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BS: LSD keeps you sane

25 Aug 13 - 07:55 AM (#3552604)
Subject: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

Long-term use of psychedelics is associated with better than average mental health:

25 Aug 13 - 09:43 AM (#3552627)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: bobad

From the article:

"The authors found no link between the use of psychedelic drugs and a range of mental health problems. Instead they found some significant associations between the use of psychedelic drugs and fewer mental health problems."

Hmmm....that goes against the conventional information that has been promulgated by the establishment for so long.

25 Aug 13 - 10:03 AM (#3552637)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

I've done my share of LSD in my time and here to say that if you were messed up before taking it that you will be messed up after taking it but if you were okay before taking it you'll be okay afterwards...

Now if I could remember which book I put those two tabs of "Mister Natural" in back in the 70s...


25 Aug 13 - 10:39 AM (#3552648)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Grishka

You being another example, Jack? Of which side?

25 Aug 13 - 10:58 AM (#3552655)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Amos

I do not believe these results for long term. Flashbacks and random imagery can clutter up a mind, and that effect can last a long, long time. The spiritual benefits are probably also long lasting, but there are other ways to acheive them rather than depending on dicey biochemistry.


25 Aug 13 - 11:29 AM (#3552657)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Depending and facilitating are different concepts...

25 Aug 13 - 11:34 AM (#3552660)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: bobad

"I do not believe these results for long term."

That contradicts the study's findings.

25 Aug 13 - 11:56 AM (#3552669)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jeri

Bobad, Amos is agreeing with you.


I've never done it. I didn't have the opportunity and didn't look for it. The way my mind works (it does, sometimes), I was sure I'd get stuck on something negative and wind up in suckville for a long time.

25 Aug 13 - 12:23 PM (#3552674)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: bobad

I don't know if I'm on the same page here but I read Amos' comment as him not believing that there are no deleterious effects on mental health associated with long term usage of psychedelic drugs. To quote from the study:

"The researchers found that lifetime use of psilocybin or mescaline and past year use of LSD were associated with lower rates of serious psychological distress. Lifetime use of LSD was also significantly associated with a lower rate of outpatient mental health treatment and psychiatric medicine prescription."

25 Aug 13 - 12:42 PM (#3552679)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane

Very interesting. 130'000 subjects is also a decent amount of people.
It's just made me realise that for all the 'accepted wisdom' that use of psychedelics are likely to cause serious mental health problems, I've never actually read *anything* - barring random anecdotal scare stories - to support that popularly held belief.

25 Aug 13 - 01:26 PM (#3552688)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Art Linkletter used to blame LSD for his daughter's suicide... Never made me want to jump out any windows and I don't know of any of my friends who wanted to either...

Like I said earlier... If you have mental problems LSD ain't going to fix 'um or make them worse... Might take you mind off them for awhile and create a little peace but when you wake up after tripping you're going to have the same mental problems...

Guess Timothy Leary and I would disagree on that...


25 Aug 13 - 02:28 PM (#3552706)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Hmmm... the posts and the study conclusions coroborate. Sample size is 130,000. Seems legit.

But, I have a question. Well... two. First, were any short term users, including one time users who jumped of a tall building surveyed? Second, should society as a whole care enough about those who "have mental problems" to deny those that don't the benefits (from the study conclusions) of the use of acid?

Never did acid. I saw many that did at uni... they seemed cool. I just couldn't see devoting so much time to being high. I smoked weed back in the 70s but it was a few hours of high at a time. Nor could I understand getting drunk for more than a few hours. Just didn't make sense to me. Especially the sickness that followed it.

I recall one night. The shroom lads in my residence (dorm) had a spaghetti scoff with magic mushrooms from PEI. Got a few stories about that night but here is the one that bothered me. One of my buddies from off campus arrived at my door. He held up his student ID and asked, "Is this me?" Four hours into the wee hours I "looked after him. It frightened me. After he went to sleep, I laid awake and watched him in case he got up and freaked out. Maybe I over reacted but I was very upset about it. Apparently, it can't be all bad because today, that lad is one of the top *s at the largest privately owned * company in the world. But that night, he didn't even know who he was.

25 Aug 13 - 02:34 PM (#3552708)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Eliza

The 'weed' smoked back in the seventies bore no resemblance to the stuff smoked today, such as skunk, which is far, far stronger and affects the development of the teenage brain.

25 Aug 13 - 03:39 PM (#3552723)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Weed is stronger today? I don't believe it. Even if there is ganja stronger than that stuff that is tied to a stick or Mowie Wowie or Mexican Red Hair or Lenanese Blond (HIGHly doubtful), the only way that can fuck you up is if ya dunno how to ingest weed. Less is more. George Carlin knew it and said it... ya don't get more stoned, ya just get lower on dope, man.

That stronger arguement is a bullshit ruse perpetrated by Big Drugs that wanna charge big bucks fer their weed. It's a travesty of justice intended to extort money from those who can benefit from medical weed and it's sickening in the extreme. In Canuckistan, new laws now increase the price from $0 to $28,000 per year for people who can't even work.

BTW... If it ain't no good fer ya and it don't do no good fer ya, why does the medical weed from Big Drugs cost that kinda coin?

If I ever get sick, I am growin my own. If they wanna throw me in jail for it, they can pay for my weed and feed.

25 Aug 13 - 03:40 PM (#3552725)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Just when you thought you has it all figured out...

...enjoy it, to the end!


25 Aug 13 - 04:22 PM (#3552739)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Larry The Radio Guy

Great song (Younger Generation). I'd never really listened to it before. Lots of could have a lot of great discussions just about that song.

25 Aug 13 - 04:40 PM (#3552745)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

When I first heard it, YEARS AGO, I immediately learned it and performed it regularly..that and John Prine's. 'Hello In There' ..needless to say, some of those songs were as poorly received as other common sense/controversial(?) things I post in here!..others LOVED them!


25 Aug 13 - 05:23 PM (#3552763)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Eliza

gnu, levels of THC in modern forms of cannabis are up to ten times greater than those in earlier types (eg in the seventies). A study last year in New Zealand showed a worrying reduction of up to 8 points in the IQ levels of people under 18 using the drug for a year. They also found even more worrying defects of cognitive function. Permanent ones. Drug use isn't cool, fun or harmless, particularly in the developing brain of the adolescent. I've seen the most appalling wrecking of lives due to all sorts of drug abuse among the serving prisoners I undertook to visit. (I include misuse of alcohol in that too.) I'm afraid threads like this that treat drug use in a light-hearted way make me shudder.

25 Aug 13 - 06:08 PM (#3552770)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Point well made, Eliza.

Ergo, my call for heeding George Carlin. If yer gonna do any drug, research it. If ya still wanna do that drug, do it right.

But charging those that can benefit from medical use of a FREE drug far more than they can afford is just plain wrong. Building more prisons and making laws to put people in them is a travesty of justice and that is what is going on in my Canada as I type.

25 Aug 13 - 06:21 PM (#3552772)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Right Eliza. You might think it's cool when you are young and invincible but when you wise up you don't. And you don't want to see your children and grandchildren getting involved with anything like that. It's much better for them to be getting high on life by finding fun and interesting things to do.

25 Aug 13 - 06:47 PM (#3552786)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

Aldous Huxley experimented with this drug under controlled circumstances., that is very different from some young person buying a tab from a criminal
many teenagers were encouraged by Timothy Leary to take LSD,IMO,those people would in the main have benefited more by getting involved in TM and YOGA.
Timothy leary has a lot to answer for, he was an irresponsible idiot,Drugs are not an answer to any problem, neither do they keep anyone sane, neither are they a genie that produces creativity.
However, I am in favour of legalising all drugs, that does not mean that i am in favour of their use.

25 Aug 13 - 06:49 PM (#3552788)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

The study was about psychedelics, not cannabis. There's no reason to believe they have similar health effects.

25 Aug 13 - 06:52 PM (#3552789)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

jack, marijuana and genetically altered skunk are as different as IPA and poteen.

25 Aug 13 - 06:54 PM (#3552790)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: McGrath of Harlow

And if you're a beer drinker and try whiskey it's a good idea not to drink it by the pint.

The present law distorts everything, and the stuff about ultra-strength skunk is part of it.

But actually It's very unclear if that study. Included cannibis use - it doesn't mention it in that linked story

25 Aug 13 - 07:55 PM (#3552804)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

Prefer "magic" mushrooms to LSD. I don't trust unknown chemists. Neither is a good idea for the psychologically unstable or insecure. Neither should be used to "party." Serious stuff and "set and setting" are terribly important.

