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BS: Whiskey - explain this ???

06 Apr 16 - 02:21 AM (#3783618)
Subject: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

About 3 weeks ago I strained muscle/tendon/ligament - not sure which - around a knee.
It has become progressively stiffer, and I walk with a limp....

It's not that painful, but walking is awkward, and going up & down stairs is a task.
Down stairs really makes the big muscle above the knee spasm and feel like its about to collapse under me...

No big deal, I just presume it'll heal itself eventually...

However, tonight I bought a bargain litre bottle of Famous Grouse in Tesco..
A real treat, my first drink since new years eve.

[wife's away visiting her family]

.. and after a few glasses watching rubbish movies on TV.. my knee now feels much better ???

I can actually walk briskly downstairs without holding the banister.

Explain this ?????

Btw.. I grew up on old cowboy movies.. whiskey really must be the cure all for everything... ?????

06 Apr 16 - 02:49 AM (#3783619)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave Hanson

Perhaps it's relaxing effect does the trick ? it sometimes relaxes me so much I feel no pain at all.

Dave H

06 Apr 16 - 03:03 AM (#3783626)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Ebbie

I had a friend who always claimed that he was a better car driver when he'd had a few drinks. :) Seriously, rest and relaxation may have done the trick.

06 Apr 16 - 03:12 AM (#3783628)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: MGM·Lion

A familiar, but highly dangerous, illusion, Eliza! What he meant was that he felt more irrationally confident, to the imminent peril of all other road-users. Lucky not to have found himself in prison for causing death by dangerous driving.


06 Apr 16 - 03:13 AM (#3783629)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: MGM·Lion

I meant Ebbie -- sorry. Can't imagine why I addressed that to Eliza!

06 Apr 16 - 03:15 AM (#3783630)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: MGM·Lion

& it wasn't the whisky coz I haven't drunk a drop of alcohol this millennium...

06 Apr 16 - 03:42 AM (#3783636)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Thompson

I've had an increasingly awful chest infection for five weeks, mainly due to undermedication: last time I had a sinus infection (which I get all the time), the doc gave me some antibiotics to keep against the day of the next one, in case he'd be away when I got it.
He doesn't usually need to see me when I get these things - he's known me for years and knows what it's going to look like.
I took these, and they didn't make it better, and added a ferocious stomach pain. After five days of it, I emailed the doc and he faxed through a prescription for Augmentin to the local chemist; a five-day or seven-day course, I forget which. At the end of the course I was a fair bit better, but not quite, so I emailed again, and got a call from a locum. She point-blan refused to give me a further three days of Augmentin, and said I could go to their emergency clinic over the bank holiday weekend if I was still sick.
I was, but jibbed at the expense (for the clinic, not me), and also at having to cycle a couple of miles to the clinic. So I went out and got a bottle of decent Irish whiskey in Lidl (Dundealgan) and drank some, neat.
It didn't cure the dose (obv!), but it damped it down over the weekend and I was able to get through.
I think whiskey's great as a *short-term* cure-all. After all, what's the proverb - something like "An rud nach leighseann uisce beatha ná im, níl aon leighis ann" (or something better put) - the thing whiskey or butter won't cure, there's no medicine for.
In the end, by the way, a week later the doctor gave me Klacid and steroids, because the infection was deep in my chest. And I started taking high-dose Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 on the advice of a friend who does a bit of healing and said if I was getting infections all the time I was probably deficient. Seems to be working.
I credit the whiskey.

06 Apr 16 - 04:46 AM (#3783650)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Leadfingers

Whiskey IS a relaxant - Sometimes I het so relaxed I cant move

06 Apr 16 - 04:47 AM (#3783651)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Doug Chadwick

As it is the Easter holidays, we are looking after our 8 year old grandson. Last week we went bowling and, by the end of the game, my shoulder really hurt. That was followed, a few days later, by a game of swing ball, where you try to bat a tennis ball on a string round a post. My back was so sore the next day that I found it difficult to walk.

I hadn't thought about it but a common factor in these two events was that, on neither occasion, did I drink any whiskey. There have also been games of football in the garden but I leave those to the wife. She doesn't drink whiskey and she's full of aches and pains.

