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The Simpsons

02 Nov 99 - 02:35 PM (#130948)
Subject: The Simpsons
From: Easy Rider

Every episode of "The Simpsons" begins with Bart writing something on the blackboard, over and over again.

What are your favorites?

02 Nov 99 - 02:36 PM (#130950)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Easy Rider

What would you LIKE to see him write?

02 Nov 99 - 03:29 PM (#130964)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Áine

Dear Easy Rider,

This message really should have had a 'BS' prefix, since it is not music related.

In case you didn't know how to use the 'Common Prefix' utility on the 'Create a Thread' page, next time click on the 'Common Prefix' arrow and highlight an appropriate prefix for your message. It helps those folks who want to read messages concerning strictly music and those who are in the mood for shooting the breeze. With the number of messages that appear on this board, the prefixes help us all find what we want when we want it.

Hope you get the 'discussion' on Bert that you're looking for! -- Áine

02 Nov 99 - 03:32 PM (#130965)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Bert

Hands up ANYONE who thought that this thread was NOT BS!

02 Nov 99 - 03:43 PM (#130969)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Steve Latimer

Not exactly what you're looking for Easy Rider, but it is music related. I believe it was a Halloween epsiode, Homer was very upset about something while driving erratically. Johnny and Edgar Winter, the Albino blues guys were crossing the street and Homer tries to run them over while yelling something like "die you Mutant bastards"

02 Nov 99 - 04:20 PM (#130983)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Mbo

"I will not sing "The Little Beggarman" over top of the beats when I hear rap music."


02 Nov 99 - 04:22 PM (#130984)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Marion

This one isn't necessarily my favourite, but at least it's music-related:

"Beans are neither musical nor a fruit."

Another one that my first sentence would describe is:

"There are plenty of businesses like show business."


02 Nov 99 - 10:55 PM (#131149)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Mike Billo

"I am not deliciously saucy", "I will not show off(written in caligraphy)" 'I will not shout "she's dead" during roll call", and my all-time favorite, "I will not screw with the opening credits".

03 Nov 99 - 04:12 PM (#131390)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: RWilhelm

"I am not the reincarnation of Sammy Davis Jr."

03 Nov 99 - 04:37 PM (#131400)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Lonesome EJ

" I will not take out my Elvis Wand in class"

" I will not bring dead squirrels to school in my lunch pail"

or one I actually did write 100 times when I was in 5th grade "I would rather misbehave and stay in the classroom than enjoy recess with my friends"

04 Nov 99 - 03:54 AM (#131589)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Roger the skiffler

I think there's a fan website that lists all these (just as there's one that lists all the variations in the Seattle skyline in Frazier intros- for really sad tv addicts). My favourite was one about not taking short-cuts followed by a board full of ditto marks!

04 Nov 99 - 08:41 AM (#131629)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Garry Gillard

Prolly at:

04 Nov 99 - 11:18 AM (#131705)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Easy Rider

How about:

"I will stop talking about the twelve inch pianist"

25 Nov 99 - 05:23 PM (#140732)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Marion

I just realized that this isn't a BS thread after all.

Once a character in the Simpsons sang "Blowing In the Wind". And if that's not folk music, I don't know what is...

And this is a blues music thread as well! Once Bleeding Gums, Lisa's saxophone mentor, said to her: "You play the blues very well for somebody with no real problems."


25 Nov 99 - 10:16 PM (#140800)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Caitrin

My favorite Simpson's musical bit was "In the Garden of Eden, Baby." :)

25 Nov 99 - 10:31 PM (#140802)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: SeanM

Not necessarily Simpsons, but still animated folk...

Love 'em or hate 'em, I just about died when listening to a friend's South Park movie soundtrack... one of the numbers ("Kyle's Mom is a Big Fat B***h) is a fairly direct retooling of "What a Mouth"...

But on the topic of the Simpsons and Folk, how about Lisa sitting out in front of the Nuclear Plant with her acoustic singing protest songs?


25 Nov 99 - 11:06 PM (#140818)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Metchosin

"Pork is not a verb."

26 Nov 99 - 01:23 AM (#140847)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Benjamin

A great Bleeding Gums Murphy quote-

"The blues isn't about making yourself feel good, it's about making other people feel bad!! And making some money while your at it!"

Honestly, I perfer quotes by Homer and Mr. Burns before the stuff Bart Writes on the board. That stuff is FUNNY!

26 Nov 99 - 11:12 AM (#140929)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: GeorgeH

Oh, what a disappointment . . there was I drooling over the prospect of a thread devoted to my favourite guitarist and it turns out to be some dumb cartoon show . .

(Only joking, ER . . yes, the thread's content was crystal clear, and the discussion on BS labling is already taking place elsewhere . . )


26 Nov 99 - 11:17 AM (#140931)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Marion

And then there was the time Lisa mentioned that she was part of the "Little White Girls' Blues Ensemble".


26 Nov 99 - 11:42 AM (#140936)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Wolfgang

a very late response to Bert: I, for instance, but maybe I don't count for lack of cultural background. My best guess when opening: A folkgroup I hadn't heard of yet.


26 Nov 99 - 12:15 PM (#140949)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Marion

Hey Caitrin... remember when we used to make out to this hymn?


26 Nov 99 - 06:47 PM (#141100)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: RWilhelm

Last night bart wrote "I did not invent Irish dancing." on the blackboard.

27 Nov 99 - 10:27 AM (#141320)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Caitrin

Marion: *giggles*

Lisa's rendition of "Classical Gas" was great. (At the nuclear plant protest) And then, of course, there was the halloween episode where the whole town sang "Everybody, get together, try and love one another right now". BUt then the aliens showed up.

15 Sep 01 - 01:49 PM (#550836)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I wiil not waste chalk.

15 Sep 01 - 02:53 PM (#550888)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Clinton Hammond

Come gather 'round children it's high time you learned
'Bout a hero named Homer, and a devil named Burns

so we'll march day and night by the big cooling tower
they have the plant but we have the power

"Hey, that was great... now do Classical Gas..."

One of my favourites...

The Stonecutter Anthem

Who control's the british pound?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!

Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do! We do!

Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Gutenberg, a star?
We do! We do!

Who robs cave fish of their sight?
Who rigs every oscar night?
We do! We do!

Hehehehehe.. or... for you SPEBSQSIA-ites...

Baby On Board

(By The B-Sharps)
Baby on board,
How I've adored,
That sign on my car's windowpane.
Bounce in my step,
Loaded with pep,
'Cause I'm drivin' in the carpool lane.
Call me a square,
Friend, I don't care.
That little yellow sign can't be ignored.
I'm tellin' you it's mighty nice.
Each trip's like a trip to paradise
With my baby on board.


15 Sep 01 - 11:32 PM (#551236)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


16 Sep 01 - 06:55 PM (#551845)
Subject: RE: The Simpsons
From: reynardyne

When Lisa's school band lost to another with glow sticks and she wrote to (then) President Clinton to complain;

Clinton : 'The lesson is, Lisa, if you have a problem, just keep complaining until someone does something about it'
Marge : 'That's a pretty lousy lesson'
Clinton : 'Hey! I'm a pretty lousy President!' (grin)