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BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions

12 Jan 17 - 12:21 PM (#3832120)
Subject: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Mr Red

Wiki on USA President's nicknames

Old Hickory, the Accidentalist, Ten-Cent Jimmy etc

I wonder, with the current crop of lurid news:

What will be the nickname that sticks going forward from next week?

12 Jan 17 - 12:27 PM (#3832122)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: bobad

I've been calling him President Pussy Grabber, others haven't been so kind.

12 Jan 17 - 12:32 PM (#3832123)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: gillymor

I'm torn between "The Orange Buffoon" and "The Groper in Chief".

12 Jan 17 - 12:42 PM (#3832127)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Mr Red


12 Jan 17 - 12:47 PM (#3832130)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Bee-dubya-ell

My daughter calls him the "Pussy Grabber in Chief". I've abbreviated it to "PGIC". (No disrespect toward Pacific Gateway International College intended.)

12 Jan 17 - 12:51 PM (#3832132)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Mr Red

Putin's Puppet ?
Moscow Marrauder

Looking at all the nicknames they may not refer to actual events, just the whiff of scandal and there is a lot of nose holding right now!

12 Jan 17 - 02:37 PM (#3832142)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: gnu

Instead of POTUS, BLOTUS... Biggest Liar Of The United States.

12 Jan 17 - 02:39 PM (#3832143)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Teribus

Seems a bit premature seeing as the man most are talking about hasn't been sworn into office - apart from which the subject of the thread seems awfully puerile, having said that I am sure the man will do something to earn himself a "Presidential nickname" during his term of office - Note that "Term" singular.

By the way what was Obama's? "Apparently we can't"? I know that Joe Biden's was Joe "Wrong again" Biden.

12 Jan 17 - 03:34 PM (#3832153)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: gillymor


"The Bloviating Bigot" might serve as well.

12 Jan 17 - 03:49 PM (#3832155)
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
From: Joe Offer

Hmmmm. Teribus thinks it's too early for us to give Trump a nickname. Is he talking about the same Trump who had a denigrating nickname for every opponent in the election?
Let's see how many we can come up with:
  • Crooked Hillary and Lying Hillary
  • Little Marco
  • Crazy Bernie
  • Lyin' Ted
  • 'Low Energy' Jeb
  • '1 for 38' Kasich
  • Goofy Elizabeth Warren


    Hey, did he have nicknames for Rick Perry or Ben Carson, or was their lack of a nickname an indication that they were predestined for the Cabinet? Now he can call them "Mr. Secretary."


    12 Jan 17 - 04:49 PM (#3832160)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Thompson

    Could I suggest some sinister music?

    Don Don Donnnnn!

    12 Jan 17 - 06:33 PM (#3832187)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Teribus

    Joe Offer - 12 Jan 17 - 03:49 PM

    "Hmmmm. Teribus thinks it's too early for us to give Trump a nickname"

    Title of the thread is what Joe? BS: Presidential nickname isn't it? I am sure Donald Trump already has loads of nicknames some of them going back to childhood, but none of them Presidential and you cannot really have a Presidential nickname until After you become President.

    12 Jan 17 - 06:40 PM (#3832191)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Joe Offer

    Yep, I think we need to be ready for the bastard, Teribus. He certainly didn't give half-respect to anybody else.
    I keep thinking Asshole-in-Chief, but that's a bit puerile. I don't want to stoop to his level.


    12 Jan 17 - 06:59 PM (#3832196)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: michaelr

    I'll never call him anything but Assclown.

    12 Jan 17 - 07:06 PM (#3832198)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Bee-dubya-ell

    I agree with Teribus. Any nickname given Trump at this time would only reflect on his past as a philanderer, a perpetrator of sexual assault, a tax cheat, a business cheat, a liar, a con-man, and a megalomaniac. We should wait until we see what sort of really nasty shit he's able to get up to once the powers of the US Presidency are bestowed upon him.

    12 Jan 17 - 08:29 PM (#3832207)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    I can't be the only person who thinks the election of this complete twat is just about the most unfunny thing that's happened to the planet for at least 80 years.

    12 Jan 17 - 08:50 PM (#3832208)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Tattie Bogle in the one who trundled off to the White House ....Trump, Trump, Trump!

    12 Jan 17 - 09:14 PM (#3832209)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Jack Campin

    The really, really nasty pieces of murderous shit don't get nicknames. Instead, they become nicknames themselves - "little Hitler", "Napoleon of the borough council".