We are going swimming today. If I am suffering tomorrow, I will know the cause and the cure. The only trouble is, I don't like whiskey.


06 Apr 16 - 05:22 AM (#3783659)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: G-Force

Surely, Famous Grouse is whisky, not whiskey.

06 Apr 16 - 05:38 AM (#3783660)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

I tried the whisky diet once. Lost 4 days in a week...

06 Apr 16 - 05:42 AM (#3783661)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Punkfolkrocker, If you're going to drink Whisky at least buy yourself some decent Malt. Leave the Grouse for cooking, it's about all its fit for.

In response to your question I would think any alcohol is a relaxant and will also deaden any discomfort you might otherwise feel.

06 Apr 16 - 05:47 AM (#3783662)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: MGM·Lion

Yes, G-Force is right. Nearly all Scotch brands spell it whisky without an e, while Irish & Bourbon &c insert an e. But, despite my having been called a legendary pedant by an online acquaintance some years ago, this is not imo a distinction particularly worth getting
knicker·in·twisty about:-

especially after 1 or 2...


06 Apr 16 - 05:49 AM (#3783664)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Senoufou

Hello MGMLion! You only have to mention my name and here I am!

In UK I believe it's whisky. A whiskey is a very small pony shay or trap, often made of basketwork. (You can tell I haunt the Royal Norfolk Show every year)

I reckon strong spirits are a muscle relaxant. Many strained muscles go into spasm, which is painful in itself. I suppose intensive massage would have the same effect, but not quite so pleasurably. (Depends on the masseuse though!)

06 Apr 16 - 06:07 AM (#3783670)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: MGM·Lion

Actually, I found when I gave up alcohol exactly the same as I had found when giving up smoking some years before [for the record, my last small cigar was smoked on 3 April 1975]:- ie that the pleasure of having shaken off any dependency on the addictive habit far surpassed any pleasure I had ever derived from practising it. Being a non-smoking abstainer I find a constant positive and triumphant delight.

This is not intended as any sort of universal law; merely a statement of what now works for me, and has brought me well into my 80s. If your mileage varies, then I wish you the best of pleasure & fortune from your addictions & indulgences.


06 Apr 16 - 07:17 AM (#3783689)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Richard Bridge

Some friends and I did a bit of a whisky tasting Easter Monday. One chap had three of the ALDI (or is it LIDL?) single malts that came as a job lot for £15 each (!) and a Glenlivet. I had a Singleton (Dufftown) and another chap had a Strathisla from Sainsbury's. I'd rather have been drinking a Grouse than any of the cheapsters, and it is probably the least offensive of the cheap blends. The Strathisla was very nice.

I do not consider the stuff from other places. My youngest daughter once bought me a bottle of something Japanese that was well reviewed, and I think it was quite expensive but I took one taste and gave her the bottle back. It was horrid. I have drunk illegal things that were more palatable. I was quite unpopular!

06 Apr 16 - 07:27 AM (#3783690)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

You are quite correct to say that Grouse is the least offensive of the common blends but that is rather like saying a punch in the face is better than a kick in the nuts. I would not willing choose to sample either.

My favourite at the moment is Caol Ila which I think is rather, nay very, good and unlike some of the Islay Malts not over iodine in flavour.

06 Apr 16 - 07:53 AM (#3783702)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Charmion

Raggy, you're such a snob. Grouse is delicious when mixed one to one with ginger wine to make a Whisky Mac. But don't try to do anything challenging after -- it's very relaxing.

06 Apr 16 - 07:58 AM (#3783708)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Not a snob Charmion. Think about this. Some talented distiller puts his heart and soul and years of his life into creating a Malt Whisky. Then someone else says well if I mix that with some cheap grain whisky I can make this second rate product.

Then someone else puts Ginger Wine in it .......... Uggghhhhh !!!

06 Apr 16 - 08:33 AM (#3783717)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Thompson

Irish whiskey was the original; English genocide-watchers following the troops were raving about it in the 1500s. At that stage it was flavoured with various herbs and spices.
At some stage during the tax wars when every Irish product was taxed out of existence in favour of English or Scottish products, Scotland started making whiskey in a big way, but spelled it 'whisky' to distinguish it from the Irish version. With favourable tax and tariff backing and help with export, the Scottish product took over.
I think Scots whiskies tend to be blended, whereas Irish whiskeys are more likely to be a single malt, but I wouldn't be an expert. Don't really like most of the Scotches, though some of the island ones are peaty and smoky and very pleasant. In Irish whiskey, I'd like Green Spot and Jemmys and Black Bush and Connemara best, I suppose.

