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BS: Trump - Again

31 Jul 16 - 04:16 PM (#3802909)
Subject: BS: Trump - Again
From: Raggytash

Will the latest story regarding Trump have any bearing on his hopes to be voted in as President of the USA.


31 Jul 16 - 04:31 PM (#3802912)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel


You would be asking racists to discriminate between the object of their hate and another object of their hate

Donnie would have to pull a Cesar.
" I am more popular, powerful and effective than Jesus!!!!!!!"

31 Jul 16 - 05:59 PM (#3802918)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

More importantly, you would be asking a legion of assholes several million strong to differentiate between fantasy bullshit and reality.

Good luck with that.

31 Jul 16 - 07:36 PM (#3802937)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Steve Shaw

Seems to me that the more obnoxious he gets the more popular he gets. Bloody weird country you've got there!

31 Jul 16 - 08:10 PM (#3802945)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

Raggytash linked to a BBC story about the parents of a Muslim U.S. soldier. The parents gave a moving speech at the Democratic National Convention. The caption from a related story was:
    Khizr Khan, the father of an American Muslim soldier who died in the Iraq war, challenges Donald Trump to "read the Constitution" at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump thinks he can win the election by encouraging Americans to be afraid of Muslims. I sure hope he's wrong. I think many Americans don't know any Muslims and are indeed afraid. I hope they're not powerful enough to win the election, but I guess one never knows.

If a third-party candidate enters the race, that would be a big advantage to Trump. If it's just Trump against Clinton, I think Clinton will win easily.


31 Jul 16 - 08:20 PM (#3802948)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Trump thinks he can win the election by encouraging Americans to be afraid of Muslims

No, Joe- The Trumpshit thinks he can win by demonizing Muslims, Blacks, "Liberals",women and a whole litany of others he chooses to spout hate about.

And, unfortunately, he's probably right.

I think Clinton will win easily.

Unh Hunh. You would do well to heed our old friend H. L. Mencken:

"The men American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try and tell them the truth."

31 Jul 16 - 08:27 PM (#3802949)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

Well, Greg, what can I say? I'm still an optimist.

And rather than seeing the country elect Clinton because they're afraid of Trump, I hope they elect her because she'll be a good President. Given half a chance, I think she'll be an excellent President.

And I'm hoping she will nominate Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.


31 Jul 16 - 09:13 PM (#3802954)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Well, Greg, what can I say? I'm still an optimist.

Nothing necessarily wrong with that, Joe - but in most cases I think you'll find that its more practical to be a realist.

And if the "the country" ISN'T afraid of The Trumpshit and the havoc he would wreak as president then its very seriosly fucked.

Do recall that - as has been proven many times over before now - :

"No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby."

    -- H. L. Mencken

31 Jul 16 - 11:53 PM (#3802961)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Bev and Jerry

Well, here's what they think of Trump in a pub in Dublin:


Bev and Jerry

01 Aug 16 - 12:22 AM (#3802962)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

A 1.5% margin is not winning easily.

I remained skeptical of a Barack victory until election day

I do not see an advantage in a scenario of "nothing to see here folks, go back to your homes and watch SpongeBob".

For some people the election boils down to tweedle tweet vs. Tweedle e mail.

01 Aug 16 - 12:40 AM (#3802963)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

A Trump urinal? Bev, and Jerry, I don't know what to say. Just thinking about Trump staring at me from that angle....
I may never pee again.

Oh, the inhumanity of it all!


01 Aug 16 - 03:33 AM (#3802972)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

"And if the "the country" ISN'T afraid of The Trumpshit and the havoc he would wreak as president then its very seriosly fucked."

But it is seriously fucked, as my American friends tell me. Without an adequate welfare state the poor suffer horribly, unable to afford adequate healthcare and with people forced to work until they die as they have no provision for retirement. Coupled with the fact the political system is totally inaccessible to people without money, with the fact the Presidential system seems to promote political dynasties over genuine merit (more like ancient Rome than a modern, progressive state) and the fact that inequality on so many levels is a way of life for people who signed up for The American Dream.

Sanders understood this but never stood a chance of getting the nomination; the Clinton dynasty is way too powerful to shift with mere political integrity and progressive policies.

People will want to give the establishment a bloody nose and if they only way they can do this is by electing a person that actually couldn't lead the free world then so be it. Please learn from the Brexit debacle here in the UK, where a fair portion of the electorate kicked against the establishment (er, with a faction of the establishment's encouragement) and took us out of a progressive European future and are taking us back to the little Britain we thought we'd consigned to the distant past.

01 Aug 16 - 08:56 AM (#3803005)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

OK,then; how about "even MORE seriously fucked"?

01 Aug 16 - 09:13 AM (#3803008)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

It looks like Trump has found his Joseph Welch moment in this Khan affair. Gold Star families and prominent Republicans are speaking out against him. It should be obvious now that there will be no pivot, Trump will always be his own odious self. I've a feeling he's going down hard in November and will take the Senate with him and a good portion of the House.

01 Aug 16 - 09:18 AM (#3803010)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Raggytash

Is the story about Trumps seemingly callous disregard for the Khans loss and his subsequent pontifications on his reasons why Ghazala Khan didn't speak getting any coverage in the USA.

On this side of the pond it has received quite a good deal of publicity none of which shows Trump in a good light at all.

01 Aug 16 - 09:26 AM (#3803011)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

Trump Doubles Down

01 Aug 16 - 09:43 AM (#3803012)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Lighter

Naturally there's more, about more, from the same interview:

01 Aug 16 - 10:26 AM (#3803017)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

My American friends tell me exactly what Stu's friends tell him. The US political system is almost totally corrupt.