25 Aug 13 - 07:58 PM (#3552808)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

The PLoS ONE article says what they studied:

We counted participants as having any lifetime psychedelic use if they affirmed use of LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, or peyote. We also examined use of each of the substances separately. Mescaline and peyote was combined into one category "mescaline/peyote" because mescaline is the active substance in peyote cactus, but peyote was also examined separately. Information was also available on past year use of LSD, but not past year use of psilocybin or mescaline.

So, they didn't look at cannabis.

My own anecdotal sample-of-one experience is consistent with this: LSD and psilocybin caused no problems longer lasting than brief confusion/panic and a mild hangover the day after, whereas cannabis could put me in a fuddle-headed downer for weeks. (I haven't tried either for many years). Neither came anywhere near having the long term depressant effects of inhalant anaesthetics, either nitrous oxide used recreationally or heavier stuff used for surgery.

As several posters here have said, potency of a drug doesn't determine how smashed you get on it. Most users of LSD these days take much less at a time than was common practice in the 1970s, and the main effect of cannabis being available in higher strengths is that it's easier to conceal a smaller volume - people don't get any more off their heads on it than they ever did. In most areas of pharmacology, a highly potent drug is desirable, because it's less likely to have side effects than a weaker one where a lot of the chemical is doing biochemical stuff irrelevant to the intended purpose.

The PLoS ONE paper:

25 Aug 13 - 08:05 PM (#3552809)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

First of all, yeah, the pot these days has a lot more THC...

Second, many of us who used LSD also had real lives, real jobs, other interests...

Back when I was doing LSD I was also into TM... Always had a spot set up for meditation...

Life ain't all this or all that... People wear lots of hats... Do lots of things... Experience all kinds of experiences...

I mean, there seems that there is way to much emphasis on the "drop out" aspect of LSD... I wasn't like that... I was in college and doing well... I was in a band and we made money... We were into anti-war and civil rights demonstrations and organizing...

Tim Leary might have wanted us to "drop out" but for me and most of my friends tripping was done responsibly...

Just another perspective...


25 Aug 13 - 08:13 PM (#3552810)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

BTW, I should say that I have used or known about drugs and decided they weren't for me: heroine, Quaalude, PCP, Meth, speed...

I would never use synthetic pot or designer drugs...

Pot is about what I am down to these days but would consider LSD under the right circumstances...


25 Aug 13 - 08:30 PM (#3552815)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

I guess my main arguement, other than the medical aspect, is that education is key and legislation that costs a lot of money but fails to address education and other tools which can be used by a compassionate society to minimize any possible damage caused by allowing people access to any "drug" is just totally fucked up. It wastes money and, worse, it wastes lives. YMMV.

25 Aug 13 - 08:49 PM (#3552820)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Plenty of them, Gn-ze...

The problem is that folks like me who have been around drugs aren't going to get an invite to the high schools to tell kids to stick with pot and not do PCP...

I mean, the way it is now we can't even tell kids to stick with pot...

That needs a change... Guess where most kids get introduced to bad drugs... Yup, the "pusher-man"...

If pot were legal then folks like me could talk to young people and ave a lot of them from the bad drugs... BTW, LSD ain't on of them... It just needs to be used responsibly... That means weekends... Homework out of the way... Safe place... No driving, etc...

Okay, I have driven on LSD... Don't recommend it especially if it's raining...


25 Aug 13 - 09:37 PM (#3552836)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: McGrath of Harlow

It all starts with legal drugs - coffee, Coca Cola, beer, cigarettes... the gateway drugs.

Then there's TV, computers, reading...

You've got live with the truth that human beings go in for artificially adjusting their lives and themselves. Banning doesn't work.

25 Aug 13 - 10:43 PM (#3552848)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Lonesome EJ

For many who have taken it, LSD has provided insights into their own behaviors, reactions to the world around them, interpersonal relationships, and has stripped away layers of insulation that are created since childhood by themselves and by society that tend to muffle and mute stimuli around them. Such drugs often simply give a glimpse of, not a hallucinatory world, but the real energy and beauty which underlie commonplace existence, the divinity within things. The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch, and even eventually a distorter of reality. But, yes, it can open a door which many hunger to see beyond, and which others are perfectly happy to leave shot and locked.

26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM (#3552858)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Lonesome EJ: "The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch,..."

..and who uses crutches????

...and so many thing can become crutches...religion, politics, habits, dependencies, co-dependencies, alcohol, materialism, name it.

Independent thinking, and true independence, begins when you walk away without a crutch.

BTW, EJ, great post!!!!


26 Aug 13 - 05:06 AM (#3552904)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Eliza

Bobert, you say you have driven on LSD. I can't believe anyone could be so irresponsible. One cannot possibly be safe behind the wheel when under the influence of any drug, and the Police (at least in UK) would undoubtedly agree. How would you be feeling now if your impaired judgement had caused an accident resulting in loss of life or lifelong disability of an innocent victim? I suppose many on this thread will see me as a cantankerous old lady, a killjoy and stick-in-the-mud. But drugs, any drugs, are not 'fun' stuff. I just hope I don't find myself sharing the highway with someone who has indulged in this insane 'recreation'.

26 Aug 13 - 05:36 AM (#3552908)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

tell kids to stick with pot and not do PCP...

PCP is closely related in its effects to ketamine, which on recent (thoroughly confirmed) investigations seems to be one of the most effective antidepressants there is. It can't be easy to do objective research on the beneficial effects of PCP, but I'd bet there are significant ones.

Ketamine is one of the few drugs I haven't tried that I'm still curious about. It would take something like terminal cancer to make me try pot again.

26 Aug 13 - 09:22 AM (#3552975)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert


Yes, I was 20 when I drove on LSD... It was raining and the wipers created these trails which were very disconcerting and I had enough wisdom to know that I shouldn't be driving and stopped the car and had someone else drive (who wasn't tripping)... Irresponsible??? Yes... But not for long and something I never repeated...

Actually, after that early experience, I didn't want to be in a car on LSD... I just wanted to be in my residence or hanging around this big park in Richmond that was very peaceful...

As for LSD being spiritual??? I donno how to define spiritual but it certainly allowed me to see things much differently and, as a visual artist, helped me assign value to mundane scenes and objects that I had never taken the time to value...

As for PCP, i. e. "angel dust"... Terrible drug... I tried it once... Not for me... Too much distortion... I mean, made me think that my arms were 50 feet long... Who needs that???


26 Aug 13 - 12:32 PM (#3553036)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Yes, I was 20 when I drove on LSD... It was raining and the wipers created these trails which were very disconcerting and I had enough wisdom to know that I shouldn't be driving and stopped the car and had someone else drive (who wasn't tripping)... Irresponsible??? Yes... But not for long and something I never repeated..."

Now he just trips irresponsibly on politics and getting people to 'responsibly' hate for 'his side'!!

Rolls eyes...


26 Aug 13 - 02:03 PM (#3553076)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

GfS... I believe your post at Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:32 PM to be a personal attack and certainly not germain to the topic.

26 Aug 13 - 03:13 PM (#3553108)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Not at all, must have ignored, the post above it where I said:

From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM

Lonesome EJ: "The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch,..."

..and who uses crutches????

...and so many thing can become crutches...religion, politics, habits, dependencies, co-dependencies, alcohol, materialism, name it.

Independent thinking, and true independence, begins when you walk away without a crutch."

Many people(more than you might be aware of), transfer addictive personalities away from things like alcohol, or substance abuse, and channel that same addictions into other behavioral patterns.
Instead of a knee-jerk re-action, which seems to be 'normal' on here, you might consider what I posted, as a reality that people deal with(or don't deal with), and NOT a personal slam.
In a time where people don't take personal responsibility for their actions, merely pointing something out is often taken as a personal attack....far from is something very REAL to consider.
To some people, turning somebody else onto a 'political nuance' is as ego gratifying, as turning somebody onto their first try at a drug...and drug taking is, more often than not, a 'social activity'.
I guess for those who get high alone, it would be as 'satisfying' as having a political stance, that you don't expound on, to others.
Just pause, and think about it for a might all come to you, and when or if it does, you might actually appreciate, that someone turned you onto it!....and it wasn't harmful, addictive but rather, added to your understanding or even introspection.

Glad to been of service to you....


26 Aug 13 - 03:42 PM (#3553121)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

lsd and timothy leary have also been responsible for people believing they could fly, some have been severely injured and some have died as a result, a few others have suffered from schizophrenia as a result of taking LSD. those people who have suffered mental health problems after taking LSD , would strongly disagree with "LSD keeping you sane" ,for them it has been the road to insanity
leary was irresponsible.

26 Aug 13 - 04:36 PM (#3553139)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Yo, gn-ze...

All of GfinS's post are personal attacks...

