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BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?

29 May 18 - 08:31 PM (#3927876)
Subject: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

There's a chantey by a similar name, isn't there?
What was Roseanne Barr thinking?
Did she want to see how far she could push it
before ABC pushed back?

29 May 18 - 08:45 PM (#3927880)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: gillymor

The sludge always sinks to the bottom. This is indicative of the warped culture T***p has been cultivating and trying to exploit with the help of useful idiots like R.B. It's good to see a big corporation doing the right thing for whatever the reason.

29 May 18 - 08:55 PM (#3927881)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Joe Offer

What happened? What happened?

29 May 18 - 09:06 PM (#3927884)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Rapparee

This, Joe.

29 May 18 - 09:09 PM (#3927885)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: gillymor

Roseanne and her long trail of slime- Vox

29 May 18 - 09:47 PM (#3927887)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Stilly River Sage

Trump models the behavior, other bigots think their time has come and they can do it also. And though Trump is still in office, most of the rest of them get what's coming to them. Swiftly. He will get his comeuppance also. It's just taking a bit longer than we hoped.

There is a thing that happens, particularly in the South, but not exclusively. It happened again last week - I was in a store looking for something and realized they only offer it online, to order for pickup later. "Would you like me to order it?" the clerk asked. "No, I know that Walmart has it in stock, though I hate to shop at Walmart." I had a couple of other stops and would look there first. I made some further remark about Walmart, to the effect that any time someone drives onto the property their IQ drops 20 points. All of us - it's just that kind of place. The older man next to me leaned over as a confidant and started to quietly tell me about something "black people do" at Walmart. The question is - to be polite to this old bigot? He thinks he sees a like-minded individual in my white face. "I'm sorry, I wasn't talking about race." I should have told him to shut it down, he was being a racist.

30 May 18 - 03:01 AM (#3927905)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: mg

i have been to walmart a few times and i think my iq stayed pretty much the same.

30 May 18 - 03:30 AM (#3927909)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Senoufou

Well done ABC for reacting as they did.

So many people nowadays attempt to look 'smart' by making inappropriate/racist/sexist etc comments on social media.

It's just about at the level of school bullying - trying to make one's mates laugh by saying cruel things about another pupil. Totally pathetic.

She should have engaged her brain before typing, and now she looks an absolute nitwit in her frantic attempts to backpedal.

30 May 18 - 04:25 AM (#3927924)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: SPB-Cooperator

So will ABC continue to pay the salaries of everyone else employed on the series who have nit engaged in such behaviour?

30 May 18 - 04:44 AM (#3927927)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Dave the Gnome

Sadly it happens on here too :-(

30 May 18 - 05:38 AM (#3927936)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Senoufou

It does Dave, you're quite right, but only by certain individuals, and only on certain types of threads, thank goodness.

I wondered about that too SPB. She's managed to bring the whole edifice down with her hasn't she? I bet her colleagues are hopping mad!

30 May 18 - 05:50 AM (#3927938)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: gillymor

I can't muster any sympathy for someone who hitches their wagon to a racist, whackjob, T***p supporter like RB.

30 May 18 - 06:02 AM (#3927940)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: wysiwyg

Her mental health issues are well known and she has usually gotten cut some slack around her outbursts-- but this one (yay!) ... too much to stomach. And a healthy light shown (media) on the frequent SLANT of the outbursts. Not cool, Rosie! BuhBYE!


30 May 18 - 07:18 AM (#3927951)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

Barr is reduced to clinging to her phoney victim'hood'
I would like to hear from John Goodman.

30 May 18 - 09:53 AM (#3927970)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Jeri

I haven't watched the re-boot of the show. Not since the name of Trump was invoked. The original show was one of the best on TV, but I couldn't stand watching the new version knowing she was a Trump supporter.
The problem is, when you follow people who are racists, and who spew racist comments, you start believing that's normal, and try it yourself, and,
YOU don't have droves of brainless, hate-filled minions backing you up, and your TV show gets cancelled, and previous friends figure out what you're really about, and desert you.