Mr Obama was presumed to be a vehicle for change, lauded here and in most of the media, but his presidency has been a huge disappointment, almost nothing has been achieved which is of any real help to the poor.....Mrs Clinton makes no pretence of changing one damn thing she will do exactly as her masters tell her....but unlike Obama, she will do it willingly and with the greatest of pleasure.
The biggest problem of course is Foreign Policy, her record as a warmonger is abysmal and it will be wound up to the hilt, we could in fact see the start of another "cold War" but under very different circumstances to the first one.

01 Aug 16 - 11:17 AM (#3803022)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: keberoxu

In answer to your question, Raggytash, a television is not in my home, so I can't comment on TV broadcasts. Yes, regarding network radio, the comments made by T***p about the decorated soldier's parents are front and center, and excerpts of the father's speech at the DNC are in these radio broadcasts as well. Also making front-page headlines in the local newspapers.

01 Aug 16 - 11:48 AM (#3803025)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jeri

It's all over TV news too. Unfortunately that quote from Trump, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters" seems fairly on point. They were stupid and mean enough to like him then, they're stupid and mean enough to like him now.

01 Aug 16 - 12:40 PM (#3803034)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Mr Obama was presumed to be a vehicle for change, lauded here and in most of the media, but his presidency has been a huge disappointment, almost nothing has been achieved which is of any real help to the poor.

You can thank a unified obstructionist Republicrap Congress for that. Credit where credit is due, the Republicruds announced at the outset that that was EXACTLY what they intended to do.

- Nullification: John C. Calhoun & Soputh Carolina would be proud of 'em.

01 Aug 16 - 01:04 PM (#3803037)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

No, Raggy - brain dead is brain dead. If they supported this piece of dirt before now, this latest wrinkle won't phase them at all.


01 Aug 16 - 02:08 PM (#3803053)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jack Campin


Grendel's mother

01 Aug 16 - 03:35 PM (#3803065)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Raggytash


Using a photograph of Trump's late Mother is appalling I would not condone that at all.

However when compared to Trump's response to the Khan's loss of their son is does pale into "insignificance"

I do not wish to belittle the use of such a photograph but Trumps response to the Khan's was, to my mind, totally unacceptable and frankly unbelievable.

How anyone could even consider voting for such a man is beyond my comprehension.

01 Aug 16 - 03:50 PM (#3803072)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Compared to almost any photo of Barbra Bush the Trumpress photo is quite flattering.

01 Aug 16 - 04:44 PM (#3803081)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

As far as the Muslim soldier issue is concerned It is simply politicians on both sides getting down and dirty......dissembling twisting and being disingenuous is their trade.

Mr Trump to his credit is not a "politician"

01 Aug 16 - 05:31 PM (#3803090)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

You're right, Ake! He's a despicable piece of shit.

01 Aug 16 - 10:58 PM (#3803118)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stilly River Sage

Ake still doesn't get it, but at least he doesn't like Trump. That's something.

Trump is like a nightmare that we all hope to awaken from. One that might keep us up the rest of the night because it was so awful and we don't want to dream it again.

Ake, I CHALLENGE you to watch ALL FOUR nights of the Democratic National Convention - the speeches by Michelle, by Bill, by Obama, by all of the various supporters, and try to come away with a view of a woman who has worked hard her entire adult life to make conditions better for women and children. I don't want to hear a peep from you until you've viewed the videos, heard the testimonials, and seen the good works that this woman has done. But because she's a woman, she has been vilified as being ambitious or pushy or just too smart for the men around her. Tough shit. She's smart, she's effective, and it's time YOU know the story behind the woman before you keep bashing her.

01 Aug 16 - 10:59 PM (#3803119)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Rapparee

Several things cause this, including but not at all limited to Mr. T calling McCain a "loser" because he was made POW, his lack of respect for Capt. Khan's parents, his own draft deferments (much to my mind like those of Newt Gingerich and Karl Rove), his cheating of small contractors who worked on his casino(s), and is generally narcissistic and bullying attitudes, but I really don't think I'll vote for him come November.

02 Aug 16 - 02:59 AM (#3803131)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

The appearance of Mr. & Mrs. Khan at the Democratic National Convention was impressive and very effective. But if Trump had just ignored it, their speech would have been forgotten by now. But Trump responded, and that gave the Khans a chance to respond even more effectively.
So, is Trump shooting himself in the foot with every response to the Khans, or are there people in the U.S. who are actually motivated by the crass responses from Trump to these good people?

02 Aug 16 - 03:04 AM (#3803132)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Acme, I know you think I am an idiot. I think you are a kind caring person.
How can you possibly suggest that I, who have studied politics for too many years, would have given views without listening to all the evidence at my disposal.
Of course I have heard the speeches, but political campaign speeches are choreographed by teams of writers to wring out every nuance, appeal to every emotion, or to engender hate in every heart.

Politics, especially in the US is a business and in business there is no room for sentiment, but that emotion is often used to access power,

On Mrs Clinton, her record speaks for itself and she is shamelessly in the pockets of the Corporations, I am amazed that people of the left can suspend reality to elect such a person who is dedicated to brute force in the quest for wealth and power.

02 Aug 16 - 03:20 AM (#3803135)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

The Party System is Obsolete, it is full of self serving career politicians supported by an idiotic electorate who would in general terms vote for anything which sported the "proper" colours.

The buying out of Sanders was a stain on America and if evidence was ever needed on the corruption at the heart of US politics this Convention provided it in spades......Your only hope is a popular revolt against the political status quo, something which has happened lately in the UK.

Mrs Clinton more than any other politician represents that Status Quo.

02 Aug 16 - 03:43 AM (#3803138)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

Ake, it's easy to say that Mrs. Clinton is "shamelessly in the pockets of the corporations," but is that really true? What good would it do her to be a pawn of the corporations? She's an intelligent woman with interesting ideals, and she has the power to at least hope to achieve many of those ideals. Why would she subordinate herself to the corporations? What good, what satisfaction, would she get out of it?

It's clear that she has enough and doesn't need money. Why would she sell out to the corporations?

