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Songs of bad taste

08 Apr 19 - 02:40 PM (#3986509)
Subject: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

Somebody's child by the side of the road
Somebody's child who forgot his highway code
Someone's favorite child who ran clean out of luck
When he ran on to the road and tried to argue with a truck
Yesterday he purred and played in his childhood paradise
Decapitating tweety birds and masticating mice
Now he's just six pounds of raw mincemeat that don't smell very nice
He's nobody's child now.
All you who love your child be sure to keep him in
Don't let him argue with a truck, the truck is bound to win
And upon the busy road, don't let him play or frolic
If you do I'm warning you it could be catastrophic
If he tries to play on the roadway, I'm afraid that will be that
There will be one last despairing meow! And a sort of squelchy splat
And your child will be slightly dead and very, very flat
He's nobody's child, just red and squashed and soggy
He's nobody's child now.
I think thE song NOBODYS MOGGY is in very bad taste,having had a pet that was nurtured from being a stray and tamed and later run over,
I do not find it amusing. let us ask a question i HAVE changed one word and let us see if it puts a different perspective on the subject
.below is the original
Somebody's moggy by the side of the road
Somebody's pussy who forgot his highway code
Someone's favorite feline who ran clean out of luck
When he ran on to the road and tried to argue with a truck
Yesterday he purred and played in his pussy paradise
Decapitating tweety birds and masticating mice
Now he's just six pounds of raw mincemeat that don't smell very nice
He's nobody's moggy now.
All you who love your pussy be sure to keep him in
Don't let him argue with a truck, the truck is bound to win
And upon the busy road, don't let him play or frolic
If you do I'm warning you it could be catastrophic
If he tries to play on the roadway, I'm afraid that will be that
There will be one last despairing meow! And a sort of squelchy splat
And your pussy will be slightly dead and very, very flat
He's nobody's moggy, just red and squashed and soggy
He's nobody's moggy now
imo this is the worst song eric bogle ever wrote and is only an extension of the idea that animals do not have souls

08 Apr 19 - 02:52 PM (#3986512)
Subject: RE:
From: punkfolkrocker

plus one vote for ..Songs of bad taste...

They get my full support... no matter how shite or unamusing..

..survival of the funniest..

No subject should be out of bounds for healthily transgressive comedy... none whatsoever...

However, sometimes it may not be worth the risk upsetting some dangerously disturbed audiences...

Dubai, Brunei, and middle America.. perhaps...???

08 Apr 19 - 03:03 PM (#3986513)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Gurney

I've never found the moggy song in bad taste. I've even been known to sing it.
For bad taste, try 'You're So Ugly' by The New Modern Idiot Grunt Band, if you can find a copy.

And somewhere, I have a LP by Jim Croce (yes, that Jim Croce) which I've played twice because I found it ALL repellant. Another LP by the same artist I regard as one of the best records ever made. Pobody's Nerfect, as the T-shirt says.

08 Apr 19 - 05:55 PM (#3986546)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Tattie Bogle

Well one person's "bad taste" is another's ROFL - much as PFR said.
Seems you could get away with a lot more a few decades ago than you can now.
And as Sandman says, it depends on your experience of certain incidents: I totally cringe every time I hear anyone say: "it would bring tears to a glass eye": why?
A) It is anatomically wrong, as most people who have to have an eye removed still have a lacrimal gland which secretes tears, so people with a glass eye CAN still cry, and
B) My sister lost an eye at the age of only 3 owing to an unfortunate accident, and therefore has a glass eye: so I just don't find it funny - much as Sandman with the loss of his cat.

08 Apr 19 - 06:04 PM (#3986549)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

"He's Nobody's Moggie Now" is a comic masterpiece! It's one of the best things Eric Bogle ever wrote. I am shocked that anyone would think it in "bad taste". Shocked, I tell you! In fact, I am gobsmacked!!! (even more shocked than "schocked" implies) However, I have to say that it *does* add somewhat to the general level of amusement that someone does find it in bad taste...and Mr Bogle would probably agree with me on that.

08 Apr 19 - 06:25 PM (#3986551)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Joe_F

It is surely in bad taste to substitute one syllable for two, with the result that it doesn't scan. Why not "baby"?

08 Apr 19 - 06:30 PM (#3986552)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: meself

"Well one person's "bad taste" is another's ROFL"

Sometimes, though, it's a little more subtle: I often get the impression that what some people find so funny is the 'bad taste' itself - "He said [something naughty]! Ha, ha, ha! Mommy would swoon!
If you don't like it, I'll say you're clutching your pearls!"

And then there's frequently the question of whether the 'bad taste' is ironic - and whether those laughing, or those disapproving, perceive the irony. That always came up in discussions of Archie Bunker, "All in the Family".

08 Apr 19 - 07:08 PM (#3986555)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Dave the Gnome

Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat ran over his cat...

Plus, I heard Harry Ogden singing about poisoning pigeons in the park last week.

Both excellent tasteless ditties :-)

08 Apr 19 - 07:48 PM (#3986558)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Tattie Bogle

And Matt McGinn's solution to the burgeoning pigeon population in Glasgow was to "Eat a doo a day"! Better than poisoning?

09 Apr 19 - 10:43 AM (#3986590)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Andy7

But, where do we draw the line?

To take it to the extreme - think of any one of the appalling atrocities from human history. I don't need to name one, there have been so many.

Now imagine that I get up on stage and sing a comedy song about that atrocity.

Of course, it's in incredibly bad taste - but come on, lighten up, you're meant to laugh, it's a comedy song!

Would you laugh, though?

09 Apr 19 - 10:59 AM (#3986593)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

In the privacy of your own home you can be your true self and laugh at anything...

WE all need that pressure release from our public persona and social facade...

09 Apr 19 - 12:00 PM (#3986608)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Sol

We can't dictate what other people can or cannot find funny. I have a fairly broad sense of humour however there are a couple of 'funny' sick songs that I absolutely abhor.
Humour of humour is a bit like beauty I suppose, it belongs to the beholder.

09 Apr 19 - 12:43 PM (#3986616)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Jack Campin

Archie Bunker, "All in the Family"

The problem with that one is that it was a gutless mealy-mouthed rewrite of the British original. You were never in any doubt that Alf Garnett in "Till Death Do Us Part" was an evil shitbag.

09 Apr 19 - 01:55 PM (#3986621)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

Think about it, to sing a song about the death of a cat and find it funny, in my opinion it is appealing to the worst in people the lowest common denominator , "it doesnt matter it is only an animal", it s akin to bernard manning and his racist stuff, its unpleasant,its appealing to the nasty side of people, haha how funny a dead cat, how many of you would sing the song if baby or n###er was substituted for cat?

09 Apr 19 - 03:50 PM (#3986637)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - You can think that.. but so many of us don't care...

One thing is certain though, laughing at sanctimonious self-righteousness of any sort
is a healthy source of amusement...

09 Apr 19 - 04:01 PM (#3986638)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

my wife thought this song I wrote was in bad taste

09 Apr 19 - 04:01 PM (#3986640)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste

Well said that person.................. [ if that's politically correct enough ].

