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BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

08 Jul 13 - 05:52 PM (#3535270)
Subject: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

I played mandolin at a festival near Kingston last Sunday.
On the way home to Port Hope I got hungry and turned off the 401 to Highway 2. I found a gas station east of Belleville called Jumpin' Johnnie's with a restaurant attached called Deb's Restaurant.
The waitress was pleasant with a big smile and the burger was great, but I was surprised to smell cigarette smoke just as I was biting into my burger. Then I noticed the ash trays on some of the tables and saw a few people light up as soon as they walked in. It was like a window into the world of yesteryear.
The washroom door had a sign that said,"No smoking in restrooms" but there was a cigarette butt in the urinal. The lady behind the counter who took my money had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.
My eyes started to sting on the way home.
No, I didn't ask anyone why there was smoking in a restaurant in the year 2013. I know I should've.
It reminded me of having to wash your clothes as soon as you got home from a Legion gig and having your cases smell like smoke for weeks. Remember that?
Any ideas how they get away with this and how common it is?

08 Jul 13 - 06:34 PM (#3535282)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Guest Ed T

Most western countries (provinces, states, etc.) now have laws prohibiting an establishment from allowing non-smokers to be subjected to second hand smoke. Enforcement is mostly based on people reporting violations, along with encouraging community (and business) acceptance of these laws. Fines are the last resort to encourage compliance.

From your comments, you seem to live in Ontario Canada. I expect the above laws apply there. Some-how and some-way this spot seems to have escaped the attention of authorities. I do not expect legal loop-holes do not exist to allow this situation to evolve and continue.

However, it seems like the basis of a good movie plot;)

09 Jul 13 - 05:54 AM (#3535364)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Eliza

Wouldn't it be strange if you went back that way and couldn't find this cafe again? Maybe it haunts various out-of-the-way places from time to time, then moves on, like the Flying Dutchman? Here in UK smoking is virtually banned everywhere except outside. Our hospital (Norwich) even bans smoking outside; people are supposed to take themselves off the terrain completely. I'm all for the ban, and especially in food establishments. Smokers are now in the minority, and the rest of us don't particularly want lung cancer, heart disease, smelly clothes, smelly hair or the taste of our food ruined, thank you very much. No doubt the smokers here will light up with incandescence, and say it isn't fair. Tough!

09 Jul 13 - 06:10 AM (#3535368)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

That last is not my experience, Eliza. When I have a smoking guest at home, I always say, in the interests of hospitality, that they are welcome to enjoy a cigarette or two: I can live with a bit of smoke and a few ashtrays to clean out in the morning. But they invariably courteously insist on going out into the garden to satisfy their cravings.


09 Jul 13 - 06:20 AM (#3535375)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Eliza

You're very tolerant, Michael. But I'm not, and I'd never ever allow anyone to smoke in my house. The very smell makes me feel sick. Fussy old biddy, but there it is!

09 Jul 13 - 07:28 AM (#3535391)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Mooh

I had to check that this wasn't a zombie thread.

Not legal in Ontario:

In brief: "Smoking is prohibited in any enclosed public place and enclosed workplace, including restaurants and
bars. Designated Smoking Rooms (DSRs) are prohibited."

You should report the place to authorities.

Peace, Mooh.

09 Jul 13 - 07:39 AM (#3535394)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Mooh

It's in Shannonville Ontario:,_Ontario

Peace, Mooh.

09 Jul 13 - 07:40 AM (#3535396)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

In my youth, Eliza, you would have had to put up with it just the same -- not in your own home; but in all sorts of places [restaurants, pubs, cinemas...] where you don't now. One of the great changes I have observed in a long life has been from smoking being a near-universal habit, non-smokers being regarded as perhaps just a little eccentric, to the present no-smoking anywhere set-up, within which those that do smoke are a bit aggressive-defensive about it: something I find irritating about The Spectator, a journal I enjoy greatly on the whole, is the number of their contributors who vie with one another in a sort of boastfully defiant "OK I smoke, are you going to call the cops!" attitude. I smoked my last small cigar on 3 April 1975; up to when I smoked over 40 a day. Best thing I ever did was give them up!