I mean, that how he earned the "in" GfinS...

Yo, Good Soldier...

I knew hundreds of people who took LSD in the 60s and none thought they could fly... That piece of misinformation came from Art Linkletter's mythology about how his daughter took LSD and then jumped out a window... First, she didn't jump out a window on LSD and...

...second, as I pointed out a while back on this thread: "if you are messed up before LSD then you are going to be messed up after LSD"... Face it, Mr. Linkletter wanted to find something to blame for his daughter's mental problems so LSD became his whipping boy...


26 Aug 13 - 05:21 PM (#3553148)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,bankley

the brilliant Albert Hofmann lived to 102.

26 Aug 13 - 05:52 PM (#3553153)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Yo, gn-ze...
All of GfinS's post are personal attacks..."


Methinks you've been hangin' out too much with Don, and whatever he's got, just might be contagious.
before you were just politically your showing signs of being even further delusional...and taking your delusions, a bit too seriously!!!

Re-think it,'re blowing it!


26 Aug 13 - 05:55 PM (#3553155)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

I knew hundreds of people who took LSD in the 60s and none thought they could fly... That piece of misinformation came from Art Linkletter's mythology about how his daughter took LSD and then jumped out a window.

It also comes from CIA disinformation about the MK-ULTRA program. They disseminated a story that one of their experimental subjects jumped out of a window as a result of taking LSD. In fact his handlers beat him to death and threw him out of it because he was about to do a Bradley Manning.

26 Aug 13 - 06:08 PM (#3553158)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Interesting. Where did you get that?


26 Aug 13 - 07:09 PM (#3553178)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

Gordon Thomas's book about MK-ULTRA, for one. I've seen it reported in a few places.

26 Aug 13 - 07:21 PM (#3553181)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Well, the anti-drug prohibitionists have said and done a lot of crazy things about LSD over the years...


26 Aug 13 - 07:40 PM (#3553188)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane

In his autobiography "Flasback," Tim Leary recounts trying to find a legitimate, socially beneficial use for LSD contrary to the mind control stuff the CIA was focusing on. He knew that mere recreational use to make one feel all peace and love and pretty colors would never gain favor with the government types (indeed, there was legislation afoot to make LSD illegal), so he got the idea and the permission to try it on habitual criminals in a prison somewhere in one of the New England states (Vermont? Mew Hampshire? can't remember...someplace like that).

He selected prisoners for whom the criminal justice system was a revolving door - in and out and in again was all these guys had ever known. This particular prison had high recidivism.

So he conducted scheduled and controlled "therapy sessions" in which the prisoners were given doses of LSD and then they sat around and talked about things, guided by Leary at crucial points when a particular inmate had an "epiphany" or a particularly poignant "insight." Sort of like psychedelic group therapy or a psychedelic counseling session.

Leary recalls being a little uneasy around some of these guys while they were high. Some of them were violent - rapists, murderers, armed robbers - and he wasn't sure how they'd react. Fortunately, there wasn't a single incident that would've ultimately jeopardized the experiment.

After the experiment ended and all the data had been statistically analyzed, Leary found that, compared to a control group, the rate of recidivism for his group of inmates went down significantly. Leary hypothesized that this result was due to the effects of LSD. LSD had shown his experimental group that there were alternative ways of viewing and perceiving life and one's journey through it, and LSD had provided those who partook of it a profound and life-changing experience - it had had such an indelible effect on those inmates that a lot of them decided to do something else besides "a life of crime."

Shortly thereafter, recreational use of LSD was declared illegal and other than its use in studies of a military nature (and perhaps a few clinical studies as it pertained to mental illness), the beneficial uses of LSD were no longer the subject of any serious experimentation (except by individuals doing their own personal "studies").

Surely Leary published his findings and this experiment could be retrieved for review online (through Harvard, maybe?).

26 Aug 13 - 07:43 PM (#3553191)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

LSD quiz: Anyone know who "Claude Jones" was???


26 Aug 13 - 07:45 PM (#3553192)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I know that in Canada, they were successfully treating alcoholism with it!!


26 Aug 13 - 07:59 PM (#3553197)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: JohnInKansas

Pedantry of little importance:

1. The original link is to a NEWS REPORTING site. While this site has a fairly good reputation, they're not really any more responsible for validating what they publish than other media. ("Aything for a headline" comes to mind.)

2. The publisher of the report, PLOS ONE, is not a peer reviewed journal. While they serve a useful purpose in bringing ideas to the public, many of their "papers" are closer to "undergraduate essays" than to research reports. ... Can't really tell which this one is. They are helpful in presenting "new ideas" to examine, but not fully trustworthy for "confirming consensus on new facts."

3. The report is that this was a "metastudy" using existing data from older researches, with "new statistics" to reach a different conclusion. We all have our own opinions about "statistics." ... (?)

The metastudy method is so strongly deprecated among serious scientists that they seldom publish those results, except under duress, although they may use a reanalysis to choose what to investigate in their own original research. (Unfortunately, the duress is common enough that we see a lot of such reports. TON of salt - not just a pinch - recommended.)

No conclusions here, in my opinion, although the idea is interesting enough to watch for possible followup.


26 Aug 13 - 08:17 PM (#3553199)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

So much effort has been made to discredit LSD that that alone means that it must not be all that bad... Or bad at all...

Tell ya' what... I hadn't thought of LSD in years but this thread has me looking thru all my old books for those two tabs of "Mister Natural"...



26 Aug 13 - 09:10 PM (#3553212)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: frogprince

Dear Gfs: Bobert admitted to something irresponsible that he did many years ago, along with clearly saying "don't do that". You, as is your frequent habit, jumped at the opportunity to deliver an extended holier-than-thou rant. Guess what; most of us here are more than tired of the same old same old.

26 Aug 13 - 09:17 PM (#3553216)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: frogprince

On second thought:

On two occasions, approximately 46 and 47 years ago, I consumed alcohol until I was plastered like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
In retrospect, I don't consider that a good idea.

Now, let's hear the sermon.

I need a good laugh just now.

26 Aug 13 - 09:19 PM (#3553217)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Hey, f-prince!!!

Don't get all bent over GfinS... He is who he is... I always expect some GfinS *blasts* and they are like rain on a ducks feathers...

But thanks for havin' my back, f-prince... You be da' man... Even if you is up-side-down that is...


27 Aug 13 - 12:23 AM (#3553235)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Does that mean I have to have your front????


P.S. THEN listen up!

27 Aug 13 - 04:58 AM (#3553268)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Eliza

frogprince, I'm afraid I delivered a holier-than-thou rant, and I do apologise, since Bobert admitted he did this when young and doesn't anymore. It's just that as I said before, I've witnessed at first hand the chaos that drug use can (not always I know) bring into already dysfunctional lives. One has to have fun and relax, but IMO drugs are not a route to take.

27 Aug 13 - 07:27 AM (#3553311)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Lonesome EJ

Anyone whoever took LSD probably realizes that "fun and relaxation" are not at the top of the list as far as the effects are concerned.

27 Aug 13 - 08:12 AM (#3553322)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: frogprince

Eliza, note that I wasn't referring to you. I might not agree with every word you've ever said, but you come across as a person with entirely different heart and attitude than Gfs.

27 Aug 13 - 10:12 AM (#3553365)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

I knew 2 people who believed they could fly and ended up in hospital, it is not misinformation but fact, I knew another who suffered from mental illness after taking LSD.

27 Aug 13 - 01:26 PM (#3553414)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Eliza... not at all. Your post was fine. It's an opinion. GfS' post was a personal attack, plain and simple, no matter what inane and illogical bullshit GfS spews to attempt to defend such crap. I might point out that it is not only a personal attack but it is not germain to the OP in any way. As froggy has pointed out, many of us are simply tired of such behaviour. I give little credence to anyone who continuously acts in such a manner, attempts to defend their actions with logic so twisted it must screw up their own minds, and doesn't have the balls to admit their mistakes and apologize. A sad and sorry excuse for a human being in my estimation.

GfS... *I* did not ignore any post and I certainly cannot ignore assholes. Fuck off.

27 Aug 13 - 02:30 PM (#3553432)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Mrrzy

Sounds good to me (the original post, not the nonsense above).

27 Aug 13 - 02:38 PM (#3553437)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Good Soldier,

I doubt that it was the LSD... People have all kinds of problems and some of them drive Volvos... Does driving a Volvo make some people have problems...

Anecdotal stories are not scientific... I mean, back in the 60s I knew at least 100, maybe 200, folks who took LSD and had no problems as a result of the LSD...

I believe it all comes down to responsible use and I'll be the first to admit that "prohibition" discourages "responsible" use...