    In 100 years people will probably be calling Hitler a "Trump wannabe".

    12 Jan 17 - 09:15 PM (#3832210)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Some wag came up with "Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocius".

    12 Jan 17 - 10:52 PM (#3832215)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stilly River Sage

    Something with a nod to Senator Joe McCarthy - they share paranoid views of the world.

    12 Jan 17 - 11:17 PM (#3832219)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Big Al Whittle

    its a bit like Thatcher...

    on one hand, you feel sorry for the people who are about to get it in the goolies from a real stinker.

    on the other've got to face facts. a lot of people voted for this character, and the other side were too selfish and mouthy to unite and deprive him of victory.

    if you won't face up to the way the political system works - your country will pay the price.

    12 Jan 17 - 11:49 PM (#3832221)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Joe Offer

    True, Al. Maybe the Democrats should have gone all the way and nominated Elizabeth Warren, a female candidate of true wisdom and integrity. I like Bernie, but I don't see the wisdom and inspiration in him, that I see in Elizabeth Warren.


    13 Jan 17 - 01:47 AM (#3832230)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Big Al Whittle

    no Joe...even from this distance, its been really obvious for about a year that the stark choice was the Republican Party or Hillary.

    its been like watching the shark in jaws moving in on a gang of swimmers with their legs flip flopping haplessly, inexpertly below the waterline.

    13 Jan 17 - 03:18 AM (#3832237)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Rutherford B. Hayes - Rutherfraud or His Fraudulency

    The American public can be unforgiving - the name that sticks will be super-sticky. It may only sum up one side of a president's character, but it will be the most revealing.

    As an American comedian remarked on a British radio show - Trump will: "Make America Grope Again" - so maybe that aspect will settle the nickname that sticks.

    Hey! You are stuck with him for now, and powerless to sway his hand, ridiculing him is poor recompense but it is free. If you thought we were being too disrespectful - I entreat you to peruse William Hogarth & his political cartoons!

    PS - like Nellie & Groper in Chief

    13 Jan 17 - 04:14 AM (#3832244)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    Sorry folks, I think this thread is very childish, not to say lacking in respect for a huge number of your fellow citizens.
    The tone and language is presented as comedy, but it is obviously vitriolic hatred based on he fact that the Democratic establishment and their world view has been rejected in the 2016 election.

    You may say that the result was close, but in all honesty, had the direction of the Democratic establishment allied to almost all of the media been acceptable to the electorate, Mrs Clinton would surely have been elected in a landslide.

    The world is changing and the old template of neoliberalism and social "liberalism" is being rejected all over the Western world.

    Getting back to this particular thread, the hatred is palpable yet you have been telling us for years that hatred is confined to the political right.

    13 Jan 17 - 04:35 AM (#3832248)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Kenny B (inactive)

    I think DT's is sufficient , I have seen enough of Delirium Tremens ( apologies to Christy Moore) from the outside to recognise the symptoms.

    13 Jan 17 - 05:19 AM (#3832262)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Regarding Joe McCarthy, "The Orange Scare".

    13 Jan 17 - 05:29 AM (#3832267)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    Hey alt-righters moaning about us thinking of names for your hero: get over it (as you are so fond of saying).

    The Golden Showers One


    The Equivocator

    Putin's Pocket Puppet

    Andy Small

    13 Jan 17 - 05:31 AM (#3832271)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: DMcG

    In a sense, I agree with Teribus: it is the actions during the presidency that will decide the name. Those in the UK with good memories will recall that Steve Bell in the Guardian characterised Tony Blair as Bambi at the start. On the other hand Donald Trump is a far better known figure than Tony Blair was, so it seems unlikely the defining actions will be very different from what has gone before.

    I was taken with a previous President being known as "The Last Cocked Hat." I'd be tempted to take to wearing a tricorn just to be "The New Cocked Hat".

    13 Jan 17 - 11:27 AM (#3832348)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    Alt -righters Stu......"You don't know me". I am a socialist and a social conservative. My views on the economy are vastly different to those on the right......but socially we have much common ground.
    As a socialist I am pleased to see the political establishment being dismantled, the soft "liberal" left have been completely ineffective in standing up to the corporatists......their consciences being salved by the gift of social non-issues like homosexual "marriage"


    14 Jan 17 - 07:33 AM (#3832511)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    "Cheater of the Free World"

    14 Jan 17 - 08:25 AM (#3832522)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    "I am a socialist"

    With respect Ake, I see nothing in your posts that makes me think you are a socialist.

