoked thru December.

You see, is in the process of a major overhaul, which again I will explain in more depth in the very near future. The short version is that we are currently at the mercy of some rather oppressive keepers, namely Microsoft and Adobe, who's software keeps clicking and humming. Keeping that software up to date (something we are WAAAYYY overdue for) is not something we can currently afford (SQL Server - $4,500, Adobe ColdFusion $4,300, Windows Datacenter $4,800). We are essentially redirecting those software license funds to...

So the upgrade is the complete rewriting of, not a single line of code remains of this version which I type into now, to an entirely opensource mudcat. We're going to switch from Microsoft Server to Linux, SQL Server to MySQL, and ColdFusion to primarily PHP and other scripting/ODBC-connectivity/application languages. All of which are free to use and keep up to date.

We've been testing technologies all year and actually have a few different versions of the new mudcat running on varying platforms now. We are ready, at this juncture, to make the database switch. For this I need to employ a database specialist for the data transfer and server setup (who happens to be available for December) as well as hopefully procure some hardware.

I really would like to get started on this now, so I am asking for your help. I know the holiday season is not the best time to ask you to check your fancy-party-clothes pockets and under the couch cushions, I haven't in years' past and certainly wouldn't bother if I didn't think it was important.

Please know that every little bit helps, whenever you can muster. I have some very good people willing to help and they are working as affordable as they can for us here, really generous deals to be sure, we can really get a lot done for very little.

Keeping this short, the best way to contribute in via Paypal. They have been very good to us over the years, cut us a break on their cut cuz we're awesome and allow us to accept any sort of currencies without conversion/transfer/banking fees. The account is which you can enter manually or by clicking the following links and buttons:






If you need to, you can also mail checks or money orders in US currency, ***made out to Max Spiegel*** to:

Max Spiegel
The Mudcat Cafe
PO Box 274
State College, PA 16804

In the UK, the kind kind folks knows as The (UK) Friends of Mudcat can help, hopefully posting below the information you will need to see that the funds are directed such that we can avoid the banking fees usually associated with international bank transfers.

And as always but especially during this holiday season, you can help mudcat by shopping at Amazon using the following links (though our cut won't show up till January and February): or or or

The big upside is that once the upgrade is complete, will be completely sustainable on non-member ad clicks. Huuurrrrraaaaayyy! No more ads for members, and God willing, no more of my pesky contribution requests (read: begging). Also, until then, please take this as a reminder that clicking our ads is an extremely important/effective source of revenue for

Thanks for your time and considerations, and happy holidays.

30 Nov 12 - 05:03 PM (#3445008)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Will Fly

Dollars donated.

Good luck,


30 Nov 12 - 05:04 PM (#3445009)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: kendall

Ok folks, time to shift or get off the pike.
Our contribution just became our Christmas gift to each other.

30 Nov 12 - 05:04 PM (#3445010)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Keith A of Hertford

OK Max.
Will do.

30 Nov 12 - 05:05 PM (#3445012)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: catspaw49

Sent via PayPal.....Sorry it isn't more.


30 Nov 12 - 05:09 PM (#3445014)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: DebC

I just put all four of my CDs into the Auction. Opening bid is $45 and I'll donate the shipping. 100% to Mudcat. The auction ends Dec. 7 and CDs will be shipped to the winner on Dec. 8th. You can go to my website to see the CDs and listen to music

Debra Cowan

30 Nov 12 - 05:12 PM (#3445020)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: johnadams

A few dollars more. Every little helps.

30 Nov 12 - 05:14 PM (#3445022)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve

I've just sent out my gift, Max.

Thank you for the Mudcat that was, is, and shall become.


30 Nov 12 - 05:16 PM (#3445023)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Dan Schatz

Done! Merry Christmas, Mudcat!


30 Nov 12 - 05:22 PM (#3445029)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Ann N

Sent via Paypal ... every little helps .... :D

have a Merry Christmas


30 Nov 12 - 05:52 PM (#3445033)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Dug

Donated via Paypal. Keep up the good work.

Doug Jenner

30 Nov 12 - 05:55 PM (#3445034)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: sharyn

Money is the toughest thing for me to come up with at present. May I copy DebC and contribute a CD to the auction? (I have hundreds of them in my closet). And I'll publicize Mudcat's plight -- how 'bout that?

30 Nov 12 - 05:55 PM (#3445035)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Steve Gardham

Okay, it looks like this is already in operation, but perhaps it needs a little more organisation.

We check the attic for surplus folk books/CDs/etc put them up for auction here. The seller is donating said item(s) plus postage and the buyer donates the winning bid. Though I'd suggest avoiding international shipping.
I know I have at least half a dozen surplus books which I'll check out tomorrow.


30 Nov 12 - 06:01 PM (#3445038)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: it'smagic

What about

30 Nov 12 - 06:16 PM (#3445046)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue..
From: maeve

MoorleyMan- For UK 'Catters, Max said, "In the UK, the kind kind folks knows as The (UK) Friends of Mudcat can help, hopefully posting below the information you will need to see that the funds are directed such that we can avoid the banking fees usually associated with international bank transfers."

So one of the UK Friends of Mudcat will, we hope, post soon with donation information.

30 Nov 12 - 06:19 PM (#3445049)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue
From: Spleen Cringe

done. good luck with this.

30 Nov 12 - 06:22 PM (#3445052)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue
From: bill\sables

UK Friends of Mudcat have just this week sent a cheque for £300 to Max. I would expect one of the organisers of FOM will post here explaining how you can donate.

30 Nov 12 - 06:23 PM (#3445053)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve

The Donate button is working fine for me right now, showing US dollars as the method of payment. Max will sort it.

When I donated, I went straight to Paypal. Folks might want try that if the Donate button doesn't work for them right now.

30 Nov 12 - 06:32 PM (#3445056)
Subject: cannot afford to continue.
From: artbrooks

PalPal cash enroute - but please assure me that we aren't going to have to use Linux to access Mudcat when the dust has settled.

30 Nov 12 - 06:33 PM (#3445057)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: bobad

It shows US dollars but when you go through the process it is converted to the currency of your location - at least that's what happened with me.

30 Nov 12 - 06:38 PM (#3445060)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rapparee

I could waste the money I just donated on worse things....

30 Nov 12 - 06:56 PM (#3445072)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bill D

Will send a paper check........

30 Nov 12 - 07:19 PM (#3445087)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,999

We too will help keep folk and blues alive, Max.

Postal money order: Yankee bucks, Canuck stamp.

30 Nov 12 - 07:24 PM (#3445090)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rapparee

You won't have to run Linux to access MC, Art. It's the server's language, not that of the person accessing the site. MANY servers use Unix or Linux and you can access their sites just fine.

