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Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?

13 Jul 16 - 12:03 PM (#3800088)
Subject: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

I / we have decided to go to Sidmouth for a little holiday this year ( all our favourite cruise ships have been sold,withdrawn from service,or scrapped !) so we have managed to get a cancellation booking at the Willow Bridge B&B near the Radway pub ; how many Mudcatters are going,and will there be a mini "Mudgather" ??

13 Jul 16 - 05:05 PM (#3800131)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Happy to Mudgather anywhere you suggest: definitely in the Middle Bar (Anchor)lunchtimes, JK workshops, might be in the Radway, and around the sessions and concerts, Doom and Gloom, late York and Faulkner sessions, etc. And must get hat sorted for Wild Thyme Morris!

13 Jul 16 - 05:05 PM (#3800133)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Happy to Mudgather anywhere you suggest: definitely in the Middle Bar (Anchor)lunchtimes, JK workshops, might be in the Radway, and around the sessions and concerts, Doom and Gloom, late York and Faulkner sessions, etc. And must get hat sorted for Wild Thyme Morris!

13 Jul 16 - 06:32 PM (#3800154)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?

I'll be happy to see and hear any Mudcatters in the morning singarounds in the Faulkner bar of the Royal York 10.30am - 12.30 from Sunday 31st July onwards...


13 Jul 16 - 06:35 PM (#3800155)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Herga Kitty

Cookie now re-set.....


14 Jul 16 - 02:57 AM (#3800208)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Mr Red

If you see Mr Yellow, tell him I will be looking for him.
Willow Bridge eh?

14 Jul 16 - 03:14 AM (#3800210)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Acorn4

We'll be running our usual evening sessions in the York and Faulkner with Taff from the first Friday.

14 Jul 16 - 05:03 AM (#3800221)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Aha ! Monsieur Rouge ! Madame Bubblyrat said only yesterday how much she would love to see les Rouges again (especially Madame Rouge) ; last time was at Upton, I think.

14 Jul 16 - 08:51 AM (#3800245)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Dave Earl

I'll be there.
Staying in the York and Faulkner this year

Will look in at your sessions Kitty for extra after breakfast coffee and bit of a sing.

Other than that find me upstairs in The Anchor with the rest of the Middle Bar Singers


14 Jul 16 - 01:49 PM (#3800274)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Gosh ! I haven't seen you for YEARS ,Dave ; I shall look out for you !

15 Jul 16 - 07:35 AM (#3800366)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Dave Earl

Where have you been bubbyrat?

I have been going to all the places and Fests that usually go to and one or two others as well.

16 Jul 16 - 06:23 AM (#3800505)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

I have been living in Gloucestershire (Winchcombe ,then Tewkesbury ) and playing for a Border Morris side ("Happenstance" ) and attending folk-clubs and playing for dances with Gwylim Davies ("Tradsinger") and I have been to one Sidmouth, two or three Uptons, and one Bromyard in the last 4 years or so. I am now living in South Zeal , Devon, and looking forward to many more Sidmouths ( I first went in 1965 !) and ,naturally, Dartmoor Folk Festivals !I shall look out for you in the Anchor, to which I will bring my guitar so that you can all boo me (as has happened in the past !) ; but I promise not to play it !

16 Jul 16 - 02:20 PM (#3800548)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Dave Earl

Roger you know that instruments in hard cases are permitted as footrests when declared as such in the Anchor and that there are places such as the Newt (minus Terry this year}and the Bedford Front Bar (Without the Late Great John Barden now)where you can play if you feel the need.

17 Jul 16 - 11:17 AM (#3800710)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

No Terry in the Newt ? Whatever next ! Is he OK ? Anyway, the Bedford was always my favoured venue , so I guess I will fetch up in there again.

18 Jul 16 - 01:49 PM (#3800866)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,MikeOfNorthumbria (sans cookie)

Unless prevented by unforeseen circumstances I'll be there, dancing with Hexham Morrismen and generally swanning around when not required for that. Hope to make it to some of Kitty's pre-lunch sing-arounds at the Fork and Yaulkner.


18 Jul 16 - 06:30 PM (#3800898)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Herga Kitty

Oh good Mike - I hope you make it to the RY&F too!


