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Sally can talk!

06 Dec 99 - 03:38 AM (#145311)
Subject: Sally can talk!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Sally's sister Sylvia emailed us all tonight with the great news that Sally's breathing tube was removed from her nose (and throat) today and that she had been moved to a semi-private room outside the ICU. She talked with Sylvia for a while, no mean feat with her vocal cords freshly freed of the constriction of the breathing tube.


06 Dec 99 - 08:22 AM (#145358)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Wonderful news!!! I hope you'll be able to tell Sally soon that we're thinking of her and wishing her the best!

06 Dec 99 - 08:26 AM (#145361)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: katlaughing

That is GREAT, Charles! Still sending our best to her and her fmaily, as well as you and her friends.


06 Dec 99 - 08:29 AM (#145363)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: catspaw49



06 Dec 99 - 08:30 AM (#145364)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: harpgirl

...has she told you you're a lovable old coot, yet Seed?

06 Dec 99 - 10:17 AM (#145408)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Roger the skiffler

Great news, working in a university as I do, we experience periodic outbreaks of meningitis which are always traumatic. I hope her first words weren't "get that banjo outta here!" (Only kidding!)

06 Dec 99 - 10:22 AM (#145412)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Áine

Wonderful, wonderful, news there, 'Seed!! Still keeping her in my thoughts as she goes through her recovery.

Now that she can talk, remember to let her complain and grump abit when she feels like it. She needs to get some of that frustration out that I'm sure she's feeling now. But, tell her that if she gets too grumpy, you'll be doing a banjo marathon right there in her room until she cheers up. That'll speed her recovery up, I tell ya!! *BG*

All the best to Sally and her family, Áine

06 Dec 99 - 10:39 AM (#145421)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Vixen

Way to go! Keep up the recovery...banjos have been known to cause all sorts of relapses, so be VERRRRRRY careful!


06 Dec 99 - 11:32 AM (#145454)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: MMario

Marvelous news!

06 Dec 99 - 11:39 AM (#145456)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Night Owl

GREAT NEWS, Seed. GOOOOD JOB....SALLY,and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06 Dec 99 - 12:19 PM (#145477)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Rick Fielding

Wonderful to hear Seed. Heather and I are so pleased.

06 Dec 99 - 12:26 PM (#145481)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: sophocleese

That is wonderful to hear. Good for her but I'm sorry you won't have a captive audience for banjo playing:-) I'm sure it helped a lot.

06 Dec 99 - 06:35 PM (#145674)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Neil Lowe

...great news seed....

Wishes for a continuation of encouraging prospects for a complete recovery.


08 Dec 99 - 07:07 PM (#146810)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Bert


09 Dec 99 - 06:56 PM (#147281)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: bobby's girl

Great news! Hope Sally will be recovered enough to sing a few Christmas Carols - with or without banjo accompaniment!

09 Dec 99 - 07:21 PM (#147283)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Micca

Hi Guys, This is Der Echt Micca returninig to you, I will posst properly elsewhere, but what wonderful news especially on the day they let me home, Charles , Print the various threads and take them in to her, if its feasable, even my very professional nurses( at The Royal London) who have seen it all were impressed with the effect it had on my general wellbeing. However if she is in a situation or physical state where laughing may be akward/painful/etc give here Cletus' posts later. It hurt like hell and I laughed so hard the nurses came running!!!

10 Dec 99 - 02:31 AM (#147451)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Micca, glad to hear you're back on the giving side (that's absurd--I was about to say "the giving side of the circle"--circles ain't got sides, except insides and outsides)(well, maybe it does make sense: the circle are those projecting their healing energies inward, and now that your healing is well on its way, you're back outside, giving good healing)(I started this particular parenthesis with another of my stupid pedantic asides [is an "aside" inside or outside?] but thought better of it). Anyway, it's good to have you back on your feet and on the outside of the circle (if you are on your feet instead of your back[side], are you on your downside? I'd better quit this before someone goes upside my head).


10 Dec 99 - 06:13 AM (#147477)
Subject: RE: Sally can talk!
From: Áine

Great news about Sally!! Tell her we're still rooting for her and for a complete recovery. I'm sure that all of her friends are happy to hear her voice again.

B'Seed, what can I say, except GO TO BED!! Put the harmonica down and shut your eyes. You know, you can have too much of a good thing, ya know! Congrats are on the other thread about your triumph with the band. Nightie night, now . . .

-- Áine