09 Apr 19 - 05:43 PM (#3986657)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

since when has it been sanctimonious or self righteous to recognise that animals are worth caring for and that laughing at their deaths is not funny but hard hearted and appealing to the worst in people, it is an unpleasant song that isnot even well written. answer the question if you substituted the word child or ni###r or trans gender you would not dare to sing the song, it gas nothing to do with being politically correct. pfr,you dont care about animals that tells me a lot about you.

09 Apr 19 - 06:07 PM (#3986661)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Andy7

I have to agree with Sandman here. The suffering and death of an animal really does matter, both to the animal itself and to those that love it (whether humans or other animals).

So yes, a comedy song about an animal suffering and dying belittles the value of that animal and of its suffering. The argument that an animal is less important than, say, a child, and so it's okay to laugh at the animal song, is spurious; suffering is still suffering.

As has been said before, though, we all have our different opinions. Some of my good friends find songs about animal suffering amusing. But I don't; and I find it hard to understand why others do.

09 Apr 19 - 06:10 PM (#3986663)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - Oh I get it.. you're having a laff.. nice one...

Though if you are being serious, you are talking utter bollocks
and making yourself look like a bad joke......

.. Don't bother apologising.. i don't care...

09 Apr 19 - 06:27 PM (#3986665)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Joe_F

Singing a song about killing cats will not kill cats or even hurt their feelings. The moral question is whether it will make the human singer & audience crueler or less cruel. I suspect that the answer is not simple.

09 Apr 19 - 06:33 PM (#3986667)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman is arguing like a hysterical precocious 12 year old
who just read a school petition about animal rights...

09 Apr 19 - 07:19 PM (#3986669)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Andy7

While I agree with Sandman's sentiment about 'animal cruelty' songs, his leaping to the conclusion that pfr doesn't care about animals makes no sense at all.

It's not the people that sing and enjoy such songs that I have any problem with - as I've said, some of my good friends are among them - it's writing/singing/enjoying comedy songs about cruelty, of any kind.

In my own repertoire is a poaching song, in which an animal meets a painful end. While I'd never go poaching myself, I'm happy to sing the song, as it tells a story which is based on fact; people did/do go poaching in such a way.

But if that song was meant to have the audience laughing in the aisles at the suffering and death of the animal, then I wouldn't consider singing it.

09 Apr 19 - 07:37 PM (#3986672)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,keberoxu

Well, Michael Flanders, in his younger years,
wrote the ultimate bad-taste satire,
titled 'Gluttony.'

It's all about how pate de foie gras is made ...

09 Apr 19 - 08:59 PM (#3986677)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

Actually, I love cats. I've always loved them. And I do think animals have souls, yes. And I am quite sensitive to the suffering of animals, and I have no intention of belittling them. Indeed, I hope that all the cats in the world have a wonderful time, live long, and prosper.

And I still find the Eric Bogle song very amusing, specially the super-dramatic finish he does at the end. "HE's NOBODY's MOGGIE.........NOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!"

I think it's hilarious. Sue me. :D

09 Apr 19 - 09:29 PM (#3986680)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - Now I feel compelled to actually read the lyrics of that song,
just so I can learn it to sing to any cats that crosss my path...

That's how cruel an animal hater I can be if I try...

10 Apr 19 - 01:37 AM (#3986690)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Guest

Try Bernard Boland`s "Basingstoke", a masterpiece of language.

10 Apr 19 - 03:51 AM (#3986701)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: BobL

I think I've said this elsewhere but it bears repeating. There are comic songs about industrial accidents, unwanted pregnancies, matrimonial infidelity, alcohol abuse and more, situations which in real life are not in the least bit funny. However, the audience aren't being invited to laugh at real-life sufferings, but at the imagined misfortunes of fictional people invented purely for that purpose. At the heart of all these songs is the world's oldest joke: man slips on banana skin. This is only funny because it's the victim's own fault for not looking where he was going: a blind man so slipping wouldn't be funny, nor would a banana skin deliberately thrown under the victim's feet (although that one has possibilities...)

When singing such songs I'm well aware that anyone who has suffered from the core situation may not find the song funny. But I'm not a people person so that's never stopped me yet.

10 Apr 19 - 04:05 AM (#3986708)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Will Fly

When we were kids at school, at the height of the famines in Africa, we used to sing a parody of the Heinz beans ad:

'A million Biafrans every day,
Open a can of beans and say,
"One for you, and one for you, and...'"

Tasteless or what? The thoughtless cruelty of kids...

10 Apr 19 - 08:15 AM (#3986723)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Nemesis

This a gem from a previous thread (not mine) for your perusal

The main problem is that there are a lot of, presumably rather unfulfilled, people just looking for things to be 'offended' by.
They'll be making an Olympic event out of 'Offence-Seeking' before long. And there'll be plenty of Mudcatters in the line-up for the first heat! :-) :-)
IMHO, and not wishing to 'offend' any rather unfulfilled people, of course! :-)

10 Apr 19 - 09:59 AM (#3986751)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Andy7

"The main problem is that there are a lot of, presumably rather unfulfilled, people just looking for things to be 'offended' by."

Unsubstantiated assumptions in this short statement:

1. A lot of people who are offended by something were actively looking for something to be offended by.
2. Those same people are rather unfulfilled (in some unspecified way, or ways).

Time to retake your philosophy module, methinks! ;-)

10 Apr 19 - 10:31 AM (#3986753)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Andy7 - yes.. but..

This is the internet in the 21st Century...

It is the ideal enabler for all kinds of folk who thrive on taking offence...

Well balanced and grounded individuals tend not to be so over-sensitive...

A close relative of mine, suffered mental health problems
and found a role in life by becoming a stereotpical obnoxious unforgiving activist
for disabled and LGBT rights.

[think of a satirical Viz character, Millie Tant, an almost photo realistic depiction of my relative..]

It is probably no coincidence she was an early adopter of 'the internet'
way back when it became more easily accesable for home users...
There she found a networked international community of like-minded 'angry' folks...

The causes she adopted are important, essential, and help make life more positive for so many folks
but she was possibly more of a loose cannon liability than one of the bettter effective advocates...

She was a difficult and unlikeable person,
and it harms good causes for the public to associate them with such 'prickly' spokespersons...

10 Apr 19 - 10:46 AM (#3986759)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

Dead right.

10 Apr 19 - 11:09 AM (#3986767)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Rob Naylor

Will Fly: When we were kids at school, at the height of the famines in Africa, we used to sing a parody of the Heinz beans ad:

'A million Biafrans every day,
Open a can of beans and say,
"One for you, and one for you, and...'"

Tasteless or what? The thoughtless cruelty of kids...

Indeed. We sang that too,

And this one:

Hush hush, whisper who dare
Little boy at the foot of the stair
With blood on his hands
And fur on the mat
.....Christopher Robin castrated the cat

And there's Doc Cox, AKA Ivor Biggun:
I'm A Wanker

10 Apr 19 - 11:31 AM (#3986770)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Bonzo3legs

It's better to be in bad taste than to taste bad!!!

10 Apr 19 - 11:36 AM (#3986772)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

For starters... Ivor Biggun, The Macc Lads, and Viz Comic...

That'll separate reasonable broad minded folks with a healthy sense of humour,
from the sour-minded over-sensitive compulsively censorial offence takers...

Let's just say, it should still be ok to be a progressive lefty liberal
who can enjoy bad taste humour...

