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My friend is very sick--BSeed

12 Nov 99 - 02:57 AM (#134945)
Subject: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Many times I have talked about the Once-Born Gospel Singers (known to most of the members as the Poodle Players) and the members of the group. Sally, our autoharp player and host of our Monday night practices, is in the ICU in a Berkeley hospital, suffering from meningitis. She called me Monday morning asking me to email the other members and tell them that she wasn't feeling too well--it felt like flu but she had had her flu shot and didn't have much fever. I sent messages to all the other members that there would be no practice that night. Today I got an email from our other banjo player who said that on Tuesday night Sally had collapsed and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Spinal taps revealed the meningitis.

Charlie, our lead guitar player and the other original member of the group, called me tonight and said Sally had been in and out of consciousness, but had seemed better today than yesterday.

I'm going to visit her tomorrow, and also go to her house to walk her dogs--she and Charlie are the poodle owners whose pets inspired the name of the band--Sally just adopted a year-old female who is just becoming comfortable with the Monday nigh practices--she came from a breeder who kept the pups in pens, so "Shady Grove," as Sally named her, had no experience with people other than her breeder and his family. Her other dog, Andy, is from the same breeder: both are very elegant white standard poodles, with the same father, winner of every important dog show in the country.

So the news from the East Bay is pretty scary. We're hoping and praying she comes through--she's a fine musician and a terrific person who's been dealt some crummy cards in life.


12 Nov 99 - 04:10 AM (#134957)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Banjer

Mr Seed, sorry to hear of your friends illness. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Will keep you you in our thoughts and prayers. Let her know when you see her that the folks at the 'Cat are rooting for her.

12 Nov 99 - 08:31 AM (#134980)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: DonMeixner


On 1956 I had spinal menegitis, A scary time in my family. I survived when most people didn't. I was 6 and I was a survivor type even then I guess.

I lost the hearing in one ear as a result. Medicine is better, treatment is stronger and our general health is better. I'm sure your friend will do well.

My warmest regards.


12 Nov 99 - 09:08 AM (#134992)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Bert

Hang in there Sally. You'll be back plonking on those strings again before you know it.

Love Ya.


12 Nov 99 - 09:10 AM (#134993)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

Dear 'Seed,

We'll all be routing for your friend and her family and friends through this crisis, never fear. Best wishes and kindest thoughts for her quick recovery, Áine

12 Nov 99 - 09:21 AM (#134999)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Alice

Dear -seed, prayers and well wishes go to your friend for a speedy recovery. There is a special bond that forms among people who make music together. -alice

12 Nov 99 - 09:34 AM (#135009)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Easy Rider

Bring some music into her hospital room. Just stand there and sing. It stirs the juices and has a healing effect.

We're rooting for your friend.


12 Nov 99 - 09:41 AM (#135013)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Vixen

Hang on Sally--The Poodles have enlisted the Mudcats for healing support--help is on the way.

You are in my prayers.


12 Nov 99 - 10:15 AM (#135027)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: harpgirl

...Oh Seed, I am so sorry your friend Sally is sick! I know you must be worried and I hope you are strong for her...she's lucky to have you as a friend! My concern and hope goes to Sally...harpgirl

12 Nov 99 - 10:19 AM (#135030)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Patrish(inactive)

Hi Charles, positive thoughts winging there way in your friends direction. kindest regards Patrish

12 Nov 99 - 10:38 AM (#135035)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Mike Billo

I was recently very ill, and having friends stay in touch and express concern was the best medicine I recieved. Let her know you're there. Best wishes Charles,


12 Nov 99 - 11:07 AM (#135044)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: WyoWoman

Seed-- So sorry to hear. I'm holding her in my heart -- and you as well.


12 Nov 99 - 11:17 AM (#135046)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Big Mick

This world wide family of bards needs every member, Friend Seed. I have put Sally in my prayers and thoughts and pray for her recovery. And I have you in my thoughts and prayers, as well, my friend. You obviously care a great deal for this person, and that is good enough for me. Please keep us informed as to her recovery.

