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BS: In Hell

14 Sep 13 - 11:28 PM (#3558999)
Subject: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

You know GfS, the one thing I can appreciate about winding up down here is the fact that I don't have to search for my lighter in this goddamned purse!

I am telling you, this purse prepared me for our mutual fate.

Next time, I'm gettin a backpack.

15 Sep 13 - 09:34 PM (#3559156)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Little Hawk

It might be. What people referred to in ancient times as a "demon" might better be referred to as a very negative thought form which takes a person over at times and causes them to behave in destructive ways. A modern therapist probably wouldn't call it a "demon", but might call it a "complex" or an "obsession" or some other current popular term that fits the modern prejudices and assumptions.

If a fit of anger takes a person over and causes them to do violence, then they have been possessed by something stronger than they know how to deal with at that time.

The only real question is, did it originate solely within that person's own consciousness or is it due to the influence of an outer agent in the form of a negative thought form that affects or enters the person? We have no way of being sure about that at this time. We only have our standard cultural prejudices, our standard prior assumptions, and our standard favorite terms to describe the situation. The terms change as the culture changes...but the problem of the afflicted person remains the same in its outward effects.

No one can say whether the "demon" is self-manufactured or not. We can only have rock-solid opinions based on our prior assumptions of what is "real" and what isn't...or admit that we don't know for sure...which would be a bit wiser, in my opinion.

15 Sep 13 - 10:51 PM (#3559171)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Rapparee

It's "daemon" and in a multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.

init, dhcpd, crond, ftpd, fingerd, and sendmail are examples of daemons.

16 Sep 13 - 12:38 AM (#3559190)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Little Hawk

I was simply talking about the concept of "demons" in a general sense, not referring in any way to Suzy...or to gnu.

16 Sep 13 - 01:15 AM (#3559197)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

Too prosaic for a thick demon like me.

I'm off to The Hell and Purgatory District Association of Pigeon Fanciers AGM later. Absynth and dripping butties at 8.00pm.

What's that? Hell is on the western side of the pond? Oh shit. Looks like string cheese from a spray can on baguel then. Pigeon fancying might take some explaining too. ...

16 Sep 13 - 03:58 AM (#3559217)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Suzy Sock Puppet: "You know GfS, the one thing I can appreciate about winding up down here is the fact that I don't have to search for my lighter in this goddamned purse!"

Ah!...But that's where you had it all wrong....did you forget where you wanted to take us all??...and you expect breaks??...Well, I've got news for ya'.....until you 'repent' you're lighter won't work, as hard as you may try to light it....NOO....what they have cooked up for you, is you will have to shave your head with a cheese grater, while chewing tin foil....and not only that, you will be seasick and have lock-jaw at the same time....with a massive prolonged case of the hiccups!
...Oh, and your lighter?.....all your cigarettes are eternally soggy..but you can relieve yourself from the hiccups, when you light it!

Well??..That's what you get!!!!!


16 Sep 13 - 08:06 AM (#3559277)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Little Hawk, good of you to write. But what's with all this speculation about the nature of demons? I thought that once you got up there, you would have definitive answers. Thanks for the pic btw. Nice wing span :-)

16 Sep 13 - 09:11 AM (#3559304)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Oh cut it out GfS, you know all of that is a myth. So far it's just really fucking hot! Too hot, as a matter of fact, to fight with people who see a troll around every corner. Besides, they love it when you smoke down here because it's one of the worst things you can do to yourself. They totally dig on anything like that.

Btw, have you seen Don or Bobie? Me neither. How do you like that? God really is a Democrat! Who knew?

GfS, I'm bored. Let's practice our evil laugh.

16 Sep 13 - 09:20 AM (#3559307)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Amos

:D Mwahahahaha is the tradtional spelling. Some modern belletrists have introduced the phonetically interesting "Bwahahaha" as a new interpretation of the pre-phonetic Evil Laugh (also know in the literature as Risus Lugosius) but this has not received general acceptance among reputable risologists.

16 Sep 13 - 09:27 AM (#3559311)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

Amos, you had me until Risus Lugosius. Mostly, Latin terms capitalize only the first word so it should have been Risus lugosius. I can see how viagra dispensers came to be called risologists but how Bela Lugosi got in there is beyond me.