.. and I'll add.. a big Eff U to all the intolerant miseries
who strive to clamp down on diverse disreputable transgressive comedy...

I'm still chuckling over "If you think this song is funny, you must be an animal hater...!!!"... grow up...

10 Apr 19 - 12:11 PM (#3986776)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste

Here's a couple of classics popular in my household.

Jimmy Cross - I Want My Baby Back

Nervous Norvus - Transfusion

10 Apr 19 - 12:12 PM (#3986777)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Modette

Mea culpa, the one above was me.

10 Apr 19 - 05:39 PM (#3986806)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Tattie Bogle

Just remembering that it is Eric Bogle who wrote Nobody's Moggy, but also came up with many serious thought-provking songs such as No Man's Land, The Band Played Waltzing Matilda, A Reason for it All, Leaving the Land, One Small Star, Now It's Over.
So he did quite a few songs that some people regard as humorous, others to be in bad taste. I guess Sandman wouldn't like his Chihuahua song either, or even the Aussie Barbecue (a mouthful of flies would definitely not taste good.)
I am a cat lover too, but it is a fact of life that a good few cats do end up that way. But I don't have an issue with the song. Worse still, and it's happened twice to us, is for a cat to go missing and never be seen again.

10 Apr 19 - 05:54 PM (#3986808)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Joe_F

Rob Naylor: Aliter,

Little boy kneels by the sitting-room fire,
Little face flushed with abnormal desire.
Meow! Meow! Oh, what is that?
Christopher Robin is sodding the cat.

10 Apr 19 - 06:09 PM (#3986810)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

"Sandman wouldn't like his Chihuahua song "

Sandman doesn't like... not being able to impose his moralistic dictates on others...

For some reason an entirely good taste song came to mind..
A christian song in fact..
One we were forced to sing in morning assembly in infant school...

one verse goes something like...

"The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
The foolish man built his house upon the sand,
And the rains came tumbling down.
The rains came down and the floods came up,
The rains came down and the floods came up,
The rains came down and the floods came up,
And the house on the sand fell flat.. on his cat..."

10 Apr 19 - 07:50 PM (#3986821)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

My Mum taught me many folk songs like

Mrs Maguire pissed the fire
The fire was too hot
She pissed on the pot
The pot was too round
She pissed on the ground
The ground was too flat
She pissed on the cat
And the cat ran away with the piss on its back

Oh, what fun! Oh! what fun!
Shooting peas up a nanny goats bum

However no animals were injured in the singing of these songs.

11 Apr 19 - 10:58 AM (#3986901)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Mr Red

I personally think ANY song about Marmite would be in bad taste............

ducks and runs for cover.

11 Apr 19 - 11:21 AM (#3986906)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Andy7

Mr Red, I strongly disagree with, and am most offended by, your comment. Marmite actually tastes delicious, and it's ridiculous to say otherwise.

I might have to report your post to the moderators ...

11 Apr 19 - 02:09 PM (#3986936)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

Perhaps the Marmite needs a separate thread?

11 Apr 19 - 03:15 PM (#3986947)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Dave the Gnome

Pa wouldn't like it but Ma might.

11 Apr 19 - 05:50 PM (#3986959)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Donuel

Rank, dank and frank songs were sung by the likes of Mozart who had a sense of humor. Bad songs are great in their way. The more they stank the better folks sang. Celebrate people who need trigger alerts and safety zones or else they faint. That's part of the fun.

11 Apr 19 - 06:01 PM (#3986960)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

You gotta face facts.
Some of us have bad - really execrable taste.

Theres no excuse for it - we're complete stinkers.
And we write songs.
Totally reprehensible and i don't why we do it.

Someone told me tonight one of my songs was on the John Peel's list of the ten worst records in history.

sorry about that, but there it is,

11 Apr 19 - 07:13 PM (#3986967)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste

On the topic of TASTE...



Does your girlfriend taste like shit?
Flip her over ...

Does your girlfriend taste like shit?
Flip her over,
Does your girlfriend taste like shit?
Flip her over.

Its her ass-hole, not her clit
Flip her over

11 Apr 19 - 07:28 PM (#3986968)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

yes I suppose when you're a 13 or 14 year old boy - such songs seem to point to the direction of the life force.
I suppose its better than them wanting to be suicide bombers or serial killers.

You'd have to drink a serious amount though to get much pleasure from that stuff.   probably a terminal amount for anyone of advanced years.

11 Apr 19 - 08:50 PM (#3986977)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Tattie Bogle

And I thought the Boat Race thread was bad.............?? I'm outa this one too!

12 Apr 19 - 01:51 AM (#3986983)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

That window peeping; heavy breathing over your shoulder; Elusive Butterfly chasing Val Doonican fellah was always a bit icky.

12 Apr 19 - 03:07 AM (#3986991)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Mr Red

am most offended by, your comment. Marmite actually tastes delicious, and it's ridiculous to say otherwise

Hmmmmmmm. Call me ridiculous and don't even get me started on garlic......

Or chilli

Or..................... Boat Races

12 Apr 19 - 03:07 AM (#3986992)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

Actually Val was after the butterfly with nets of wonder. Don't be concerned - it will not harm you....

12 Apr 19 - 04:04 AM (#3987002)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste

Oh! NETS of wonder! I always heard that as mitts of wonder.

12 Apr 19 - 04:12 AM (#3987003)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

Elusive Butterfly was Bob Lind originally - Val was only the messenger.

12 Apr 19 - 05:05 AM (#3987013)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Big Al Whittle

Yes ever since he added the 'T' and went into chocolate rabbits, people have liked him a lot more.

12 Apr 19 - 01:43 PM (#3987099)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: topical tom

12 Apr 19 - 01:55 PM (#3987101)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Tom - "Video unavailable".. no reason given...

12 Apr 19 - 02:50 PM (#3987110)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

My kid sister could take Lind.

...Val was only the messenger.
and Hannibal Lecter was only the lepidopterist.

You can always tell by the eyes.

12 Apr 19 - 05:05 PM (#3987124)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

"Allo Allo" was a comedy show set in the Nazi occupation of France.

To have extended it to a sitcom about a concentration camp would have been beyond the pale.

There is a spectrum of good/bad taste in song I suppose but quite where you enter the red is a bit hard to judge sometimes.

12 Apr 19 - 05:32 PM (#3987129)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Jerry Lewis made most of a film about a clown in a concentration camp,
but chickened out and never finished it...

12 Apr 19 - 07:04 PM (#3987139)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Punkfolkrocker -

This is a nice article about Jerry Lewis and the cc clown.


“I've had great success being a total idiot.”
-- Jerry Lewis

13 Apr 19 - 10:44 PM (#3987239)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman has sent me an insulting PM regarding this thread..
Is he seriously losing the plot...!!!???

Let's hope he is ok...

I'd like to pass it off as his odd bad taste sense of humour...???
.. and it was sometime later on a Saturday night..

..some of the strangest folks I've ever encountered are cat lovers...

14 Apr 19 - 04:01 PM (#3987369)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

I like cats because they absolutely don't give a tinker's DAMN if you disagree with them about whether or not something they did is in "bad taste". They are not open to emotional blackmail by anyone. If a cat recorded a song that offended some people, it would be sardonically amused by their negative reaction, and would probably perform the song even more frequently just to annoy them further.

