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Lyr Req: My Guitar Is Old as Father Time (J White)

17 Jul 13 - 01:03 AM (#3538332)
Subject: Lyr Req: My guitar is old as father time
From: Martin Baeza
That is all I can find with google... Heard the song on DVD "The legendary blues guitar of Josh Withe but can't really understand the lyrics

17 Jul 13 - 06:05 AM (#3538387)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My guitar is old as father time
From: Leadfingers for Amazon - Just a snippet of the song

17 Jul 13 - 03:39 PM (#3538608)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My guitar is old as father time
From: Jim Dixon

Spotify has the various-artists album "Great Bluesmen in Britain," which contains a cut called MY GUITAR IS OLD AS FATHER TIME, sung by Josh White, but the cut is only 29 seconds long, and contains only the lyrics shown below. Obviously it's an excerpt from a longer song:

My guitar is old as father time.
My guitar is old as father time.
Well, it's ten thousand times nine hundred ninety-nine.

[I don't know of any other recording.]

20 Jul 13 - 01:38 AM (#3539599)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Guitar Is Old as Father Time (J White)
From: Martin Baeza

Thanks for the answers. :)
    When I first listened to it, I thought that it was only the chorus of the song or just piece of it... But now I'm wondering... Josh white had a radio show Called "My Guitar Is Old As Father Time", was the show named after the song(if this is the case, I think that this is just the chorus), or the song was written to open the show(if this is the case this could be the whole song) If anyone know the answer please tell me!

Ps.: Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language