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BS: #BoycottHomeDepot

12 Jul 19 - 10:03 AM (#4000465)
Subject: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

My longtime patronage of HD is at an end.


12 Jul 19 - 10:52 AM (#4000473)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, damn. I was all set to go buy paint. Good thing Lowe's will match whatever color I've already selected.

I tend to stay away from Home Depot anyway because they have a pro-gun policy, allowing open carry in stores.

12 Jul 19 - 11:13 AM (#4000477)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: John P

Did you see the part in the article that said that he hasn't worked for HD in 15 years and doesn't speak for the company? Or where HD says they don't endorse candidates? What are we expecting HD to do about a bigoted anti-American ex-owner shooting his mouth off? Do they have any control over this situation that would allow them to fix anything? What exact changes are we asking them to make? Do we have any evidence that HD itself gives money to Trump? That would be worth a boycott.

Of course, the article also talked about the reports that HD abuses their employees in a variety of ways. That would also be worth a boycott if it were confirmed. On the other hand, if we boycott every company that treats its employees badly we wouldn't be able to buy much of anything.

12 Jul 19 - 11:45 AM (#4000482)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

The P.O.S. in the White House is dangerously inept, continues to fan the flames of race hatred for political gain and shred democratic institutions in a desperate effort to avoid an electoral loss that will leave him exposed to a shitstorm of civil, local and federal litigation. This isn't a game, anyone concerned with the continuation of our democracy has got to do what they can to dump this would be dictator. Mr. Marcus' association with HD has put them in the cross hairs, and maybe a boycott will force them to communicate with him if they want to save their business. He can do what he wants to with his money and I can buy my home goods where I choose. I hope HD and other merchants get the message.

12 Jul 19 - 01:02 PM (#4000492)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Stilly River Sage

John P, I didn't read the article, just looked at the subject. Living in the US we are abreast of nonsense that Home Depot and it's very conservative pro-Trump owner have been up to for a long time.

12 Jul 19 - 02:33 PM (#4000516)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: leeneia

The article didn't say whether Bernnie Marcus, Home Depot co-founder pledged to contribute from his own fortune or from Home Depot's funds. Probably it's his own money, otherwise the board of directors and stockholders would have had a mention.

I consider this omission a sign of a shifty article.

Meanwhile, Home Depot is publicly traded, with lots of stockholders, employees and vendors. Are you willing to damage their earnings because you are angry at one man? If so, why?

12 Jul 19 - 02:41 PM (#4000519)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

AFAIC Home Depot has the stench of Trump on it now. If they want back in my good graces they need to provide proof that Marcus has no interest in their company, owns no stock and in no way benefits from their sales, otherwise I could not, in good conscience, spend my money there.
A boycott may seem like a fairly innocuous act in the near future re Trump.

12 Jul 19 - 04:13 PM (#4000530)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Stilly River Sage

The earnings of stockholders and investors should be impacted by boycotts. Employees receive wages and that is probably all. Don't pull the guilt card on those choosing to boycott the company that has a corrupt owner.

13 Jul 19 - 01:46 PM (#4000600)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: John P

Sorry, I have to repeat myself:

What are we expecting HD to do about a bigoted anti-American ex-owner shooting his mouth off?
Do they have any control over this situation that would allow them to fix anything?
What exact changes are we asking them to make?

Trump is a bigoted, cheating, lying, crooked, sexually assaulting traitor. He makes me embarrassed to be an American. It makes me distrust everyone I don't know because 40 million of them are bigoted, anti-American, anti-Christian, mean-spirited assholes. But I just don't see how boycotting HD does anything about all of that. Do we have any evidence that HD gives money to Trump?

I think it would be interesting to find a list of corporations that give money to the monster in the White House. How many products would we need to not buy in response?

13 Jul 19 - 02:41 PM (#4000610)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

John P, Respectfully, I don't know what you or anyone else is supposed to do, I only know what I can and can't live with. It's commonplace for retiring owners to walk away with a large block of company stock so, once again, for HD to regain my business they need to assure me that this old nutbag will not benefit from any money I spend there. It's as simple as that for me.

13 Jul 19 - 02:43 PM (#4000611)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

I should add that I sent HD an email to that effect, for whatever that's worth.

13 Jul 19 - 10:27 PM (#4000639)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Rapparee

You know, that data is out there. All you have to do is look a very little.

16 Jul 19 - 02:40 PM (#4000960)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Mrrzy

Nice link, Rap.

17 Jul 19 - 06:32 PM (#4001063)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Mossback

I consider this omission a sign of a shifty article.

Say rather that Bernie Marcus' activities & contributions over the years are the signs of a shifty individual. Rather like Sheldon Adelson. And there are many more billionaire Trumpist enablers.

18 Jul 19 - 11:18 AM (#4001075)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: Megan L

Ahhhh the little man in the crowd who quietly shouts crucify till the mob picks up the chant then quietly goes home and has his tea

18 Jul 19 - 01:05 PM (#4001093)
Subject: RE: BS: #BoycottHomeDepot
From: gillymor

Here's a chant for you-

Send her back! and a story from CNN along with it.

Was this Greenville, NC or Munich in the 1930's. Hard to tell but it sure isn't the America I grew up in.