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kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news

25 Feb 13 - 07:53 PM (#3483695)
Subject: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

it's hard to type as my rt hand is unusable due to severe inflamation of tendons. it looks likje it's been burnt.

on top of that too low blood pressure for months has caused several problems which are being addressed. all this has left me terribly weak and depressed. i know it will get better, but feel very tired of it all,including physically.

i know there are others in life or death situations, buut if you cld spare me a bit of help, i'd appreciate it.



25 Feb 13 - 07:56 PM (#3483696)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ranger1

Always, Kat. Good mojo headed your way.

25 Feb 13 - 07:57 PM (#3483697)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bobert

Boatload of best wished on the way...

Ol' hillbilly loves you...

And keep this in mind, "This too will pass"... Just trusting it will be a quick turn around...


25 Feb 13 - 07:59 PM (#3483698)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

You're on the mojo list, Ms Kitty

25 Feb 13 - 08:04 PM (#3483701)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

love & hugs flying across the pond to you, kat


25 Feb 13 - 08:16 PM (#3483708)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

You never left my thoughts since the last thread. Gee... I just looked for it and couldn't find it??? Did I dream that?

No matter... MOOOOO JOOOOO!!! big time. Yer one of the good ones.

25 Feb 13 - 08:57 PM (#3483718)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie


You are always in my thoughts, Dear Kat.

25 Feb 13 - 09:05 PM (#3483720)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bill D

awww.... You are always part of our collective thoughts, kat.... You've had far too many things to worry about, and SO many are hoping this too shall pass.

KNOW that I and others really, really care

<3 <3 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ∞

25 Feb 13 - 09:19 PM (#3483726)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Still here, kat. Never fear; you are surrounded by loving friends.

25 Feb 13 - 11:30 PM (#3483746)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Amos

High vibs for you, Katlady.

25 Feb 13 - 11:31 PM (#3483749)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Well just today I told my friend Paula Wulf (on Facebook) about your Columbine song, and sent her the lyrics.

So I'm thinking about you. Actually I think about a lot, you every time I do dishes and rub my hand across a plate. I think, My Friend katlaughing taught me how to do that. So that is pretty much every day.

Lots of love on its way from this scruffy old fart.

25 Feb 13 - 11:37 PM (#3483752)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Don Firth

Good thoughts going your way, Kat. Always the best to you.

Don Firth

25 Feb 13 - 11:52 PM (#3483756)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Little Hawk

I've sent a big ball of golden energy your way, Kat, flying from Hawkland to you. Right this minute.

26 Feb 13 - 12:00 AM (#3483760)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Neil D

Hang in there kat, you've got to believe it's gettin' better

26 Feb 13 - 12:41 AM (#3483767)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Thinking of you, kat....Sending lots of love your way. Sing a couple of songs, k?

26 Feb 13 - 01:02 AM (#3483770)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Get them tomatoes planted in a healthy pile of manure.

The kid can do it.

By May you can be eating three a day.


raw fresh food does a body good.

26 Feb 13 - 01:48 AM (#3483776)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Dear kat, lots and lots of love and respect flying your way,


26 Feb 13 - 01:55 AM (#3483779)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Lonesome EJ

Hang in there Sweetheart. It'll be better soon, I promise.

26 Feb 13 - 02:21 AM (#3483781)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: alanabit

Look after yourself. Kind thoughts from my way too.

26 Feb 13 - 02:22 AM (#3483783)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,999


26 Feb 13 - 03:56 AM (#3483801)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

I would have sent mojos but they ran out

So instead I will fill my heart with love hope and healing and send it forth to find and wrap you in its warmth.

26 Feb 13 - 04:20 AM (#3483804)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Will Fly

as always, Kat - I say it in music...

I Only Have Eyes For You

26 Feb 13 - 04:34 AM (#3483813)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Leadfingers

Those of us with years and health try to share the health with others in the hope of a few years in exchange ! Hang in there Kat .

26 Feb 13 - 05:02 AM (#3483824)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Monique

A lot of good thoughts for you, Kat.

26 Feb 13 - 05:54 AM (#3483832)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: David C. Carter

More mojo than you could know coming your way.

26 Feb 13 - 06:26 AM (#3483843)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Roger the Skiffler

I got my mojo workin' , kat, hope it works for you.
Got my mojo workin'
Got my mojo workin'
Got my mojo workin'
Got my mojo workin'
Got my mojo workin'
Got my mojo workin'
Just hope it works for you.

(Just call me Muddy)

26 Feb 13 - 06:38 AM (#3483847)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Sing that one again for me Muddy.........Lots of good ol' Mudcat love and Mojo coming on this thread.   More from here as always and thinking nothing but the best.   Feeling bad builds on itself so I'm targteting this Mojo to break the cycle.


26 Feb 13 - 06:54 AM (#3483852)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: jacqui.c

Healing thoughts coming from Maine. I do believe that the more good stuff we throw into the Universe the more we have to spare and you deserve as much as I can send out, darlin' Kat.

26 Feb 13 - 07:07 AM (#3483858)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bat Goddess

Plenty o' good old fashioned mojo (and hugs, good wishes, white light, etcet etcet) headed your way from here, Kat.

Take care of yourself!


26 Feb 13 - 10:56 AM (#3483911)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage

The Rose. Great buildup to a good message. And please tell Morgan I'm asking him to give you an extra hug each morning. :)


26 Feb 13 - 12:09 PM (#3483927)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Miss Kitty,
Cool water and epsom salts may help as well as all good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

26 Feb 13 - 01:39 PM (#3483957)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: open mike

i gotta hand it to ya.....some mojo,that is...
put your feet up to help your circulation....
sending best wishes for healing your way!

26 Feb 13 - 02:29 PM (#3483973)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,Frug

Good vibes on transmit.....

26 Feb 13 - 03:49 PM (#3483995)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: fat B****rd

Any mojo I have is winging it's way across the pond even as we speak, Kat.x

26 Feb 13 - 04:41 PM (#3484011)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Righto, Kat. I am puttin' together a package of Grade A, Number 1 Chimp Mojo to heal what ails you. It goes out in the mail tomorrow.

- Chongo

26 Feb 13 - 04:46 PM (#3484014)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

You got it, dear one. Mojo activated. Love you!

26 Feb 13 - 06:00 PM (#3484031)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Hi kat, This thread about Comedy in Music Might cheer you up.

Still pullin' for ya!

26 Feb 13 - 09:04 PM (#3484081)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Elmore

Know how you feel, (honest) and wish you the best. My mojo was never much good.

26 Feb 13 - 09:08 PM (#3484083)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Haven't stopped since your last request several months ago, Kat. I'm sorry it hasn't done the job yet. I'll keep at it!

26 Feb 13 - 09:10 PM (#3484084)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

my dear friends thank you so much!( even you, garg, the tomatoes have been wonderful this yr!)

dl a ton of pain if i don't take meds. ordered off of all topical treatments.blood lab two days running...they think it is an inflamation worsened by tiger balm. the top two hand orthos in the region are very concerned, but have been honest in as positive way as possible. i am in good hands, they are also checking for types of arthritis and may want to fuse my left pinkie. it's the right hand which is in in trouble right now, though.

i feel exhausted, but the sleep will help along with your graciuos aid, thanks, again.


26 Feb 13 - 09:15 PM (#3484086)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

forgot to say thanks for the PMs. i cannot type enough to answer, now, but i will when i go back to the office where i can use Dragon.

26 Feb 13 - 09:58 PM (#3484098)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Sleep and sweet dreams, kat.

26 Feb 13 - 10:48 PM (#3484112)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

. i am in good hands

Very funny!

27 Feb 13 - 12:45 AM (#3484131)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Visualizing the envelope of love, light, prayers, good intentions, and - again and especially love - agape - in which you are surrounded.

27 Feb 13 - 12:59 AM (#3484133)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: JennieG

Sending more good thoughts, hugs and mojos from here too.

27 Feb 13 - 03:21 AM (#3484146)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ragdall

Good wishes and flowers to brighten your day.


27 Feb 13 - 03:31 AM (#3484150)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Deckman

HEY ... KAT ... "Mina Raakastaan Sinua" .... Roope! (deckman)

27 Feb 13 - 07:56 AM (#3484242)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Charley Noble


Sending our best!

Charlie Ipcar and Judy Barrows

27 Feb 13 - 09:43 AM (#3484266)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bonnie Shaljean

What Janie said. Thinking of you -

B xxx

27 Feb 13 - 11:04 AM (#3484298)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Pete Jennings

Staffordshire mojo on its way.

27 Feb 13 - 12:08 PM (#3484321)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: saulgoldie

MOJO from Maryland comin to ya.


27 Feb 13 - 04:52 PM (#3484450)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Nigel Paterson

I've been so preoccupied with my own problems that I missed your thread. Ann & I send healing, comforting thoughts; reciprocating the many kindnesses you have sent our way. I so wish there was something we could actually do that would speed your recovery.
                               With Love,
                                              Nigel & Ann.

27 Feb 13 - 05:48 PM (#3484470)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ClaireBear

Beloved Kat,

I send you warmth, light and healing from my neck of the woods -- and big hugs from both me and Martin!


27 Feb 13 - 06:29 PM (#3484488)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Morticia

all yours Katmedear, hope things get better soon

27 Feb 13 - 08:38 PM (#3484530)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

thanks, again, so much. it's working! there is slightly more movement even though my hand and fingers are swollen. i was able to cut the oxicodone down to a half pill, 2.5mg, this afternoon. probably still need whole one soon as the pain is getting more insistent. we will have more answers tonorrow when i see the docs.

Nigel and Ann, i am honoured you posted, but please know there is no need greater than your daughter.

i love you all,


28 Feb 13 - 04:41 AM (#3484597)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

This morning the island was covered in fog, not our usual soft hazy mist that does not hide but softens the colour a world in soft focus, but dark forbidding fog. The kind that has the Hamnavoe sounding her horn all the way from Stromness to Scrabster like Peter Brown tapping his way round Kirkwall with his long white cane.

