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BS: Spaw memories

22 Aug 16 - 04:53 PM (#3806229)
Subject: BS: Spaw memories
From: gnu

Well, I was searching for something else and found a treasure of old PMs I had forgotten. Here is the second last one I got from Spaw... best PM I ever got...

From Title Date Delete
catspaw49 Re: re auction 22 Jun 2013 09:15 AM
You are one of my favorite whack-jobs! Happy to have you as a friend....LOL...


The previous PMs are a riot. If you know Spaw, you know how much I treasured making him laugh... in return. The stuff in our PMs was "worse" than the stuff in the threads.

I miss you, buddy. Dog broke the mould when you were spawned. Bless.

Anybody got a favourite memory from threads or (not personal stuff, of course) PMs?

22 Aug 16 - 05:49 PM (#3806238)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Ebbie

Spaw and I did not write back and forth much but the times that he sent me a note are special to me- they were supportive and sweet. Thinking of him makes me smile- and I can't ask much more than that of any human being.

(Thanks, guh-nu, although you know you are a broke-dick mamaluca. But a very good one.)

22 Aug 16 - 05:56 PM (#3806240)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Steve Shaw

Hope Dan sees this.

22 Aug 16 - 08:28 PM (#3806266)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Donuel

In his first PM Catspaw and his wife wondered what was up with my unusual ideation and writing style. I wrote back an unedited response regarding my attempt to overcome dyslexic artifacts in my writing like a blind painter might try to paint a portrait. We discovered we both had autistic sons and a mutual respect grew. 10 years later my writing improved and he was sadly gone. He could lead me down a garden path and switch back to a sudden sabotage by the human body elucidating the hilarious relationship between mind and body. When he tells it like it is, it was better than stand up comedy, while I can only describe his directness by association.

22 Aug 16 - 10:39 PM (#3806277)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: gnu

Ebbie... thanks.

Tell *** (edited to protect the innocent) he's full of shit. Remember the "Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner?" Paul out in B.C. bought the damn thing for $40.00 bucks as I recall.


He was a great supporter of Mudcat funding drives and the auction. He did a lot of fund raising in the earlier days. He was part of the backbone that saw Mudcat survive until today. I remember how he led those people in fund raising drives so Max could keep this community alive back when it was touch and go. Heck, I used to get wild and crazy at it too because Spaw provided the craziness that allowed me to get crazy and that drove many to support MC.

23 Aug 16 - 01:36 AM (#3806290)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Bugsy

He sent me an email of support when I was going in for my bypass surgery, outlining a few do's and don'ts, plus what to expect poste surgery. Frightened the living shit out of me!

I miss the old bastard and wish I still had that email. I'd like to have used it on a few friends who followed in our footsteps surgery wise.



23 Aug 16 - 04:37 AM (#3806311)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Will Fly

About 4 years ago, I posted a para or two about a day spent with my (then) 3-year old grandson, Sammy - called "An Enchanted Morning".

Spaw's post still rings in my ears.

"The greatest loss in our lives is innocence. For all that life has not given to our son Tristan, it has allowed a bit of that wonderful innocence to remain.................Well done Will.....made Ol' Spaw tear up you did........."

23 Aug 16 - 11:52 AM (#3806372)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Rapparee

Spaw once called me a "mammy-jamming broke dick mammaluca." sniff.

23 Aug 16 - 03:02 PM (#3806412)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Micca

I remember I was "on my travels" in Maine and another Catter casually mentioned they had Spaws home phone number and spoke to him regularly, and why didn't I call him, I did and frightened the Livin Bejaysus out of him but I remember vividly being Very surprised at his accent!!!, I subconsciously expected him to sound English!!! and he had this Mid west(?)rasp you could file your nails with!! I called him every time I was Stateside after that and very enjoyable it was always. Also, I remember with great affection his tales about the Reg boys and Buford, especially the one about the Christmas trees, I nearly peed myself the first time I read it!

23 Aug 16 - 03:11 PM (#3806415)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: olddude

One of his voice messages, Hey dan
Karen and I love you, just wanted to tell you that
Go fuck yourself

23 Aug 16 - 03:15 PM (#3806416)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: gnu

olddude... perfect.

