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bbc tooting her own horn

06 Dec 99 - 11:42 AM (#145459)
Subject: bbc tooting her own horn
From: bbc

Hi, folks,

I'm kind of tickled that the resources site has had more than 4,000 visits since last April when it opened--particularly since it is an unadvertised site. Thanks for coming by!

best to all & happy December holidays,

bbc (preparing for Christmas in a warm New York)

06 Dec 99 - 11:50 AM (#145463)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Peter T.

toot away sweetheart, toot away. yours, Peter T.

06 Dec 99 - 11:57 AM (#145465)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: MMario

pssst! bbc! sorry, 3421 of those visits were Bert looking up his e-mail address.....CRS y'know....

06 Dec 99 - 01:07 PM (#145497)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: selby

what sort of horn do you play? Keith

06 Dec 99 - 01:58 PM (#145516)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: JedMarum

It's easy to see why you have so many hits; ya did a great job! It's quick and easy to use, and its got good content. It helps to visualize who yer talkin' to in the forum, sometimes, and know a bit about their background. Email addrs, photos and profiles - these things have come in handy when using the forum. For example; I know now not to tell Kat how my dogs really feel about kitties! Likewise, I know not to tell Rick Fielding my best banjo player jokes, but Kendall may actually appreciate some of my "Maine-iac" stories.

I like the Resources section and hope more Mudcatters take advantage of it!

06 Dec 99 - 02:13 PM (#145526)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: folk1234

Dear bbc:
You deserve to be tooted. Thanks for all your hard work. I know you have a few other things to do.

06 Dec 99 - 03:17 PM (#145573)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Allan C.

For those who have little idea of what is being talked about here is an amazing resource site which bbc and her magical son have created and maintained. It has information about many of us and even has pictures of some of us. You can get there by following the LINKS (top of nearly every page but this one - try the forum home page). But in this case, I will help bbc to blow her horn by putting a blue clicky thing here.

06 Dec 99 - 05:37 PM (#145639)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Áine

Toot Away bbc!! You do a fantastic job (voluntarily!!!) and both you and your son deserve a grand toot-up, for sure. I am the 'webmistress' for a non-profit organization also, and I know how 'forgotten' someone behind the scenes can become. Please know that all your time and effort is very, very much appreciated. And for all those who don't maintain a website, especially one that changes often like the one bbc & son maintain, it DOES take a good deal of time and desire to do it right!

For she's a jolly good fellow, and so forth, Áine

06 Dec 99 - 05:42 PM (#145644)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Big Mick

Beebs, (and the rest of youse layabouts better not call her that, cuz only Lane, Fielding, Swan and Patterson have permission)you shouldn't have to toot yer own horn (Shut up, 'Spaw)cause we are all in yer debt for starting that page. I love it, and I love you. Well done, lady, and double Big Mick hugs to you.

All the best,


06 Dec 99 - 06:45 PM (#145681)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: katlaughing

Lane, Fielding, Swan, and Patterson, eh? Sounds like a law firm to me!**BG** I think I mighta called her that once, too, Mickdarlin'!

Grand job, BBC! Thanks to you and David for all the hard work. How is the coffeehouse singing going?


06 Dec 99 - 07:08 PM (#145700)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: DougR

No doubt about it, bbc, that's one horn that deserves to be tooted@

Love ya, DougR

06 Dec 99 - 08:08 PM (#145733)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

Beebs, ya done good! I've said before that the work you and David have put into this has been more than "above the call of duty." Now I also need to point out that Bert not only visits to get his e-mail addy as Mario said, but he also checks in there on a regular basis since he can't remember who HE is and likes to check the photo against his driver's license. You've probably had a lot of hits (and I know you'd like to give me a few) from people who are wanting a look at Cleigh. Now aren't you glad you included him..LMAO!!!

Many Thanks and Much Love,


06 Dec 99 - 10:48 PM (#145812)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Barbara

Toot sweet!
Good job!

06 Dec 99 - 11:08 PM (#145827)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Mbo

Congratulations, Barbara! Your website is top notch! A lot of those hits are mine--I visit at least once a week! Lets hope many more hits in the future! As Austin Powers said "It's all on the 1, it's all on the 2, it' all on the three, it's all on the bbc!"


07 Dec 99 - 12:30 AM (#145875)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: JedMarum

Perhaps this is the wrong place to ask, bbc - but I sent profile info in on Friday via the link posted on the resources site. Did ya get it?

07 Dec 99 - 12:33 AM (#145876)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: thosp

liam -- i would have sworn i read it there about an hour ago

07 Dec 99 - 01:41 AM (#145889)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: JedMarum

thosp - Liam's Brother (no relation) is there. And I have some pics up among the photos, but no profile, yet.