I sat despondently drinking my morning cup of tea gazing out at a view now only in my memory. However as I sipped the warming brew the fog was obviously afraid of its warmth and slipped back to the house across the road. Another sip and it slunk of down the path towards the main road snatching at the bushes trying to hold onto the blades of grass but the bushes quivered their branches shrugging it of. The sharp blades of grass stabbing into it draining it moisture to bedeck themselves in the glittering diamonds of dew.

As the level of my tea sank in the cup the fog slowly retreated from the town the sparrows and starlings laughing at its cowardice from the safety of the fence while the gulls and crows circled daring it to return with loud mocking caws.

May the warmth generated in this thread melt away the fog of ill health returning you to sparkling health.

28 Feb 13 - 09:06 AM (#3484654)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Love those foggy images, Megan. Kat, thinking of you from faraway Oz. Here's a song of oneness and healing, of words like gold that shimmer in the sun


28 Feb 13 - 09:57 AM (#3484671)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Pete Jennings

Poetry from faraway Orkney, fit for a feline.

28 Feb 13 - 10:30 AM (#3484688)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

pete, you are right. megan is a word artist...she paints such beauty......thank you m'dear megan.

freda, that is one of my favs...thanks!

i tried to pick up a pill i'd dropped at 2am and either fell or passed out. the next thing i knew rog was there asking if i could get up. i was weak in the knees, but had some arm strength. with mostly rog doing the work ii got back in bed. he and i were both up, off and on, til 5a, though he slept more than i. i am okay just a few bruises and really sore rt hand. we've managed to wash my hair!

more after the docs. no more oxicodone...back to tylenol.

thanks to everyone,


28 Feb 13 - 10:45 AM (#3484696)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Miss Kitty,
Come over here so I can smack you this side of your head. If something drops LEAVE IT. Rog will sort it out later.
Broken bones will make things much worse.
So...think before you act and take care of yourself.
Much love,

28 Feb 13 - 01:16 PM (#3484737)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Yo Folks!!!!

Just got a call from kat at the hospital. The infectionn in her fingers is staph and it is beyond the antibiotic stage. They are going to cut them open and clean/scrape them out.   I'm sure additional antibiotics will come into play in the process but taking this step is big.....and absolutely critical/necessary/lifesaving. I am not being dramatic here.   

How serious do hospitals and Docs take this? If I go into a crowded ER and say, "I'm running a fever and I have an artificial mitral valve," I move past bleeding old ladies to the head of the line.

As you all know kat has had heart problems and surgeries and staph infections anywhere in your body tend to go pretty quickly to the heart and destroy valves. One can very easily find themselves in a very narrow window here so let's all get real damn serious with whatever mojo you send out....Do it NOW!

Kat and I came here at about the same time over 14 years ago and we've been Buds ever since. She's got everything I can send. Join me.........Can't type anymore.....Do it..............


28 Feb 13 - 02:11 PM (#3484767)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

I'm howling at the moon for you katmeluv.

28 Feb 13 - 02:24 PM (#3484772)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

From Nigel's thread...

SOB! That's absolutely terrible news!

Hard to comprehend that she has been "let be" by the docs and it has come to this. DISGUSTING! Heads should roll IN COURT and it should be investigated by the medical association and government.

28 Feb 13 - 02:24 PM (#3484773)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

Dammit lassie behave yersel dont mak me come ower there.

Please get well soon

28 Feb 13 - 02:27 PM (#3484776)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: theleveller

Sorry to hear about this, Kat - mojo workimg overtime.

28 Feb 13 - 04:29 PM (#3484803)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Mojo is on its way..

28 Feb 13 - 04:37 PM (#3484805)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

Mojo comming big time; guys, this stuff killed one of my oldest and dearest friends last March.

28 Feb 13 - 04:47 PM (#3484807)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Heal, katdarlin'. Heal.

Praying for wisdom and guidance for all those providing care to you. And strength and courage and comfort to you, kat. Much love coming your way...

28 Feb 13 - 04:48 PM (#3484808)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Steve Parkes

I got my mojo at the mender's, but my doo-dah's doin' all right ...
Good thoughts coming to you from this litle Island.

28 Feb 13 - 04:57 PM (#3484809)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Dorothy Parshall


"May the long time sun shine upon you
May all love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on"

28 Feb 13 - 05:05 PM (#3484811)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Little Hawk

Still sending whatever I can, Kat.

28 Feb 13 - 05:09 PM (#3484813)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Penny S.

Oh kat, thinking of you ...


28 Feb 13 - 05:25 PM (#3484823)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: olddude

Got all my prayers for sure. Get better quick ...

28 Feb 13 - 07:38 PM (#3484873)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ranger1

Dear Kat, you have all of the mojo I have to spare and then some. I'll get a few friends who don't know you but won't mind sharing their mojo with you, too. I talk a lot to non-mudcat friends about the good that Mudcat friends have shared with me, and they in return have been great about thinking good, kind, warm healing thoughts to my loved ones here on Mudcat when it's been needed. You have always been here for me, I will be here for you.

Love, Tami

28 Feb 13 - 08:44 PM (#3484890)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Sending all the love, care, concern I can muster or channel. Even in my unremembered dreams....

28 Feb 13 - 08:55 PM (#3484897)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Lovely kat, we're here in Maine holding you in love and light. We know your kind heart and generous spirit, and we look forward to your full recovery. Raven's wings are carrying you to healing, and chickadees are calling, "kat, medear! kat, medear!"



28 Feb 13 - 09:34 PM (#3484912)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Chickadees are one of my favourites... kat medear dear dear dear.

I like it, maeve.

Chickadees atchya kat... BIG TIME!

28 Feb 13 - 10:16 PM (#3484918)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: LilyFestre

Oh my friend. I just read through this thread. Know that good thoughts and prayers are headed your way. I feel like such a schmuck for getting here so late.

Love you bunches Kat.



28 Feb 13 - 10:41 PM (#3484925)
Subject: RE: BS: Kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Beer

Was speaking to Gnu the other evening and told him that i was staying away from the B.S. section because there was to much mud slinging going on. Then today someone mentioned that Kat was not well and there was a "Thread" on it. Well, Kat is a friend and after reading all that has been said i truly wish you well KAT.

28 Feb 13 - 11:58 PM (#3484940)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Shucks! Just when I thought your condition was improving . . . . I'm still sending love, prayers, Mojo, whatever it takes for as long as it takes, but heal quickly anyway!

01 Mar 13 - 01:17 AM (#3484948)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

First, thanks for the "more mojo".......Mudcat ... Hellluva' place.

Had a voice mail from kat and she sounds pretty rough but is also encouraged with what all is happening with her treatment there. Also asked me to tell you all that she's not much up to taking calls yet, so let's give it a few a few days before we do that. I'll keep you posted as to when she'll be feeling more up to it.....Thanks.

What a great bunch you all are!


01 Mar 13 - 03:49 AM (#3484971)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

sending lots more love to kat


01 Mar 13 - 07:48 AM (#3485049)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Kat, sending love and strength..


01 Mar 13 - 07:57 AM (#3485053)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Thank you, Spaw. I have a song I'd like to sing to kat, so do please shoot me a PM when she's ready.

kat medear dear dear dear... kat medear dear dear dear....


01 Mar 13 - 08:15 AM (#3485065)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Nigel Paterson

Still here Kat. Ann & I will always find time for you, Dear Friend.
          Holding You in our loving, healing thoughts,
                               With Love,
                                              Nigel & Ann.

01 Mar 13 - 12:30 PM (#3485141)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Love and light coming your way, kat.

01 Mar 13 - 01:58 PM (#3485155)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Picturing fields of golden Marigolds and you resting happily in the middle.
Hang in there kat.

01 Mar 13 - 02:16 PM (#3485159)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Brief Update

Kat is in a bit of a holding pattern on the antibiotics of course, but waiting on the procedure. She is on Coumadin/Warfarin blood thinner because of her prior heart surgery and her INR which measures that "thin/thick" blood is still too high (bloods too thin) for safe surgery.

Let me explain something just for reference. As we have health problems they tend to combine up and throw some curves our way. Warfarin does this big time. I can't have any type of surgery without getting off the Coumadin and when I am off and my blood is thick (normal) I am in great danger of having a blood clot which can be either fatal, lead to a stroke, or both. But if they can't stop the surgical bleeding.........not too good either is it? So you wind up in life threatening box even for the most minor of procedures. Plus, if you have other issues the box gets smaller and smaller.

So right now kat is waiting while they monitor her INR and prepare her for getting things done and on the way to healing. Sorry to bore y'all with details but it helps in understanding why more isn't happening right now. She is happy to know of the great response here of course and I thank you as well.


01 Mar 13 - 02:29 PM (#3485165)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Beer

Thank you Spaw.

01 Mar 13 - 02:32 PM (#3485166)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Thanks Spaw.

EXTRA thoughts and prayers should be there by now.

01 Mar 13 - 02:39 PM (#3485168)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Thank you for the update, Spaw! I have been away for a week and not on the puter as much but I'm gearing up all the mojo I can spare for our dear friend!

01 Mar 13 - 07:38 PM (#3485241)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Kat, hope you can "see" the warmth and light surrounding you, beamed from all points of the compass.

Thanks for keeping us updated Spaw.

And while I'm at it - Up Spaw!

01 Mar 13 - 07:48 PM (#3485246)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49


Kat is post procedure and it all went well. She liked the Docs and they seemed to give her a lot of confidence, always important. Even had a few laughs wi them I guess. Generally my sense of humor is so bizarre that they just stare at me.............

Anyway, she will be in the hospital for a few days doing various post-op things before she can go home. That's pretty usual of course and I'm sure they want to keep a close eye on things for the first few days.   She sounded tired and post-oppy but also much better and obviously more relieved.

She thanks you all profusely. Like I said, she feels better and talked up a storm......til she wore out in about 45 seconds.....LOL....