27 Aug 13 - 02:47 PM (#3553441)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Between the age of about 20-30, I took LSD about 7-8 times, one cautious dose each time, and never had a bad trip.

What impressed me the most about LSD was how the ordinary seemed extraordinary. I remember looking out the window and watching the leaves on the trees quiver in the breeze. It was just sooo cool. One time I spent the evening hanging out with my grandma and another time I just relaxed with my family, watching TV, eating supper etc.

I didn't really have hallucinations (probably because I didn't drop multiple doses) but was just very happy. While at my grandma's house, I watched a scary flick and each time something scary happened, it sent me into peals of laughter. That's an atypical reaction for me.

What worries me about drugs today is that the illegality combined with the emphasis on the money making aspect of the drug trade makes it much more risky. You never know what people are trying to sell you. They even lace marijuana with just about anything these days. You don't know what you are getting. One of my son's friends died from smoking pot laced with formaldehyde.

I'm probably a hypocrite for wanting my son and grandsons to avoid drugs since I had my own fun experimenting when I was younger. I still think it would be better if they did not criminalize drugs because it makes it more attractive to minors and easier to sell drugs with unsafe additives, not to mention fills up jails and prisons with non-violent criminals.

I also wish they would stop feeding kids misinformation (propaganda) because that doesn't help either. Once they figure out that they have been lied to about things like marijuana, they don't believe what they have been told about things like cocaine and heroin.

27 Aug 13 - 06:52 PM (#3553508)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

bobert, you can doubt what you like, i took lsd and so did the people that thought they could fly and in fact could not,I was with them, so dont lecture me about it, now please do not tell me about things that i have personal first hand experience of.
and if you still think its so cool to smoke dope, i feel sorry for you i have been there done it many times and I am pleased i do not need to do it any more.
I think it should be legalised.

27 Aug 13 - 07:52 PM (#3553523)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

The fact that you used the term "need it", G.S., is telling... I tells me that at one time in your life your felt you "needed it"... I never felt I needed it...

I smoke pot on occasion because I enjoy it, not because I need it... Same as when I used to drop acid...

BTW, maybe you were hanging with some messed up people, G.S... My friends didn't want to fly or jump out windows... They, like Suzie, just wanted to enjoy it...

Sounds to me like you didn't enjoy LSD... Sorry...


27 Aug 13 - 08:12 PM (#3553526)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Larry The Radio Guy

I agree that GFS's statement was clearly a personal attack. And so is the statement that all his posts are personal attacks. They aren't.

I have very strong negative feelings about drugs. A lot of personal tragedies I've witnessed.

Yet I also agree that continued criminalization is not the answer.

27 Aug 13 - 08:19 PM (#3553528)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Prohibition never works well...

We tried it here in the US with the 18th amendment... All that did was create an entire underworld of criminals, lots of profits to be had, lots of bad unintended consequences and lots of dead people and those in jail....

If we were to level with people about the dangers of various drugs, such as the ones I have pointed out, yet allowed people buy and use these drugs, at least we would be the one's in control...

Guess who is in control now???

"God damned, the pusher man"...


27 Aug 13 - 11:54 PM (#3553570)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

My my, we're getting so sensitive...
THIS is a 'personal attack'????:

"Not at all, must have ignored, the post above it where I said:

From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM

Lonesome EJ: "The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch,..."

..and who uses crutches????

...and so many thing can become crutches...religion, politics, habits, dependencies, co-dependencies, alcohol, materialism, name it.

Independent thinking, and true independence, begins when you walk away without a crutch."

Many people(more than you might be aware of), transfer addictive personalities away from things like alcohol, or substance abuse, and channel that same addictions into other behavioral patterns.
Instead of a knee-jerk re-action, which seems to be 'normal' on here, you might consider what I posted, as a reality that people deal with(or don't deal with), and NOT a personal slam.
In a time where people don't take personal responsibility for their actions, merely pointing something out is often taken as a personal attack....far from is something very REAL to consider.
To some people, turning somebody else onto a 'political nuance' is as ego gratifying, as turning somebody onto their first try at a drug...and drug taking is, more often than not, a 'social activity'.
I guess for those who get high alone, it would be as 'satisfying' as having a political stance, that you don't expound on, to others.
Just pause, and think about it for a might all come to you, and when or if it does, you might actually appreciate, that someone turned you onto it!....and it wasn't harmful, addictive but rather, added to your understanding or even introspection.

Glad to been of service to you...."

THAT was a personal attack???????


28 Aug 13 - 07:39 AM (#3553678)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

I don't know GfS, so far I have failed to recognize you as evil incarnate. That can only mean one thing. I am evil too and just don't realize it yet and one day we will rot in hell together with the rest of Satan's spawn. Cheers.

28 Aug 13 - 01:44 PM (#3553820)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Rumncoke

Hang on a minute - if the ones using long term had fewer psychological problems - might that mean that you have to have fewer psychological problems to use long term?

Because if you did have problems - well you might just not be there to be assessed - if you catch my drift.

28 Aug 13 - 01:54 PM (#3553823)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

This entire thread is based on opinions of the folks posting... Me included...

We really don't have much scientific data on the effects of LSD... Just ramblings...

BTW, I asked a while back if anyone knew who "Claude Jones" was and no one answered so no one gets the prize...

The answer is: Claude Jones was the first person arrested in California for possession of LSD after California made it illegal in the 60s...

Why do I know that???

Well, Claude Jones was the equipment manager of a band aptly named "Claude Jones" which was one mighty fine DC area band in the 60s... I knew all of them and actually booked them to play in Richmond...


28 Aug 13 - 02:11 PM (#3553830)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

Prohibition never works well...
We tried it here in the US with the 18th amendment... All that did was create an entire underworld of criminals, lots of profits to be had, lots of bad unintended consequences and lots of dead people and those in jail....

Most of what is commonly believed about Prohibition in the US is urban legend which happens to help the liquor industry. It did reduce alcohol consumption, significantly and permanently; the US has never got back to the consumption levels that preceded it. And it didn't lead to a measurable increase in violent crime:

There were spectacular instances of alcohol-related criminality, but the showbizworthiness of a class of crimes is a matter of reporting, not of what actually happened or how objectively damaging it was. Far more lives were saved by Prohibition than were lost by it. But people dying of liver failure, malnutrition, hypothermia or drunken brawls don't make the national media.

Serious restrictions on alcohol make sense. Serious restrictions on psychedelics don't.

28 Aug 13 - 02:21 PM (#3553836)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Blandiver

I'm very much with Frank Zappa on this one:

    "They were just so full of dope that they were going blindly their own way, not thinking for a moment that the origin of LSD was in the CIA and a lot of them probably don't like to think about that now. By taking LSD they were helping the CIA in one of their favorite experiments. After they got done taking volunteers from the army, they actually made a profit selling it to people on the street, and seeing what actually happened to a civilian population. They got it in the ass so bad from the CIA that they don't even know. So to sit on the outside of that and say it was stupid will not make you any friends in the group of people who really believe in it, and since there were more of them than of me, it sort of set me up in a negative light for all the years to come.

They're a cultural phenomenon, they're an industry, and they're a tool by which the government keeps the kids in check. They also use the same thing to keep the housewives down. Every time you take some dope and you think you're getting some escape from your life, you're just playing right into the government's hand. Every time you use whatever it is that you use, you're registering yourself as a pawn. (...) The minute you start taking those drugs, they got you. I'd rather be free inside of my mind. If you don't have enough money to beat the system, the least you can do is keep your self-respect and know what you think is not chemically induced by a governmental agency."

— Frank Zappa: Outraged Consumer, Circus Raves No. 123, 1975.

28 Aug 13 - 02:33 PM (#3553842)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Blandiver

And I've known too many truly beautiful young minds spectacularly fucked up by Acid, Dope and 'shrooms. Kids with real revolutionary potential utterly wasted.

So - more governmental misinformation if you ask me. We lack the cultural / spiritual / mythological infrastructure to normalise hallucinogenic experience. Other cultures respect that - they leave the strong stuff to the experts (Shamans) who are off their heads anyway, but they get the job done.

I once walked down a country lane tripping out my box on Psilocybin on a perfect sunny autumn day, then a donkey started braying at me - instant paranoia! I thought the fecker was laughing at me. I ran back to farm and freaked out for about a month. Every time I heard a donkey braying after that I'd have flashbacks, That was 1983 and even now just the thoughts make me giddy...

28 Aug 13 - 04:41 PM (#3553872)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM

Do you REALLY think that by such misdirection you can simply disregard your duty in being a human? Further, do you REALLY think that readers are so stunned as to be deceived by such posts in your defense of an indefensible offence? Your words in the offending are clear and are enshrined forever for all and sundry to read and no amount of further bullshit from you can erase YOUR OWN WORDS.