And, Fellow 'Catters, I also do some thanksgiving while I am praying. You all are very high on that list.

All the best,

Big Mick

12 Nov 99 - 12:03 PM (#135068)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: katlaughing

Me, too, Mick. I always start with giving thanks for the day, my family and all of you, my friends.

Bseed, I am so sorry to hear of Sally's trial. Don is right, though. Medicine has made such incredible strides over the years. For each year I do well with my herat valve, they progress some more to the point where someday I might be able to grow my own replacement or something without invasive surgery! I am sure the treatment for meningitis has improved over the years, too.

EZR is right,too, just ask Spaw, music IS a healer. Sing to her, play cd's for her, whatever you can do, bring music to her.

I give thanks for Sally's compleat and timely recovery and for the strength of your heart and caring for her and her family. It is that of friends and family will help pull her through. I give thanks for this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned. Blessed Be!


12 Nov 99 - 12:15 PM (#135074)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)

'Seed, I'm sorry about your friend. And I'm glad to have read DonMeixner's post above. It gives me strong hope that the docs can help her get through.

Let her know she's in our thoughts, and has our wishes for a speedy recovery.


12 Nov 99 - 12:16 PM (#135076)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: lloyd61


Remember….Gods graces IS sufficient. I have put your friend on my prayer list. We need to support our Autoharp players, after all, they have a lot of strings to tune.

12 Nov 99 - 12:23 PM (#135078)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Jeri

I will also be pulling for her in my corner of the world.

There are many different causes of meningitis, and people often associate the word with the most frightening type. I hope she has one of those varieties that, although they cause bad symptoms, most folks completely recover from with proper care. She has her own strength, plus that of some good friends, and now the Mudcat.

12 Nov 99 - 12:24 PM (#135080)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Holding Sally in the Light....

12 Nov 99 - 12:48 PM (#135088)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Roger in Baltimore


I, too, will pray for you and your friend Sally. Do play her some music, it sounds like the right thing to do (but leave the banjo at home, Seed). In this sometimes cold and impersonal world it is comforting to know that people like Sally have friends like you.

Roger in Baltimore

12 Nov 99 - 12:52 PM (#135092)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

Dear Sally,

As one who knows, the power of thoughts, music, prayers and all the other good things that your friend Charles knows so well about, helped me to pull through an especially bad time awhile back. The folks here at Mudcat know you from Seed's (Charles) many postings about your group and you are a member of our family through him. I remember him posting here when I was ill, that he was using all of his "1/2 watt of power" to pull for me. As you well know I'm sure, his friendship is more in the 50,000 watt range and you are fortunate to have him on your side. Hey! Worked for me......and I know it will for you. I'll throw my 1/2 watt your way too, wish I had more. I think it was just yesterday that Charles said I didn't have enough to light an LED for a watch, but I'm sending all my best and I hope it helps.

And Seed.....Take care of yourself now too and let us know what else we can do and how Sally is doing. You know this bunch well and once "on point" we get pretty tenacious. Know too how much YOU mean to me personally my friend, and like Sally, I'll try to throw my "LED" your way some too.

All My Best To All,


12 Nov 99 - 12:53 PM (#135093)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I got an email this morning from Dick, the other banjo player, that has me worried. The revised diagnosis is viral meningeal encephalitis (isn't that the disease in "Awakenings"?). Dick didn't say anything about the prognosis. I tried calling her room but no one was there with her at the time; at least no one answered the phone. I canceled my own doctor's appointment (just a regular checkup) and I'm going to the hospital after a couple hours of work and will spend the afternoon with her. I don't know if they will allow me to bring my banjerine in or not--I have it strung with nylon, so it's a gentle sounding instrument, and will sing her a song or two or more. Her dogs are being picked up by friends (Shady Grove, the puppy, by her breeder in Pismo Beach, and Andrew, the 10 year old male, by a friend in Yakima, Washington.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I love you all.