01 Mar 13 - 07:59 PM (#3485249)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Much love coming over to you from England, kat...

And here, to cheer you up a little....

:0) xx


01 Mar 13 - 08:00 PM (#3485251)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Thank you so much, Spaw.

01 Mar 13 - 08:10 PM (#3485255)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bill D

Ok... sounds a bit better. If good wishes are cumulative, she'll be better in no time.

01 Mar 13 - 09:31 PM (#3485273)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

She mis-dialed a phone number just now so I also got to have a brief word with her. Like Spaw said, a little post-op woozy but very positive and upbeat.

Hurray Kat!

01 Mar 13 - 09:52 PM (#3485283)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Oh, so glad to hear this, Spaw! Up kat, up Spaw, up us all!

02 Mar 13 - 01:25 AM (#3485320)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

What good news! Thanks for the update, Spaw. Hooray, kat! Keep it up!

02 Mar 13 - 02:35 AM (#3485328)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Thanks for the update Spaw. More love on its way kat.

02 Mar 13 - 03:30 AM (#3485346)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

One drop of water will never fill a cup, but one drop can make it overflow. It is the same with loving wishes and prayers our little offering may not seem much but together they overflow and flow through the world with power.

get well lass

02 Mar 13 - 04:22 AM (#3485355)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

Bill said - If good wishes are cumulative, she'll be better in no time.

so I'm adding mine.


02 Mar 13 - 05:19 AM (#3485364)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: billybob

Adding mine too, wishing you better soon

Wendy xxxx

02 Mar 13 - 05:31 AM (#3485373)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Severn

Continue on the road to recovery. Keep laughing, believe in yourself and keep grinning down all that tries to pain you. My mojo's workin' on your behalf.

02 Mar 13 - 05:47 AM (#3485382)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Megan... that was beautiful.

Great news! May you cup runneth over, kat!

02 Mar 13 - 05:51 AM (#3485384)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Glad the op went well, I hope you get lost of rest and comfort kat - sending more drops of mojo


02 Mar 13 - 06:06 AM (#3485392)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Roger the Skiffler

Glad to hear things are improving, mojo's still workin'

(who sings more like Virginia Woolf than Howlin' Wolf, unfortunately!)

02 Mar 13 - 10:15 AM (#3485468)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Thanks for the better news, Spaw.Also including the good doctors in my mojo prayers.

02 Mar 13 - 05:48 PM (#3485610)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Thanks from me, too, Spaw, I'm another warfarin user.

Way Up, Spaw!

And Kat, get well and home quickly.

02 Mar 13 - 06:01 PM (#3485615)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,999

How's the gal doing?

02 Mar 13 - 07:11 PM (#3485635)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Just talked to Roger for awhile and kat is still pretty woozy and all but they are draining the sight which hopefully, with the antibiotics, will get this cleared up and get the girl back on the road to some better health. Roger was as frustrated with the medicos as we all tend to be sometimes and justifiably so. This problem should have been caught earlier but it wasn't. There are several old jokes about Docs that can apply (some of them think MD means Major Deity) but it can be trying as we all know at times.

Looks like kat is on the mending side of things now and hopefully by tomorrw or Monday might be feeling better again!!!


02 Mar 13 - 08:34 PM (#3485658)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Glad to hear it 'Spaw, let's hope she has a good recovery, more mojo on the way from Sydney


02 Mar 13 - 08:35 PM (#3485659)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Jeri

Things have changed here, but somehow, the friendships remain. Heal quickly and well. I'm thinking of you.

02 Mar 13 - 08:50 PM (#3485660)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,999

Thanks, Pat. That's good to hear.

02 Mar 13 - 08:57 PM (#3485663)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bobert

Ol' hillbilly right here sending what ol' hillbillies send in times like this... A big helpin' of love and healin' thoughts...


02 Mar 13 - 09:56 PM (#3485672)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Lots of good thoughts going out there to ROG, too! I know this is not easy for you Rog. Hang in there! We're all pullin' for both of you!

02 Mar 13 - 10:30 PM (#3485677)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Good point KT.
Thank you again Spaw for the up date.

03 Mar 13 - 06:18 AM (#3485745)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

I'll second (or is it at least fifth?) the thanks to Spaw for the updates. So many times, updates are sparse for any number of reasons and it's great to get these.

03 Mar 13 - 07:17 AM (#3485777)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Thanks again, Spaw. Roger is a true gem. Still (continuously) sending "Up Kat!" thoughts...

03 Mar 13 - 11:07 AM (#3485833)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage

Clear out those toxic germs and get to feeling better soon!


03 Mar 13 - 11:23 AM (#3485838)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maire-aine

Sending you healing wishes, Kat. Spaw & everyone, thanks for the updates.


03 Mar 13 - 12:22 PM (#3485855)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: olddude

Thanks Pat for the updates, I been worried sick
Get better soon Kat

03 Mar 13 - 12:38 PM (#3485864)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

This is Roger. Kat is having her hand soaked, but doing much better than last nite. Realy apreciate all of your love and care and will try and post this afternoon.
loveyouall Kat

03 Mar 13 - 12:45 PM (#3485865)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: maeve

Thank you, Roger and kat! It's lovely to hear from you.


03 Mar 13 - 12:55 PM (#3485869)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Monique

Thank you for the update Roger!

03 Mar 13 - 12:57 PM (#3485871)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Excellent! Thanks.

03 Mar 13 - 12:58 PM (#3485872)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Talked to kat this morning and said she had a rough night.....O2 saturation too low. Feeling a bit better when she talked to me but now realizes this is going to be a long trip back. She figures to be without use of her one arm/hand for at least a few weeks and possibly more. Also from the sound of things she will be in the hospital for maybe another week(?).....really don't know but that seems likely.
So she's going to take some pretty reggular and strong mojo. Infections like this are so bad. Some of the staph infections going around these days are treated for long periods before they are gone. They interfere with your blood doing the job it does and equally can and do affect all other systems and organs.

When I talked to her briefly a few minutes ago, she was getting it debrided and that is probably going to be a daily or twice daily happening for awhile. I called just now to get the name of the hospital so those wanting to send a note or a card, here ya' go.....Sorry, I didn't get a room number but it will get there without it.


Kathleen LaFrance
C/O St. Mary's Hospital
2635 North 7th Street
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

03 Mar 13 - 02:51 PM (#3485916)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Thanks, Spaw!

03 Mar 13 - 03:17 PM (#3485925)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Debrided daily (X2?)?. I would like to send her an ecard type of thing with Sinatra singing, "Fly Me To The Moon". >;-)

Seriously I know this is close to as FAR from a joking matter as it gets but I am still chuckling at my warped sense of humour thought.

Oh... maybe some people don't know what I allude to. I am sure Google knows... dunno if I care to explain it. Some peeps might get butterFLIES in their tummies.

03 Mar 13 - 03:28 PM (#3485933)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Here's more kind thoughts on their way. May all of our Mudcat love make the pain go away and may you heal quickly.

03 Mar 13 - 03:29 PM (#3485934)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Thanks for taking the time to post, Roger. Sending you lots of good mojo also.

03 Mar 13 - 03:53 PM (#3485942)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bat Goddess

Getting caught up on the news here right now, now that I have my own darlin' home from the hospital.

But, Kat, I haven't let up on the prayers, white light and just plain good thoughts sent in your direction.


03 Mar 13 - 05:40 PM (#3485986)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,leeneia

I've been away, kat, so I couldn't post till now. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I so hope you heal fast and return to "things as usual."

03 Mar 13 - 05:49 PM (#3485994)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

kat, heal thoroughly & as fast as possible with all the mojo winging you way, Roger, many thankyous for finding time to post, same to spaw.

love to you both


03 Mar 13 - 05:50 PM (#3485996)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

also sending love to spaw!!

03 Mar 13 - 05:59 PM (#3486003)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Thanks, Roger, and thanks, Spaw-
Let's inundate Kat with Mudcards!

03 Mar 13 - 07:16 PM (#3486032)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Hey, not so much of that white light Bat Goddess; we don't want our darling kat to start going towards it. ;-)

03 Mar 13 - 07:27 PM (#3486033)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,999

IMO, good thoughts are enough. Kat has been one of the best people I've met on this site. Classy gal.

Greg, you fuck with her once more and I'll find you and break your knees. Trust me with that.

03 Mar 13 - 07:41 PM (#3486035)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

9? Did he post and it was removed or what? Anyway... I'll hold him down for ya if he does it again... whatever it was???

03 Mar 13 - 11:05 PM (#3486092)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

When we say "it couldn't happen to a nicer person", we usually say it sarcastically regarding someone we dislike. But just now those words have been going through my head as a simple straightforward feeling; "It couldn't happen to a nicer person"; and it hurts to think that it's happening. At least it's looking like light at the end of the tunnel. Major mojo still coming for the rest of the trip through.

03 Mar 13 - 11:32 PM (#3486100)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

I'll join the others here by adding my own positive thoughts once again.

04 Mar 13 - 12:25 PM (#3486271)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Had a brief call from kat last night and her voice sounded much stronger to the point that I think she is definitely better! Going to take some time both now in the hospital and later at home but with no setbacks (and I'll send some mojo for that!) she's past the worst of it.

I will be in and out of here a bit differently for a few days as I have a couple of medical issues that I need to get taken care of.....a few appointments and a couple of pints.....but I imagine that kat or Roger may well post something themselves.   Many thanks as always.


04 Mar 13 - 01:18 PM (#3486297)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Thanks, Spaw. And thanks Roger.
This can't be easy for either one of you. Kat is in good hands. Look after yourselves, especially you, Rog. You will be her right hand when she gets back home.

04 Mar 13 - 01:38 PM (#3486309)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

Thank you for the updates. I am starting to look for some scottish teddy hugs they are rare and have to be hunted down :)

04 Mar 13 - 07:14 PM (#3486406)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

It's cloudy here so I can't howl at the moon for you tonight kat, so I'll send lots of love instead. And some for you too Spaw, I hope that your medical issues are minor and will soon be resolved.