09 Jul 13 - 07:57 AM (#3535398)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: bobad

I'm not sure but I think Shannonville may be on the Tyendinaga Mohawk reservation which would explain why they can flout Ontario's laws.

09 Jul 13 - 09:44 AM (#3535441)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Stilly River Sage

I work on a university campus that has been designated a smoke-free zone. That doesn't stop the hard-core scofflaws from finding corners to hide behind, though sometimes they boldly sit in view and smoke. And they smoke until someone reminds them they're not supposed to. I imagine it will continue this way, police rarely have time to give tickets.

Smokers had it their way for a long time, and I don't imagine I'll ever be able to set aside the extreme resentment of smokers polluting the air and ruining countless meals. Of making airline travel and other public transit an excruciating ordeal until smoking was prohibited. It's visceral and goes back as long as I can remember - my place at the table was next to my mother at the end, and she always had a cigarette going in the ash tray between us. And despite many protests about her smoking in the house, in the car, and even when she walked into our bedrooms ("it's my house"), she never took our preferences into account. When she had to quit, it was cold-turkey because she developed Buerger's Disease (she never named it or stated the cause, I found out later) and had to have dacron arteries run from her abdomen into her thighs to save her legs from amputation.

So for some of us, it will always be personal, and I would report that restaurant to whomever oversees this sort of thing.

Your mileage may vary.

SRS (with baggage, like the time she insisted she knew how to "vent" her cigarette and insisted in smoking in my pickup truck, after I said "no." Any time a remark was directed to her she closed the window so she could hear, my truck reeked for weeks. Yet when we got to the home of the friend we were visiting, she asked if she could smoke.)

09 Jul 13 - 10:17 AM (#3535455)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

In public or state owned buildings, there should most certainly be a ban on smoking.

In privately owned buildings and businesses, I think the owner should be free to choose whether or not s/he wants to ban smoking there or not.

If a privately owned business wishes to cater to smokers, vegans, gun owners or whomever they please, it shouldn't be for the state to determine otherwise.

09 Jul 13 - 10:17 AM (#3535457)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Mooh

I think it's off reserve, but I am not certain. If it's on the reserve it's still stupid.

The link I poster earlier indicated 16 employees too. Not a safe place to work.

Peace, Mooh.

09 Jul 13 - 10:28 AM (#3535463)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ron Davies

"In my youth".   Well , it appears there has been a bit of progress since then. Maybe not much, but banning smoking is progress.

And it's far more a case of health than of politeness.   

Even Bogie, were he still around--and he left us prematurely, as did Ian Fleming and a host of others--would admit that smoking is in fact not cool.

My favorite on this:   Cartoon:   Stewardess says to passenger:   "I'm sorry sir, if you want to smoke you'll have to go out on the wing."

09 Jul 13 - 10:32 AM (#3535466)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ebbie

That is a real regret of mine- my obliviousness toward others' right to be free of my smoking. Like MichaeltheGM, in that era it was as though we felt, Of course, I will smoke, I am a smoker. Absolutely as though I had no control over the matter and others would have to just live with it.

However, I do understand the frustration that smokers feel today. After all those decades of feeling entitled, suddenly they have no rights at all. Were I a smoker today, no doubt I would be angry all the time.

We are currently going through this brouhaha in this Senior complex where I live. Residents have been informed that after a certain date smoking will not be allowed indoors, even in their own apartments. They have established two outdoor areas where smoking will be allowed; one of them is under a roof, although not enclosed.

Juneau winters are long and wet and cold and windy; smokers are up in arms.

Frankly, I think the rule will be unenforceable. Much better, in my opinion, would have been to provide the canisters that suck up smoke and require smokers to sit within its circle.