16 Sep 13 - 09:41 AM (#3559317)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

Has the 5 monkeys experiment ever been discussed here.Some craic.Just glad we humans are more evolved hey.

16 Sep 13 - 11:29 AM (#3559343)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I see... ;-) I think I'm getting the drift of it now, Suzy.

I see lots of people around here in regular life who are in hell. That is, they are in a state of mind that is hellish, and it's causing them (and sometimes others) to suffer. I'm somewhat skeptical about the metaphysical "Hell" that some people believe in, but I can't say I know for sure.

I was talking about demons and demonic possession, because I think it's an interesting subject, one that might have some factual basis. I've seen things that suggest it might, so I wouldn't just brush off the possibility.

You asked, "I thought that once you got up there, you would have definitive answers."

Oh? Well, I'm not "up there" yet. In any case, I suspect there are always further questions, even when one is "up there", although it might be possible to reach a point of simply being, in conscious union with all being, in which case questions might cease, at least for a time, and one might just BE. Questions, after all, arise out of a sense of separation or incompletion, don't they? One has no further questions when experiencing the absolute totality of Love.

But that remains to be seen.

16 Sep 13 - 11:35 AM (#3559344)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST Hard to see how we are any different.

16 Sep 13 - 11:45 AM (#3559347)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

Oh? Well, I'm not "up there" yet. In any case, I suspect there are always further questions, even when one is "up there"...wise bird,they" all who have sat there tell us this.

16 Sep 13 - 12:04 PM (#3559351)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: number 6

Ok ... the Madcat can be somewhat moronic lately ... with those that take on the personalities of rednecks, monkeys, Travis Bickle ... some are just plain grouchy or miserable ... and then there are those that lie about what they have done and how they are experts on just about everything ... yes LH, I guess it is rooted one some sort of 'complex'.

16 Sep 13 - 12:07 PM (#3559352)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: number 6

ooops, something happened .... me again ... just to put a completion on my post above ... anyway, regardless of what I said,I think this thread as stooopid and silly as it is .... but, is rather funny.


16 Sep 13 - 12:26 PM (#3559355)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Megan L

Hell in a handcart

Oh we all went to Hell in a handcart
And Little Hawk was left the one to shove
But he go so fed with all their barkin
That he left them all and headed up above

St Peter met him at the gates of heaven
Said You know my son your duty lies below
But when told just who was on that handcart
St Peter said poor boy straight in you go.

They sat and argued ower who should be pushing
An Irishman of strength they thought would do
But he got so tired of all the bitchin
He turned right round and said GNIGHTGNU

16th September 2013 17.25

16 Sep 13 - 12:55 PM (#3559364)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

"If a fit of anger takes a person over and causes them to do violence, then they have been possessed by something stronger than they know how to deal with at that time."

True, true. LH

This thread IS silly and stupid. It's nonsense actually. Just trying to have a little fun. All animals play you know. Monkeys too.

16 Sep 13 - 01:17 PM (#3559371)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Little Hawk

There are real people named Suzy Sock Puppet???

Hey, Number 6, it's not that I take on the personality of a "monkey" (he's an APE, dammit!)'s that I have fun with a fictional character I've created in the person of a Chimpanzee, just as Walt Kelly had fun with fictional characters in the persons of an opossum, an alligator, an owl, a dog, a skunk, a porcupine, his famous comic strip "Pogo".

Chongo serves the same purpose. He is a character intended to satirize and point up various human foibles, strengths, and weaknesses in a humorous fashion, and thus to enable the creation of some political and social satire. As such, he takes on a life of his own in people's minds after awhile, just as Pogo did. I see nothing wrong with doing that.

If I were also a great artist, like Mr Kelly, I'd do a Chongo comic strip, but as it is, I am limited to simply writing about him.

16 Sep 13 - 01:21 PM (#3559372)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

No 6 nobody knows nothing.So please Relax .
   As for Daemon i remember reading that it was our hidden intelligence,"it that knows" if you like.So if that was true i suppose if you don't listen to your Daemon you could be a Demon.Busy now so 6 you can relax i wont engage again on this.It is a shame though because if we all learned to stay neutral/calm as facts are displayed/discussed things become easily apparent,see i stupidly thought you were going to try understand this subject.What if it happens to one of your children where are you going to send them.Youtube is full of kids trying to open their pineal and getting energetically confused by all sorts of garbage.Check out Benny Hinn(sp) on yt see what he is doing with his knowledge of this.Anyway i will never post here again on this subject so relax 6 hehe n

16 Sep 13 - 01:30 PM (#3559375)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: number 6

I am relaxed ... as I stated previously I think this thread is rather funny ... just because I think the Madcat is somewhat moronic because it is populated by such fictional characters and miserable grouchy people doesn't meant I have my shorts all tied up in a knot ... or is it nought ... anyway, oh well.