12 Nov 99 - 12:59 PM (#135095)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Seed. Been pretty sick myself this week, and ya know what? I missed the Mudcat like crazy. Keep us posted. I'll try to send out as many positive thoughts as I can. You've been a good guy to know this year and I wish your friend the absolute best.


12 Nov 99 - 01:29 PM (#135108)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

I'll see if I can up the wattage. Hang in....


12 Nov 99 - 01:38 PM (#135112)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Jeri

Whipped out my copy of Beneson's "Control of Communicable Diseases in Man."

Viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis, Serous meningitis, Non-bacterial or Abacterial meningitis.

A relatively common but rarely serious cinical syndrome with multiple viral etiologies [causes]...

The book does say there are sometimes residual signs lasting a year or more, but (paraphrasing) this is rare.

It also says "Active illness seldom exceeds 10 days," and "Recovery is usually complete."

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a fact sheet on Viral (aseptic) Meningitis.

12 Nov 99 - 01:49 PM (#135121)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

Bless you Jeri for the information! Let's all hold good thoughts and prayers for Sally that there will be no residual signs and her recovery will be fast and complete!

12 Nov 99 - 02:38 PM (#135148)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Neil Lowe


My heartfelt wishes for your friend's speedy recovery. Surrounded by compassionate and concerned individuals such as yourself, she should do just fine.


12 Nov 99 - 02:59 PM (#135158)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: sophocleese

I'm holding her and you in the light BSeed. I hope they let you play the banjerine, it sounds as if it would be wonderful.


12 Nov 99 - 03:48 PM (#135180)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Pete peterson

12 Nov 99 - 05:01 PM (#135203)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Peter T.

Seed, take her some gospel sounds, and take some for yourself. "Just A Closer Walk With Thee".... yours, Peter T.

12 Nov 99 - 05:36 PM (#135218)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Pete Peterson

Try again now that I am home. Thanks to Jeri the prognosis sounds favorable; in any event my heart and prayers are with her. Looking forawrd to good updates.

12 Nov 99 - 06:31 PM (#135251)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed

I hope that what Jeri posted is relevant--but Sally's diagnosis is viral meningeal encephalitis, a mosquito-borne disease.

I just got back from the hospital: she was to have another CAT scan. While I was there one of her friends, an acupuncturist, was given access to her medical file (she gave her sister, daughter, and this friend power of attorney to make decisions: the friend has enough medical knowledge to interpret the file) and he said that earlier tests had shown no swelling of the brain, and although she wasn't conscious this afternoon, he thought things were looking up, that she was probably just resting and marshalling her defenses to fight the disease. I checked with the nurse who thought that music would be great, so I sat by Sally and played and sang to her for about an hour, then her sister and daughter, the daughter's boyfriend and best friend, and Dick, the banjo player--who's closest to Sally of anyone in the group--and I went down for lunch in the cafeteria (upon their assurance that it was better than most hospital cafeterias--I remain unconvinced), and afterward, Dick, and sister Sylvia, and I returned to Sally's room where they were about to take her for another CAT scan. I will probably go back in an hour or so when she's back in her room and sing to her again (too many of the songs the group plays--and too many folk songs in general--are concerned with death or with heaven and I was having difficulty avoiding the subject: I sang (with the acupuncturist's wife harmonizing) such songs as "My Grandfather's Clock"--last verse about his death-- and "Waltzing Matilda," ditto, "Go Tell Aunt Rhody," "The Crawdad Song," ("Whatcha gonna do when the pond goes dry/sit on the bank and watch the crawdads die") plus a few others untainted by the subject: "The Mountains of Mourne," "Jimmy Brown," "Times Are Getting Hard," and played some instrumentals: "Hard Times Come Again No More," etc. But I had to stay away from such group favorites as "I'll Fly Away," "Angel Band," "God's Railway to Heaven," "Unclouded Day," "Free Grace," and so on: I don't want to give her any ideas about saying the hell with it and going to heaven.

