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BS: who is on ICQ?

14 Dec 99 - 06:18 PM (#149512)
Subject: who is on ICQ?
From: Emmie

Are any mudcatters on ICQ? If so I would love to chat with you on it. My name on ICQ is em (very imaginative aren't I?)


14 Dec 99 - 06:22 PM (#149513)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

There are quite a few of us on ICQ. I am on 52197911


14 Dec 99 - 06:30 PM (#149520)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: SeanM

For what it's worth, I'm out there at 46916679

see ya!


14 Dec 99 - 06:38 PM (#149523)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Emmie

aaah! After a very enthusiastic start I have to admit that I don't know how to find you!! I tried putting your numbers in the web and people search then clicking go but I didn't get any results. I'm quite new to ICQ. How do I locate you by your number? I don't actually know what my ICQ number is either!! Help please!! Emmie

14 Dec 99 - 06:40 PM (#149525)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: SeanM

There's usually a fairly decent "Add User" wizard somewhere on on the ICQ control panel... just follow the instructions...


14 Dec 99 - 06:53 PM (#149532)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

Emmie, the add user that Sean mentioned does work well but if any of us are going to be able to find you, I think we will need a little more than em - there are loads of "em's". What is your ICQ number? If you load ICQ, you should see your number at the top of the window.


14 Dec 99 - 07:04 PM (#149538)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Emmie

oh yes. Wow the wonders of modern technology ha ha didn't even notice. And there I was thinking I was the only em in the world. My big ego. Well my number is 52658697

14 Dec 99 - 07:05 PM (#149539)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: IceWolf

I am also on ICQ: 14596583

Looking forward to becoming part of the family...


14 Dec 99 - 07:32 PM (#149562)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: emily rain

hey, i'm sure this has been asked before, but could you define ICQ for me? what can you do with this toy?

14 Dec 99 - 08:00 PM (#149572)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: SeanM

ICQ (sorta means "I seek you") is an online, cross-platform chat program. What THAT means is that by running the program, you can chat with others online as long as you know their numbers. If you'd like to try, go to this site for a free copy.

One caveat... always keep your security settings on "high"...


14 Dec 99 - 08:16 PM (#149581)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

Jeri, IceWolf and myself are chatting now if anyone else wants to join.


14 Dec 99 - 09:29 PM (#149608)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

I'm at ICQ #16719177....

you can search for other Mudcatters there are at least 15 on my list... and I know there are many others who I do not have......

I agree with using the privacy settings if you don't want pestered...... we'll teach you if you come into a room with us.... it really is very easy to use...



14 Dec 99 - 09:41 PM (#149614)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: TheMuse


"come into the room" with you how? I only know how to contact one person on my list, how do I find "the room"?


14 Dec 99 - 10:19 PM (#149634)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: kendall

I'm number 22979088

14 Dec 99 - 10:50 PM (#149646)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison


when you are online with ICQ it will show you if others on your list are online too... you can send messages back an gorth... but you can also invite them into a chat room or they can invite you.....

add some of us to your list..... you will see a box marked "add users" about 3 lines up from the bottom of the box that tells you who is online.... insert any of the numbers from up above....... or better still tell me your number and I'll contact you....



15 Dec 99 - 12:02 AM (#149677)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: DonMeixner

Hello All,

My number is 54247217 so far as I know there is only one other person who has this number in their ICQ system. And she doesn't like to share.


15 Dec 99 - 12:57 AM (#149688)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Marymac90

Dear Folks,

I used to use a friend's computer, and I used icq on that. Here on my own setup, I have aol as my server, and aol furnishes my browser, too. When I tried the blue clicky thing above, my address box only showed icq's url for a moment, then it changed to some aol homepage. I lost my connection to mudcat, as well as being unable to get icq. Was this probably just an accident, or is this something that AOL just DOES, cause it doesn't want people to use other services similiar to its own?

I can chat with people on my aol buddy list, but I can only have other aol members on there. I have been thinking about switching to another ISP. Have other people gone through frustrations with aol? Did you switch, or stay with them?


15 Dec 99 - 01:28 AM (#149696)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Big Mick

Yes, MaryMac, I quit using them for just this reason. A lot of bells and whistles that you pay for and don't use often. I prefer a barebones ISP. Mine costs me $15.00 US per month, I get a webpage, and unlimited time and email. It works very well. And takes up a lot less disk space.

And may I add that I am very pleased that you have joined us in the best little cyber village on the planet. I love your enthusiasm. Please contribute to the threads on a regular basis, we are better for your presence.

All the best,

Big Mick

15 Dec 99 - 01:28 AM (#149698)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: SeanM

I was an AOhoLd user for 2 months... soon realized that the convenience factor was heavily overwhelmed by the annoyance. If you're in the States, check with both your local telephone and cable companies... they may be able to offer you net connection for the same (or less) than AOL.