Clearly, as per some posts in this thread, you need to drop some acid. I don't know anything about acid but I would suggest a LOT of acid. Personally, I would give two shits from Tuesday if you ODd after your repeated transgressions in this forum... of which many remain for all to read including the one I took you to task for and which you wish to redirect readers away from. Have you no shame?

That was a rhetorical question. Anyone who has read your repeated garbage knows that and it's about time you manned up to it.

28 Aug 13 - 04:44 PM (#3553875)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

exactly blandiver,
as for jacxk campin in my opinion he consistently talks bullshit on this forum

28 Aug 13 - 10:40 PM (#3553970)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

gnu, Okay, here's my complete post from your post:

"From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM

Lonesome EJ: "The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch,..."

..and who uses crutches????

...and so many thing can become crutches...religion, politics, habits, dependencies, co-dependencies, alcohol, materialism, name it.

Independent thinking, and true independence, begins when you walk away without a crutch.

BTW, EJ, great post!!!!"

Now tell me what you had a problem with, because there is nothing there that I can tell what you are talking about.

Fair enough?


29 Aug 13 - 04:35 PM (#3554210)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Me too, Blandiver. I mentioned myself being very cautious. I saw a few people I know get so extreme, they never came back. For lack of a better term, they are mentally ill. One happily so, he's a happy fool- the two others not so happy, one in particular. But I gotta believe he was a truly troubled soul to begin with- seeing demons around every corner. His rigid Catholic upbringing seemed to play a part.

29 Aug 13 - 04:48 PM (#3554216)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

As far as I am concerned, taking LSD[particularly black market LSD],is similiar to playing russian roulette.yes I did have a bad experience with LSD, Ialso had a very pleasant experience with magic mushroms.

30 Aug 13 - 03:27 AM (#3554308)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Suzy Sock Puppet: "I don't know GfS, so far I have failed to recognize you as evil incarnate. That can only mean one thing. I am evil too and just don't realize it yet and one day we will rot in hell together with the rest of Satan's spawn."

Naw...Not a chance....let me let you in on a 'little secret' got that 'hell' thing, or concept from the Bible, right?....Well guess what?....I bet you that you can't find a scripture that says that when you die, you go to Heaven.....

....but it DOES say that Heaven is coming to us!

So many little 'time'!

Cheers Back To You!


30 Aug 13 - 11:20 AM (#3554432)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: frogprince

"....I bet you that you can't find a scripture that says that when you die, you go to Heaven.....

....but it DOES say that Heaven is coming to us!

Believe it or not, Gfs, I don't think you are saying anything crazy
there. But I would say that you haven't so much proved anyone's misconception wrong, as indicated a valid "minority" interpretation, or brought out a commonly neglected dimension, of complex and often ambiguous material. In saying this, I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen; whether or not what the Bible says is reliable remains a separate question.

"In my Father's house are many mansion; I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also". If that isn't in Heaven, will it be in an area of revitalized earthly desert, perhaps the Death Valley area...or what would you envision?

'....I bet you that you can't find a scripture that says that when you die, you go to Heaven.....

....but it DOES say that Heaven is coming to us!

30 Aug 13 - 11:23 AM (#3554434)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: frogprince


30 Aug 13 - 12:50 PM (#3554460)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

FrogPrince: "Believe it or not, Gfs, I don't think you are saying anything crazy there. But I would say that you haven't so much proved anyone's misconception wrong, as indicated a valid "minority" interpretation, or brought out a commonly neglected dimension, of complex and often ambiguous material. In saying this, I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen; whether or not what the Bible says is reliable remains a separate question."

Hey Froggers!! You said a WHOLE LOT there! let me go through a couple of things you addressed...OK?

FP: "But I would say that you haven't so much proved anyone's misconception wrong, as indicated a valid "minority" interpretation,.."

I don't think that it does much of any good to try to 'disprove' anyone's 'misconception', as it does to bring out certain things that in themselves causes the '"minority" interpretation' to diminish and fade away.............................(especially on here)....

FP: "........or brought out a commonly neglected dimension, of complex and often ambiguous material."

Or even a omni-verse, instead of the concept of a 'universe' as the minority interpretation usually envisions it, because if you break it all down, there are more than one dimension in what is commonly referred to as the 'universe'....and folks tend to think of the universe in terms of the matter that is detectable by our senses, or even instruments. That being said, ALL the dimensions put together, still make a 'universe', and that incomplete misinterpretation of what it is, seems to stunt people's ability to conceive that it is FAR, greater, and a more massive scope than what the 'minority misconception' allows....especially when they discount, as you say, "complex and often ambiguous material."

FP: "...I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen;..."

'IS happening', or 'will happen' is really a matter of perception. 'Will happen' denotes 'Time'. You might think of it as a circle. If you start at one particular place on the circle, and travel around that line, then 'time' is applicable...however, if you are looking AT your circle, as a whole. then 'time' is not applicable, because you see it as one circle, with no beginning or end. Dimensional?? Perceptual??

FP: "I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen;"

See above!!

FP: "In my Father's house are many mansion; I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also". If that isn't in Heaven, will it be in an area of revitalized earthly desert, perhaps the Death Valley area...or what would you envision?"

Well, if it had a 'locale' that would put a 'limit' on the 'dimensional range' that it could cover, right?
I'd say that what we sense here, as our 'temporal reality', is only a small glimpse of what we COULD access, (and sometimes do), if we'd open our eyes wider and consider that 'All things are possible', depending on our receptiveness to allow them to happen, and being in humble wonderment, of the power of it all, and not taking 'credit' for any of it, but in our lives, and even in our physical bodies, being open to let manifest, what Love, life and light can really do. When we get in the way of that Light, is when we cast shadows. But if we don't make 'more of ourselves' than we ought, I think the Light would shine right through us....and if in the dimensions, conscious Light is one of the properties, then let it happen.

Hey man, I really dug your post this time!!!! I've got to ask you a question in return....
If Heaven is coming to us OR if we 'go to heaven', but it is already here, too, what political party do you think is going to be 'there'?

As I've said quite a few times on here....."Snap now, and avoid the 'rush'!

That's why music is so fantastic!!...You can manifest the Light into sound!


P.S...Naw..I'll save it for a little later....

30 Aug 13 - 12:52 PM (#3554462)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

There was something else happening during the 60s and 70s when acid was in it heyday and that was hippies...

Hippies attracted a lot of whacked out mentally ill people because hippies looked, well, kinda whacked out themselves... Okay, me included...

So a lot on mentally ill people hung with hippies... I knew a few... And yeah, these people did LSD just like everyone else did... So I would be very hesitant to make a statement that it was the LSD that whacked these people out... Might not of helped their situation but like I first posted here: If you were messed up before LSD you were going to be messed up afterwards...

Now, as for prohibition??? This wasn't an "urban legend" at all...

There were thousands and thousands of stills and thousands and thousands of bootleggers running 100 gallons at a time in V-8 Fords... And there were thousands and thousands of cops trying to catch 'um... A darned good book is "Driving with the Devil" which talks all about it...


30 Aug 13 - 01:45 PM (#3554477)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

Thousands of stills don't go far with a couple of hundred million people. The gross effect of Prohibition was that much less alcohol was consumed in America. And, as that blog points out, the crime rate fell. Some people drank more, some people made illicit fortunes, some people got riddled with bullets, but the OVERALL effect was exactly as the legislators intended.

30 Aug 13 - 06:01 PM (#3554555)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane

GfS... not only do you know what I am talking about, everyone who read this threads knows. Therefore, simple logic leads to the only conclusion... your posts indicate you may be not just a troll baiting people, as you baited Bobert with your personal attack on him (which was made clear my me), but you may perhaps be the stupidest troll I have ever encountered. The stupidity I have witnessed is only outdone by your persistancy at digging your hole of delusion deeper with every post.

Now, apologize to Bobert (and all Mudcatters who are simply tired of your bullshit) or, once again, fuck off.

WTF don't you understand?

30 Aug 13 - 06:24 PM (#3554564)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

My drug history:

When I was maybe four or five years old and living in Southern California, the summers could get pretty warm. When a friend of my father's would drop over of a Sunday afternoon for a chat with Dad, and bring a six-pack of beer with him, I'd beg for some. Actually, I liked the taste of beer, and sitting around with my Dad and his friend drinking beer made me feel very grown up.

They'd pour me about three ounces into a juice glass, and after I'd consumed it, they'd be somewhat amused at me sitting there with the hiccups. Fun times!