LH ... I know what you mean ... ;)


16 Sep 13 - 04:27 PM (#3559420)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

So Suzy...I take it you are expecting a 'comfortable stay'....hmmm,,do ya' think there will be a giant screen there with an eternity of Mudcat posts???..trolls and all??..even Demon-crats? and Repugnant-cans?? defending the 'devil's lair'??

None will deliver you from that fate I described earlier!!....Matter of fact, while you're convulsing from being seasick and having lockjaw at the same time..and you're writhing on the ground....both parties will hold you down, and shove shit in your ears, nonstop.....oh wait, they already do that here!!


16 Sep 13 - 06:43 PM (#3559448)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Suzy, Naw..They're kicking me out! I heard that the devil was a 'liar from the beginning'....and I'm not into politics!

BTW, I THOUGHT you were SJL!!..your sarcastic fairness gave you away!


18 Sep 13 - 02:25 AM (#3559488)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell

Fugitive from sanity will be OUR fate in hell.

He may even be allowed to bring his guitar and shrink couch Lucifer help us!

18 Sep 13 - 02:59 AM (#3559492)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: akenaton

Very perceptive, Sanity.
I think I know who SJL is.....but I ain't sayin' nuthin'. :0)

18 Sep 13 - 03:07 AM (#3559495)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: akenaton

"Fuck Suzy sock puppet"?......Nah, that's just a bit too weird, even for me!........but if it rocks your boat?!!

I think one would have to be experienced in that sort of thing?

18 Sep 13 - 09:38 AM (#3559579)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Ake, Ya' mean Suzy is still someone else????

Yikes!....Maybe the 'Man from U.N.C.L.E.'????!!!??


18 Sep 13 - 12:18 PM (#3559604)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

No GfS, you don't get it. It's BECAUSE you hate politics that they make you stay here!

Ake, any sign of Muskrat? I had originally assumed that since you came down here, he must have gone there but now I 'm not so sure that that's the way it works so keep looking.

18 Sep 13 - 05:41 PM (#3559667)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: akenaton

I don't much care where he is Suzy......he's away....and so's the smell! :0)

Hope you didn't misunderstand my last post...'twas a bit rude.

18 Sep 13 - 07:46 PM (#3559690)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

All I smell is fire and brimstone. You must have a more acute sense of smell. Must be you don't smoke.

No I didn't misunderstand you at all. Sweet of you to concern yourself. We seem to be pals :-)

18 Sep 13 - 10:27 PM (#3559715)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Suzy Sock Puppet: "No GfS, you don't get it. It's BECAUSE you hate politics that they make you stay here!"

Nope..not at all....politics are just people trying to have a's the corruption that gives that voice over to using it to lie.
..and that's the truth....I'm out of here!


19 Sep 13 - 02:24 AM (#3559733)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Good luck...

19 Sep 13 - 08:37 PM (#3559924)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

I just love youtube. You never know what you're gonna find.

19 Sep 13 - 10:26 PM (#3559941)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I just love youtube. You never know what you're gonna find.



20 Sep 13 - 12:43 AM (#3559949)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Precisely. But I have never gotten over John Lennon's death.

Guess that makes me a groupie. Oh bloody hell.

20 Sep 13 - 01:14 AM (#3559956)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Suzy, Yes, but you can......

A side note..true story....When I was in L.A., I had a recording studio, and had several acquaintances who were monsters in the industry...One was Steve, who in 1980, was going to New York on some related business. It was just about less than a month before Christmas, and while he was out there, he had four 'Double Fantasy' albums, that I gave him, John Lennon's last...and he was going to get them autographed for me, so I could give them out to certain friends, for Christmas...but in between the time he got him to sign them, and returned to L.A., John had been shot, and, I only got one of them...which I still have, to this day......
Never been played, autographed, 'Double Fantasy'.