She's a moderate and a pragmatist, not an absolutist/idealist of the right or the left. She knows the corporations give jobs that are vital to the welfare of the country, so of course she has to do business with the corporations.


02 Aug 16 - 07:31 AM (#3803165)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

In her case Joe it's more about power and the Clinton dynasty.

Your political system is badly broken and you better fix it damn quick, for al the ingredients required for a social catastrophe are in the mix.

02 Aug 16 - 09:09 AM (#3803181)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Rapparee

Mr. Trump is, as far as I can see, in his own pocket. He's not paying for his own campaign except as far as what he can write off his taxes things like using his own jet for campaigning -- then that's a political donation. He did not release any of the $6 million he "raised for veterans" until he was forced to. He isn't in this for anyone other than himself and to gratify his lust for more: money, power, women. As far as I know he hasn't spent a dime on things like malaria control (Bill Gates), libraries and literacy (Gates, Carnegie, Buffett, and others), famine relief (Bono), or anything else that benefits anyone besides himself. No, the more I study him the less I like him.

02 Aug 16 - 09:22 AM (#3803183)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: mkebenn

Joe: I wish there was a way to metaphoricly shoot Trump in his other foot.
ake: because she accepts donations does not make her bought.
Rapparee: He's got his hand in his own pocket alright. Mike

02 Aug 16 - 10:06 AM (#3803185)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Vashta Nerada

Ake thinks that if he makes those claims about Hillary often enough that someone will start to believe them. They certainly aren't true and no one needs to jump through hoops to prove the negative. The burden of proof is on him, and he can't do it, he can just shout the lie. #LogicalFallacy101

02 Aug 16 - 10:11 AM (#3803186)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

David McCulloch has put up a Facebook page on which, "Historians share their perspectives on why Donald Trump's campaign is so troubling." in brief video presentations.

Click here

02 Aug 16 - 10:22 AM (#3803188)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

are there people in the U.S. who are actually motivated by the crass responses from Trump to these good people?

Joe, Is a bear Catholic? Just read the news. Here are your average brain-damaged Trumpshit supporters in action:

"Taking questions from the audience at a rally in Carson City, Nev., the Indiana governor was asked how he could "tolerate" Trump disrespecting military families.

"Time and time again Trump has disrespected our nation's armed forces and veterans and has disrespect for Mr. Khan and his family is just an example of that," Catherine Byrne asked, as the crowd started loudly booing."

02 Aug 16 - 10:38 AM (#3803193)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jeri

Trump and the hate-filled idiots who follow him are just part of the same thing that causes people to grab rifles and try to blow away random people. It's the same thing that causes people to make nasty comments on line to people they don't know about subjects they don't really care about. They're mad at the world and somehow think that ruining someone else's life will make them feel better. I wonder what will happen when the hate and anger have run their course. I certainly hope people get tired of it before November.

02 Aug 16 - 10:52 AM (#3803195)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Vashta Nerada

Occupy Democrats graphic

02 Aug 16 - 11:04 AM (#3803197)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

I certainly hope people get tired of it before November.

He who lives on hope, dies of starvation.

02 Aug 16 - 11:08 AM (#3803198)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Your political system is badly broken and you better fix it damn quick

Physician heal thyself.

02 Aug 16 - 12:36 PM (#3803214)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

"Physician heal thyself."


"Trump and the hate-filled idiots who follow him are just part of the same thing that causes people to grab rifles and try to blow away random people."

I don't think is true; any citizen who carries a gun for anything other than hunting is scared and fearful, which is what the shooters are.

It's too easy to dismiss Trump supports as some kind of lunatic sub-class, idiots or easily led. Of course demagogues attract a type of person, but when people feel they have no-one else to vote for and want to give the ruling classes they will take what power they have and use it, and better the ballot-box than the gun.

The parallels with the UK Brexit vote are worrying. A lot of people in this country followed a rag-tag band of liars, xenophobes and generally unpleasant people into the ballot box and voted us out of a progressive partnership with other nations. Many of these folk didn't give a shit about that these plastic brownshirts were obviously lying through their arses, they wanted to give those in government a kicking, and they did.

People feel disenfranchised, forgotten and see banks cause crisis after crisis whilst their bosses get richer and take zero responsibility for their mismanagement. The people who do suffer the consequences are the people who hear Hillary Clinton speak and see a person who has done nothing to right these wrongs; it must be hard to watch people die from treatable illnesses in a fabulously wealthy country because of a slavish devotion to the inhuman ideology which represents the status quo.

It'll happen here too. We've enough of the disenfranchised here to make a drift to the right almost inevitable, and until we have no viable alternative there's little to stop these people. I can never understand how a person could vote for someone that lacks personal integrity in the way people like Trump and Farage do, but there you go.

02 Aug 16 - 01:15 PM (#3803231)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: keberoxu

Grendel's Mother -- why does that make me think of Whistler's Mother? never mind.

if T***p is Grendel, though, than for heaven's sake, who is Beowulf?

02 Aug 16 - 01:39 PM (#3803233)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Mrrzy

I'm glad that right now I live in the States - I can just imagine trying to go out to, say, a boulangerie (just gimme the baguette and don't even ASK)... dark glasses and headscarf and maybe I'd have to move somewhere I could speak bad French and pretend to be, I don't know, Canadian?

02 Aug 16 - 02:08 PM (#3803241)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

The thing is, blasphemy ends to be suicidal for someone running in an election. By blasphemy I mean offending against what people see as sacred, and that varies in different times and places. For America, motherhood and the military dead are up there with the flag. Maybe Trump is right, and he could get away with murder, but this is a bit more serious than murder.

What Hillary Clinton does depends on how effective the Sanderites can be in organising to get a left tending Congress. Obama didn't fail to live up to his hopes and ambitions because he was bought off, but because the support on Congress and the streets just wasn't there.

02 Aug 16 - 03:41 PM (#3803259)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

I don't think is true; any citizen who carries a gun for anything other than hunting is scared and fearful

Why can't they just be assholes or mentally unbalanced?

