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Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts

14 Jan 13 - 09:46 PM (#3466249)
Subject: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Just before Christmas,I got diagnosed with Cancer of the left Kidney and I'm going in to Hospital on Thursday to have it removed. The Doc reconds I'll be in for 2 days (keyhole surgery) and that, if the Cancer is contained and I don't need Chemo or Radio, I should be up and running in around 3-4 weeks.

I've not dwelled on it much as a few of my friends are dealing with far worse Cancers than mine and I feel a bit of a fraud alongside them. I've concentrated more on worrying about them than me.

Now the day is approaching and I could do with someone to keep me in their thoughts til Saturday.

Mrs Bugsy has been a great support and has worried about it more than I have, which has been a help because reasuring her has made me take a more positive attitude.

Enough of my bleating.

Just maybe spare a thought til Saturday??



14 Jan 13 - 09:56 PM (#3466255)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Sandra in Sydney

sending a spare thought!

said thought is packed with good wishes & love to you & Mrs Bugsy


14 Jan 13 - 09:57 PM (#3466256)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: catspaw49

Aw damn Bugsy.....Well you got every thought I can get all the way around there......but you knew that. I'll drop a note over the the "Nigel Paterson Healing Thoughts" thread which has turned into a very neat voyage of people who need each other and has become an entity all its own. Come on over and read a bit....Lots of joy some sadness, but always a place of great hope for many of the folks you know here.

I'll be checking in with you here and sending best thoughts your way....And you need to stay past Saturday and let us know what's happening or I rescind my thoughts and request that you kiss my ass.........


14 Jan 13 - 10:14 PM (#3466261)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Stilly River Sage

The Big C is a shock to anyone, and always needs to be treated with respect. I'm glad to hear it is a laproscopic sort of surgery - it is easier for recovery time, but you'll still feel like someone took a hand-mixer to your insides, so take it easy and pamper yourself.

Good luck, and good thoughts headed your way!


14 Jan 13 - 10:51 PM (#3466268)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: katlaughing

You've got the best and "mostest" good thoughts and thanks givings I've got for a swift and complete outcome for the highest good of all concerned. I've been running,basically, on one kidney most of my life and know you will be fine with one, too.

Please keep in touch and thanks for letting us help.


14 Jan 13 - 11:38 PM (#3466278)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: ranger1

Thinking good thoughts at ya, Bugsy.

14 Jan 13 - 11:48 PM (#3466280)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,999

Bugsy, I don't have spare good thoughts. Take 'em all, buddy. Good thoughts are like love. The more you give the more ya got. Surgery always hurts, but in the long run it hurts less than no surgery. Geeze, Dan (old dude) just got his pecker reamed so the docs could get at some cancer in his bladder. I need a tooth pulled but with all this laproscopic surgery happening I'm afraid to go in case the dentist decides he needs to navigate 35 feet of intestine, stomach and esophagus to get at my mouth. Nooo sirree Capt'n Bob.

You hang tough, Bugsy.

15 Jan 13 - 12:49 AM (#3466286)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: frogprince

Keepin' you in mind in Michigan.

15 Jan 13 - 03:12 AM (#3466303)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: billybob

sending love and healing thoughts to you and Mrs Bugsy from Essex in England!

Do pop over to the Rainbow crew, like Spaw said, there are some lovely folk on board and you will be made very welcome.

with love
Wendy xxx

15 Jan 13 - 05:46 AM (#3466337)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Nigel Paterson

Love & Healing Thoughts for You & your Wife, Bugsy. Encouraging to hear that keyhole surgery is the chosen treatment. The less invasive the better. We wish you a complete & as pain free as possible, recovery,
                                              With Love,
                                                             Nigel & Ann Paterson. xxxx

15 Jan 13 - 05:46 AM (#3466338)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie

Adding my voice to the chorus of good thoughts, Bugsy.


15 Jan 13 - 06:15 AM (#3466350)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Pete Jennings

And mine.

15 Jan 13 - 08:18 AM (#3466384)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: wysiwyg


15 Jan 13 - 03:38 PM (#3466571)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: JennieG

Bugger, Bugsy! A few more spare thoughts flying across to the west from me too.


15 Jan 13 - 03:41 PM (#3466573)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: fat B****rd

Sorry to be late here, Bugsy. All the very best to you.

15 Jan 13 - 05:41 PM (#3466653)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: ChanteyLass

Spare thoughts from me, too. I hope the surgery goes well and recovery is swift. I don't want to read that you had to kiss Spaw's . . . .