04 Mar 13 - 08:04 PM (#3486425)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ClaireBear

Still sending love and light and healing, my dear.


04 Mar 13 - 08:11 PM (#3486427)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Well done, Kat, and keeping getting better.

Up Spaw!

04 Mar 13 - 08:23 PM (#3486429)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage

Take care of yourself both, Kat and Spaw.

04 Mar 13 - 08:47 PM (#3486432)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Good news re Kat- keep on mending!

Meanwhile: Up Spaw!

04 Mar 13 - 09:56 PM (#3486448)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Spaw, thank you again for the updates. I hope all goes as well as possible with your medical issues.

Kat, once again, keep healing!

04 Mar 13 - 10:46 PM (#3486459)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bugsy

Hang in there kiddo, sending lots of love and big hugs your way!



05 Mar 13 - 07:06 AM (#3486546)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: wilbyhillbilly

Only just got here, Love and best wishes with permanent thoughts from across the pond Kat, our prayers are with you and yours.

John Beth and Dannyxxx

05 Mar 13 - 03:35 PM (#3486716)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: fat B****rd

Sending this week's shipment of Mojo even as I type
Charlie x

05 Mar 13 - 04:18 PM (#3486728)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

You GO girl!

05 Mar 13 - 04:35 PM (#3486733)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: JennieG

I've been away too, I hadn't realised things had gotten so bad! Good heavens, Kat, I turn my back for a few days and look what you go and do......

Sending hugs, good thoughts, blessings, and everything else I can manage.....and to Spaw, too. You two have been such a source of wisdom on here for so long, we love youse both!

05 Mar 13 - 05:27 PM (#3486757)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Jenni, I think kat has the wisdom and I am a source only of flatulence.


05 Mar 13 - 07:11 PM (#3486802)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Wisdom....Flatulance....often hard to tell them apart...except for the smell and even some "wisdom" stinks to high heavens. Hope Kat reads this and laughs.

05 Mar 13 - 07:12 PM (#3486803)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Well, shows what I know............

The hospital and the Docs have sent kat home! I don't think she feels up to being home yet but it seems the way of things. I do my damndest to be sent home asap and have to fight with them over details, sometimes for days! Kat was figuring on a bit more time plus a bit more for Roger to get ready for all this too, but.......She's home!

Kat, I am sending you my best mojo to BOTH you and Roger. Hopefully there might be some home health follow up(?) or something and some ways to help out.   All I have is that and the wish I lived closer. I think a lot of us on this thread feel that way too.

Remember a dozen years back when we laughed about forming a real village? There were several threads along those lines and all, no matter how funny, sure as hell had a grain or two of truth at their core. Think I'll go find one later.


05 Mar 13 - 07:37 PM (#3486810)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Jeri

They send you home when you shouldn't go, and won't let you out when you don't need to be in. I think it comes down to insurance more than anything.

Kat rest easy and heal. It won't be fast enough for you. I don't think it's fast enough for anyone, but healing will come.
Pictures from the Hubble space telescope, just because this YouTube video is beautiful and relaxing.

05 Mar 13 - 08:14 PM (#3486824)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Too tired for words so I'll just send {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} to you and to Roger.

05 Mar 13 - 08:54 PM (#3486833)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Welcome home, kat! I hope you continue to improve.

05 Mar 13 - 10:29 PM (#3486864)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

I shoulda said You COME girl... come home. Well, I hope home is where ya wanna be and that home is the best place for ya.

Just heal, kat. Yer one a tha good ones.

05 Mar 13 - 11:37 PM (#3486880)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Good luck kat, more mojo coming to you from Sydney (from me in my back garden in Erskineville to be precise),


06 Mar 13 - 12:36 AM (#3486885)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage

That is a gorgeous and restful video Jeri linked to.

I'm sure the cats and dogs will be happy to have you back and you might find some quality cuddles from the troops once you're home, and I think there is great therapeutic value in that. Rog not having to make so many trips for hospital stuff has to be a relief, as does the care by someone who knows you and can better anticipate requests. I think that though you're home earlier than you expected you'll relax and heal a lot faster.

Spring is just around the corner - enjoy the longer days and get some sunshine if you can. And listen to good music - you must have quite a few Mudcat CDs there to enjoy. It'll all add up to good health sooner than you think.


06 Mar 13 - 01:11 AM (#3486890)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Maryrrf

Glad you are back home and recuperating - sorry I don't check in much but I do send good wishes for a speedy recovery.

06 Mar 13 - 03:02 AM (#3486910)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Great news that you're home, kat! I'm so glad this was caught when it was, and that you're on the road to recovery. All the best to you and Roger, as you continue to heal. And thank you again, Spaw, for keeping us updated.

06 Mar 13 - 04:44 AM (#3486938)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

I remember once on a tour of our local croft museum the man was showing us carding and weaving, at one point he cut a length of the spun yarn and handed it round everyone pulled and picked at it in their curiosity till it fell apart. One person pointed out how fragile the strand of yarn was, how easily it was pulled apart and unravelled.

The auld lad guiding us round nodded acknowledgement of what had been said. He then pointed out that when that frail thread was woven together with all the other frail threads it made a fine blanket strong enough that we could toss someone up in the air and safely catch them. That is the wonder of Mudcat individually we may be weak but when we come together to become the Mudcat blanket the strength and warmth we generate spreads like sunshine round the world.

Rojer Kat and Pat and family take care of yourselves be wise and suck up the frustration of heeling.

06 Mar 13 - 11:02 AM (#3487062)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

first time ve read this. you so much.arl precious to me. thank you so much. haveo lie down now, but much better and glad to b e   home,at

luvyak sorry for the tired and fingers too wobbly

06 Mar 13 - 11:19 AM (#3487066)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: KT

Just rest and heal, kat. We'll be here.

06 Mar 13 - 11:31 AM (#3487071)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Pete Jennings

Yes, rest and heal.

Nice analogy, Megan.

06 Mar 13 - 11:31 AM (#3487072)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Dorothy Parshall

On, Golly! I finally got it all together - a card to send and the address and.... Now she is home!

I do hope home is the best place to be. I usually prefer it to anywhere else.

Whole bunch of folks rootin' for you, Kat. And a good man to make sure you get what you need. May it all be well for thee.

06 Mar 13 - 01:27 PM (#3487134)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Herga Kitty

Very pleased to hear you're home, Kat - sending virtual healing hugs from Harrow, Middlesex, England, UK!


06 Mar 13 - 03:36 PM (#3487197)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Darling, darling Kat- every one of those "typos" is precious, a testament to your heart and soul of beauty. Love you, dear one! Rest as much as you can.

06 Mar 13 - 04:20 PM (#3487215)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Barb'ry

Lots of love, Kat. Keep getting better

06 Mar 13 - 05:08 PM (#3487222)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bill D

What they all said! Just rest and recover......

06 Mar 13 - 07:21 PM (#3487296)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

One step at a time - both you and Roger need to observe the simple rule.

06 Mar 13 - 08:54 PM (#3487326)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

Any post by your own hand looks real good to all of us, Kat!

06 Mar 13 - 08:56 PM (#3487327)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

(But no one's gonna mind if you dictate to a "scribe" if those fingers are sensitive)

07 Mar 13 - 12:33 AM (#3487378)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

I am amazed that you are able to type at all this soon!

Here's a song for you, though I guess only the title applies. This is Geoff Kaufman, one of my favorite Mystic Seaport chantey singer (truth is, the everyone on the chantey staff is one of my favorites) singing Home, Dearie, Home.

07 Mar 13 - 04:30 AM (#3487403)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

thinking of you kat


07 Mar 13 - 05:04 AM (#3487407)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Mornin' Kat. Hope each day you feel better and stronger.

07 Mar 13 - 06:29 AM (#3487438)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

My elegantly eloquent post has vanished! It's as if I didn't hit the submit button! Sigh...

kat... harrah! Good on ya. Heal well and soon.

Megan... simply beautiful. So befitting. Actually brought a tear to me eye. Thanks again.

07 Mar 13 - 08:02 AM (#3487473)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Nigel Paterson

Love & healing thoughts from Ann & Nigel in East London, UK. Very pleased to hear you're home.
         Hugs & Kisses,
                               Ann & Nigel.

07 Mar 13 - 08:05 AM (#3487474)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

fooey, I forgot to post my card yesterday (yesterday as it is just past midnight, Friday morning here)

I'll sort out something


07 Mar 13 - 01:02 PM (#3487595)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Mornin' Miss Kitty.

07 Mar 13 - 11:26 PM (#3487841)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

Luv ya!

08 Mar 13 - 10:40 AM (#3488041)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

You rest up lass and when you are able to give Rojer a hug from us for taking care of you. Tell him it is perfectly allright to sit on you if you are even thinking of missbehaving :)

08 Mar 13 - 06:04 PM (#3488193)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

Evenin' Miss Kitty.

08 Mar 13 - 06:06 PM (#3488194)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

Kat said she'd gottten a good night's sleep for a change and they were doing okay with home health care and that Roger was helping with the dressing change as well. All in all much better sounding today. She may not be posting yet for awhile but she does read and told me she had some rest and relief feeling the good vibes from here, thinking of all of you......

Being on the recipient end gives you a warmth in knowing others care. Outside of that I find it hard to explain! Thing is, that knowledge is very important and makes it better.


08 Mar 13 - 06:25 PM (#3488204)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bat Goddess

I just realized my last post (coupla days ago) never showed up. But I guess that's okay -- a card is in the mail and it's heading to your home address and not the hospital.

Still keeping you snug in my thoughts, Kat. Hope we get a chance to talk one of these days, too.


08 Mar 13 - 06:49 PM (#3488214)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bonnie Shaljean

So glad you're back home. Mojo working around the clock... and around the world. Midnight here - g'nite! B xxx

08 Mar 13 - 07:09 PM (#3488221)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Little Hawk

Still sending positive thoughts, Kat.

