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BS: I Love Rescued Things!

01 May 13 - 11:25 PM (#3510884)
Subject: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie

Yesterday, the janitor in this Senior Center where I am now living brought in a guitar for me to see. He had discovered it in its soft case in a dumpster. It's a wonder that something wasn't thrown in on top of it.

The guitar is a Yamaha FG410EA, built according to its numbers in 1992, in good shape. It has all its parts including the wiring for electric.

Two of its strings were broken- and for some reason they were pretty badly rusted.

I brought it home, put new strings on it, tuned it and played a few tunes. The tone is bright but rather shallow; I don't think it's a guitar I would get for myself.

But Arthur is pleased as punch with it. He has never played an instrument but has always wanted to, he says. He thinks "the Lord" is telling him to get busy.

I made a chords chart for him of just the easiest, most common keys: A, C, D and G.

When I delivered it to him today, the in-house care facilitator immediately offered to buy it from him. Arthur says he isn't getting rid of it any time soon.

01 May 13 - 11:28 PM (#3510887)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds like you have a vibrant community there, Ebbie. Can you teach Arthur in addition to giving him visual aids? And does the facilitator ever play music at work?


02 May 13 - 12:13 AM (#3510892)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: KT

That's terrific, EB! On all counts!! You go, girl!

02 May 13 - 12:22 AM (#3510893)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie

I told Arthur that I'll be happy to play with him as soon as he is ready but that he needs to get his fingers going- and that means practice. I told him that I'll bring my guitar down sometimes and we can sit side by side and make the chords. Mike, the facilitator, told him to set the guitar by his chair at home and pick it up every time he sits down.

(Mike doesn't have an instrument at the moment, he says. He gave his guitar to a 9-year-old who is taking guitar at school.)

Arthur may have a problem beyond that of most people. Unless he is just being shy - he claims not to know any songs. On the other hand he said that he sometimes sings along to the radio. I already know he likes gospel songs and those will be the easiest to learn, no doubt. Arthur is a black man- I hope he doesn't expect me to sing Motown!

02 May 13 - 12:36 AM (#3510894)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: JennieG

What a lucky find! Sounds as though it has gone to an appreciative owner.

02 May 13 - 06:17 AM (#3510949)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!

A lovely story. Heartwarming.

02 May 13 - 07:23 AM (#3510960)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Pete Jennings

Well done, Ebbie. It may not be the greatest guitar in the world, but it's a guitar and it can make music.

02 May 13 - 09:38 AM (#3510987)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Bobert

If anyone finds an old National tenor tri-cone in a dumpster I'll be more than happy to take care of it for ya'...


02 May 13 - 10:46 AM (#3511011)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie

*g* I'll keep an eye out for it, Beaubear.

02 May 13 - 10:59 AM (#3511019)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Mrrzy

Great tale, but not BS unless we get into other rescued things, like my cat, whom I found at a save-a-kitty booth at a local fair, and the people there had never had a successful kitty-saving apparently because when I took one look at her and couldn't leave, they didn't have the proper paperwork with them and it took HOURS which I was very happy to spend there with the kitty, waiting for the rescue people to get their act together...

02 May 13 - 12:20 PM (#3511049)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie

An expansion on the subject was what I was hoping for, Mrrz. Your lucky kitty fits right in. :)

02 May 13 - 12:48 PM (#3511060)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Pete Jennings

Our cat is a rescue as well. We got him from the local rescue centre and he's great. He used to live on a canal boat but would go walkabouts when his owners wanted to move on - they nicknamed him The Wanderer - so they had to let him go.

When we went to collect him about 3 others cats jumped into the basket with him!

BTW, Bobz. A local folkie called Bill Caddick once found a national steel guitar in a skip (dumpster) - over 20 years ago if my memory serves me well - and still plays it.

02 May 13 - 01:26 PM (#3511069)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Deckman

I found some wimmen like that. After some time, I can't remember who rescued who. Oh well ... that's likely NOT the kind of "rescue " you had in mind! bad bad bob

02 May 13 - 02:00 PM (#3511077)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie

"I found some wimmen like that. After some time, I can't remember who rescued who."

No worries- the women know. *g*

02 May 13 - 03:18 PM (#3511094)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Stilly River Sage

I rescued an old dresser, sans the mirror, a couple of summers ago, from a swap area in a recycle yard. I've since sanded and painted it with a glossy black enamel and it looks gorgeous and is going to be re-purposed as a buffet in my dining room.


02 May 13 - 03:32 PM (#3511096)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Rescue bulbs and perennials from districts undergoing "gentrification" and rebuilding.

One of the best finds was Lilium martagon album, a white "turk's cap" lily. This was years ago. They have divided many times and I have given many bulbs away.
It grows well here in Calgary (western Canada) in our short season.

Small town dumps are a source of old furniture. I have a nice settler's chest that I restored. Torn-up furniture is a source of wood for projects- oak, mahogany, etc. My daughter got a mahogany dining room table and a good wardrobe which she fitted with shelves for storage.

02 May 13 - 03:47 PM (#3511099)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: gnu

guest at 6:17 w/o cookie

02 May 13 - 05:45 PM (#3511116)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Bettynh

Q, sometimes I do the bulb thing the other way - tuck in a few crocus or other little bulbs that'll grow in a lawn into the new "landscaping" of official buildings and stores.

02 May 13 - 06:25 PM (#3511124)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Dorothy Parshall

"So after the prince climbs up to rescue the fair maiden from the tower, then what happens?"
"She rescues him right back!"
(Pretty Woman)

I have had a number of rescue dogs, every one a wonderful companion. As I got older, I chose to rescue old dogs so I would not outlive them. I am able to accept the two or three years they are with me as a gift we would not otherwise have had. None right now as life is too chaotic and unsettled. Last year we rescued 8 orphaned raccoons, the most enchanting creatures on earth.

03 May 13 - 11:57 AM (#3511332)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: GUEST,leeneia

My piano is an almost-rescued thing. It didn't come from the dump or the curb, it came from a grade school, and it had been sitting untuned and unplayed for years. Many of the key tops were missing. They probably didn't know it, but when that piano was made in 1906, it was the best upright made - an Ivors and Pond.

At one point a janitor had been told to refinish it. He had taken a quart of shellac or something and simply heaved it on. Drips ran down it everywhere. I refinished it.

A friend of mine is a tuner, and she set up a deal where if I paid the $90 for moving, I could have the piano. I had my friend do some work on it, and I have been playing it ever since. It is 107 years old now. The high notes are a little harsh, but delicate playing helps with that. The low notes are so rich and deep and powerful they are to DIE for.

03 May 13 - 12:04 PM (#3511335)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Ebbie


03 May 13 - 12:22 PM (#3511344)
Subject: RE: BS: I Love Rescued Things!
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

We have an old upright grand in the basement. The sound board is cracked. We haven't moved it out for disposal because it is too heavy and we don't want to pay movers their big fees.