People feel disenfranchised, forgotten and see banks cause crisis after crisis whilst their bosses get richer and take zero responsibility for their mismanagement.

Yup - and in the U.S. 0f A., at least, those responsible for this situation are THE REPUBLICRAP PARTY, who the brain-dead U.S. electorate keep voting into power so they can do more of the same.

We've enough of the disenfranchised here to make a drift to the right almost inevitable

Absolutely! The dumb fu*ks can be counted upon to vote against their own best interests every time.

False Class Consciousness.

Occasionally Marx was spot on.

Oh, ye generation of morons.

02 Aug 16 - 04:19 PM (#3803261)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: mkebenn

A world with a fascist US and UK is not a place I want to be. VOTE Mike

02 Aug 16 - 06:19 PM (#3803276)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Have you already forgotten the racist campaign that Team Clinton fought against Mr Obama in 2008?

These people are all establishment politicians,

if they cannot buy you they discredit or destroy you.

One question, is anyone proud of how the Democratic Party has behaved, do they deserve your vote? Mrs Clinton must be the most mistrusted Presidential Candidate since Nixon.

02 Aug 16 - 07:19 PM (#3803279)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Vashta Nerada

You're just making it up as you go along, Ake. The 2008 campaign wasn't racist, but it was difficult because it was a challenge between a talented black man (a first) and a talented woman (a first), but their supporters emerged victorious. Do you remember who won the 2008 election?

You keep saying mistrusted - but you only have innuendo and lies to back up charges. She is the most qualified, and most vetted, candidate of the modern era. Face it, there is a double standard that females must struggle against, and you support it whole-heartedly.

02 Aug 16 - 07:35 PM (#3803281)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

No, Ake, I am not aware of the "racist campaign that Team Clinton fought against Mr Obama in 2008." Give us the facts, if by chance you happen to have any.

-Joe Offer-

03 Aug 16 - 12:28 AM (#3803294)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Ebbie

Stu - PM
Date: 01 Aug 16 - 03:33 AM "Without an adequate welfare state the poor suffer horribly, unable to afford adequate healthcare and with people forced to work until they die as they have no provision for retirement. Coupled with the fact the political system is totally inaccessible to people without money, with the fact the Presidential system seems to promote political dynasties over genuine merit;"

One of these years some Mudcatters are going to rise out of the pond and spout off on conditions of which we know next to nothing. You appear to be a good bedmate for the Trump- believe it or not, life in the USA by and large is as good as we choose to make it. We are not starving, working ourselves to the bone until we keel over and die at - what? age 50? - or doing without political representation. Listen to President Obama, to Secretary Clinton and to many, many pundits and let it sink in that life here is good. Could be better, of course- isn't that true in your own country?

akenaton - PM
Date: 01 Aug 16 - 10:26 AM "Mr Obama was presumed to be a vehicle for change, lauded here and in most of the media, but his presidency has been a huge disappointment, almost nothing has been achieved which is of any real help to the poor.....Mrs Clinton makes no pretence of changing one damn thing she will do exactly as her masters tell her....but unlike Obama, she will do it willingly and with the greatest of pleasure.
The biggest problem of course is Foreign Policy, her record as a warmonger is abysmal and it will be wound up to the hilt, we could in fact see the start of another "cold War" but under very different circumstances to the first one. "

That goes double for ake.

Bonus from ake: "How can you possibly suggest that I, who have studied politics for too many years, would have given views without listening to all the evidence at my disposal. Of course I have heard the speeches, "

Frankly, ake, I don't believe you. You may have 'listened to all the evidence at my disposal' (How much was at your "disposal"?) but I do not believe that you actually LISTENED.

03 Aug 16 - 03:11 AM (#3803301)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

"You appear to be a good bedmate for the Trump- believe it or not, life in the USA by and large is as good as we choose to make it."

Don't be so sensitive - I'm not knocking the good ole US of A. I'm not talking about everybody in the US, but a part of the population. I know life in the USA is good, I love the place and would happily live there (out in the Black Hills, or at the foot of the rockies in WA or MT).

When I speak to friends in the US they tell me how easy it is to drop thought the net, how healthcare is very basic without insurance and about the inequality they see. Trump is tapping into a distrust of established politicians, and all I'm trying to do is warn against complacency because if you dismiss everyone boring for him as idiots etc you might find you're swearing in someone in January who shouldn't be allowed near a can opener let alone be commander in chief.

Learn from our mistakes here in the UK over the Brexit vote! Fight for Clinton and try to understand why people want to kick out.

03 Aug 16 - 07:18 AM (#3803338)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

This is so bizarre, at this point I think Trump would rather pursue petty grudges than run for Prez. Good for the nation.

03 Aug 16 - 08:00 AM (#3803341)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Raggytash has a finger on the pulse and EEG of the nation.

Excellent prophesizing.

You wee right.

The Trump machine has reached a tipping point and is headed toward Mc Cain and the Speaker of the house. It remains to be seen if Trump will also be squashed flat.

Raggytash, o prophet of politics, will Trump pull a Palin?
Or will he drop out before the election?

Donald's execution of sacred cows has reached critical mass.

03 Aug 16 - 08:30 AM (#3803347)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

Could Trump be 'denominated' if the party desired?

03 Aug 16 - 08:39 AM (#3803349)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

"By and large" leaves out an awful lot of people. In developed countries it is true that "by and large" life condiions are fair enough, or even pretty good for most people. But it makes a great difference how countries deal with the people for whom that is not true. Some societies ensure that asequate help is readily available, while others tolerate a situation in which alongside "by and large" prosperity there is destitution.

The accusation that Ebblie objects to is that the USA is too far over towards that latter end, compared to many other countries.

The thing is, critics from other countries tend to ignore the truth that America isn't really a single country in all kinds of ways. How poverty is responded to in different states is more analogous to the situation across the EU than to that in a single country.