20 Sep 13 - 02:35 AM (#3559966)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,musket monitoring

Yeah very rude. It's a pity she didn't have Akenhateon to insist you were kicked off for insulting a lady.

Hell is a professional Scottish idiot giving you the benefit of his ill judged opinion.

Anyway I have been on this thread. Forgot to put my name, that's all.

If I take the BTEC Level II in queer bashing I might even qualify to post some more on this thread. All the usual suspects are here I notice. Really Goofus, I won't let you play with the good professor if you keep mixing with the wrong crowd. You have been the only one I would normally let near my greyhound.

20 Sep 13 - 02:49 AM (#3559970)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Muskrat: "You have been the only one I would normally let near my greyhound."

I get along, .... I maybe be a son of a bitch!

(It's 'genetic').


20 Sep 13 - 06:30 AM (#3560008)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Musket musing

Perhaps that's why when trying to work out the logic in your posts (historical, I gave up ages back) I have a desire to lick my own arse.

Or is it ass?

Hard to tell when trying to get the colonies to understand plain English, what?

20 Sep 13 - 11:11 AM (#3560068)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Hi Ian!

20 Sep 13 - 03:46 PM (#3560113)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Muskrat: "Hard to tell when trying to get the colonies to understand plain English, what?"

Hard to tell when trying to get the English to understand that we're not your colonies!... what?


20 Sep 13 - 03:55 PM (#3560116)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Jeri

What's funny about the cutesy name is there actually is a (non-active) member named "Muskrat". It's not all that insulting, but if that's all ya got...

20 Sep 13 - 04:00 PM (#3560123)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

It wasn't supposed to be that insulting to him, at all..he's doing such a nice job of that, without my 'help'...


21 Sep 13 - 12:22 PM (#3560137)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

In Hell there are no crumpets dripping with butter, no chips covered in HP sauce, no large Camembert cheeses ripened to melting point. There are only low-calorie salads, non-fat yoghurts and endless Ryvita. So I'm trying to pass the exam to get into Heaven.

21 Sep 13 - 01:32 PM (#3560163)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Yeah, all the food in hell is quite over done as you can imagine- and we don't have this angel either:

21 Sep 13 - 01:37 PM (#3560168)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

And btw, there are lots of Neo-Conservative and Tea Party Republicans here for taking the food out of the mouths of poor people. Jesus said, "That's a número uno no-no." Didn't say anything about being gay though.

22 Sep 13 - 02:03 AM (#3560257)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Musket being patriotic

Oy Goofus! Don't be so sure. Regarding that boat load of tea. Goods remain property of the seller till paid for in full.

Yeah I doubt this Jesus dude did say anything about being gay. Leave that to more clever people like Akenhateon.

For Goofus to be insulting he would have to be taken seriously. Never been known. He's harmless enough. I wouldn't let my dog play with him if he were otherwise. My little boyhhad a traumatised past in the hands of dog racing trainers and so I am very fussy about who he can be with. Mind you after three years he has stopped flinching when you go near him now and his tail isn't between his legs when you call him. Slow progress I suppose.

Hell is where you are kept in line by dog racing trainers.

22 Sep 13 - 04:51 AM (#3560268)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

In Hell there are also dozens of hirsute female gym teachers standing beside improbably tall vaulting horses. One second's hesitation and withering scorn pours forth. Next come the Aerobics Exercise Instructors with voices like foghorns, "And stretch! And lunge!" Then the Cross Country Run... in the pouring rain. I'm studying like anything for the Heaven Exam.

22 Sep 13 - 06:06 AM (#3560272)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Bonnie Shaljean

... hey you guys ... anybody seen my harp?

22 Sep 13 - 10:40 AM (#3560323)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Not only that Eliza, but they also have those substitute gym teachers who always order up a nice "friendly" game of dodge ball. Oh yeah. I just love getting whacked in the head by overly aggressive classmates, don't.

No Bonnie, there are no harps here (no chocolate either)- lots of fiddles however.

And do you know what the demons love to do best with their fiddles? Ruin beautiful old tragic English ballads by completely destroying the mood. There are no concertinas either.

22 Sep 13 - 12:46 PM (#3560361)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Musket sad

Plenty of bloody banjos though...