Anyone have any good ideas of "Fight for Life" songs, "Hang in there" songs, etc.? I'll be going back for a couple of hours tomorrow as well and could use some inspiration.

love to you all, --seed

12 Nov 99 - 07:00 PM (#135267)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

You're right about the songs Seed.........But I would tell you that right now the music that the group plays, that she likes and is familiar with, is far better regardless (note only Leej uses irregardless) of the content or message. Don't get oversensitized to the situation. At this point, just think that what she "knows and likes" is better, no matter what it may say.

Much Love,


12 Nov 99 - 07:01 PM (#135268)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

Dear 'Seed,

How about singing some funny songs -- they do say that laughter is the best medicine. One of my favorites is The Cat Came Back. When I had pneumonia last year, my kids sang silly songs to me, and even though I was too weak to laugh, their songs took me back to a time when I felt safe and protected. Did me a world of good and definitely perked me up!

With continued prayers and good wishes, Áine

12 Nov 99 - 07:17 PM (#135271)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed

Áine, you're a genius. How do you think she'd like "The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly"...uh, maybe that's not appropriate (she's the old woman bit by a mosquito...and the old woman WSAF dies in the end). Well, maybe "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" and, if I can find the words, "The Overflowing Cat-box Blues." I used to know dozens of funny songs but I can't remember most of them.

And Spaw, ya may be right--but I would hope some other members of the group would be there--I usually sing bass, or simply play the harmonica, on most of them. I tend to screw up if I'm trying to sing the melody. Well, maybe my screwups will get her up and laughing. It's worth a try, I suppose.

Well, I'm heading back over to the hospital for a while. I'll check with all of you wonderful folks later tonight.

love, --seed

12 Nov 99 - 07:22 PM (#135275)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Micca

Hi Seed, I will be working some healing rituals over this coming w/e and will include your friend If she wont mind some non-christian healing thoughts.

12 Nov 99 - 07:46 PM (#135281)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

Ya know Micca, back in May, I was "prayed" over by just about every sort of religion/non-religion you could imagine....and a lot of them from here at the 'Cat...something like 500+ postings...and I don't think it matters much which or what, so much as the energy of a world filled with good thoughts from folks of all sorts, all beliefs, all religions, who sincerely care.


12 Nov 99 - 07:49 PM (#135282)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: MTM

more prayers and hope for you and your friend. your bedside music therapy is the kindest thing i've heard about in a long time. blessings and health to both of you.

12 Nov 99 - 11:32 PM (#135362)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Jeri

The fact sheet for viral meningitis is no good for mosquito-borne types. There are several varieties, with varying degrees of seriousness. For future reference, here's the main CDC website. Wish I could do something more.

One thing I can do is continue to join everyone in sending energy and love Sally's way. She's been in my thoughts since I first read your message, BSeed,(long before I ever posted), and will continue to be there.

13 Nov 99 - 01:04 AM (#135379)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

We had three cases here this past summer/fall. All involved children, so its hard to tell how an adult will respond. My "Lab Tech" wife says that the odds are basically 50/50 and the promptness of treatment makes a big difference and drastically ups the chances for survival. Sorry to put it so bluntly Seed, but it DOES sound as though she's getting good care......and a lot of 'Cat power!


13 Nov 99 - 01:46 AM (#135384)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Sandy Paton

Thoughts, hopes and, yes, prayers from here, too, Seed.


13 Nov 99 - 02:10 AM (#135387)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Sally is not doing well. She has been moved back to intensive care because she is not breathing well and it is believed to be because of neurological problems. They haven't yet intubated her but that will probably happen soon. I will try to get in to see her tomorrow, but they only let in family--and they probably won't let me bring my banjo in, even though I can promise to play quietly (her roommate out on the ward liked it), but Sally is in bed 13 (bad sign?) so there are at least 12 more beds in the room, possibly more, but I don't know how many are occupied.