09 Jul 13 - 11:48 AM (#3535492)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Eliza

Of course, I remember when smoking was the norm and everybody was puffing away like chimneys. (Those too smoked; I remember the London pea-souper fogs vividly.) We loved cigarette cards for all sorts of games, and my sister adored those sweet cigarettes with a pink end. But I don't believe cancer or cardio-vascular disease were linked to the habit then, and adverts encouraged smoking as being cool and sophisticated. I was very lucky; my parents never did smoke and our house was blissfully odour-free. I went to Madrid for a weekend with friends four years ago. They all smoked, and the tapas bars were astonishingly fugged-up, you could barely breathe. Everyone coughed themselves silly and I was utterly disgusted. I'd have thought that Spain had the same rules as UK, but apparently not! I give no ground on this one, as I refuse to have my air contaminated, and the health consequences of the thing cost all of us tons of money. I imagine the Government make a bomb on the tax from baccy, yet print hair-raising warnings on the packets. Hypocrites!

09 Jul 13 - 12:05 PM (#3535498)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Even in their own apartments" - that's a bit extreme maybe. though in a place we rent out we've got a no smoking policy on anyone who wants to rent it, which I suppose is the same thing. But it's not imposed retrospectively, which makes it a bit different.

One thing that puzzles me is the official opposition there seems to be to people switchng to electronic cigarettes and pipes, which get rid of the smoke and tar element, but leaves the nicotine.

The attitude seems to be one of using the fact that smoking is a killer as a mechanism for attacking a nicotine habit on principle, treating it as a moral issue over and above health considerations. So a nicotine habit fed by patches is fine, because it can be presented as a way of breaking the habit, but an electronic cigarette is not on, because it's seen as a way of continuing it. And yet in practice people use the patches on a long term basis, in just the same way.

09 Jul 13 - 12:07 PM (#3535499)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Smoking banned (City bylaws) in all public buildings, restaurants and businesses, as well as parks.

09 Jul 13 - 12:08 PM (#3535500)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

I can recall waiting, in a restaurant, for my friends/family to finish eating their meals before I lit up a smoke with my coffee. It now occurs to me that I didn't wait for the people at the next table to finish eating.
The link that Mooh posted above has a place for a restaurant review. I will copy my first post there.

09 Jul 13 - 12:30 PM (#3535511)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Charmion

As we were driving to church the other day, I spied a woman puffing on a cigarette as she trudged along the street. Despite the closed windows of the air-conditioned car, my asthmatic old lungs immediately squeezed themselves shut in dismay.

Back in the 1970s, when I worked in a Navy hospital in Halifax, the only one of many messy tasks that I genuinely resented was cleaning ashtrays. I sometimes thought I was the only person in the building who didn't smoke.

Roll the calendar forward some 35 years, and I was writing a weekly history feature for the Canadian Forces newspaper "The Maple Leaf". To accompany a story about the deployment of the first Canadian Army rotation in Korea, I ran a 1950 photo of a young soldier staggering under an enormous rucksack, with a cigarette dangling rakishly from his lower lip. Within two hours of the release of that issue, I received a stern rebuke from the Canadian Forces Health Services Group for "glamorizing" smoking.

That was me told.

09 Jul 13 - 12:40 PM (#3535516)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

Don't know if things have changed; but when I spent time in China some years ago, smoking was forbidden everywhere. If ever you pointed out the prominent No-Smoking sign to any of the vast puffing multitude all around ~~ boy, but did they ever laugh heartily!

09 Jul 13 - 01:04 PM (#3535525)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Stilly River Sage

I was sitting in a restaurant in Chinatown in New York City many years ago. Small tables, close together, without a non-smoking section. The woman behind me lit up and proceeded to prop her elbow on the back of her chair with her cigarette hovering near my ear. And she acted insulted when I asked her to get the cigarette out of my face.

Lots of smokers never thought about it. I recognized the behavior - my mother pawing through her voluminous handbag for her small cigarette case and her lighter. Pulling out the ashtray in the car in preparation for lighting up. Retrieving the ashtray from the center of a restaurant table and placing it beside her right hand. After my parents divorced my father had a sign on his door along the lines of "No Smoking. There are people and other living things here."