30 Nov 12 - 07:25 PM (#3445091)
Subject: mudcat
From: kendall

Damn straight!

30 Nov 12 - 07:40 PM (#3445094)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Nigel Parsons

It's not a lot, but donation made through PayPal.
I'll watch the auctions with interest.

I'm considering adding a copy of the Scottish Students Song Book, but I can only cover the postage if it's a UK buyer.
Is there any UK interest? (PM me if so)



30 Nov 12 - 07:46 PM (#3445096)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

I donated a good portion of the budget of Mudcat years and years ago when it was required through the auction and otherwise and I know others who did so as well. I was flush back then. I ain't flush now... FAR from it. Took some severe hits due to health problems and the economic downturn and others. But this is just as dire and perhaps moreso than it was back then so I am gonna scratch up some scratch and do my part. This community of wonderful, intelligent, talented... and so on, as you know... people... would be a GREAT loss for me if it was gone.

See you at auction. Anyone who don't know my history at auction... don yer big boy pads.

30 Nov 12 - 08:01 PM (#3445110)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: Janie

Thanks 999 and Nigel.

Donation sent. Paypal button worked fine for me.

30 Nov 12 - 08:03 PM (#3445111)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Jeri

It's not supposed to allow people to post HTML tags, so maybe that's it. I'll see if this goes through.

I'll send some $$, but I just got my first oil bill today, so I ain't loaded. I think the whole point is for a lot of people to donate, so we don't need a small number of people with deep pockets.

30 Nov 12 - 08:04 PM (#3445113)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue..
From: John Routledge


Payments in UK pounds can be made direct into the above account which is UK bank based and these funds are transferred to Max without foreign exchange fees being payable. Thus very cost effective.

If anyone who wishes to donate in £Sterling sends me a PM I will let them have bank details to make an online payment direct to the bank
Payment can also be made via cheque or bank transfer in the usual way.

Let me have any questions via the thread or PM

Thanks in advance

30 Nov 12 - 08:18 PM (#3445121)
Subject: RE: donation
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Had you asked for donations of debt I could have given much more but I gave what I could squeeze out at the time being covered in book publishing debt- but if I sell more books well then....I can give more

buy books help me give more to mudcat.....

thanks for being here.....


30 Nov 12 - 08:42 PM (#3445133)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: BanjoRay

All done - hope we all contribute enough - times are hard!


30 Nov 12 - 08:44 PM (#3445135)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: woodyguth3

Am happy to help. Just did my part.
- Tom

30 Nov 12 - 08:46 PM (#3445136)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rapparee

I done did a donation. Now I think I'll sell some books from my personal collection to help the Mudcat. Duplicates, probably...a dup of my first folio of Shakespeare (autographed by Bill, of course), the duplicate Guttenberg bible, the duplicate autographed Bible, my autographed photo of Jesus...stuff like that.

30 Nov 12 - 08:47 PM (#3445139)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Joe Offer

Well, I could fix it, but I don't usually negate what Max hath wrought. Let this be a test, to see how well posters follow the instructions to remove the HTML tags from the message title.


P.S. I put a check in the mail tonight, Max.

30 Nov 12 - 08:48 PM (#3445140)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: Nigel Parsons

You can't really have an autographed photo of Jesus. Ball-pens hadn't been invented then!

30 Nov 12 - 09:11 PM (#3445148)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,999

I ain't touchin' that one, Nigel.

30 Nov 12 - 09:36 PM (#3445155)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Charley Noble


Donation on the way via credit card.

Best of luck!

Charley Noble

30 Nov 12 - 09:58 PM (#3445164)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

just sent some from my Rog and me. remember folks, a "widow's mite" can really add up

exciting news, Max!!


30 Nov 12 - 10:32 PM (#3445168)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Deckman

the money is in the mail Max. Thanks ... bob(deckman)nelson

30 Nov 12 - 11:29 PM (#3445178)
Subject: mudcat org. cannot afford to continue
From: Ron Davies

Ditching Macroslop and going to Linux sounds like a great idea. I'll be glad to vote with my wallet for that.


30 Nov 12 - 11:55 PM (#3445184)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Joe Offer

OK, 999, I gotta try it. I don't quite believe you, but maybe you're right.

...and if the rest of you havne't donated, please do.

I did, even though I agree with the complaint about Mudcat being slow earlier this week.

    Nope. Didn't work for me. I don't know why things work differently for 999.....

01 Dec 12 - 12:39 AM (#3445195)
Subject: cannot afford to continue.
From: Genie

Will do what I can, Max, going to Amazon via Mudcat, buyins some Mudcat CDs, etc.   Will help spread the word too.

Gotta feed the (mud) kitty!


And, Gargoyle, the loo is not the place for flowers (though there's great fertilizer there).

01 Dec 12 - 12:54 AM (#3445199)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue.
From: Neighmond

Well, I just paypaled some along.....not nearly as much as I wish I could but such as it was.



01 Dec 12 - 01:15 AM (#3445203)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Sandra in Sydney

goodonya, Max, keep up the good work

sent my bit & the receipt arrived in my Inbox before I even logged out of Paypal!


01 Dec 12 - 01:35 AM (#3445207)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: georgeward

Done! Love PayPal. Go 'cat!

01 Dec 12 - 09:22 AM (#3445219)
Subject: cannot afford to continue..
From: VirginiaTam

I would prefer to just donate directly through my paypal account. I don't mind paying fees on my side. Do it all the time when I send money to kids in the US. Max or Joe please PM me the email address for the mudcat paypal account.

01 Dec 12 - 09:23 AM (#3445220)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Charley Noble

Evidently one doesn't have to be a Paypal member to use a credit card to make a donation, as I've just done.

Oh, and I just delete the BOLD COMMANDS in the subject box and my posts seem to go right somewhere.

Charley Noble

01 Dec 12 - 09:30 AM (#3445222)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Roger the Skiffler

As always I'll send some cash when I'm flush, not likely this side of Xmas, though.


01 Dec 12 - 09:47 AM (#3445228)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Pete Jennings

My contribution made via the paypal donate button, with no problems.


01 Dec 12 - 09:52 AM (#3445230)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue..
From: artbrooks

@Tam - the Mudcat account at PayPal is "".

BTW, still having to remove the "" and "" to send.

01 Dec 12 - 09:52 AM (#3445231)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: My guru always said

Sent by Paypal - not a lot, but every penny counts!
Anything else I can do, I will!
Hil x

01 Dec 12 - 10:01 AM (#3445236)
Subject: cannot afford to continue...
From: Jim McLean

Donation sent.

01 Dec 12 - 10:07 AM (#3445239)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Janet and Tony - not logged in

Donated via Paypal - no problem - wish it was more.