19 Jul 16 - 11:56 AM (#3801037)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: JennyO

Rob and I will be there as usual this year - probably more in the Middle Bar than anywhere else, but if the Newt is still going without Terry, that's a nice relaxed place to go for a while. We also sometimes find a nice quiet session in the back of the Bedford late at night (but ssshhh don't tell anyone ;) )

19 Jul 16 - 11:58 AM (#3801038)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: JennyO

Oh yes, and another really nice place to hang out sometimes is the Coastal Cafe - lovely cream teas and coffee, and the occasional bit of music. Very laid back and comfortable!

19 Jul 16 - 04:23 PM (#3801104)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Dave Earl

See you all there

19 Jul 16 - 08:25 PM (#3801149)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Just been thinking, what can I put in the DGD coffin - a Trident nuclear missile - much as we want them "off Scottish soil" (I think he meant "waters"), I don't think it will fit!
I have taped the lid of the urn on, before the ashes of the other coffin get spilled.
And anyone who doesn't understand what I'm on about, just come to the Royal York and Faulkner at on Festival Thursday, preferably suitably dressed in black!

19 Jul 16 - 08:52 PM (#3801151)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Rumncoke

Tattie Bogle: Perhaps you'll make clear when people ought to arrive if they want to compete - having arrived at the time specified in past years and found that it was too late to join in, I think more information is required.

20 Jul 16 - 02:12 AM (#3801172)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?

DG&D performances start at 4.30, but you need to get there earlier if you want to enter a song and get your name on the list. By about twenty past, say...


20 Jul 16 - 03:26 AM (#3801179)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Mr Red

4:30 Thursday eh? And red is the new black!

However .............

Irish Set Dancing. (Mon-Thurs actually, 3:50-5 ish) so no wake for me then.

20 Jul 16 - 04:44 AM (#3801193)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Yep, sorry, always better to get there early to get your name down: also to avoid queuing at the bar!

20 Jul 16 - 07:31 PM (#3801295)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Why is Terry not going this year ? is he unwell or something ?

20 Jul 16 - 08:31 PM (#3801307)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

He commented on Facebook that he couldn't get any affordable accommodation, his usual digs having changed hands. And he added "nobody even wants me in their garden"!

20 Jul 16 - 09:02 PM (#3801308)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

popping in to see Wizz Jones hopefully!

21 Jul 16 - 05:54 AM (#3801357)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Ex-Royal Air Force men ( even Sergeants!) are fairly resourceful ; surely he could camp nearby, or in Axmouth behind the pub ??Or up at Branscombe ??If only he had been in the Fleet Air Arm like me, he would have had no trouble at all !

21 Jul 16 - 10:01 AM (#3801397)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Johnny J

I wish you all a happy time and a wonderful week of singing.

22 Jul 16 - 06:03 AM (#3801518)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Will probably as much playing as singing, tho I shall soend my lunchtimes in The Middle Bar where instruments are banned. As Dave Earl said above, the cases make good footrests!

22 Jul 16 - 02:21 PM (#3801581)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

I took my guitar into a "Middle Bar" -type singaround at Grove (White Horse) Festival a few years ago,and the guy in charge said "Oh " Look! He's got his golf-bag with him !". Perhaps there should be TWO Sidmouth Folk Festivals ; one for the traditional (nothing wrong with that ) singers, and one for those who like to be instrumentalists ?? I can't sing anyway !

22 Jul 16 - 08:57 PM (#3801621)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Well, I think there are about 20 Sidmouth Festivals on concurrently: sooo many things to choose from, so many different genres of music, different instruments, mixed instruments, mixed instrumental and singing, Bluegrass, Old Timey, various fusions, dance of all sorts, Irish, Scottish, English sessions, you name it.....!
And you will certainly not find just trad singers in The Middle Bar: no instruments, but an eclectic mix of types of songs. There are trad ballad song sessiins each day in other venues such as The Volunteer and Woodlands Hotel.

22 Jul 16 - 10:16 PM (#3801623)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Wizz has a new album with Ralph McTell out called about Time . Its on Amazon for ten quid. Reviewed today in The Times

23 Jul 16 - 06:05 AM (#3801643)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: melodeonboy

I'm going!

