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Groundhog video John F Weldon

17 Aug 14 - 10:35 AM (#3651569)
Subject: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: GUEST,john f weldon

I'm enjoying finding songs & making short films out of them for my 3 grandchildren. I thought about the old "Groundhog" song, since we've been having an infestation of these beasts. But as I launched into it, I realized... ...hey, people actually eat these critters?? Gross! So it ended up grosser than I intended. Ah well, here it is....

Grandpa's Groudhog

17 Aug 14 - 12:04 PM (#3651585)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: Sandra in Sydney

John - as always, absolutely brilliant!

not knowing a groundhog from a Bandicoot(another garden pest) I went looking and found this Ground Hogs Suck

18 Aug 14 - 12:52 AM (#3651702)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: Stilly River Sage

Oh my! Gorey enough that children will love it.


18 Aug 14 - 09:22 AM (#3651776)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: GUEST,#

Good one, John.

18 Aug 14 - 01:13 PM (#3651820)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon

thanks John. I've eaten Beaver Tails, but never ground groundhog

18 Aug 14 - 10:39 PM (#3651914)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: Janie

Groundhog is tough but tasty. I ate them fairly often for several years, many years ago. Hard to skin. Very, very hard to skin. They are tough, adaptable rodents who like to hang onto their very thin and very tough hides, even after death. The skins make fine, fine drum heads for very small drums when the occasional roadkill or dog kill, or garden kill is large enough. Very tough, very thin - unusual combo among North American animals. Thinner and tougher than goat. Mostly too small, though. Bet a really, really huge groundhog would make a heck of a banjo head.

Waiting now for a possum video. Also wondering if anyone here has experience using a possum hide as a drum head. I have never been able to bring myself to skin a possum, much less eat one. - though I have a family story about possum at Sunday dinner.

19 Aug 14 - 02:18 AM (#3651936)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: Sandra in Sydney

do tell! maybe John can illustrate it?

20 Aug 14 - 08:31 AM (#3652350)
Subject: RE: Groundhog video John F Weldon
From: GUEST,john f weldon

Thanks everyone.

I don't think I'll actually try to skin & eat a groundhog.

They aren't at all afraid of my son's dachshund; dog & hogs walked around our back yard ignoring each other.

But I did see a slightly larger dog dragging a dead groundhog down the street, obviously proud of his kill. It was so big he could only drag it a couple of feet at a time, but then would stand over it, daring anyone to take away his prize. Wonder if he managed to get it home, and what his master thought of it all.

We don't have possums yet. Raccoons, skunks, a few rabbits & a few foxes. (Montreal, Canada).

cheers, everyone