Must go see if you-know-who has tweeted about this yet.

30 May 18 - 09:56 AM (#3927973)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Vashta Nerada

The thing about the employees is that Barr has enough wacko history they knew they were hitching their wagons to an unreliable leader. Those who were lower down the rungs of the production - one has to ask where unions come into this and if production companies with more than one project in the works can redistribute staff. Just a thought. But for those at the top of that food chain, they knew what they were signing on for, and the crash can't be a surprise. It was inevitable, considering the political positions she espouses.

30 May 18 - 10:02 AM (#3927974)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Vashta Nerada

The IQ thing - it's something in the air. The way the store is set up, how they market themselves, customers can easily overlook major corporate flaws. Like putting companies out of business to try to get them to give the Walton Family corporation bragging rights about low prices.

30 May 18 - 01:19 PM (#3928003)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Ah, what timing!
This was to be the first week of work, for the sitcom writers,
on the coming season.
So the writers wake up and find out the show has been canceled.

Interview with executive producer Dave Caplan at Hollywood Reporter.

30 May 18 - 01:35 PM (#3928009)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

of course "you-know-who" has tweeted about it.
I can't be bothered, so you all can talk about it if you want.

Now the actors are tweeting at each other on Twitter...what a waste!

30 May 18 - 02:32 PM (#3928027)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: McGrath of Harlow

First time round Roseanne was a great show, and Roseanne Barr came across very well herself. We haven't had the retread here in the UK, and I don't imagine we will, and from what I've heard I decided not to bother hunting it down on the Internet.

Sad what's happened to her. But I suppose that's just a reflection of what's happened to her country.

30 May 18 - 02:55 PM (#3928033)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: meself

As for the people who worked on her show, and are, apparently, losing their jobs: yes, it's no doubt distressing for them, and it's not fair - but every day people lose their jobs, unexpectedly, and it's not fair. The situation of these people is probably no worse than that of most.

30 May 18 - 03:41 PM (#3928042)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Rapparee

Interesting thing to do.

30 May 18 - 04:10 PM (#3928048)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Words of wisdom from Wanda Sykes.

30 May 18 - 04:59 PM (#3928066)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Jeri

The folks who worked on her show haven't disgraced themselves and will probably be able to get work. Roseanne has, I believe, done irreparable damage and won't come back from this.

Trumps tweet about her was actually about himself. What a shock...

McGrath, all reports of the new show raved about it. It was a huge success, and was going to have another season, until this happened.

31 May 18 - 03:44 AM (#3928136)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Mr Red

pardon me for excusing (in any supposed way) but she did say to her supporters "not to complain about the cancellation on her behalf".

The engineer in me has to note all facts. The cynic in me has analysed it as a desperate attempt at mitigation. And I see her only avenue now is to pander to her (and Twitler's) constituency. Or retire and live on what she has - probably still well heeled. Not having the adulation and creative outlet is not punishment enough.

I wonder if she will get her coffee from Starbucks now?

31 May 18 - 08:55 PM (#3928356)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: robomatic

I don't think it's worth a separate thread so I'm including it here for balance. Samantha Bee of 'Full Frontal' has issued an apology for her description of the President's older daughter. So far it appears that she's keeping her job which I watch as often as I can, but it's early days yet.

I think the cases have a lot in common regarding tastefulness of the remarks, but the shows relative to each actor are very different.

31 May 18 - 10:54 PM (#3928374)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: wysiwyg

IMO considering these two stories together is based on a false equivalency Trump supporters tried to implant. The only way they truly relate at all is that it matters not to descend to the racist low evinced by Trump, Barr et al when claiming high ground.


01 Jun 18 - 12:04 AM (#3928378)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: EBarnacle

The Samantha Bee story has an interesting parallel from the 90's. a "major personality" called Hillary a "c--t" and never apologized. He has been invited to the T---p White House on at least one occasion. Has the standard of acceptability changed?