15 Jan 13 - 06:53 PM (#3466691)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and best wishes.

It means a lot.



15 Jan 13 - 07:11 PM (#3466697)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: wysiwyg

(((bugsy))) So there! :~)


15 Jan 13 - 09:51 PM (#3466764)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: olddude

In my thoughts and Prayers my friend. Hang in there, we are all with you.


16 Jan 13 - 04:25 AM (#3466862)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,Eliza

Warm thoughts and sincere wishes for a quick recovery Bugsy. Eliza x

16 Jan 13 - 09:38 AM (#3466966)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: olddude

Please keep us posted my friend. If you need anything at all please let me know how I can help. Worried about you


16 Jan 13 - 09:56 AM (#3466973)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: jacqui.c

More good thoughts coming from Maine. I am so sorry that you had to live with this diagnosis over Christmas but at least it will be done with by this weekend. My daughter's father-in-law had this op a couple of years back when he was in his mid 70s and recovered pretty quickly. Here's hoping the same for you.

16 Jan 13 - 05:36 PM (#3467203)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Thanks again everyone for your concern and good wishes. Well the big day has arrived and I'm off to the butchers!

I'm signing off now til I get out, hopefully on Saturday. See you all then (I Hope?)



16 Jan 13 - 06:21 PM (#3467227)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Sandra in Sydney

I'm heading to a 4-day festival so I look forward to the good news when I get back on Sunday afternoon


16 Jan 13 - 06:25 PM (#3467232)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Richard Bridge

Break a leg, man.

16 Jan 13 - 07:47 PM (#3467289)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts

Trite but true:
Breathe in and out, take one step at a time and rely on friends and loved ones to help when needed.
You are in my thoughts and prayers Thursday thru Saturday.
Let me know if I need to extend your stay.

16 Jan 13 - 07:57 PM (#3467297)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie

What Sins said....


16 Jan 13 - 08:03 PM (#3467305)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Elmore

I wish you all the best, Bugsy.

16 Jan 13 - 08:08 PM (#3467308)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: bobad

Sending good thoughts to you and your kidney.

16 Jan 13 - 09:47 PM (#3467348)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: gnu

How the heck did I miss this thread! Oh, yeah. Nevermind.

T&Ps right up yer PeePee!

17 Jan 13 - 05:57 AM (#3467474)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: VirginiaTam

All the good thoughts and energy I can muster going out to you and the docs treating you. Wishing for best outcome from tests and treatments.

17 Jan 13 - 06:40 PM (#3467781)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: katlaughing

I agree..what Sins said.


17 Jan 13 - 07:16 PM (#3467822)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Ed T

Good thoughts from Nova Scotia

18 Jan 13 - 06:32 PM (#3468289)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie


19 Jan 13 - 06:06 AM (#3468405)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie

Good Morning Bugsby. Well, it's morning here, anyway. Hope the surgery went as easily as surgery can go and especially hoping for good results.

Still sending thoughts of care and concern.


19 Jan 13 - 06:32 AM (#3468418)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,999

Hope you're back home today, Bugsy.

19 Jan 13 - 11:45 AM (#3468574)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: katlaughing

heyaBugsy, how ya doing? Keeping you in my thoughts and thanks givings.


19 Jan 13 - 11:57 AM (#3468578)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: wysiwyg

Hey Bugser, we're keeping the good thought. How iz yer?


19 Jan 13 - 05:18 PM (#3468708)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: JennieG

How's it going over there, Bugsy?


19 Jan 13 - 08:36 PM (#3468775)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: RangerSteve

Kind thoughts heading your way. Good luck.

19 Jan 13 - 09:08 PM (#3468783)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: catspaw49

Good thoughts all the way.....That's my program. 'Course any program my brain runs is pretty half-assed but I swear to you, I AM TRYING!!!!


19 Jan 13 - 09:22 PM (#3468787)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie

Any Ozzies know any one directly connected with Bugsy in 3-D who might be able to give us an update?

19 Jan 13 - 09:45 PM (#3468795)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Just arrived back home a couple of minutes ago, and thought I'd best give you guys an update first.

Well the op went well. The pain over the first 18 hours was almost unbearable. it came from air trapped inside the body that they pump in to give themselves more room to operate. Eventually they brought in the pain management team who had me sorted in around and hour and a half. From then on it was just the crap food and the bloating and blocked bowel to deal with. The Bowel finally gave way last night. WHAT A TRIUMPH. If I could have got off the bowl, I'd have done a lap of the wards singing the Halleluia Chorus! I can't remember when I had that sort of relief before.