    ..."in standing up to the corporatists"

    You do know who Trump is, right? He's an uber capitalist of the worst possible sort, a petulant and sociopathic free-marketeer of the worst stripe, just like his mate Farage. No socialist would support these people, they represent the polar opposite of everything people who care about an equitable and compassionate society stand for.

    Trump means "fart" in English English. Nuff said.

    14 Jan 17 - 10:33 AM (#3832540)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    So you support globalisation Stu?   I here President Elect Trump saying that he will put "blue collar America back to work", the only way that can be achieved is by stopping the movement of investment to China and India......All of the developed Western economies are going to have to take this path.

    Leaving the people made redundant by globalisation to rot is not an option, they are already showing their teeth as demonstrated by the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump.

    As a socialist, I take the long view...there is no alternative, the established order, the alliance of the globalists, "liberals" and the media must be shattered before any systemic change is possible.

    14 Jan 17 - 11:56 AM (#3832560)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    "I here (sic) President Elect Trump saying that he will put "blue collar America back to work"

    Then he can stiff 'em as was his practice in the private sector. A real socialist, that one.

    14 Jan 17 - 12:23 PM (#3832564)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    I didn't SAY President Trump was a socialist.
    Try to put a bit of effort into comprehension and try to ignore typos, we all make them.

    14 Jan 17 - 12:28 PM (#3832566)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Anyone who thinks Herr Trump is going to look out for working class people when he's spent his entire working life shafting them, business partners and enrollees at his bogus university is living in a fantasy world. Look it up.

    14 Jan 17 - 12:35 PM (#3832568)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    Mr Trump is pretty unimportant, its the smashing of the establishment and the phoney two party system that really matters.

    Most people thought that the "liberal" establishment, media and corporate capitalism could not be challenged, the last election has shown them that they really have a voice if they stay united.

    14 Jan 17 - 06:42 PM (#3832645)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stilly River Sage

    I think this thread is very childish, not to say lacking in respect for a huge number of your fellow citizens.

    Ake, if you don't like the topic you can go away. You're not contributing to the content of the thread, you're trying to change the subject to you or to what you think. We don't care about your Scottish opinion of an American topic. You don't understand the discussion and you're not helping it advance.

    14 Jan 17 - 06:46 PM (#3832646)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stilly River Sage

    In movies where a fictional American is a character the film Secret Service have called his code name as "Eagle One."

    In view of the recent dossier pee revelations, perhaps the Secret Service could simply call Trump "Number One."

    15 Jan 17 - 06:06 AM (#3832709)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Good one, Acme but I'll always think of him as a "Number 2".

    "The Angry Creamsicle"

    15 Jan 17 - 07:08 AM (#3832717)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Teribus

    As a complete and utter outsider the last US Presidential Election was astonishing as far as the rest of the world goes. Your election process seems to us to be overly prolonged and in this instance from the long list of candidates your two-party system threw up the two candidates that were both loathed.

    Now having said that and as one person who believed that Trump's run for President was a joke that was intended to fail, I cannot help but agree with Akenaton that his election was a rebellion by the American voter.

    On what Trump has said most consistently during the campaign and during the election we have this:

    It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.

    That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.

    First: I am going to institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government after they leave government service.

    Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.

    Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labelling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.

    Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

    Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.

    Can't see anything wrong with any of that.

    15 Jan 17 - 07:26 AM (#3832720)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    I typed out a reply that either disappeared into the ether or was deleted (I suspect the former, there was nothing rude or controversial in it), but suffice to say I don't think the answer to the issues for the workers of the rust belt or Grimsby lies with the ultra-free market economics of the alt-right.

    We need to educate our workers to compete with the far east and we need to encourage science and education to innovate and develop the new technologies that will drive us forward in the future. As Brexit and Trump are both fundamentally anti-science in their approach they will hold us back in the long run.

    Re-opening mines, foundries and out of date production lines will to help these communities spring back to life, they need more long-term and creative solutions to their problems, not a return to the 1970's.

    15 Jan 17 - 07:31 AM (#3832721)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Would you support a ban on the pro-Israel lobby buying off politicians too? What about the gun lobby? That would constitute two giant steps in making the US more democratic. I won't be holding my breath.