Although the coffee houses I sang in were not (as some people thought) hotbeds of revolution and drugs, I did know some singers who were into pot, and a few into psychedelics, LSD, "magic mushrooms," and such.

I already smoked (tobacco—although I quit some thirty-five years ago), drank unhealthy amounts of coffee (the Universal Solvent for good conversation and Saving the World), and often finished off the evening with a couple of schooners of beer at the Blue Moon Tavern near the University of Washington.

A bunch of Seattle folk singers, including myself, went south to the 1964 Berkeley Folk Festival (performing were Joan Baez, Doc Watson, Mississippi John Hurt, Almeda Riddle, Sam Hinton, Alice Stuart, and I forget who all else. Charles Seeger (patriarch of the Seeger family) and Archie Green were there, conducting workshops in folk song collecting, history, and such.

There were often private parties after the evening concerts, and some of the Seattle singers got together in someone's private home. We sang a lot, and as the evening (night) progressed, the joints started getting passed around. I had heard a lot of glorious stuff about pot from some of these people, and they were urging me to give it a try. Up until now, I had always resisted. But this time, I tried it.

There were a number of things I noticed about—and during—this experience.

I was fumbling a lot on the guitar and forgetting words to songs I'd sung hundreds of times—as was everyone else there. Yet—they were all raving about how, "Wow, I've never played better!"


And when the party broke up, I found I didn't particularly like the space-time dilations that the stuff had left me with. Not easy to walk down a flight of stairs using a pair of thirty-foot forearm crutches! There were a number of things like that that I found unsettling.

The following day, I felt foggy-headed for the morning workshops. Didn't like that! Nor did I like the fact, despite thoroughly brushing my teeth, that my mouth tasted like I had been chewing dirty socks all night long.

On subsequent occasions back in Seattle, these same folk assumed I had joined the Secret League of Pot-Heads, and were surprised when I passed up the joint when it was passed around. I told them when asked that, frankly, I didn't like it. They urged me to try it some more, that it really gets good when you get used to it! Maybe so, but, I figured I already had enough bad habits, so—no thanks.

I thought quite a bit about the misjudgment of their own musical abilities when they were high on pot, and it occurred to me that perhaps one of the reasons they had little ambition to sing anywhere beside the one coffee house where they tended to hang out (whereas non-dopers such as Bob Nelson, Nancy Quensé, Stan James, and myself were doing concerts and occasional television in addition to coffee house singing) was that they could create their own Carnegie Hall inside their own heads by taking a few tokes on a joint.

Some years later, I was working at Boeing (Production Illustration Department) alongside one of these same singers—who, after smoking a lot of pot, had gone on to try LSD.

Every now and then, I would glance at him sitting at his drawing table and he was just staring vacantly into space. He did this frequently enough so I was afraid his supervisor would notice he wasn't working, but sitting there "wool-gathering," and get himself canned. So I'd call, "Jim? Are you okay?" Maybe I'd have to call him a couple of times, then he would respond with a start, as if he had just awakened from a trance.

"Oh, God!" he'd moan, "I 'spaced out' again!"

We talked about it. He'd taken a lot of LSD, and since then, even though he was no longer taking it, he said that he often had "flashbacks."

It was really kind of buggering up his life!

Nah! I'll stick to an occasional glass of wine with meals on a special occasion or a beer on a hot summer afternoon. Heck, I've got an almost full bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream sitting in the refrigerator that someone gave me some time ago, and although I like the stuff, I keep forgetting it's there.

I like to keep my head on straight.

I get my "highs" on music, thank you.


There was a furious pounding on the door and a loud voice shouted, "Open up! This is the police!!"

Two pot-heads were sitting in the apartment, stoned out of their minds, and were suddenly galvanized into action by fear of getting busted.

Where to hide the stash!?? They couldn't hide the smell of pot in the room, but unless the police had tangible evidence, they couldn't make a case.

So one of the guys pulled open the little door on the cuckoo clock and pegged the joints into the clock, Then the other staggered to the door and unlocked it, letting the police in.

The police practically tore the room apart, looking everywhere, but although the room reeked of pot smoke, they weren't able to find any tangible evidence, like an actual joint. Finally, frustrated and angry, they shrugged their shoulders and started to head for the door as the two pot-heads sat there, still stoned, but smiling smugly.

Then, the little door on the cuckoo clock slowly creaked open. The little bird leaned, bleary-eyed, against the door jamb and said, "Hey, man . . . what time is it?"


Don Firth

30 Aug 13 - 06:35 PM (#3554569)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

Yeah, Guest. After he reads my above post, it will be interesting to see what kind of wild-assed fiction Goofball makes up about my lurid life as a drug addict.

I'm looking forward to that.

(A little time-release Tylenol when my back starts bothering me. Hard to get high on that stuff, though).

Don Firth

30 Aug 13 - 06:35 PM (#3554570)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Nameless 'Guest': "Therefore, simple logic leads to the only conclusion..."

Only one??????
Perception, perception, perception,

..and no one is 'troll baiting'.....

Perception, perception, perception!

(or lack of it).


30 Aug 13 - 07:09 PM (#3554576)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Amergin

I keep reading this as "The LDS keeps you sane". I keep wondering what acid you've been eating...

30 Aug 13 - 07:19 PM (#3554578)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Yo, Jack...

You must be kidding, right???

Moonshine was available to anyone who wanted it... It's not some story that has grown legs over the years... It was very, very big...

I have just finished reading "Driving with the Devil, Southern Moonshine, Detroit Wheels and the Birth of NASCAR" which just deal with a sliver of the story... The book was is written by Neal Thompson... You should read this book which just provided a glimpse of just how big this was...

Thank you, GUEST, 6:01...

GfinS has addiction issues...


30 Aug 13 - 07:29 PM (#3554581)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "GfinS has addiction issues..."

Hey, YOU'RE the one who's into the moonshine!


30 Aug 13 - 07:39 PM (#3554584)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest fom Sanity

in addition:

Bobert: "You must be kidding, right???
Moonshine was available to anyone who wanted it... It's not some story that has grown legs over the years... It was very, very big..."


30 Aug 13 - 07:48 PM (#3554588)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

They make moonshine now here in North Carolina that can be bought at the ABC stores... It's okay but small bubbles... Small bubbles means less alcohol... The P-Vine won't even drink it... Says it tastes bad LOL...

Actually, I can make a quart size Mason jar of good shine last a year... I only drink it if I'm going to be working outside when it is cold outside, like cutting wood... Nice once or so steadies the nerves...


31 Aug 13 - 02:36 AM (#3554642)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Believe me, I believe you!
Maybe a few times in-between too, huh?

Hey Bobert, someone keeps rattling my cage that I 'offended you'...really??..Where?


31 Aug 13 - 10:58 AM (#3554737)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Hey, I'm a blues man and you gotta get up real early and pack two lunches to offend me and you, GfinS, ain't an early riser...


31 Aug 13 - 11:06 AM (#3554740)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Shit me!!..I posted around 5:30 this morning...I've been waiting for you!


31 Aug 13 - 11:33 AM (#3554744)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Jack Campin

The sources I had for the effects of Prohibition on consumption were academic journal articles on paper that I can't now get at. It's remarkably difficult to find an on-line source for such a simple piece of information as estimates of US per capita alcohol consumption over time. There is an easily available table of taxed consumption over time, which obviously doesn't address the point. The link I gave does a good job of shredding the myth that Prohibition was an exceptionally violent period.

I did come across some rather telling secondary sources, though. The American far right (of the Friedmanite and soi-disant "libertarian" persuasion) is scared shitless of the idea that government regulation might ever work. They have a few discussion papers which implicitly accept that, prima facie, the facts suggest that Prohibition did in fact significantly cut overall alcohol consumption and make a large improvement in public health, and then proceed to generate billowing ideological smokescreens to say why you shouldn't believe the obvious facts. So, somehow, they got hold of the same data I've seen.

The Cato Institute (one of the groups taking this line) is substantially funded by Coors.

31 Aug 13 - 01:32 PM (#3554785)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I must be trippin' or I might not be 'sane'..but it's 100!


31 Aug 13 - 07:32 PM (#3554874)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Here's something that you'll find real interesting, Jack... Even after prohibition was repealed moonshine was still the drink of choice for a large number of Southerners...

Buy the book... You'll enjoy it...


31 Aug 13 - 08:07 PM (#3554879)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

For a lot of people in remote places, Prohibition probably made very little difference. People with a tiny still in a cowshed weren't worth the authorities' while to chase after - but they also didn't produce enough hooch to hurt anybody.