I did receive a couple of encouraging words late today. I went back to the hospital at about 4:30 and went to her old room, learned about her reassignment to ICU--but she hadn't yet been returned from the basement after the tests, so I started to leave. My cardiologist had just come off the elevator as I approached them and so I spoke with him a while and was encouraged a bit when he said the recovery rate from VME was actually pretty good--of course diseases of the brain are not his specialty, but he's not just some dummy off the street, either. Not only is he a good doctor, but he plays in a Celtic fiddle orchestra.

Then later, Walter, our piano player, told me that his best man had been in a coma for a month and everyone thought the best they could hope for him was life as a vegetable when he woke up and started flirting with the nurses. Of course he was in his thirties and Sally is 65, but, hey--miracles do sometimes happen.


13 Nov 99 - 12:02 PM (#135481)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Dave Swan


I just checked in and found this. Of course Pam and I send our very best to all involved. Remember, we're right across town. If there's ANYTHING we can do, please holler. Love, Dave & Pam

13 Nov 99 - 12:53 PM (#135498)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Mudjack

For Sally, Our prayers and best wishes for a fast and complete recovery......Thanks Charles.
Mudjack and Mrs.

13 Nov 99 - 04:41 PM (#135617)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

We're hanging in there with you and Sally!

-- Áine

13 Nov 99 - 07:10 PM (#135692)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

When I got to the hospital at about eleven this morning, Sylvia and Bebe were sitting outside the ICU and Bob (Sylvia is Sally's sister, Bebe her daughter, and Bob, Bebe's S.O.) soon came, and they all said Sally looked better today: her breatbhing was easier, her color was better, her face and feet were less swollen. Sylvia and I went in together (that got me into the unit as family) and I had my banjo with me. Sally did seem better even than she had yesterday afternoon, but she didn't respond to us at first. I pulled out the banjo and began to play, and not long after that, Anne (Sylvia's daughter) came in and sang a couple of songs with me. Anne talked about lunch, but I hadn't had breakfast yet--but wasn't feeling hungry, and soon Bebe came in and replaced Anne. She put some ointment on Sally's lips and Sally responded to this, whether instinctually or consciously I won't venture to guess.

But then a male nurse came in to record her vital signs. When he checked her eyes' response to light, she didn't close them right away, and when he gave her mouth a swabbing, she really woke up and looked around. She was certainly conscious--I don't know how aware she was; she didn't say anything. I did a couple more songs and Bebe talked to her, then she yawned and closed her eyes. I squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead and said I'd be back this afternoon. I got breakfast and took the dogs for a run at the park and am just home. I'll clean up and head back to the hospital in a while.

Anyway, it seems that hope is not unreasonable at this time. Thanks all for your prayers, psychic messages, thoughts, and expressions of concern. You are fantastic people.


13 Nov 99 - 07:20 PM (#135696)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

Dear 'Seed,

That is very encouraging news! Your Sally sounds like a real fighter. We're still holding her and you in our thoughts and prayers, so stay strong.

-- Áine

13 Nov 99 - 07:49 PM (#135714)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I just thought I'd better correct myself before Leej has a chance: he's been hoping to get me back since I razzed him about "irregardless," so my "instinctually" would just make his eyes light up, with all 25 watts. "Instinctively," Leej. I caught it myself. Too bad, buddy. You're too slow. --seed

13 Nov 99 - 11:51 PM (#135785)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: alison

Sally and yourself are in our prayers and thoughts in Australia too......



13 Nov 99 - 11:59 PM (#135788)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: katlaughing

Charles, keep taking that banjo in there and singing to her. I am sure it is helping not only her, but everyone else in there. Folks always hear, conscious or not, no matter what stage of an illness they are in; even when sedated for surgery.

You are a real gem, Charles. Blessings for you all.