06 Apr 16 - 09:49 AM (#3783736)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Charmion

Context is everything, Raggy. Take one Canadian winter, add 80 feet of driveway, a snow shovel and a pair of leaky boots, and you have an excellent recipe for Whisky Mac receptivity.

I doubt very much that the keelies who brew the stuff behind the bird label are putting even very much effort into it, let alone heart and soul. For that, I look elsewhere ... Speyside, anyone? One is also very fond of an Irish product called Writers' Tears.

Again, very relaxing.

06 Apr 16 - 09:58 AM (#3783738)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Not tried Writers Tears as yet but I know it is sold in a bar I will be visiting in a few weeks. I'll report back.

06 Apr 16 - 10:08 AM (#3783742)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

Right .. I'm awake now... and no hangover...

Raggy.. when I was a teenager and starting to drink in local pubs.. something like Bells or Teachers was about all they had on the optics.
Same in family drinks cupboards..
I drank it, but at the cost of terrible indigestion..

So the only spirits I drank until my 30s was vodka or bacardi.

Then in the 1990s Tesco started doing really good deals on a variety of single malts,
I risked trying, and was in heaven.
Glorious stuff.
So every Xmas drinking season the wife let me stock up 3 or 4 different bottles of malt.
.. and it made buying xmas presents for me that much easier for her.

.. and I'd have a cheap bottle of rot gut supermarket own brand for mixing in tea

But in the last few years the price of malts in local supermarkets seems to have rocketed upwardly out of control.

So in recent years I was lucky if I had only 2 bottles.

One theory I heard somewhere is the Chinese are now buying so much,
the demand has pushed up UK prices...
[any economists want to debate that...]

Anyway, money was tight this xmas so I could only have the cheapest single malt in Tesco..

It was absolutely effin vile..
For the first time in my life I had discovered a malt that was near undrinkable.

So The wife took pity, saw litre bottles of Teachers were on cut price offer
and let me have one for mixing with tea and fizzy pops.

To my surprise Teachers in the 21st century was actually not that unpleasant and I could drink it neat without indigestion.

I was allowed one more bottle for New Years ever, but Tesco had run out,
but had cut price litres of Bells instead.

Same surprisingly positive result....

Yesterday I saw Famous Grouse at the same price as Bells, so I gave it a try out of curiosity..

Honestly not that bad if you are too skint for an old favourite single malt.

As for whiskey or whisky ???

Considering how many glasses I drank before taking a break to start this thread
it's amazing I spelled anything right....!!!!! 😜

Oh, and my still feels a bit better than before I took the medication..........

The wife comes home friday...

06 Apr 16 - 10:11 AM (#3783745)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker


06 Apr 16 - 10:45 AM (#3783751)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Will Fly

The history of whisky/whiskey in Scotland and Ireland is slightly more complex than described in Thompson's post.

The art of distillation spread to Ireland and Scotland no later than the 15th century, as did the common European practice of distilling 'Aqua Vitae' or spirit alcohol primarily for medicinal purposes. The practice of medicinal distillation eventually passed from a monastic setting to the secular via professional medical practitioners of the time, The Guild of Surgeon Barbers. The first confirmed written record of whisky in Ireland comes from 1405, in the Irish Annals of Clonmacnoise, which attributes the death of a chieftain to "taking a surfeit of aqua vitae" at Christmas. In Scotland, the first evidence of whisky production comes from an entry in the Exchequer Rolls for 1494 where malt is sent "To Friar John Cor, by order of the king, to make aquavitae", enough to make about 500 bottles... After the English Malt Tax of 1725, most of Scotland's distillation was either shut down or forced underground. Scotch whisky was hidden under altars, in coffins, and in any available space to avoid the governmental excisemen or revenuers. Scottish distillers, operating out of homemade stills, took to distilling whisky at night when the darkness hid the smoke from the stills. For this reason, the drink became known as moonshine. At one point, it was estimated that over half of Scotland's whisky output was illegal. [Wikipedia]

But of course, the process is much older than that, going back into the 13th century...

