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Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)

13 May 14 - 08:07 PM (#3625891)
Subject: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940-12 May 2014)
From: Jeri

Painter HR Giger died Monday after falling down the stairs in his home. He was 74.
Here's his obituary in Rolling Stone.

He combined beautiful and ugly in a very disconcerting way. How could you like something so repulsive? He drew organic machinery (what looks to me to be the origin of Star Trek, TNG's Borg). He created some of the creepiest art I can think of, and I loved it/

14 May 14 - 07:01 AM (#3625971)
Subject: RE: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)
From: Stu

Like many art students in the early 1980's Geiger was a massive influence on me, along with Chris Foss, Patrick Woodroffe (who also died at the weekend) and Mobieus, as well as the comic work of people like Kevin O'Neill, Carlos Ezquerra and Dave Gibbons.

Giger was a true original, and will be sadly missed. The world is certainly less interesting without him in it.

14 May 14 - 10:52 AM (#3626029)
Subject: RE: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)
From: Jeri

Stu, thanks. I hadn't heard Patrick Woodroffe had died. I loved his work, and his very original use of not-quite-completely contrasting colors to highlight and shadow. I have a copy of his "Mythopoeikon " somewhere.

14 May 14 - 03:13 PM (#3626093)
Subject: RE: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)
From: fat B****rd

Love Alien, Good name for a band?.
I picked up a great illustrated book of the late gentleman's creations for a few pence at a Library sale. I shall peruse it just now with awe. RIP Mr. Giger.

14 May 14 - 10:42 PM (#3626157)
Subject: RE: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)
From: Don Firth

The alien in the movie "Alien" was one of the best conceive extraterrestrials I've ever encountered, in movies or science fiction stories. It was reptilian, but not entirely, and it reproduced like certain earth insects (the asp-wasp, which stuns another insect and lays its eggs in the still living body, to incubate, feed on it, then burst forth. As it did so graphically in the movie

And interesting point. The same species of creature appeared in three movies, and although it obviously had its share of animal cunning, you never really do find out if it's intelligent.

Don Firth

15 May 14 - 12:35 AM (#3626167)
Subject: RE: Obit: Artist HR Giger (6 Feb 1940 -12 May 2014)
From: J-boy

I loved his illustrations in the old OMNI magazine. His work defies an easy description. Bio-Mech Gothic is the best I can think of.