As far as the Walmart Education program goes, this has been an ongoing story for several years. While I am glad that they are subsidizing vocational education I would be happier if they were paying their employees enough to allow them to attend the college of their choice and study the major of their choice. Even with the Affordable Care Act many of their "Associates" cannot afford health insurance; many of them also public assistance such as food stamps to survive.

01 Jun 18 - 08:25 PM (#3928569)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: michaelr

Calling a minor rock guitarist (the deplorable Ted Nugent) a "major personality" is a joke. The guy has the personality of a cornered badger.

Sally Field came out in Samantha Bee's defense, tweeting "I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest." Can't say I disagree.

01 Jun 18 - 11:11 PM (#3928573)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: meself

It's a false equivalency anyway: one is calling a rich and powerful person a "bad word"; the other is demeaning an entire race of people who have a history of bondage and persecution in the US.

02 Jun 18 - 09:18 PM (#3928842)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Joe_F

Is this the same Roseanne I kept seeing in the early '80s, who annoyed me because I could decide weather to pronounce the first e? I gather the answer is no for the celebrity, tho it must be yes in the song.

02 Jun 18 - 09:50 PM (#3928845)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: robomatic

It is not an equivalency, but the similarities combined with the differences and then compared with the folks who are drawing equivalencies is fascinating.

In the case of Samantha Bee, others have noted the main point, that her words, all of them, were in the script, so you can't blame Samantha Bee without including the writers and those who reviewed and approved the script.

Also, and here is a great place to note it, the 'c' word is far more objectionable and has a stronger sex connotation in the U.S. than in the U.K. The 'c' word shows up in the Derek and Clive records of the 60s, in many English crime movies (including one of my faves 'Sexy Beast') When it comes to Samantha Bee, I don't know since she's Canadian. I don't know the Canadian take on the word, and this may be moot because I don't know the minds or nationalities of the folks in the background of her show "Full Frontal".

I think the further implication she made about Ivanka and her father was in poor taste.

I favor her staying on the air, because I want to keep watching her show, but I feel the same about some other folks who've been purged in the fallout of #metoo.

03 Jun 18 - 02:45 PM (#3928986)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Michael Moore contrasts Donald Trump versus Roseanne Barr on Moore's Facebook page.

04 Jun 18 - 04:49 PM (#3929171)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Donuel posted that he wants to hear from John Goodman.
John Goodman faced a paparazzi videocam long enough to say
that he doesn't want to say anything;
there speaks the classy, seasoned professional.

Not so Sara Gilbert, who accepted the invitation to be
a guest on The Talk.      HOLD IT RIGHT THERE...

the link goes to an intermediate MSN page.
There you can click on the Sara Gilbert story.
I tried to make a direct link, but no go. Sorry.

04 Jun 18 - 07:58 PM (#3929196)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Michael Moore's comment piece about it is well worth reading. Roseanne's tweeting disaster spree included him among the targets, and that makes more impressive the way that he reminds his readers that, whatever has happened to her as a person, and whatever factors in her life may lie behind it - and he gives some - she has in the past provided a voice for many people who have been ignored and devalued. And he does that without in any way excusing her.

I remember the old Roseanne show, and I watched it consistently. It was the only family centred American show I have ever been able to stomach, and it presented a side of America that nothing else did, and it was a side I liked. The new show I gather was pretty good, and retained a cutting edge.

Michael Moore suggests bringing it back,, without Roseanne, and that sounds a good idea.

04 Jun 18 - 08:34 PM (#3929200)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: meself

"When it comes to Samantha Bee, I don't know since she's Canadian. I don't know the Canadian take on the word" -

I wasn't aware she is Canadian - not that she was any more than a name to me - but knowing that now, I, as a Canadian, am really surprised she could bring herself to utter that word in public. If that gives you an idea of the Canadian take on the word ... !

04 Jun 18 - 08:41 PM (#3929201)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

Samantha B grabs the country by her language some say is abhorrent and borders on Presidential.

04 Jun 18 - 10:46 PM (#3929219)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: meself

Good one!

