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BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland

17 Aug 19 - 04:55 AM (#4004819)
Subject: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Jim Carroll

17 Aug 19 - 05:45 AM (#4004821)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

I have no doubt there were many thought the Louisiana Purchase ridiculous, and the buying of Alaska from Russia the height of folly. Both events are a matter of historical record.

Would Greenland be given statehood or become an overseas territory?
An uncomfortable fact is the exact status of US overseas territories/colonies.

Very quick to decry British Colonialism perhaps the same conversation is needed in your own backyard.

17 Aug 19 - 05:53 AM (#4004822)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Two century and a century and a half precedents from the days when the world was owned by a handful of Empires - real up-to-date stuff !!!
The Empire is dead - long live te Empire, as it were !!
Jim Carroll

17 Aug 19 - 08:10 AM (#4004835)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mrrzy

Star Trek reference!

17 Aug 19 - 08:15 AM (#4004836)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

"Star Trek reference!"
We're pretty well sorted for a Darth Vadar - couldn't be bettered
Jim Carroll

17 Aug 19 - 08:16 AM (#4004837)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Whoops - that was 'Star Wars' wasn't it ?

17 Aug 19 - 11:48 AM (#4004851)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: leeneia

"Greenland is believed to contain a lot of natural resource wealth that is difficult to exploit due to the large amounts of ice and permafrost in the way."

Sounds like a classic con.

17 Aug 19 - 12:05 PM (#4004856)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

Permafrost did not prevent mining in the Yukon, or diamond mining in Siberia. There was also the reality TV show Goldrush Alaska.and also a rather large oil pipeline in Alaska built on permafrost.
At present, there are six exploitation licences in Greenland: a gold mine in south Greenland, an iron ore deposit, a gemstone deposit, a lead and zinc mine and an anorthosite mine in west Greenland, and a lead and zinc mine in northern Greenland. Greenland Minerals and Energy, is developing a rare-earth mine at Kvanefjeld which will produce uranium, fluoride and thorium as well as rare-earth minerals.

17 Aug 19 - 12:39 PM (#4004861)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

With his track record on the ecology, if Trump has his way, he'll bring in the blowers to melt all the ice and turn Grenland into one massive golf course
Then he'll open up gun-shops to enable the mass slaughter of anybody who gets in his way
The man's a very, very dangerous megalomaniac - if he goes on as he has they are going to have to turn the Oval Office into a padded cell
Jim Carroll

17 Aug 19 - 01:08 PM (#4004863)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Steve Shaw

Permafrost and ice cover are not the same thing. Just thought I'd mention it.

17 Aug 19 - 03:17 PM (#4004880)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

AS the Greenland ice sheet is up to 2km thick in places prospecting is somewhat problematical. Ground based techniques will not work through thick ice, and the story is the same for high resolution airborne geophysics. Stream sampling glacier outflows and examining glacial debris make only give a limited peripheral view of what is under the ice. To date all discoveries and mines are on the coastal fringes, just like the settlements. Thus thick permanent ice cover is an irrelevance. Prospecting the ice covered areas will be a bonus when the ice cap melts and boots can actually get on the ground.

18 Aug 19 - 03:52 AM (#4004920)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mr Red

difficult to exploit due to the large amounts of ice and permafrost in the way.

Twitler has a plan for that. Melt it with coal fired power stations.

18 Aug 19 - 12:18 PM (#4004974)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mrrzy

Jim Carroll, yes, it was.

18 Aug 19 - 12:21 PM (#4004976)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

"Jim Carroll, yes, it was."
If you mean Star Wars, thanks for that
Fancy me confusing the two, remembering that I was once madly in love with The Bork with the Big Boobies - sighhhhhh!

18 Aug 19 - 12:22 PM (#4004977)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Borg - of course

18 Aug 19 - 02:40 PM (#4004991)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mrrzy

7 of 9? Who wasn't?

But why Greenland?

18 Aug 19 - 02:48 PM (#4004992)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Sorry - forgot how this all baegan - something to do with 'Empire'

20 Aug 19 - 06:30 PM (#4005295)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Joe_F

Let Denmark buy Trump and put him in Greenland.