14 Apr 19 - 04:33 PM (#3987373)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Little Hawk - you just basically described me..

oh f@ck.. does that mean I was a cat in a previous life..

and here's me a keen dog lover... this is an existential crisis...!!!

14 Apr 19 - 04:53 PM (#3987377)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

I have not sent PINKFOLK an insulting PM, i asked him a question
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker - PM
Date: 09 Apr 19 - 09:29 PM

Sandman - Now I feel compelled to actually read the lyrics of that song,
just so I can learn it to sing to any cats that crosss my path...

That's how cruel an animal hater I can be if I try...
..........are you under the influence of drugs or are you drunk?
pfr,all sent pms are recorded,Iasked the question becqause your remarks seem not in keeping with what i would expect from someone who was sober, a question isnot an inwsult

14 Apr 19 - 05:03 PM (#3987379)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Nemisis

Davy robertson - The hanky
I have been asked NOT to sing this by a few genteel ladies

Another in bad? taste Billy Connolly- My Granny Song

14 Apr 19 - 05:16 PM (#3987381)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

I think it ironic I received an unexpected and inapropriate personsonal message late on a saturday night
asking if I was off my tits on booze or drugs way back days ago...

Sandman - you should have posted your message here in public on this thread.
Then it could be viewed by everyone,
and open to their interpretation of whether it was intended in good humour
or intolerant anger...

But at least I got you back into your own thread again...


14 Apr 19 - 05:29 PM (#3987384)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - anyway, whatever your state of humour last night - it's out of order sending such PMs.

..even a petty abuse of the PM facility...

That's what threads are for - petty abuse and pointless arguments...

14 Apr 19 - 09:57 PM (#3987407)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

Another thing I like about cats is that when they do get offended (and they DO! Frequently!), they loathe you in that moment, hold you in utter contempt, and make it very plain how they feel about you....but a mere 5 minutes later they have simply left it behind them and gone serenely on to the next thing (back to being king or queen of their world).

That's if they know you. They simply don't tend to hold onto negative emotional stuff like people do.

If they don't know you, on the other hand, and you do something they don't like, then they will probably never trust you again.

Dogs are like that too! All is quickly forgiven if you're part of "the pack", but if you're a stranger, they'll hold a grudge against you forever!

This is one area where cats and dogs are surprisingly similar.

14 Apr 19 - 11:56 PM (#3987414)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Litle Hawk - thanks you've put my existence back in order..
I'm possibly half cat half dog by nature....

..a difficult balance of inner conflict and turmoil.. but at least it's some kind of order...

woof meow...

15 Apr 19 - 05:10 AM (#3987442)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

punk folk rocker , i am almost a teetotaller these days, i rarely drink, as i suffer from gout, i arrived back on sat night having done two successful gigs at patrington and norwich ,i had a really enjoyable gig in norwich folk club a venue that does not sell alcohol, and sold 4 cds
i drove 50 miles from the airport without having had anything to drink to find your silly[imo] posts , instead of messing up the thread how about contributing sensibly with any songs that you think are in bad taste.i would appreciate if you kept your silly billy stuff for below the line

15 Apr 19 - 10:01 AM (#3987480)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - the whole basis of your OP and thread title is silly and intolerant..

pot kettle black etc...

Stop acting like a prissy prat.

I hold some aspects of your talent and politics in high regard,
but in other ways you show yourself up as a petty intolerant argumentative tit...

If a mudcat mod lays down the law and tells us where and what we can post - fair enough..

But if you think you can do that, you can stuff it up yer jumper...

Now get back to doing what you are good at
and why I continue to respect you despite your more negative tendencies...

Here I show dog traits of loyalty and cat traits of contempt..

My mrs was convinced cats and dogs could cross breed when she was a little kid..
Surely in a genetic lab somewhere, just for curiosity...

15 Apr 19 - 02:28 PM (#3987531)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

btw.. I neglected to mention earlier..

You derailed your own thread days ago with your own erratic posting behaviour;
by turning irrationally nasty in response good humoured mudcatters
replying to your cranky dismissal of Bogles popular song...

15 Apr 19 - 10:20 PM (#3987588)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

Okay...back to songs of bad taste. I nominate "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" by Rod Stewart. That song could be used to torture condemned prisoners and drive them to madness...but only the very worst of them would deserve it!

16 Apr 19 - 03:14 AM (#3987608)
Subject: Lyr Add: MY PROPER NAME IS CLARENCE (J Mitchell)
From: The Sandman

MY second name is Clarence but you can call me Clare is a song that makes fun of transvestites ino it is not funny it is no funnier than the song about killing a cat.

(John "Mitch" Mitchell)

While sitting in a hostelry, alone one Sunday night,
A fella came across to me and asked me for a light,
He offered me a cigarette; he bought me half a beer,
And we were getting friendly when he whispered in my ear.

cho: "My proper name is Clarence, but you can call me Clare,
    I wear sexy undies and I peroxide my hair,
    My politics are liberal, my outlook's liberal too,
    In fact my dear, I'm a little bit queer and I've taken a shine to you."

Well I supped my jar; I left that bar, faster than a scalded cat,
Caught the landlord's eye as I went by and I stopped just for a chat,
I said, "Hey, he's propositioned me. Do you allow that there 'ere?"
Well he didn't get riled, in fact, he just smiled and he whispered in my ear.

Well off I did go, to the new disco, to find myself a bride,
Picked up this pearl of a pastry girl, took her for a ride,
In the back of the car, I got so far, then I froze with fear,
When I felt a lump and my heart went thump and a voice whispered in my ear.

Next day at eight, I called my mate, he promised not to tell,
By a quarter to nine the production line, the foreman knew as well,
They called me misses and they blew me kisses, the boss he got to hear,
For me he sent, to the office I went and he whispered in my ear.

I joined the health service, to train to be a nurse,
With stethoscope and fob watch, with pride I fair did burst,
My charge nurse said he'd teach me, the kiss of life technique,
Well first he turned the lights down and when he began to speak, he said,

"My proper name is Clarence, but you can call me Clare,
I wear sexy undies and I peroxide my hair,
My politics are liberal, my outlook's liberal too,
In fact my dear, I'm a little bit queer and I've taken a shine to you.

In fact my dears, thanks for having me here, God bless, good night to you."
Song written by Mitch who hails from Worksop, UK.

PFR, do you think that song is in good taste
.I have run a festival for 9 years run folk clubs and sessions these are all positive things, what do you organise or do apart from posting on this forum?

16 Apr 19 - 04:03 AM (#3987617)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Ged Fox

It would be funnier if it had fewer verses. It's a one joke song and the joke does not support five verses. I'd keep it down to verses 1,2 & 4.

It doesn't make fun of transvestites. It makes fun of the man who feels uncomfortable when unexpectedly meeting transvestites.

Of course it's in bad taste, and it would not do to sing it in the drawing room to one's maiden aunts. (Equally, of course, it's just the kind of song that those maiden aunts would sing amongst themselves.)