You get a similar drinking culture in the Balkans - people send their fruit crop to a small local distiller and get it back as unlabelled bottles of clear spirit. I'm pretty sure the gummint always knows about it and takes a cut, but big business doesn't. And you don't see many drunks.

31 Aug 13 - 08:27 PM (#3554885)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

GfuckedupS... sweet JAYSUS have you no shame? How can you keep up this charade of utter bullshit? Here it is again... WTF is YOUR PROBLEM?

Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu - PM
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 02:03 PM

GfS... I believe your post at Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:32 PM to be a personal attack and certainly not germain to the topic.

Seriously. WTF is YOUR PROBLEM? Listen you piece a fuckin trash. Either you man up and apologize to Bobert and the rest of us or I am write a god damned letter!

31 Aug 13 - 08:29 PM (#3554886)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Here's how it really worked... Runners were carrying 100 gallons of shine every night into the cities and there were thousands of runners... Do the math... Those stills were on every creek with fresh water in the South...

I just attended a seminar on the history of moonshine last month and whereas, yeah, the stills were smallish and only produced 10-15 gallons a day, it all added up to a massive amount of shine...

The book is very informative...

This was way beyond just a few stills and a couple hundred gallons... It was an entire industry...


31 Aug 13 - 09:43 PM (#3554891)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane

"From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 31 Aug 13 - 02:36 AM

Hey Bobert, someone keeps rattling my cage that I 'offended you'...really??..Where?"

"GfS From: Bobert
Date: 31 Aug 13 - 10:58 AM

Hey, I'm a blues man and you gotta get up real early and pack two lunches to offend me and you, GfinS, ain't an early riser...

B~ "

gnu, YOU are being an instigator of crank bullshit!. Bobert and I are friends, and we bust each others ass quite regularly..we give each other shit...but we also supply the toilet, my suggestion to you, is write your little, better yet, make it a BIG one, roll it up, and shove it up your little pansy ass!

Oh, and have a happy day, and smile as you do it!

Jeez, What a flake!


31 Aug 13 - 09:55 PM (#3554892)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I forgot to 'sign in'....the last post was indeed mine!

"From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 31 Aug 13 - 02:36 AM

Hey Bobert, someone keeps rattling my cage that I 'offended you'...really??..Where?"

"GfS From: Bobert
Date: 31 Aug 13 - 10:58 AM

Hey, I'm a blues man and you gotta get up real early and pack two lunches to offend me and you, GfinS, ain't an early riser...

B~ "

gnu, YOU are being an instigator of crank bullshit!. Bobert and I are friends, and we bust each others ass quite regularly..we give each other shit...but we also supply the toilet, my suggestion to you, is write your little, better yet, make it a BIG one, roll it up, and shove it up your little pansy ass!

Oh, and have a happy day, and smile as you do it!

Jeez, What a flake!


P.S. Thought I'd add this 'P.S.'....gnu, pal, you've got some serious issues. You've taken on being a 'spokesperson' for people who either don't need one, or you feel like usurping the power to put words in everyone's moth, and then being an obnoxious jerk about. If YOU have issues with me, why don't YOU 'man up to it' and quit blaming your pissy attitude onto other people, that you are pretending to 'champion their hurt feelings'!!~
Either be REAL, or just suck it up!

31 Aug 13 - 09:58 PM (#3554893)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

I think that we have entered Sillyburg...


31 Aug 13 - 10:10 PM (#3554896)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Yes we have....jeez, I didn't even tell him that you got me to say the eulogy and you dead turtle's funeral and memorial service!

BS: LSD keeps you sane:

...OR....he's never dropped...and thought this thread was an invitation!

...OR...he's never dropped, so it isn't keeping him sane!


31 Aug 13 - 10:11 PM (#3554897)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jeez typos AGAIN!!

Yes we have....jeez, I didn't even tell him that you got me to say the eulogy at your dead turtle's funeral and memorial service!

BS: LSD keeps you sane:

...OR....he's never dropped...and thought this thread was an invitation!

...OR...he's never dropped, so it isn't keeping him sane!


31 Aug 13 - 10:15 PM (#3554899)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Really? So, GfS... are you saying this is just a big fun game? Bobert and you are just having fun? Nobody else (including any who have said otherwise in this thread) is pissed off? It's ONLY me. You and Bobert and the others are just having me on and playing a joke on me?

Hahahaha. Oh dear! I feel a fool. Silly me. Forget I ever said anything. Me sincerest apologies. Boys will be boys, eh?

My bad.

Just one last thing.

31 Aug 13 - 10:17 PM (#3554900)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

Goofball has quite a stutter there.

(With friends like that, who needs. . . ?)

Don Firth

01 Sep 13 - 01:07 AM (#3554915)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I wonder who died and left him boss...

gnu, It might occur to you, someday, that after all, the Mudcat Forum is mostly musicians. You might think about this, for just a minute...there are people on here that accuse others of being 'trolls', such as you have in the past. Have you ever considered that the 'trolls' are the ones who hijack musicians to focus solely on politics, instead of music??....and music just happens to be a higher calling than politics! Did it ever occur to you that the angst that we throw out to, at, or with, each other on here is an essential tool that lyric writers and musicians, actually use constructively?...without really having to deal with the actual 'hate'?...(except, of course Don Firth who Bobert is still teaching how to eat over the sink, without dribbling onto the floor?..a trick I taught Bobert, because the 'P-Vine' wouldn't let him even eat in the house. He took it far less 'personal' than you have, by self inflicting this hostility upon yourself. Even Don Firth, whom I've gone around with ad nauseum, likened our 'exchanges' to fencing...he was selling stolen lines to his fence...and nobody has hassled DonT for picking both sides of his nose while holding his breath while typing!
Here, you need to lighten up..quit being so hard on yourself, (You can take that any way you want), and stop taking all this so seriously....after all, you can learn from us....because maybe we don't take you so seriously, either....but we can exchange ideas, like writers and artists do. Your posts aren't going to 'change the world'..or even make a dent....but our music may.

So if you want to do something REAL drastic....write and play a REAL FUCKING GREAT piece of music...and if it touches someone's heart, soul or mind, then write another one, even better!...and that one is no 'joke'.

Anyway, that's what we do on here...think of it as an emotional scratchpad....take the 'notes' and the FEELING, and translate it into sound...the kind of sound that is not limited by the concepts of words, but bi-passes that obstruction, and goes straight to the heart.
................OR.......being as we're in THIS thread, read the title, and consider what is being said by whomever started it!

Chill....or as we all heard, back then, 'Maintain'.....

Here's to happy constructive thoughts that frees you to work your craft....


01 Sep 13 - 10:22 AM (#3555016)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Stringsinger

Lysergic acid diethylamide, introduced in 1938 by Albert Hofman was invented to
introduce a schizophrenic state so that psychiatrists could study it further.

01 Sep 13 - 10:57 AM (#3555026)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Uh huh... Maybe that's why I keep hearing these voices???

But then again, it might be someone actually talking???

I donno??? I'm still lookin' thru my old books for those two tabs of Mister Natural and if I find 'um then maybe we can get to the bottom of this???


01 Sep 13 - 11:07 AM (#3555028)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well, 'I have multiple personalities, and NONE of them like you!'


P.S. My grandson bought me a T-shirt that says that on the front.

01 Sep 13 - 09:51 PM (#3555228)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

Okay then. Let's settle this. Once and for all.

Bobert. Did GfS personally attack you in his post that I quoted or are you guys just shootin the shit in good fun?

If that is the case, I shall apologize to GfS and beg his forgiveness for my ignorance.

02 Sep 13 - 12:00 AM (#3555236)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

You'll have to ask Bobert how he took it...that being said, Bobert and I have been busting each others ass since I first saw his post about him bitching about having to mow the lawn for P-Vine, and having to clean up the yard first. Sometimes things get a little 'heated' when he gets bullheaded about the Democrat Party, and how everyone who doesn't understand the backward ways of the south, must be a KKKer..or Tea Party fanatic...but other than that, he gives really great head!

Actually, as posted before, we musicians are definitely a peculiar people...and I'll have to say one thing to your credit......ummmmm............................... ........ummmm.............ummmmmm..............

..........(can't think of anything)........

No really, since your bit on here a while back, I think it was really a catalyst, to remember, for all of us, to keep busting ass, and to take things a bit more light-heartedly....and for that, (I don't know about those two other Bozos), but I thank you...honestly.

Warm Regards,

You owe me NO apology, man...but I WOULD like a link to some of your music!

02 Sep 13 - 11:46 AM (#3555393)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Stringsinger

I've known LSD users and some have gone to mental institutions after bad trips.
I think Timothy Leary was crazy as a loon.

Sane? Well, eating deep fried fatty fast food (Pardon the alliteration) will keep you
from being thin.