07 Dec 99 - 07:47 AM (#145934)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Cleigh O'Possum

Dear Ms. bbc,

I can't toot myself and I know that the way I'm tooted is disgusting to you, but I hope you'll still accept my thanks for including me in the Mudcat Photo Album. Being a little clay possum, I can understand why you didn't really want to give me my own picture page, but I am sooo glad you did and I hope that now you don't mind having me among my many friends at Mudcat.

Cletus is always being mean to me since he got arrested for peeping in Ms. Jeri's windows and the nice policeman didn't make me go to jail too. Cletus had to go to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed for "Malfeasance with a Marsupial" and has been mean to me ever since he got back. He even threatens me with his tiple! I show him my picture page and he goes away, but he says really terrible things as he does. So again, thank you very much.


Cleigh O'Possum

07 Dec 99 - 09:45 PM (#146302)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Roger in Baltimore


I know I have at least a dozen of those hits. I really checked it out before the Getaway so I would know who to look for.

Your and David's hard work is much appreciated down here in Merlin.

Roger in Baltimore

08 Dec 99 - 11:35 AM (#146557)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Easy Rider

Many thanx, bbc & son, for your outstanding work.

08 Dec 99 - 11:53 PM (#146960)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Mudjack

Thanks for the toot and thanks for the site.


09 Dec 99 - 12:14 AM (#146963)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Dave Swan

Great stuff, beebs. Both you and David continue to do an outstanding job. Now about profiles. Can you fix mine? Something a little taller perhaps? Tighter in the waist and thicker in the chest. And more hair. Thanks. E.S.

09 Dec 99 - 11:36 AM (#147113)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: bbc


You may have to take that profile to the gym or diet center to modify it--sorry! As for liam, I did receive your info, but am in the midst of an absolute killer week in my *real* life--getting ready for our 1st coffeehouse gig this coming Sat. pm, last rehearsals for the church choir Christmas cantata, & David's debut Thursday-Saturday in the high school production of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" (He's Erronius--although he's hardly ever wrong!). W/ the hair color, I've had a preview of him as an old man & he is really cute! It's a funny role & we have enjoyed the 2 dress rehearsals. Duane & I will be helping seve the refreshments at intermission the next two nights & then doing our own gig Saturday. I'm also supposed to be getting ready for Christmas--gifts, cards--*and* doing the regular stuff to keep us in food & clean clothes. Eeek!

Thanks for your kind words about the site. I am enjoying it & will do the best I can for you.



09 Dec 99 - 02:44 PM (#147186)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: KathWestra

Dear Barbara -- Thanks for all you do to make our virtual community seem a lot more real. Toot, toot, indeed! Like RiB, I checked out the profiles and photos before the Getaway to see who all these neat people were who were coming. Nice to be able to say hi to them (and you) by name.

Now Kat, the idea of "Lane, Fielding, Patterson, and Swan" strikes fear in my heart. Imagine them around a conference table, wearing suits..... Nope, don't! Actually, it reminds me of one of my all-time favorite New Yorker cartoons, showing the door of a law firm. The door sign read: Dolan and Murphy, Attorneys at Law (formerly Jimmy and Slats, folksingers).

Thanks again, Barbara. Happy gigs, plays, and holidays! Kath

09 Dec 99 - 02:50 PM (#147190)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: MMario

El Swanno --check your e-mail.....*snicker*

09 Dec 99 - 04:03 PM (#147217)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Dave Swan

Kath, You're not far off. See if you can get Lane to invite you to a board meeting. Pretty scary.

MMario, You're a miracle worker...and warped.

Cheers, E.S.

09 Dec 99 - 09:43 PM (#147345)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Big Mick

Well, by jingo, it looks like we will have a board meeting this summer if my email is any indication........If the four principals in this firm of layabouts get together in Kalamazoo and at my shack, the craic will be fierce. We may have to video tape it just to prove it happened. And have the cops put on an extra cruiser or two................LOL. I will be in touch.


09 Dec 99 - 10:13 PM (#147360)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

It seems as though a Board Meeting may be a happening thing. Photo ops will be available and sound bytes as well. I would also expect some real bites as the board members are all well known to indulge in gluttony...just part of the layabout profile.

And I think we need to start calling Beebs "Toots" instead. Somehow it fits.

So Toots, I meant to ask...Why are you "seving" drinks? Did you mean sieving? If so, again, why? These are kids! Don't you think you could get something a little more pure? Well, wait a minute here....You probably meant save the refreshments. Again why? If you're going to have refreshments at all, you need to let the audience have them. How cheap!!! I'm incensed....preferably sandalwood. Oh well..........


10 Dec 99 - 12:46 AM (#147427)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: ddw


just came out of your site, looking up an e-mail address and browsing the photos. It's great to be able to put faces with the wits, warm people and wackos here on M'cat and I'd like to thank you for your efforts. Also a doff of the hat to David, since you give him credit for a lot of the work.

great site, folks.

see ya,


10 Dec 99 - 12:55 AM (#147429)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Brendy

Nice one indeed, and congratulations!