16 Apr 19 - 04:22 AM (#3987621)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

yes, it makes fun of liberals it makes fun of transvestites
Next day at eight, I called my mate, he promised not to tell,
By a quarter to nine the production line, the foreman knew as well,
They called me misses and they blew me kisses, the boss he got to hear,
For me he sent, to the office
I went and he whispered in my ear.
it sterotypes all liberals, and calls someone queer
My proper name is Clarence, but you can call me Clare,
    I wear sexy undies and I peroxide my hair,
    My politics are liberal, my outlook's liberal too,
    In fact my dear, I'm a little bit queer and I've taken a shine to you."
humour is the most effective way of delivering a message, i do not like messages of intolerance or messages that in any way suggest that an animals misfortune is funny. everyone is entiled to have a different take on this [including myself].

16 Apr 19 - 04:24 AM (#3987622)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

ged i would not sing either song at a folk club or concert

16 Apr 19 - 08:06 AM (#3987656)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - get it into your head that neither I nor most other folks
care how much you are offended by such trivia.
You are acting in this thread like a petulant pillock with a bruised ego..

Whereas in the Notre Dame thread [even though you jumped in with your facts wrong]
you are the establishment challenging sandman I can respect more and side with...

Right then, now back to this thread..

That Clarence song is shit..
It isn't very problematic in it's treatment of a serious issue,
it's just very badly written and unfunny.. very out dated...
In it's favour though, it's probably not intended to hurt any specific listeners...???

I'd judge a song more if it is intended as reactionary propaganda,
spitefuly malicious and hateful towards targeted victims..

but that's just my opinion...

A good 'offensive' song is funny in content and delivery,
even if transgressing into subject areas that most folks would rather keep quiet about..
.. and far more effective if taking the piss out of reactionary dominant elements in society...

Again, merely my opinion, but possibly backed up by a lot more folk who might agree...

16 Apr 19 - 08:58 AM (#3987669)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - btw...

If I am provoked to take the piss out of you in any thread where your behaviour justifies it,
I can still back you up in other threads where we are on the same side
together against a common 'enemy'...

That's how mudcat works...

.. and real life as well...

Mates can stand up to each other's nonsense,
and tell each other when they're acting like prats..
Sulkers are a pain in the arse, but even they can get over themeselves eventually
and join back in as normal..

16 Apr 19 - 10:11 AM (#3987688)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

There is taste in humour just like there is taste in food and what one person finds funny will just leave others cold - this isn't the same as what is in good/bad taste of course but I always remember someone describing Cannon and Ball as"the only comedy duo with two straight men". Marmite!

16 Apr 19 - 02:45 PM (#3987731)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

In it's favour though, it's probably not intended to hurt any specific listeners"
I saw this song performed by a singer called TomBrown , he accompanied it with mincing actions it was intended to mock transvestites and gays, so the performance was a mocvking one , difficult to perform such a song in a way that would be sympathetic to transvesties or as the song calls gays.. queers

16 Apr 19 - 03:00 PM (#3987732)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - As I don't know that song or it's writer I was trying to give it the benefit of the doubt
until aware of evidence otherwise..

If what you say is correct, then it has no redeeming qualities..
It's just shit...

However a hateful person could twist just about anything, no matter how innocent, to promote their malicious agenda.

Similarly a gay person could appropriate that song and perform it in a gay club
as an ironic parody of homophobics...???

Comedy is too complex to dictate simplistic black and white positions for or against...

16 Apr 19 - 04:46 PM (#3987743)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Based on a true story.

One species' tragedy: "Force fed; sodomized; tortured by fire and driven insane."

Is another's comedy: "We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind and when we touched the powder off the gator lost his mind."

16 Apr 19 - 05:09 PM (#3987748)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Nemisis

Phil d'Conch - Bravo brilliando

16 Apr 19 - 05:32 PM (#3987754)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk


16 Apr 19 - 06:13 PM (#3987760)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

humour can be so effective at getting though a message, here is an example that involves some music but takes the piss out of racists, and thisis my point humour can be used to bring out the best in people or as in the case of bernard manning the lowest common denominator so i am asking people to think about content of songs including funny songs">

16 Apr 19 - 06:15 PM (#3987761)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

link here for above

16 Apr 19 - 06:42 PM (#3987762)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

..and what's so wrong with the common denomiator..

we don't have to be elitist moralistic snobs all of the time.. how boring...

17 Apr 19 - 02:11 AM (#3987799)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

well it in many cases it is appealing to the worst in people the establishment tabloid newspapers bang on about social security scroungers earning black money yet ignore serious tax evaders like the owner of the daily mail[ hardly surprising].
divde and rule set one faction of people against another. Apartheid was a classic example, get zulus to fight xhona, so white south africans kept control.
for society to be fairer it is important to appeal to the highest common factor not the LOWEST common denominator and since in my opinion humour in song is a great way of getting a political message across in a subtle manner, the content of humourous songs becomes important, songs that laugh at gay or transevestite people are setting one section of people against another , songs that laugh at domestic cats being killed, are appealing to the kind of ethos that the catholic church used to say animals do not have souls let us laugh about someomes cat being killed. one example is only an extrapolation or extension of the other both are songs that do not encourage either tolerance or sympathy. contrast to this humorous song


Things are bad, awful bad,
In fact they've never been worse before
But every single chappie can make a girlie happy
Food is dear, rent is dear,
But love is cheap for the time of year
So grab the nearest Miss
And whisper while you kiss.

Chorus: 'In these hard times you've got to put up with anything
In these hard times you mustn't pick and choose'
And if you're nice, and squeeze her tight
She'll ask you round tomorrow night
If you don't mind sitting without a light
In these hard times.

Farmer Brown came to town
He spent the day at the cattle show
Then went to wet his whistle, inside the hotel Cecil
Lady fair, near him there
Had all her neck and shoulders bare
Said Farmer Brown 'Alack'
As he saw her dainty back.

Chorus: 'In these hard times you've got to put up with anything
In these hard times you mustn't pick and choose
This fancy kind of o' dress ye wear
Leaves all ye neck and shoulders bare
But you're lucky to be dressed to there.'
In these hard times.

Missis Green, rather mean
Went out last Saturday marketing
And saw out in the gutter, a codfish on a shutter
She felt its gums, poked her thumbs
All round the fish and she said 'Oh crumbs
It don't look nice at all'
Then the coster had to bawl

Chorus: 'In these hard times you've got to put up with anything
In these hard times you mustn't pick and choose'
That codfish there's a sacrifice,
And I ask ye Ma'am would you look nice
If you'd 'ave been torpedoed twice, in these hard times?'

PDF Sheet Music


Performed by Whit Cunliffe (1876-1966)
Written and composed by R.P. Weston & F.J. Barnes
or this
the song of the prune
Nowadays we often gaze
On women over fifty
Without the slightest trace
Of wrinkles on their face
Doctors go and take their dough
To make them young and nifty
But Doctors I defy
To tell me just why
No matter how young a prune may be
It's always full of wrinkles
We may get them on our face
Prunes get 'em every place
Prohibition worries us
But prunes don't sit and brood
For no matter how young a prune may be
It's always getting stewed

In the kingdom of the fruits
The prune is snubbed by others
And they are not allowed
To mingle with the crowd
Though they're never on display
With all their highbrow brothers
They never seem to mind
To this fact they're resigned
That no matter how young a prune may be
It's always full of wrinkles
Beauty treatments always fail
They've tried all to no avail
Other fruits are envious
Because they know real well
That no matter how young a prune may be
Hot water makes 'em swell

Baby prunes look like their dad
But not wrinkled quite as bad

Every day in every way
The world is getting better
We've even learned to fly
As days go passing by
But how about the poor old prune
His life is only wetter
No wonder he can't win
In the awful stew he's in
No matter how young a prune may be
He's always full of wrinkles
We may get them on our face
Prunes get 'em every place
Nothing ever worries them
Their life's an open book
But no matter how young a prune may be
It has a worried look

Prunes act very kind they say
When sickly people moan
But no matter how young a prune may be
It has a heart of stone

17 Apr 19 - 02:24 AM (#3987802)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - your heart is in the right place,
but frankly I think you are out of touch with wider contemporary popular culture..