Given that though, there do seem to be some ground rules across the EU which seem lacking in the United States.

03 Aug 16 - 08:43 AM (#3803350)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Personally, I'm with M. Hollande:

"French president François Hollande has said a victory by US presidential candidate Donald Trump could shift world politics to the right and that the real estate magnate made people "want to retch".

"His excesses make you want to retch, even in the United States, especially when – as was Donald Trump's case – he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier," he said, referring to Trump's highly controversial comments in recent days about captain Humayun Khan, a US Muslim soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.

Hollande said he was hearing "hurtful, humiliating comments" during the US election campaign. Speaking about politicians in general, he said "they should be respected when they are respectable."

03 Aug 16 - 10:07 AM (#3803362)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Raggytash

A prophet of mixed tidings I fear, the fact that he has already suggested that "vote rigging" will take place in November would make me think he intends to go the course.

However the "vote rigging" will be an excuse for his failure to be elected.

03 Aug 16 - 10:57 AM (#3803373)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Understood. Media bias is clearly at the heart of the matter.

There is clearly a bias against greedy crypto fascist, schizoid narcissistic racist and sexist pathologic liar candidates for President.

To be fair Hillary cultivates her seeds of truth to occasionally contain a white lie so it will play well for her audience/demographic.

In every trump lie there is a kernel of truth composed of virtual particles that annihilate and disappear. (f his lips are moving he is lying)

FOX News has become a hilarious and hysterical sit com each time they explain what just came out of Trump's face. Today they had a wheel of fortune of Republican and Democratic quotes. Each time they spun the wheel of 50 choices it landed on a stupid TRUMP QUOTE UNTIL Doocy just manually set the wheel to a Democratic quote. Gingrich has become the go to guy to put a better spin on Trump gaffes.

03 Aug 16 - 11:26 AM (#3803376)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

the reality vs. fantasy of black lives matter

03 Aug 16 - 11:54 AM (#3803379)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Trump has sacrificed !

In his own inimical way, Donald is UNITING America ,

one filthy hating bitch slapping comment at a time.

Until such time he has united the ENTIRE country against every damn thing he claimed he was for.

That's not hubris, that is patriotic and brave to attract so much ridicule so America can learn its lesson once and for all

jus kiddin, Its just plain ol good ol boys hate.

03 Aug 16 - 01:54 PM (#3803390)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

Donuel says: To be fair Hillary cultivates her seeds of truth to occasionally contain a white lie so it will play well for her audience/demographic.

In other words, it appears that Donuel believes the "Hillary Liar" propaganda that the Trump campaign has been stuffing down our throats for the last year - a theme that Republicans have been trying to build on since 1992.

What reason would she have to be a liar? To my mind, she is a remarkable, dedicated woman of integrity. I don't believe all these Hillary conspiracy theories from both the left and the right. She's a good woman.

What reason would she have to be otherwise?

But yes, she's a moderate - and for some reason, that makes the purists on both sides think she's a sellout.

-Joe Offer, Radical Moderate-

03 Aug 16 - 02:26 PM (#3803395)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Bev and Jerry


Next time someone tells you that Hillary is a liar try asking them what she lied about. We've been doing that lately and we rarely, if ever, get any specific answer. The most common answer is, "Everything". That's Trump's line, too.

It amazes us that so many people characterize Hillary as a liar when Trump tells "yuge" lies every day. Not just putting political spin on things or making promises he does not keep. He makes constant statements that are obviously untrue like America has the highest taxes in the world or he saw thousands of Arabs cheering in New Jersey after 9/11 or Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law, etc, etc.

However, he did tell the truth yesterday when he accepted a veteran's purple heart medal as a gift. He should have said that he could not accept the medal because it is only given to service members who are killed or wounded in battle. Instead, he said thanks, I always wanted a purple heart and this is much easier. As usual, he didn't complete that sentence but he was implying that receiving it as a gift was easier than actually getting wounded in the service of our country.

Bev and Jerry

03 Aug 16 - 02:29 PM (#3803396)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jeri

Joe, for a "moderate" you're trying awful hard to paint Don as an extremist. Telling "the occasional white lie" does not make someone a liar. Most of us have told white lies, and we're not liars. That takes dedicated dishonesty.

I agree with what I THINK he thinks. Hillary is a good person who isn't perfect. Personally, I hope Trump has a next life to get it right, because he sure fucked this one up, karma-wise.

03 Aug 16 - 02:45 PM (#3803400)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Jeri - on second review, I may not have understood what Donuel was saying. Sorry, Don.

03 Aug 16 - 05:12 PM (#3803423)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

All politicians are liars it is a job requirement.

They all know Western Capitalism is defunct,   we have run out of resources and the working class have left the building.
The money has been invested overseas and we are left with an untrained youth and a huge aging population......on top of that we want it all...and we want it now.

But will they awaken us from our dream to take our revenge for promises unfulfilled?.......I don't think so.

03 Aug 16 - 05:28 PM (#3803425)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Joe I was just composing a SNL skit not advancing a serious propaganda point. I'm sure you will get it.

I thought it was hilarious but that's just me.

all 3 posts are funny ha ha.

Its crazy town over here. I now have a feeling how Berlin was 90 years ago.

03 Aug 16 - 06:26 PM (#3803433)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

Actually all humans are prone to lying, it's a defining characteristic. "Homo falsidicus" you could call us. What is rare is when this characteristic becomes all pervasive, so that tellling the truth becomes virtually impossible, except by accident. As with Trump.

03 Aug 16 - 06:39 PM (#3803434)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

when he accepted a veteran's purple heart medal as a gift.He should have said that he could not accept the medal because it is only given to service members who are killed or wounded in battle.

Yep - The Trumpshit really is a piece of garbage, ain't he? Perhaps he intends to send the medal to Mr & Mrs. Khan.

