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BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?

10 Feb 13 - 07:11 AM (#3477825)
Subject: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: gnu

Ya gotta get one a these here ta find the ones that always get away.

10 Feb 13 - 07:58 AM (#3477836)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: Rapparee

Got me a shock rod, some dynamite, one of them seine nets, some fish traps, a good long trotline, and some of Grandaddy's fish pizen.

All set!

10 Feb 13 - 09:19 AM (#3477862)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: GUEST,Raggytash

What season, over here we fish the North Sea from 1st January to the 31st December.

10 Feb 13 - 09:42 AM (#3477869)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: Bobert

Who's got an extra $6300 they'd like to get off their hands???


10 Feb 13 - 10:04 AM (#3477877)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I'd be afraid to use that $6,300 camera to scope out the reefs around here. It looks too much like one of those fancy lures folks use to fish for marlin and tuna. Some big ol' fish might mistake it for lunch.

11 Feb 13 - 12:24 AM (#3478116)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: JohnInKansas

There ain't no fishin' water in Kansas where you can see more than about four inches in front of yer nose once you get a foot down, so that cute little gobot wouldn't be much use here, unless it can carry a 40 KW waterproof searchlight piggyback.

There might be a few horny young bucks would put one in a nice clean municipal swimmin' pool where they got all them fancy filters and stinkin' chlorine, but takin' the mystery outa what the bottom ends of the gals in a pool look like is one of those things that contributes to premayteur "growin' up" (and other small disappointments).


11 Feb 13 - 03:04 AM (#3478130)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?

For $6300 a guy could buy one shitload of fish. Hey, at $15 a meal, that would be 420 meals. Assume you eat fish once a week. That's 420 weeks worth of meals. That's 8 years of free fish. By then, it'll be another APPS feature on yer 'phone. Frig the fish finder, Freddy.


11 Feb 13 - 04:10 AM (#3478141)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: JohnInKansas

For quite a few "sport fishermen" (generic term - includes fisherwomen too) $6,300 is a drop in the gut bucket. It's the $17,000 boat with the $1,300 motor (or maybe two), $600 rod or two with $350 reel on each (and couple of spares), and a tackle box with a couple of K$ worth of lures and it all runs up. Of course the boat needs a trailer (>$1,600?) and you gotta have at least a $38,000 truck to drag it to the fishin' hole.

For the "serious ones" there's probably transportation costs to ship the whole kit 'n kaboodle from one tournament to the next.

A decent depth finder is almost a necessity for those who fish (from a boat) more than a few places, but that's only a couple of hundred bucks for a pretty good one. If you want one that plots a chart of the bottom profile - which you might in a really big lake or offshore in the salt - you could drop around $2,000(?).

Unfortunately the way most people use a depth finder it's much like the way the majority use GPS. The depth finder assures you'll fish in the wrong place most of the time just like the GPS guarantees you'll reach the wrong destination on almost every trip.

The biggest concern about the little robot is that in the only places it would be very useful 'round my neighborhood everybody hopes there's a few fish big enough to mistake the little thing fer a bug and swaller it.


12 Feb 13 - 04:16 AM (#3478527)
Subject: RE: BS: Gettin ready for fishin season?
From: David C. Carter

Round here we sprinkle pepper on the water,wait for a fish to come up and sneeze,then smack it over the head with a cucumber!

Cucumbers cost about 99 cents a throw.

Gone Fishin'