10 Dec 99 - 01:09 AM (#147432)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: emily rain

i also use the site all the time, and not just to remind myself what a babe that max is... as if i need reminding! but for me, the resources site is essential to the mudcat experience. where would we be without you, my dear? faceless and isolated in a cold flickering electronic world... my eternal thanks.

10 Dec 99 - 11:38 AM (#147582)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: bbc

Pat--you dirty dog!!! One typo (w/ my stellar record!) & look at the abuse I get! And I'd already told you I was stressed. Boo! Hiss! Yes, I meant to say we were "serving" refreshments. Opening night was really great! David got a lot of applause & I think it really shocked him. I can just see him abandoning a lucrative potential career in computers and going into speech & threatre! I got some great digital photos of him at the dress rehearsal. Hmmmmmmm.


10 Dec 99 - 11:48 AM (#147586)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: MMario

bbc - I work/and or play with various improv troupes - and the number of actors who are moonlighting from high-tech computer jobs is incredible. the two seem to go well together.

10 Dec 99 - 11:51 AM (#147589)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Mbo

Glad to hear about David's performance, Barbara. I can't wait to see the pictures!


10 Dec 99 - 12:37 PM (#147605)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

Once again, those in Hi-Tech often need Hi-Touch to balance their world and our good friend Mario is an excellent example!!!

And Toots, I'm sorry...Never thought of "serving" drinks. Sounds kinda' sloppy on the one end and dangerous on the other. Do you use a racket?.....And tell David the 'Catters are all applauding him too. Good luck on your gig...Report back to us on how things went...and try to watch Duane's diet beforehand. He's well known as a flatulator and I'd hate to see your performance ruined. Then again, you could bill yourselves as "Poots and Toots." Just a thought.


10 Dec 99 - 12:50 PM (#147616)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

come to think of it......Toots, maybe y'all need to add some whistle stuff in to your act, maybe with a lute too. And dress things up a bit with some cowboy attire. I mean, it would make one helluva headline:

"Rave Hoots for Poots and Toots in Fringed Suits and Boots on Flutes and Lutes"


10 Dec 99 - 01:05 PM (#147621)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

...and if it works out well, even with Duane's facial hair and flatulence, maybe you could get a gig playing some soft backkground music for a group of Gingrich supporters...and get even BIGGER headlines:

NEWT'S COOTS ROOT AND HOOT FOR HIRSUTE POOTS AND TOOTS IN SUITS AND BOOTS ON LUTES AND FLUTES WITH MUTES" me...............Skiffler, up the Insanevac chopper and turn down the sheets on my bed at the NYCFTTS...and tune my tiple!


10 Dec 99 - 01:13 PM (#147625)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: MMario

'spaw, you're just having an attack of the Suess-flu

10 Dec 99 - 02:29 PM (#147662)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: dutchiev

Toot til your hearts content!!!! This is a great site.

10 Dec 99 - 09:01 PM (#147870)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Big Mick

And that, Ladies, Gentleman and assorted barn animals, is why he is the Senior Partner in the firm of Lane, Fielding, Swan and Patterson, Layabouts at Large..................ROTFLMAO

Big Mick

11 Dec 99 - 11:24 AM (#148091)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: catspaw49

And I thank you Mr. Lane. I know how hard you work at your "Gang of 12" duties as our partner in charge of "Fertility Rites" and I like to be sure that the firm is well represented with one piece or more of Complete and Total Crappola on a daily basis.

Layabouts-at-Large/Gang of 12
No Bullshit Too Menial
Purveyors of Forthright,Honest,and Jovial Obscenity
Good Music Too ......... Available Most Hours

11 Dec 99 - 11:39 AM (#148094)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: bbc

catspaw, you are incorrigible (& we keep trying to *dis-courage* you!!!!)!

I couldn't resist--(Well, I suppose I could have, but, you know, proud mama & all.)I put up one of the pictures from "Forum" on David's photo page. Check it out--davidmc24. Also, had time to put up a great photo of Big Mick's band & a new photo on lloyd61's page.



P.S.--Pat, stop picking on Duane! He doesn't have time to get you back!

11 Dec 99 - 11:55 AM (#148107)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
From: Art Thieme

BBC----I've been back at least a thousand of those times just to look at my own pictures!

Love & thanks,


11 Dec 99 - 12:58 PM (#148127)
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn

Deer Miz Toots,

I wunna thankee fer all the nice pitcherz whut yuh dun put up an all, even thet stoopit possum whut Catspaw luvs so much. An I dun chekt out thet pitcher uv David too an I seen az how he wuz all circullt by then purty young gurlz soze I figger he muz be Ok even iffen he duz dress rite funny.

Catspaw iz doin lotz uv Chrissmuz stuff but when I tole him whut you sed bout Mr.Duane an all, he sed thet Mr. Duane wuz probbly nockt out cold frum bean hit with a trout affer pazzin sum gas.