20 Aug 19 - 07:22 PM (#4005298)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Cool Beans

Trump wants to buy Greenland because he's always wanted to own that place where Elvis lived.

21 Aug 19 - 02:46 AM (#4005312)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

That was a dis-Grace CB
Jim Carroll

21 Aug 19 - 03:43 AM (#4005319)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mr Red

Twitler is looking to bask in the kind of glory afforded previous presidents who bought Louisiana & Alaska.

He wants to look good in the history books.

Do we think it will work?

21 Aug 19 - 07:14 AM (#4005353)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: SPB-Cooperator

Heard on the news this morning that Denmark have insisted Greenland is not for sale, and that Trump has cancelled his visit tot Denmark.

21 Aug 19 - 08:31 AM (#4005359)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

"Trump has cancelled his visit to Denmark."
Just confirmed on the 1pm news - the shape of things to come for those who don't dance to the Mekon from the White House's tune
Jim Carroll

21 Aug 19 - 03:22 PM (#4005401)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Dave Hanson

And all Trump could think of to do was insult the Danes, what fucking moron.

Dave H

21 Aug 19 - 04:06 PM (#4005405)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Stilly River Sage

I can only think that the suggestion of "buying Greenland" was someone pranking Trump and he fell for it, and now to try to save face, acts like it's a serious enterprise.

21 Aug 19 - 05:17 PM (#4005409)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Backwoodsman

I do truly believe he is completely insane.

21 Aug 19 - 08:26 PM (#4005425)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: ollaimh

greenland has autonomy. the local native population have legal and political rights. they are related to the canadian inuit in nunavut and the morthwest terrotories, and they are developing a sort of common wealth between the three and accepting alaska natives. the usa doesn't support this. canada and denmark do support the northern group.

canada and denmark do dispute a small island between greenland and the canadian arctic islands.   every couple of years canadian land there and put up a canadian flag and leave a bottle of schnapes. the danes come back put up a danish flag and leave a bottle of rye whiskey.
major international border issue.

21 Aug 19 - 11:20 PM (#4005432)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: FreddyHeadey

If they had a referendum and asked "£how £much £would £you £sell £for ... ?"

Population 60,000
       £3,000,000 each
£180,000,000,000 \ £0.18trillion
it's 6% of a year's taxes
USA tax revenue. ~£3.00trillion

"shall we sell to China or USA?"

Or is it strategically important enough that people (Xi Jinping\Putin\Trump) would fight over it i.e. go to war?

21 Aug 19 - 11:33 PM (#4005436)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mrrzy

Now he says he's god. Can we put him in a padded cell now?

22 Aug 19 - 04:06 AM (#4005455)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jack Campin

It probably isn't his idea. The plutocracy knows perfectly well that climate change is real and that the likeliest scenarios imply the destruction of most life on earth. Chris Thiel has bought himself NZ citizenship and a bolthole in the south of the South Island. Greenland would accumulate a few more biliionaire families trying to ride out thousands of years of catastrophe in the heat and darkness of the Arctic. The earth has been like that before and the dinosaurs lived through it at the same latitudes. Trump voters may not believe in the fossil record but his backers know what it says.

22 Aug 19 - 07:18 AM (#4005475)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: SPB-Cooperator

How much further can Turnip actually sink. Part of me thinks he could drag the world into total chaos from which society can reject the values of his ilk and build something much better form the devastation and ruins of humanity.

22 Aug 19 - 07:27 AM (#4005477)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Steve Shaw

He could just invade Greenland and get it for nothing. Offering to buy it is a bit odd coming from a chap who's supposed to have business acumen...

22 Aug 19 - 08:08 AM (#4005481)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Backwoodsman

How to beat Trumpelthinskin at his own game...

22 Aug 19 - 11:00 AM (#4005502)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mossback

How much further can Turnip actually sink.

More importantly, how much further can the gutless, corrupt, immoral Republican Part sink, providing cover for this asshole. Even without Trump, we're in deep shit with these people out there.

22 Aug 19 - 03:30 PM (#4005535)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

Offering to buy it is a bit odd coming from a chap who's supposed to have business acumen...