06 Apr 16 - 12:45 PM (#3783773)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Rapparee

Possibly older than the 13th Century. Such things hang around but aren't mentioned until someone decides to do so.

Y'all should try some of the whiskeys made in Wyoming and Montana.

06 Apr 16 - 01:15 PM (#3783777)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

There are some blends I find OK. Sorry Raggy:-( White and Mackays, very popular in my only regular haunt north of the border. Bit rarer is Stewarts cream of the barley. In fact, not seen anyb of that for yonks! Must say though that I do water down blends about 50/50 whereas I drink my favourite malts (usually Speyside) neat.

06 Apr 16 - 01:20 PM (#3783779)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Kampervan

I've tried lots of whiskies, both with and without an 'e' and whilst my favourite is definitely Highland Park, I can't say that I've ever had one that I wouldn't drink.

06 Apr 16 - 01:41 PM (#3783784)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

That's how lucky I felt - until that cheap bottle of single malt in Tesco this Xmas.

i was taken in like a proper sucker.
It wasn't Tesco own brand, and looked like a genuine 'average' single malt at a promotional price.

As it was the only bottle i was allowed for xmas due to 'household economising',
it was a severe shock and disappointment when I took the first sip.

I was proper pissed off !!! 😠

It was nasty.. like the rough whisky/ey my parents brought home from holiday in Yugoslavia in the early 1980s...

Buggered if I can remember the name of the bottle now.
At the time I looked it up on google.. and there were other complaints of how bad it was.

Further investigation of the small print on the box and bottle revealed that there was no disclosed "Age"...

Even though it was liquid shite, I couldn't waste the money so made myself drink it.
Disposing of the bottle and box evidence in recycling as quickly as possible...

06 Apr 16 - 02:01 PM (#3783794)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Thompson

Will Fly - Yeah, you're probably right (though I'd be surprised if distillation wasn't used earlier by the hereditary medical families in Ireland, for instance); what I should have said was that Irish whiskey in the 1500s was considered the best - the flavourings, distillation, etc. Of course, the people saying so were quite possibly the same kind of alcoholic journalists that are 'embedded' today.

06 Apr 16 - 02:31 PM (#3783810)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash


Occasionally I used to venture into the like of Morrison's, Tesco's the Co-Op etc. Now and again they would have a single malt on "offer"

I bought one at every opportunity and am now sitting next to a cupboard with about 70 bottles of Whisk(e)y in it.

............. I don't drink at home on my own.

If anyone calls I am more than happy to open and share whatever they desire and over the course of the years I've managed not to miss the occasional (then) £15 to £20 quid.

Shop around my friend, you can still get good whisky at reasonable prices.

06 Apr 16 - 04:45 PM (#3783825)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Joe_F

A Scottish version of "Landlord, fill the flowing bowl" has:

Whisky is the remedy for every kind of evil...
But in the course of time...
It sends you to the devil.

06 Apr 16 - 05:15 PM (#3783832)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

My best bargain of all time was in Safeway in Swinton before it became Morrisons. Bottle of malt, Glen Morangie if I remember rightly, advertised at half price. Can't remember how much at the time but when I got to the check out they charged me full price. Took it to customer services who checked that the shelf edge label still said half price, which it did, refunded the full price and let me keep the bottle for free! I was not quick enough to beat them to removing the offer ;-)

06 Apr 16 - 05:40 PM (#3783841)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: olddude

You have to get the stuff
Made in the woods. It will cure anything

06 Apr 16 - 07:16 PM (#3783864)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Thompson

It'll cure anything, because you'll be there quietly raving to yourself in peace in the psychiatric hospital and you won't notice any other diseases any more!

06 Apr 16 - 08:24 PM (#3783874)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: olddude

Correct you are

07 Apr 16 - 04:22 AM (#3783932)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Mr Red

Rheumatis' medicine.

07 Apr 16 - 09:00 PM (#3784114)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Fossil

Many, many years ago, I was a regular weekend traveller (to the UK on Friday, to France on Sunday)on the cross-Channel ferries. I used to take advantage of the duty-free store to keep the household stocked with liquor (usually gin). But one night, the duty-free shop had a special offer: 100-year-old single-malt Scotch for 39.50 UK pounds.