I had a hangover on a January 1 morning and on our drive home from an overnight party a friend and I had stopped at a small restaurant for a nerve-settling bowl of their famous oatmeal. We were seated at the unused bar because all of the tables were full, and a woman crossed the room, plopped her voluminous purse on a stool beside me, and started to paw through it. My heart sank as she pulled out the cigarette case, and I leaned over and asked her to not smoke until I had finished enjoying my breakfast or I was liable to throw up. There was no law that said she couldn't smoke in there, but I knew that smoke was going to lead to a big headache. She pushed the contents back in the bag and flounced out of the building. My friend was in stitches, and I had my first small victory in asserting my rights as to why someone shouldn't smoke and make me ill.


09 Jul 13 - 01:54 PM (#3535544)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Will Fly

I stopped smoking cigarettes in 1969 - full stop - woke up one morning, sat in the office at the BBC, pulled out a packet of fags and thought, "I can't face another cigarette" and dumped the packet into the wastebin.

I enjoyed Havana - and I mean real Havana - cigars like Cohiba for a few years after that (never inhaled, just enjoyed the flavour), and then the smoking ban came to the UK. Hurray for the smoking ban! It stopped me smoking completely - stopped me waking up with my hair, clothes, guitar, etc., reeking of smoke. Havana cigars can't be enjoyed en plein aire - and cost way too much anyway - so that saved my wallet and my health. (Sigmund Freud had a prosthetic jaw because of jaw cancer because of smoking cigars all day...).

Pubs and clubs and restaurants are better places today because of smoking bans - and so is our communal health.

09 Jul 13 - 02:00 PM (#3535550)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

Well, Freud SAID it was only a cigar.

09 Jul 13 - 02:17 PM (#3535560)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

"so that saved my wallet and my health" ~~

Ah, Will: how often I thought that, instead of the shots of the saucers full of tar or the diseased organs, the 'stop smoking' ads should show lots of shots of empty wallets...

09 Jul 13 - 02:26 PM (#3535564)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Will Fly

Indeed, Michael. I gather that a packet of 20 cigarettes now costs £7.98 (RRP) in the UK! Most of the smokers I know use roll-up tobacco, and 25gm of Golden Virginia costs £8.26. Many of those who do smoke rolling tobacco in my areas buy from friends who bring it back from France. Even so, it's a huge drain on the wallet - hurray!

09 Jul 13 - 02:51 PM (#3535576)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

40p for one ciggie!

Eight shillings in real Christian cash!...


09 Jul 13 - 03:53 PM (#3535603)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Mooh

Smoking in restaurants is, was, and always will be stupid, dangerous, unhealthy, and inconsiderate. The OP's example is on our route to and from Ottawa and Kingston, maybe I'll check it out...or not.

(Aside...As much as I loved my parents, I always resented their smoking. They both managed to quit before they retired, but long after I'd left home.

As much as I loved playing regular pub gigs, by 23 I couldn't take the smoke anymore and quit gigging for several years and didn't gig in pubs again until the smoking bans started. I resented that too, it forced me to other work I didn't enjoy as much.

When I started working (I got a county job with a decent income and great benefits, for the time) it was mostly to shore up my music income. Working in county offices and buildings the county leased to the province, one of my security/maintenance duties was to clean out ashtrays and dispose of the contents safely. Besides that the air was rank because everyone smoked, I had to clean up after the smokers. The only blessing was part way through my shift the buildings were empty except for me, so it wasn't AS rank later in the day.

It was impossible to escape.

A parent of one of my guitar students (I've been teaching music privately for 14 years) said they were going outside for a smoke. I told them to go out on the street, it's not allowed on my property. Says who? Says me. A teenage student asked me if he could smoke during the lesson, as he was putting it in his mouth. Well, of course not. It seems he was allowed to smoke at home.