03 Aug 16 - 11:51 PM (#3803458)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Joe Offer

You know, the whole Khizr Khan thing was a fairly clever setup by the Democrats. For it to work, it depended on how Trump responded - and Trump responded beyond their wildest expectations, by repeatedly insulting a slain soldier and his family.

If Trump had answered the issues Khan raised about immigration, that matter would be quickly forgotten. Khan's statement was moving, but it wasn't particularly profound or earth-shattering. But no, Trump responded with his usual ad hominem attacks, and those attacks made an indelible mark because they were directed at a war hero and his family. Now the Republicans are tripping all over each other, rushing to disavow Trump and support the Khans.

The Donald has shot himself in both feet this time.


04 Aug 16 - 08:39 AM (#3803496)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

" F**K THE NI**ER !!! "

Trump supporters commenting on Pres. Obama. Plus much more!

Garbage supporting garbage.

Check it out:

04 Aug 16 - 02:26 PM (#3803563)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: CupOfTea

My friend Steve offered to try to scare me out of a case of hiccups. I didn't think it would work. Then he said:

"President Trump"

Scared me entire, hiccups died away.

This is prime time to be missing 'Spaw.

04 Aug 16 - 02:38 PM (#3803567)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: robomatic

Trump doesn't have enough respect for the truth to lie. He's a promoter. His specialty is B***S***. He will argue whatever is convenient to argue in his immediate environment, but this has no relevance on his next statement in his next environment. He is like Rush Limbaugh in this regard.
Ref: Harry Frankfurt, Princeton University Press

04 Aug 16 - 02:59 PM (#3803572)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

The Trumpshit isn't scary. He's just an ignorant, racist, misogynistic buffoon.

The brain-damaged assholes who support and will vote for him ARE scary.

We have raised up a nation of morons.

(Thanks for all those edjacashun budget cuts starting with Reagan, Republicraps)

04 Aug 16 - 05:24 PM (#3803595)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

"The fact that he has already suggested that "vote rigging" will take place in November would make me think he intends to go the course. However the "vote rigging" will be an excuse for his failure to be elected."(Raggytash)

Which is a worrying thought. In other countries that kind of situation has been the spark of major disorder, even coups. And the presence of racists and armed gun nuts among those who'd be rejecting the outcome of the election would be particularly worrying.

04 Aug 16 - 06:04 PM (#3803603)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Make that armed racists and gun nuts, plus morons, Kevin.

A worrying situation, indeed.

05 Aug 16 - 05:05 AM (#3803649)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

A little perspective please. Mr Trump is no more of a danger to the Capitalist System than Mrs Clinton.

The only real chance to change has been bought off by the Democratic party.
Sleep easy children.

05 Aug 16 - 05:09 AM (#3803650)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

and the fault lies not at Mr Trumps door, but at the doors of all the so called leftists who held their noses and failed to support Mr Sanders.

I think it is shame which makes you all look for a scapegoat.

05 Aug 16 - 08:27 AM (#3803681)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Charmion

More disingenuousness from Akenaton.

Mrs Clinton has her faults (as do we all), but she clearly understands threats and risks, and takes her responsibilities seriously. She has never been heard to speculate about using "nukes" on anybody, let alone ISIS, as Mr Trump has recently done.

As a citizen and resident of Canada, a nation so tightly tied to the United States that our foreign policy is inextricably bound to theirs, I am frankly scared of Donald Trump.

05 Aug 16 - 08:29 AM (#3803682)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: mkebenn

Trump as scapegoat? Come on, Ake. Mike

05 Aug 16 - 09:51 AM (#3803695)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

More disingenuousness from Akenaton.

Disingenuousness??? Its sheer lunacy. He seems to be spiralling downward by the hour.

05 Aug 16 - 10:11 AM (#3803699)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Go for it Ake,
this discussion can not exist without you.

Trump as the ultimate scape goat would unite the country against him in unison. But that is not going to happen.
Goats do not scape themselves. Condemning the devil can be done by anyone from a suicide bomber to Obama to the Pope. Its all up to a learned, accepted or invented point of view.

For Ake trump represents a unique kind of truth teller while you may see trumpism as a total lie obeying only two rules residing in an empty shell of a man. Those two rules are revenge an exaggeration is salesmanship that works.

Everyone should know that the lessor of two evils is still evil. We should then consider which choice is less lethal.

We only assume which choice that will be in a world replete with disasters and endless revenge and beauty.

Trump for us sickens, and for others, thickens the hide and pride of an empty empathy free life.

05 Aug 16 - 10:15 AM (#3803700)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

"I think it is shame which makes you all look for a scapegoat."

Not such a good argument Ake. In fact, not an argument at all.

05 Aug 16 - 10:40 AM (#3803707)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

edit. revenge and exaggeration...
edit. we only assume which choice is best in a world...

My father always studied both sides of an issue and the people behind those issues and how and why they thought that way.

If you do not know how your opponent thinks and why, you would make a very poor opponent yourself.

For many Trump supporters what takes the place of a college education is the drudge report, prison nation, glen beck, britebart and conservative conspiracy theory websites. They have been successful numerous times. Acorn, selling fetuses, the UN is attacking Texas....

The aim is not to be true but to make a base believe.

05 Aug 16 - 12:10 PM (#3803721)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Not such a good argument Ake. In fact, not an argument at all.

Agreed. Simply sheer lunacy.

05 Aug 16 - 01:22 PM (#3803730)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Each of us express ourselves and what we think we know.

We are not lunatics collectively
We are not morons.
We are not all liars or stellar students.

There is a reason that some of us think we are all or "they are all" morons.

By the grace of what education is afforded us, here we are.

The fragility of the human spirit to suggestion be it for evil greed or honest public service, is exactly the same as our benefit by placebo and hypnosis. Its close to 50-50.

Each of us have the capacity to find a kind of kinship with our polar opposites.