    15 Jan 17 - 09:09 AM (#3832740)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Iains

    I do not see how a Presidential nickname can be given until the man has established some sort of track record as President.

    15 Jan 17 - 09:19 AM (#3832743)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Bee-dubya-ell

    Yes, the moniker by which Mr. Trump will be known to future generations will depend on his actions as President. Whether he is to be known as "The First President to Be Successfully Impeached" or "The Second President to Resign From Office" is entirely up to him.

    15 Jan 17 - 10:18 AM (#3832756)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    The Last President.

    15 Jan 17 - 10:23 AM (#3832757)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    It's the nickname elect.

    15 Jan 17 - 11:39 AM (#3832773)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stilly River Sage

    The Cheetos Man brings his fluffy orange demeanor to mind, but I imagine the company that owns the product name would have to place lots of reminders in writer's journals that it is a brand name. (Like the old line of "Kleenex is a facial tissue - so use facial tissue, not the name of our product when you refer the the paper hankie that leaves lint in your dryer when you leave one in your pocket").

    15 Jan 17 - 02:34 PM (#3832811)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    Just a question to the mods, is it only unflattering or downright insulting nicknames which are permitted on this thread?

    If so would you please correct the heading accordingly?

    in this part of the world everyone has nicknames, very rarely are they abusive.
      Request ignored. I think I saw "Old Hickory" mentioned, which I think is complimentary. You are welcome to post as many complimentary nicknames as you wish. -Joe Offer-

    15 Jan 17 - 03:05 PM (#3832822)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Nigel Parsons

    At the risk of offending, maybe he should be remembered as: "The peoples choice", direct the blame where it belongs.

    And before anyone points out that the majority of Americans did not vote for him, the people (via their elected officials) have not done anything to change the electoral processes which gave him the job.

    15 Jan 17 - 03:17 PM (#3832824)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stilly River Sage

    That is untrue, Nigel. There are a number of states that have signed on to remove the electoral college, and I imagine a few more will make that move soon. It's one of those things that everyone has to agree to before it changes.

    15 Jan 17 - 04:23 PM (#3832839)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Elmore

    President WEMABAN; wicked, evil, mean, and bad, and nasty.

    15 Jan 17 - 06:54 PM (#3832861)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: bobad

    Would you support a ban on the pro-Israel lobby buying off politicians too?

    Ah yes, that old, anti-Semitic canard raises it's ugly head once again.

    15 Jan 17 - 07:06 PM (#3832864)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    The people via their elected officials have very little ability to change anything, so do get real, Nigel. Even Obama, in the face of various lobbies, had very little ability to change anything. The fact remains that yer man lost the popular vote by a ton. My feeling is that that singular fact will come back to bite his arse, especially when his multifarious transgressions come to the fore even more than they have done up to now. This idiot is very unlikely to make it through a whole term. There are dodgy times ahead.

    15 Jan 17 - 07:10 PM (#3832865)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    The pro-Israel lobby consists of a large number of non-Jewish business millionaires as well as Jews. Do your homework before you do your usual simplistic brainless kneejerks, bobad.

    15 Jan 17 - 07:13 PM (#3832866)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: bobad

    Tell us again Shaw, how the Jews control

    15 Jan 17 - 07:40 PM (#3832868)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Nope. It's your obsession so you tell US about it! 😂

    15 Jan 17 - 07:58 PM (#3832870)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: bobad

    MY obsession.......lolololol!

    15 Jan 17 - 08:15 PM (#3832875)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Yes it is your obsession. No-one on this forum has ever said that Jews control governments, only you. No-one on this forum BELIEVES that Jews control governments. You WANT to believe that there are horrible people like that here, but there aren't. You are having a bash because you know that I outed you for your duplicity before the rule-change. Too bad. No-one here ever comes to your support. And I really can't work out why the moderators here think that it's a great idea for this forum to put up with you, what with your obnoxious "Jew hater" name-calling. Still, not my gig, so hey ho.

    16 Jan 17 - 05:32 AM (#3832921)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    "in this part of the world everyone has nicknames, very rarely are they abusive."

    Where the hell did you grow up?

    Down here in the gutter nicknames are very often pisstakes based on a certain character trait or part or their appearance, and have been since school days. These could be considered offensive I suppose if you're particularly thin-skinned, but then some people have to feel like victims.