If you purchase you have clear title, if you invade you do not. Simples

22 Aug 19 - 04:43 PM (#4005543)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mrrzy

Ok now I read that he's offered Puerto Rico in exchange, *and* that the Perto Ricans are all for it.

22 Aug 19 - 06:50 PM (#4005560)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mossback

Shit, I'd swap 'em Alabama, Mississippi or Texas in a New York minute!

22 Aug 19 - 10:46 PM (#4005574)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Stilly River Sage

Sorry, Mexico has first dibs on Texas.

23 Aug 19 - 04:57 AM (#4005596)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: gillymor

As a good American, and future Dane, I'd gladly volunteer my state of Florida as trade bait.

23 Aug 19 - 04:59 AM (#4005597)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

President Trump has a cunning plan!

It is worth remembering
China accounts for over 95 percent of the world's production of rare earths.

Rare earths are essential for green technologies

23 Aug 19 - 06:41 AM (#4005606)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

A correspondent to the Irish Times has suggested that maybe Ireland could sell The Blarney Stone to Trump - 'Coals to Newcastle' springs to mind
Jim Carroll

23 Aug 19 - 07:18 AM (#4005612)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Backwoodsman

Looks like he’s thinking big and aiming high now....

24 Aug 19 - 05:10 AM (#4005713)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

Johnson has finally turned down Trump's attempt to buy The National Health Service - probably found a higher offer
Jim Carroll

24 Aug 19 - 10:17 AM (#4005725)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

Trump has found a few golf courses to buy in Co. Clare. Far more satisfying for him!

24 Aug 19 - 10:44 AM (#4005727)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: gillymor

No doubt the Irish, like the Scots, will welcome the asshole with open arms.

24 Aug 19 - 02:50 PM (#4005744)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

The Irish tend to welcome everybody - even the rednecks
They put charity boxes up to collect for people like Trump
Jim Carroll

27 Aug 19 - 07:28 AM (#4005996)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Big Al Whittle

I think if I was a Greenlander, I would would quite like being an American.

In fact didn't Greenland discover America. Serves them right - really.

29 Aug 19 - 03:10 AM (#4006310)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mr Red

If you purchase you have clear title, if you invade you do not. Simples

The record shows: he purchases but does not necessarily pay for. Still claims title. What could be simples(er).

29 Aug 19 - 03:48 AM (#4006315)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Iains

It is simply the opening gambit of an upcoming resource war, the Chinese are already entrenched.

29 Aug 19 - 03:54 AM (#4006316)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

"I think if I was a Greenlander, I would would quite like being an American."
I bet they said that to all the Native Americans before they wiped them out Al

29 Aug 19 - 04:15 AM (#4006318)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Joe Offer

A nun I know posted a meme with a photo of the Danish Prime Minister and the caption:
    Breaking News:
    Danish Prime Minister makes offer
    to buy the United
    States from Russia!

29 Aug 19 - 06:55 AM (#4006348)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Big Al Whittle

Just had a look on Wikipedia. Only 56 thousand people live there. A bit like the Falklands only bigger.

29 Aug 19 - 07:06 AM (#4006350)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: gillymor

When Trump's finished with it the Danes should be able to get the U.S. at a deep discount.

29 Aug 19 - 12:19 PM (#4006396)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Jim Carroll

It seems 'The Donals has stepped right out of his closet and is using a WHITE SUPREMIST LOGO in his electoral publicity
Wonfer does he have a 'Final Solution' for the Greenlanders !
Jim Carroll

29 Aug 19 - 12:41 PM (#4006401)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Mossback

While everyone's getting a good laugh over this it bears keeping in mind that POS Trump was perfectly serious.

Normalizing his incompetent, psychotic, amoral, white supremacist, childish, racist behavior is ingenuous and a service to no-one.

29 Aug 19 - 02:29 PM (#4006427)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Big Al Whittle

I'm not sure anyone's laughing at him. Laughing at the absurdity of our own impotence, maybe.

30 Aug 19 - 05:21 PM (#4006594)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump's Bid For Greenland
From: Donuel

If only this thread (and others) was a refreshing panel disussion on our evening news, wierd events would be more broadly understood.