..and you clearly don't get all the different styles of modern comedy
that appeal to younger people...

You might be very surprised / shocked at what educated liberal minded younger folk find funny these days..

Do you watch television much at all...???

17 Apr 19 - 09:34 AM (#3987829)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil D'Conch

Sandman: “ i am asking people to think about content of songs...

While continually assuming ignorance or evil if they disagree.. with you. “People” do think, and then they laugh… or cry. That's how taste works if everyone isn't you. Which they are not. Losing a loved one in an auto accident is no joking matter unless it is:

And he said "God, make it a dream!"
as he rode his last ride down.
And he sideswiped nineteen neat parked cars,
clipped off thirteen telephone poles,
hit two houses, bruised eight trees,
and Blue-Crossed seven people.
it was then he lost his head,
not to mention an arm or two before he stopped….

[Harry Chapin]

But most conflate 'taste' with flavour which is a lot of smell:

Yeah you got yer dead cat and you got yer dead dog
On a moonlight night you got yer dead toad frog
Got yer dead rabbit and yer dead raccoon
The blood and the guts they're gonna make you swoon!

[Loudon Wainwright III]

17 Apr 19 - 09:51 AM (#3987834)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

I'm a life long progressive left winger..
moderate centrist on some issues.. militant farish left on others..

What I find discomforting about my side of the political spectrum
is an increasing tendency towards judgemental intolerant puritanism...

It used to be fundamentalist right wing religious spoilsports - the Mary Whitehouse brigade..

Now it seems to be 'us' trying to make culture more restricted and miserable...

no thanks.. where's the fun in that...???

17 Apr 19 - 10:14 AM (#3987839)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Cats... need white knights like a fish needs a bicycle. Mine are world class shoe poopers when displeased.

RIP: Simon Bond

17 Apr 19 - 11:31 AM (#3987844)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: topical tom

17 Apr 19 - 11:32 AM (#3987845)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

nmo iam not being intolerant ,i said i would not sing particular songs, i would like people to think about what they are singing about, i find the clarence song in worse taste than the cat song , but i do not like either, what others do is up to them , i did not like some of vin garbutts songs but i believed he should be able to sing them , if i do not like i do not clap ,end of story,
soPFR you do not know me and you are jumping to a conclusion that i wish to stop people from singing what they like, that is not the case , but do not expect me to applaud if i hear either of those songs. What i want is tfor people to give thought to their repertoire.

17 Apr 19 - 11:35 AM (#3987846)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

pfr feel free to sing either of the two songs i mentioned at my gigs, but dont expect me to applaud , before you accuse me of anything further THINK, REFLECT have you got the message, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME CLESARLY

17 Apr 19 - 11:48 AM (#3987849)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - lighten up.. I'm not getting at you for the sake of it,
just the position you seem to be taking, and how you are presenting yourself in this thread.
I can only try my best to evaluate what you are writing as objectively as I can..

It's not all about YOU, even if you'd like it to be...???

Do you watch much TV comedy, or go to modern metropolitan comedy clubs
often enough to be in a position to judge other folk's sense of humour...???

17 Apr 19 - 11:56 AM (#3987850)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

btw - there's plenty of anti social and prejudiced things which I don't approve of
that I'd like other ordinary folks to stop doing;
but I'd get nowhere if I preach and harangue at them...

Like it or not, it's at best 'live and let live'...

17 Apr 19 - 12:56 PM (#3987859)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

It has nothing to do with lightening up ,it is about thinking about content of songs, and that is why I choose certain songs and not others, the lyrics and the meaning, you agree the clarence song is in bad taste. I would not stop people from singing sogs , but i am under no obligation to applaud, singers get themessage when few applaud or even a couple do not. neikher am i advocating preaching or harnguing , in fact i am saying that humour is an effective way of getting a message across without haranguing or preaching,if i do not like the message, i will not applaud.

17 Apr 19 - 01:19 PM (#3987862)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

No I do not agree the Clarence song is bad taste.
That's not for me to judge.
But in my opinion it is unfunny - merely a shit comic song...

Apart from that we more than probably agree on the value of humour
as a vehicle for polemical ideas...

Satire is an artform...

But neither am I a snob appalled at the 'lowest common denominator'...

Your demonised example Bernard Manning was actually a very funny pro comedian.
Though we may dislike his politics, much of his material, and a lot of the audience he appealed to,
he was a master of his craft...

17 Apr 19 - 01:45 PM (#3987867)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Personally, I think you'd make better clearer progress if you rid your head
of the unhelpful concept of 'bad taste'..

Concentrate more on 'funny or not funny' and the pragmatics of what amuses diverse audiences..

eg fart, bum, and willy gags are universally funny, despite minority objection
from uptight individuals...

Racist gags are not at all funny if the comedian is fueled by hatred towards ethnic groups.
However the same jokes can be made funny when appropriated by the targeted victims,
or sympathetic progressive comedians,
and used to cruely parody racists...

Alf Garnett was comic genius...

To a lesser extent, the same case can be made to defend the much misunderstood series Curry and Chips..
Even at a bigger stretch Love Thy Neighbour...


[30 odd years ago I was half heartedly training to be a media studies teacher..
how differently life turned out...]

17 Apr 19 - 04:43 PM (#3987885)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

hitler was a master of his craft so was oswald mosley very good orators that does not mean their message was good, bernard manning may have been professional that does not mean i like his messages. that was my whole point about alf garnett he parodied racists ..did you watch the clip i provided?
Bernard Manning did not parody racists neither did jim davison

17 Apr 19 - 05:00 PM (#3987889)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

there is nothing snobbish about being appalled at the medias attempt to appeal the lowest common denominator, you need to check your history, pfr
viscount harmsworth appealed to the lowest common denominator in the 1930s apeealing in the daily mail to encourage fascism through the blackshirts ,reynell bellamy [peter bellamys father] and not a working class person but was an uppermiddle class organiser for mosley[his right hand man], and fascism, there is nothing snobbish about condemning upper class people who encourage fascism. fascism and racism appeals to the lowest common denominator in people, it is convenient for the establishment it divides ordinary people on a racist basis , allowing the establishment to divide and rule. apartheid did this by setting zulus against xhona, xhona against zulus. divide and rule

17 Apr 19 - 05:19 PM (#3987892)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - I honestly don't know what more to say to you...
The 1930s were nearly 90 years ago..
The world, media and mass entertainment were almost completely different...
Mass education was different..
Everything was different.....

For all your knowledge of that era,
you seem to have painted yourself into a very tight dark corner
because of it..