Note that you can still use the AIM feature without being an AOL subscriber... so you don't have to lose your friends' connections.


15 Dec 99 - 01:51 AM (#149705)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Barbara

Hi crew. My ICQ # is 22314251.

15 Dec 99 - 02:03 AM (#149706)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Big Mick

And my ICQ # is 21030726.

All the best,

Big Mick

15 Dec 99 - 04:28 AM (#149729)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Lady McMoo

If anyone wants to contact me I'm on 6067415 (a virtually prehistoric ICQ user as you can see from the number!)

Best regards,


15 Dec 99 - 07:25 AM (#149747)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: IceWolf

Warning: Thread Creep!
I suggest that we also list our AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) names on this thread. AIM, for all it is run by AOHell, is more stable than ICQ IMHO. And I say this after all the fun and games that Jon, Alison, Jeri and I had last night trying to keep a chat-room up and stable.
Oh, for those of you who don't know, AIM can be used by non-AOL subscribers, and costs nothing. If you go to AOL's home-page and search on their site for AIM, you'll find the link where you can download it. Note that AOL requires that all names be unique, so it's highly likely that you won't have the same AIM name as your Nickname here. For instance, I am known as Doomspark on AIM. And yes, there's a story behind that also.
Feel free to send me a message, and identify yourself as coming from Mudcat.
Visit my lair if you wish.

15 Dec 99 - 11:32 AM (#149831)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: bbc

Take a look at Mudcat Profiles on the Mudcat Resources site. Anyone who has a profile can have a link to AIM or ICQ, if they have it & tell me. Duane D., davidmc24, & bbc all have ICQ.


15 Dec 99 - 11:47 AM (#149833)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Patrish(inactive)

I can't use it because of the firewall.


15 Dec 99 - 12:07 PM (#149843)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: MMario

can't use either due to firewall....*sob*


15 Dec 99 - 12:10 PM (#149844)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jeri

I just got ICQ on Sunday, and I love it. My number is 57786650.

15 Dec 99 - 12:12 PM (#149845)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: IceWolf

I cannot use ICQ at work due to the firewall, but AIM does work. I can chat with my wife while she's in school (to the detriment of our collective productivity, no doubt).

Hmmm. Judging from the amount of time I've spent here today, I'm going to have to curtail my visits while I'm at work, or I'll never get anything done.


15 Dec 99 - 01:00 PM (#149861)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: selby

My ICQ # 52400048 Keith

15 Dec 99 - 01:06 PM (#149863)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: MMario

to the tune of "Tradition!"

Addiction! Addiction! ADDICTION! ADDICTION!

15 Dec 99 - 02:21 PM (#149902)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: kendall

On AIM I'm called Cap Ken

15 Dec 99 - 02:49 PM (#149913)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Clinton Hammond2

Hey!! To those on ICQ.. how many of you have ICQ 99B... Find this out by clicking the ICQ button... Go to Help.. then to about...

If you are on 99b, there's a really coool thing called an Active List sorta a specialised contact list... someone interested in hosting an ICQ Active List for The Mudcat?!?!?! I'd do it, but I already host one, and my simple little modem connection is barely up to the task.. maybe after I get my ADSL line, I'll be abe to run both lists....

My ICQ# 15193917

drop me a line and we'll yack it out...

15 Dec 99 - 02:51 PM (#149914)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: kendall

On AIM I'm called Cap Ken

15 Dec 99 - 04:39 PM (#149969)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Eric the Viking

ICQ 51736682

15 Dec 99 - 05:46 PM (#150002)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Bill D

ICQ - 1230275

AIM - BDextree

(I know 2 people with ICQ #s below 300,000! we are into the 50-60 millions)

15 Dec 99 - 07:04 PM (#150031)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

Hi we're chatting in Allan C's room at the moment if anyone wants to join #30394692....



15 Dec 99 - 07:19 PM (#150043)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

OOps big mistake above.. Allan's room is #30294692

6 of us in there at the moment

15 Dec 99 - 08:02 PM (#150073)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Willie-O

i do this every week...start thinking about downloading icq again when the show is nearly over. then i let it slide.

cause actually, the forum + personal msgs is enough fun, another addiction, (cyber or other) I don't need.

See you on some thread...until I crack...

Bill C

15 Dec 99 - 08:04 PM (#150076)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

we are here at other times too.. not just when the show is on.....

sorry the 6 or 7 I just walked out on... not my decision ICQ threw me out... I hope the rest of you managed to stay together.......

15 Dec 99 - 09:49 PM (#150130)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Caitrin

My # is 7953728.