Lighten up
Brighten up
Enlighten up
or just light up

05 Aug 16 - 01:37 PM (#3803732)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Limited time only

Bi Partisan voting nose clips $1.99 each or 8 for $10.

all profits go to schools. Trust me!

05 Aug 16 - 01:53 PM (#3803737)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jack Campin

Sites that anthologize Trumpisms:

05 Aug 16 - 05:56 PM (#3803775)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

We are not lunatics collectively

Perhaps not, but a majority of The Trumpshit's supporters are most certainly lunatics (and worse) individually.

05 Aug 16 - 06:40 PM (#3803781)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

I note that Noam Chomsky has recommended voting for Hillary in any swing state. And you don't have many more intelligent, honourable and consistent opponents of capitalism than him.

Mind, I don't think that talk about swing states in this election is too wise. There are too many variables which could mean states seen as predictably Red or Blue might turn out to confound the pundits.

05 Aug 16 - 06:43 PM (#3803783)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

And you don't have many more intelligent, honourable and consistent opponents of capitalism than him.

Amen, Kevin - Ake notwithstanding.

05 Aug 16 - 08:24 PM (#3803794)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Donuel

Greg I have to smile that you are consistently the 'good and angry guy'.
That is far better than the threatening guy.

we all mellow except when we come face to face with active fascism.
The intelligent are its first victims.

06 Aug 16 - 05:17 AM (#3803831)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

Can anyone answer my question: Can the Repuplicans deselect Trump if they wanted to?

06 Aug 16 - 08:21 AM (#3803864)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: mkebenn

Yes, Stu, they did it to David Duke in his run for the LA house, but he won anyway. Mike

06 Aug 16 - 09:23 AM (#3803869)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

The answer is yes,Stu, but it would be very difficult according to this article from The Daily Beast. From the article:

"The Republican Party rules states that "the Republican National Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of death, declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate for President of the United States or the Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States." They could do this by calling a new convention, or, more likely, casting votes remotely."

I guess "otherwise" is the key word. One thing this article doesn't seem to indicate, which I've read elsewhere, is that the RNC doesn't need to poll all the delegates again just to take a vote among it's 168 members. It's probably too late to dump him and have their slim chance at the presidency and too late to wash the stink of Trump off the party.

06 Aug 16 - 09:32 AM (#3803872)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Funy you should mention the KKK's David Duke in conjunction with The Trumpshit......

06 Aug 16 - 09:34 AM (#3803873)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Just been looking at Mrs Clintons largest financial backers.

Saban Capital.....$10m
Soros FM............$7m
Paloma Group........$9m

Huge number of smaller corporations......and Unions(nudge nudge) :0),
all contribution $millions.

Mr Trumps Campaign seems to be mainly self funded with a large number of individual contributions.

Oh no!! Hillary the Hawk is not in the pockets of the Corporations and we can look forward to some nice equality policies....not.

06 Aug 16 - 09:37 AM (#3803874)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Wake up, Clueless Ake (some hope)- The Trumpshit IS a corporation in himself and the poster boy for corporatism.

06 Aug 16 - 09:43 AM (#3803876)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

"too late to wash the stink of Trump off the party.".....cant believe you actually wrote that Gilly!   What with the revelations regarding the Democratic Party rigging the nomination election.

As my friend Loudon W 3 says, both Parties stink higher than a dead skunk in the middle of the road!

Do you really believe what they say? At least we in the UK know that our politicians are by and large corrupt......

"If any arise to tell this truth,
They kill them...unforgiven."..........The People

06 Aug 16 - 09:51 AM (#3803879)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

Trump's Economic Team

Yeah, Ake, as someone very perceptively put it in another thread, "Trump is your kind of socialist."

06 Aug 16 - 09:57 AM (#3803881)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jeri

Hey Ake, here's what "your friend" Loudon Wainwright III thinks about Trump: I Had a Dream.

06 Aug 16 - 10:19 AM (#3803890)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor


HRC is not the only woman who has a chance to make history during this election year. If a wave of collective insanity sweeps over this nation and Trump wins Melania will be the first First Lady to have participated in a soft-core porn shoot. I wonder how the evangelicals are getting behind that one.

06 Aug 16 - 10:22 AM (#3803892)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: gillymor

Jeri, that is.

06 Aug 16 - 12:47 PM (#3803902)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Jeri, I didn't suggest Loudon was a supporter of Mr Trump, anymore than I am, It was the odour of the US political system which I was referring to.
Would you like to defend it? Perhaps you have a jokey video? If so the joke is definitely on you

The lack of financial regulation is shameful $400m against $90m you call that democracy?   The Party using there power to promote the candidates they want.....what hope is there for change under a system like that. I notice you did not address that either.

06 Aug 16 - 12:52 PM (#3803903)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

the odour of the US political system

Physician, heal thy own system.

NB: As opposed to the odour of homophobia?

06 Aug 16 - 12:59 PM (#3803904)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Our political system is fairly well regulated concerning finance Greg.

I would be obliged if you would apologise for the personal remark concerning "homophobia".    Rather out of character for you, is it not?

06 Aug 16 - 02:25 PM (#3803917)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Jeri

Ake, I'm not going to engage with you. I do believe in not feeding trolls.

06 Aug 16 - 02:50 PM (#3803919)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

From a BBC report on all this: In a podcast last week, long-time Trump advisor Roger Stone said that if the election results in November don't match opinion polls, the Republican nominee should challenge the validity of the election and warned that the unrest could end in a "bloodbath".
"If there's voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate," he said. "The election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government."
Such upheaval may be painfully familiar to those living in the world's less established democracies. It would be uncharted territory for the United States.

Worrying stuff.

06 Aug 16 - 04:48 PM (#3803938)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

More than worrying, Kevin - appalling.

The Trumpshit & Co. are well on the way to turning the U.S. into a bannana republic.

Stone is an even bigger piece of shit than Trump - diffficult though that my be to believe - and has been since he was in grade school.

As a place to start, see:

Plenty more facts out there for the reading.