01 Dec 12 - 10:24 AM (#3445243)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: saulgoldie

Gotta keep Mudcat going! It is part of my sanity routine. $$ sent.


01 Dec 12 - 10:30 AM (#3445245)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: CupOfTea

I hate not having any money to spare when a situation comes up to support something that means a great deal to me, and Mudcat does.

All I can offer is some of my beadwork jewelry. My beadwork has been worn and cherished by such lovely folks as Caroline Paton, Sally Rogers, Anne Hills, Phil Cooper (Dave Para warned Phil he could be mugged for the beaded hatband I did for him), Cathy Barton, Margaret Nelson, Lou Berryman (as seen on the cover of "The Universe 14 Examples"), R.P. Hale, Judy Cook & a number of others I can't call to mind right now.

I've never participated in a Mudcat auction & all I could find there were DebC's CD set as mentioned above. Now I KNOW there are crafters among the folk community & Sally Rogers and Louie Berryman are both avid beaders - would putting packets of unusual beads up for auction be reasonable?

I wonder - with Secret Santa being something that goes on regularly, could putting nifty things up for auction to benefit Mudcat become a "go to" place for shopping?

I can't put my beadwork where my pixels are until perhaps Sunday or Tuesday - wicked busy musical schedule this weekend & I don't have much inventory left as I haven't been doing any beadwork for the last couple years while concentrating on making music.

Joanne in Cleveland

01 Dec 12 - 10:44 AM (#3445253)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

Have to wait for SS check the end of December. But I will give what I can.

01 Dec 12 - 11:03 AM (#3445262)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

Dollars on their way. Here`s hoping!

01 Dec 12 - 11:19 AM (#3445272)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Uncle Phil

Donated via PayPal. Merry Christmas, Max.
- Phil and Michelle

01 Dec 12 - 11:51 AM (#3445290)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Girl Friday

Hi Max. how are you doing ? I
I've aked for the details of the UK Bank Transfer. So much less hassle.

I just phone my bank and they do it. It's going to be worth paying to get rid of those annoying ads.

01 Dec 12 - 12:09 PM (#3445298)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Max

Thanks all. Fixing bugs, correcting errors, adding options...

Try these doohickies:






01 Dec 12 - 12:31 PM (#3445309)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: VirginiaTam

donation sent

01 Dec 12 - 12:39 PM (#3445310)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,John Foxen

Just paypalled a very small donation (times is hard) but if everyone who uses this invaluable resource does the same it should add up to a reasonable sum.

01 Dec 12 - 12:58 PM (#3445313)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Paypalled donation.

Good luck!

01 Dec 12 - 01:02 PM (#3445316)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Max. That was easy. (Yesterday I gave up midway setting up a PP account- with your latest Donation button it went right on through.)

Long live Mudcat! Long live Max!

01 Dec 12 - 01:05 PM (#3445317)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: r.padgett

credit card works no PayPal needed


01 Dec 12 - 01:09 PM (#3445319)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: The Sandman

i have donated, this site is an excellentforum

01 Dec 12 - 01:28 PM (#3445322)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Leadfingers

Pay Pal'd - And if the Cat DOES go belly Up I want it back !!! LOL

01 Dec 12 - 01:48 PM (#3445327)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: stallion

Small contribution done!

01 Dec 12 - 01:52 PM (#3445330)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: michaelr

Donation sent.

Much easier that the 100+ hours I spent working on the "This Is Us" CD series...

01 Dec 12 - 02:00 PM (#3445332)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: MGM·Lion

Cheque from me in the post. Long may Mudcat flourish!


01 Dec 12 - 02:03 PM (#3445333)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: DebC

So far, Nigel Paterson has the winning bid for my CDs. I am sure Nigel is a great guy, but we cannot let him off this easy. Also, Gnu put his money where his are. Check out the auction and let's get some bids in.

Debra Cowan

01 Dec 12 - 02:05 PM (#3445337)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: pavane

Small contribution sent

01 Dec 12 - 02:33 PM (#3445347)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Nigel Parsons

So far, Nigel Paterson has the winning bid for my CDs. I am sure Nigel is a great guy, but we cannot let him off this easy. Also, Gnu put his money where his are. Check out the auction and let's get some bids in.
That's Nigel Parsons, not the other Nigel.


And yes, come on, join the bidding!

01 Dec 12 - 03:14 PM (#3445353)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Zany Mouse

Small Paypal donation sent with many thanks to Max. Wish it could be more.

Rhiannon and Mick

01 Dec 12 - 03:16 PM (#3445355)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Irene M


01 Dec 12 - 03:31 PM (#3445358)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: fat B****rd

I'm sorting out a donation and hope to confirm later.

01 Dec 12 - 03:56 PM (#3445368)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Steve Gardham

Done via doohickies. If it all goes tits upwards the donation was for past joy.

01 Dec 12 - 04:26 PM (#3445380)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: jacqui.c

Check out my auction.........

01 Dec 12 - 04:47 PM (#3445384)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Sandy Mc Lean

I want to donate and I will find a way but I grow frustrated. I have a seldom used pay pall account that does not seem to work. When I try to follow the link to pay direct from my credit card it keeps sending me to PayPall that I do not want! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'll try later!

01 Dec 12 - 05:33 PM (#3445419)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: vectis

Sent via Max's first set of links, no problemmo.

I hope the cat is in good fettle so I can keep in touch with my folkie friends from the southern hemisphere.

G'Luck Max and Happy Christmas

01 Dec 12 - 05:35 PM (#3445422)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rapparee

Max, I voided the check I gave you in October. Just tear it up, it's not any good any more. You can't cash it. If money disappears from my account I'll sic the cops on ya. You never cashed it, so you don't need that money.

(Mind you, I doubled the amount via PayPal....)

01 Dec 12 - 05:40 PM (#3445430)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Contribution made via the paypal donate button which appeared at bottom left of screen by Magic, with no problems

01 Dec 12 - 06:44 PM (#3445446)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Dani

Ok, wrassled with paypal for 20 minutes last night, and another 20 minutes just now. Not worth the aggravation.

You are, though. You'll have to settle for a check in the mail : )


01 Dec 12 - 06:45 PM (#3445447)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: henryclem

Donation made by Paypal - no problem.

I would be happy to donate a goodly percentage of my CD sales proceeds as well, if anybody ever bought 'em !


01 Dec 12 - 07:00 PM (#3445451)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Spectacled Warbler

Credit card donation via your donate GBP link above, no problem, didn't have to open a Paypal account.

Good luck, don't want to lose Mudcat, it's valuable.