26 Jul 16 - 05:11 AM (#3802064)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,SteveT

First year for more than a quarter of a century that I'll be missing Sidmouth (although I'm hoping to be around for the first Wednesday of the month singaround in September).

Best wishes to the usual suspects at the usual places, particularly the Middle Bar, Royal York & Faulkner and, if any get there, the Woodlands Ballad sessions.

26 Jul 16 - 11:11 AM (#3802120)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Herga Kitty

We'll miss you Steve ... any chance you might make the Wail (separate thread, I know.....!)


05 Aug 16 - 04:13 PM (#3803757)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Herga Kitty

Thanks to everyone who came and sang in the morning Faulkner song sessions, and to Dave, Julia and Taff for the excellent evening ones!


05 Aug 16 - 06:56 PM (#3803785)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: RTim

A message from the Sidmouth Residents - WHO IS GOING HOME???

Smiley Face!!!

Tim Radford.

06 Aug 16 - 03:42 PM (#3803931)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Shared the same "guest house" as that nice Mr Red ,and played a lot in The Bedford ; what more could one ask for (except maybe more sunshine and less rain ? ).Anyway, we have booked the same "digs" for next year.

06 Aug 16 - 04:02 PM (#3803934)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?

'A message from the Sidmouth Residents - WHO IS GOING HOME???'

Everyone who remembers where they live?

06 Aug 16 - 05:14 PM (#3803941)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: BobL

For once, my season ticket was seriously underused - next year I think I'll just be fringing. And if I do go dancing I had better wear a badge saying "Deteriorator". Sad but true.

07 Aug 16 - 04:36 AM (#3803988)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

It only rained one day and the rest of the time the weather was lovely!

07 Aug 16 - 06:17 AM (#3803996)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

Yes, but it was both COLD and WINDY ; we oldies had to have the heating on in our room !!

07 Aug 16 - 09:10 AM (#3804020)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Herga Kitty

Not sure where you were staying, Bubbly, but we had the windows permanently open.....


07 Aug 16 - 11:50 AM (#3804033)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?

Sounds like Michael Fish was at Sidmouth ;-)

07 Aug 16 - 09:45 PM (#3804096)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Rumncoke

The rain certainly hammered down almost all of one night, but daytimes were OK.

Most nights I was too warm, as I never take chances - nothing more miserable than not being able to get warm. One year I cycled back to the van in pouring rain and arrived totally saturated and very cold, but as I could wrap up in towels and dive into a heap of duvets I didn't suffer any ill effects.

I did find that this year, due to changed times for the themed sings I could not go to all the things I wished to be at, and had a big gap in the afternoons - but at least I was there, again.

08 Aug 16 - 04:11 AM (#3804114)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: bubblyrat

I wish I hadn't said anything now !! However, the fact remains ; I was cold and, regrettably, completely sober ; also,our accommodation was very close to the river (El Cid) and shaded by tall trees.Having said that,we have just re-booked the same place for next year !

08 Aug 16 - 04:35 AM (#3804119)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Mr Red

And what pleasant company it was.
Heating? I was sweating some nights.

There was far too much to see. I missed their Three Penny Bit ceilidh in the Anchor and they have always been a sensation! Still, they are at the White Horse Festival Ceilidh this weekend (legs recovering as we speak) and at Stroud Ceilidhs on March 4th
Aaaaaand I can do a few Latvian Quadrilles, and the Playford was fun - (& I never thought I would say that) - easy on the old legs.
But with Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, plus John Dipper anything would be good.

08 Aug 16 - 06:08 PM (#3804234)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,Roger Dunant

OK. So how many third campsite residents are left alive and kicking.
(You know who you are. Come on admit it, even though you might be ancient and respectable grandparents by now)!!

10 Aug 16 - 09:56 AM (#3804455)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: GUEST,tatts

Loved the Middle bar lunchtime sessions,thanks to all who organised it,unable to get to evening sessions due to dancing, but what choruses brilliant.

10 Aug 16 - 10:59 AM (#3804469)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Rumncoke

I suspect that somewhere there is a perpetual Sidmouth Folk Festival experience with two doors, one from Heaven and the other from Hell -

10 Aug 16 - 09:22 PM (#3804525)
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2016 who's going ?
From: Leadfingers

Any reports on The Newt this year ??