08 Mar 13 - 07:57 PM (#3488241)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Hi Kat. Still here.

09 Mar 13 - 12:46 AM (#3488286)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Med too. It's 1:45 AM. Why am I anywhere instead of where I should be? gnight!

09 Mar 13 - 11:25 AM (#3488404)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

week one at home almost done, major accomplishments:

paid bills which had piled up and i did NOT want look at them...rog helped A LOT

got home health nurse, OT and PT lined up. the OT is a great older gal who showed us a toilet scrubber type wand with which to reach around with left hand for "cleansing!"

have also been though my rog opening ans stuffing the open wounds twice. he did just hurts like hell.

about to go take my first shower and shampoo.

thanks for the cards, etc. that's it for today. feeling much better.


09 Mar 13 - 11:30 AM (#3488407)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage

Good to hear from you in your own typing (or dictating - are you still using the Dragon software?). Keep moving but don't overdo it! Enjoy that shower, it should feel wonderful!


09 Mar 13 - 12:35 PM (#3488439)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Oh, good to hear that you are improving! I hope you are on a roll!

09 Mar 13 - 01:11 PM (#3488457)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

TKS...the shower n shampoo were great. we got the dressing wound change done.

i forgot the best part, MORGAN is coming for lunch! 1st time we've seen each other since the day of, or after, surgery.

i don't have dragon on the laptop, so it's one very shaky lefthand typing.

09 Mar 13 - 01:34 PM (#3488467)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

Hello Kat!!!!!

09 Mar 13 - 01:35 PM (#3488468)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

Now Morgan NO high fives for now *grin

09 Mar 13 - 01:43 PM (#3488473)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Llanfair

Looks like my good wishes got lost in the ether somewhere over the atlantic. Best of wishes from soggy mid-Wales.

09 Mar 13 - 06:32 PM (#3488480)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Oh, how wonderful to hear from you, my dear! Love to you and Rog and Morgan! The best medicine!

09 Mar 13 - 10:54 PM (#3488557)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Ebbie

This thread is simply bursting with energy. Soak it in, katdarlin'.

10 Mar 13 - 06:24 AM (#3488627)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: wilbyhillbilly

Great news Kat.

In the words of the song "the only way is UP now"

Love and best wishes, always in our thoughts,

John Beth and Danny xx

10 Mar 13 - 07:53 AM (#3488654)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

Mudcat mojo is good stuff.

10 Mar 13 - 01:33 PM (#3488782)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: catspaw49

BRON !!!

How great to see you here again! How are you doing now? I recall a rough period but you dropped off and only stopped back a few times in the past several years to the best of my knowledge. Anyway, we are happy to see you!!!!


10 Mar 13 - 06:36 PM (#3488909)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

thanks, Spaw, for writing to Bron. i was outta energy earlier. Bron, it IS wonderful to see you!!

11 Mar 13 - 04:49 AM (#3489015)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

Hope the new morning brings new healing

11 Mar 13 - 07:27 AM (#3489056)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Roger the Skiffler

So I don't need to go down to Louisiana to get me a Mojo Hand after all? I couldn't find one on E-Bay!

Best wishes, kat & Rog, hang on in there.

11 Mar 13 - 07:59 AM (#3489065)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Pete Jennings

Just checking in. More mojo from Staffordshire...

11 Mar 13 - 08:04 AM (#3489068)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: GUEST,maeve, still back and forth from home

Good morning, kat and Roger; wishing you both much happiness as the recovery continues.


11 Mar 13 - 10:34 AM (#3489117)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

g'mornin' ya'll. i sure love waking up to your good wishes, news, etc. this morning rog woke up grumpy and in a rush to get to work. mondays are always hectic

anyway, when i got here and saw the date, i realised we both forgot it is our 33rd anniversary, which means we've livrd together for 34! so i gave rog a call. he deserves any and he desires. he is taking such good care of me.

happy anniversary to My Rog, luvya, honey.


11 Mar 13 - 10:47 AM (#3489124)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Stilly River Sage


11 Mar 13 - 11:03 AM (#3489129)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Megan L

Weel lass if he wis in sic a hurry he should have let you sleep :p

Congratulations to both of you.

I was sitting in the cafe giving Christine cheek (Its my one achievement in life) when she suddenly started doing a happy dance and pointing out the window. I turned in trepidation and yup my worst fears were realised it was snowing great big fluttery flakes honestly that lassie gets dafter every time we meet (Of course I do not accept any responsibility for that)

11 Mar 13 - 11:08 AM (#3489132)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: jacqui.c

Congratulations Kat & Rog. Here's to many more good years.

11 Mar 13 - 11:21 AM (#3489141)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: frogprince

My gosh, Kat; you mean you didn't berate Rog throughly for forgetting your anniversary? What are the women of this world coming to??

Congrats to you both!! remind us all to congratulate you on your 68th.

11 Mar 13 - 12:22 PM (#3489166)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ranger1

Congrats, Kat and Rog! And still sending out good mojo.

11 Mar 13 - 06:32 PM (#3489312)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please

If Rog is grumpy, it is a sure sign you are looking and feeling better. LOL Kind of like complaining about Hospital Food.

Happy Anniversary, kat

11 Mar 13 - 08:12 PM (#3489356)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: ChanteyLass

Congratulations to both of you!

11 Mar 13 - 08:31 PM (#3489363)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bobert

Happy 33rd, Kat....

BTW, I saw a report on the news tonight that reported that men don't do "daylight savings time" as well as women...


11 Mar 13 - 10:14 PM (#3489380)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Janie

I've always known I was a bit androgenous with respect to my psyche Bobert!

Others have said good morning, Kat and Rog. I'll say good night, and celebrate 34 shared years together, through thick and thin!

11 Mar 13 - 10:54 PM (#3489390)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: gnu

Congrats. Dunno where my last post went. Well, dunno why I took all the time I did to make it just right and then not hit submit... bugs me but no matter so long as ye and yours are doing okay.

12 Mar 13 - 05:58 PM (#3489683)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: freda underhill

Congratulations Kat, and enjoy your day. I hope you're resting, healing and smiling!

love to you both


12 Mar 13 - 08:46 PM (#3489732)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

thanks so much to you all..its been another tough week, but we're making it. rog has been changing out the main server with a VP down his neck

13 Mar 13 - 02:49 AM (#3489817)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Sandra in Sydney

belated congratulations from me

sent with love & hugs


13 Mar 13 - 05:43 AM (#3489855)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: fat B****rd

What Sandra in Sydney said. X

13 Mar 13 - 07:40 PM (#3490008)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: Bert

More love on its way to you and Rog. And there's some left over for that old fart Spaw who has taken time from his own problems to think of you and to keep us informed.

14 Mar 13 - 01:51 PM (#3490340)
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
From: katlaughing

good news! saw the stitches, no half-cast, and full use within reason, including showers! shaking is probably from meds which should end, soon.

thank you all...maybe shift more to those in greater need.


14 Mar 13 - 10:36 PM (#3490523)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Janie

Now Kat, we got big enough hearts to share the love....So glad to hear good news and of speedy and apparently uncomplicated recovery for you.

14 Mar 13 - 10:39 PM (#3490527)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bobert

Onward and upward...


15 Mar 13 - 12:48 AM (#3490550)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

That is good news!

15 Mar 13 - 04:41 AM (#3490603)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

what Bobert & ChantyLass said, with love


15 Mar 13 - 06:59 AM (#3490641)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Nigel Paterson

Our Very Dear Kat, Ann & I are so pleased to hear that your recovery is progressing well. Out of the dark & into the light,
                                        With Much Love,
                                                                Nigel & Ann.

15 Mar 13 - 07:12 AM (#3490644)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: fat B****rd

HOOOOORAY !! said Charlie, forgetting that we English are supposed to be reserved. Thank you for that, Kat. ATB as ever from Charlie

15 Mar 13 - 07:16 AM (#3490649)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: jacqui.c

Great news Kat - and there are good thoughts enough to keep them pushing for a full recovery as soon as possible.

15 Mar 13 - 07:47 PM (#3490900)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

until i get back up to typing, i'll have to be generic in thanks, but one..... just got a very warm and be beautiful JACQUI SHAWL!!!! thank you, darlin'!

rog wenT to get the mail...WOW!! i've got cards from so many of you, including Art Thieme, France, Alaska and others.



15 Mar 13 - 08:23 PM (#3490906)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Janie

Then wrap up in that lovely shawl and rest now!

15 Mar 13 - 09:30 PM (#3490926)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

Yes... snuggle and be warmed in more ways than one!

16 Mar 13 - 07:34 AM (#3491021)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Rest, rest, rest, and be warm in your shawl, and know that you are surrounded by Mudcat love the world over!

16 Mar 13 - 10:49 AM (#3491100)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

Glad you are back to semi-normal kat. This was scary.
How is Roger holding up? Stress sucks.
Wednesday is the first day of spring. I'll balance an egg and be grateful you are well.

16 Mar 13 - 10:10 PM (#3491277)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

I boil mine. Sometimes, I get CRAZY and scrable them if the best beforte date is imminate.

16 Mar 13 - 10:14 PM (#3491278)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: freda underhill

Very happy for you and roger kat. enjoy that snuggly shawl (I have one too!) :-) go easy..

19 Mar 13 - 04:44 AM (#3492045)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Just renewing this with some (very) belated St Patrick's Day mojo. So glad you're out of the woods - you really had me scared there for awhile. Now, be sure not to overdo anything. And keep us posted (to the extent that energy permits). Mojo isn't only for emergency times!

B xxx

19 Mar 13 - 09:48 AM (#3492148)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

Why does gnu boil his shawls????