01 Dec 12 - 07:04 PM (#3445453)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Well I think it went this time via PayPal even though I was trying to send it direct. I hate banks, online or close up! The bastards always want me to jump through their hoops, and I can't jump for shit!
In any case wht is important is that Max gets the money and I hope that is the case! If there is a problem Max please PM me.

01 Dec 12 - 07:08 PM (#3445455)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: sciencegeek

added my small bit...

always glad to see Linux over Microtheft

01 Dec 12 - 07:56 PM (#3445475)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

I sent my two bits.

01 Dec 12 - 09:09 PM (#3445523)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Max   ... you have created a phenominom..
I lack a vision for the next level...but my faith and support are behind you 100%.


I trust that the DT and Dick and Susan will continue to be center core ... and BS contines in the lower kingdom.

01 Dec 12 - 09:46 PM (#3445535)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bobert

Ol' hillbilly has been in a financial trick bag for a while but...

...hopefully things will turn around as I have 3 irons in the fire and any one of them will allow me to throw at least $100 into the pot...


01 Dec 12 - 10:16 PM (#3445552)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: framus

£20 via Paypal. Not a lot, but all I could afford.
Good luck, I've had a lot of fun (and some trauma!) here.
Keep it up, cheers.

01 Dec 12 - 10:55 PM (#3445571)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Joe_F

It worked this time. Hooray for the coincidence of two blessings -- free software & the Mudcat!

02 Dec 12 - 05:52 AM (#3445628)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Newport Boy

Donation sent - a bit more than usual, but it's worth it if you're getting away from Microsoft. I made the shift a few years ago.


02 Dec 12 - 06:37 AM (#3445638)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: sciencegeek

OK... technoklutz is confused by the Amazon thing...

I click the link & it seems to just take me to my regular account... how do I update my account to give you a "piece of the action"?

inquiring minds want to know...

02 Dec 12 - 06:57 AM (#3445647)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Marmdad

Its on the way.

02 Dec 12 - 06:59 AM (#3445648)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Broadside Man

Done via paypal


02 Dec 12 - 07:36 AM (#3445653)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: banjoman

Done - via paypal. its not much but hope it helps.

02 Dec 12 - 07:47 AM (#3445659)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Morticia


02 Dec 12 - 08:24 AM (#3445677)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Richard Atkins

Done by Paypal

02 Dec 12 - 08:29 AM (#3445679)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve

I'm also keeping Max's note in mind:

"...While we are planning a more organized/sophisticated/less-poorly-timed fund raiser in January 2013, we could use some funds now to keep the fires of progress stoked thru December."

I'll try to put aside something from my non-existent income to step up to the plate in January.

02 Dec 12 - 10:56 AM (#3445731)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Waddon Pete

My contribution sent via Paypal.

Best wishes,


02 Dec 12 - 11:24 AM (#3445739)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

@sciencegeek, if you follow the link to Amazon, directly from Mudcat, you don't have to do anything else. Max has it set up so that Amazon automatically calculates the cut, etc. Easy-peasy.:-)

02 Dec 12 - 06:52 PM (#3445904)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gecko

Small donation but gladly given.

02 Dec 12 - 07:25 PM (#3445920)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: ChanteyLass

Too-small check written and in stamped, addressed envelope. It should go out in tomorrow's mail.

02 Dec 12 - 07:44 PM (#3445933)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

Folks, nothing is too small when the majority give a all adds up. Just think, if one hundred sent in ten bucks each, that's a thousand dollars right there. And, I know there are some who can and do give more which balances out those of us who struggle for even a divorcee's/widow's/self-employed's mite.

From little mites come:


02 Dec 12 - 10:13 PM (#3445983)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: JedMarum

Will send ASAP, have to juggle a bit but can send a check before Santa flies, fer sure!

02 Dec 12 - 11:17 PM (#3445993)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Seamus Kennedy

Donated via PayPal. Good luck, Max, and thanks.

03 Dec 12 - 01:57 AM (#3446007)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: BK Lick

Done did the deed with PayPal. Lang may yir lum reek wi ither fowk's coal, Max!

03 Dec 12 - 03:30 AM (#3446021)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

Paypal dollars sent. Wish it could have been more.

03 Dec 12 - 03:41 AM (#3446025)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rob Naylor

Last one was me, without cookie.

03 Dec 12 - 03:44 AM (#3446028)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rog Peek

Done with paypal. Thanks for your efforts Max.


03 Dec 12 - 07:10 AM (#3446100)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: alex s

Donation sent.
Thanks for the hours of enjoyment, advice and (sometimes) enlightenment.

03 Dec 12 - 07:14 AM (#3446102)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: fat B****rd

What alex s just said.
It's on it's way.

03 Dec 12 - 07:42 AM (#3446110)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,vectis at work

some dosh is winging its way to you via PayPal.

03 Dec 12 - 07:50 AM (#3446113)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Herga Kitty

Done by Paypal

Thanks Max!


03 Dec 12 - 08:24 AM (#3446127)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: treewind

Done by PayPal.

03 Dec 12 - 08:39 AM (#3446133)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: treewind

I must add that I thoroughly approve of the technology change. And no, of course you won't need Linux to get onto Mudcat - most of the internet's web servers already run on the same free software Max is using: Linux, Apache, MySQL etc. and the internet was built on Unix (in one form or another) long before Microsoft came to join in the fun.

03 Dec 12 - 10:08 AM (#3446167)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,John Foxen

Henryclem wrote:
I would be happy to donate a goodly percentage of my CD sales proceeds as well, if anybody ever bought 'em !

Aren't you the chap who wrote the beautfiul Needle And Thread? I've already paypalled a small donation but if I can solve an Xmas present problem as well as help mudcat I'll gladly buy your CD with Needle And Thread on.
Can you email me at about it.

03 Dec 12 - 02:30 PM (#3446304)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Girl Friday

I haven't had a reply to my pm re Friends of The Cat.So it looks like I don't want to give. Will I have to use PayPal instead ?

03 Dec 12 - 03:13 PM (#3446320)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: John Routledge

Details on way Girl Friday Sorry you were missed :0(

03 Dec 12 - 03:15 PM (#3446321)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve

Thank you, John.

03 Dec 12 - 04:31 PM (#3446349)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Nigel Paterson

Mudcat is unique & it's survival is essential. It has enriched my life; introduced me to many wise, funny, compassionate people. Mudcatters have consoled me, advised me, made me laugh & cry, but above all, they have been there, frequently with complete disregard for their own problems & worries. I have a group of Friends spread around the globe who I love & trust. They are a true extension of my Family & to live without them would be unthinkable.
       Thank you Max & all the good Folk who help you. I've sent what I can afford; I hope it helps,
       Most Sincerely,

03 Dec 12 - 04:37 PM (#3446352)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rusty Dobro

Job done via Paypal. Can't imagine life without the 'cat.