23 Aug 16 - 03:36 PM (#3806418)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: olddude

I wish you could have heard our weekly phone conversations, I never laughed so long or so hard as talking to that old goat. Loved him and still miss him. He was one of a kind

23 Aug 16 - 06:21 PM (#3806439)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: MMario

yeah- what they said.

23 Aug 16 - 07:31 PM (#3806444)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: LilyFestre

Awww, Spaw.

His sense of humor and tell it like it is kind of way helped keep my spirits up during chemo. I sure do miss him.

24 Aug 16 - 01:58 AM (#3806488)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Joe Offer

Spaw kept promising to make it to the Getaway in Maryland, but he never did. One year (2001, I think), I decided to make a longer-than-usual vacation after the Getaway, and I found myself in Cincinnati. It's only 142 miles from Cincinnati to Bremen, so I decided to drop in on Spaw - unannounced. I could hardly wait to see the look of surprise on his face.

Now, the journey was farther than I thought, because I had to see the Air Force Museum in Dayton and the Capitol in Columbus, and I had a flat tire along the way. So, I stayed in Columbus overnight and then headed off to Bremen, 41 miles away. As I approached Bremen, I found road kill all over the highway, so apparently Bremen has a large assortment of small mammals. I figured this would give me a lot to talk about with Spaw.

So, anyhow, I got to the house in a nice neighborhood with brick streets, and rang the doorbell. Spaw answered, and said, "Joe Offer, what the hell are you doing here?" Mind you, we had never seen each other before and I had no idea what he would look like. He acted like it was something that happened every day, having an unannounced Mudcatter show up at one's doorstep.

And we hit it off right away, and spent a delightful two hours together. I'm sure glad I got to meet him.


24 Aug 16 - 07:57 AM (#3806534)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: open mike

While looking thru threads here today I saw quite a few names of our Mudcat family members no longer with us. Spawn, oops..gonna keep that typo...sorcha, kat laughing, sandy paton, kytrad, and so many others....whose posts live on...this Mudcat forum becomes such an archive where they will be present for years to come!!

24 Aug 16 - 08:17 PM (#3806636)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Amos

"Well, I've been shot with Burma-Shave! Joe told me not to post anymore to XXX's thread......LMAO....I love it! I have officially pissed off Joe!!! And quite a few others over the years, but this was particularly satisfying!!!

Yours in Lathered Good Cheer


The heart, the gusto, the slangy bodacious pummeling of him, should echo down all of Mudcat's years.


24 Aug 16 - 09:19 PM (#3806644)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Mooh

I never met the man outside of Mudcat and Facebook, and yet I feel like he had been my brother. I miss him.

Peace, Mooh.

25 Aug 16 - 08:24 AM (#3806705)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Charley Noble

Thanks for sharing these memories.

Charlie Ipcar

25 Aug 16 - 09:09 PM (#3806797)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: bbc

Wonderful story, Joe! I can just see that happening! Two special men!


26 Aug 16 - 06:09 AM (#3806835)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Roger the Skiffler

I never met him but we corresponded and shared a sense of humour. He appointed me head of bedpans at the NYCFTTS. I remember thinking at the time: here I am, a graduate with a postgrad professional qualification, working in a University and the thing I'm most proud of is being a shitcan emptier at a fictitious mental home! He was always supportive of my Greek "postcards", especially when they got me into trouble with some Greek people who came across them, thought they recognised themselves and took offence. "Fuck 'em,Skiff" was his advice! Losing him, Rick and Art took a lot of the warmth out of the Mudcat.

26 Aug 16 - 11:47 AM (#3806885)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: Bill D

Too many memories of sharing stories & laughs in the threads & PMs to list.... but when my wife & I were returning home to MD from St. Louis, he & Karen & Tristan met us for lunch at the nearest I-70 stop. We had a couple of hours of sharing laughs and memories and stories that I really cherish.... and a bunch of pictures of all of us in various poses.
   He had quite a life, both good and .... frustrating.... but his approach was to take what was offered and kick the parts he didn't like "you know where".

A few typed words doesn't do justice to how much he gave to all of his many friends here.

26 Aug 16 - 06:19 PM (#3806951)
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
From: bbc

All true, Bill. He was an original! Miss him!