19 Mar 13 - 08:43 PM (#3492414)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

maybe to make us all laugh?

thanks for the reminder to take it easy. ai slept all of yesterday aqnd today, but am feeling weak. when i am up, i think i've been doing too much. My legs just went wobbly when i was letting the dogs out. Good thing there was a chair nearby. I see the doc on friday for a general all over check, esp. drug inteeractions and the wobblies. I hope it's just the effects of unusual, for me, drugd and the slice job. AND, thanks for the mojo! love yoiu all, too....kat

19 Mar 13 - 09:39 PM (#3492437)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

Kat, I'm so glad that you did not fall! Please don't! There's been enough of that on another thread. You all know the one I mean. And I want him to stop doing that, too!

20 Mar 13 - 08:37 AM (#3492551)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

falling is not a good idea!

rest & heal


20 Mar 13 - 09:03 AM (#3492557)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bert

Luv ya.

20 Mar 13 - 11:14 AM (#3492590)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

Swallow your pride and at least use a cane. Falling is simply not an option.

20 Mar 13 - 11:50 AM (#3492606)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

i would, marygold, but rog put so many rails, etc. there's almost nowhere to use it. I'm better off using them as they also are not as hard on my hands. Thanks, though!

do have some more good news: since leaving hospital, i have lost over 21lbs, most of it in water weight, but boy does it feel better!

i promise to not fall, okay, Dear Ones?


20 Mar 13 - 11:57 AM (#3492608)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

We're gonna hold you to that promise, Kat-me-luv! Keep on blooming- you sound great!

20 Mar 13 - 04:18 PM (#3492734)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Llanfair

Thanks to Kat and Spaw for the welcome back. I do lurk from time to time, but your hand problems,Kat, motivated a mass of healing thoughts to speed across the Atlantic. Keep those hands moving, but not too much, and, when the cuts have healed, apply lots of healing balm. Cheers, Bron.

20 Mar 13 - 08:25 PM (#3492827)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

kat - good news about the weight loss, even tho it is water it's less for your joints to carry.


20 Mar 13 - 09:35 PM (#3492843)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: KT

Just checkin' in on ya, katm'dear! Sounds like you're still heading in the right direction! YAY! Keep it up! KT

20 Mar 13 - 11:19 PM (#3492871)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

Yeah... updates are gooooood.

20 Mar 13 - 11:41 PM (#3492881)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: frogprince

If that much weight in water went away, and there's no question of your being dehydrated, that was the last 21 pounds you needed to keep.

So glad for the good parts of the news. And you can keep falling for Rog, and Morgan, but that's the only kind of falling you better be doin'!!.

20 Mar 13 - 11:42 PM (#3492882)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Little Hawk

It's very good to hear that things are improving for you, Kat.

21 Mar 13 - 05:02 AM (#3492922)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Will Fly

Warm whispers wend westwards... whoopee!


21 Mar 13 - 01:03 PM (#3493071)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

21 lbs! My knees are jealous.

21 Mar 13 - 03:48 PM (#3493137)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: freda underhill

Here's a soundbite of some get well wishes from
a few Aussie frogs! Hope they chirp up your morning, kat!!

21 Mar 13 - 04:49 PM (#3493168)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

freda! Hilarious! Only listened to two. #7 is a toe tapper! Hehehehee.

21 Mar 13 - 04:54 PM (#3493177)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: fat B****rd

'ello, Katluv. 'ere is your love and best from hgarlie in Dunfermline. X

21 Mar 13 - 04:55 PM (#3493178)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: fat B****rd

'er. Charlie

21 Mar 13 - 06:19 PM (#3493204)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

freda, that is so kewl. thanks!

charlie thank, yoo! the rest of you, too.

the vn said they talking about ho faST i am healing this morning and proably be done with them bynext week. i know it has beein in large part because of all of you.THANKS!!!


21 Mar 13 - 07:44 PM (#3493241)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: frogprince

So good to hear.

21 Mar 13 - 09:42 PM (#3493268)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

thanks. i got several special pieces of mail, today. i'll write when i'm not so tired.

BTW, marygold, chewing gum, crunching on ice...both helped, plus orange sherbet.


21 Mar 13 - 11:55 PM (#3493292)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

Keep on healing!

22 Mar 13 - 02:55 AM (#3493315)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney


22 Mar 13 - 04:44 AM (#3493336)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bonnie Shaljean

<< Kat >>

22 Mar 13 - 07:43 AM (#3493383)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Holding you tight!

22 Mar 13 - 07:46 AM (#3493386)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: jacqui.c

Still sending that good mojo. Glad it's helping.

22 Mar 13 - 12:57 PM (#3493516)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

you sweeties. i love you all so much. i feel a little anxious as i see our PCP today at 2p. hes wonderful, but we have a lo to go over including whether any cardio read the echo they did pre-surgery.


22 Mar 13 - 09:34 PM (#3493663)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

So . . . ? I know we have a time-zone gap, and you have other things in your life in addition to Mudcat, but I look forward to your update about what your PCP had to say. In the meantime, I hope it was something good!

22 Mar 13 - 11:36 PM (#3493696)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: freda underhill

yeh, hope healing is still proceeding well * croak * :-)

23 Mar 13 - 11:18 AM (#3493829)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: frogprince

???? Is Freda trying to steal my identity???

(On at least a couple of occasions now, I've heard naturalists say that there is no such thing as a real frog that goes "ribbit")

You behave yourself, Kat, and keep on keepin' on with the good stuff!

23 Mar 13 - 04:34 PM (#3493922)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

sorry, yrsterday was exhausting. more to deal with. i will try to do an update later vtoday

23 Mar 13 - 06:17 PM (#3493953)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: maeve

Restore yourself first, kat. Update later. We'll still be here!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

23 Mar 13 - 06:19 PM (#3493956)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Janie

With you, Dear One.

23 Mar 13 - 06:37 PM (#3493964)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

Ohhhh... take the day off. As long as yer here tomorrow, we're cool.

23 Mar 13 - 07:07 PM (#3493971)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

thank you, Dear Ones.


23 Mar 13 - 07:34 PM (#3493981)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bobert

I'm checkin' in, too, kat...

Praying hard for you to get some relief soon...

It's a'comin...


24 Mar 13 - 02:15 AM (#3494031)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

Right. We'll be here whenever you are ready to share. No pressure!

24 Mar 13 - 06:58 AM (#3494083)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Whether you are up to typing or not, we are here for you. Love you, dear one.

24 Mar 13 - 07:32 AM (#3494098)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: jacqui.c

What everyone else said.

24 Mar 13 - 12:10 PM (#3494197)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

I lay low when life gets too hard. You are allowed to do the same. Rest. We will all be here when you feel like posting.
Love to Rog.

24 Mar 13 - 12:16 PM (#3494201)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Stilly River Sage

Stay in and stay warm, Kat. Sounds like you're getting another blast of winter. Take care!


25 Mar 13 - 04:37 AM (#3494502)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

also patiently waiting for your next report, kat.

keep resting & healing


25 Mar 13 - 08:57 AM (#3494585)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ranger1


Just because.

25 Mar 13 - 08:52 PM (#3494866)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

thanks, again.

"please help me, i'm falling..." three times in the past few dsys my rt leg has given out, the doc is on it with new meds for low potassium and thyroid and the order for PT, but mudcat help is REALLY helpful.



25 Mar 13 - 09:04 PM (#3494870)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Bobert

Potassium is part of the cure... Soap under bed sheets will help, too... I've even heard of soap shavings put in socks and tied around the legs...

The soap under the sheets is a must...

"Storms never last do they, baby
Bad times pass with the wind
Your hand in mine stills the thunder
You make the sun want to shine"....... Don Williams

Hang in there, this will pass... Me


25 Mar 13 - 09:08 PM (#3494872)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: KT

Thinking good thoughts your way, kat!

25 Mar 13 - 10:21 PM (#3494895)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Janie

There is no end in sight to the light and love I beam your way!

25 Mar 13 - 11:05 PM (#3494909)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: ChanteyLass

In that case, kat, I'm sending more love and virtual help.

26 Mar 13 - 10:00 PM (#3495322)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

thanks, darlins. Marigold, Rog appreciates your notes.

my first ex just brought over a ramp for our front steps, site of several falls over the years, funny to realise i still love him and rog does,too.

26 Mar 13 - 10:03 PM (#3495324)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Herga Kitty

Hugs from me too - hope you can feel all the virtual warmth folding round you from everyone who's sent a message on this thread.


27 Mar 13 - 12:31 PM (#3495530)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news

Tom has claimed that malady. You will have to find one of your own or the Evil Sisterhood will find one for you. I am suggesting frizzy hair or dull white T Shirts.

Seriously, Kat. Use a cane or walker rather than risk a fall. Better still, sit.

28 Mar 13 - 10:53 AM (#3495973)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

ok, mz. marigold!:-)

seriouly, it took almost two years to clear up ver painful, debilitating tendonitis in my hands,losing my ability to drive...all due to using both. i will sit, as you say, BUT not use a walker, at least.

I talked it over with the PT guy who evaluated me, yesterday. we now have a ramp to the front door of which he approved and all of the railings and grab bars Rog put up, so we're pretty good. He will be out twice per week. This is something I have wanted for a couple of at home, so I am ecstatic. Not bad positive input for my 60th, eh? (Morgan and my brother are coming for "tea" at 1p after Rog makes me lunch, afte the nurse comes to change the dressing on my almost all closed up wounds, too!! MUDCAT LOVE at work!!


29 Mar 13 - 06:51 AM (#3496293)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

Great news!

29 Mar 13 - 08:31 AM (#3496321)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Pete Jennings

Good on yer, Kat. That's the spirit.

25 Apr 13 - 06:37 AM (#3508592)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: gnu

How's she gowan anawhay, eh?

25 Apr 13 - 08:31 AM (#3508629)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

enquiring (& caring) minds want to know!

25 Apr 13 - 10:14 AM (#3508673)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: Nigel Paterson

Our Very Dear Kat,
                            So pleased to hear of the progress you're making. You & Rog make a great team!
                            Always in our thoughts,
                                                                With Love,
                                                                               Nigel & Ann.