It's still out there. My wife, as part of her job, has had to keep an eye on a school smoking area from afar. It's off school grounds nowadays, but only across the street. When I went to school, smoking was allowed at high school dances. Some progress in 30 years I suppose.)

Peace, Mooh.

09 Jul 13 - 03:56 PM (#3535606)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,bankley

you were on the Rez, Kimosabee. Cheap smokes, gas, and firecrackers.

Butts in the urinals. I hate that. Makes 'em soggy. They take a long time to dry out, then taste strange later. Ona.

09 Jul 13 - 04:28 PM (#3535619)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Bill D

In my adult life I have seen smoking go from something you faced everywhere to something I rarely encounter. I grew up in a house full of smoke, yet I never wanted a cigarette. I briefly tried a pipe because that smoke seemed to 'interesting', and I didn't have to inhale. I would carry the pipe around and forget to get it out. It seems I wasn't much of a smoker...A few years after I quit..(about 1978) .. rules about indoor smoking began to appear, and it was like a huge weight was lifted!

I have watched cigarette smokers act as though restricting what they did was tampering with God-given 'rights'... that's what a serious addiction will do. Not quite as bad a heroin addicts robbing and killing to feed their habit, but then...nicotine addicts didn't have to.

Just imagine if tobacco were discovered today, and someone tried to market a product of this dried plant which you set fire to and inhaled. With the tests available today, the FDA would NEVER have allowed it to be marketed.

09 Jul 13 - 05:49 PM (#3535643)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

"Smoking in restaurants is, was, and always will be stupid, dangerous, unhealthy, and inconsiderate."

I agree. I'd add wearing perfumes to that, also.

09 Jul 13 - 05:51 PM (#3535645)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Eliza

When I did voluntary work at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital a few years ago, they allowed smoking outside the main door. I was always horrified to see obviously quite ill patients in dressing gowns dragging drip-stands along, even carrying brimming catheter bags, in order to have their fag in the open air. I imagine that's why not long after, the ban was extended to anywhere in the hospital grounds. I took a trolley round the wards, selling newspapers, sweets and toiletries etc, and dozens of irate patients sitting up in their beds gave me grief because I didn't sell ciggies or baccy. I told them to take it up with the WRVS!

09 Jul 13 - 09:31 PM (#3535704)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Joe_F

I do not smoke, and I applaud the change of law & custom that allows me to avoid other people's smoke. However, inasmuch as smoking is important to many people, especially those who go to bars, mightn't a technological fix be possible? I have in mind a hood, like those found in laboratories where an experiment may generate noxious fumes, over every booth in a restaurant. When smoke was detected (for that, of course, we already have effective devices), a fan in the duct above the hood would automatically start & suck it all away. The smokers would have to put up with the noise, but that would probably be a lesser burden than putting off smoking.

09 Jul 13 - 10:01 PM (#3535715)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Mooh

Running the gauntlet of smokers outside of bars and restaurants can be pretty annoying. What's worse is the fact that smokers treat such areas as ashtrays. Stinky butts all over the ground, sidewalk, parking lots. Owners of such establishments should take responsibility for the mess, and it might be good for business.

Peace, Mooh.

10 Jul 13 - 05:18 AM (#3535785)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Nigel Parsons

It seems the poor smokers can't win.
Our local Conservative club implemented the ban on smoking indoors, and the smokers were banished to the beer garden.
Once the summer came the non-smokers started complaining about smoking in the beer garden.
It's enough to make you want to carry a small bell & shout "Unclean, unclean" like the lepers of old.

10 Jul 13 - 06:44 AM (#3535800)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Backwoodsman

Now that's an idea.

10 Jul 13 - 10:56 AM (#3535869)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Bill D

That idea about a fan to vacuum smoke away sounds good.... but all those fans in a restaurant would get noisy. I think the fan ought to be contained in a helmet placed over each smoker's head, leading to a filter system hung on their backs.

...well....I know.. not technologically easy... but I like the image.

