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'Spaw in the Stars

07 Dec 99 - 05:31 PM (#146161)
Subject: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: Doug

Every day the Astronomy Picture of the Day ( is gorgeous, but never more so than today, 12/7/99. The Cat's Paw Nebula must be seen to be believed. Our very own 'Spaw!!

07 Dec 99 - 06:53 PM (#146207)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: katlaughing

Here's a blue clicky thingy. That is TOO awesome, Doug! Thanks! Spaw, I think I love yoooouuu!**BG**


07 Dec 99 - 07:00 PM (#146209)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: catspaw49

Well ALLRRRIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTT!!!! I always knew I'd make good. Thanks Doug. First there was Skiff's post in literature and now this..not to mention Rick's song. What an honor.......

And Katmyluv.....I think I love me too!!! But I KNOW I love Mudcat amd all the folks here.

Spaw - whoreallyluvsyatookat(:<))

07 Dec 99 - 07:06 PM (#146212)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: katlaughing

Tell the truth, Spaw; which cat's paws did you dip in the red paint pot? Had a real good time didncha? Did the cat mind? Huh? Didja even ask if the cat WANTED to go tripping amongst the stars with you?!! You know, unlike Herons, cats aren't 'sposed to fly!

It's okay, though, I guess, 'cause yer still so loveable!


07 Dec 99 - 08:10 PM (#146260)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: jeffp

I thought you were a bit spacy, Spaw! Now we have proof. *BG*


07 Dec 99 - 08:58 PM (#146284)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: catspaw49

Are you implying that I'm a Space Cadet Jeff? I'm completely insulted and cut to the quick by such an absurd remark. I'm well known as a Space Admiral and I'd appreciate it if you would address me as, Hey Dumbass!" I'll let you off this time with a warning.

Spaw - Incredible Dumbass, Flag Rank

07 Dec 99 - 10:32 PM (#146351)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: Áine

I don't know, Spaw -- that pikcher sho' nuff looks like one a them big saggy butt turtles walking down the beach when ya hold it upside down thar! Whatever it is, it sho' nuff looks cute, I tell ya that much fer free!!

-- Áine

08 Dec 99 - 01:45 AM (#146418)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: Lonesome EJ

At this time of year, the constellation Spaw is particularly bright in the Southeastern sky. Best times for viewing are between the hours of 2 and 3 in the early morning when it's brightest star, Cletus Maximus, twinkles a jaunty "hello" to earth from 125,000 light years away. The ancient Greeks called this constellation Merdicatapulticon, or the Holy and Sacred Bullshit Slinger. It served for thousands of years as a guide to the ancient Mediterranean seamen, lighting their way to "the next Whiskey Bar."

Until next time, this is LEJ the Star Hustler reminding you to "keep your eyes on the skies".

08 Dec 99 - 03:01 AM (#146430)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: bseed(charleskratz)

A stellar performance, Patsclaw. "Music police," indeed. (I was at a song circle at Dave and Pam Swan's last night--Pam called me to the phone and I'm wondering "Who in the hell knew I'd be here [my wife did, but she didn't have the phone number]? I got to the phone, said hello, and some geek on the other end said, "This is the music police. We have reports that you've been performing lewd and lascivious acts with a banjo..." I of course am left speechless until Catspaw identifies himself. I should have guessed it was him, having invited him and the former Little Neo to the party...but what a great surprise. I'd never heard his voice before. The song session? Superlative. Absofockinglutely fabulacious. Dave and Pam can walk on water. Dave and his partners in Oak, Ash and Thorn create wonderful harmonies, Pam did the most exquisite "The Farmer's Curst Wife" you can imagine, and the other participants were supercallifragilisticfockingallidocious.


08 Dec 99 - 08:00 AM (#146461)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: catspaw49

I knew you were a bad influence on poor Little Neo Bonnie you dirty old "Uncle Charles!" She has now taken to playing her banjo NEKKID!!! (See the "Changing the World" thread).........Well Seed, I don't know what to say, except....

"Let's you and me go to Toronto!!!!"


08 Dec 99 - 08:21 AM (#146466)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: Little Neophyte

Did that really happen Charles? Did Catspaw really call you? That's so funny!

Charles shouldn't get all the credit. Rick has been a large influence on my new act too. Though I still don't understand why he insists my lessons must be instructed in the nude. Seems there's not much to 'brush up on' in that regard. All in all, Rick feels I have great potential.
Little Banjo Neo

08 Dec 99 - 08:34 AM (#146471)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: catspaw49

Ohmygawd.......PUHLEEZE tell me that you're the only one in the nude BB!!! I know Rick and I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. Kinda' like me nekkid and I close my eyes in the shower!


08 Dec 99 - 08:38 AM (#146473)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: catspaw49

...and yeah Bonnie I did. He was so "stunned" acting. Answers were at first mono-syllabic, "Yes".."Uh-Huh".."Okay." Totally surprised him.

And it was great talking to you Seed!!!!


08 Dec 99 - 08:56 AM (#146490)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: Little Neophyte

Aine, I was kind of thinking the same thing.
The top little blob looked like it had a big nose, and cute ears standing up. Sort of like one of the ghosts from Ghost Busters.

Catspaw, why don't you call Rick & I during my lesson. It's tomorrow at 12:30 pm on the Dec 9th. We could sent you a video of me answering your phone call.

Last week, Rick was just about to take his clothes off, when Heather came down the stairs and said "that's disgusting!!!!" and that was the end of that.


08 Dec 99 - 09:11 AM (#146499)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)

Now that the 'spaw nebula has been archived, you need to go to to see it.


08 Dec 99 - 11:05 AM (#146546)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Because I didn't get to this thread until 1 a.m. EST instead of Spaw, I saw the moon with sites for future Trump hotels marked in big red X's. There's an archive link on the bottom of the page, so I was able to see Pat in all his glory (clothed voluminously in red, thank the divine bowdlerizer) with one additional click'o-the-link. (there's a band name for someone).


08 Dec 99 - 11:11 AM (#146547)
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
From: bseed(charleskratz)

And Fielding, ya tape those lessons with Bonnie and you can corner the video banjo lessons market--I know I'd be playing along. Heh-heh-heh-huh-hunmph-hackhackhackHACK... gimme some water--with a Madiera chaser.
