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BS: Hello Moon!

26 Jul 18 - 05:42 PM (#3939706)
Subject: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Bonzo3legs

Taken from an upstairs window!

26 Jul 18 - 05:44 PM (#3939707)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Backwoodsman

Practising for tomorrow?

26 Jul 18 - 06:33 PM (#3939716)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Joe Offer

Nice shot, Bonzo. What did you do to make it turn out so well? Filter? Tripod? Exposure time?

26 Jul 18 - 06:48 PM (#3939722)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Bonzo3legs

Yes indeed - practising for tomorrow! I used full x30 optical zoom on my camera with a x2 zoom extender lens, all balanced on a box of tissues with floppy discs to give the correct angle.

26 Jul 18 - 07:06 PM (#3939724)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Little Hawk

"'Ello, 'ello! Wot a brilliant Moon we 'ave 'ere!" (Eddie Whatnoll)

Olive Whatnoll will be most "'appy" about this lunar eclipse, because 'er 'usband Eddie gets tremendously charged up by lunar anomalies of all kinds, and this promises a lively time of connubial bliss for the Whatnolls of 'Ull.

26 Jul 18 - 07:51 PM (#3939728)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jim Carroll

"Taken from an upstairs window!"
Didn't anybody tell you you shouldn't eat cheese before going to bed?
Brilliant photograph

When we first visited Ireland we used to camp on a field adjacent to the Atlantic at Spanish Point in Clare
One night, after a long, very late music session we returned to our tent and went to bed
An hour later I was bursting for a pee, so I climbed out of the sleeping bag to lighten the load
I was blinded by the moonlight and as my sight returned to normal, I looked up to see the Milky Way in all its glory
I counted three meteorites and a passing satellite until a grumpy Pat demanded to know what I was doing - she joined me and we sat for an hour gobsmacked

We now live half a mile from that field,but unfortunately light pollution has made such nights a long-gone dream
Thanks for the memory
Jim Carroll

27 Jul 18 - 12:26 AM (#3939738)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Stilly River Sage

Excellent shot! Box of tissues? Whatever works!

27 Jul 18 - 03:25 AM (#3939747)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Bonzo3legs

Not enough room for my tripod, but will set up outside this evening with a glass of Argentine Malbec! My camera, a mere 2011 Fuji Finepix HS10, has a sunset preset which may bring out the red nicely. The trick for taking moon photos is manual setting, so as not to boost glare, suffered by auto setting.

27 Jul 18 - 03:25 AM (#3939748)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Senoufou

I remember watching the Perseids meteor shower one August. We had a half-acre garden in our last house, a bit remote with fields beyond it.
No light pollution at all.

I took a blanket out onto the lawn at about 3am and lay on my back in my dressing gown watching the skies. You couldn't predict from which direction each meteor would come, so having the whole sky in front of one's eyes was the best way.

I counted over 60 meteors, it was amazing and weird. Some were fairly small, others quite extraordinarily large. I felt there ought to have been some sounds, like whoosh! or wheeee!

After a short time I was surrounded by all five of our cats staring at me in consternation ("What the hell are you doing, you daft human?"). And saw a fox, two fallow deer, some bats and a few rats as I lay there. It was all 'go' that night!

27 Jul 18 - 03:35 AM (#3939750)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jack Campin

I already took my moon photo. From the garden last year:

27 Jul 18 - 03:59 AM (#3939755)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Keith A of Hertford

After months of clear skies, we are forecast rain for the eclipse.

I miss the Milky Way too Jim. Few Brits younger than us have ever seen it. They might know that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, but few know why.

27 Jul 18 - 04:49 AM (#3939770)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Steve Shaw

My sister and I watched the Perseids one August night from her friend's orange grove in Andalucía, sitting up (actually reclining on deckchairs folded down as far as they'd go) until 3.30 am. We didn't need blankets as the temperature was around 27C and we had a goodly supply of the finest Rioja, which meant we problay saw twice as many meteorites as were actually there. It was wonderful to watch the multicoloured shooting stars in a moonless sky completely free from haze or light pollution. We didn't feel quite so bright next day in the heat...

27 Jul 18 - 04:51 AM (#3939771)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Steve Shaw

I shud problay pay more attenshun too my proofreeding...