25 Apr 13 - 07:12 PM (#3508903)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-good-news
From: katlaughing

Well folks, saw the surgeon today and he looked proud enough to burst his buttons. He was really please at how well my hand looks, so was I, eight weeks later to the day on the 28th. Thanks too ALL of you who helped along the way, esp. our Spawdarling. I don't know how many cracked up phone calls he answered from me! And passed on the info with gracious explanation and firm good humour.:-)

Unfortunately the other meds docs used other things which have brought on some awful side effects, namely the painkiller and caused all manner of blood dignoses. i'm even more topsy-turvy, having fallen about ten times ? since surgery. The last one was a doozy last Thursday night. Today's doc wouldn't let me untill we got an xray of my LEFT leg, (the whole arm is a deep purple blaze bruise.) UNLESS I could stand on it, which I could show him, which I did, plus my PT has proof of his working with me standing. So it ain't broke and he let me go saying he hoped he never sees me, again, and that I have a happy,long life. Nice doc!! I see my reg. doc tomorrow and hope to track down the culprit which is causing it.

On top of that, my oldest daughter, in CT, with twin 14 yr olds, is being evicted by a bitch, crooked of a HUD (though she says it is a private company now, property manager, AFTER telling her she's on of their best tenant, but HUD regs won't allow to give ref in her situation, does not negotiate, and did all of this one one week before the end of school where the boys have been since kindergarten, know all the kids, and have all their friends. She's is ready to tell the apt. bldg goodbye, the mananger to FU and make sure they finish this last year at this school. I am pround of her.

Thanks for asking and for listening....luvyakat

25 Apr 13 - 09:29 PM (#3508940)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ChanteyLass

So . . . will you be able to come off some of the pain meds that are causing side effects like falling down?

I wonder if the property manager has a history of evicting tenants that have teenagers (or teenage boys). I hope your daughter finds a better place to live.

And keep getting better!

25 Apr 13 - 09:52 PM (#3508943)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Bobert

Bobert loves ya'...


25 Apr 13 - 10:36 PM (#3508958)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Janie

And Janie too....

25 Apr 13 - 11:21 PM (#3508966)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Stilly River Sage

Less is more - when they figure out whatever is over-medicating you it will be removed and things will settle into normalcy.

How are you spending your time? Reading, writing, watching movies? Is there something we can send (perhaps a surprise book or DVD, etc.) to perk up your day?


26 Apr 13 - 02:05 AM (#3508995)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: JennieG

Kat, we here at Mudcat, as well as your Dr, wish you a happy long life too!


26 Apr 13 - 02:15 AM (#3508999)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

what Jennie said

sandra (sending love & good wishes to kat & daughter & boys)

26 Apr 13 - 12:05 PM (#3509209)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Crowhugger

If anyone can don the wings of this albatross to fly herself to a better place, it's you kat, and with the support of everyone it's a sure thing! Thinking of you often and sending good vibes your way even when I'm too busy in 3D life to visit here much (like the last few months).

26 Apr 13 - 12:39 PM (#3509227)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Megan L

Now Lass we will hae less o this fallin aboot onybudy wid think ye couldny haud yer whisky.

Tak care
Awra best

26 Apr 13 - 06:34 PM (#3509382)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ranger1

Kat my dear, I will tell you the same thing I tell Curmudgeon: you are not to stand up until this is over without a protective coating of bubblewrap being first applied.

Seriously though, glad the surgeon is happy and hope the meds issue is quickly sorted out.

26 Apr 13 - 08:46 PM (#3509411)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

Thanks for the update, kat. Sorry if my post was out of line in any way. I try to wait for such because... you know, but sometimes I get impatient. I could PM but I kinda figure you are too "important" to so many people here at Mudcat that "letting you off the hook" like that would be doing a disservice to other 'Catters... and, more importantly, to you.

Again, sorry if this caused you any inconvenience whatsoever.

Keep on keepin on, lass.

26 Apr 13 - 09:14 PM (#3509420)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

This is really' rgot abooout an update and posted it to Jane's thread. sorry.         

gnudarling, NO worries...had a good;....lauggh!!

27 Apr 13 - 08:23 PM (#3509769)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-
From: GUEST,.gargoyle



27 Apr 13 - 08:34 PM (#3509773)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Jeri

Kat, I agree about the bubble wrap. And because that isn't likely, lean on somebody. I hope the medication situation can be improved quickly.

As usual for me, I read every update although I don't post much. Want you to feel better!

27 Apr 13 - 10:18 PM (#3509795)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ChanteyLass

Mmm. I saw your post on Jane's thread. I hope all continues to go well and that your current treatment keeps you out of the hospital. Please keep us updated if you are able to do so.

13 May 13 - 11:13 AM (#3514581)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

Been a month now. Sooooo?

13 May 13 - 10:34 PM (#3514828)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ChanteyLass

I want to echo gnu's question. I thought of you today when I heard about Prince Harry's visit to Colorado Springs and realized it had been a while since I'd seen an update from you, which has me concerned.

13 May 13 - 11:00 PM (#3514833)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

you are such kind friends. Thank you. It's bedtime, so i will try to post more tomorrow. it been a mixed bag, but I AM getting better, just very slowly and depression is not helping.

luvya and g'night,


14 May 13 - 06:44 AM (#3514909)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Nigel Paterson

Our Very Dear Kat,
                            Just to let you know that we hold you in our loving thoughts. Getting better is good; getting better slowly is frustrating; coping with depression is an extra burden you could do without. Always here, Kat, always here.
                            With Love,
                                           Nigel & Ann.

14 May 13 - 06:53 AM (#3514912)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Bonnie Shaljean

What Nigel said. Me too -

14 May 13 - 07:20 AM (#3514915)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: jacqui.c

And me.

14 May 13 - 09:39 AM (#3514952)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

& me, too

14 May 13 - 12:24 PM (#3515019)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: fat B****rd

Not forgetting me in Scotland X

14 May 13 - 12:35 PM (#3515023)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Pete Jennings

And me in Penkridge.

14 May 13 - 12:57 PM (#3515027)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: KT

Holding you in heart and mind, katm'dear~ When you're feeling like progress is too slow, think back to how you felt a month ago. Hang in there, kat, and know you are loved.

14 May 13 - 01:17 PM (#3515032)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: billybob

All our love too,
Wendy & Billy

14 May 13 - 02:32 PM (#3515047)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: frogprince

You dern well better keep getting better, Kat; will be hoping the process accelerates...?acellerates?...speeds up, anyhow.

14 May 13 - 03:41 PM (#3515077)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

Been 3/4 of a day now. Sooooo?


14 May 13 - 05:31 PM (#3515104)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

This is a hard one, darlin'gnu. Since I don't remember what I've already said, I'll have do some research, and it's just hard. I promise I will.

For now, they think I am having a major fibro flare-up which hurts like hell unless I keep taking the pain-killer. I also have to keep my feet and legs up about 2-3 hours in the AM and PM to keep reducing the aedema. They have no idea why that was so bad, but Rog and I think it has to do with new meds. (You folks don't really want to hear all of this, do you? It's so negative!) The rest of the day may phone calls, try to clean a bit, play with Morgan when he is over, and help Rog with all the chores and ride along to do errands. I bought two boxes of thank you cards which some of you will receive,IF, i ever get to them.

I've had a few more falls, the last hit everything in both sides so I look like a beat up hockey player or summat.:-)As far as the surgeon goes, he hopes to never see me, again, as that would indicate his success rate continues, I have to say agree. Actually THAT hand is doing better than any other part of me.

I am learning i have to be patient. Slowly weaning off the pain-killer, but have to replace it. it's the standard for fibro but my doc and I will find something else. I am getting good sleep. Yea!!!

Good thin my Rog is patient.With the extreme stress piled on at work and me, he has almost called it quits, as have I. Morgan's visits, my watching my sharp tongue and being more patient, plus Rog been trying, too, have helped and it seems as though we've turned a page.

As for the rest of my day: up at 6am, start hand/sink bath about 730pm and head to bed about 9p. It being school with lots of kids and barking dogs, I don't have time for much other rest.

I am hoping to type well enough, soon, to memorialize a treatise with song my grandmother, maternal, wrote when she was a member of the CTU. My she was fiery! That's it for now. i hope i have progressred with more fun to share, such as ythe time Rog opened the bathroom door to find me on my knees in front of the "twah-let". Were we inter-acting? in what way???!!! Just wait..I can see the humour now.

thanks for asking and listening,


14 May 13 - 05:36 PM (#3515108)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

Hey... we are here if ya need us. Go ahead and share. We ARE listening. Just hoping things get sorted.

14 May 13 - 11:45 PM (#3515165)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ChanteyLass

You're right. It sounds like a mixed bag--some good, some not. I'm going to cheer for the scales to tip all the way toward the good.

15 May 13 - 04:34 AM (#3515211)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

I'll second t hat!


15 May 13 - 02:26 PM (#3515419)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: LilyFestre

Peeking in to say hello. Stay strong my friend. You are an incredible woman!!!!



15 May 13 - 02:42 PM (#3515421)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: catspaw49

Just sent you an extra charge of Mojo.......If it smells bad, well, then, uh........okay, like I'm sorry but my Mojo got some funk to it so try to just to use it as best you can...................


15 May 13 - 07:11 PM (#3515524)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

YO KAT! Ya watchin any hockey? I am torn asunder. I am required ta cheer fer Ottawa eh? but golly. Now, the Sens got 16 Canucks on strength and the the Pens got 15 BUT they got Crosby and that's at least TWO regular Canucks right? Plus, I was a Pens "fan" years ago before the Sens were even an idea. Even before Mario. Ya know what I am sayin eh? I am ashamed to admit it but I am okay with the Pens winning the series. I would even say that I thought about cheering for them at times if it wasn't against the Canadian Criminal Code.

So... I can't say GO PENS! but I can say GO KID!!!!