05 Jun 18 - 10:16 PM (#3929379)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

I haven't got the link, naughty me, for this story.
An interview was conducted with some of the crew:
one of them in the set design department.

There is a vivid description of the challenge of the first season of the rebooted/revived show.
The initial idea was, What do you suppose the Conners' house looks like inside all these years later? Think they might have changed this here, or renovated that there ... what would the windows look like ... the couch ... the this, the that...

So something was worked out, and shown to the showrunner.
Who threw his hands in the air and started screaming and hollering!
Mistake! Huge mistake! Stop right there!!

The word from on high was to duplicate, as nearly as possible,
exactly the way the living room and so on had been, twenty years ago.

Which, the crew designer made clear, was a genuine challenge:
that couch isn't made anymore, the something-or-other no longer exists, the pattern in the fabric, and on, and on ...

It's one year later.
The designer gets a job offer in May,
when crews are all kind of scrambling around for work.
"Thanks, but no thanks, I'm on the Roseanne show."
The Tweet From Hell gets the show cancelled, and boom!

08 Jun 18 - 07:22 PM (#3929905)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

From this post it will be clear that
I passed on the Roseanne show the first time around,
or else the following would not have been news to me.

Glenn Quinn was a Dublin native who died of a heroin overdose.
His acting career took him to US network television.
Had I watched "Roseanne", I would have seen him.
As it was,
I remember him from the first season of "Angel,"
the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spinoff.
His character was killed off in the first season,
which is kind of tough luck for an actor.

The Roseanne actors who are veterans from the first season
have been outspoken about their memories of Glenn Quinn lately.
As for me, I recall "Angel" lead actor, David Boreanaz,
reminiscing about Glenn Quinn.
Boreanaz was there for Quinn's live audition and he recalls
that Quinn was so very funny that it broke him up,
and Boreanaz is a true professional, he would not easily crack up laughing.

After Quinn's sad demise,
Boreanaz allowed that he has never come to terms with the loss.

09 Jun 18 - 10:57 AM (#3929935)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Stilly River Sage

Speculation about a spinoff without Rosanne: Today Show interview with Marcy Carsey (at the ATX Television Festival in Austin, TX this week).

26 Jun 18 - 01:26 PM (#3933535)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

As irreverent as ever,
Jerry Seinfeld's opinion.

27 Jun 18 - 12:14 PM (#3933698)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

And it seems there will be a
Roseanne-Barr-free show
titled "The Conners,"
on the same network,
to begin the coming autumn season.

27 Jun 18 - 01:22 PM (#3933724)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

The Roseanne Show was a pandering program pounding pathetic polemics

All in the Family was instructional and iconic.

29 Jun 18 - 01:02 PM (#3934146)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

One report says that
John Goodman will do TWO things in the coming network TV season:

a supporting role in an HBO series on (fictitious) televangelists;
and "The Conners" at ABC.

Which makes me wonder.
Maybe John Goodman is returning to ABC, as Dan Conner,
with an idea to giving the character a proper send-off
so that the younger Conners can carry on without his generation.
They could kill Dan off a second time?
Or Dan could show up long enough
to explain/justify Roseanne's absence,
then gracefully take his leave?

Interesting. Wonder what will happen.

27 Aug 18 - 04:57 PM (#3946584)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Mudcatters in the UK who read the Sunday Times
might have noticed the interview this past weekend
with actor John Goodman.

Can't link to it myself, though. There are questions, and responses,
regarding Roseanne.

"She had to sign a paper saying that she relinquished all her rights to the show so that we could go on. I sent her an e-mail and thanked her for that..."

wish I could see the whole thing.
Anybody in the UK who would care to , erm, share?

29 Aug 18 - 04:18 PM (#3946965)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Thompson

I liked Roseanne when she was working class.

30 Aug 18 - 02:42 PM (#3947142)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Oh, and talking of SPOILERS:
if you don't want the new show, that is "THE CONNERS",
then you ought to avoid John Goodman's interview. So there.