    16 Jan 17 - 06:21 AM (#3832925)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: akenaton

    In the Gaelic culture of the West of Scotland, everyone had a nickname "Donal Mhor", "Hillary Bhan", "Erchie crupach", most pertaining to some physical characteristic, occupation, or some unusual deed performed in the past.

    It was and still is accepted as very bad form to refer to anyone by their nickname to their face, but all these names are in common everyday use.

    16 Jan 17 - 06:39 AM (#3832932)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Even if that were true, which I doubt, the president-elect is not a denizen of the Gaelic fastnesses of western Scotland. I hear he has a golf course or two somewhere else in Scotland, mind you. I suppose the locals who live near them, as well as a large number of environmentalists, have some fairly choice nicknames for him.

    16 Jan 17 - 08:57 AM (#3832945)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Posted by Molly on the Gaughan forum, reproduced with permission, though she respectfully asks that you retain the attribution if you pass it on.


    If the Protestants all pray
    And the Buddhists chant a bit
    And the rabbi in the synagogue
    Gets Moses in on it
    And the Catholics count their beads
    And the Pope says it's OK
    And if all the monks and friars
    Pray their nuts off night and day
    And all the shamans round the world
    Get themselves into a trance
    And the whirling swirling dervishes
    Do their usual little dance
    If the Sikhs all sing their hymns
    And the Hindus rise at dawn
    And the rest of us read the old I-Ching
    The Bible or Koran
    If the holy trumpets sound
    And the drummers have a bash
    If the Yogis levitate
    And the Mormons raise the cash
    If Mohammed rolls his sleeves up
    (Peace and blessings be on him)
    And the Baptists take a Sunday stroll
    To the river for a swim
    And if those who handle snakes
    Stay steady and steadfast
    And if those who practice Zen
    Get nowhere pretty fast
    If the preacher in the pulpit
    Has his Bible there to thump
    Do you think there's any chance
    Of getting rid of Donald Trump?

    Written by Sam Richards: a poet, writer and musician from Devon, England.

    16 Jan 17 - 10:26 AM (#3832954)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: bobad

    One that has been making the rounds: Trumple Thinskin.

    16 Jan 17 - 10:49 AM (#3832962)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    I'm thinking "The Cheeto Bandito".

    More of a description than a nickname but Jon Stewart nailed it with "Unrepentant Narcissistic Asshole"

    16 Jan 17 - 12:26 PM (#3832987)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Dave the Gnome

    I think that the meaning of Trump on the east side of the pond is good enough. IE - Fart, breaking wind, whatever else you like to call it. Makes a nasty smell. Makes himself feel better while tainting the environment for everyone else. Lots of noise with no real message. Hopefully, one of these days, he will follow through :-D


    16 Jan 17 - 02:01 PM (#3833004)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    I like Cheeto's. I don't want to start associating them with Trump. Ugh.

    16 Jan 17 - 05:03 PM (#3833031)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Trumple Thinskin - getting close to the Bull (sic)

    nicknames have been the staple of human discourse since tribes got to be larger than "mother - father - grandad/pop/granpy - grandma/gran - aunt etc". ANd don't the Welsh have fun - "look see".

    When Billy the Bastard claimed all of England and realised he didn't know what he had got, his henchmen had to document people. So John here and John there had to be nominatively distinguished. So if John was a woodcutter he got to be John Forrester (and his decendants today might be Forster or Foster) but poor old John with a crossed eye would be John Cox which wasn't that complimentary even then.

    Anyway we have to single out Presidents from any other poor sod with the same appellation. We are having fun, it won't be fun much longer.

    Trump's litany of refusing to pay so many creditors must earn the nickname "Old can pay, won't pay" some day. Since "His Fraudulency" has already been taken.

    17 Jan 17 - 07:55 AM (#3833126)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Yeah, Cheetos deserve better than that.

    "Decomposing Jack-o-lantern" (?)

    17 Jan 17 - 08:21 AM (#3833131)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    What are these "Cheetos?" Neither Mrs Steve nor I has ever heard of them!

    17 Jan 17 - 08:34 AM (#3833135)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Hope this helps, Steve.

    17 Jan 17 - 08:53 AM (#3833140)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Jim Carroll

    The Redneck in the White House seems apt enough
    Jim Carroll

    17 Jan 17 - 11:44 AM (#3833180)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    thanx gillymor


    17 Jan 17 - 04:19 PM (#3833225)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Welcome to Trump's America where p###y grabbing may become the new National Pastime.