27 Jul 18 - 05:07 AM (#3939775)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Keith A of Hertford

I look forward to warm black skies on holiday.
At home, Venus has given us a good show this spring and early summer.
Almost gone now, but Jupiter and Mars showing nicely.

27 Jul 18 - 05:43 AM (#3939782)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Senoufou

We're due thunderstorms and torrential rain this evening (HOORAY!!!) so the blood moon won't be visible. But to have some rain, well, words fail me. (A rare occurrence!)

27 Jul 18 - 06:19 AM (#3939790)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jon Freeman

Well Bonzo’s post has persuaded me to ensure cameras (got a Pentax DSLR with 300mm zoom lens and a 50X FinePix I could try) and a tripod on the ready but, like Sen, I suspect storms are going to reach our parts of Norfolk before there is a chance to see/capture the moon.

27 Jul 18 - 06:49 AM (#3939802)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Bonzo3legs

Which Finepix is that? I think that 50x is the most optical the HS series reached, but another make now has 80x or more - mind you a very steady hand is required!!

27 Jul 18 - 06:58 AM (#3939806)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jon Freeman

SL1000. I'm not sure when they were made and it feels a good while since we last got out to take some pictures. Handy though - can't justify bigger lenses for the DSLR plus this is so much lighter in weight. This one also has the sunset preset so if conditions permit, I'll give that setting a try (amongst other attempts in the hope one good one comes out...)

27 Jul 18 - 08:58 AM (#3939829)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jim Carroll

There's a forecast of a "blood moon" tonight
Hope these feckin' clous clear up
Jim Carroll

27 Jul 18 - 09:16 AM (#3939835)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Stilly River Sage

Mars is a big deal also tonight.

27 Jul 18 - 09:17 AM (#3939836)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jon Freeman

Looking out, I’d guess towards Overstrand (we normally just call ourselves near Cromer and a touch inland but think Jim knows N Norfolk) which is where I think the top of the field points is an, I don’t know, wouldn’t call it hazy but a sort of light pale grey sheet at the moment. Lighter with a few clouds as you look clockwise round from the bench.

I’d guess that in terms of light pollution, I’m not too bad where I am but there may be other problems tonight.

27 Jul 18 - 09:49 AM (#3939846)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Dave the Gnome

Some cloud at the mo in Yorkshire but hoping for the best later as we have grandsons staying over and I would love to take them out somewhere clearer than our lane for the eclipse.

Fingers crossed!

27 Jul 18 - 03:12 PM (#3939921)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Rusty Dobro

Crikey, I thought Keith was back!

27 Jul 18 - 04:47 PM (#3939932)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Dave the Gnome

No luck in Airedale but the youngsters still enjoyed the evening walk and looking where the eclipse should be :-)

27 Jul 18 - 04:55 PM (#3939934)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Jon Freeman

No luck here either, too much cloud. It's not raining yet but there are a few flashes of lightning around.

27 Jul 18 - 05:28 PM (#3939940)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Senoufou

Enormous thunderstorms here, continuous lightning and torrential rain.
No looking at the moon, but all the neighbours came out of their front doors and danced about in the downpour. General rejoicing.

BUT ('be careful what you wish for') our utility lean-to is leaking like a sieve, and rain is pouring through at one side. We've put some buckets under it. More expense to get it fixed. (sigh)

The smell of rain on the parched earth is heavenly though.

27 Jul 18 - 05:31 PM (#3939942)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Steve Shaw

There are gaps in the cloud here but no luck so far. Still time!

27 Jul 18 - 05:42 PM (#3939943)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Bonzo3legs

Nothing visible on the North Downs, still I managed to figure out how my "faulty" tripod works, which I was given by an ex employer.

27 Jul 18 - 06:37 PM (#3939952)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Steve Shaw

Moon decided to peep through the clouds by about 11.15pm but by then the spectacle was over. I have a great set of pics of an amazing eclipse from a few years ago. Ah well. There'll be a next time!

28 Jul 18 - 03:47 AM (#3939994)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Keith A of Hertford

Quite clear overhead here. I saw ISS go over, but cloud stayed on the horizon obscuring Moon and Mars.
There will be another in January.

28 Jul 18 - 04:21 AM (#3940009)
Subject: RE: BS: Hello Moon!
From: Raedwulf

Hello clouds. And the 6 hr power cut didn't help the evening either! :-/