03 Dec 12 - 05:21 PM (#3446367)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

I still want a G** damned hat! BUT, if youse guys decide to do that, PLEASE contact me for advice on WHICH hat. If it's a crappy hat that I won't wear, I ain't gonna buy one. And, as far as crests for hats go? Who is gonna buy a crest and then pay a crapload for a hat without a crest to put the crest on? Surely there is a large market for hats? I mean, with the average age of Mudcat menz at far more than all of us menz like, there has got to be a lot of us that NEED a G** damned hat! Summer is sunny, winter is cold. I NEED a hat!

Deb C said she would send the auction CDs (her auction is STILL on so BID!) even though I ain't gonna be able to send Max the C-note fer at least a week on accounta I am switching banks and it's complicated.

A woman who trusts me? Now, there's a concept!

03 Dec 12 - 05:48 PM (#3446378)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Beer

I love hats. I collect them as well. But I am fussy. So like what Gnu said, don't make them crappy.

03 Dec 12 - 07:43 PM (#3446438)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Celtaddict

A bit sent now, and will follow with more when I can...

03 Dec 12 - 08:58 PM (#3446468)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Rapparee

Perhaps a nice orange beret with the MC crest. Or better, a Diamante 1000X silverbelly or black Stetson with an MC crest right in the front, just above that plain ol' hatband it comes with. Or a tall opera hat -- just the thing for busking.

03 Dec 12 - 11:38 PM (#3446536)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: ChanteyLass

I did get my check into the mailbox this morning.

I understand that Mudcat is nonprofit, but does it have status with the IRS so that we can deduct our donations from our income taxes? If not, is there a Mudcat member who could set that up--with Max's approval, of course? I'm okay now, but in the future it might be less painful to donate if I could deduct it at income tax time.

04 Dec 12 - 03:15 AM (#3446578)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: The Barden of England

Paypal donation sent.
John Barden

04 Dec 12 - 06:53 AM (#3446669)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,OldNicKilby

Donation sent from Young No More, easy peazy with Paypal
Keep Mudcat alive , one of the best things on the web

04 Dec 12 - 07:08 AM (#3446681)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: s&r

Happy Xmas Mudcat - pressy sent


04 Dec 12 - 07:15 AM (#3446687)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: nickp

Done. Mudcat is much appreciated.

04 Dec 12 - 08:05 AM (#3446716)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,OldNicKilby

If you are going to put stuff on ebay include "mudcat" in the description ,then we may raise a lot more

04 Dec 12 - 09:36 AM (#3446769)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,buddhuu sans cookie

Modest contribution sent by PayPal. Will top it up a bit next payday.

Thanks for the site, Max.

04 Dec 12 - 10:12 AM (#3446794)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: DebC

Again, check out the auction. One of Don's beautiful bracelets, Jacqui's exquisite crochet work and my CDs. Let's get some more bids there so that Max doesn't have to ask us for a very very long time.

Deb Cowan

04 Dec 12 - 11:32 AM (#3446845)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Girl Friday

I got the bank details through - thanks. However my voice is quite croaky and I decided against setting up a bank transfer straight away. I sent my donation just now by paypal. A reasonable ammount as I've been using the service for years and never gave before. Hope the target is met really soon.

04 Dec 12 - 12:55 PM (#3446910)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Vixen

Don't remember when I last contributed...donation paypalled to you!
Thanks be to Max and all the Joe-Clones, the Digitrad and all generous Mudcats!

04 Dec 12 - 03:44 PM (#3447014)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Speedwell

You're doing a great job at Mudcat. Hope my small contribution helps to make it possible to continue.

04 Dec 12 - 07:15 PM (#3447106)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: open mike

I posted on the facebook page about this organization that helps with fundraisers... Perhaps they can help give a boost...people often use this to fund recordings, films, and other creative projects.

04 Dec 12 - 07:22 PM (#3447110)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Frug

Paid by Paypal....

04 Dec 12 - 07:38 PM (#3447122)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Janie

And don't forget to check out the offerings in the auction - all proceeds to Mudcat.

05 Dec 12 - 09:28 AM (#3447400)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Snuffy

It's on its way

05 Dec 12 - 11:30 AM (#3447467)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Mr Red

consider it done.

06 Dec 12 - 08:26 AM (#3447977)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: JHW

A few quid on its way and hopefully it'll all add up
Wonder if you could programme an auto 'stay up the list' for this thread?

06 Dec 12 - 09:21 AM (#3447996)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Girl Friday

Re above post - members can trace threads, as I've done. It's staying up pretty good anyway.

06 Dec 12 - 09:42 AM (#3448006)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Lighter

Sent. With pleasure.

06 Dec 12 - 11:55 AM (#3448089)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Kookie-less - Kampervan

Paypal worked its magic.A little bit more is on its way.

Wouldn't like to see Mudcat die.

06 Dec 12 - 12:00 PM (#3448092)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: leeneia

So, Max, how are we doing? I'm willing to donate. I have donated before and can do again.   On the other hand, hungry kids, the local women's shelter and Africans fighting malaria need my money too.

You understand what I'm saying?

06 Dec 12 - 12:19 PM (#3448102)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: John Routledge

Paying four cheques totalling £100 sterling into Friends of The Mudcat bank account which will be transfered to Max.

Others have paid direct to FoTM account or via Paypal.

Thanks all. And Max.

06 Dec 12 - 02:04 PM (#3448163)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Marc Bernier

Just saw this. I got no job, no money, and gigs a few and far between lately. But I just put 2 of my Cds up for auction. All the money will come here should anyone want to buy them.

06 Dec 12 - 02:09 PM (#3448168)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Suzy T.

Just sent my bit, thank you Max for Mudcat (and the rest of the community too)
Suzy Thompson

06 Dec 12 - 02:53 PM (#3448193)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: JJ

I never knew you were based in State College, a town with which I have had some experience from 1965 to the present.

Sent $25 via PayPal, part of the fruits of my ebay sales...


07 Dec 12 - 08:22 AM (#3448535)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Roger the Skiffler

What the H... I reckon I can afford to send something before Xmas. Done via PayPal.

07 Dec 12 - 08:41 AM (#3448540)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Sheila

Bless this site.
Thanks and appreciation.

07 Dec 12 - 12:25 PM (#3448697)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

Marc Bernier, thanks for adding to the auction and may you have more prosperous times come your way.

07 Dec 12 - 04:32 PM (#3448894)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Guest Vivienne

Done via Paypal

07 Dec 12 - 05:17 PM (#3448924)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Okay, okay. Let's slow down on the donations, eh? I mean, if people just keep sending in money willy-nilly, Spaw won't need to come in here like he did on other passed fund raisers and kick some ass. Trust me, it's fun. He has a unique way of kicking ass.