    18 Jan 17 - 01:03 PM (#3833392)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    He's long been known as "Deadbeat Donnie" due his reputation for stiffing tradespeople, contractors, real estate agents and even the law firms he hires to sue the previous three.

    18 Jan 17 - 03:46 PM (#3833423)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Joe Offer

    Is there no equivalent to Cheetos in the UK? Can it really be that Steve Shaw has no concept of Cheetos?

    If you have never had Cheetos, Steve, no doubt you will live a longer and healthier life. They're tasty and addictive, but I doubt that they have any semblance to actual food.


    18 Jan 17 - 05:19 PM (#3833431)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    We have things called Cheesy Wotsits but they look terrible and I can honestly report that the confection has never crossed my lips. I have a suspicion that they may be Cheeto-like.

    18 Jan 17 - 06:56 PM (#3833441)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: bobad

    "the Donald" has received the honor of having a new species of moth officially named after him: Neopalpa donaldtrumpi. It is described as having a strange blonde thing on its head and small genitals.

    IFL Science

    18 Jan 17 - 09:54 PM (#3833477)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: CupOfTea

    Nasty as it sounds, my money is on


    That's his particular way of getting his lies out to his staunch supporters. The parallels are too obvious for me. I do like Trumple Thinskin, but it doesn't sound as scary, and I'm freaking terrified.

    Joanne in the democratic stronghold of a republican run state.

    19 Jan 17 - 02:22 AM (#3833491)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Ebbie

    One thing I have not heard addressed is the colo(u)r of Trump's hair. He would have you know that it is not ORANGE or apricot or whatever; it is GOLDEN.

    19 Jan 17 - 04:24 AM (#3833522)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    The Cheeto's that I love are the Jalapeño Cheese flavoured ones, and you can get them here in the UK from Tescos, but they cost a packet (geddit?). I first tried these in a petrol station in the Mojave Desert when a mate brought a huge packet and offered them around to the group we were travelling with. I was hooked immediately.

    A packet of Jalapeño Cheese Cheetos and a box of Hot Tamales and you've the basis of some fine road trip cuisine, right there.

    19 Jan 17 - 08:36 AM (#3833542)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    "TWITLER", Lol. My favorite so far.

    Also in the running, "Commander in Cheat".

    20 Jan 17 - 03:39 AM (#3833652)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Ebbie

    Somewhere else, they have come up with 'Don, the Con'. I rather like it.

    20 Jan 17 - 04:10 AM (#3833654)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Personally I don't think we have to describe him from his presidential record, but I think he will do something that chimes during. Even if it harks back.
    And it will stick.

    Like Twitler. It has at least three references (for UK ears).

    21 Jan 17 - 04:08 AM (#3833826)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    Righto. To all the right-wing apologists whining that we had to wait and see what their glorious leader did when he was in office before we judge him, now we can.

    He's removed all reference to climate change from the White House website (it was gone within hours, much to the alarm of many workers in the natural sciences) and he's plugging Melania's jewellery tat on her White House site bio.

    Let's see what today brings.

    21 Jan 17 - 09:42 PM (#3834015)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: McGrath of Harlow

    No Cheetos, but we do have Pork Scratchings - which is what they actually are, bits of fried pigskin. If you had them in the States that might be a good nickname.

    From his dancing you could go for President Lurch. (Try:

    21 Jan 17 - 10:06 PM (#3834017)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Donuel

    Tucker Frump

    22 Jan 17 - 05:15 AM (#3834046)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Er - call me a Blackcountryman but them there Pork Scratching wot you refers to (owr kid) bain't nuttin but cracklin'
    Reeeel Scratchings is wot ya get left wiv when yer make lard. The underbelly, called leaf. And bits of any offal that will render fat. Pressed into round pans. Killed off by BSE.
    Pigskin was sold for leather goods. And was prized. Times change!

    I won't have the glorious memory of real Pork Scratchings sullied by a Trump of Lard!
    No sir!

    22 Jan 17 - 05:22 AM (#3834047)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    I love pork scratchings but not those puffed-up jobs. I like mine to be 25% skin and 75% big thick wodge of fat and filling-bustingly hard. I've had several nipples in my time but never the fabled pig's anus. I'll keep looking. More on my fine dining preferences later.