10 Jul 13 - 11:42 AM (#3535893)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: McGrath of Harlow

A technological fix is already here - the electronic ciggies and pipes I mentioned. Not exactly the same as smoking, but pretty near, I'm told.    A great deal cheaper as well as being safer.

10 Jul 13 - 12:21 PM (#3535909)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

Nigel - Perhaps we should establish Smokers' Colonies.

Christine Lavin has pointed out that smokers are the new street people. We see them huddled in the cold "enjoying" their cigarettes.

One of my sons is a smoker as are all of the residents the house he lives in, but none of them smoke inside. Even in the winter, smoking is done on the back porch. The house doesn't have the smell that a smoker's house has.

10 Jul 13 - 01:01 PM (#3535931)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Jim Carroll

"Christine Lavin has pointed out that smokers are the new street people. We see them huddled in the cold "enjoying" their cigarettes."
It was highly entertaining when Ireland introduced the smoking ban some years ago, to drive through towns and villages late at night and witnessing huddles of illegal after-hours drinkers having a puff outside the pubs - happy to break the law by drinking late but wouldn't break the smoking ban.
It's wonderful now - our pubs are passive-smoking free, our dinking companions no longer smell like old ashtrays and our flute-players can breathe in without inhaling cancerous fumes - long live the smoking ban.
Jim Carroll

10 Jul 13 - 09:44 PM (#3536096)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

""Establishing smoke-free public spaces and putting health warnings on cigarette packages are among the measures that are helping to protect millions of people from the harmful effects of tobacco.

In fact, more than two billion people worldwide are now covered by these or other life-saving measures which limit tobacco use, according to the World Health Organization""

WHO_tobacco laws working

11 Jul 13 - 09:27 AM (#3536267)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Dave the Gnome

Kevin, are those the same electronic ciggies and pipes that may become subject to a tax on E-Cigarettes?

I stopped smoking many years ago but things like that almost make me want to start again! At least it show the politicians up for the money grubbers they really are. What is the betting someone will get a fat back-pocket payment from the tobacco barons to introduce such a bill?



11 Jul 13 - 10:22 PM (#3536551)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

"WHO_tobacco laws working"

Yeah, I believe that!

12 Jul 13 - 12:32 AM (#3536587)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

It's sometimes really difficult to detect sarcasm on the internet. So much of it has to do with tone of voice which we can't detect here, but I suppose when you start out by typing, "Yeah," it helps us decide.

It reminds me of the prof who said to a class, "While two negatives make a positive, two positives can never make a negative." A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, sure."

12 Jul 13 - 07:33 AM (#3536652)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013

Yeah, right!

12 Jul 13 - 09:14 AM (#3536675)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: artbrooks

I worked for the VA (veterans' medical system in the US) for many years, and was at the VA Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin when the entire system went smoke-free (indoors) in the early 90s. It took a lot of doing, and the staff were much more difficult to get on board than the patients. As I remember, the last two individuals who came around and stopped smoking in their offices were our union president...and the Chief of Thoracic Surgery.

12 Jul 13 - 10:36 AM (#3536704)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Stu

What a load of self-righteous twaddle.

I'm off out for a tab.

12 Jul 13 - 12:55 PM (#3536747)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

Is TaB still available Stu? I thought it had been replaced by Diet Coke.

12 Jul 13 - 01:18 PM (#3536755)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

Fine example there, on the part of Stu, of that rebarbative aggressive-defensive habit of smokers, of claiming the moral high ground: expecting us all to kowtow to their monumental integrity as an oppressed minority, gallantly refusing, in the face of so much cruel victimisation on the part of totalitarian society & government, to be deterred from persisting in the practice of their valiant avocations.


12 Jul 13 - 01:54 PM (#3536767)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Little Hawk

"It's enough to make you want to carry a small bell & shout "Unclean, unclean" like the lepers of old."

Now, THERE's a great idea! ;-D

I too had the good luck to grow up in a non-smoking family in the 50s and 60s (something about as rare as a dragon egg back in those days). I've never smoked, except in a handfull of Native American ceremonies...which is a special situation, and I'm okay with that.