Hmmm... an auction? Highest bidder gets Spaw to deliver a serious ass kickin in the winning bidder's name to all the deadbeats who "use" this sight and can afford to donate a donut or two but don't ?

Yeahhhh... I agree... dumb idea. Spaw will do it anyway if he feels the need. Soooo, donate outright and bid in the auction as per your ability and as per your appreciation of the BEST, bar none, site on the internet. The musical community is top notch and the freedom of speech Max is dedicated to preserving, both above and below the line, at many costs to him over these years of his service to all of us, in the way he does, is unequalled as far I know.

07 Dec 12 - 05:40 PM (#3448941)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Tattie Bogle

OK, dunnit by credit card following the GBP button: although a Paypal screen comes up in parallel, I don't think it means that you're paying via Paypal. I used to have a Paypal account but then got a lot of scammy emails about "updating your account" so lost faith in it: I couldn't be sure if I was getting genuine emails or spoof/phishing ones!
I was first introduced to Mudcat by the guy who was recording my son and his band: I said something about wanting to get the lyrics of a song I liked, and the guy said "Try Mudcat" - sure enough I got them!
So this must be about 12-13 years ago: thanks Mudcat!

07 Dec 12 - 06:16 PM (#3448953)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Dennis the Elder

Sent a bit, hope it helps.
The world would be a sad place without mudcat

07 Dec 12 - 07:22 PM (#3448984)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Young Buchan

Another day, another dollar.

07 Dec 12 - 08:57 PM (#3449029)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: ChanteyLass

Thank you all who have put up items for the auction.

Marc, will we see you at Mystic's Chantey Blast? I've started a thread about it here on Mudcat.

08 Dec 12 - 05:52 AM (#3449127)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Roger the Skiffler

OK folks. Donate ...or I'll sing!


08 Dec 12 - 02:52 PM (#3449348)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: CET

I'm in.

08 Dec 12 - 03:17 PM (#3449366)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: mg

I will put up one tugboat cd and two potato famine cds for the auction, although i am not sure how it works.

09 Dec 12 - 02:35 AM (#3449616)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: open mike

remind me how to benefit mudcat with an amazon purchase?
I am planning to get new batteries for my video camera
and would like to help out the cat by using the link

how to do?

09 Dec 12 - 02:38 AM (#3449618)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: open mike

ok i found it...
And as always but especially during this holiday season, you can help mudcat by shopping at Amazon using the following links (though our cut won't show up till January and February): or or or

09 Dec 12 - 02:38 AM (#3449619)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Max

Just use these URL's and we get 7%. or or or

09 Dec 12 - 06:19 PM (#3449908)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Max... please PM me back. I gotta make a decision by Tuesday at noon.

09 Dec 12 - 06:21 PM (#3449909)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

BTW... I dunno if Max did anything but Mudcat is loading superfast for me these days.

09 Dec 12 - 07:16 PM (#3449929)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bill D

Yeah...he is using a different server system that IS fast.

09 Dec 12 - 07:17 PM (#3449930)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

It's slow only at peak demand and it's pretty fast even then.

09 Dec 12 - 08:46 PM (#3449952)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: BK Lick

Just donated an additional $55 via PayPal in payment of my winning bid in Debra Cowan's auction.

I reckon this is the 174th message in this thread, of which about 130 have included a contribution. Good goin' everbody!

09 Dec 12 - 08:54 PM (#3449956)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,carol

Contributed-have leaned so much about the old time authentic music here as a newbie dulcimer player.

10 Dec 12 - 10:43 AM (#3450123)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Mr Red

I buy from
there are two conflicting decisions
1) Is included in the deal?
2) they are stingy on the old corporation tax here in the UK.

Tough decision when choosing a vendor, need data.

FWIW most things sold on can be found cheapest via amazon direct. Tells the story very succinctly.

10 Dec 12 - 10:59 AM (#3450128)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Charmion

gnu, I for one would pay money to witness a first-class arse-kicking by the esteemed Professor Spaw.

Edmund has dibbed in for us. Our lives would be much duller without the Cat.

Go Max!

10 Dec 12 - 11:46 AM (#3450144)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Haruo

I can't contribute $$ till January, but am interested to know how the effort is proceeding.

10 Dec 12 - 12:00 PM (#3450151)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

From:Beer - PM
Date: 03 Dec 12 - 05:48 PM

I love hats. I collect them as well. But I am fussy. So like what Gnu said, don't make them crappy.



Being the fashion Nazi that I am, here's the latest in hot cotur from Labrador.

10 Dec 12 - 12:19 PM (#3450161)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: John MacKenzie

My what a slim young man in that photo g I'm not sure whether you took that pic in a mirror, or if ya had yer head on BTF at the time ;)

10 Dec 12 - 12:23 PM (#3450164)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Beer

I didn't recognize him as well. Must be that beer diet you're on eh!

10 Dec 12 - 12:33 PM (#3450167)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Barb'ry

Done - Merry Christmas, Max xxx

10 Dec 12 - 01:55 PM (#3450197)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Some might disagree with the title of the diet Beer. As some might have reecognized the logo on the tee in that pic as the Budweiser logo. But, the Bud Diet worked... 110 pounds. Doesn't work for everyone, tho... some drink the beer and then don't give a hoot if they are fat. >;-)

10 Dec 12 - 01:56 PM (#3450198)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Gurney

I'd like to make a contribution, but I'm a bit skint.

What I do have is a couple of books. A copy of 'Real Sailor Songs' by John Ashton, and a signed copy of 'Shanties from the Seven Seas' by Stan Hugill.

I'm not sure if it is worth anyone's while buying them, as the freight is likely to be impressive, they are fairly heavy and I live in New Zealand. Does anyone want to comment?

10 Dec 12 - 02:02 PM (#3450202)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

Gurney, we have all been skint a time or two. Send Max some cash when things have improved at your end.

10 Dec 12 - 02:11 PM (#3450210)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

So, Max, how about a progress report? Has enough been raised to keep Mudcat going for awhile, and if so, an estimate on how long that might be? Obviously this fundraising is going to have to take place from time to time, but it would be heartening to hear a time frame for how long it can keep going on what is raised, realizing of course that unexpected and expensive things do sometimes happen!
Suzy T.

10 Dec 12 - 02:37 PM (#3450222)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,999

Gnu, you will become to hats what Don Cherry is to jackets.

10 Dec 12 - 09:50 PM (#3450358)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

9... good one!

Suzy T... that ain't gonna happen and fer good reason. Max has been chewin wooden nickels fer years. Fact is, even if he got twice what he needed (not bloody likely!) fer a year, there is always next year.