22 Sep 13 - 07:06 PM (#3560449)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

You bet. I didn't say it but I was thinking it :-)

23 Sep 13 - 03:45 AM (#3560532)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

Additionally, down here in Hell people post ghastly vituperative and cruel things, including racism, homophobia, personal insults and even (gasp!) words beginning with F. They post comment after comment liberally sprinkled with capital letters, deliberately designed to hurt and offend. They have ding-dong spiteful battles with eachother until all concerned are thoroughly apoplectic. Hell is like that - brings out the very worst in people. But in Heaven, people post interesting and contibutory comments with nary a barb. Ideas are aired and shared with politeness and respect. Even anger is expressed maturely and with restraint. That's why I'm still trying to pass the Exam to get in!

23 Sep 13 - 04:10 AM (#3560535)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Musket nodding

I failed the f%#?€*!! entrance exam again.

Of course, the worst in others brings out the worst in ourselves. Doesn't make tackling nasty people head on wrong though. The worst you can do is engage in point conceding debate. It just encourages them by some weird form of respectability they see for their more odious comments.

Hell is nurturing and promoting hate.

23 Sep 13 - 05:33 AM (#3560554)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Bonnie Shaljean

And no chocolate


24 Sep 13 - 04:04 AM (#3560711)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

And no trumpets on account of that Gabriel thing. Scares the hell out of these demons.

24 Sep 13 - 05:10 AM (#3560734)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

Down here, computer screens freeze every couple of minutes and sites won't accept the password. Mailer daemons refuse to send emails. Spam appears in incredible quantities, and adverts for viagra and nubile maidens offering strange and dubious services abound. Odd rectangles appear on the screen from unknown persons wishing to become a close friend. Cries for help from faraway Nigerians in financial difficulties rend the heart and tempt one to divulge all Bank details.
Up there in Heaven, Broadband speeds exceed the speed of light. All and any passwords are acceptable. No Cookies are allowed. Downloads complete in the blink of an eye. One can watch endless Morris dancing on Youtube. Sigh. I do so wish I could get in.

24 Sep 13 - 06:04 AM (#3560757)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Musket evolving slowly

Odd? The Morris dancers are all down here.

24 Sep 13 - 08:44 AM (#3560798)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

Musket, that's the voice of The Devil speaking! I shall ignore it. All Morris dancers are up in Heaven waving their hankies at the Lord.
Down here live all Heavy Rock performers and Elvis fans.
I forgot to mention that in Hell there are always piles of ironing to be done, whereas up there the angels do it for you...

25 Sep 13 - 03:52 PM (#3561264)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

Eliza, don't be silly. There's no hardware or software in heaven. All communication is telepathic - words, images, music. So obviously, there are no irons either. Garments never become soiled or wrinkled in the first place so there is no need for washing or ironing.

In hell, we must do the devil's clothes and those of his entourage. Everything must be washed and pressed, much of it dry cleaned! The devil is very meticulous, has clean fingernails and smells good. He is very handsome. Trust me, he could never get people to do half the shit he gets them to do if he had eyes like that fiend in Rosemary's Baby.

And yes, the Morris dancers are in heaven because in heaven there is such entertainment. They are bloody drunken fools, dirty and sweaty and inclined to beat down anyone who threatens their turf. They are not at all as well behaved as people think nowadays. That's a very toned down version of their antics.

25 Sep 13 - 05:02 PM (#3561277)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: GUEST,Eliza

I'm sure you're right Suzy, no laundry needed in heaven! I'm determined to get there one day!

26 Sep 13 - 04:39 PM (#3561605)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Don Firth

No cookies in heaven!?

There has to be chocolate chip cookies or it can't possibly be heaven!

Don Firth

26 Sep 13 - 08:55 PM (#3561692)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

There are chocolate chip cookies in heaven, all of which taste like they were baked by my sister Kathy. And plenty of cold milk.

In hell the cookies are burnt and the milk is warm and sour. And the "Cruel Mother" sounds like this:

28 Sep 13 - 01:19 AM (#3562110)
Subject: RE: BS: In Hell
From: Suzy Sock Puppet

I am sorry, gnu, that I seem to have offended you. It's just that I thought (per your responses to previous jokes I made in other threads) that you would be willing to be in my comedy troupe. But I meant no offense, sincerely.