16 May 13 - 12:09 PM (#3515812)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news

Alright Miss Kitty. This is totally unacceptable. Ice the hand; smoke a joint; do whatever it takes to perk up.

Sorry - arthritits hurts. My bout with gout did nothing for my disposition. HMMM - that misspelling makes it look as if it was worse than in my feet.

We are all here for you.
Try to rest easy. And eat the tomatoes as garg suggested.
Much love,

16 May 13 - 03:50 PM (#3515894)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: VirginiaTam

Dear Kat

You have my complete understanding. I know first hand that the constant pain sucks big time and that months of it wears you down emotionally as well as physically.

I have no words of wisdom or insight. I can only say, I am happy that you are hanging in there, Petal. And I hope you get some relief from the pain very soon.

17 May 13 - 08:27 AM (#3516113)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Ron Davies

Hope you have a complete recovery soon and that life starts treating you better in general.

17 May 13 - 11:38 AM (#3516186)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

Sins, can I add to that list? I have S-i-L who needs to be throttled!

Thanks, so much to you all. one of you kindly reminded me that I am loved by many friends and family. Sometimes I don't feel very worthy. What beautiful people you all are.


22 May 13 - 09:01 PM (#3518248)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

Back for more as long as there's no limit.:-)

My doc may put me back in hospital in order to get rid of a bunch of fluid whilst keeping a close eye on my kidneys, heart, and lung. It can be a positive thing, but it still scares me. for heart we used pink, this time, i'd appreciate it, if you like things like that, please use a light purple light filling up my bod, esp, my blood and kidneys,

i'll keep you posted.

thanks so much. sure is lonesome around here.


22 May 13 - 09:11 PM (#3518252)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Stilly River Sage

Okay, Kat, we'll give this a try. Pantone N 13-04, rendered in html (9900CC), but dark enough hopefully so you can see it on the screen with out highlighting like when you read your friend Gargoyle's posts.

Getting rid of fluid will help you feel a lot better. Sweet dreams, kiddo! Sending good vibrations your way.


22 May 13 - 10:52 PM (#3518277)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

SRS, you are always so thorough and accommodating, sometimes it leaves me in tears. thanks so much that is very close.

also this was M's last day of school and he didn't come over. they've decided it's okay for to him to tryout being a latch-key kid. i know he needs this, but a mix with me in there would be nice. i feel as if i've lost him forever. thanks for spending the last nine yrs with him watching him grow.


23 May 13 - 12:23 AM (#3518286)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Stilly River Sage

Here's one a tiny bit lighter (CC66FF). Morgan has been such an important character for all of us - is he close enough to your house that he can walk over if he wants to or needs to? I hope, for the well-being of all, that that charming young man stays a viable part of the household!


23 May 13 - 05:54 AM (#3518321)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

I can't type purple, but I can type purple prose!

sending purple love heading your way to give you what you need.

love to you & Morgan


23 May 13 - 06:18 AM (#3518328)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Edgar Lee Masters (1868–1950). Spoon River Anthology. 1916.

207. Lucinda Matlock

I WENT to the dances at Chandlerville,        
And played snap-out at Winchester.        
One time we changed partners,        
Driving home in the moonlight of middle June,        
And then I found Davis.                 5
We were married and lived together for seventy years,        
Enjoying, working, raising the twelve children,        
Eight of whom we lost        
Ere I had reached the age of sixty.        
I spun, I wove, I kept the house, I nursed the sick,         10
I made the garden, and for holiday        
Rambled over the fields where sang the larks,        
And by Spoon River gathering many a shell,        
And many a flower and medicinal weed—        
Shouting to the wooded hills, singing to the green valleys.         15
At ninety-six I had lived enough, that is all,        
And passed to a sweet repose.
What is this I hear of sorrow and weariness,        
Anger, discontent and drooping hopes?        
Degenerate sons and daughters,         20
Life is too strong for you—        
It takes life to love Life.


glad they are watching

23 May 13 - 09:51 AM (#3518382)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Stilly River Sage

Well. I'm almost speechless. :)

23 May 13 - 10:43 AM (#3518399)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Nigel Paterson

Our Dearest Friend, Kat,
                                     Want to be with you in person, to hug you & speak words of comfort & encouragement instead of writing them. You have been so kind to us in so many ways; it's our turn to be kind to you, but how, other than by sending our Love & holding you in our thoughts? We wish there was something more practical we could do that would make life easier & more comfortable for you.
          With Love,
                         Nigel & Ann.

23 May 13 - 04:20 PM (#3518531)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Art Thieme

Kat--Roger too,

The warmth of the year will be with us in force very soon. The light of the longer days should mend depressions with well chosen medications as well. Pardon my not being in better touch, friend, but I have this computer now to help me do that. I'll call soon too.



23 May 13 - 04:46 PM (#3518545)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: VirginiaTam

A little purple silliness for you.

Perk up, Petal. Preserve a positive perspective.

                         / ! )\
                      __ \__/__/
                     / _<( ^.^ )               
                   / /   \ c /O
                   \ \_.-./=\.-._    _
                     `-._ `~`    `-,./_<      
                         `\' \'\`'----'
                      *   \ . \          *
                            `-~~~\   .
                      .      `-._`-._   *
                            *    `~~~-,      *
                   ()                   * )
                  <^^>             *    (   .
                .-""-.                   )
      .---.    ."-....-"-._    _...---''`/. '
    ( (`\ \ .'            ``-''    _.-"'`
      \ \ \ : :.                .-'
       `\`.\: `:.             _.'
       ( .'`.`            _.'
       ``    `-..______.-'
                  ):. (
          jgs .':.       `.

23 May 13 - 06:09 PM (#3518567)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news

Holding you and Morgan in the palm of my hand.

23 May 13 - 07:49 PM (#3518598)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: jacqui.c

Love to you Darlin' Kat and to Rog too. Keep going medear and I, Too, hope that Morgan remains a big part of your life.


23 May 13 - 08:04 PM (#3518607)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Bill D

Any color you wish, lady.... we are thinking at you.

23 May 13 - 08:10 PM (#3518609)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

can't type for the tears....thanks my dear,dear friends.

23 May 13 - 11:44 PM (#3518660)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

time for my pink heart from BillD.

24 May 13 - 06:19 AM (#3518728)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Roger the Skiffler

If'n ya gotta lose a lotta fluid... ol' Bobert needs his pool a-fillin'

Just a thought...

OK, OK, I'm off to the naughty step.
Big Hugs, kat, from the other Roger.

24 May 13 - 06:58 AM (#3518735)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: billybob


24 May 13 - 02:51 PM (#3518895)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

doc says i can stay home, for now, increase the med I wanted to increase, and keep a close eye on BP, etc., then more bloodwork on Tues. Thanks for your help and please don't let go!


24 May 13 - 10:30 PM (#3519025)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Janie

Imagine whatever shades of purple or lavender that reinforce your heart and soul the most, and that is what you shall receive from this old hillbilly. Good vibes from my little neck of the woods beaming to you constantly.

25 May 13 - 05:24 AM (#3519076)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

NObody is letting go. You just concentrate on hanging on.

SRS... yeah... me too!

25 May 13 - 05:35 AM (#3519079)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

Oh! Fergot. GO PENS! Hope you got to watch the game last night, kat.

25 May 13 - 07:59 AM (#3519114)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Bobert

Ain't lettin' go...


25 May 13 - 11:08 AM (#3519153)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

keeping-on keeping on


25 May 13 - 03:04 PM (#3519197)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: fat B****rd

What SiS just said. love and hugs from Scotland X

25 May 13 - 03:38 PM (#3519204)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: catspaw49

May I just say that I want you better and not ramble on like some kind of babbling jackass? I keep hoping things get a whole lot better but sometimes I guess it is just a long slog. You're making some good sounds here and I'll get behind that! OTOH, if I'm making sounds, behind is not the place to be.

Seriously katmyluv, I'm here, I care, and I'm pissed it isn't happening faster for either of us. I've come to see that not everything goes away quite so quickly as I like. Much Love..........


25 May 13 - 08:18 PM (#3519257)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

I love you, Peaches, from the bottom of my heart.

There is so much strength in one's words, thoughts, etc. I am here to finally post more positive words. Today has been hot,breezy, too bright, but still nice. I went for my first "Sunday" drive in about three months and slept a most relaxed nap in ages, missed the whole ride!

the other wonderful that happened was after i had an early supper. i felt like doing some mindfull movements, so i did 3/4ths of what the PT taught me. The others I will finish up with in bed (no, NOT that!). THEN, I did my whole qi gong set! this energy has to come, partly, from all of you. Thank you!

as to colours, i like what Janie said and a vision has come to me...i am dancing a joyous celebration. as i do, i pass through draperies which seem suspended freely from air. they are beautiful light-to-dark amethyst, weightless and wafting in a slight, gently scented breeze from the East. passing through them, i see i am clothed in the same material. i continue to dance in joy. luvyakat

25 May 13 - 10:12 PM (#3519283)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: ChanteyLass

Those positive words are good to read! My wish is that you will be able to send more like those. Please take care of yourself.

25 May 13 - 10:21 PM (#3519286)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: gnu

"... more like those." Yeah... me too.

26 May 13 - 03:01 AM (#3519307)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Sandra in Sydney

me three


26 May 13 - 12:14 PM (#3519385)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Sending a rainbow of loving healing colours, dear friend.

28 May 13 - 12:22 AM (#3519894)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm glad to read you had a great day, Kat!

Colors, small objects to serve as focal points - colors to meditate on. Simple beautiful objects that allow the minds-eye to tap its healing powers. It sounds like it is working for you!


28 May 13 - 03:34 AM (#3519919)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: Severn

You're one of the good ones. Hang in there and take some pleasure out of the friendship and good wishes of your friends and the many you have supported as a friend yourself. There's a lot of us out there.

28 May 13 - 12:55 PM (#3520076)
Subject: RE: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
From: katlaughing

thank you, so much...check my last posting in the de-clutter thread!