07 Aug 16 - 03:35 AM (#3803980)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Ebbie

Oh, but Stone assured us that "it won't be violent - but it will be a bloodbath."

True story.

07 Aug 16 - 03:50 AM (#3803983)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Well, Mrs Clinton may or may not be guilty of serial lying, the evidence will be contained the the host of e mails which have been released and are yet to be released.

What she is certainly guilty of is a remarkably bad series of calls on Foreign affairs, calls which to anyone who studies politics would bar her from high office.....Firstly IRAQ.   Well most of the "liberals" here on Mudcat were wrong on that one so perhaps it can be forgiven. Secondly LIBYA. Even her president was opposed to that, but she pressed ahead and finally a weak President Obama save his political skin. He has since admitted it to be the worst mistake of his Presidency.
THIRDLY.... she proposed the bombing of the Assad regime when ISIS was gathering itself to set up an Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
If Assad had indeed been removed and his Ground troops destroyed, Syria today would be an exact replica of Libya, a lawless wasteland and home to the biggest threat facing the world.
Against this threat, the great powers should be uniting, sharing security information and instigating a new chapter of co-operation in place of the cold war mentality promulgated by Mrs Clinton and her coterie.....Mr Trump is correct in this salient point.

Mrs Clinton is an extremely dangerous person, without scruples and an obvious threat to world peace. The fact that to many she appears to be the only choice available, says much about the US political system and those within it.

07 Aug 16 - 04:00 AM (#3803985)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Stu

Thanks mkebenn and gillymor for the explantion and comments. Bit clueless here on the inner workings of the US parties despite trying to keep up!

07 Aug 16 - 09:33 AM (#3804023)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Mrs Clinton is an extremely dangerous person, without scruples and an obvious threat to world peace.

Ake, you need to stop reading those Republicrap conspiracy theory Clinton-Is-The-Antichrist websites - they've been promotong "The National Bitch Hunt" since Whitewater. And you've swallowed their bullshit hook, line & sinker.

Your biased nonsense is boring and irritating at the same time.

07 Aug 16 - 09:38 AM (#3804025)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Mrs Clinton may or may not be guilty of serial lying

Oh and Ake- if you want to excoriate a congenital liar, you've no further to look than your hero, The Trumpshit.

07 Aug 16 - 10:17 AM (#3804028)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Greg, I don't read Republican or Democrat conspiracy theorists, neither do I read Republican or Democrat propaganda.
I do have an interest in world politics and have been observing the "Clinton Dynasty" in action for many years.....don't listen to the those here who have agendas to promote, I am no idiot, nor are you.
This issue is of importance and should be debated fully, and in all her years in politics I have yet to see Mrs Clinton produce anything of substance.....or even promote anything "progressive".
Her career has been a series of disasters and bad choices, the only reason that she is still in the political picture is her financial ties to corporations and the political establishment.
Mr Obama was wrong to cite Libya as his biggest mistake, his biggest mistake was to tie himself to "Team Clinton"; they have sucked him dry and now he is bound to them with iron bands.

07 Aug 16 - 10:34 AM (#3804029)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Mr Trump himself is of no real importance, unless of course he inadvertently brings about a popular revolution against the US Establishment Party System.....and at the moment that appears unlikely due to partisan voters like yourself and most of the people here who have no political education concerning the aims of socialism.   You all had an excellent chance to break the bands in the person of Mr Sanders who would have been a viable alternative to the system and an educator in the mould of Mr Corbyn in the UK, but you all chickened out.....the fear of a social rebel like Mr Trump drove you into the embrace of a creature of the system. You may live to regret that.
Regardless of how this election turns out big changes are required in Western developed economies if we do not wish to see society crumble.
US politics is corrupt from top to bottom and will have to be repaired at some point......just hope it's not already too late.

07 Aug 16 - 11:01 AM (#3804030)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

I don't read Republican ... conspiracy theorists, neither do I read Republican...propaganda.

Funny that, since you've got it all down & can & do repeat it verbatim & ad nauseum.

[you] have no political education concerning the aims of socialism.

Oh yes? and you know the depth and breadth of my "political education" how, precisely? Clapton preserve us from "socialists"[sic] of your ilk.

Mr Trump himself is of no real importance...

Nor was Mussolini I suppose? But the moron masses - and yourself, apparently - who would wish to see The Trumpshit in the presidency and so vote ARE a matter of vital importance.

07 Aug 16 - 02:12 PM (#3804042)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: McGrath of Harlow

The movement stirred up by Sanders just wasn't strong enought to ge him the nomination. And if he'd gone independant and stood anyway, it wouldn't have been enough to win the vote, but would have been enough to put Trump in.

A Clinton presidency dependant upon a good contingent of Sanders inspired members and civilians is the best to hope for, which is why Sanders has called on his supporters to go for it. As also Noam Chomsky.

The main danger now is that there's going to be an assumption that Trump hasn't got a chance, with the consequence that a mass of voters who don't much like Clinton will stay home in November, and that there's a surge of people who don't fancy Trump turning out to vote for him anyway, to give the establishment a fright, on the assumption there's no risk in that since there's no danger he might actually win. As was the case with a lot of the Brexit vote.

07 Aug 16 - 03:04 PM (#3804046)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: michaelr

IRAQ.   Well most of the "liberals" here on Mudcat were wrong on that one

No, ake, most of the liberals here correctly predicted the disastrous outcome of the invasion.

07 Aug 16 - 05:38 PM (#3804078)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: akenaton

Well I think you are wrong in that M, but if you are correct it is a great pity they did not inform Mrs Clinton or keep her actions in supporting the disaster in their memory banks?

07 Aug 16 - 06:21 PM (#3804083)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump - Again
From: Greg F.

Well I think you are wrong in that M,

Yeah, well you also think that The Trumpshit is going to usher in the Peoples' Republic of the U.S.

GHet a grip, Pharoah.