I detest cigarette smoke, always have, and always will. (I don't care one bit for grass or hash smoke either, by the way. They all stink.) I'll make sure to avoid the restaurant near Shannonville.

Played a humorous song of mine at the TLC Cafe last night. It's called "She Was Real Good Lookin', But She Smelled Like an Ashtray". It always gets a good laugh from everyone. At least half the people who gather there ARE smokers, and one or another of them usually remarks after the song, "Gee, now I feel like going outside and having a smoke." and we all laugh. It's like saying to someone, "Don't think about an elephant." Impossible. I sing the song not to persuade anyone of anything, but merely to tell a shaggy dog tale, and the events in the song are appropriately exaggerated to the extreme.

12 Jul 13 - 02:09 PM (#3536776)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ed T

A bit of bakground. Tab is not Diet C

Some history of Soda Pop
More on Tab

12 Jul 13 - 02:11 PM (#3536777)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ed T


Tab is not not Diet Coke, but remains a brand in some niche markets

12 Jul 13 - 08:25 PM (#3536856)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, they all stink, but some stinks are a lot nicer than others. Cigarettes are vile, cigars are a bit better, and pipe smoke can be quite pleasant in moderation. As for grass that hasn't been polluted with tobacco, I'm always happy to get a whiff of that as I stroll round festivals.

13 Jul 13 - 07:58 AM (#3536958)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: GUEST,Stu with no cookie for some reason

"Fine example there, on the part of Stu, of that rebarbative aggressive-defensive habit of smokers, of claiming the moral high ground: expecting us all to kowtow to their monumental integrity as an oppressed minority, gallantly refusing, in the face of so much cruel victimisation on the part of totalitarian society & government, to be deterred from persisting in the practice of their valiant avocations."

Thankee sir. I presume the above mouthful is a compliment, and I take it gratefully.

Not TAB, a tab! Can't be doing with sugary fizzy drinks. They're very bad for your health.

13 Jul 13 - 08:40 AM (#3536964)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ron Davies

Have to admit I feel very different about different types of smoking, as Kevin does.   Cigarettes are the alltime worst--I think it's the paper and all the various chemicals in them. Very acrid.   

Pipe smoking is absolutely fine in my book (though not good for the smoker).   Certain types of pipe tobacco smell just great--especially cherry tobacco.    Of course my father smoked cherry tobacco when he smoked, which wasn't that often.    It's just remotely possible that has something to do with my feelings about cherry tobacco.

15 Jul 13 - 12:04 AM (#3537504)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

I still have no idea what, "I'm off out for a tab," means.

15 Jul 13 - 01:07 AM (#3537519)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: MGM·Lion

Re the various smells: some, like pipe tobacco or good Havana cigars, smell v agreeable when being freshly smoked. But the room still stinks like the Pit the next morning, and the cushions and upholstery (and one's clothes) for days.


15 Jul 13 - 04:45 AM (#3537543)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Gibb Sahib

The waitress was pleasant with a big smile and the burger was great, ... It was like a window into the world of yesteryear.

That sounds pretty dope, actually. Especially for Canada. It's fun to find places like that once in a while. It's good to have choices in life. Not every place needs to be the same. Think how boring it would be if attached to that gas station was Starbucks or Tim Hortons.

15 Jul 13 - 06:00 AM (#3537559)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Dave the Gnome

A tab is UK speak for a cigarette - Often used in the North East. From a US point of view I suppose it is nearly as bad as going out to roll a fag...


15 Jul 13 - 05:13 PM (#3537841)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Uncle_DaveO

I quit smoking, COLD, when I was thirteen years old.

I took two puffs, and quit.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Jul 13 - 07:44 AM (#3539244)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: Ed T

Why you shouldnt stand next to idling diesel trucks:


EPA's human experiments

19 Jul 13 - 05:23 PM (#3539476)
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
From: PHJim

In 1968/69, I lived for a year in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales and have never heard the word "tab" to mean a smoke. I smoked at that time too.