15 Dec 99 - 10:21 PM (#150138)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: vampire

And I thought you were worried about getting your neck bitten Alison


15 Dec 99 - 11:25 PM (#150162)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

no chance of that Jon... very garlicy pizza for dinner after a gig last night

15 Dec 99 - 11:39 PM (#150168)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

Total thread creep but for usless info, this vampire happens to love garlic...

There is no safety from vampires... least not from those of us that can happily chew a clove...


(about to retire to his coffin)

15 Dec 99 - 11:48 PM (#150175)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

nigth jon.. careful of those holy wafers I slipped into it earlier.... hahahaha

13 Jan 00 - 10:18 PM (#162509)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: GutBucketeer

Hi all:

I just broke down and loaded ICQ on my machine. My ICQ number is 60865297.

Does ICQ have voice chat features like Hearme, or Excite Chat?


13 Jan 00 - 10:26 PM (#162512)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: kendall

no voice on icq..gotta have hearme or firetalk or etc

13 Jan 00 - 10:46 PM (#162522)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Mbo

Hey folks, my ICQ number is 60823537 if you ever want to chat. And boy do I ever!


13 Jan 00 - 11:29 PM (#162540)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Michael K.


(Just mention you saw my number on Mudcat.)

13 Jan 00 - 11:55 PM (#162555)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Lonesome EJ

My number is 30276525.

14 Jan 00 - 09:44 AM (#162721)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Lady McMoo

My ICQ number is 6067415 if anyone wants to contact me.

All the best


14 Jan 00 - 04:11 PM (#162896)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Ancient mariner is at #59659983 but sometimes has trouble with it. (don't ask me what) and if I am suddenly go missing from the site don't worry I'll be back. (sick kid or Search and Rescue call)Yours,Aye. Dave

14 Jan 00 - 05:11 PM (#162928)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

JAB, ICQ does have very limited voice facilities. You can record an send 15 seconds as a wav file to a user who is on line. It might not be a lot but I have used it. once to explain to somebody how to pronounce Llandudno, the town I live in and on seveal occasions to identify the name of a tune or to compare versions of a tune - a recent example of this was I was Little Musgrave cropped up in a conversation and we wanted to find out if we were using the same tune.


15 Jan 00 - 11:21 AM (#163334)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Mulligan ICQ# 46701393

Hiya, I don't know if anyone would be interested in doing this...but it would be very convienient if someone were to create an ICQ ID called &MUDCAT and set it up to automatically accept all chat requests. this would serve as a chat room for mudcatters. It would have to be someone that is online a lot, and doesn't mind leaving ICQ running.

I understand that most people, myself included couldn't do this.


15 Jan 00 - 11:29 AM (#163338)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Jon Freeman

Mulligan, I don't know exactly what is involved in running that sort of chat room except to say that I for one am not able to be online all of the time.

As far as I am aware, Max is still interested in developing his own Mudcat chat room. My feeling is to wait and see what happens here before trying to set something like that up and assuming it does happen, that has to be the best solution as far as I'm concerned.


15 Jan 00 - 01:46 PM (#163388)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Micca

Hi guys I have just joined too and am learning my way around, with a bit of help,BIG THANKS, you know who you are. My number is 60937452, Micca

15 Jan 00 - 05:08 PM (#163469)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: JenEllen

Finally broke down myself, online at #61150619 Elle

15 Jan 00 - 05:11 PM (#163471)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: harpgirl ICQ is 25826047...what happened to the mudcat room?

15 Jan 00 - 05:17 PM (#163477)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: catspaw49

15 Jan 00 - 05:19 PM (#163478)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: catspaw49

My ICQ # is 60797533.


15 Jan 00 - 09:38 PM (#163669)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: TheMuse

Ok, I'm game. My # is 26740134, although I hear there are problems if you try to "chat" with more than one person at a time. Anyone else experience this?


15 Jan 00 - 11:26 PM (#163726)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: alison

there are only a few people who have the problem when there are more than 2 people in the room.... I have suggested they contact ICQ...

we did have an @mudcat room... which worked for a while (off and on).. then one day it mysteriously turned into @sex.... true story (honest),,,, I had some fun trying to convince them that it had been a folk music discussion the day before, (there is an old thread on this if anyone wants to look it up)..... they asked me to sing a song.. so I did "maids when you're young"... *grin*

Is started another room called folk music #46015364.... it is still there.. but it requires me to be online all the time and I'm not.......

the best idea is still to go online on the hour.. and lurk.. see if someone else turns up.....



15 Jan 00 - 11:38 PM (#163732)
Subject: RE: BS: who is on ICQ?
From: Owlkat

Hi hi, I'm number 4012899. Cheers. Owl.