I will repeat, you really seem too unaware of modern comedy
to have any meaningful opinion on it...

btw.. i don't need youtube clips,
I grew up in a council house
on a diet of classic [and rubbish] 1960s and 70s sit-coms and comedians...

..and I've not exactly been brainwashed into voting ukip...

Attacks on 'low brow' mass popular culture, aren't just snobbish, but can also be very patronising...

18 Apr 19 - 02:40 AM (#3987934)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

i am not attacking low brow culture ,i am attacking humour that has messages such as racism or attacks on gay or transvestite people etc.i find some as you put it lowbrow culture funny , but i am not prepared to applaud the clarence song the soing about dead cats neither would i applaud one or two of vin garbutts songs although he was a great entertainer, that is my prerogative, if i think a song is in bad taste i do not have to applaud, that does not mean that i would attempt to stop anyone singing, is that clear?
i am very aware of modern comedy, so please do not patrronise me. I GREW UP IN SOUTH EAST LONDON, LEWISHAM SO DO NOT LECTURE ME ABOUTMY ROOTS

18 Apr 19 - 04:25 AM (#3987950)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman


18 Apr 19 - 04:34 AM (#3987951)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Peter the Squeezer

From: punkfolkrocker - PM

"Alf Garnett was comic genius..."

The character of Alf Garnett was reputedly based on Johnny Speight's own father. Warren Mitchell proved what a talented actor he was, in portraying Alf as the bigot we all love to hate, when the actor and character were complete opposites.

"To a lesser extent, the same case can be made to defend the much misunderstood series Curry and Chips.."

Spike Milligan could get away with material which the BBC would allow nobody else to do. Look at his "Pakistani Dalek", for instance.

"Even at a bigger stretch Love Thy Neighbour..."

In my opinion, Love Thy Neighbour was just not funny, even in the 1970's.

18 Apr 19 - 05:59 AM (#3987966)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Modette

Capital letters in The Sandman's posts are like waiting for a 46a bus. You wait ages for a glimpse of one aND THEN A WHOLE LOad come at once.

18 Apr 19 - 08:21 AM (#3987982)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - I can't remember if you are one of those mudcatters who proudly boast
they don't own and never watch a TV...
yes, they do still exist in 2019..

But the obvious solution is watch as much varied TV comedy as you can fit into your busy schedule...

That's homework that shouldn't be too much of a chore...

Seriously, if you think those two creaky old songs somehow precipitate the fall of civilisation
you should be better informed of the scale of hilarious 'bad taste' on offer for our entertainment...

btw.. Love Thy Neighbour...

Obviously very popular in it's day, and a family favourite in our council house..

I recently watched a random episode on youtube for nostalgias sake.
Both me and the mrs chuckled a little with it, but mostly at it..
I'd allow benefit of the doubt it was following Johnny Speight's Alf Garnett model
of mocking racists.
But clesarly executed in a far clunsier manner..
The racism was slight by the standards of modern reality,
but obviously no longer broacastable on mainstream TV.
But not something to demonise the ordinary older viewers who still enjoy it on DVD boxsets.
That just plays into the hands of far right agitators and helps their recrutment efforts...

Boiled down to basics it goes thusly..

"loony PC lefty snowflakes won't even let decent hard working Britsh citizens
watch good old fashined classic comedy,
vote ukip and liberate the BBC and ITV from these lefty fascists...

Yes I do see too much of that sort of highly persuasive nonsense all over the internet...

18 Apr 19 - 08:39 AM (#3987984)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

something went wrong with my editing and copy pasting..

Try again...

"Seriously, if you think those two creaky old songs somehow precipitate the fall of civilisation
you should be better informed of the scale of hilarious 'bad taste' on offer for our entertainment...
Much [most ?] of it gleefully performed by progressive liberal lefty comedians...

18 Apr 19 - 08:42 AM (#3987985)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Sandman - I know from much past experience you enjoy arguing and getting over heated
even with folks who basically are on your side and agree with you.
That's part of your character and charm...

As far as I'm concerned.. no ill feelings, or serious offence intended..
Robust grumpy mudcat life goes on as normal...

18 Apr 19 - 09:03 AM (#3987988)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

I really ballsed up that big post..
dunno what went wrong - I definitely typed it and proofed it...??

anyway,this is the last correction.. sorry mates...

"Yes I do see too much of that sort of highly persuasive direct propaganda nonsense all over the internet..."

time for a strong mug of tea...

18 Apr 19 - 09:39 AM (#3987994)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Hah - worked out what I did wrong..

Yes, I did type a final version and proof-read it.
Then selected all and copied as a safety precaution before posting..
Except I must have clumsily pressed ctrl/V instead of ctrl/C
and posted the previously copied work in progress draft...

Ok..this is boring for anyone else to read..
But could be worked as a sit com plot device to great comedic effect..

Imagine if they'd had home computers and internet in the classic Brit sit com era...

"Patrick Cargill must hurry to stop the internet before he has to explain to family and colleagues
why he posted his dick pic to all of them..."

18 Apr 19 - 12:42 PM (#3988027)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Some bloke

Wow... I’m glad this is about funny songs because that apart, it’s BS section material.

PFR. Good luck trying but I fear Mr Reason is out for lunch in the Miles household. T’was ever thus. Although I notice he still tries to mention his gigs. A true pro...

Right. My turn.

I’m going to kill my cat
Then I’ll smother it with a pillow
Cos it pissed all around my hat
And it’s going to rue the day!

For when I’ve done dissecting it
I’ll put it in a paper bag
Then send all the bits off to The RSPCA

18 Apr 19 - 01:11 PM (#3988040)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

no problem PFR, Guest modette i know your identity, how is the journalism going , the rough guides are they still popular, guest some bloke was a big mate of tom brown who used to sing the clarence song with camp movements, guest some bloke is always going on knocking trad singers and banging on about trousers and tup to their tits a pathetic insult

18 Apr 19 - 06:12 PM (#3988092)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

What always impresses me most about the UK folk community is their tolerance for one another's imperfections, their appreciation of differing viewpoints, and their absolutely firm resolve to speak kindly and generously to one another even under the most trying of circumstances. ;) Someone really should write a song about it.

18 Apr 19 - 07:22 PM (#3988103)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

Chongo Chimp need his nuts

18 Apr 19 - 08:20 PM (#3988106)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Little Hawk

Chongo is very proud of his nuts. (needless to say)

18 Apr 19 - 08:23 PM (#3988108)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,paperback

Sandman: it takes a village to raise an idiot - you're one of those guys who takes ten years to figure it all out but never figures out people had moved on five years earlier so you're forever five years behind the curve - but don't fret, so are many of us.

18 Apr 19 - 08:27 PM (#3988110)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,paperback

Littlehawk, nod

19 Apr 19 - 12:13 AM (#3988119)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Severn

There were always the things we sang after Sunday School, like:

Jesus loves the little children
Am the children of the world.
Red or yellow, black or white,
They are tasty, every bite!
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
YUM, YUM! (Burp).......

Good taste?
Needs a little salt, maybe?.......

19 Apr 19 - 03:06 AM (#3988128)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Mr Red


if you are a homeowner - you go meow every time you write the word.

Annnnnd - not that I take side or nuffink - but I sing "Somebody's Moggy" and also one about two Rabbits - one Called Stu, and the other called Pye..................