14 Nov 99 - 12:29 AM (#135800)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: catspaw49

Just got home from Wayne and Connie's and went straight here. Encouraging news. This is a viral infection that must run its course and the stronger Sally is the better....and from the "sound" of things, you are all doing a good job for her. I'm sure she is indeed confused, but some of that is registering with her and that "normalcy" thing will help. Wish I could explain the feeling better.........Gee, whadda' day! Spaw's out of words!!!

Look, just trust me.....She knows that things aren't right, but the closeness of friends and the normality of your actions will break through in a reassuring way...and I bet to her, right now, that's really important.

Aw geeziz......I can't explain it worth a damn.....You're doing great, keep it up, keep us posted, and take good care of yourself.

Spaw, the "dimbulb"

14 Nov 99 - 12:32 AM (#135801)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I went back again tonight, about 5:30 to 7:00. I met banjoDick and guitarCharlie on the way in (they were on the way out) and told me that Sally was responding: Charlie gave her a standard series of consciousness tests, including "Stick out your tongue." She did, and Charlie added, "I'll bet you've been waiting to stick out your tongue at Dick," and she did. When I was there her doctor came to check on her and asked her to smile and to say "Hi," both of which she did. She isn't out of the woods yet, but the signs are definitely encouraging.

Nancy, our lead female vocalist, and Josh, our second lead guitar player, are planning to visit her tomorrow night, hoping they can get his guitar in. Nancy emailed me with the plan and invited me to join them...I said I wasn't sure if the ICU would bend the rules quite that far, since there are only supposed to be two visitors at a time, family members at that, but that it was worth the try. Whether Josh can modulate his guitar volume as low as I can my nylon-strung, open back, no tone ring banjo I don't know--and I suppose I'd better not try any harmonica pieces.

Oh, I'm going to send BBC a couple of pictures of our concert last year at the Cal Women's Faculty Club to put on my page so you can meet the people involved.


14 Nov 99 - 11:37 AM (#135922)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: sophocleese

BSeed Its good to hear the encouraging news. Thanks for keeping us posted as we are worried and hoping with you. She's lucky to have such wonderful friends and family to visit and help her through this.


14 Nov 99 - 11:48 AM (#135926)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Áine

Dear 'Seed,

Thank you for the good news about Sally. We know that you have so many things to do and how tired you must be, and we all appreciate these 'updates' you're giving us. Don't forget to take care of yourself, OK?

Hang in there kiddo, your friends are with you!!

-- Áine

14 Nov 99 - 12:35 PM (#135936)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: Pete Peterson

don't forget to give THANKS as well as prayers which ask for something. I have just done both

15 Nov 99 - 03:11 AM (#136243)
Subject: RE: My friend is very sick--BSeed
From: BSeed(CharlesKratz)

Sally seems about the same as yesterday, maybe a little less responsive. I went to see her at about 6 p.m. and played and sang for her. She still isn't responding to the music, and didn't respond to the nurse: of course, he didn't clean her mouth when I was there, as he had last night, and that's what evoked her biggest response to him. The doctor to whom she said "Hi" last night was off tonight, and while I was there no other doctor came (I was only there for a half hour--I was replaced by two other members of the group, Josh and Nancy, who continued seranading her, I don't know to what effect).

After leaving the hospital I went to the Starry Plough where I had a hamburger and a couple of pints of the vile black stuff: I only drank half of the second (not that it didn't taste good--my conscience made me give a little nod to my doctor's orders). After I had waited through two solo sets, Shay finally called on me and I announced that I was going to surrender one type of Plough virginity: I was going to sing a capella: not a great idea--particularly with "Finnegan's Wake," which I started about a fifth two high: I could hit most of the high notes, but didn't have much room for expression; I also blew a couple of the names of the instigators of the riot, sang too fast, failed to stop for breath--all the things one is likely to do when one is terrified.

But I'll try it again next week--but I will depend upon my banjo at least enough to find the key for me.