02 Sep 13 - 11:56 AM (#3555397)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Stringsinger: "fried fatty fast food (Pardon the alliteration)"

Pardon the alliteration??? WHY???....I thought it was pretty good!
....and besides, only the Governor can pardon you.


02 Sep 13 - 03:12 PM (#3555441)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: The Sandman

Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin - PM
Date: 30 Aug 13 - 01:45 PM

Thousands of stills don't go far with a couple of hundred million people. The gross effect of Prohibition was that much less alcohol was consumed in America. And, as that blog points out, the crime rate fell. Some people drank more, some people made illicit fortunes, some people got riddled with bullets, but the OVERALL effect was exactly as the legislators intended.
jack campin is seriously deluded, much less alcohol consumed, crime falling?
my opinion is the opposite, crime increased[look at al capone, aman [one of many who made a lot of money out of committing crime during prohibition]
jack, please stop talking complete rubbish, unless you can back up your rubbish with some factual evidence, what evidence is there to prove lees crime was committed,does it not occur to you that perhaps more crime was being committed but not detected, because the police force was corrupt?

02 Sep 13 - 04:18 PM (#3555456)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Well, Gn-ze, I have been personally attacked by GfinS so much that I don't pay it an attention... I mean, if my name is in one of GfinS's post you can take it to the bank that it is another - yawn - personal attack...


02 Sep 13 - 04:46 PM (#3555467)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: gnu

GfS... I DID ask Bobert. I asked him in the post just before yours. Maybe that is where you got the idea? And I got an answer.

So, there ya go. GfS... YOU owe Bobert, me and every other Mudcatter, an apology. If you can man up to it. I doubt that will will ever happen. Hasn't yet and you have have MANY opportunities.

Pint made, yet again.


02 Sep 13 - 07:15 PM (#3555497)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Jack Campin

Lysergic acid diethylamide, introduced in 1938 by Albert Hofman was invented to introduce a schizophrenic state so that psychiatrists could study it further.

No it wasn't. The psychedelic effects were sheer fluke, nobody knew enough to plan something like that. Hofmann says:

I had planned the synthesis of this compound with the intention of obtaining a circulatory and respiratory stimulant (an analeptic).

(quote from his book, at LSD, My Problem Child)

The effects are nothing like schizophrenia anyway.

02 Sep 13 - 07:28 PM (#3555500)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Schizophrenia is a different beast... LSD doesn't make you hear voices that aren't there... Might distort what you are hearing, however, but for the most part, for the better...

Yo, gn-ze,

You might as well be talking to a box of creek rocks... GfinS is so used to busting on people that he no longer sees it... Kinda serial...


02 Sep 13 - 11:41 PM (#3555542)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert, you must be cracking up!...Good one....
BTW, you haven't apologized for calling me a KKKer.....and just for that, you'll have to only blow Firth....but remember, as I've told you before, Suck Bobert suck..blow is just an expression!


03 Sep 13 - 12:37 AM (#3555550)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

Surprisingly enough, Goofball is cultured.

In fact, he was cultured in a Petri dish.

Don Firth

03 Sep 13 - 08:07 AM (#3555635)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

Sorry, GfinS, but when I hear folks worshiping and defending Zimmerman as forcefully as you and the other guy have done all I hear is the KKK...


03 Sep 13 - 10:27 AM (#3555692)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Then you should get out more often!
I wasn't defending Zimmerman, but rather pointing out the law, and refuting the claims that it was only about race. I also was pointing out, for guys like you, who bantered the race card around, that if YOU were REALLY concerned about race relations, that you would have been fair about BOTH sides, and taken issue, with certain cases that involved a black guy shooting a white baby in the face, or blacks shooting a white foreigner in the back, or three blacks beating an 88 year old guy to death....and then trying to justify it, as saying, 'It was ONLY for robbery', or 'ONLY for FUN', or ONLY for any other reason than what it was....after all that would be like saying Zimmerman, shot Martin ONLY to protect his neighborhood'!!!! Killing is killing....speaking of which, you never offered an answer, or even a guess, at what did all these guys have in common. At least Firth gave it a try...but he was wrong...probably trying too hard over that Petri dish trying to 'modify' genes....taking whiffs too often and cluttered his brain, with toxic ideas, that were compatible with his toxic behaviors!! He's been high on it ever since....but alas, you might explain to him the 'discomforts' of the 'come-down'!
....and you owe everyone an 'apology' for the thread drift, ala gnu's whining......UNLESS, your positions are flashbacks and brain damage form taking too much acid!
Sounds like it to me!


03 Sep 13 - 11:40 AM (#3555725)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

I do get out, GfinS... That, perhaps, is why I fully understand what the KKK and other hate groups have and continue to be all about...

It's you who needs to get out more and see just how some of the crap that you parrot from right wing blogs and fake news sources sounds to people who do get out and know what it going on in the real world...


03 Sep 13 - 01:41 PM (#3555783)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Where's gnu, when you need him??..I find your post utterly offensive...waaaaaaaah!!!...(need to call the Waaa-mbulance)
BTW, I don't do right wing blogs....just this one. If I did, I'd tell you...nor am I a right winger, for the thousandth time, but I understand, you look at EVERYTHING through party lines, (therefore missing at least half of what you could be perceiving).

Bobert: "It's you who needs to get out more and see just how some of the crap that you parrot from right wing blogs and fake news sources sounds to people who do get out and know what it going on in the real world..."

He says on the LSD thread!! Very Appropriate!!!

Let's talk when you're done tripping!


03 Sep 13 - 03:09 PM (#3555819)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

Goofball, crawl back on the microscope slide where you belong before some lab assistant swabs the lab table with disinfectant and obliterates you.

It's obvious from your above post and your posts on the "Zimmerman" thread that you seem to think that the wanton murder of the jogger in Texas and the robbing and killing of the old man by blacks somehow excuses the murder of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager wearing a hooded sweatshirt, who was guilty of nothing but walking home after a trip to a convenience store, by a trigger-happy self-appointed vigilante.

Each of these incidents must be judged individually, and each one of them has its own dynamics.

Reading your posts makes it abundantly clear that you are a racist, a homophobe, and an egregious waste of both internet band-width--and protoplasm!!

Don Firth

03 Sep 13 - 04:04 PM (#3555834)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from sanity

Firth: "It's obvious from your above post and your posts on the "Zimmerman" thread that you seem to think that the wanton murder of the jogger in Texas and the robbing and killing of the old man by blacks somehow excuses the murder of Trayvon Martin,...."

"It's obvious from your above post and your posts, that if you think that that is what I'm saying, that you are an imbecile of staggering proportions! Nothing excuses ANY of it.
You are suffering some some sort of comprehension blockage...go seek help!


03 Sep 13 - 04:35 PM (#3555841)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity keeping with the thread topic, and not wanting to perpetuate your guy's thread drift, let me re-state:

Firth: "It's obvious from your above post and your posts on the "Zimmerman" thread that you seem to think that the wanton murder of the jogger in Texas and the robbing and killing of the old man by blacks somehow excuses the murder of Trayvon Martin,...."

"It's obvious from your above post and your posts, that if you think that that is what I'm saying, then you are hallucinating to the point of being a frothing imbecile of staggering proportions! Nothing excuses ANY of it.
You are suffering some some sort of comprehension blockage while 'peaking' ...go seek help!


P.S. Have Bobert explain 'hallucinating' and 'peaking'. I certainly wouldn't want you to make up what I've been saying......AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03 Sep 13 - 04:43 PM (#3555844)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Don Firth

Anyone who reads the crappola you've posted on various threads can't help but come to the same conclusion. No comprehension blockage on my part, Goofball. I see you exactly for what you are.

As does everyone else.

Don Firth

03 Sep 13 - 07:05 PM (#3555896)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

GfinS lives in a small universe, Don... The problem with small universes is that you really don't get exposed to much outside of it...

This explains the Klan... Most of them came and come from small universes...

This, sadly, also explains GfinS...


03 Sep 13 - 08:10 PM (#3555907)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Wahhhhh..waaaah wahh......................Thread gnu!


03 Sep 13 - 09:06 PM (#3555921)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: Bobert

What's gn-ze gotta do with your little problem, GfinS???

Projectionism, polymorphous perverse guilt, I donno??? Maybe something in the middle...


04 Sep 13 - 01:10 AM (#3555958)
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well he was the front-man for the thread behavior...and we were drifting. You guys should take up the other topics that you're introducing on this thread, and put them in the thread where they belong....otherwise he would be forced to demand another apology, but this time from you guys....unless, of course you're both tripping....and that would certainly explain a lot!
I'm getting 'offended' just thinking about it!