    22 Jan 17 - 05:25 AM (#3834049)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Don't they call them pork rinds in the US or are those a different confection?

    22 Jan 17 - 05:32 AM (#3834050)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    I once ate a huge bag of chilli flavoured pork scratchings whilst on a long drive across the prairie from Rapid City, SD, to a tiny town in North Dakota.


    22 Jan 17 - 06:10 AM (#3834052)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Why add chilli to such a pure and beautiful product? Abominable.

    22 Jan 17 - 06:26 AM (#3834053)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Jim Carroll

    Why add lumps of hard set greasy fat to such a beautiful food as chili?
    It's time we sent missionaries up north again - mind you, they ate the last lot, no doubt spread with chili sauce
    Jim Carroll

    22 Jan 17 - 07:14 AM (#3834056)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    There comes a time in life (usually after eight pints) when only hard-set lumps of greasy fat will do. Failing that, prawn biryani with extra fried rice and pappadoms or salty chip butties made with terrible white sliced bread and too much butter. Send the missionaries and we might even deep-fry them too.

    22 Jan 17 - 07:52 AM (#3834063)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Stu

    They were the puffy ones, not the fatty ones and they were superb. Worked surprisingly well.

    22 Jan 17 - 08:07 AM (#3834065)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    I will eat the puffy one in extremis only. They are to proper pork scratchings what Batchelor's tinned processed peas are to Birdseye.

    22 Jan 17 - 08:16 AM (#3834067)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: DMcG

    Back on nicknames, with the climate change denial 'Cnut' is becoming appealing (yes, I know the Cnut story has several versions.)

    Also, in honour of "The Godfather" 'Don' seems tempting.

    22 Jan 17 - 08:43 AM (#3834071)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    I can't believe you guys co-opted this wonderful thread to discuss disgusting, lard-laden pig anuses. Wait, looks like you're right on topic. Carry on.

    22 Jan 17 - 09:20 AM (#3834076)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Steve Shaw

    Exactly! At least the pigs' orifices in question are no longer blowing out offensive and dangerous material.

    22 Jan 17 - 09:32 AM (#3834081)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Bee-dubya-ell

    I cannot bring myself to refer to the recently inaugurated individual as "President T-t-t-t...". See, I can't even type it.

    Therefore, I have decided to refer to him as "He-whose-name-I-shall-not-utter-following-the-word-President".

    Or possibly "The Future Ex-President".

    26 Jan 17 - 04:55 AM (#3834939)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    a generic nickname for a politician and pretty apt in this context.

    Post Turtle

    26 Jan 17 - 07:30 PM (#3835099)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Gallus Moll

    haven't time to read all the posts so apologies if this is a duplicate:

    Trump = Fart = PHLATUS (rather that POTUS!!)

    26 Jan 17 - 08:11 PM (#3835106)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Donuel

    That jumps the shart.

    26 Jan 17 - 10:51 PM (#3835124)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    Good one, Gallus Moll.

    Imported from another thread:

    Il Douche

    27 Jan 17 - 01:54 AM (#3835134)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: PHJim

    Forty-Five (That's what Lawrence Fishburn calls him.)

    27 Jan 17 - 08:01 PM (#3835268)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Gallus Moll

    Just realised that flatus is not spelled phlatus
    (don't know why not as I can spell flatulence -- -!)
    However- - it could be a kind of word play on POTUS which was in my mind at the time- - -!!!

    27 Jan 17 - 08:43 PM (#3835275)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Donuel

    Did I mention Rumple thin skin? or someone else
    It stuck in my head

    28 Jan 17 - 12:55 AM (#3835281)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: olddude

    Orange potus prick is my term for him

    05 Feb 17 - 07:52 AM (#3836872)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Another one Pence worth 😆 😆 😆

    05 Feb 17 - 06:42 PM (#3836992)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Greg F.

    I've been out of touch for a while - has "His Mendacity" been suggested?

    06 Feb 17 - 09:34 AM (#3837081)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: gillymor

    He's steadily earning the moniker, "Bannon's Bitch".

    I'm sure someone's come up with "The Trumpster Fire".

    10 Feb 17 - 04:03 AM (#3837917)
    Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
    From: Mr Red

    Hey guys. We missed the most obvious one:

    trumpery > Merriam-Webster

    trumpery > Oxford Dictionary

    from Old French tromperie, from tromper - deceive