Fer anyone who can't spare a dime... CLICK ON THE ADVERTS!

11 Dec 12 - 07:14 AM (#3450449)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Brian Peters

Small contribution made, more to follow...

11 Dec 12 - 03:17 PM (#3450593)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Max... if you haven't checked my PMs, delete them. Scored a free money order at my new bank.

12 Dec 12 - 03:16 PM (#3451046)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,leeneia

I'll be donating once again.

Meanwhile, I wonder if money would be saved in the long run if ugly non-music threads where people are insulting one another could be cut off with "Sorry, we don't have the electricity for this."

Could the links to the amazon pages where Mudcat gets a cut be added to QuickLinks?

12 Dec 12 - 05:49 PM (#3451099)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

DebC snagged $210 for Mudcat in the auction! Give the lass a round of applause!!!

Click on the ads as much as possible Mudcatters... it's free and it helps YOU!

12 Dec 12 - 06:41 PM (#3451125)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Sandra in Sydney

applause applause applause

but don't forget to spend enough time with the ad to have been able to read it, a quick click is not counted

13 Dec 12 - 08:30 PM (#3451576)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: frogprince

Just paypalled my last 37 cents   : )

13 Dec 12 - 09:40 PM (#3451594)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Beer

You could have sent a little more if you hadn't bought a stamp for that beautiful post card you send. Thank you.BTW.

14 Dec 12 - 03:22 PM (#3451923)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Lizzie

Small donation sent.

14 Dec 12 - 03:44 PM (#3451932)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Richard Mellish

I come here only sporadically, so only just saw this thread, but I have thrown some UKP in via PayPal.


14 Dec 12 - 05:45 PM (#3451976)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

Way to go, DebC!

15 Dec 12 - 05:46 PM (#3452437)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve


15 Dec 12 - 10:53 PM (#3452570)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Sandra in Sydney

200th post!

15 Dec 12 - 11:12 PM (#3452580)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Jeri

No, actually, it was about the 221st post, but others were deleted because they were complaining something wasn't working--then it was.

Must look in on the auction. I completely forgot to check it...

16 Dec 12 - 08:11 AM (#3452725)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Girl Friday

It5's going to rival out tone Deaf Leopard thread soon. {:

17 Dec 12 - 06:51 AM (#3453226)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

Mudcashometers aside I wonder if we're getting anywhere near?

17 Dec 12 - 12:37 PM (#3453370)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: stallion

how long is a piece of string? I saw the wish list and it was an awful lot of money. Judging by the results, a much faster mudcat I would say it has been reasonably successful. I don't know how successful it has been, perhaps Max will update us when he gets back from his hols in the maldives ;o)

19 Dec 12 - 08:53 PM (#3454561)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

The committed have committed.

Perhaps this thread should vanish....It was CLEARLY indentified..."major fund raising" would start in January 2013....

What was requested...was a "triage transfusion" of funds to push Mudcat beyond the immediate "fiscal cliff". The faithful came a time of crisis.

Expect to hear the true trumpet call for resources in the new year.


20 Dec 12 - 06:32 PM (#3454997)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: ollaimh

i used to think mudcat was vasluable, but the hard right turn of many, including some moderators has disillusioned me on that score.

the turning point for me came from two issues. an idiot poster from britian was accusing acadiens of stealing indian land(apparantly ignoring the english ethnic cleansing of acadiesn
and the english ethnic cleansing of the same natives, including putting bounties in their scalps). and the toleration and constant defense of a nazi folk singer who used to sing his hitler youth songs at the vancouver folk song society.

i already knew the english and many american and canadian anglos were biased against the gaels, and ignore that genocide, but i was used to that. but i expected folk singers to stand up against nazis and to condemn racist attacks on acadiens(one of the most peacefull people on earth at the time).

well i no longer think mudcat deserves any money from me. nothing provoded by mudcat is worth the toleration of racism genocide ans bigotry.

i really expected the nazi tolerance to shock and horrify people. instead they seemd to think he was such a nice war criminal . someone you could trust with your children and who sang so sweetly==if you weren't jewish or roma, or homosexual.

mudcat is way too juch a haven for racists and right wing kooks.what happened to folk music?

21 Dec 12 - 07:19 AM (#3455267)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Gedi -at work

I've not been active on Mudcat for a while but I do use the database occasionaly and find some of the posts interesting, but the Folk World would be worse off without it, so donation made via paypal.

Ollaimh : Interesting what you've said, when I get a chance I'll look into the history of what your talking about. I certainly wouldn't support any kind of racism etc.

Best Wishes for Christmas to you all

21 Dec 12 - 03:27 PM (#3455434)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: stallion

ollaimh - Would it be correct to infer that by the name you are claiming a connection with an ancient irish mystic/doctor? The bitterness you hold in your head has no way forward, you need to move on. The way forward is by way of truth and reconciliation.....followed by a firm commitment not to repeat the wrongs of the past. Now, what of the gael's? are you suggesting that they are without blame for any atrocities that may have happened in the past? You are a hypocrite if you believe they didn' ......... lets live and let live Forgive and remember that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter and any violence is abhorrent.

21 Dec 12 - 03:56 PM (#3455445)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...

Auctions are ending. Don's bracelet earned $100 to be paid shortly while Jacqui has generously offered to fill each and every wish.

21 Dec 12 - 04:11 PM (#3455460)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: kendall

Good thing you are not wanting the same thing I am! LOL

28 Dec 12 - 04:57 PM (#3458379)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Ebbie

Kendall, the cellar awaits you. (Better take Jacqui with you.)

28 Dec 12 - 06:43 PM (#3458423)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Janie

Auction tain't quite over. Bobert is still offering those 10 fine art prints. 60% goes to Max because 40% goes to the expensive cost of printing.

30 Dec 12 - 06:53 AM (#3459053)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: My guru always said

That Jacqui certainly has busy hands. Hope you're both comfy down in the cellar!

03 Jan 13 - 03:47 PM (#3460987)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Hollowfox

I just sent a check to the P.O. box. This isn't begging, Max, it's letting us stop mooching, and helping to pull our weight. This place has kept me sane for (mumble) years, so it's only fair. Thanks for letting us know. Much love and respect, Mary

03 Jan 13 - 06:54 PM (#3461047)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Genie

Now that I've passed my own "fiscal cliff" of 12-31-12, I'll take the time to clean out my PM stash. That should lighten Max's load a LOT!

03 Jan 13 - 07:23 PM (#3461055)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Progress report?

03 Jan 13 - 07:45 PM (#3461063)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Q... more pennies are required. Or, at least I assume so. The costs stated by Max above are a heck of a lot more then it used to take to run this puppy when I and John (Giok) and Kendall and... and a half dozen others were the major and almost only by percentage contributors.