25 Dec 18 - 03:22 PM (#3968297)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

How sad, how worse than sad, it is when
an actor fired from a television series
decides to get his own back
with a homemade video on Twitter.

Yes, Roseanne shot her mouth off, more than once,
about being kicked off of her own show,
and the provocative comments all got snapped up and
reported on by the mass media.
But even she knew that there was
a line that she had crossed, and had better not cross again.

But the Oscar-winning actor with the stage name of Kevin Spacey
(look it up, his real name is slightly different)
who was fired from "House of Cards" on cable television
BEFORE Roseanne Barr was fired from network television,
it isn't enough that Spacey is facing criminal charges
for acts so objectionable
that even Roseanne knew not to go there;
he still has to mouth off using the alter ego of
the TV character who was killed off in the show.

We get that Kevin Spacey must be very angry indeed,
but must he make a spectacle of himself -- literally.

27 Dec 18 - 08:58 AM (#3968463)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Rusty Dobro

Didn't that excellent musician Martin Mull play Roseanne's boss Leon in the series?

28 Dec 18 - 04:13 AM (#3968543)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Jack Campin

Where washed-up celebs wash up:

the Israeli Knesset

21 Feb 19 - 11:24 AM (#3978146)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Well, the Conners and Roseanne are now
well and truly gone their separate ways.

In the meantime,
a hit TV show called "Empire,"
which romanticizes African-American popular music-making
to a point somewhere between myth and kitsch
(who besides me has sat through an episode of it? Over The Top!)

included a cast member who has given the show, and himself,
the kind of publicity that is hardest to live down.
I won't name him here.
This story has been all over the news this week.

The actor has been arrested and the warrant for his arrest
concerns staging a hoax "hate-crime" incident.
Why does this remind me of poor old Roseanne?
Well, think about it ...

21 Feb 19 - 03:51 PM (#3978201)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

empty gesture

21 Feb 19 - 05:48 PM (#3978218)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

There is no connection except in a half baked imagination.
RB was trying to be ironically funny by making fun of ignorant social media with ignorant posts of her own but the genre turned against her in the vile swamp of the Trump era and a crowded threat matrix vs. linear sane liberals.

Smollet employed a fraudulent misguided desperate attempt to promote himself after his employment was terminated.
He should have cooked up a better plan and baked it fully.

21 Feb 19 - 06:10 PM (#3978221)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

The US cannibalistically eat their comedians alive for telling the truth, telling the wrong truth or for lying. Sometims eexaggeration is funny and sometimes its not. In this micro social media island it is usually not.

Here are some comedians who tasted the hate. Some of them spit out the bile thrown at them -

Other countries actually imprison comedians.

21 Feb 19 - 06:19 PM (#3978222)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Mossback

"Poor old Roseanne" ??? Jesus.

Barr ( of the "Farrakhan loving, bug-eyed bitch") is first and foremost a bigot, a Trumpist, a conspiracy nut and a fantasist. And those are her good points.

Smollet is just a sad little asshole.

21 Feb 19 - 06:46 PM (#3978228)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

The word that jumped out at me from the press conference account
was "molly."

I'm not a health care field person at all,
but some of my acquaintances are,
and they take "molly" very seriously,
it can kill people.

If the relationship between the actor,
and the brothers to whom he wrote a check,
was that of drug supplier and drug user,
then the money question
has an even nastier angle than i suspected, naive as I am.

22 Feb 19 - 10:42 PM (#3978448)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: lefthanded guitar

I am another who feels a bit of sympathy for 'poor old Roseanne' who. of course, is anything but poor. But despite her mercurial and outageous statements, she's been a true talent who brought a realness, in her stand up and tv shows, to tell us about the life of average working class people, like no one else in her field. And I remember watching the original show with friends from the opposite side of the political spectrum than I - and we all laughed together. I think her punishment may have been a bit harsh, though the truth is, Roseanne has a history of undermining herself and her own success. Plants her own land mines - and unlike other targeted comics such as Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory, or the Smothers Brothers- there 's no real rhyme or reason to her rants. Still, I remember her from her first appearance on Johnny Carson, wisecracking, chewing gum and calling herself a 'domestic goddess.' She hit the ball right out of the park, and Johnny knew it.