I havered over this for the rest of the voyage. I knew that it was a dirt-cheap price for this whisky. I was told by the staff that the UK Customs had changed the rules on the practice of "bonding" stack, so that duty was payable when it was laid down, not when it was sold, so the distilleries were caught out with huge bills and were selling off their reserves to make the payments.

At the same time, it was still a big financial stretch for me and eventually I passed the opportunity by. I have regretted it ever since.

I have tasted 100-year old Scotch since then, and loved it. I should have bought as many bottles as I could carry!

08 Apr 16 - 04:00 AM (#3784151)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

I once taught a computer course on which were some employees of a major distillery. At the time the cost of manufacture had exceeded the cost of storage and they were in the strange situation that 5 year old malts were costing them less than the 3 year old blends!

Their biggest single customer was then the Finnish government who used to buy all the whisky for the country in an attempt to control alcoholism. When they offered the Finns the better stuff for a lower price they refused on the basis that it was too good and they didn't want people to get used to it!

08 Apr 16 - 07:06 AM (#3784174)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Richard Bridge

Raggy, have you tried the Caol Ila Moch? I like it VERY much and you can get it for about £40 a bottle if you hunt about.

08 Apr 16 - 07:27 AM (#3784176)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Can't say I have Richard. I'll keep my eyes open for this one.

I rarely drink at home on my own but I am more than happy to share a few drams with anyone who calls though. The Caol Ila was disposed of double quick time mainly by myself. I was really very taken with it.

08 Apr 16 - 08:24 AM (#3784190)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Richard Bridge

Cheaper elsewhere, and less favourable tasting notes elsewhere, but the notes here are totally in line with my own impressions.

08 Apr 16 - 10:26 AM (#3784207)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

Richard - That's my basic problem...

"about £40" translates as

"what...!!!???... 40 effin quid...!!!!?????
.. If I had £40 to spare, I could get a decent FX pedal or mic in a sale for that much.." 😬

Bet it tastes good though.... 😎

08 Apr 16 - 10:59 AM (#3784215)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: akenaton

The last time the Scotch Whisky experts were asked to judge a selection for some prize ....think it was the Sunday times, they selected as the easy winner a whisky produced in Taiwan.

A friend of mine was involved in the selection and he will never be allowed to forget it    :0)

08 Apr 16 - 12:45 PM (#3784230)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Richard Bridge

Well I sort of agree PFR, except that I don't use pedals any more and I have plenty of mics (my latest score was a pair of lovely vintage AKG D190Es for a song - I now have three). I like the original AKG D880S better than anything up to and including a Shure Beta 58 (of which I have one) and when they were mainstream I got 4 of those new for about £100. What do you like for kick drum?

08 Apr 16 - 01:27 PM (#3784238)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Herein lies a difference Punkfolkrocker, you obviously prefer to play amplified music and I prefer a good Malt.

I don't usually like loud music, there are exceptions, but I do enjoy a good Malt especially when shared with like minded people.

A new blast it out pedal or a new Malt .......... no contest !!

I do like music, it soothes the savage beast within me, but so does a good malt. Given the choice between the two I would probably opt for the music but I hope I never have to make that choice.

08 Apr 16 - 02:31 PM (#3784258)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

Raggy - my dilema is I adore both...

But music gear is a reasonably long term disposable 'asset'..

In a dire financial emergency you can't pawn or sell an empty bottle... 😜

btw.. no bottle of malt has ever lasted more that a week after being opened in my house..

I just enjoy long mellow late nights listening to music on headphones with a few glasses..

08 Apr 16 - 06:43 PM (#3784288)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Anne Lister

Very surprised and disappointed none of you appear to have tried Penderyn from Wales - there are various forms of it to be had, depending on the barrels it was aged in, but it has been winning medals in competitions and is our favourite whisky, bar none (I used to be a Highland Park fan). Oh, and I suppose the correct spelling would therefore be wisgi.

08 Apr 16 - 07:34 PM (#3784294)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Richard Bridge

Thank you for the tip Anne. Surprisingly not-too-astronomically priced.