Now - do we take the piss out of you and Sandman for the spat? Ironically of course!

19 Apr 19 - 07:17 AM (#3988178)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

Mr Red - Take as much piss as you like..

Matey sarcasm bonds communities together...

20 Apr 19 - 08:32 AM (#3988346)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

guest paper back
t takes a village to raise an idiot - you're one of those guys who takes ten years to figure it all out but never figures out people had moved on five years earlier so you're forever five years behind the curve - speak for yourself you not only a village idiot but an ill mannered one.
mr red Carry on singing songs that might offend , but do not be surprised if parts of an audience do not clap, performance is about creating an empathy with an audience.
another song iwould not sing is that song
Brimstone used to sing about not being fond of portuguese
I fell in love with a fair young maid
Who in Campden did reside
And I was living in Shoreditch,
Which was a one-and-fourpenny ride.
But there was a fly in the ointment,
As you very soon will perceive,
Cos, although I loved her ever so well,
She loved a Portuguese.

One night, I saw them both together,
And I opened me mouth to speak.
But the sight I saw before me
Made me shut me mouth up quick!
For they was both a-sitting there,
They was laughing, and holding hands,
And he was a-seducing of her
With pints of Babycham!

He was a nasty piece of work,
Gonzales was his name.
And there he was, a-dallying with
The honour of my dame.
So, I resolved to kill him,
Though I knew it was a sin,
Cos I didn't like Portuguese in general,
And in particular, I didn't like 'im!

So I followed him to his lodgings,
Which was in Millwall, or thereabouts,
And I followed him up an alleyway,
And I turned him inside-out!
Then I muttered jealous oaths, and things,
And bashed him black and bluer,
Then I lifted up a manhole cover,
And I bunged him down a sewer!

Now when she heard what I had done,
She made me poor life hell,
So just for the sake of peace and quiet,
I done her in, as well!
So now I'm up before the Beak
To answer for me crime.
He said: I don't like what you did first off, my son,
But I'll forgive you the second time!

Now, love and jealousy are dangerous passions,
I should never have intermixed 'em.
I might have been much wiser,
Cos now I'm languishing here in Brixton.
All for the love of a fair young maid
Who in Campden did reside,
Yes, all for the love of a fair young maid
I got thirteen years inside!
"what a pile of shite" IMO

20 Apr 19 - 08:36 AM (#3988347)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

Leon Rosselson
Little Tim MacGuire loved to play with fire
Always hated water, never used to wash
Loved the smell of burning, of bonfires burning
Loved to play all day with his little tinder box

He chased the sparks as they flew into the evening
Hailed the flash of lightning and the burning sun
When I'm a man then I'll become a fireman
Then I can light a fire for everyone

When he was four they dressed him in a uniform
Sent him to a school with iron railings all around
Hated the school and the rules and the railings
Took his little tinder box and burnt it to the ground

Oh how he laughed and danced in the firelight
Oh how he laughed as the flames leapt to the sky
When I'm a man I'm going to be a fireman
Keep a bonfire burning until the day I die

When MacGuire grew older they made him wear a bowler
Set him to work in an office in the town
Hated the pens and the pins and the papers
Had just one ambition, to burn the office down

Little Tim MacGuire loved to play with fire
Loved the blaze of roses and the golden grain
Loved the leaves of autumn, the red leaves of autumn
Loved a slender girl with a smile like a flame

The judge said at his trial, Your behaviour has been vile
You're a menace to society though you may think you're big
You have to go to prison - and then, what a commotion
For smoke and fire were pouring from the judge's wig

Oh how he laughed and danced in the courtroom
We took him down, we locked him in the darkness of the cell
Never saw the sun or heard the songbirds calling
Saw the prison bars and heard the prison bell

Then early one morning just as the day was dawning
A great wheel of fire spun skywards from the jail
The iron bars melted, the stone walls crumbled
No one in the prison lived to tell the tale

No one ever found Tim MacGuire's little tinder box
No one ever found a trace of Tim MacGuire
Perhaps he's up in heaven setting light to angels' haloes
Perhaps he's down in hell dancing round the fire

20 Apr 19 - 10:54 AM (#3988359)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

And the genius of comic soings the singing postman
I knows a gal a real fine gal, down in WRoxham way
She were whooly nice to me back in the old school days
She would smile all the while, but Daddy didn't know all
What she used to say to me down by the garden wall
"Have you got a light Boy?
Have you got a light?"

Molly Lindley, she smokes like a chimney
But she's my little nicotene gal

Now you'll see her and me never more to part
We would wander hand in hand together in the dark
'Til one night I held her tight in the old back yard
But when I tries to hold her close she says "Now hold you hard!"
Have you got a light boy?
Have you got a light?


Then one day she go away. I don't see her no more
'Til by chance I see her down along the (Mundley?) shore
She be there twice as fair but will she now be true
So when she sees me passing by she says "I'm glad that's you!
Have you got a light boy?
Have you got a light"


By and by we decide on a wedding day
So we toddles off to church to hear the preacher say
Will you now take this vow to honour all the time
Before I has a chance to stop her, she begins to pine
"Have you got a light boy?
Have you got a light?"


Now the doctor tells me a daddy I shall be
but when I asks him "Whats the score?" he says there's only three
So here I go Cheerio, to see how she do fair
I know what she will say to me as soon as I get's there
"Have you got a li..............ght, b.............o................y?"

20 Apr 19 - 04:08 PM (#3988398)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

Our village has two village idiots - they are on a jobshare!

20 Apr 19 - 04:14 PM (#3988400)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: The Sandman

Which village is that is it in LEICESTERSHIRE?

20 Apr 19 - 04:17 PM (#3988401)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: punkfolkrocker

What if you are the only sensible person in a village full of idiots...???

20 Apr 19 - 04:37 PM (#3988404)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Andy7

Then you'd be the village idiosyncrasy.

20 Apr 19 - 06:25 PM (#3988412)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Found the King of Hearts.

20 Apr 19 - 09:57 PM (#3988430)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,paperback

Sandman: speak for yourself you not only a village idiot but an ill mannered one.

Well, as MGM·Lion was wont to say

"Nezza mind; dear dear; diddums!"

MGM·Lion: the king of punctuation

23 Apr 19 - 10:27 PM (#3988825)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Gerry

By the way, Eric Bogle was just given a Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Folk Festival in Canberra last weekend. No mention was made of Nobody's Moggy.

Those who find Nobody's Moggy in bad taste will probably not be comforted to know that there's a recording on which Bogle accidentally on purpose sings the line, "Decapitating tweety birds and masticating mice," as "Decapitating tweety birds and masturbating mice."

26 Apr 19 - 04:29 AM (#3989313)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: Acorn4

I was told one of my songs was "crude and offensive". The day before I'd sung it somewhere else and had two requests for the lyrics.

27 Apr 19 - 10:44 PM (#3989639)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Guest

30 Apr 19 - 09:57 PM (#3990188)
Subject: RE: Songs of bad taste
From: GUEST,Abe Yevi
If you want to talk about sexist and racist songs in bad taste, just talk Bellamy. He popularized many racist, sexist, heterocentric songs written by an imperialist bigot who would appear to have inspired him not just musically, but also socially. 1:59 is all you need to know about this particular song. Great singer, terrible songs.