I feel sad for her. In contrast to Smollet who, assuming he did engineer a hoax, just
acted out of greed. The only thing I see they have in common is to be drawn to an unwitting path of self destruction. Heaven knows how they got that way.

23 Feb 19 - 01:37 AM (#3978451)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Stilly River Sage

I concur - in her heyday with the first iteration of the Rosanne show, she struck a blow for the working person and pilloried corporate types who needed it. And every so often she goes off into a strange destructive world that sets her way back, career-wise. Not sure what it does to her personal life. There have been other strange detours that I remember somewhat but am not going to research for this post.

I also feel sorry for Smollet, he seems to have some major thinking problems if he actually calculated that kind of stunt was going to work in his favor. There seems to be mental illness involved. Now the whole program he was trying to extort for a higher salary could crash, if he thoroughly ruined the reputation (though it is still FOX's third ranking show, they've been known to ditch the good ones for corporate reasons.)

23 Feb 19 - 11:46 AM (#3978549)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Mossback

You feel SORRY for her? She's always been a piece of crap. She's an ACTOR and the first show was an ACT.

In 1990 Barr performed an atrocious and disrespectful rendition of the national anthem shrieking her way through the song and responding to the rain of boos by spitting on the ground and grabbing her crotch. She promoted Pizzagate. She says 9/11 was an inside job. She promotes vaccine conspiracy theories. She called Israel a “Nazi state” in 2009 and in 2013 promoted a Holocaust-denying musician and said former National Security Advisor Susan Rice was a “big man with swinging ape balls”. She claimed there was an"Islamic pedo culture". She dressed up as Hitler for a magazine cover, pulling a burnt collection of gingerbread men from the oven. Barr was sued in court for tweeting the name and address of the parents of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, who then feared for their lives. After the student government of the University of California Davis campus endorsed the BDS movement, she tweeted that she hoped they’d get “nuked.” She complained that left-wing candidates like Bernie Sanders spend too much time with the Pope, who she told an interviewer “owns almost every dollar in the world.” She stated in 2016 that"Jew hater Hillary Clinton's handler Huma Weiner is a filthy Nazi whore" and that "Hillary Clinton is surrounded by Jew-haters who make fun of the Holocaust & Jewish suffering yet her MK-Ultra (do Google that one!) supporters call trump a bigot". She claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to a nephew of Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, who is busy subverting democracy with wads of cash. She said that David Hogg, a teenager who survived the Parkland shooting, was a Nazi.

And that's just a very small sampling.

And to Roseanne, in the spirit in which Barr responded to Alina Atash who called her on her islamophobia on 9 Sep 2013:


23 Feb 19 - 12:13 PM (#3978552)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

Impairment of judgment, at the very least; mental health, no question.
What has to be made sense of, in the case of this actor,
is his interactions with the two siblings who were at one point employed on the television show.

Reports state that there is a check made out to the siblings, signed by him, from his account. A fairly large personal check.
The actor will at the very least have to be held accountable for that piece of paper, for the amount of money it represents, for the payment that is documented.

And in order to be accountable for the payment,
the actor will have to come clean about the drugs.

25 Feb 19 - 10:26 AM (#3978962)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: Donuel

I have NO fuck yous to extend simply for having reasoned relative points of view.

Bill Hicks is my all time favorite equal to George Carlin and Lewis Black. They offer profound ways to define human reality.

As for Roseanne, racist stupidities is one of those realities.

I sometimes stoop so low as to use stereotype humor. For this my wife accuses me of a racism that extends to every possible racism and species of hominids. She thinks I go overboard and I think she goes overboard.
The sense of humor debate never really mellows.

23 Mar 19 - 10:26 AM (#3984118)
Subject: RE: BS: TV: Bye Bye Our Roseanne?
From: keberoxu

In the meantime,
Roseanne is still blaming others.