08 Apr 16 - 07:39 PM (#3784296)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

Anne, I have a bottle at home and today had a very small tot. It's not to my taste at all. Glad that I've tried it ........ would I buy another bottle ................ no.

08 Apr 16 - 08:01 PM (#3784299)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

My wife is a South Wales valleys girl, so we tried a bottle as soon as we could find it inexpensive enough..

Before that I think we had a few free tasters in a posh off license in Cardiff...

09 Apr 16 - 10:26 AM (#3784382)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

My local Sainburys had Highland Park on today at £29.00 a bottle. Can't go wrong at that price.

09 Apr 16 - 11:01 AM (#3784391)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: punkfolkrocker

Mrs punkfolkrocker isn't usually very fond of w[h]isk[e]y...
but her bolshy nationalist red dragon pride prevailed when we discovered that Welsh single malt.
So she insisted on finding an expensive posh bottle of Welsh mineral water to dilute her share of the bottle...

Which raises the issue of watering down malts....???

I simply prefer drinking it neat, but am aware of expert opinions that suggest adding water can improve the experience...??????

I did once have a bottle of extra strong single malt where the label stated water should be added...

09 Apr 16 - 02:04 PM (#3784423)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

If you can get the same water that the distillery use it should not alter the taste. So I am told!

09 Apr 16 - 04:03 PM (#3784443)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Raggytash

40 years ago I'd just passed my driving test and took my girlfriend of the time to the Isle of Syke.

One night in a pub I thought I try the indigenous whisky, Talisker.

I tried the 10 year old, 12 year old, 15 year old, 18 year old and thought bugger it they had a 25 and a 50 year old. Might as well do the whole caboodle. The 25 year old was harsh to say the least.

An old boy sitting at the bar told me to add a tad of water. Me, in my youthful naivety baulked at this idea, the only thing you add to Malt whisky to my mind, was another measure of the same.

However I took his sound advice and always add a drop of water to my Malts and I've never regretted it.

I did try the 50 year old (£3 a shot in 1974) .......... didn't enjoy it very much, but you HAVE to try these things.

09 Apr 16 - 04:32 PM (#3784445)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Mr Red

If you are into visiting Swindon (?), and into expensive cameras (?) try

They also carry some bizarre things that don't look like cameras at all, all brand named "Single Malt" floor to ceiling.

Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

09 Apr 16 - 05:21 PM (#3784453)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Helen

On the original question for this thread, my dear departed Dad told me that whiskey helps with toothache. I tried it a couple of times when my teeth were playing up and it worked.

I also find it useful as a way of bringing high stress down at times of high anxiety. I don't particularly like the taste of whiskey but I buy it when I need it and then forget it's in the cupboard after it does the trick.

I'm just wondering, all you whiskey/whisky etc experts. I'm in Oz. I've never really liked Scotch whisky that I have tried, but I tried Jameson Irish Whiskey and I like that. I'm not sure if it is available everywhere, but how does it stack up against other Irish whiskey brands?

Anne, I'll have to see if I can find the Welsh Penderyn brand here for three reasons, you said it is good, I have a dose of "bolshy nationalist red dragon pride" (thanks punkfolkrocker) inherited from my Gran, and also my sister and I play a deceptively simple but lovely tune called Maid of the Parish of Penderyn.


09 Apr 16 - 06:21 PM (#3784457)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Anne Lister

Just to return to Penderyn, it's useful to note that the different barrels used to age the whisky really make a huge difference to the flavour. They found one year that they'd bought barrels from Laphroaig, and to their amazement found that the whisky aged in those tasted almost identical to Laphroaig. So if you try one style and it's not to your taste, don't assume that no Penderyn will be. A visit to their distillery is an interesting trip (it's just off the A465 Heads of the Valleys road, near Hirwaun) and one of the directors owns a pub in Hirwaun itself, which does some excellent food. They also make Merlyn (almost but not quite like Bailey's - much less sweet), Brecon gin and a good vodka, and they're linked to the Brains brewery group. And I'm not being paid to write any of this.

10 Apr 16 - 08:46 AM (#3784558)
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
From: Dave the Gnome

Not quite a whisky but I really enjoyed a shot of Elysian Spirit recently. Especially as a 'chaser' with the Centurion's Ghost Ale that it is distilled from. :-)