So now it's time to take it steady and slow and get on Mrs Bugsy's nerves!
I really appreciate all your positive thoughts and wishes. They did not go to waste.

Thanks again everyone.

(Exit stage left, farting all the way)


19 Jan 13 - 09:47 PM (#3468799)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie


19 Jan 13 - 10:01 PM (#3468807)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: JennieG

Good news! Sending happy thoughts to Mrs Bugsy's nerves too.


19 Jan 13 - 11:41 PM (#3468830)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: katlaughing

Uh-oh, Spaw's got competition!**bg**

Thanks for posting so soon and good going!!


20 Jan 13 - 03:57 AM (#3468853)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Sandra in Sydney

good news, but please don't upset the lovely Mrs Bugsy


20 Jan 13 - 07:31 AM (#3468919)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Nigel Paterson

Bugsy, you & Gnu would make a superb comedy duo. Between the two of you, I think you could write some killer scripts. Before you start rehearsing, might be a good idea to buy Mrs.Bugsy a really sturdy pair of ear defenders!
       Very pleased to hear that your health is much improved,
                            With Love,
                                           Nigel & Ann.

20 Jan 13 - 09:43 AM (#3468961)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: catspaw49

Bugsy old bud, I ain't been this happy with since since you shaved your head! GREAT NEWS!!!

Yours in Better Crepitation,


20 Jan 13 - 12:49 PM (#3469021)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: wysiwyg


Right witcha Bugs.


20 Jan 13 - 12:58 PM (#3469026)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,999

Hey, Bugsy, I was practicing some speech locution using Scrabble tiles instead of marbles in my mouth. I accidentally swallowed about twenty of them. Now I'm a bit nervous because my next bowel movement could spell disaster for me.

Glad to see you back and doing well.

27 Jan 13 - 10:19 PM (#3472289)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Well I'm finally off all pain medication... a bit sore today though. I had my first beer last night (well 4 in fact) and thoroughly enjoyed them.

I still ache a bit (maybe from scrabbling round on my hands and kneew, trying to find the leak in my neices water main under her front hedge) but that's another story.

All in all, satisfactory progress can be reported.



27 Jan 13 - 11:57 PM (#3472307)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: JennieG

Hooray! and a few cheers for Mrs Bugsy too.


28 Jan 13 - 01:52 AM (#3472319)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,Bugsy

She deserves a bloody medal for putting up with Me Jennie!!!


28 Jan 13 - 05:49 AM (#3472359)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Janie


28 Jan 13 - 07:48 AM (#3472398)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Sandra in Sydney

you're a good bloke, Bugsy helping out your niece when you're only a short time out of hospital.


28 Jan 13 - 10:19 AM (#3472466)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts

YA' done good Bugs.....and Ol' Spaw pretty happy about that!


28 Jan 13 - 11:17 AM (#3472488)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Pete Jennings

Nice to get some good news. Take it easy, Bugs.


28 Jan 13 - 11:37 AM (#3472502)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: fat B****rd

Good news, Bugsy. Take good care.

28 Jan 13 - 06:44 PM (#3472669)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: gnu

"satisfactory progress"

Glad to hear it!

28 Jan 13 - 09:00 PM (#3472725)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: ChanteyLass

I'm glad to hear, er, read it, too!

01 Feb 13 - 05:22 AM (#3474286)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Well, I went to the specialists for my follow up appt today. He said it was a grade 3 tumor and that it was contained in the kydney. That means NO CHEMO and NO RADIOTHERAPY!!!!!

He wants to see me again in 6 months and have a scan then, and I can go back to work in a couple of weeks.

All in all, NOT A BAD OUTCOME!!!!!!



01 Feb 13 - 05:38 AM (#3474290)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: GUEST,999

That is wonderful, Bugsy. Good on yer!

01 Feb 13 - 06:19 AM (#3474306)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Sandra in Sydney


now that your holiday is over, get out there singing again


01 Feb 13 - 07:43 AM (#3474340)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Pete Jennings


01 Feb 13 - 08:56 AM (#3474369)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: wysiwyg



01 Feb 13 - 09:11 PM (#3474697)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: LilyFestre


   OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That is some news worth CELEBRATING in a BIG WAY!!! I am doing the full out ****HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU*******




01 Feb 13 - 09:28 PM (#3474702)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: Bugsy

Yep, feeling really good. Now it's off to see the "Waterboys" tonight!



02 Feb 13 - 03:56 PM (#3474959)
Subject: RE: Bugsy could do with some kindly thoughts
From: ChanteyLass

Oh, I'm glad!