Seriously, years ago, it only cost Max a portion of what it costs today to maintain a reasonably accessible website. But, the price of food had 4Xd so there it is.

Update? The update is Max is a great guy as he has proven this over the years by providing an amazing website dedicated to freedom of expression with only ONE rule.

If yee 'users' haven't, cough up some coin... it's the best site on the internut.

03 Jan 13 - 07:47 PM (#3461064)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bobert

Update on Bobert art prints...

I need 10 folks to step up and commit to buying one of a limited edition (10 numbered prints) to afford to have them printed... All the profits will go the Max, or approximately $600...

Janie is #1...

Who's next???


03 Jan 13 - 07:49 PM (#3461065)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bobert

Opps!!! Each print will be delivered to your door, suitable for framing, for $100...

If you were to purchase a signed, limited print of this quality it would run you 5 times this much... Maybe more...


04 Jan 13 - 06:35 AM (#3461162)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: SallyM

Done. Thanks for such a good site.

Sal the Gal

04 Jan 13 - 08:04 AM (#3461176)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: kendall

We have one of Bobert's prints, excellent work!

04 Jan 13 - 09:11 AM (#3461199)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Bobert

Thank you, Kendall...

So, ya'll... Who wants one??? All profits go to Mudcat!!!

Only 9 left...


05 Jan 13 - 05:12 AM (#3461619)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: DrugCrazed

OpenSource? PHP? MySQL? I've never been so excited in my life. And this is the guy who read the BoardGameGeek API last month and started dancing when he realised what he could do with it...

Send us a PM Max if you'd like some help (or if it's on GitHub or similar put a link so us codies can tinker)

12 Jan 13 - 10:09 AM (#3464982)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,denny

Well, I TRIED.
When I got "the credit card you entered cannot be used for this transaction" the second time--after having to re-do the page twice--I gave up.

Sorry. But I won't raise my BP to dangerous levels just to give money. I like Mudcat. I visit moderately often.

12 Jan 13 - 10:13 AM (#3464984)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: maeve

"If you need to, you can also mail checks or money orders in US currency, ***made out to Max Spiegel*** to:

Max Spiegel
The Mudcat Cafe
PO Box 274
State College, PA 16804 "

18 Jan 13 - 05:30 AM (#3467964)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Gaynor Gilbert

I wanted to give something to mud at but maybe I am thick but I couldn't see how to do it by card

18 Jan 13 - 05:35 AM (#3467965)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Roberto


20 Jan 13 - 03:22 PM (#3469093)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Bob Roberts

Oh No!!

I JUST found you!

Please send me a link tu your new site so I can learn more about you.

Please excuse my ignorance of how all of this works, I am an old fart in a new-age world.


01 Feb 13 - 01:03 PM (#3474483)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

That heading is there again.

Progress report?

02 Feb 13 - 06:40 PM (#3475020)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Donuel

Your dream has been answered


02 Feb 13 - 08:49 PM (#3475084)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

And WTF are the hats? I have been bitchin about this for years and others have chimed in.

I haven't sent in straight cash for yearsssss. I figured the auction was the way to go. Even when I didn't want stuff but knew others did I outbid everyone and sent it to the person who really wanted it. Youse know who you are. I think the auction could do even better if people... hmmmm... best left unsaid.

I'll just say this... there are a lot of great musicians herein who cannot afford to put their wares in the auction for less than cost. You do the math when a fund drive is the goal. Not everyone can be as generous as Deb C when this drive started.

Once again... thanks Deb. Ya done good by all of us. (Still enjoyin yer tunes.)

02 Feb 13 - 11:22 PM (#3475141)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,elfcape

Shared on FB in hopes of snagging a few more donors. keep the faith, guys.

10 Feb 13 - 01:13 PM (#3477939)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Dennis the Elder

Max, can we have an update please, how are things going.
Have you got enough yet or do you need more?

10 Feb 13 - 04:45 PM (#3478010)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

I assume the need is ongoing. Even if the fuel tank is full now, which I doubt, fuel is burned every second that this here Café serves a customer.

12 Feb 13 - 05:33 AM (#3478554)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,silver

Done what little I could. Just beginning to discover what a goldmine Mudcat is for finding unusual song lyrics. Would be a huge loss if it was closed down. Best of luck to you guys!

19 Feb 13 - 07:42 AM (#3481388)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,John Foxen

I have just chipped in a tenner which I would have only spent in the approved folk fashion - on beer and loose women. It's not much but I think there's a possibility that if everyone tossed in a couple of pounds or dollars every time they found a song or a piece of information they really wanted on this site then we could keep it going until "fishes fly and swallows die".
I make this posting not to boast of my generosity (which is paltry compared with what some people are doing) but to put this thread up near the top where it belongs.

20 Feb 13 - 06:27 AM (#3481564)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu

Nice to see people care enough to keep it up.

I am reminded of past "fund drives" over the past dozen years. The first one that springs to mind, for good reason, was started by Spaw, I seem to recall. If he didn't actually start it, he sure drove it with his offbeat, some might even say absolutely twisted, sick, oft obscene.... AHEM!, sense of humour. I dare say his "prodding" had a LOT to do with the success of that and other fund drives.

20 Feb 13 - 10:55 PM (#3481874)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Woody Brison

I stick my oar in... here's what cha could do
Ya get an old billboard and paint it all blue
And ya moan 'bout the Mudcat, how it's gettin' all old,
And if folks want to see it keep going, send gold.

Or, here's another little shameful tune,
Tell everybody you might shut down soon,
And you know this is one very fine collection of stuff
And if it goes away, that would really be ruff,
So if folks want it, they can have it, for about one cab fare,
They can buy a CD with the whole shebang on there.


20 Feb 13 - 11:24 PM (#3481877)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: katlaughing

gnu, i think thats all been about Spaw tuning up for a Lenny Bruce Telethon for Mudcat!

cheers to the poet and John's refresh.

21 Feb 13 - 09:30 AM (#3481988)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: wysiwyg

GWB, re:

if folks want it, they can have it, for about one cab fare,
They can buy a CD with the whole shebang on there.

DT yes.

Threads loaded with the REST of the goldmine, nope.

The continued storage of new goldmines, nope.


21 Mar 13 - 04:55 PM (#3493179)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: GUEST,Eirinn7

Always happy to donate to a very worthy cause . . . I'm just a little late gettin' to the party! Cheers!


21 Mar 13 - 06:42 PM (#3493211)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: Joe Offer

And here's a link to donation information.

22 Mar 13 - 06:15 PM (#3493608)
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
From: gnu
